september 14 issue

Michael Miller Many of the benets of high school come from a student’s abil- ity to choose: what classes to take, what activities or sports to partici- pate in, and what friends to make. However, an essential part of the school routine that is not open for option, actually arriving and leaving the premises, is also one that seems to cause a great deal of frustration. “It takes forever to leave the parking lot, and people don’t fol- low the lane procedures because they try to go around the speed bumps,” senior Rachel Walker said. For many, the commute to and from school is a trip marked with impatient drivers, conges- tion, and overall inconvenience. “With 2,000 kids and 250 sta members coming to school right before 7:30 and leaving right aer 2:50, there’s bound to be conges- tion,” dean of students Matthew Norris said. While modern logistical shortfalls and a condensed rush hour may make this congestion apparent, the history of the road and parking layout around here also proves signicant in the cur- rent driving situation. “e school was built and the road layout was designed before driving to school was popular,” Ocer Pete Hamrick said. In fact, Hersey’s trac impact has been important ever since 1968, the same year the school opened. e addition of a stoplight at the Rand Road and omas Street intersection was announced that year due to the expected in- crease in trac the school would bring, according to e Corre- spondent archives. A construction project to widen omas at that intersection was also planned for the same reason. It only took a year for the spike in trac to translate into a safety hazard. In 1969, three stu- dents were hit by cars on omas Street in front o f the school, o f which two were taken to the hos- pital. A lack of sidewalks along the street was cited as a factor of these incidents. Even though zoning procedures proved to be a restric- tion at the time, sidewalks were eventually added to prevent future accidents. e school’s parking lots also experienced some growing pains early on. In 1973, 652 parking passes were issued for 599 spaces, resulting in overcrowding and a lack of maneuvering space. e opening of the basin soon aer- wards helped stem some of the demand for parking spaces. Despite the sidewalks on omas Street, the focus of stu- dent safety again shied to the front of the school in 1989. More accidents involving students on this stretch of road prompted discussions for the addition of a crosswalk near the school, espe- cially because many students at the time parked across the street, but this suggestion never became a reality. Today, although progress has been made regarding space and safety, enough problems and con- fusion persist to make the driving situation less than ideal. “Parking rules and proce- dures aren’t communicated well enough, especially for when ju- niors can get a pass,” junior Bran- don Zuercher said. “People don’t really know how the ow of trac works around the school,” senior Dani- elle Rivard said. is combination of reckless driving and disregard for the rules leads to much more serious of- fenses. “Sometimes students go past the buses lined up behind the school to enter Waterman Street, which is illegal,” dean of students omas Scotese said. Other rude behaviors create parking overow and congestion, especially in the morning. “Some students try to park in the lots without a pass, which means they would get towed,” Norris said. “When I get to school at 7:15, the senior lot is usually full, so I have to park where I can,” senior Carolyn Crost said. Volume 45 September 14, 2012 orrespondent The Issue 2 Page 2 C 1900 E. Thomas St., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 John Hersey High School Page 10 Page 11 E4IA?D= Parking lot creates challenges Follow me to page 2 From the archives *The addition of a stoplight at the Rand Road and Thomas Street intersection was con- structed * Project to widen the inter- section at Rand and Thomas In 1968 In 1985 *A student was hit and suered 18 stitches and a broken pelvic bone In 1997 *A school speed zone opened up after several pedestrians were hit * The parking lot was re-done to open up 40 to 50 more spaces In 2003 iPads supplement curriculum All grades show Orange Crush Pride Cross Country races on Sept. 20 “Just don’t be selfish, follow the signs and rules, and maybe everyone will be better off.” -Senior Danielle Rivard Source: The Correspondent archives raphic b y: J essica L ynk

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Issue of the Correspondent


Page 1: September 14 Issue

Michael Miller

Many of the bene!ts of high school come from a student’s abil-ity to choose: what classes to take, what activities or sports to partici-pate in, and what friends to make.

However, an essential part of the school routine that is not open for option, actually arriving and leaving the premises, is also one that seems to cause a great deal of frustration.

“It takes forever to leave the parking lot, and people don’t fol-low the lane procedures because they try to go around the speed bumps,” senior Rachel Walker said.

For many, the commute to and from school is a trip marked with impatient drivers, conges-tion, and overall inconvenience.

“With 2,000 kids and 250 sta" members coming to school right before 7:30 and leaving right a#er 2:50, there’s bound to be conges-tion,” dean of students Matthew Norris said.

While modern logistical shortfalls and a condensed rush hour may make this congestion apparent, the history of the road and parking layout around here also proves signi!cant in the cur-rent driving situation.

“$e school was built and the road layout was designed before driving to school was popular,” O%cer Pete Hamrick said.

In fact, Hersey’s tra%c impact has been important ever since 1968, the same year the school opened. $e addition of a stoplight at the Rand Road and $omas Street intersection was announced

that year due to the expected in-crease in tra%c the school would bring, according to $e Corre-spondent archives. A construction project to widen $omas at that intersection was also planned for the same reason.

It only took a year for the spike in tra%c to translate into a safety hazard. In 1969, three stu-dents were hit by cars on $omas S t r e e t in front o f t h e

s c h o o l , o f which two were taken to the hos-pital.

A lack of sidewalks along the street was cited as a factor of these incidents. Even though zoning procedures proved to be a restric-tion at the time, sidewalks were eventually added to prevent future accidents.

$e school’s parking lots also experienced some growing pains early on. In 1973, 652 parking passes were issued for 599 spaces, resulting in overcrowding and a lack of maneuvering space. $e opening of the basin soon a#er-wards helped stem some of the demand for parking spaces.

Despite the sidewalks on $omas Street, the focus of stu-dent safety again shi#ed to

the front of the school in 1989. More accidents involving students on this stretch of road prompted discussions for the addition of a crosswalk near the school, espe-cially because many students at the time parked across the street, but this suggestion never became a reality.

Today, although progress has been made regarding space and safety, enough problems and con-fusion persist to make the driving situation less than ideal.

“Parking rules and proce-dures aren’t communicated well enough, especially for when ju-niors can get a pass,” junior Bran-don Zuercher said.

“People don’t really know how the &ow of tra%c works around the school,” senior Dani-elle Rivard said.

$is combination of reckless driving and disregard for the rules leads to much more serious of-fenses.

“Sometimes students go past the buses lined up behind the school to enter Waterman Street, which is illegal,” dean of students $omas Scotese said.

Other rude behaviors create parking over&ow and congestion, especially in the morning.

“Some students try to park in the lots without a pass, which means they would get towed,” Norris said.

“When I get to school at 7:15, the senior lot is usually full, so I have to park where I can,” senior Carolyn Crost said.

V o l u m e 4 5

September 14, 2012


I s s u e 2

Page 2

C 1 9 0 0 E . T h o m a s S t . , A r l i n g t o n H e i g h t s , I L 6 0 0 0 4

J o h n H e r s e y H i g h S c h o o l

Page 10Page 11

Parking lot creates challenges

Follow me to page 2

From the archives

*The addition of a stoplight at the Rand Road and Thomas Street intersection was con-structed

* Project to widen the inter-section at Rand and Thomas

In 1968

In 1985*A student was hit and su!ered 18 stitches and a broken pelvic bone

In 1997*A school speed zone opened up after several pedestrians were hit

* The parking lot was re-done to open up 40 to 50 more spaces

In 2003

iPads supplement curriculum

All grades show Orange Crush Pride

Cross Country races on Sept. 20

“Just don’t be

selfish, follow the signs and rules,

and maybe everyone will be better off.”

-Senior DanielleRivard

Source:The Correspondent archives

raphic by: Jessica Lynk

Page 2: September 14 Issue

•Continued from page one

“Last year when I didn’t have a parking pass, I had to park across the street and risk it. It was very nerve-wracking everyday, and it was kind of upsetting that the park-ing passes were so expensive and there aren’t really any other places to park,” senior Jen Hahn said.

Even parents are prone to con-tributing to these problems.

“The west parking lot is sup-posed to be where parents drop off their kids, but many parents go in the front instead, which is reserved for buses,” Scotese said.

