harworth & bircotes today july12

July 2012 Delivered FREE Tel: Paula 01302 744278 www.todaypublications.co.uk. Community Magazine and Independent Directory of Businesses serving the residents of Harworth & Bircotes

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Community magazine for the residents of Harworth & Bircotes


Page 1: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12

July 2012

Delivered FREE Tel: Paula 01302 744278 www.todaypublications.co.uk.

Community Magazine and Independent Directory of Businesses serving the residents of Harworth & Bircotes

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I hope that you all enjoyed the various Jubilee celebrations. I was away on a family holiday in Suffolk, so didn’t manage to attend anything locally, but I did enjoy the Southwold firework display, beacon lighting and Jubilee Fete! The abundance of flags and bunting everywhere I went, also added to the holiday feeling and the general celebratory air. I hope that the weather not being particularly kind didn’t detract from your events.

The next edition will be distributed to you from 27th July. Please ensure that anything that you would like to be included is with me by Wednesday 11th July.

Best Wishes, Paula

Your Community, Your Magazine! www.todaypublications.co.uk

EMAIL: [email protected] Tel: 01302 744278

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A Final Message from Reverend Jackie

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the large numbers of folk who have stopped me in the street or in church to offer words of kindness, good wishes and thanks for the work I have done in my four years here. It is heartening to know that so many feel they have been blessed by the ministry I have sought to offer.

It’s true to say that I followed a much loved parish priest, Father David Anderson, and many people told me that ‘he was a hard act to follow.’ Some actually said that I’d ‘never be able to fill his shoes.’ I’m not sure what those people thought they were doing, but it certainly wasn’t an encouragement. My response however was clear. I wasn’t meant even to attempt to fill anyone’s shoes because God wanted me to be here as me, not as Father David, Father John or anyone else. He called Reverend Jackie here to be herself and to offer her gifts in order to build on the work done before. And that I hope I have done.

All Saints Church is thriving, and is full every Sunday … full of families, people of all ages, from babes in arms to a 97 year old. Every week! (Recent attendance figures: 86, 67, 77, 64, 81, 90). That’s partly due to our approach to children’s work. Last year we moved several pews at the back of church to the Lady Chapel, (so we didn’t lose any seating capacity, we need all the chairs we can get), and we created a space which has enabled us to integrate our Junior Church children into worship, whilst also offering them a place in which to be creative during the service. It has proved so successful that the number of families coming to worship has risen.

As a ‘magnet church’, which is a term given to churches who attract people because of, say a church school connection, we have to be able to provide for all those who come. And what we do ensures that children, parents and carers all learn about the Christian faith and worship together. Indeed, when the Archdeacon of Nottingham visited us in February this year, he was thrilled by the way we have been able to be so inclusive at what is a weekly traditional anglo-catholic Communion Service. The PCC of All Saints along with our congregation are proud of the fact that we have worked hard to involve all kinds of people, all abilities, all ages in the continuing ministry of our very special sacred building on the hill in Harworth.

Another important legacy of my time here will be that we are now a church which offers Fairly Traded products both for sale at the end of each service and used whenever we offer refreshments. It’s very important that at the very least in church, we Christians ensure we

are doing no harm when we buy tea/coffee and the like, and that we do not contribute to the injustice of unfair trading practices that leave the poor of other nations impoverished or that encourage the use of child labour. I am proud that our Parochial Church Council voted for this and will continue to support this initiative.

I hope too that I have made improvements to the way the church itself is cared for. We have been blessed with faithful and able Churchwardens for many years, but it was important that the things they knew and the jobs they did were shared out amongst more people in the congregation. It’s obvious that if there are only one or two folk who know the how, what, when, where, and why of something, that if they cannot for whatever reason do the work, then the rest of the church family is scuppered. Broadening the ’working/knowledge’ base was really important and now we have a wider team of doers and people in the know. And that’s a biblical model, not a flight of fancy from the vicar.

One of the ways we did that was to develop and enhance the work of our PCC members, so they were each in a sub-committee responsible for a variety of aspects of church life: the Fabric of the building and Finance matters, Pastoral issues, Worship and Education. People from the PCC and from the congregation generally have felt they have been given a voice in church matters and have been encouraged to share their ideas and talents.

We also have new members within our Social Committee who have been innovative in the way they have approached events and have added new ways of raising much needed funds for the church. These new ideas meant that last year we had our most successful fund-raising year to date.

There is much more that I could include in what has turned out to be a run down of some of the work I have undertaken in the last four years within the church setting. All clergy seek to leave the church in a stronger and healthier position that they found it. I know that has been true of at least my last two predecessors, and I hope it is true of my time here too.

I hope that I have risen sufficiently to the challenge of serving this community and I would ask just one thing of all of you who have a care for the Christian faith in our parish, and especially as it is worked out at All Saints. Build on the aforementioned work, undertaken by Father John, Father David, by me and so many congregation members past and present. Don’t let the numbers of people going to church slip, as happens often during the time in between one priest leaving and another arriving. Buck that trend, and increase in number. Keep up

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the fine work, encourage the families, nurture the young, sing to those in nursing homes and engage with the community.

