¦fin-; -. the south. ,. i''lot,ùpr»oi:vh....,-el. pul. 'hu« i-thecommondi...

¦fin-; minin raa BuniMG 11 Il It! Il WA 1 IV ¡\«;. I. , I mo 'i mu. h 1.1 tn-uiiv til,î-v» rs il li- re as than tito iln y of i M -t -H lil Colorado. Borne eotnpani« ,\v dotna a ig proa« j> .th. ni Inn in ', bars ii»!' to li am, they bare beei i ; in Batte of the Bsanaai noiny and shill in (_cir dirai sion |]b in ilü" Terril '1 and Bup- i»«»-*«! ta u- in ard r for ronnii I it l! l'.itii.iJiv (l.fcttivn m tie "inl mnslj itvvait inodit'u at ion or r> »... ' the liru-liiiK rv ni,«I tin» power, 01 (lis:i|.p iintid in t! : i inore illa:, ., Hie mal-tuf t! «.nitiii :;t, or prol abb In .nil;.".the Montana quaii «lovvn. wlnle lil ( iilil.'ii: ;' tim pi'-- .on- in,-' i -. 1." can be Ci,: ; « .'în- rpriaea. « mb u i. Ident s. drag alón»,' in aras! ami finally and in » bo of t hein, poaaaaähtg ordii ry luit L-l moe al the tnal . here, to appro« de that tlii'ir faili resiiin ,,f iii, ir ow Inot Uio i.mit tal the minen \vl.ii: » and araUabte wealth. TI «)ti;ii!/ ¦ ration in li peyinf the «tod '.,»: -ni twi« s ,i in the Batane of di »t i,;-: . ; Ing lulil'-s. scie. til!-..'. I: iniiN, nid in |] before bui the wondai fui wealth "t theee înoiiiii:.. opea will iiit.ii' Mainp milla indefinitely, and of ii.» nt in the pnn í tlio ;. íii- lin tr and delWi i tun. While in I thor vi,..!, ore profitably v u lill lunn |M lo ( j ii lo p;i\ i xp i-, I ; in $«a> p i in!',, ¡mil in inn u.-, bartences ~.~ t1-1 It IS ti. e tlh.t . California, ¡uni mut remain i o tea« 'J be Te; -.her, grain, and regetahl Ii has no luniiiii.i. turca and will l...»> u BUI »:¦ li'liltioil. Mill I, ii. i;.. plinto, non. contle«», le,ni. aVew, i.iiuiiou-piices. (»M ir.'ii i- perptmndi r-!l('< t ¡KUI IS Wolth .'¦ (()'"-; »'«'111- Inmil î-'pci pound; ad i Cent |h r pound, and the ro.ily tliiit per du} is not q i-»t ..itliibbTJ la!"»!« ii, M B.S '. lint« fS, and all ela iiand frosa «w> to 80 par ti.t iibbtb. This« remo- died, even m a ««uni! l times sod lo atóale, n - it vva.s I.,-.., \», anti- fill \..'.h Vs. 1 c, iilisi li;, -re | iii. 'I Wo JOBTS i'efoie dour Wa* S d, Bad the piolita in alixed by tlioiH- Wa»04_ported n b1 aralated til ill to II )K ,it the Of v\ Ita. aa ¡d'iiinl.iiit mipp ». I i- lioine L'nivvii l'unir, ;:h(l 1 hial 111 Hi li, i t. r.ejt.lid ile ..oil of the li Montana, oom I tiling but v.'..i'tiiey e\p«ct i>» tune, and i " s, iteaaatis « íioiis asa <>f le !i B i'l l-l" 1 rOUB aremoati] minen» who easrot porary i Jiere, ¡uni Hie H id« - who . ..»vv m tin iff tra id tate prerioits nui.ils aft. Jual now tin- Xarrltor] :* millionof gToenbaoka to pay fi comnianda from ten per u nt a n.oi Iii up I _ Jills, ¡iuMflbl.S lind »lows li ali y daahl ipti y bw« » pi v '. when ti.i i .. taany million* in ila « i; .!- -"'.1 the ,. ¡y ela jinn-, nae suipiu.» of ¦ J.. I is i>erf«ctij sold .ii -"it. Le..,.- lu , ii iji lied to ot \h i ii.o'itli lo pay .night m foil and then e-Os-Xl«. ill .. I t'< II.Cl t then .i1-1' .liions. One J liu.siln-s« ol'the lic\t. ¡lu«! i i Li , tir vv.-iM . î.if.iiiiuif or «lis..-;. :. I. ¡.-di:.- l in lill» in, st] Tin- i old;b. «Is ati- iia-ti,-, i.. harried t»vi r, ¡ii tin m i them, and ot a pro ti h roes of tli. pickbu«1 spado tri : lr.,ni llii-iu r to J nee to - ilmon lit»« the hundred of p J.le Weal.!, of die mot.Ill i .1 (¦!,(( 1- j M vv ill coiue to till itll of Montana will stsrli. lu-w ord) ; will dawn. It. .-.-. It ] had i."t trono ilironih th. d millionso| themiinin.' rogi i«>, I wmiM v diet thi dvent of b t m HeBtans : bo* ii ¦< n in lho J. isi v..11 asarais! in i » In Cotoi tot assume that they will not nuil inna ta riiffol tin- Kimo iiiaiine prollii'tcy in Moiii.,u;i- BO linn Iretl of milli- , bank* rupt eoi'i " .niiiin .if ni. lineas, i a Montana irosa this terril 1 fen ih.ty be »v.'isted, «i '.'