At the very least, previous ex-pansion and redesign of the park-ing lots has alleviated some of the original problems they created. In 2002, 55 new spaces were added, and the west parking lot was re-painted in a different pattern to make pulling out of the spots easier.

The lottery system was also started so the amount of passes sold did not outnumber the amount of spots available.

“Before the lottery and rede-sign, since there were more appli-cants than spaces, whoever arrived at the lot first would get the spots,” associate principal Joe Kragacic said.

Fortunately, time may help to at least reduce the amount of crowding in the parking lots. “Once the basin opens up, there are usu-

ally no problems,” Norris said.On the other side of the school,

the congestion and pedestrian haz-ards on and near Thomas Street are another source of difficulties, and one that goes deeper than just re-sponsibility.

“Even with the best drivers, the setup in front is not ideal. Safe-ty-wise, we’re at a disadvantage,” Scotese said.

“The front lot is congested, but it doesn’t cause more accidents,” Hamrick said.

Though accidents may not yet be an issue, the conditions to cause them are certainly present. “Stu-dents run in front of cars on Thom-as all the time,” Walker said.

“Also, people drive way too fast on Thomas,” Crost said.

A crosswalk on Thomas Street, the same solution suggested in 1989 to prevent the horrible colli-sions that sidewalks apparently did not solve, is a possible safety con-sideration.

“A crosswalk, stop sign, or even a crossing guard would make driving on Thomas safer and bet-ter,” senior Sarah Knight said.

However, the same logistical issues that once almost curbed the construction of sidewalks are again a factor.

“The idea of a crosswalk was proposed to the county and state, but school liability and the need for a stop-

light along with the crosswalk pre-vent that from happening,” Ham-rick said.

If these issues are ever resolved and a crosswalk installed, it opens up for discussion the role of the mostly empty commercial parking lot across Thomas Street.

Although an Ultra Foods is moving into the vacant former Dominick’s, the lot may help to ease parking congestion and re-duce the price of parking passes for students.

“At a graduation ceremony a while back, the lot across the street was available for people to park in for five or ten dollars,” Hamrick said.

“Years ago, the school tried to make a deal with the owners of the lot across the street for students to park there, but it didn’t work out,” Scotese said.

Overall, while there clearly ex-ists potential to increase safety and streamline traffic with some of the solutions previously mentioned, other fixes simply require more awareness.

As Rivard said, “Just don’t be selfish, follow the signs and rules, and maybe everyone will be better off.”

News September 14, 2012The Correspondent2

Students take off with iPad Pilot ProgramNews You

Need To


Mackenzie FrancisAshley Hawkins

Nowadays, education relies heavily on technology to access different materials to enhance the learning experience.

Last spring, the science and foreign language departments jumped on the opportunity to bring some of this technology to the classrooms.

This year, the AP French and physics classes are a part of the dis-trict’s iPad pilot program, which means that students get to use an iPad during class to access news-papers, websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, Moodle, and more.

Not only is this environmen-tally friendly, but it’s also an avid resource for students to turn to.

“Well, it’s still early, but iPads have provided me, the teacher, with a way to give students easy access to course materials.

Further, the classroom is far more student-centered, which to me means that students are the driving force behind learning,” French teacher Elizabeth Noble said.

Unlike a traditional classroom setting where students are taking notes in notebooks, AP French and physics students are responsible for independently using their iPads.

Essentially, students can manage the schedule for the day, and work at their own pace.

“I love them. iPads are useful for taking and orga-nizing notes. I don’t have to carry around all my note-books anymore,” senior Phil Tubergen said.

“[The iPads] are help-ful because you can use it for research,” junior Jenny Kannookaden said.

The AP French classes differentiate from the phys-ics classes because they have the privilege to use their iPads in and out of the class, whereas juniors must return their iPads everyday after class is over.

“The iPads are just used in the classroom, unfortunately. We wanted to get all juniors iPads. It’s not ready for a deployment, it’s still in pilot mode,” science teacher Thomas Davidsmeier said.

Even though physics students don’t get to use the iPads out of the classroom like the AP French stu-dents, many are still enthusiastic about the new technology addition.

“They’re fun; it beats writing notes in a notebook,” junior Ben Goldberg said.

The students now have to rely

on themselves to accomplish the work.

Working outside of the class-room can become distracting be-cause of the internet and various apps.

“They aren’t a distraction in class, just at home when you can roam the internet on a whim,” Tu-bergen said.

“I think that the iPads will help make students even more respon-sible for their own learning than they already are- and anything that contributes to their motivation has to be a positive addition to the classroom,” Noble said.

The Democratic and Re-publican national conventions are a time of competitiveness, as the two parties discuss na-tional issues that are aimed at voting for a certain candidate.

The Democratic national convention was held Sept. 4 to Sept. 6. in Charlotte, North Carolina. The conventions are known for their combative natures and tend to use pro-paganda against the opposing party. But Michelle Obama, who spoke on Sept. 4, was much more masterful at using tactics against the republicans.

Mrs. Obama didn’t men-tion Mitt Romney’s plans or ideas, but instead used person-al experiences as a tactic. She talked about her and Obama’s childhoods, and the hardships they faced.

Mrs. Obama’s speech gen-erated a colossal response from the media, provoking 28,003 tweets per minute compared to Mitt Romney’s peak of 14,289 tweets per minute during his nomination speech.

“It’s crazy that Mrs. Obama generated that much media at-tention,” freshman Nina Pas-cual said.

• isabella murray

Life in Aleppo, Syria is filled with the sounds of blasts and bombings. There is no pat-tern to the bombing, so most civilians don’t know where they will hit.

On one particular morn-ing, a bomb hit a house where 12 family members were sleep-ing, causing the roof to collapse on top of them. After the dust cleared, their neighbors tried to dig through the rubble to bring out the survivors and bodies.

They found nine children and two adults dead. The only survivor was a small child, who was sheltered by his dead moth-er at the time of the bombing.

As opposed to the luxury we have in the United States, Syria is suffering war and many deaths.

“It’s very disappointing in how lots of innocent people die, and I think we should get people to talk about it more,” freshman Diana Awimrin said.

• alexandra soltys

AP French and physics classes utilize new technology

Conflict continues in Syria

First Lady charms audience at convention

•franCesCa Hernandez

Juniors Alexa Antuma and Piotr Janiszewski work on a lab in Physics using the new pro-

grams on the iPads. “I love them [the iPads] and they are really fun to work with,” Antuma said.

Parking problems create perplexity

Follow me to page 4 for Staff Editorial

Page 3: September 14 Issue

NewsSeptember 14, 2012 The Correspondent 3

Erika Murillo

The cross country team for the first time this year is organizing a important fundraiser from the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago: the puzzle drive.

The puzzle drive is created for young chil-dren who lack a decent education and safe learn-ing environment.

The cross country team is more than thrilled to be a part of this drive and helping children in need.

“I think it’s a great thing to do as a team. It will greatly benefit kids growing up in bad neighborhoods,” senior Amanda Cortese said.

According to the Boys and Girls Club of Chicago website, their mission is to enable all young people in need to reach their full poten-tial as caring citizens. The cross country team is

more than willing to make that mission possible as well.

“The goal for the puzzle drive is to give in-tercity kids more of a learning environment and give them the problem solving skills they are go-ing to need through schooling and future,” se-nior Clarissa Cruz said.

Almost every year, student organizations set up fundraisers for children or families in need. The cross country team chose the puzzle drive to represent the Boys and Girls Club.

This being, the cross country team encour-ages every student and faculty to donate a puzzle or two or simply $10 in order to reach the goal.

The goal set for the puzzle drive is at least 300 puzzles. The cross country team is almost positive that the goal will be reached by the end of the fundraiser.

“If we keep going at it, hopefully we can ex-ceed our goal,” senior Sara Bayerle said.

“The most puzzles collected allows for more kids to receive puzzles as well as the ben-efits,” Cruz said.

The cross country team can agree that this fundraiser brought them all together as a team.

“It’s definitely great to bring our team to-gether towards a common goal in addition to running. This is just another way to bring these girls together to work on something positive,” Bayerle said.