And for those who do not go to church, or not very often, please support the work of your churches. They are there for you. Even if you never go, there are people in church saying prayers for YOU. All the churches in our parish, Harworth Methodists, St. Patrick’s and All Saints need your support. So to ensure they are there when you want them, and especially for the weddings, baptisms and funerals, you must start to help fund these holy, sacred and ancient buildings.

So, please be assured of my continuing prayers for you all. Thank you for your support and for all you have taught me. I’ll end with a final blessing which I hope touches your heart as it touches mine every time I pray it.

May the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be with you and all those whom you love and cherish; those who are in this world, and those who are in the world to come. Amen.

From your friend and vicar, Reverend Jackie

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A1 Housing will be changing the format of the satisfaction survey for repairs shortly to improve on the current 25% return rate. The satisfaction survey forms help A1 Housing repairs to identify were there are gaps and breaks in the service and therefore rectifies

these. The satisfaction surveys are sent to a random sample of people rather than to every single person receiving a repair, so it is very important if you receive a survey you send it back.

Airey Houses up to decent homes standard Claire Frost from A1Housing has written to tenants in the Airey Houses on Common Lane and Styrrup Road on 15 May 2012 advising that the Council are still in discussions with the relevant persons with regards the development options for the site. At this point, no decisions have been made and tenants will be invited to attend further discussions in due course.

Kick Wall on Wimpy estate David Lindley BDC of parks and open spaces has the matching wall to the one that’s already installed, asked if we would like it, TRA to liaise with other relevant persons involved as to if it possible for us to have it.

Housing Development in Harworth & Bircotes Secretary wrote to David Armiger Head of Community and Prosperity at BDC. The consultation period has now closed but maps can be found at. hhp:/www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/pdf/Harworth%20Bircotes2.pdf Regarding travellers site there are no proposed plans for a site in Harworth/Bircotes specifically; BDC are considering the whole District. In other words, there is as much likelihood of a site being proposed for Harworth/Bircotes as there is for anywhere else

Congratulations to the 8 members who passed their Food Hygiene Course.

The next meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday 3rd July, starting at 10.30 am, at the Devonshire Road Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to come along, help us to make Harworth/Bircotes an even better place to live, and maybe make new friends and learn some new facts in the process. Refreshments are available and a raffle will usually take place. We would particularly welcome anyone from an ethnic minority, or younger people with fresh new ideas. – So please come and join us.

Chair Judy Turner; 746393 Vice Chair Margaret Ingram; 07876453332 Treasurer Sue Mann; 742913 Secretary Lynda Ridgway; 746279


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Jubilee Street Party The residents of Whitby Road in Harworth didn’t let the weather dampen their spirits at their Jubilee street Party.

Despite taking place on the Sunday—the wettest day of the bank Holiday weekend, they managed to have a great time.

A tombola was held at the event and as a result £122 has been donated to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of the Street Party

Donna McClennon

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Leon wins Weldricks Bonny Baby Competiton The smiling face of little Leon Ryan captured the hearts of Weldricks Pharmacy customers in Harworth, who recently held a Bonny Baby Competition as part of their 2nd Anniversary of being healthcare providers in Harworth.

Parents were invited to enter a photo of their ‘little angels’ into the competition. Weldricks customers were then invited to vote for their favourite ‘cutie’.

Leon scooped the most votes and attended the Pharmacy recently with his proud Mum, Terri, to collect first prize of a photoshoot with Andy Lynch Photography of Misterton along with a baby hamper full of MAM and Heinz baby products.

Weldricks Pharmacist, Nikki Royle said “Congratulations to little Leon, he’s a lovely little boy. I’m so relieved that I didn’t have to choose a winner because all the babies entered were gorgeous.”

In addition to the Bonny Baby Competition Weldricks ran additional special offers in the pharmacy through April and May. The Group have also committed their support to promoting healthy living in the village by becoming the main sponsors of Harworth Colliery Football Club.

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Art Review and What going On July 2012 by Hilary Cartmel June saw the opening of Doncaster’s new Civic Square – the Sir Nigel Gresley Square, named after one of the most famous steam locomotive engineers, who designed The Flying Scotsman and the Mallard and also installation and unveiling of Michael Johnson’s 8 meter high, stainless steel and bronze sculpture Danum.

During the summer months there is a sporting theme going on in Doncaster’s Art Galleries Doncaster Museum & Art Gallery Doncaster’s Sporting Clubs Saturday 9th June – Saturday 15th September In the Olympic year this exhibition celebrates some of the many sports clubs in the Doncaster area.The exhibition brings together photographs taken by students attending the Extended National Diploma in Photography at Doncaster College with artefacts belonging to the sports clubs.Clubs represented include Doncaster Athletic Club, DARTES (Doncaster Swimming Club) and Doncaster Hockey Club. Doncaster Art Club Saturday 14th July – Saturday 15th September The annual exhibition of works by members of the Doncaster Art Club. Works on display range from landscapes, to still lives and portraits and are done in a wide range of media. Many of the works are for sale.