.-i-' than » -' .'., ' «niiij'iist the Whole world oi, '¡¦iliingSaBSO* Ciations ergS-nUed m t., hap- 1 ml. and .profligate j .»:*«. i.. i in which M-IIte.l all,. !.(J l.VlJI the ¡IK,st judlClOllsillui » 'm u m ihm i,; ular business at home, t -tilt of allaoiini] pun«,| I.-« in iiroj.'i iii.. tin--, t '-uuDini'di-, ; nine raaos otrtol tee they sre ii,,,,..,.,,. ¡ gpaniatbe not lie« .ti¦-. .,__. ,. p,»,|_ j», hui»-*, but lu-eau«* .-,,, g ,iAt ,,,, J .»' wera them to advan! i"«-. n ¡(.s m arc still held ina tnnni cr that pic hu!, .s lillies-! li develop]] 'nu will'i'.v n the whole tua h... non of'"!1. «nu,!" (tin- _(kj felton v I.- vv ii.* tli.( ovt r«V and there w ill Le «hf- ior Noa. i. -. a, t, aaal as en eaeh «raj i t lihely no ona Baan will owa moio tluiu a huit or nuilih of ii»«- UK» or 200 : laira. Take the " be "<>ia Cacho," Il-n I.l.i," li" 'Wliiihiri," th«: "Ilia/,''the :," tin- " l'.'ti.v.," anil the Lnmlicos «»1 f>tI. i* a«roady partially dereioped, und iß« of claiiii--, iiie (.nm laliy .ids HO proltiisi iimisi 1 thal ling is ¡uipfm- *>'"¦' BS a ml-'. ¡ind do BO. ..'j pro;du- if tin ii whola propel tv. anti winn BOBSt one m n nit- tu ma!;«- i!u- .nions ex- -tit. tod ad, '.. pay the otben fabulons priora for I ,. ¡I (lien wealth. Developm« nt i- no1 :. mo»! ni iii.: v.dm.1.1" nt i, i-t fra ¡"H- oi ti. m- 'I'¦ iirh atora ((Untii-m. < > It « iBBOl without seenring additi ad hisi folly np a i lay-oat" foi lum. ! end ; ite shafts in the '-aim prodl tun, bean "I worked by « ..-< h -ii ii:, whan atonael (I. liv. ral! til« ON of the 1- ad Bl I "«t BOl pt t tun. In tin-» way eon] take arc involved in disastrous expenditure to procure their ore from ;,i it lan minea TheyJ eli« reeertabth tds t i go« d: ii.« l'T, i-.- '¦, fivti "i <. '-i hondri 'l i t «m them withon! knowlog how their m bow the h .ni ian i- lio worked; liny lav« t ti doll ia til | tree! maehin« ry. ami m hen liny want their m they disoovet thal whik they mes undi ground, \ .ni!-;, anti t pel ti m to I"'.»' (li in out a rainooi pTioesot work their dab. rapan] should c1 les i-i the parpo e of working ip thoa mi-' iii" location of ( lain on the lend, the streams of wal r boc« ni¬ bil i-i mills, the formation of the ground travers d II itude and grad ¦, it« timm r, and , fa shofl w tuunclswhlch will con re al the leaal coat» W b n on panin m ,-!-. ¡i pin ¡nctu-.s thal they own lalms «n, :: i. n dif b1 p ita m valuable mian, nu!' se tin y own conm «t« «1 as tn some one or more well-tested leads, which be worked by ano abaft ot tunnel, rest snored ¡ i" projet lu-, of tin- oompanies eithi r have lu en heat« «I «n th« y in«- a eking to defaad the public by t!i" -.nie of stock thal can nevei be ml na bl unices bv toekl ni. I have explained in detail this uiiiiin.it c1:.um», because n i-» Hie nul» nil which very immy have wrecked the motl nngnine I, li.c it,ten t of the country a' i-f stockholders ilia1 tiny look well In tn this i«« ni. A mill once etech <l. a depends upon the lotrol I adjoining ekii m to Buflf« i extortion i" ' '; taint, "' .i« bul m bankreptey, beti le BBtoM wealth. ..ulai error committed by alle ii th" expenditure << bundrcda ,ii millabefure ii" it ., -el. pul. 'Hu« i- the common di «a»' thal has (hilare throughoal Hu- mouataina, ib.i m -i stopei dont biter« bj the u m1 n- tot n. It will doubtlns startle thoastnds at yow naden, lui! it is neverthelen Une. thal ila It ii» not a mu ! uiiie ia Montana thal imIc\« p-«i. and few, H i ojotado. Otad " pay peek " hts been Coond Id the Miliar:» on s. tod they have been work -1 With ti'!« lal'!' -n «- bttl the <ll.il ,n hi ami \ al li¬ ol'ti n where tiny are c1« ml;» d< Sued, no is ii t tseetttim d, E p 11« I il m l.v the waihi, city, ]-. ki t.. and I pronounce them the mott vatesbk and ,,t n! \ in the world hal ni.