Without a doubt, puzzles have and always will be beneficial for young kids in leading to a better future,

“Puzzles were a huge part of my own life and they help stimulate problem solving skills in kids,” Cruz said.

Chess Club to checkmate at tournament

Natalie Czarnota

Every Wednesday after school, anyone who stops by the vending machines can find chess club practicing in the commons. Students may be wondering what that practice is for; the an-swer is that they are getting ready for the first chess tournament of the year.

They will be hosting the event, which will take place on Sept. 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The

tournament will be open to all students attending public schools from grades K-12.

Coach Donald Barrett wanted to host this tournament in order to generate interest in chess.“I

wanted to get middle school kids to see that high schools have chess clubs and for el-

ementary school kids to see that middle school kids are doing it,” Barrett said.

However, it is suggested that any students who want to participate in the tournament at-tend chess club meetings on Wednesdays to brush up on their chess playing skills; students will need to know how to play chess in order to compete.

Freshman Sergey Smirnov, who is planning to compete in the tournament, has been playing

chess for eight years.“My parents taught me how to play when I was six years old,” Smirnov said.

Freshman Jason Kwon learned how to play chess from his cousins and practiced by playing chess online.

“I joined chess club because my friends said it was fun, but I won’t compete because I want to learn how to play better first,” Kwon said.

Participants in the tournament have dif-ferent techniques to practice for the competi-tion. “I’m preparing by coming [to practice],” Smirnov said.

“I’m practicing different chess moves to sharpen my skills,” freshman Ben Solak said.

The cost to participate will be $5 per person and students will play a total of four rounds. For every round, each opponent will receive 45 min-utes to make their moves, with a total of one and a half hours per round. The tournament will be held in the Carter Gym.

“The best thing about chess is the strategy. I love strategy,” Solak said.

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Want to vote?

Go see Mrs. Bowes in 213

•Bring a license or an i.d. with a piece of mail

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Deadline: October 6

• Must be 18 on or before November 6•

Licensed Attorney before the United States Patent and Trademark Office Lawernce Steingold kicked off the elec-tion forums on Tuesday.

All law and the individual students listened to the forum 6th and 7th period. Check out Corre Live to see more pictures and more coverage from all election forums.

•franCesa Hernadez

Freshmen Sergey Smirnov, Jason Kwon, Ben Solak, and John Bouvi practice after school on Wednesday to get ready for the upcoming Chess tourna-


Page 4: September 14 Issue

Opinions S e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t4

The most challenging part of the day for teenagers and adults alike is the morning.

Having to slowly get out of bed, turn off the alarm clock, and get looking presentable seems like an unforgivable task. Being rushed is not only inevitable for most teenagers but should be ex-pected.

In order to help the chaotic driving in the parking lots, stu-dents and parents alike need to ad-

just to their s u r -


and become more aware of the safety of others.

Several key ideas can be used to minimize these circles of fren-zy with being patient and collect-ed.

First, everyone is getting to the same place and everyone has agendas to accomplish through-out the day. Being a vicious driv-er will not speed up the rest of the slower bodies on the road.

Second, give enough time to arrive earlier. Shower at night, get to sleep at a decent hour, and de-cide what to wear the day before.

By arriving to school earlier, students would not have to rush to get into the parking lot or get dropped off.

During the busy part of the day, the morning, both the youngsters and the seasoned vet-

erans become scattered on the road.

All the honking and breaking creates a traffic jam in the street in front of the school and in the parking lot, whether it be parents dropping off or students fighting for spots.

Other ways to improve the lot and driving area around the school is to carpool or take the bus. Not only are both options environmentally friendly, but they also give way to less traffic and chaos.

Taking simple steps could clear up the morning and af-ternoon rush, which is only if teenagers and adults alike could spare extra time to arrive and drive with more awareness and be more quick to react.

Drive with a cause; don’t forget to pause

“Respecting your school and not doubting the teacher’s authority.”- Freshman, Jolleen Adams

“Going to football games.”

- Sophomore, Kaitlyn Roscoe




Childhood is precious. Running around at the park, going on fun vacations, and spending loads of time with my friends is how I remem-ber mine.

I believe that every child should have the op-portunity to experience all of those things, but I was

greatly shocked on one rainy summer after-noon. I was flipping through some channels when something caught my eye.

Toddlers and Tiaras was on. As I watched in horror, I saw little girls getting spray tans, be-ing attacked by hairspray bottles, and suffering under layers upon layers of makeup. That’s not the worst part.

The moms of these little girls were the ones who encouraged all these actions and made it seem like a healthy lifestyle for their children.

Toddlers and Tiaras is a reality show that debuted on TLC in 2009. It follows children and mothers whose lives revolve around traveling to and participating in child beauty pageants across the country. Viewers become witnesses to the long process of preparing for the pag-eants, and they get to see the results, too.

Some people say that the show glamorizes child beauty pageants and the extreme processes involved in turning girls into miniature beauty queens. Others say that it exposes the horrible things these children are put through and dis-

plays how horribly they are treated. First of all, parents are usually the ones to

blame. No child is going to wake up one day and think, “I want to join a cruel competition where I’ll be judged on my appearance, personality, and talent.” When little girls go around saying that they want to be princesses, I doubt that what they have in mind includes painful botox injections and hours of practicing perfect rou-tines.

The obsessed moms practically force their children into the world of beauty pageants, and then reassure themselves by asking, “Don’t you want to be the prettiest girl?” or “Don’t you want to be a real princess?” Kids don’t know any bet-ter, and they get sucked into this vortex of tutus and high heels while their mommies count the money they make thanks to all these gruesome competitions.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the mothers’ re-actions to the winners are even worse than the kids’. If her daughter has the tiniest flaw in her routine, the mom doesn’t comfort her and tell her that it’s okay to lose sometimes. She often gets angry at her daughter and lets her know that she didn’t meet her expectations.

The next thing that really horrifies me is the consequences that occur from these pag-eants and how they follow the kids for the rest of their lives. For as long as they remember, these girls are told that they are better than everyone else. The pageants are a way for them to prove it. They go on camera and show off rooms full

of trophies, crowns, and ribbons while they’re called beautiful and smart. Most of them are taught how to brag and talk about how amazing they are.

I admit that it’s good for parents to boost their baby’s confidence and give them good self-esteem, but when it gets to the point of spoiled brats, it’s gone too far.

Even if they manage to get away from the beauty pageant life sometime in the future, they will never forget the way they were raised and the values that were carefully placed into their minds years ago. That’s not exactly a helpful trait in “the real world.”

No matter what one argues, the children are the victims in the situation, and their child-hoods are being sacrificed as they’re turned into an extra source of money for their families.

I feel bad for them because they’ll never get to experience a carefree and playful childhood. It’s not just a hobby for them; it’s a lifestyle. It seems like the participants and the judges don’t have much mercy on the little girls, and they don’t hesitate to make offensive comments and make them feel like they’re not good enough to win.

Truth is, these pageants won’t stop happen-ing and these moms won’t stop trying to beau-tify their children even more. The most we can hope for is that more sensible people will realize that the whole concept is wrong, selfish, and de-structive.

Beauty pageants take away from traditional childhood

Pumping up the football team by going crazy at the games.

-Senior, Matt Haussmann

Wearing school colors and

taking pride in them

-Senior, Tommy McDonald

Going to school events and participating in the

themes. You have to bleed

orange.-Junior, Ajie Matthew

What is

school spirit

to you?



Julia Kedzior

Page 5: September 14 Issue

is published 10 times a year by the journalism students of John Hersey High School, 1900 East Thomas Street, Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004. Sub-scription rate is $15 a year. Call for advertising rates. Phone (847) 718-4945. The Correspondent welcomes a free exchange of ideas. Letters to

the editor may be sent to [email protected]. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Corre-spondent is determined by, and reflects only the views of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself, its student editorial board and responsible student staff members assume complete legal and financial liability for the content of the publication. The Correspondent will not publish any material determined by

student editors or the student editorial board to be unprotected, that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive to the edu-cational process, and unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors as defined by state or federal law. All unsigned editorial area the opinion of The Correspondent

staff. Materials in this newspaper are the property of The Correspon-dent 2012-2013. The Correspondent is a member of numerous press associations. Some material courtesy of American Society of News-paper Editors/KRT Campus High School Newspaper Service.Two thousand copies are made each issue to be distributed to stu-

dents during their second hour classes. Two hundred are printed and mailed to subscribing parents.

Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t

Editors-in-ChiefAshley Hawkins

Kevin Hyde

Online Editor-in-ChiefGarret Matchen

Managing EditorClaudia Caplan

Editorial BoardAbby Fesl

Mackenzie FrancisBrian LoomisJessica Lynk

Emily Swanson

Online Editorial Board

Max Bestvina Michael Miller

Copy EditorMelanie Cohodes

News EditorsNatalie Czarnota

Erika MurilloIsabella Murray

In-Depth EditorsMili Pandya

Caitlin StrozewskiJulia Kedzior

Entertainment Editors

Brian BoyleNicole Cecala

Graphics EditorsJack Hargett

Sports EditorsScott Bakal Tim Griffin

David Milligan

Opinion EditorsNick Diaz

Dino LjubijankicKevin Schroeder

Feature EditorsMiranda FanellaMatt Stadnicki

PhotographersMady Grimm

Francesca Hernandez

AdviserJanet Levin

OpinionsS e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012 Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t 5

The ACT. It’s amazing the kind of fear three letters can put into the hearts of any high school student. This perceived waste of four to five hours doesn’t have to be nearly as stressful as everyone makes it out to be.

We all know that the ACT is meant to be one of the biggest tests of our entire high school lives; but I avoided this horrible task by something as simple as starting early.

Leading up to the end of sophomore year, my mom delivered the news: I would be taking the ACT on June 11, the day after school got out. Seriously? The torture of an over-prepared mother.

No matter how much I fought it, I had to see where I was at to prepare for my junior year of studying for the monster of a test. And at eight a.m. on that Saturday morning I trudged through that four-part test without having to write the essay, (thanks Mom).

Since I would be able to take it again when I had actually studied, I was relaxed throughout the entire process. I felt no real pressure to do well.

Much to my amazement, I did way bet-ter than I had expected. Take note people: the June ACT is the best test to take.

The excitement that came from a solid score over-ruled any of the dread I had en-dured leading up to the test because no mat-ter what scores I got afterward, I knew I had a fantastic score to bank on.

During the tests afterwards, I was so tense and longing to beat my former score that I got lost in my own stress. For the June test, I was care-free: “Who cares if I do good or bad, I got time,” I told myself.

It’s amazing what starting early with a no pressure attitude can produce. Any stu-dent should realize early what I took too long to understand: start early, and listen to mommy. As the saying goes, Momma knows best.

David Milligan

According to a 2010 Pew Research Center re-port, 38 percent of Ameri-cans ages 18-29 have tat-toos.

Turning 18 is an excit-ing moment in students’ lives. They are now adults and, as constantly reminded

by their family and teachers, this comes with a whole load of responsibility.

Although this is true, most students tend to look at the benefits of hitting this milestone, which include the excitement of getting a tat-too. However, students choose to make this per-manent decision without deeply thinking about how this could affect them later in life.

Tattoos are common desires of young stu-dents who aren’t of legal age because not a lot of thought needs to be put into something that can’t possibly be done. When students turn 18 years old and still act without thinking, it cre-ates a problem.

Tattoos are something that students don’t realize they can be affected by over time. First off, students have to give more thought on what design that they want inked on their bodies.

Maybe it might seem cool to other high school students to have a dragon or a fairy, which are both amongst the top 10 most popu-lar tattoo designs according to However, in the long run, a lot of students will grow to regret their tattoo decisions.

Later in life, when these students have to cover their tattoo on their arm on a 100 degree day for their job, or when they have to explain to their grandchildren why they have a fairy tat-too on their lower back, these people will wish that they had put more thought into how a tat-too could affect their future lives.

Another fact that people fail to put into perspective is how, at 18, the body is more than likely not done growing. Males and females will grow or shrink an unpredictable amount over the course of their lives. Why run the risk of stretching a tattoo by inking it too young? Dis-torted tattoos don’t look good on anyone, so the positive attention that the student might have gotten in high school will be replaced with be-ing the center of jokes for years to come.

Students should also keep in mind the total cost of a tattoo. Initially, the cost of a tattoo can break the bank for some students. It costs about $150 an hour to get inked by a good tattoo art-ist. That is $150 that students could save for a car, college, food, movies, or other fun night outings.

Getting a tattoo at such a young age almost guarantees the need to get the ink recolored ev-ery 15 to 20 years after all of the wear and fad-ing. This service can cost $100 for a small de-sign, and even more for a larger design.

After many years of thought, former stu-dents might grow out of the thought that a drag-on or fairy is a cool looking design.

One option for tattoo removal would be la-ser, which currently costs $250 to $850 per ses-sion for one to ten sessions depending on the size of the tattoo. Removal is also incredibly painful.

The next option is called Intense Pulse Light Therapy which is when a wand is used to send small pulses of light onto the skin that is being treated. This method doesn’t hurt as much, but it currently costs $10 per tiny pulse, causes a greater expense than removal.

Besides these two removal methods, few other options are available, but they rarely work and are incredibly painful. Suddenly, this thoughtless action of an high school teenager has turned hurtful and costly as an adult.

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about an hour ago • like •

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It seems like the same food joints are chosen by a large population students. Inter-estingly enough, some places that may not specialize in food can be the cheaper and even tastier option.

Home Depot, known for hardware, burly men, and potting soil has a hotdog stand in the entrance with tasty $2 hot dogs.

Neighboring the Depot is the seventh largest retailer in the world, Costco. This warehouse membership club offers up a small food court next to the registers that serve anything from cheap chopped salads to huge pepperoni pizza.

Although maybe unconventional, these options provide cheap, fast food that may be a nice switch up from the same old Chipotle burritos.

•Claudia Caplan

about an hour ago • like •

The stress of senior year is un-derway. We’re already meeting with our coun-selors, reading packets and watching power points about the frightening yet exciting act of applying to college.

I get that it’s time to start thinking about our futures, and I’m trying hard not to crum-ble under this pressure, but we still need to remember to breathe. By this time, we should have an idea of where we want to go to school. But it’s just that: an idea.

Make a list of four or five schools and then apply; the decision doesn’t need to be made yet. Wait to be accepted, plan some visits, and decide from there.

And remember that no one needs to have every single detail figured out heading into the first year of college. Take the first two years to get general education classes out of the way and start exploring possible career paths.



Senior Soundoff

Forget the usual, venture to Home Depot

Seniors: take a deep breath

The trouble with tattoosNewfound freedom at 18 could lead to regret

ACT jitters rectified by parental guidance

Kevin Schroeder

Page 6: September 14 Issue

September 14, 2012The Correspondent6 Reviews

With the renovations of Randhurst came a fantastic idea of a frozen yogurt shop, Menchie’s. With a rotating order of 12 flavors, Menchie’s offers the clas-sic vanilla and chocolate to the bolder is-land mango sorbet or red velvet cupcake.

The explosion of deliciousness is only intensified by the full-fledged topping bar with fresh fruit, crushed candy bars, and boba pieces. The tiny orbs of juice and flavor literally explode in the waiting mouth for the sweetest finishing touch around.

On top of it all is a very reasonable price of just $.35 per ounce, so the cus-tomer can choose how much they want to spend. Menchie’s is definitely a fro-yo-go.

-DaviD Milligan

For the past half year, frozen

yogurt has become the primary

dessert for many students. Down-

town arlington Heights’ “Yogurt-

land” quickly grew in popularity,

with lines consistently `out the door.

i don’t get the point. i really

can’t tell the difference between any

of the new frozen yogurt shops. Yo-

gurtland doesn’t match rival Berry-

O in terms of variety of flavors, and

the frozen yogurt is painfully cold.

The price is cheap enough to justify

going, but “Yogurtland” doesn’t do

much to set itself apart.