Cusworth Hall Our Sporting Heroes: A century of Doncaster Olympians 16th June – 2nd September From the London Olympics in 1908 to the 2012 games a number of Doncaster born athletes have represented their country at the Olympic Games. This exhibition celebrates the lives and achievements of those athletes, and includes displays of medals, sporting equipment, team clothing and memorabilia from the games in which they competed.

Doncaster Open Market Saturday 7th July. Arts & Crafts Fair These Fairs will be held in the centre of Doncaster Open Market (voted Best Market in Britain 2011 and Britain's Favourite Market 2012) on the first Saturday of every month throughout the summer and into autumn. The Events organisers welcome applications from people who can demonstrate what they do and hold workshops alongside selling their own goods. Contact: [email protected]

Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield until 1 December is an exhibition of Andy Wahol’s late Self Portraits and at Western Park Museum until 6 January is an exhibition designed for children and the readers of their stories called Magic Worlds. This exhibition delves into the spell-binding world of magic and illusion. Created by the V&A Museum of Childhood, it will invite visitors to explore the fantastical realms of witches, wizards and fairies and celebrate the conjuring feats of the finest stage magicians. Sounds like fun!

Nottingham Castle Museum until 16 September Living in Silk This exhibition comes from the China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou, China, and is a survery show of Chinese Textiles Through 5000 Years, from some of the earliest surviving fragments of silk cloth in the world, sumptuous garments and accessories from the Qing and other dynasties, to the present day. As well as giving a taste of the rich colour, symbolism and exquisite craftsmanship of Chinese silk, the exhibition also provides a glimpse in to how silk has been produced over several millennia. It's the first time these items have been seen in the UK. There is an entry charge to this Museum.

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St Patrick’s Jubilee Lunch Children, staff, Governors and parents from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School were joined by local Councillors Dave Challinor and Sandra James to celebrate their jubilee street party.

The poor weather meant that the event had to be moved indoors but the hall was bedecked in red, white and blue and the children and visitors thoroughly enjoyed their lunch prepared by school cook, Gill Close.

After the lunch Sandra and Dave presented the school councillors with jubilee medals with the rest of the children receiving them at the end of the school day.

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L ost Chord, based in Maltby is a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life and wellbeing, of people living in residential homes and struggling with dementia, by helping them to communicate through the power of music, song and dance. By using interactive musical sessions our professional musicians strive to stimulate those areas of the brain

which are still responding for those who may be unable to walk, talk, feed themselves or communicate in any way

Lost Chord relies totally on grant funding and voluntary donations to help affect the lives of thousands of sufferers living in residential homes. We currently organise more than 1100 musical sessions a year in over 100 venues on the scheme. This includes 13 residential homes in the Worksop region affecting the lives of hundreds of people in your community.

The evidence of the power of live music in unlocking memories for people with dementia is striking and undeniable and their sense of achievement is overwhelming. This helps confirm clinical evidence that there are certain areas of the brain associated with music that remain potentially responsive, when all other areas have deteriorated. Our achievements:

Some who are unable to communicate speak for the first time in months Some who have not spoken for some time often sing all the words to familiar songs. Some with aggressive tendencies can become visibly calmed. Those who are confused and unable to sit for any length of time are often still and sit for far longer than anyone thought possible.

There are more than 800,000 people diagnosed with dementia in the UK and this figure is set to double by 2050. Dementia is the biggest killer in the UK second only to heart disease.

In order to keep our current programmes running we need to raise £270,000 each year. Sadly we always have a waiting list of homes all desperate to utilise our services therefore support from local businesses and the community is vital. How you can help: Make a donation: It couldn’t be easier to donate to Lost Chord either by post or online. Visit www.lost-chord.org.uk or call 01709 811160 for further details. Attend an event – we organise a variety of exciting events throughout the year – visit our website for more information www.lost-chord.org.uk or call 01709 811160. Become a volunteer – we have lots of opportunities for people wishing to volunteer. Even if you only have an hour a week to spare you’ll find rewarding work from assisting musicians at concerts to helping at fundraising events. Full training is given and expenses paid. Please contact us on 01709 811160 to discuss further.

Lost Chord, The Wesley Centre, Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 8JD.

Registered charity number 1099385

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All Saints Church Tower Appeal As some of you already know, following an architect’s survey of the church we have been told that there is a crack in the tower of All Saints. It is not sufficient as to make the church unsafe, but of course it does need to be attended to in order to prevent further damage and decay.

At their last meeting the Parochial Church Council met with a Structural Surveyor who gave us an outline of the work needed and offered a ‘ball park figure’ of the costs. We are looking at a bill that may well be in the region of £15-20,000. So, we have a problem and we need to start raising funds.

We will continue to hold our usual fundraising events, and one of the ways you can help us is to support those events. You can also send donations to us, and if you are a tax payer, you could Gift Aid that donation by putting it in one of our church envelopes, which will increase the amount you give without affecting your tax in any way.

Please help us to raise the amount we need. Our church ‘housekeeping’ bills have increased just as your have at home. Even without the work on the tower, we will need £40,000 this year to cover all regular financial commitments. Another £20,000 on top of that seems beyond us, so please give what you can.

