goforit september 14


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Positive Articles and local coupons for Gold River, Rancho Cordova, Rosemont, College Greens, East Sacramento, Arden, Town and Country, Carmichael and Fair Oaks Communities in easter Sacramento County. Cover is Soho Sushi.


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By Dr. Andrade & Dr. Montalvo

Did you know that holding onto your pearly whites can keep you looking young? Just look at the illustration to see how losing your teeth can make you look much older. This is due to the fact that your teeth hold up your lips and chin. When teeth are missing, the chin drops down and the lips start to curl inward. When teeth are missing from the jaw, the jaw bone begins to “waste” away. This means that the more teeth you can hold onto, the more bone will be kept in the jaw. So, if you are miss-ing teeth, you may still be able to replace them without loosing any further bone. This revolutionary way of keep-ing your bone intact is called the dental implant.

Dental implants have changed the way we treat missing teeth. You no longer have to wear uncomfort-able dentures or have your healthy teeth drilled to get a bridge. Both of these methods of replacing teeth do not maintain your bone and will eventually lead to the old looking face and smile.

So, keep yourself looking and feeling young with dental implants.

Look Your Best with Dental Implants

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Last month, while delivering magazines to one of my clients, I asked him how he was doing. He chuckled light-heartedly and responded “I’m living the dream”. His good friend chimed in “Yeah, but who’s dream is it”? We all three enjoyed a good laugh as I bolted through the door and onto the next delivery.

After an entire day of delivering and soul searching, I asked myself if I had been living my dream for the past sev-eral years. The honest answer was a resounding NO! I had failed to share my primary motivation for starting Go For It Magazine with my clients. Why? Because I enlisted two close companions, fear and self doubt, to protect me from the danger of being rejected by the people I have a great respect for: euntrepreneurs.

For over six years, I had been telling my clients that our magazine was created to give local businesses an afford-able way to advertise during the Great Recession. While that statement was 100% true, it was not the primary rea-son I created the only freely distributed self-improvement magazine for our community. I started Go For It Magazine because I knew what it was like to live my dream, what it was like to live someone elses and the startling difference between the two!

After six and a half years of long hours attending school and working late at night doing janitorial work, I accomplished my goal and earned a four year degree in marketing from Sac State. I finally figured out what I wanted to do: Work for a large advertising agency in Los Angeles. I had always been facinated by human behav-ior, so working on major ad campaigns would give me the opportunity to unleash my creative imagination while trying to figure out what motivates people to buy the stuff they buy.

Immediately after graduating, I wrote a strong resume and mailed it to every ad agency in L.A. Days turned into weeks as the phone mocked me in silent protest while the bills continued to roll in. The financial pressure became unbearable, so I set my dream aside, took the first job of-fer and then spent the next four years in a prison without bars: Retail management.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Retail is a wonderful profes-sion, it just didn’t happen to be my life’s calling. I did my

By Bob Cox

best to make the most of my new career, but I felt the life force draining out of me with each passing day. Just when I thought I couldn’t sink any lower, the store manager pulled my aside one day and said, “Bob, I don’t think you’re cut out for retail”. I thought, “Great, now I can’t even succeed at something I don’t even care about”!

Fortunately, everything changed one sunny Satur-day afternoon when my parents eagerly gave me a price guide on baseball cards. I thought, “That’s nice, my par-ents have finally lost their minds and think I’m still 10 years old. I guess they can’t they see that I’m grown man, standing here in their used book store with my wife, my son and a migraine the size of Dodger Stadium”! After several months, I opened the magazine and was shocked to discover that I had thousands of dollars worth of cards in an old shoebox. I became so inspired, I started an in-vestment guide on baseball card collecting, calling on hundreds of card shops all across the country, asking them to advertise in our magazine. The last time I felt that excited was when I was a 10 year old kid opening up baseball card packs!

While that venture didn’t pan out financially, it opened the doors to an amazing opportunity when I got a job in advertising sales. From the second I went out with one of the advertising reps, I was hooked! At the end of each work day, I had plenty of energy left over to enjoy real quality time with the people I loved. Every morning, I woke up early and invested in myself, read-ing messages that inspired me to improve every facet of my personal and professional life. Within three years, my earnings nearly doubled, I was loving life and living the dream…my dream!

If you’re currently living your dream, please email your story to us so we can share it with all our readers and encour-

age everyone to go for it!

Bob Cox is the founder and publisher of Go For It Magazine. He can be reached by phone at (916) 266-3115. His email address is [email protected]. Go For It Magazine is owned and operated in Rancho Cordova, CA. Copyright © 2014.

Live Your Dreams...Not Someone Else’s!

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If you’re new to the area or have ever experienced an incomplete den-tal evaluation in the past, then today is the day to make a positive change. Trust your smile to the experienced care at Carmichael Oaks Dental Care!