-BRian BOYle

Brian Boyle

Every few years, network tele-vision produces a show that at-tempts to prove that content on the small screen can easily compete with that of large scale, big budget

movies. Some become successful and turn into pop culture phenomenons, such as “24,” “Lost,” and “The Walking Dead,” while many more fail, such as “Heroes,” “The Event,” and, most recent-ly, “Terra Nova.”

If the “Pilot” episode of NBC’s new post-apocalyptic action/drama series says anything, it’s that “Revolution” has the potential to be the former rather than the latter.

Some huge names work behind the scenes of this new series. Eric Kripke, most famous for creating The CW’s “Supernatural,” stands as “Revolution’s” creator and head writer. J.J. Abrams, creator of “Lost,” is the executive pro-ducer and is one of the kings of sci-fi/mystery in both TV and on the big screen. The “Pilot” epi-sode was directed by Jon Favreau, who directed “Iron Man” and “Iron Man 2.”

The episode begins with Ben Mathenson, played by Tim Guinee, as he rushes into his home to warn his family to gather supplies mo-

ments before the power goes out, not only in his home, but across the entire world, turning off all electronics. Planes fall from the sky, transform-ers explode, and cars stop in the middle of the highway. The effects are great and believable, keeping me intrigued as the world goes dark.

Flash forward fifteen years: the government has fallen, people have lost all forms of long-distance communications, and soon deadly mi-litias rise to power across the nation. Ben, his daughter Charlie, and his son Danny are now living in a farming community in what used to be a developing suburb.

Charlie, played by Tracy Spiridakos, is a young adult who longs to see the world. There are some clear comparisons between her and Katniss Everdeen of “The Hunger Games”. Charlie is one of the town’s hunters, an expert with a crossbow, and loves exploring the wilder-ness with her brother, Danny, played by Graham Rogers.

Before long, a squad from a power-hungry militia arrives with strict orders to capture Ben, believing he knows what caused the blackout, and might be able to turn the power back on. After a brief standoff between the militia and a few of the villagers, Ben is killed and then Dan-ny is kidnapped.

In his final moments, Ben tells Charlie to find her Uncle Miles in Chicago, who can help save Danny from the militia. Charlie accepts, bringing with her Maggie, played by Anna Lise Phillips, who acts as Charlie’s surrogate mother after the blackout, and Aaron, a former million-aire Google executive and the show’s comic re-lief.

Though I got a chuckle or two from Aaron’s humor, a few of the jokes fell flat. Fortunately, his hinted at backstory seems interesting enough and I’m excited to see his character arc play out.

What sets this show apart from other post-apocalyptic stories is that it’s more concerned about keeping it fun and exciting than creating a overly dark mood. The climax of the “Pilot” is a swashbuckling sword fight between Charlie’s Uncle Miles, played by Billy Burke, and a large group of armed militia men. It’s a fun and fast-paced demonstration of how cinematic “Revo-lution” can be.

“Revolution” is a lot of fun and shows lots of potential. The “Pilot” episode does a great job of introducing the characters and setting while also hinting at a much larger-scale mystery de-veloping. The show officially premiers on NBC on Sept. 17.

New series quality and writing rise up to the shows of old, ‘revolutionizes’ TV

it seems like fro-yo stores are

gradually overtaking YOlO statuses

in numbers- which is both delicious

and conflicting. With multiple places within a two-

block radius of the late arlington

Theater, and even more scattered

in and around Woodfield Mall, it’s

hard to pick a spot. But Berry-Yo,

near the train tracks and right next

to armand’s in downtown arlington

Heights, definitely takes the cake. Or

yogurt, as it may be.Berry-Yo is cheaper than the al-

ternatives, but also has healthier op-

tions, and a more diverse range of top-

pings. When it comes to sweet treats,

Berry-Yo is the place to go.-Melanie cOHODes



Take Your Pick

Page 7: September 14 Issue

7The CorrespondentSeptember 14, 2012 Entertainment

Melanie Cohodes

The easiest way to get to know someone is by looking through their iPod.

Everyone has a different musical taste, and each student has to turn to a variety of avenues to find their music.

“[I listen to] music on the radio,” junior Liz Bussert said. “Pop, rock, country. I listen to ev-erything, except folk or classical because it’s bor-ing.”

Students start with a genre they like and branch off.

“I started listening to heavier rock and then transitioned [to metal],” junior Max Zoia said.

“I got into indie music through people I know,” junior Rino Nozawa said. “I heard them playing some songs and asked for the names.”

Person to person isn’t the only way to spread music; entire sites are dedicated to expanding musical libraries.

Pandora Internet Radio is unique in that it doesn’t just play music the listener picks, it picks music the user will like.

The listener enters a song, artist, composer or genre, and Pandora does what it’s known for- makes (according to Pandora’s website) “a new kind of radio – stations that play only music you like”.

Pandora uses the “Music Genome Project” which analyzes attributes of a song (it’s “musical identity”) and matches songs that the user likes to songs that have similar “identities.”

The result is an online radio station that plays music selected to fit the listener’s taste.

“I like Pandora,” Bussert said. “It plays mu-

sic I know I’ll like.”Pandora is useful because it can suggest

songs the user hasn’t heard before, but fit into the listener’s musical taste.

After finding favorite genres and artists, the question arises of where to download the music from.

The iTunes store, while readily available, can be pricey. “I used to use the iTunes store,” Bussert said, “but I stopped because my phone had 4G so I get free internet... I can listen to free music online.”

“They made the songs more expensive- I’m not paying $1.29 for a song,” Nozawa said.

iTunes also has a habit of selling albums as

a whole, instead of offering songs individually.“The songs that I want might be part of a

album, and I only want the one song, so I won’t buy it,” Nozawa said.

While online downloading, filesharing, and burning CDs for friends can technically be il-legal, it doesn’t stop many students from getting music that way.

In fact, according to the Recording Indus-try Association of America, four out of five digi-tal music downloads are illegal.

“A lot of [my music] comes from online,” Zoia said. “Youtube, maybe.”

“Sometimes I’ll ask my friends to make me a CD or I’ll download it from Youtube,” Nozawa said.

While some may consider lyrics to be the most important part of a song, they don’t seem to factor in that much.

“Beat and composition- it’s a mix of both,” said Nozawa about what she looks for in music.

“The beat, the groove,” said Zoia.“Definitely the beat,” said Bussert. “Slow

songs kind of annoy me, I like fast-paced things.”Musical taste isn’t restricted to language,

either. “I listen to a lot of stuff I don’t under-stand- my iPod has a bunch of Korean songs, two French ones, and I have some in other lan-guages,” Nozawa said.

Whether students find their music through Pandora, the iTunes top 10, or even a catchy song played in their foreign language class, each musical library is sure to be unique.

Students discover alternate means for music download

• Francesca hernandez

Sophomore Kayla Broday, junior Martin Skrzypkowski, and freshman Celine Crow

confer with one another about music choices.

Kenzie Killam

One of a teenage girl’s favorite things to do is to go shopping. It is hard to have just one fa-vorite store.

“My favorite store is Wet Seal because they have a large variety of clothes there,” freshman Jessica Reinken said.

Reinken is right, Wet Seal has everything from shoes and sunglasses to jewelry and dress-es. “Their clothes are absolutely lovable,” Reink-en said, “although it is my favorite store, I do not shop there as much as I would like.”

“My favorite store is PacSun because they don’t just have the usual clothes, they have all different kinds, so I can choose which ones I like,” senior Sheridan Pannozzo said.

“I love their dresses and sweaters. The style of their dresses, I can’t find anywhere else, and their sweaters are always super comfy. I also re-

ally like their shoes, because they always have cute ones..”

“I love Forever XXI because their prices aren’t too expensive, and their clothes are ador-able,” freshman Rachel Scodius said. “My fa-vorite thing from Forever XXI, is the jewelry because it is colorful and it matches my person-ality.”

“My favorite store is definitely American Eagle because their clothes are super cute and their prices are very reasonable,” freshman Kara McCarthy said.

“I love their shirts, shoes, and their jeans because they have a great style and I love them.”

Clothes are a big part of people’s lives. Clothing can tell a lot about someone. For many people, it is a way of expressing themselves and defining their personalities.