As I have always said, All Saints is not my church, it does not belong to the PCC, the Churchwardens or even to the regular Sunday congregation. It’s your church, there for you whenever you need it. It offers a place to come for great family celebrations like the weddings and baptisms, and of course, we also offer a sacred and holy place in which to say goodbye to loved ones.

If you want this church to be here and ‘open for business’ for these special and occasions, please offer what you can, so that this wonderful, sacred Grade II listed building on the hill is maintained for you, your children and your children’s children.

Thank you. Rev’d Jackie

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Bircotes have once again raised over £1000 for C.R.Y. (cardiac Risk in the Young)

This year they ran a football tournament and a raffle at the Pavilion and a cake and tombola at Bircotes Leisure Centre.

They would like to thank all that supported these events and all the people who donated prizes and cakes. In total they raised £1100 for the CRY charity, taking the total over the last few years to over £6000

Bircotes Leisure Centre raises money for CRY

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L ocal Rider Seeks Help I am a Harworth resident who is a registered Para dressage rider and we have qualified for the trailblazer dressage final at Stoneleigh in July.

I bought Fred last year when I needed to find a horse more suitable for my declining Rheumatoid Arthritis, and found my friend in Tickhill had just the horse for me.

Thankfully although my bones are crumbling , riding keeps my muscles fit to support my joints, much to the surprise of the Doctors!

I came close to having to sell Fred when I was made redundant recently. Thankfully Fiona Durdy from Corner Farm chucks was able to provide wonderful stables and paddocks at a very reasonable cost so we were able to continue our career together.

If there are any local business who would like to sponsor us in our quest to attend the final we would be very grateful and can offer full advertising and promotion for your business for 12 months during competing around South Yorkshire and Lincolnshire up to the end of next summer.

Many thanks to all my friends for all your support so far, especially Rachel Noon and Chloe Gleadall. And my sponsors so far : Corner Farm Chucks & Kierson Architectural Conservation

Many many thanks. Charlotte Sutcliffe I can be contacted at [email protected]

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Protect your pet for the Summer

With the summer just around the corner it’s time to ensure that your pet is protected for the holiday season. Important at any time of the year, vaccinations play a key part in helping your pet stay happy and healthy in the summer months.

Vaccinating your pet will protect them against serious diseases such as Pavrovirus in dogs and Leukaemia in cats. These diseases can be passed from pet to pet and some can infect your pet in common environments such as the park.

With the warm weather approaching more people and pets are out and about, increasing your pet’s chances of meeting an infected animal or visiting somewhere that has been infected. By keeping your pet’s annual booster up to date you are protecting them against potentially fatal illness, and if your pet has never been vaccinated, it’s never too late to start.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that any respectable kennels or cattery will require your pet to be vaccinated before they

accept them for boarding, so don’t get caught out if your pet isn’t accompanying you on holiday this year.

By vaccinating your pet they build up immunity to disease, which does not only help you save money on expensive treatments in the future, but helps your pet to remain happy and healthy.

If you would like any more information on vaccinating your pet, pop in and see us at Vets4Pets in Edenthorpe, Armthorpe or Wheatley, or book an appointment on

01302 556868.

The team from Vets4Pets

Why not treat your cats to a luxurious holiday while

you take yours?

Willoughby House is a fully licensed boarding cattery with 11 individually heated penthouse suites, providing personal care and safety for you cat when you need it most.

The owners are an animal orientated family, from their own cats George and Stitch, to Gloria the chicken and their showing ponies. Located locally on Styrrup Road in Harworth, Willoughby House Cattery is conveniently placed for quick and easy access.

Don’t hesitate to contact them for bookings or to arrange a viewing, as they would be pleased to show you around and to welcome your cat to their family.

Please note that they accept only vaccinated cats

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Flat roofing with 10 year guarantee Tiling Slating Guttering work Chimney work Fascias

From a simple repair to a re-roof!

For reliable, friendly and professional service call Ian on:

Mobile: 07850 188354 Home: 01302 714055

Or Email us at:

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Dear All,

As I write this letter two things are on my mind. First and foremost is the thought that this will be the last letter I will write for this magazine as my ministry at Harworth and Bircotes is coming to an end in August. My stay has only been for two years and although it has been short – it has been very sweet.

This leads me to my second thought. I am also writing in the week which contained St.Barnabas’ Day. St. Barnabas was known for many things but for two things in particular. When he was born he was given the name Joseph but his fellow Christians found that he was such an encouraging person they renamed him Barnabas which means, “son of encouragement”. So Barnabas reminds me to say thank you to you all for the encouragement I have received from so many people over the last few years.

Also St. Barnabas is the patron saint of the second chance as he was willing to give John Mark a second chance after he had let Barnabas and Paul down quite badly. Sadly I won’t get a second chance to be minister at Harworth but I am aware of the graciousness and goodwill that has been extended to me by you all over the last few years – so again – thank you.

I wonder who has been the Barnabas in your life – offering encouragement and forgiveness.

