happ 100 chapter 1 (1)

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  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    Chapter 1

    A Distinctive System of Health

    Care Delivery

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    Class Objectives

    At the end of the class, you should: Understand the basic nature of the US

    health care system

    !e able to outline the four "ey componentsof the health care delivery system

    Discuss the primary characteristics of the

    US health care system

    Have an overvie# of health care systems inother countries

    Understand the systems model as applied

    to health care delivery

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    orHealth Services Delivery

    System !roadly De%ned: major components of the system and

    processes that enable people to receive

    health care

    &estricted de%nition: the act of providin' health care to

    patients (ie in a hospital or aphysician)s clinic*

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    +rimary Objectivesof a Health Care System

    1 $o enable all citiens to receivehealth care services

    - $o deliver services that are cost.e/ective and meet establishedstandards of 0uality

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $he US Health Care System

    $he health care #or"force employs

    approimately 12 million people 3--,444 active 5Ds (doctors of medicine*

    64,734 DO)s (osteopathic physicians* -8 million nurses

    8,318 hospitals

    18,694 nursin' homes

    1,191 health centers 944 medical, dental and pharmacy schools

    1,844 nursin' pro'rams

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $he US Health CareSystem 5ore numbers:

    -44; million Americans #ith privateinsurance

    79 million 5edicare bene%ciaries 7-2 million 5edicaid recipients 729 million (187

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    : W at are some wayspeople receive private

    insurance? =mployers Self

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    >inancin' and ?nsurance


    =mployer.based health insurance (private*

    +rivately.purchased health insurance (private*

    @overnment pro'rams (public* State =mployees @roup



    elderly and certain disabled people 5edicaid and CH?+

    indi'ent, poor (if they meet the eli'ibility criteria*,


  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $he US Health Care System

    Leads the world in:


    medical trainin'


    sophisticated institutions



    But fails in:


    cost containment as a#hole

    $he amount of duplication




    #aste compleity


    %nancial manipulation


    $ Ch i i h

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System1Bo central a'ency 'overns a system-Access is selective based on insurance

    9Health care o/ered under imperfect mar"et activity

    7$hird party insurers are intermediaries bet#een

    %nance and delivery

    85ultiple payers are cumbersome

    2!alance of po#er, no domination

    6e'al ris" a/ects practice behavior

    3Be# technolo'y creates demand for its use

    ;Be# service settin's alon' a continuum

    14uality is achievable

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $ Ch t i ti th t

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System1* Bo Central A'ency 5ost developed nations have a national health care

    pro'ram #here every citien is entitledto receive a

    set of service

    $o control costs, use 'lobal bud'et to determinetotal health care epenses

    Government usually controls frequency of

    health care services, especially expensive

    medical technology use$he US has mostly private %nancin' and delivery

    rivate !nancing through employers at ""#

    and government at $"#

    $ Ch t i ti th t

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System1* Bo Central A'ency +rivate health care, hospitals, physicians are independent

    of 'overnment

    %o one monitors total expenses through glo&al

    &udgets and utili'ation US does determine public.sector epenses and

    reimbursement rates for 5edicare and 5edicaid

    @overnment sets standards of participation throu'h policy

    and re'ulations providers must comply with standards to &e

    certi!ed to provide (edicaid ) (edicare patients

    re'arded as minimum standards of 0uality

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    Q: What is access?

    Access: the ability to obtain health care#hen needed

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    >our >actors that A/ectAccess Ability to pay

    do you have health insuranceE

    Availability of services (delivery* rural and remote areas lac" ade0uate


    +ayment many providers don)t accept 5edicaid

    =nablement barriers transportation, racial, cultural and

    lan'ua'e barriers

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    Access to Health Care

    Fey predictors of access: >inancin' and insurance

    Delivery and payment


    $ Ch t i ti th t

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    -* +artial access Universal access: Health care is available

    to all citiens

    ?n US, access restricted to those #ho:a* have health insurance throu'h an

    employerb* are covered under a 'overnment

    health care planc* can a/ord to buy insurance out of

    poc"etd* can pay at time of service privately

    Health insurance helps ensure access

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

    $ Ch t i ti th t

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    -* +artial access$hose unable to pay #ait until a health problem

    arises then receive health care at the

    emergency room hospital does not receive payment

    a form of catastrophic health care insuranceE

    +rimary Care: basic and routine care

    Lac* of access to prim care a &ig reasonfor +-. lag in population health /ie

    infant mortality, life expectancy0

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

    $ Ch t i ti th t

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    9* ?mperfect 5ar"et

    ?n national health care, economic mar"ets do not

    eist US has a 0uasi.mar"et #here health care is partially

    mana'ed by free mar"ets

    patients (buyers* and providers (sellers* act independently

    prices set by interaction of supply and demand

    unrestrained competition on basis of price and 0uality

    patients must have info of availability of di/erent services

    (technolo'y too complicated, s"ills too advanced* patients have info on price and 0uality on each provider