Students find stores that fit their unique taste. “I like ThinkGeek because they have

things that match my taste,” sophomore Jack Hoffman said.

“I shop at Cabela’a a lot because it has awesome camouflage apparel and great ac-cessories,” junior Peter Machinis said.

Many students like certain stores be-cause the prices for the clothes are lower priced.

“I like shopping at Aeropostle because

the prices are low and they sell quality clothing,” freshman Eric Wordlaw said.

“I shop at Hollister a lot because of the prices and nice clothes,” freshman Alex Afanasov said.

Students also like shopping at stores where they can buy anything they need.

“I shop at Target all the time be-cause it has everything from food to clothing,” sophomore Eric Bazecki said.

Students spree on shopping Variety of stores provide choices for student shoppers

• Caitlin Strozewski

Sophomore Emma Hopkins enjoys shopping at Target, amongst other

stores in the area.

Page 8: September 14 Issue

Features S e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t8

Mini Van Jamz gains audience through OCIsabella Murray

A lot of aspiring performers and artists want to be noticed. Singers send what seem like hundreds of tapes to divergent record compa-nies, authors read their manuscripts to anyone who will listen, and actors do a lot of different auditions. Mini Van Jamz, or MVJ for short, is no different.

They are the performers, the Or-ange Crush are their scouts, and the school is their audience.

They have ignited the games with an element of individuality.

The genre of the group is vague; senior Danny Clancy described it as a “hip hop group that raps about any-thing at any time,” but senior Nick Schneider said, “I don’t think it could be specifically called one thing, we have infinite possibilities.”

The crew is constructed of around 10 people, but the core three members are Schneider, Clancy, and senior Ricky Lelito.

Other leading figures in the group are seniors Alex Sutrinaitus, Adam Kin-sella, Reed Kemp, and Connor Watters.

The group was formed in Sept. of 2011, but released their first song in Dec.

The group’s origin was the subject of Clancy’s minivan.

“Danny, Ricky and I were listening to some ‘90s rap in Danny’s minivan and thought it would be hilarious to create a rap group based on a minivan,” Schneider said.

The van topic is unusual because some-thing so suburban and normal sparked the start of a rap group.

“We were trying to capture the real subur-ban life of high school students and how they drive minivans,” Clancy said.

MVJ wasn’t necessarily discovered, but is more of a hype amongst the senior class.

When the group could offer something new to the school, specifically Orange Crush, senior Jen Hahn, a leading figure in the fan group, thought it would be a great idea for them to make a song for the games.

“Orange Crush is obviously very known

among schools. We have so many traditional chants and songs, especially the ‘All I Do Is Win’ song after touchdowns. But we still were yet to have a fight song or song to truly resemble our football team and fan section. We wanted some-thing that the school could use for years. So, I asked Nick and MVJ to make a song, and they shattered all of my expectations,” Hahn said.

Hahn approached the group in June. “It was

about two days before I promised to give her a finished product when I brought the idea to MVJ to make it a rap song. When it was made, we played it for Mr. (Robert) Murphy (Orange Crush sponsor) and he fell in love with the whole MVJ thing right away. He said right from the beginning he had big plans for us,” Schnei-der said.

Since MJV has gained the support of Or-ange Crush, their songs have been played at the games, not only being played through the speak-ers, but a live appearance from MVJ themselves. They gave a memorable performance at the Aug. 31 game, the neon-out.

“The song has influenced the games im-mensely. Not only have they influenced the game atmosphere but definitely the school at-mosphere in general. Other schools are so im-pressed and jealous of Orange Crush and MVJ- the songs have definitely made us stand out,” Hahn said.

The publicity has inspired the group to work more; the group has made seven songs in

the past two weeks.The group recognizes the support

from their fans, and are working hard-er towards giving fans more music.

“We’ve always loved making songs together and always have fun making them, but since the game we’ve put so much more work into them because we feel that people ex-pect... greatly produced and edited songs, not rushed, and we do every-thing and anything to make them as good as possible,” Clancy said.

But the fans have really been the main influence in making new songs.

So much so, that they meet every Saturday and record and edit as much as they can.

“It’s been unbelievable how much support we’ve had from our fans. We’ve always had our fans but ever since the games, our music has started to reach other schools as well. It’s pretty rad,” Clancy said.

“We have a lot planned for the coming months. We are going to be making one more song for Orange Crush for the Homecoming game, then will be finishing up our second

mixtape, Mini Van Jamz, Vol. II, which will have 18 songs,” Schneider said. “Also, we randomly release songs on our Twitter/YouTube pages when we make ones we like/think that people will really like.”

Fans can expect these songs to be played at games for years to come.

“We plan on these songs staying around for years. They’re catchy and entertaining and I, along with others, can’t get enough of Mini Van Jamz,” Hahn said.

“I hope to hear these songs playing when I walk back in that stadium as a Hersey graduate years from now.”

This school year, changes were imple-mented in the cafeteria.

The commons area re-ceived new vending ma-chines over the summer.

Apart from practical uses, the vending ma-chines look better than before.

“[The vending ma-chines] look really cool and appeal to the eyes,” junior Greg Madden said.

The new vending machines are able to take five dollar bills, as opposed to the old ones, which only took singles, which is beneficial for students using the machines.

“It’s much easier now since I don’t have to ask for change,” junior Dirk Vander Noot said.

In addition to looking much nicer, the new vending machines are more efficient than last year’s.


School club creates dresses, improves safety of girls

Cafeteria upgrades with new vending machines

Students are making a difference in the lives of poverty stricken girls in Third

World countries. Dress A Girl is an in-ternational organization that allows students to combat sex trafficking in destitute countries by providing im-poverished girls with dresses made out of pillow cases.

This is the third time the school is participating in the organization. The

club is hoping to increase the number of dresses made from last year’s total.

“I’m excited and looking forward to this year,” club sponsor Cathy Balinski said. The group meets after school every Wednesday, and all are welcome to join.

Items such as pillowcases, lace, and fabric decal are greatly appreciated if stu-dents are looking to make contributions.

Students new to the club this year are ea-ger to join in to make a difference in the global community.

“I think it’s a fun way to help out young girls in need,” junior Haley Cecala said.



Students in the club Dress A Girl sew dresses for girls in Third World countries,

as shown on this mannequin.


Seniors Nikola Vukovic, Chris Pateras, Ricky Lelito, and Nick Heeren perform at halftime against Fremd High School. “We love making

music and the fact that people like the stuff we make just makes the whole experience that much more special for us,” senior Nick Schnei-der said.

Page 9: September 14 Issue

Abby Fesl

Walking into school on the first day, Florentine Eitelbach, although a junior, knew only a few people.

She was one of the fresh faces in the crowd, not as a freshman, but as a foreign ex-change student.

Arriving only a few weeks before from Ko-

blenz, Germany, she was only acquainted with her host family, her golf teammates, and a few other mutual friends.

Eitelbach stays with senior Anna Mullen-Muhr’s family as their third foreign exchange

student.With two sisters back

home, she is used to spending time with family. Here, she attends school with Mullen-Muhr, her American sister.

“I feel like I have another sister around the house,” Mul-

len-Muhr said. “It’s fun to have another person around with dif-

ferent cultures.”She will complete junior year

in America, return to Germany to finish her final year of high school, and then plans to attend college in Germany.

Eitelbach’s best friend decided to exchange this year and come to America. After talking to her par-ents, Eitelbach decided that she

wanted to be a foreign exchange student as well.

They were both placed in the Midwest- her best friend is in Indi-ana; they plan on meeting up with each other at least once.

Although she had only been to America a few times (never visiting Chicago), she knew it was the right place for her.

“I couldn’t choose a city, just the U.S., and I got placed,” Eitel-bach said. “I’m really happy that I’m here and not the rural places in the south.”

The transition from one high school to the next was simple for Eitelbach. It’s easy to find a niche in the bustling high school. Eitel-bach was able to find her way onto the varsity golf team.

In Germany, she began golfing three years ago. Those three years proved vital as she is already the best, holding the record for a sin-gle match. Previously, the record was 79 strokes, but now it sits at 75 strokes.

