gamma rays

GAMMA RAYS Irawati Nurani Siti Ishmah Tamimi Winda Rismayani

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Post on 22-Sep-2015




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GAMMA RAYSIrawati NuraniSiti Ishmah TamimiWinda RismayaniDEFINITION of WAVEWave is the propagation of vibration or disturbance symptoms from one location to another by transferring energy.ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVEElectromagnetic wave is the propagation symptom of electric and magnetic fields which are perpendicular to each other and change periodically

Based on their medium,waves are distinguished into mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

Based on the direction of vibration against the direction of its propagation,waves are distinguished into tranverse and longitudinal waves

Electomagnetic waves : - radio waves - mikrowave Infrared rays Visible light Ultarviolet rays X-ray Gamma Rays etc.

DEFINITION of GAMMA RAYSGamma rays ( often denoted by the Greek letter gamma, ) is an energetic form of electromagnetic radiation produced by radioactivity or nuclear or subatomic processes such as electron-positron destruction.

HISTORYPaul Ulrich Villard, a French chemist and physicist, discovered gamma radiation in 1900, while studying radiation emitted fromradium. Villard knew that his described radiation was more powerful than previously described rays from radium, but did not consider naming them as a different fundamental type.

HISTORYPaul Villard, a French physicist working in Paris at the same time as Marie and Pierre Curie, is credited with discovering gamma rays. In 1895, Roentgen discovered X-rays and shortly thereafter Becquerel discovered radioactivity of uranium salts.Paul Villard's main interest was in chemistry, which guided him into his studies of cathode rays, X-rays, and "radium rays." His experiments in radioactivity led to the unexpected discovery of gamma rays in 1900. Villard recognised them as being different from X-rays because the gamma rays had a much greater penetrating depth. He had discovered they were emitted from radioactive substances and were not affected by electric or magnetic fields.

FREQUENCY RANGESinar gamma memiliki panjang gelombang 10-10 meter sampai 10-12 meter dengan frekuensi 1018 hingga 1020 .Sinar gamma merupakan gelombang elektromagnetik yang mempunyai frekuensi terbesar dan gelombang terpendekGelombang ini memiliki energi yang sangat besar yang dapat menembus logam dan betonCARATERISTICSumber: radio isotop, reaksi nuklir, inti atom yang tidak stabilDeskripsi: radiasi elektromagnetikEnergi: sampai beberapa MeVDaya tembus: sangat besarPanjang Gelombang: 10-11 sampai 10-14Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency of all EM radiation.. Gamma rays are produced in areas of extremely high temperature, density and magnetic fields

THE PROPERTIESDaya tembus sangat besarTidak dapat dibelokkan oleh medan listrik dan magnetMemiliki panjang gelombang terpendekEnergi sangat besar dan sangat merusakKurang mengionisasi

How Gamma Rays are produced :Gamma rays can be produced in labs through the process of nuclear collision and also through the artificial radioactivity that accompanies these interactions. The high-energy nuclei needed for the collisions are accelerated by devices such as the cyclotron and synchrotron.

MANFAAT SINAR Digunakan dlm teknik radiografi yaitu pemotretan bagian dlm suatu benda. Hasil pemotretan tsb direkam dlm sinar X.Digunakan dlm bidang kedokteran, yaitu dlm teknologi yang canggih yaitu CT-Scanner (Computed Tomography Scanner)Digunakan pula pada kasus bedah saraf, dalam bentuk pisau gammaDigunakan dlm proses sterilisasi. Sterilisasi sangat baik dipakai untuk produk jaringan biologi. Digunakan utk proses pemuliaan tanaman dgn teknik mutasi di BATANDigunakan untuk membuat serangga menjadi mandul.Digunakan untuk membunuh bakteri dan virus pada hasil tanaman dan makanan tertentu

Uses:MedicineGamma rays are used in medicine to kill and treat certain types of cancers and tumors. Gamma rays passing through tissue of the body produce ionization in tissue. Gamma rays can harm the cells in our body. The rays can also detect brain and cardiovascular abnormalities.IndustryGamma rays can be used to examine metallic castings or welds in oil pipelines for weak points. The rays pass through the metal and darken a photographic film at places opposite the weak points. In industry, gamma rays are used for detecting internal defects in metal castings and in welded structures. Gamma rays are used to kill pesticides and bugs in food. Gamma rays are also used in nuclear reactors and atomic bombs.Consumer goodsGamma rays are often used in the food industry. The radioisotopes preserve foods. Although the rays never come in contact with food, beta radiation kills various organisms, such as bacteria, yeast, and insects.ScienceGamma rays can be used to detect beryllium. They also played a very important role in the development of the atom bomb.

KERUGIAN SINAR Dapat mengakibatkan:Pusing-pusingNafsu makan berkurang atau hilangTerjadi diareDemamBerat badan turunKanker darah/leukimiaMeningkatnya denyut jantungDaya tahan tubuh berkurangKankerMerusak DNA

Dangers:Gamma rays bombard our bodies constantly. They come from the naturally radioactive materials in rocks and the soil. We take some of these materials into our bodies from the air we breathe and the water we drink. Gamma rays passing through our body produce ionization in tissue. High levels of gamma rays can produce dangerous ionization of the tissue and can cause skin cancer.


Dgn sinar dan :Sinar lebih berbahaya dibanding sinar dan karena radiasi hanya dpt menembus kertas tipis, dan sinar hanya dpt menembus beberapa milimeter udara.What is the difference between gamma rays and X-rays?

The key difference between gamma rays and X-rays is how they are produced. Gamma rays originate from the nucleus of a radionuclide after radioactive decay whereas X-rays are produced when electrons strike a target or when electrons are rearranged within an atom. Cosmic rays also include high-energy photons and these are also called gamma-rays whether or not they originated from nuclear decay or reaction.