he stood among them

Upload: jeremiah-contreras

Post on 21-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 He Stood Among Them


    He stood among them. A gull among geese. Diferent in appearance, yet birds o

    some eather. Part o a ock momentarily, or possibly in a perpetual state o

    camaraderie. All standing tall to view their surroundings and protect the ock.

    he ock ascends to the skies. A group o birds, no concern o appearance or

    behavior, simply a ock ying reely as one.

    !essons in nature o nurture and co"e#istence. $hile e#amples abound o territorial

    disputes, wars over ood sources and other resources, we all have the ability to rise

    above these issues o survival and learn that wherever we %nd ourselves, we are

    among a ock.

    Physical and behavioral diferences will always e#ist. &et it is not the physical

    attributes that de%ne these diferences, it is us who determine these distinctions.

    $e are all birds o some eather, and we must learn to ock together.