With all good wishes, Rev. Tom Read

Minister, Harworth Methodist Church

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POLICE REPORT Incidents of Note 1st May 2012 to the 31st May 2012

Burglary Dwelling 3 Burglary Other 5 Criminal Damage 12 Vehicle Crime 2 Theft Other 14

EVICTION SECURED IN HARWORTH A further eviction of problem tenants has been secured in Harworth following co-operation between the landlord and Nottinghamshire Police. The eviction follows a number of community complaints about minor anti-social behaviour and suspected drug use at the property. Sergeant Tony Crofts of Nottinghamshire Police said it was a further example of the police and a private landlord working together towards the same outcome. And, he added: “The police and private landlords will continue to work together in an effort to ensure that problem tenants are not allowed to disrupt the lives of those who live in and use the community. “This is the latest in a series of evictions which have been secured against problem tenants in Harworth and tenants should be aware that if they, or their children, do not behave they too could be facing eviction,” he added HELPING HANDS AWARD The Helping Hands Award Scheme (Helping Hands Award is a registered Charity) encourages schools and their pupils to interact with the wider community and community organisations and agencies. As part of the scheme the local Neighbourhood Policing Team have been working with youngsters at All Saints School who have decided they want to have a "helping hand" in reducing speeding and parking outside their school. And working with youngsters from Serlby Park Junior school who wanted to have a “helping hand” in reducing bullying within school. Local Officers continued to work with the schools over a 2 month period. At the end of the scheme the pupils handed in a portfolio of work to a panel of judges at the Helping Hands Charity, with the chance of winning up to £1,000 for their school in recognition of their achievements. On Tuesday 19th June 2012 both schools were invited to Helping Hands Award event held in Nottingham where out of all participating schools within Nottinghamshire 1st prize and £1,000

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Top Soil & Hardcore supplied for sale Retford Waste Ltd, Access Lane, Ranskill, DN22 8LW

Tel: 01777 816056 [email protected]

went to All Saints School, 2nd prize and £500 went to Serlby Park Junior School. To have both schools from the Harworth and Bircotes area represented at the Award event and winning 1st and 2nd prize is a huge achievement, one that both the schools and in particular the pupils from the schools should be proud of. A full article and photos will follow in the next issue of Harworth and Bircotes Today.

ARRESTS/PROSECUTIONS OF NOTE A Male from the Harworth area has been sentenced for 14 months imprisonment after pleading guilty for receiving stolen goods, making off without payment, No insurance and Driving whilst disqualified.

A Male from the Harworth area has been further bailed until the end of July 2012 for the Crown Prosecution Service to assess the evidence in relation to the male being involved in Possession with intent to Supply Class A drugs in the Harworth and Bircotes area.

A Prolific Burglar from the Harworth area has been sentenced to 3 years imprisonment where he has an early release date of July 2013 where if released around that time will be released on licence.

PRIORITY SETTING MEETING ( What was Safer Neighbourhood Group Meeting) From the Priority Setting Meeting held on April 18th 2012 the three local priorities have been identified from feedback received from the community by the priority survey forms regarding issues of greatest concern and issues the public wanted the safer Neighborhood Team to tackle. The three local priorities have been identified as :-

Priority 1 : Anti Social Behavior Priority 2 : Burglary (Dwelling, Shed) Priority 3 : Vehicle Nuisance

The Next Priority Setting Meeting will be held on Wednesday 11th July at 2pm at Harworth Town Hall. An update from this meeting will be provided in the June Police Report.

HAVE YOUR SAY MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICING TEAM Thursday July 12th (10am) at Harworth Parish Hall, Scrooby Road Thursday July 26th (4pm) at Library, Scrooby Road Your local contacts are: PC2752 Jim Martin 07776460406 PC2883 Steven Porter 07595074256 PCSO9634 Kendra Jacob 07525226555 PCSO6364 Colin Haywood 07525226882

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Resonance: Music Section Blackfest III – Saturday 4th August 2012 Following on from the success of last years Blackfest Music Festival, it’s time to announce the details for this year’s event. As in previous years there will be live music throughout the day on an outdoor stage in the Blacksmith’s Arms beer garden. Doors will open at 11am and the first act will hit the stage at 2:30pm.

It’s a charity event and all proceeds will go to Bassetlaw Hospice, Cancer Research and the Sure Start Centre; so far we’ve raised an amazing £1750 for charity. Tickets are £10 for a whole day ticket or £5 for a half day ticket (half day tickets expire at 7pm – ideal if you have to take the kids home or can’t stay all evening). Tickets are available from the bar at the Blacksmiths Arms – word of warning – tickets ran out well in advance of the festival last year so get your tickets now to avoid disappointment. Children under 16 (accompanied by an adult) and OAP’s can get in for free. Children must be clear from the inside of the pub by 7pm but they are welcome to stay in the beer garden if they are accompanied by an adult.

We are pleased to announce that this year’s celebrity will be Caroline Welch - Miss South Yorkshire 2012. We’re even more pleased to announce that Caroline can sing and has agreed to do a couple of songs for us.