Our community is fortunate to have two exceptional dentists (Dr. Angel Soto and Dr. Carla Gutierrez) dedicated to providing the best that dentistry has to offer.

Dr. Soto, Dr. Gutierrez and their friendly staff will provide you with a comfortable and relaxing dental expe-rience. Many of their patients are re-ferred by other happy patients, so they have every reason to be confident that you will be in good hands.

If you’ve had a history of severe dental problems, Carmichael Oaks Dental Care can help. They have all the skill, experience and advanced tech-nology to turn your smile into a mas-terpiece. Their services include beau-tiful crowns, natural colored fillings, cosmetic bondings, porcelain veneers, dentures, bridges, dental implants, CEREC® CAD/CAM restorations, teeth whitening and much more.

The staff at Carmichael Oaks Den-tal not only cares about their patients, they also are doing their part for our planet and future generations by go-ing green. They’ve made an invest-ment to reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing digital x-rays and oper-ating a paperless office.

If you’re looking for a dental prac-tice devoted to restoring and enhanc-ing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in a beauti-ful, healthy and long lasting smile that you will be proud of, as well as a dental office that is sensitive and understand-ing to your needs, then Carmichael Oaks Dental is the place for you!

A Reason to Smile

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Health care reform is challenging. Selecting the right health insurance for you and/or your business is one of the most impor-tant financial decisions you’ll make. With all the ongoing changes in the health care industry, you need more than just an insurance agent. Finding the right health insurance plan involves many tax and other financial issues that must be dealt with as well. This is where I can help you. I have over 25 years of experience in the tax, insurance and financial industries serving the Sacra-mento area. My cross section of services gives me an advantage over the competition, providing you the best solution.

Looking to Save Money on Health Insurance?

By Randy Gutfeld

Focus on the FAQ’sQuestion: I renewed my

company health insurance policy four months ago and would like to change to an-other insurance carrier. Am I obligated to stay with my current group plan until the next renewal?

Answer: When you renew your policy, your premium is guaranteed for the contract

year. However, insurance plans generally have a can-cellation clause in their contracts. If you are consider-ing changing plans, it is important to read the terms of your current policy before you make any decisions. If you do decide to change carriers, get written confir-mation from the new carrier before you terminate your current plan. Call or e-mail our office at (916) 487-4632, [email protected] if you have any questions.

Question: I want to change the individual plan I purchased earlier this year. What are my options?

Answer: The next open enrollment for individual health insurance is November 15, 2014 to February 15, 2015. There is also a special enrollment period (SEP) where if you have a qualifying event (e.g., gain-ing a dependent, marriage, divorce, losing group cover-age, etc.), you can obtain coverage outside the open enrollment period. Since the insurance companies com-pensate brokers, there is no additional cost to you for our services when helping you select a plan. Call us today for assistance at (916) 487-4632.

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Soho Sushi is on a Roll

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By Bob Cox

The single greatest challenge for almost every start-up business is getting enough customers through the doors, especially in the first few months. At least that’s been my ex-perience since I’ve been working as an advertising rep here in the great-er Sacramento area over the past 23 years. I’ve met thousands of business owners that were more than willing to do whatever it took to generate enough revenue to keep their doors open.

Then, there are those exceptionally rare ocassions when a new business actually encounters the opposite problem…too much business! The story I’m about to tell is real, and the names have not been changed to protect the innocent.

A kind-hearted and soft spoken man had enjoyed many years of success owning and operating a jewelry store in Stock-ton, CA when one day, out of the blue, he was approached by a friend who had an exciting business opportunity. His friend invited him to becomes partners with him in his new sushi restaurant in Rancho Cordova, CA. After long and careful con-

sideration, Joe accepted his friend’s invitation. He was ready for a new and exciting challenge, so he closed the chapter on his jewelry business, moved north and went for it!

The man I’m referring to above is Joe Lee, and he is the proud owner of one of the hottest new restaurants in the greater Sacramento area: Soho Sushi in Rancho Cordova. I caught up with Joe the other day to learn more about his extraordinary business.

Q: Tell us about Soho Sushi.A: We opened two years ago. I

started with a partner and he left recently. I’m fairly new in this business but fortunately, I have a large staff of talented and experienced people. We offer good food and good service. We only serve fresh fish and we emphasize customer service by taking care of one customer at a time every day. I’m here seven days a week to make sure we stay committed to taking good care of our customers.

Q: What have been some of the biggest surprises and challenges of owning this restaurant?

A: When we first opened up, the reponse from the public was overwhelming. We did not expect the large volume of customers we got and we had trouble giving them all good service. The first six months was a bit of trial by error, but over the last year and a half, we have seen steady improve-ment with our service and our revenues. Right now, I’m still learning, but I’m committed to making sure that everything is clean and the quality of the food and service is excellent.

Q: Your restaurant is not only beautiful but remark-ably clean. What’s your secret to keeping it looking brand new?