    patients must bear cost of services received

    patients ma"e decisions about the purchase of health care services

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    9* ?mperfect 5ar"et ?tem pricin'

    obtain fees char'ed for service (sur'eon)s


    services can)t be determined prior to procedure

    +ac"a'e pricin' bundled fee for a 'roup of related services

    Capitation all health care services include one set

    fee per person, more all1encompassing

    Characteristics that


    the US Health Care System

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $en Characteristics that

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    +hantom providers bill for services separately

    anesthesiolo'y, patholo'ist, supplies, hospital

    facility use Supplierprovider.induced demand

    hysicians have in2uence on creatingdemand for their !nancial &ene!t

    +hysicians receive care beyond #hat isnecessary (ie follo#.up visits, tests, unnecessary sur'ery*

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

    $en Characteristics that

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    7* $hird.+arty ?nsurers and +ayers atient is !rst party

    rovider is second party

    3ntermediary is third party/insurance company and otherpayers0

    a #all of separation bet#een %nancin'and delivery

    0uality of care is a secondary concern

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

    $en Characteristics that

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    8* 5ultiple +ayers

    $he US has many payers,company can choose di/erent

    plans a billin' and collection ni'htmare

    system becomes more cumbersome

    Sin'le.payer system a national health care system that is

    usually the primary payer.'overnment

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

    $en Characteristics that

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    2* +o#er !alancin'5ultiple +layers

    +hysicians, administration, insurance, 'overnment,employers

    >ra'mented self.interests prevents an entity from dominatin'

    6* e'al &is"s

    $he US is a liti'ious society

    +ractioners en'a'e in defensive medicine prescribe dia'nostic tests, return chec"ups, documentation

    3* Hi'h $echnolo'y$he US, a hotbed of research and innovations

    Creates demand for ne# services despite hi'h costs

    Gith capital investments, must have utiliation

    e'al ris"s for providers denyin' ne# technolo'y

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    Q: What are some types of4ealth services?

    +reventative care

    +rimary care

    Specialied care

    Chronic care

    on'.term care

    Subacute care

    Acute care &ehabilitative care

    =nd.of.life care

    $en Characteristics that

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    ;* Continuum of Services 5edical services has three broad


    curative restorative preventative

    Health care is not con%ned to the

    hospital14* uest for uality

    Continuous uality ?mprovement Hi'her epectations

    uality standards #ith compliance

    $en Characteristics thatDi/erentiate

    the US Health Care System

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    @overnment)s &oles in the USHealth Service System

    5ajor %nancier of health caredelivery

    Determine reimbursement rates toproviders #ho render 5edicare 5edicaid services

    &e'ulates throu'h licensin'

    personnel and health careestablishments

    Health policy

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    5ajor +layers in the US HealthService System

    Gho does these functionsE +hysicians Administrators

    ?nsurance eecutives ar'e employers @overnment See %'ure 1.1, pa'e 2

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    A Disenfranchised Se'ment

    ?n the US, insurance is employer.based the unemployed usually have no insurance

    =ven if employed, employees do not haveinsurance because:1* =mployers not mandated to o/er insurance

    premium cost sharin' rarely paid at 144< if at all bene%t: 'roup rate or availability of insurance

    -* +articipation in health insurance is voluntary

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    Q: Why 5re eople +ninsured?


    =mployers not re0uired to o/er healthinsurance

    =mployees not re0uired to buy healthinsurance

    Don)t %t eli'ibility of 'overnmentpro'rams

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $raditional ?nsurance to 5ana'edCare

    Utiliation (determined by*: the 0uantity of health care consumed

    +reviously determined by individuals and physicians

    5ana'ed Care

    Controls utiliation of medical services and price #hereservices are purchased

    Determine price for services purchased and ho# muchproviders 'et paid

    Costs mana'ed by controllin' utiliation

    +lan under#rites ris" &is" sets premium

    +lan pays providers throu'h capitation and discounts

    Delivery mostly throu'h contracts #ith eternal providers

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $raditional ?nsurance to 5ana'edCare

    >ee arran'ements ne'otiated throu'h contract

    #ith providers, based on either:

    Capitation payment #here all health care services include under

    one set fee per person

    predetermined %ed payment per member per

    month (+5+5*

    used primarily by Health 5aintenance Or'aniations

    Discounts a'ainst providers) customary fees

    used primarily by +referred +rovider Or'aniations

  • 8/9/2019 HAPP 100 Chapter 1 (1)


    $he move to national Health Care+ro'rams

    $heoretically, no one is uninsured

    Universal access: is mana'ed by the 'overnment

    provides a de%ned set of health careservices to all citiens

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    Cost Control inBational Health Care +ro'rams

    @lobal bud'ets determine the national health care


    Health care resources are allocatedin the bud'etary: availability and dissemination of service

    and technolo'y reimbursement levels

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