The following acts have been confirmed: Jery At Controls – retro folk rockers; Famous Villains – epic sounding acoustic rock; Unicorn Hunters – grunge noise merchants; Jim Foy – sublime acoustic melodies; John Merrick’s Remains – electro-shock Goths; Little Mono – indie upstarts; Stafford Galli – classic folk rock; Tony Casino – awesome silky tones; Spudfish – cool rock and pop covers; Vanillaropia – youngsters with a monster vibe. More acts TBC.

The festival is for 3 wonderful causes and promises to be an amazing spectacle. Get your tickets now, see you there and thanks for your support. The main sponsors for this years event are Mudford Marquees (www.mudfordmarquees.co.uk). Miss South Yorkshire

Caroline Welch

John Merrick’s Remains

Tony Casino

Famous Villains

Unicorn Hunters

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Crimebeat A monthly look at ways to Combat Crime.

With East Bassetlaw’s Neighbourhood

Policing Inspector, Simon Pealing

Make your holiday one to remember for all the

right reasons It’s July, mid-summer, a time when most people take their holidays. So make sure you remember your summer holiday for all the right reasons – because thieves NEVER take a holiday

For more information on combating crime in your area, contact your Safer Neighbourhood Team Beat Manager, PC Jim Martin on 07776 460406 or PCSO Kendra Traczykowski on 07525 226555

or PCSO Colin Haywood on 07525226882

If you know who is committing crime in your area, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111, and you may be able to claim a cash reward.

Whether you are going abroad, or taking your holiday at home, I hope you have a really great time, but even the best of holidays will be ruined if you return home and find your home has been burgled.

And burglars are experts at spotting the signs that a house is empty.

First of all, don’t advertise the fact that you are going away. Telling your friends on Facebook or Twitter that you are off on holiday might seem like a good idea. The only problem is you tell everyone else – including the burglars, and if you TELL them that your house will be empty, they are quite likely to pay you a visit safe in the knowledge that you are topping up your tan for a couple of weeks.

To make sure your house stays safe while you are away here are some things you should do before heading off to the sun Before you leave home, make absolutely sure you have locked ALL the doors and windows. Set the intruder alarm if you have one and don’t leave any valuables on windowsills where they can be easily stolen if the window is broken. If you have a relative or a trusted friend living nearby, leave them a key and ask them to check your property regularly and move any accumulations of mail. If possible get them to draw the curtains each evening and open them again the following morning. This creates the impression that there is someone at home. Use time switches to turn lights on and off around

the house at times when they would usually be on. Don’t just leave a hall or landing light on because nobody sits in the hall watching television. Always ensure that you cancel deliveries like milk and newspapers, and do this discreetly. Don’t tell everyone in the shop you are going away, you, never know who is listening. Don’t make arrangements to have goods delivered while you are away. When you are preparing to leave home, try to load the luggage into the car while it is still in the garage if that is possible. If you cannot, load the car quietly and discreetly – because you never know who may be watching. Make sure you lock the garden shed and any other outbuildings. And don’t leave ladders and tools that might be useful to a burglar lying around outside. Finally if you are not taking the car with you, make sure it is locked. Leave it in the garage if possible and make sure the keys are stored out of sight in your house, in a safe if possible. Modern cars are difficult to steal without the keys, but once a thief has the keys they also have your car.

These are simple, common sense precautions that only take a few minutes, but those few moments will help to ensure that you have a holiday to remember for all the RIGHT reasons.

Page 25: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12


Private & NHS Sight Tests & Dispensing Available

Telephone or call in for appointments

Tel: 01302 744300

85 Scrooby Road, Bircotes DN11 8JN

VAT registered Same day delivery. 30 yrs experience On road permits. Reg waste carriers

Top Soil & Hardcore supplied for sale Retford Waste Ltd, Access Lane, Ranskill, DN22 8LW

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For your free consultation call Tracy Crowe NOW on 07912 079483 or email [email protected]

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Practical Tuition Free Professional Theory Training

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Page 26: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12



I'm sure everyone is aware that work on the new ASDA store has begun. Not only are workmen busy on the site, but necessary changes are being made on the highway too, with the installation of traffic lights on Shrewsbury Road. I know this means delays and some disruption to motorists, so thank you to everyone for being patient and understanding.

Did you know that the Community Information Centre (the building on the front of the free Town Council car park) belongs to Harworth and Bircotes Town Council, and therefore to you? The purpose is to keep services in our township, such as A1, BDC, Credit Union and County Contact. These services operate from the building on given days, but by purchasing the building your Council has succeeded in retaining access for you to these services, rather than lose them.

The next meeting of the Town Council will be on Monday 16th July. There is no meeting in August but monthly meetings will resume on Monday 17th September.

All residents are welcome to attend council meetings and to raise any questions. Queries should be raised in the first instance with Steve Bowman.

Steve Bowman, Executive Officer Harworth & Bircotes Town Council

01302 752642









28TH JULY 2012





Page 27: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12


Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that data in this publication is accurate, the editor cannot accept any liabil-ity to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions. Today Publications Ltd can not be held responsible

for any errors or omissions and does not officially endorse companies, products or services appearing in this magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior permission of the editor.