A: We all treat each day like we’re going to get a visit from the health inspector. That keeps us motivated every day to keep our restaurant exceptionally clean, from the front to the back.

From the outside, Soho Sushi appears to be a tiny ‘hole-in-the-wall’ restaurant. Once inside; however, you will be amazed by the size and beauty of this hidden treasure!

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Soho Sushi is on a Roll

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to every detail and we only serve fresh fish and fresh ingredients every day. We have very fast turnaround, so all our fish has to be fresh.

Q: What are some of the things you’ve done to train your employees to give faster and better service?

A: (Ewan Mac, Supervisor). I’ve been here over a year and this is a good place to work. I been responsibly for helping to train new employees. We make sure they all check up on all the customers

and give them fast and friendly service.

Q: Any big plans for the future?A: Yes, hopefully we’d like to expand. Of course, it’s very

important to have enough of the right people. The people here are just like my family. I don’t feel like the boss when I’m around here. We’re just like one big family.

Editor’s notes: For more information about Soho Sushi, visit their restaurant at 3101 Zinfandel Dr. #124 in Rancho Cordova, brouse their website at www.sohosushisac.com or call (916) 853-1100.

Q: Has the speed of your service improved since you first opened?

A: Yes, we have a lot of business customers who come in at lunchtime and they have short breaks, some only 30 minutes. We have to serve them quickly and courteously so they can get back to work on time and will want to come back. Since we first opened, we have hired and trained a large staff, so now we’re always ready for the biggest rushes that come during lunch and din-ner. We are committed to learning and we keep getting better and better. On those rare ocassions we get a bad re-view on Yelp, we don’t get offended. Instead, we learn from all the feedback we get and use it to improve. Fortunately, we mostly get positive feedback from our customers.

Q: What separates your restaurant from other restaurants?

A: We have a very talented and popular sushi chef. We are committed to always improving and introducing new menu items so that our customers never get bored. We only use fresh fish and fresh ingredients, so the flavor is always the best.

Q: What are your most popular menu items?A: Our customers love our sushi rolls, especially the Spicy

Rhonda (Spicy masago and green onion topped with tuna, salmon, crab meat and jalapeno), Brandi’s Special (Green onion with salmon and spicy tuna on top), Moon’s Special (Deep-fried calamari, crab meat and avacado), Baked Salmon (Salmon, masago and green onion, unagi sauce on top), Sexy Tomoyo (Masago and green onion with salmon, yellowtail and crab meat on top), Tiger (Cooked shrimp, avacado, ma-sago, green onion and special sauce on top) and Ninja King (Masago and green onion with crab meat and cooked shrimp on top). These are just a few of our most popular dishes. The flavor is always great because our sushi chef pays attention

A large and well trained staff is always available to give you fast and friendly service! Here are just a few.

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Jerry’s Update: Jerry’s starting weight before Premiere Nutrition was 352.6 pounds five months ago. He is now 306.2 pounds and has lost 46.4 pounds, 4.7% body fat; he’s dropped 6 points of visceral fat and lost a combined 31.5 inches! Go Jerry!

Elizabeth’s Update: Elizabeth starting weight before Premiere Nutrition was 263.2 and she is now down to 226.8 pounds. She’s lost 36.4 pounds, 5% body fat, has dropped her visceral fat 5 points and has lost a combined 17 inches! Go Elizabeth!

John McCain’s Story: When I got started in Premiere Nutrition I was tired, over-weight, had digestive problems and crav-ings for fast foods. Within the first seven days, I got my digestive problems under control and in fourteen days lost my crav-ings for fast food. I lost 31 pounds in just 90 days and have gone on to lose a total of 51 pounds and I feel great!

Before Before BeforeAfter After After

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Rancho Cordova City Hall has become a showcase for local artists these past two years but now artists are expanding throughout the city itself...Rancho Cordova Arts launched an “Abandoned Art” project, described as “community performance art” which promotes local artistic talent.

How can art abandonment happen? Sometimes art is abandoned by being tied to the branches of trees, or scribbled on napkins at res-taurants. The idea is to create a piece of art and leave it for somebody else to find and enjoy, to give a gift of art, or re-abandon it.

“The spirit of it is in keeping with the ‘random acts of kindness’ concept,” said Rancho Cordova artist Victoria Smith. “It brightens your day when you discover some art has been abandoned for you to find.”

The roughly 2,000 pieces of art are easy to identify: the works have information on the back so finders can make contact with the artists and perhaps even send “selfies” and stories via email and Facebook, telling how they discovered their hidden treasures.

The epicenter for the abandonment will be Rancho Cordova, but works are also being released across the United States and will con-tinue through 2014. Happy Hunting!!

PS: Beer & Fine Art DO mix. Check out “Brushes & Brews” on Sept. 27!


* Visit BobsPocket.com for Bob’s bio, past blogs, and to learn more about events & organizations.

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