“I’m on a really good golf team back home, but at Hersey it’s more fun,” Eitelbach said. “I like it at Hersey.”

The fun and success can be at-tributed to the varsity coach, Rob-ert Murphy. “Murphy is just awe-some, the best coach I’ve had for golf,” Eitelbach said.

However, no athlete can be successful without the support of her teammates. “[My teammates] are a really nice group of girls. They

were really friendly from the first day,” Eitelbach said.

As intimidating as it may be coming to a school from overseas, with kids that don’t speak the same language, Eitelbach made the tran-sition easily.

“There’s a good community [at Hersey]. Students know each other and I love the teachers,” Eitelbach said.

Fluent in two languages, Ei-telbach is studying yet another, French. It also happens to be her favorite class. “My French class [is my favorite] because there’s lots of communication,” Eitelbach said.

With media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype, Eit-elbach has been able to stay in con-tact with friends and family from back home. She tries to talk to her best friends every one to two weeks.

“The first weeks were a good chance to see who my best friends are. My best friends, I’ve stayed in touch with them,” Eitelbach said.

Not only is she good at keep-ing in touch with friends back home, but she has been able to con-nect well with her family here, too.

Mullen-Muhr speaks highly of this foreign exchange student. “She’s really easy to talk to and up to trying new things,” Mullen-Muhr said. “I consider her my sister.”

“I have a really great [host] family and school. I wish I could give back because the people here are so nice,” Eitelbach said.

FeaturesS e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012 Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t 9

Auf Wiedersehen Germany, hello America


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Junior Florentine Eitelbach is staying with senior Anna Mul-

len-Muhr as her foreign exchange student from Germany. Eitelbach is on the girls golf team and is taking French as her third language.

Page 10: September 14 Issue

Caitlin StrozewskiMili Pandya

Depending on their year, stu-dents’ high school experiences may be very different. This is true espe-cially at football games.

Freshmen are placed all the way in the back of the bleachers. They are still getting used to their surroundings, and a football game can be a lot to take in. Some fresh-men don’t find the experience en-tirely positive. “It smells horrible [in the stands],” freshman Sammi Lee said.

The freshmen are also the quietest when it comes time to cheer. Because of this, upperclass-men are constantly yelling at them about their lack of participation. “It makes all of us look bad [when they don’t cheer],” senior Meredith Ward said.

Sophomores, on the other hand, are more enthusiastic be-cause they know what to expect of the game. In addition to not being ‘‍stupid freshmen’ anymore, soph-omores are farther down in the stands.

“I like this year because I know more people, and I don’t get pushed to the back,” sophomore Isabelle McGuinnis said. They are also less disoriented and more vocal in the crowd. “I get to talk to a lot of people who I don’t usually talk to,” McGuin-nis said.

For juniors, this is their first year being considered ‘‍upperclass-men.’ With this comes a more go-all-out attitude. “I got more into the cheering and am more com-mitted. I’m not afraid to go all out.” junior Elizabeth Quinzio said.

They are also looking forward to their senior year. “I’m excited to go all out with the dress and cheers and be up in front in the action,” junior Carly Pisano said.

“[I’m ready] to be right up there in the front with all eyes on you,” junior Jiana Maestro said.

Seniors have finally earned their spot at the front of the bleach-ers. “It’s crazier and everyone’s more into it in the front,” senior Meredith Ward said.

“It gets me pumped up doing the cheers,” Ward said.

But, this year’s games are bit-tersweet because it’s the last season for them to enjoy these games as a Huskie.

As students make their ways down the bleachers, their experi-ences change for the bet-ter.

In-Depth S e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t10


Abby FeslAshley Hawkins

Five minutes. In reality, it’s a small amount of time. During the school day, though, those five min-utes are essential.

Between each period, students have five minutes to get from one class to the next. It makes the hall-ways a jumbled mess.

At this point in the year, some freshmen are beginning to famil-iarize themselves with the flow of hallway traffic.

Students swarm together, anxiously trying to get

through the crowd in order to make

it to class on time.

“ I t ’ s a n n o y -ing how p e o p l e will grab

a random person and

use them as a shield to

push through,” senior Sarah Mulroe

said.The one infamous hallway

near the cafeteria and the math wing becomes a tornado of stu-dents.

“The hallway right by the caf-eteria is the worst. There are so many people. I avoid that hallway,” junior Ashley Augustine said.

In order to combat the mass of people, some students choose to fight the crowd head on.

The stairwell right at the edge of the intersection doesn’t help the congestion either as students are fighting through the crowd from the far side to get to the upstairs science and math wing.

“The worst is by the lunch-room and the stairwells. I just walk through with my arms up,” sopho-more Patty Rodrian said. Pushing is sometimes the only way to get through the hallways.

“Constantly, people are push-

ing. In the corners, it’s impossible to move unless you shove through the crowd,” senior Claire Hynes said.

Some students take extra time to go through a different route in order to avoid the crowded com-mons area.

“I plan my routes away from the big intersections,” senior Erica Hill said.

Similar to the parking lots clearing closer to the 7:30 a.m., the hallways tend to clear close to the beginning of classes. Students are given a warning a four minutes into the passing period with a bell, also known as the minute bell. Students stop bunching together in the mid-dle of the hallway and head to class.

“I usually just talk at my locker and go to my class when I hear the minute bell,” Augustine said.

Pushing and shoving is a main problem in the hallway. The other problem with the hallway inter-sections is the different directions people intend to go.

During the given five min-utes, students intend to go north, south, east, or west and get their way no matter who must be used as a shield.

The passing periods from the end of third to the beginning of seventh create the biggest problem because roughly one-third of the students are going to or coming from lunch through the main hall-way.

“Kids are going in all differ-ent directions, and there is always those rude people who insist on pushing everyone which makes it worse,” junior Renee Poulos said.

“The hallways aren’t big enough,” freshman Luke Helminak said.

As students rush from one class to the next, it is important to remember a lot of people are fight-ing through the hallways to get to class on time.

Sometimes, it is worth it to take the few extra steps and go the long way instead of shoving through the infamous tornado.

Students make mad dash to class

Sophomore Jon Acker walks through the tornado of students

during the passing period. Acker is one of many students that are subjected to overcrowded hallways during the day.


• Julia Kedzior

Orange crush showed their spirit at the football game last Friday night. Tonight’s game is away at Palatine. A fan bus will be provided by Or-

ange Crush.

New Huskies add to Orange Crush

From AllAngles

Page 11: September 14 Issue

David Milligan

With the race for the MSL cross country al-ready in full swing, the boys competed against Prospect last night at Melas Park with huge im-plications on the line.

“If we win,” head coach Jay Renaud said, “we control our shot to win the East.”

Senior runner Ryan Kearns added, “We know that they have a solid team, and we’re hop-ing to defeat them on our way to an MSL East championship.”

At press time, the results of this meet were not available, but check CorrespondentLive (under quicklinks on JHHS homepage)for the final results.

Tomorrow, the team will head up to the Peoria Notre Dame Invite stacked with “15 state-ranked teams.”

“We can really see where we stack up against the competition,” Renaud said. While most rac-es only include the top five runners, this is an exception in that the team is bringing 12 guys: a testament to how big this race will be.

The first dual meet for the team was against the Rolling Meadows Mustangs which resulted in a 16-42 win for the Huskies. The top four fin-ishers were all from Hersey, including a second place finish from sophomore David Rodriguez.

“Rolling Meadows did beat us last year,” Ro-driguez said, “so we went out, competed hard, and won.”

“Any time you can beat someone in the MSL is a good feeling,” Renaud said.

The kick-off to the MSL season was against last year’s state champions, Palatine. Although the squad took a 21-34 loss, it was a positive sign for the rest of the year.

“Obviously we were hoping to come out with a win,” Kearns said, “but we’ll move on and continue to grow throughout the season.”

Renaud knew that the race was just meant

to be a “warm-up,” saying that “this was the first time for our guys to go all-out, and I thought we ran pretty well for our first race.”

One of the state-ranked teams at Peoria will be Renaud’s team this year. A local writer, Mike Newman, placed the Huskies at number five in the 3A division of Illinois.