Published by Today Publications Ltd, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU Tel: 01302 744278 Printed by Warwick Printing Company Limited, Caswell Road, Leamington Spa, CV31 1QD Tel: 01926 883355

Your Councillors Cllr Mrs June Evans Chairman 49 – 51 Bawtry Road, Harworth DN11 8PA Tel: 743239

Cllr David Challinor Vice Chairman 31 Gilbert Road Bircotes DN11 8DL Tel: 750969

Cllr Brian Letherland 7 Common Lane, Harworth DN11 8LW Tel: 744345

Cllr Steve Barns 133 Scrooby Road, Bircotes DN11 8AD Tel: 750256

Cllr Bob Turner 35 Beech Road, Harworth DN11 8JD Tel: 746830

Cllr Mrs Marilyn Knight 30 Devonshire Road, Harworth DN11 8JF

Cllr Mrs Janet Flynn 14 Festival Ave, Harworth DN11 8HF Tel: 751628

Cllr Mrs Sheena Dean 32 Alexandra Road, Harworth DN11

Cllr Mathew Wratten 31 Scrooby Road, Harworth DN11 8JW Tel: 742463

Cllr Mrs Elaine Nettleship 28 Baulk Lane, Harworth DN11 8PE Tel: 750939

Cllr Mrs Gillian Wratten 31 Scrooby Road, Harworth DN11 8JW Tel: 742463

Cllr Mrs Debbie Foote 29 Essex Drive, Bircotes DN11 8BS Tel: 743527

Cllr Mrs Jean Hogg 1 Bramble Way, Harworth Tel: 743880

Cllr Mrs Sandra James 10 Chatsworth Court Bircotes Tel: 741133

Cllr. Mrs Mandy Morgan-Kingston 5 Common Lane Harworth DN11 8LW Tel: 745000

Contact the council by writing to: HARWORTH & BIRCOTES TOWN COUNCIL PO BOX 1310 BIRCOTES DONCASTER DN11 8XH Email: [email protected]

Town Clerk: Steve Bowman 752642 Deputy Clerk: Helen Rodger 759037

Emergency Numbers for Notts County Council 08449 808080 Bassetlaw District Council 01909 533533 A1 Housing 0800 590542

BIRCOTES LIBRARY NEWS During July the following events are being held –

Launch of “Browse and Brew” on Thursday 5th July 10.30 – 11.30, please call in for an informal get together and a cuppa. Whilst here you can look at forthcoming new book lists, add your own personal recommendations and find out about library events happening in the near future.

For children, this year’s “The Story Lab” Reading Challenge is launched on Saturday 14th July. Call in, get signed up and start collecting the rewards.

On Thursday 26th July, “Ready, Steady Go” drop in between 10.00 – 12.00 or 2.00 – 4.00, and take part in our mini-Olympic activities

Page 28: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12


USEFUL NUMBERSUSEFUL NUMBERS Services Police Station (non urgent) 101

Electricity - Emergency 0800 056 8090

Gas - Emergency 0800 111 999

Severn Trent - Emergency 0800 783 4444

BT Faultline 0800 800 151

Floodline 0845 9881188 Bassetlaw District Council - Worksop 01909 533 533 - Retford 01777 706741 Nottinghamshire County Council - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 702681 Social Services - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 716161 Sure Start 07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc 01302 746439 Town Hall 01302 746464 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop 01909 476118 Benefits Help line 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing 01909 534484 Carer Support 01777 713800 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit 01302 385462 Childline 0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop 01909 476049 Community Develpmt Team 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre 01302 367138 Bircotes Library 01302 742384 Age Concern 07790 230673

NSPCC 0115 960 5481 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Relate 08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) 0114 2701984 Alzheimer's Society Doncaster 01302 325628 Victim Support 01302 365531 Travel National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Bus Enquires 01709 515151 Stagecoach 0845 6050 605 Traveline - info 0870 6082608 Chris’s Cab 07764 141228 Health Doctors - Colliery surgery 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery 01302 741820 Doctors –Dr Raheem 01302 741840 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster 01302 366666 Schools & Nurseries etc Adult Education 01909 473561 Bircotes Pre-School 01302 759222 Harworth CofE Primary Sch 01302 742477 North Notts College 01909 504504 Serlby Park School 01302 742535 St Patricks RC Primary Sch 01302 743145 Groups & Societies Fellowship of the Services 01302- 742108 Rotary Club 01302 535165 Royal British Legion 01302-744345. Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club 01302 742843

Page 29: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12


Services Police Station (non urgent) 101

Electricity - Emergency 0800 056 8090

Gas - Emergency 0800 111 999

Severn Trent - Emergency 0800 783 4444

BT Faultline 0800 800 151

Floodline 0845 9881188 Bassetlaw District Council - Worksop 01909 533 533 - Retford 01777 706741 Nottinghamshire County Council - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 702681 Social Services - Worksop 01909 533533 - Retford 01777 716161 Sure Start 07971 307334 Tenants & Residents Assoc 01302 746439 Town Hall 01302 746464 Youth & Community Centre 01302 743914 BCVS - Retford 01777 869718 BCVS - Worksop 01909 476118 Benefits Help line 0844 415 3905 A1 Housing 01909 534484 Carer Support 01777 713800 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Crime Reduction Unit 01302 385462 Childline 0800 11 11 Citizens Advice - Worksop 01909 476049 Community Develpmt Team 01302 743796 Drug & Addiction Advice 08450 03 89 08 Job Centre 01302 367138 Bircotes Library 01302 742384 Age Concern 07790 230673

