global development in humanitarian action information management updates 1 4 th pacific humanitarian...

Global Development in Humanitarian Action Information Management Updates 1 4 th Pacific Humanitarian Team Annual Meeting 17-21 October Holiday Inn, Suva, Fiji

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Global Development in Humanitarian Action

Information Management Updates


4th Pacific Humanitarian Team Annual Meeting

17-21 October

Holiday Inn, Suva, Fiji


Inter Agency Standing Committee:

• IASC Operational Guidance on Responsibilities of Cluster/Sector Leads and OCHA in Information Management

• IASC Guidelines on Common Operational Datasets (CODs) in Disaster Preparedness and Response

• IASC Operational Guidance for Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises

• Gender Marker is now mandatory for international humanitarian appeals

UNFPA: Guidelines on Data Issues in Humanitarian Crisis Situations

Volunteer and Technical Community: Formalization of the Standby Task Force

• USHAHIDI deployment in Libya, Syria, USA, (soon to come: Samoa)

• Disaster Relief 2.0 : The Future of Information Sharing in Emergencies

Logistics Cluster: Global Mapping of Emergency Stockpiles


Operational Guidance on Responsibilities of Cluster/Sector Leads and OCHA in Information

ManagementImportant Extracts

• Cluster/Sector lead agencies shall allocate the necessary human and financial resources for IM.

• Cluster/Sector Leads:

• Should ensure all information is age and sex disaggregated where appropriate.

• Are responsible for generating and sharing up-to-date cluster specific information to support inter-cluster coordination.

• If needed, are responsible for establishing a data confidentiality and privacy policy within their cluster, which ensures that sensitive, personally identifiable datasets are suitably anonymized.

• Shall appoint an IM focal point, who should have sufficient expertise and an ability to work with different partners.

• Cluster/Sector IM focal points:

• Should contribute to inter-cluster IM coordination

• Are responsible for ensuring adherence to IM norms, policies and standards.

• Will work with OCHA to establish the systems and processes needed for effective information sharing with cluster partners.

• Humanitarian partners are encouraged to share IM resources and capacities within and across clusters at the country level where appropriate to promote harmonization and economies of scale.


IASC Guidelines on Common Operational Datasets (CODs) in Disaster Preparedness and Response

Common operational datasets are predictable, core sets of data needed to support operations and decision-making for all actors in a humanitarian response.


Dataset Mandatory Data Characteristics

Humanitarian Profile (disaggregated by admin level and populated place)

-Internally Displaced-Non-displaced affected-Host family/resident community affected-Refugee-Dead-Injured-Missing

Population Statistics

-Total population by admin level (Individuals)-Total population by admin level (Number of Households) –- - Age -Sex-Average family size by admin level-Unique identifier

Administrative Boundaries (Geographic)

admin level 1, 2, 3, 4

-Unique identifier (P-Code)-Name

Populated Places (Geographic)

-Unique identifier (P-Code) -Names -Size classification -Population statistics -Status if capital of administrative division -Type (Village, spontaneous settlement, collective center, planned settlement)

IASC Guidelines on Common Operational Datasets (CODs) in Disaster Preparedness and Response


Dataset Mandatory Data Characteristics

Transportation Network (Geographic)

-Roads (Classified by size) -Railways -Airports/helipads -Seaports

Hydrology (Geographic)

-Rivers (Classified by size) -Water bodies

Hypsography (Geographic)



HPN (Humanitarian Partnership Network)

Common Needs Assessments and Humanitarian Action


IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee)

Operational Guidance for Coordinated Assessments in Humanitarian Crises


Promotes a 7 step approach

Recommended Steps for Joint Assessments

1. Form a ‘joint assessment working group’ with suggested Terms Of Reference, including analysis of cross cutting issues

2. Use a consistent set of agreed sectoral indicators

3. Use a consistent set of common operational datasets

4. Ensure clarity in timing and coverage of assessments

5. Establish a process for aggregating assessments over time

6. Establish a process for conducting a shared analysis of data.

7. Generate a joint understanding of the situation, the issues and the main priorities


A continuous process over time, in 5 phases

0) Preparedness : identification of the Assessment Working Group, identify key sectoral indicators affected by disasters, their baselines and best possible way of measuring them during the 5 assessment phases

1) Initial estimates of damage / needs / consequences : Preliminary Scenario Definition, based on existing information, and contextualized with baselines from phase 0

2) Multi-Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) : Highlights priority actions, identifies focus for follow up, establishes a post-disaster baseline for key indicators

3) In-depth Assessments : analyze the situation and trends, adjust and inform detailed planning, establish basis for performance monitoring and evaluation

4) In-depth Assessments : identify strategy towards recovery, performance monitoring, feed in Post Disaster Needs Analysis (PDNA)



UNFPAGuidelines on Data Issues in Humanitarian Crisis Situations



IASC (Inter-Agency Standing Committee)

Gender Marker


Sex and Age Matter



Disaster Relief 2.0:The Future of Information Sharing in Humanitarian Emergencies