“It was a sign of all the hard work that we put in,” Renaud said.

“It not only gave up a little confidence boost,” Kearns said, “but a goal to shoot for.”


Erika Murillo

Gym class has never really been the favorite of many due to the intense workouts gym teach-ers provide for the class. While the vast majority of students must participate in gym class, ath-letes are given the opportunity to opt out of gym class in order to prepare for a important com-petition.

“I waivered out [of gym] around the second week of school, so I get to miss gym for the rest of the semester,” senior cross country runner Marat Kucherina said.

Senior Mary Sobczak of water polo also has the advantage to opt out of gym. “I’m in ad-vanced weights, so that I can lift to get stronger for water polo season, but I get to skip out on the runs and workouts on days of games and meets, so that I don’t wear myself out before a competi-tion.”

Some of the athletes who do take that op-portunity say that opting out of gym has a posi-tive effect.

Junior Mario Thomas of the varsity football team agrees. “I feel like it affects me in a positive way because we really don’t miss gym, we just don’t go as hard. It gives us athletes a time to get loose and relaxed before our practice or game.”

On the other hand, senior cross country runner Ryan Kearns disagrees with Thomas.

“I kind of feel that it doesn’t have an impact at all. If we stayed in gym class, sure some might say that we’re getting a more dynamic physical exercise, but it would limit the potential that we could do in practice. If we missed gym, it would

allow us to train harder in practice, so I believe that the sport should take precedence to gym class.”

Asides from only athletes debating the is-sue of whether gym has a positive or negative effect, coaches also have a say in the matter.

Varsity football coach Dragan Teonic said, “I do not think that athletes should opt out of PE class. I believe PE has many benefits outside of the obvious physical exercise such as team-work, collaboration, pushing yourself past pre-conceived limits, etc.”

Even though opting of out gym may or may not be such a positive experience for some, when it comes to the actual event, athletes tend to accept missing gym class since it allows for more time to prepare physically and mentally, even if it isn’t during gym class.

“Our team gets to school early enough be-fore our game to prepare ourselves. Not having to worry about doing something intense in gym helps me stay mentally prepared for the game,” Thomas said.

“I tend to feel more confident at the meets because I feel that I have the proper energy and I know I can compete to the best of my abilities,” Kucherina said.

Kearns, who said that gym isn’t positive, still believes that missing gym can be a nice break from all the hard work.

“I would just consider it as a nice break for us. We do plenty of warm up activities before the meets. Activities in gym would just make our legs tired considering our routine before the race doesn’t change.”

Long strides and high hopes

Athletes yearn for PE break on game day

Petro earns national success


Senior Rober Somary leads the boys in practice. The team competed yesterday at Prospect in a

pivotal MSL East match-up. “Prospect has been our rival, and we’re looking forward to compete with them,” sophomore David Rodriguez said.

Varsity swimmer senior Amanda Petro competed in the U.S Junior Nationals where she finished 24 in the 100 meter backstroke in August.

She was the only swimmer from Illinois to make finals in this event. She also swam in the 200 meter backstroke, where she placed 20th in the nation.

She has been training for these races all summer. Petro swam for the Arlington Alligators this summer where her coaches pushed her every morning at 5 a.m. each practice.

“All my hard work for the past five years finally paid off when I made Nationals, and when I actually placed it was the most rewarding feel-ing ever,” Petro said.

Now this fall, Petro’s last swim season, she is de-termined to break the back-stroke school record.

She is also driven to help her relay go to state, with her as the backstroke swimmer in the 200 Medley Relay.


SportsS e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012 Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t 11

Overtime victories for soccerThe soccer team started off on the right

foot on its way to the MSL cup defeating long time rival, Barrington with a score of 2-1 on Sept. 4.

They followed up with another 2-1 vic-tory on Sept. 6 and a 3-2 overtime victory against Schaumburg on Tuesday.

In the victory over Schaumburg, the team was behind 2-0 at halftime. Yet, sparked by goals from junior Daniel Gramer and John Cappucitti, the team managed to push the game into overtime.

Senior Nikola Vukovic was able to fin-ish the game off by capitalizing on a

goal opportunity.The team fell behind Bar-

rington, but were able to maintain only a one goal dif-ferential.

The team had the Bron-cos on their heels controlling

most of the game in their half. But it wasn’t until the last

ten minutes of the game when Cap-puccitti crossed the ball to Vukovic who placed the ball in the back of the net to tie the game up. Sending the two teams into over time.

Two minutes into the first half of over-time, Vukovic sent a smasher to the lower left corner, impossible for the goalie to get, clinching the Huskies win.

“The whole team played with great intensity, heart and most importantly we played for each other,” Vukovic said.


Cross country heads to Peoria to makestatement at Invite

Page 12: September 14 Issue


Eddie M


Q: What goes through your mind when you’re making your run?

All of the off-season camps and 2-a-days got me in good shape for the season.

Q: How have the seniors helped prepare you for games?

As I’m running my routes, I’m just thinking on my assignment and that’s all any- thing to help the team.

The seniors have been supportive, which helps not only me, but the team

before games.

Brian Loomis

Meeting at the back entrance by the Naked Man statue is a common activity for athletes. This meeting ground is the sendoff location for athletes venturing to another school to embark on a battle.

Every sport has advantages when they play at home. “You get to relax before the game in your own comfort zone, and the fans come,” sophomore Courtney Stedman said.

When a team lands on the opponent’s ter-ritory, there’s a new dynamic to the game.

When teams are able to play at home, they have plenty of time to warm up and mentally prepare themselves for the competition. There is no time on a bus, but rather extra time to get loose. However, some think the time on the bus enables the athletes to clear their mind and re-lax.

“A player should be relaxed and not stressed out when riding to a game, champions will be ready when the whistle blows,” varsity soccer coach Darren Llewellyn said.

The soccer team has had issues this year where a bus has arrived at school late, and by the time they arrived at their destination, they have only had 10-15 minutes until game time.

“This sort of thing won’t matter as long as your mind is in the right place,” Llewellyn add-ed, “you can complain, or play with passion.”

While soccer may not be the most attend-ed sport at the high school level, football has an extra challenge when they go on the road. That challenge is the other team’s fan section. How-ever, some may argue that this isn’t an issue.

“It’s so easy to deal with other fans when you have the Orange Crush,” senior quarter-back Quinn Orlandi said.

Other sports always have to travel when

they compete because the school doesn’t have space for a cross country course or a golf course on campus.

“It’s a bit of a hassle having to take a bus all the time, but the course that we use for meets is really nice,” senior cross country runner Nata-lie Finn said.

Golf, on the other hand, does have a regu-lar course where they train, but can have a dif-ficult time when they have to go to an opposing team’s course.

“It’s a course that we don’t see very often, so we aren’t as confident as home meets,” junior Kenny Mleko said.

While all sports have different challenges when it comes to competition away from home, most think that the athletes’ mentality will af-fect the final score.

On the road again...Athletes adjust to troubling travels


Sports S e p t e m b e r 14 , 2 012Th e Co r r e s p on d e n t12

Volleyball will compete in

the Hersey Invite tomorrow at 8:30 a.m.

Senior Allie Mueller passes

the ball as seniors Taylor Schill, Erica Hill, and Michelle Brown preapre for their opponent’s next move.

Hill hits the ball over the net

during the match.

“Our season’s been good so

far, and we’ve been playing a lot of good competi-tion. We’ve all been working together to compete at a higher level. We want to show that we’re still a strong team and want to defend our title,” Hill said.

Q: How has your training over the off season prepared you for this year?

This week in sports

Football at Palatine- tonightComing off a 42-21 win against Elk Grove,

the Pirates have a 2-1 record. The Pirates had 341 yards passing, but also five turnovers. “Palatine is a stepping stone game for momentum going from west to east.”- junior Grant Burke

Swimming vs. Prospect Sep. 20Swimming defeated Palatine on Sep. 6 and

at time of press, faced Maine South and Buffalo Grove. Today’s meet will be at Wheeling..

“It’s another competition against an MSL East school and winning would mean bringing us an-other step closer in our goal of winning the MSL East championship. ”- senior Sarah Zidek