NSPCC 0115 960 5481 Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 Relate 08456 441027 RSPCA National Cruelty Line 0300 1234999 Alcoholics Anonymous (24hr) 0114 2701984 Alzheimer's Society Doncaster 01302 325628 Victim Support 01302 365531 Travel National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Bus Enquires 01709 515151 Stagecoach 0845 6050 605 Traveline - info 0870 6082608 Chris’s Cab 07764 141228 Health Doctors - Colliery surgery 01302 741860 Doctors - Oakleaf Surgery 01302 741820 Doctors –Dr Raheem 01302 741840 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Hospital - Bassetlaw 01909 500990 Hospital - Doncaster 01302 366666 Schools & Nurseries etc Adult Education 01909 473561 Bircotes Pre-School 01302 759222 Harworth CofE Primary Sch 01302 742477 North Notts College 01909 504504 Serlby Park School 01302 742535 St Patricks RC Primary Sch 01302 743145 Groups & Societies Fellowship of the Services 01302- 742108 Rotary Club 01302 535165 Royal British Legion 01302-744345. Smiley Milers (Wed mornings) 01302 711100 Tickhill & Dist. Lions Club 01302 742843

Spacious 4 seat car Reliable Service • Airport runs • School runs • Nights out

Contracts undertaken

TCS (Chartered Accountancy)

I operate a customer-focused business with minimal overheads, keeping your

fees to a manageable level.

Weekly/monthly/year end support Payroll, Book keeping & Invoicing Monthly/annual accounts Tax returns & VAT returns

For your free consultation call Tracy Crowe NOW on 07912 079483 or email [email protected]

Page 30: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12


Accountancy LDH Accountancy 23 TC Accountancy 29

Aerial’s ADI 28 Aerial & Satellite Specialist 23

Appliance Repairs Castle Domestics 20

Building & Home Improvements Home Inspirations 23 Ivan Morley 25 M Revill 28

Care Home & Carers Rose Farm 25

Carpets & Flooring All Floors 14 Distinctive Flooring 10 Wayne Docherty Carpets 4

Cattery Willoughby House Boarding Cattery 17

Chiropodist/ Foot Practitioner Feet First 18 Cleaning Hobknobs Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 29

Country Market/Store Torne Valley 5

Cycles Bicycle Buddy 9

Design & Print Life Design 16

Dog Grooming Scruffs & Mutts 17

Driving Instructor Driving Focus 25 Plumtree School of Motoring 29

Electrician BMS Electrical & Security 29 EPower Electrical 30 Marrew Electrical 23 Estate Agents & Letting Services Footprint Properties 1

Funeral Directors WE Pinder & Son 10

Garden Services & Paving Doncaster Driveways 23 GreenThumb 4 W Marsden & Sons Ltd 18

Hairdressers & Barbers Ellies Hair Room 3

Health & Fitness Bircotes Leisure Centre 3

Ironing Pressed Express 28

Job Opportunity Life Designs 7

Kitchens Infinity Kitchen Designs 20

Locksmith Metro Locksmith 21 Northern Window Repairs 30

Opticians Woolcott Opticians 25

Oven Cleaning Hobknobs Oven Cleaning Service 15 Oven Butler 28

Painting & Decorating Michael Jones 30

Pharmacy M&R Pharmacy 2

Plumbing & Gas Services A* Plumbing & Heating 29 D Kelly Plumbing 29 James Winfrow 15 Marrew Plumbing & Heating 23 Sanderson 25

Re-Cycling FCY PLC 15

Roofing Torchmaster Roofing 18

Skip Hire Retford Waste 25

Slimming & Weight Management Slimming World 15

Solar Energy Solar Enles 13

Solicitors Susan Jubb Family Law 7

Taxi & Private Hire 106 Direct 29 Paddys Private Hire 20

Television Repairs Telefix 29

Travel Wilfreda Beehive 9

Vets Vets4Pets 17

Visitor Attractions Shepherds Place Farm 11

Window Repairs Northern Window Repairs 30

Page 31: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12
Page 32: Harworth & Bircotes Today July12

Regular features Inside

♦ Harworth & Bircotes Town Council

♦ Crimebeat and Police Report

♦ Tenants & Residents Association

♦ A message from the Vicarage

♦ Harworth Colliery Football Club

♦ Local information and events

♦ Useful Numbers

♦ Local business information

♦ Handy index of advertisers

And much more…

Your Community

Your Magazine!

Magazines created & published

by local people, for local people, supporting local business.

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the next issue?

Please get in touch [email protected]

01302 744278


Closing date:

Wednesday 11th July