« slain al MO lY.'t i !. u b sd may he <>f mu . bue ter amy cap. or pinch, <»r oatxow to alnoal lain will pre at fra gold, whik '..mi v ¡ii ly Imprégnai d a ith lefy redaction by the ordinary stamp- niil!. I have .seen free gold and lu.ivy sulphm ti- iit'i. nu tin* ¦ uns ad, tod within 100 b other. AN fien these! red, [ble men will m e the foi|j of rushing Bp mills ob ,. lo]. d bad», mIu n iii":» it»" t" roath« i bal ren min ¦. "i a chai icter ol theil Ko nil ing company i nlo 01 Montana sbanld entertsia tbeldcaof pur, basing at bin rj foi al ssl one y< ar tftei inn a vin n they bai t pur- their let i being careful to 1 theil .. bod) «. b I mort economical nuning they should ¡i.-i i. m d, and p'i- ti 1 m im r velop Hi Ten or twenty thousand I thus « x;>. tided arifl prove bej ond all «1« ubi ii.. ¡uni value of lb- «'1',; and until al 1- ¦-! I." of im- an- on Um Lank, it», value pror .: should bo considered If tlie mian rtfta yield good ore at a reasontble oost the 1< tit, and the projeet can ha-al«_ndoned witbont involving the sacriflctof i In whole capital j ¡my. tad the tnbti many . i ¦- thna fi naturally tempted to tor» iiildititinal sn::,«, \\ ith the th.n red bj m until i n.IK hope aad means lade oat to] ; ,ii ii. q air, Ii :'." mu', t pro (¦«.ml ore «nu be prodnoed al a reaaonableoo I the ore ia m .\t to bet I, ai d tin prop« i mai binerj d powei to it du« . tin- larg) of th«- pyrlb.« of iiiin th- «'i.iinni n.iii» ¡mil min« .-»able adjunct The stamp-mill is ti . and bloat] and re the redm ti : » ikiH,8Bd talen expi ni ha :,« i work ¡""1 with the bárrela» nuil«- gold «"it d ti ordintry tmalgama- than the nau;p pu.,. », .ii ida When th« Is larg« ¡y mixed « lib ; m Colorado, t'1- a i.-» ted thal will reduce it i Dt'rflc talent of th ami t-l pstttoas of Europe, in : these i< factor] »I bat until th .led, tmsteurs btv« na basiui ¦«< sport- itiug with boj nt the various patents width Hood Conpanin whiefa develop Jtaci cut; iiKUiey by t\ ¡ii,- u net te overt a, and they tat '¡"it with «satire confidence tinu t lay mil ultimately naki their minn profil ble, n cotapaain have thus fairly develop d tin ii aad ascertained the character oftbeknn, readilj deti rmine what kind of idtpted to linir wanta, tnd they eta ti». >i witcly proceed to thip ii Pint, however, thei o cunnii in looking to tb" quality and .- ph neeaof tin ii mills. 'I re are nulls bow « net, «1 l-ii.i.i. t»!i¡th were won ort In a month» Thia is no country foi delective amohinny. It ntl« i. pain d. and mi»- CBBBO. 1" Every pall oía mill likely to break should be dupli« ¡«t« d, and a forge outfit it essentio1 to m yet, no foondeiy in the Ti n m thal one i-» tbout to be estaMisbed in II« lens ; bat the I t profitable mill for days to gel ¡¡s done 1O0 miks or bmvto dktant, k attended .i fi ai in) loss, not to count the gOftdttBl < ! for work ami trtuepaitttion. Ii' anything Unporttnl kfoaod wanting in th« machinery whta M ¡hum«, ¦.ñires unotiu i .»« ftSOB te m l'piy it, St ii" IttlBS or boat.« tve tin Last fur IfoottOt the same .\« ti ni.'«*' a mill k delivered on the ground and it.« «J. le« ts «lis- eovcttd by its ottsMoa. Obi bobipbbj hen loglt :. to SMid home r «cidml portico of the null. If they ure impioving the lout time in 'loping their min« a, it v t«, a fuit minti: acini« nt, but they nu claim mm h above um average of good inaiia).'!-ii.« nt, if ihcy thus made their -».up'-oscd uiis- baps a blcabiiig. BU_ s,!«, 1, a «ml started by the river, a ftrst- «. Industrio* basin .st ana is waafed fat super- int. ndciit. in most « aa ». M,_.. ,,., ,. f,.;,..,,- .t of tu- leadingoflccrtof the oofnpány, having .... tit foi b'iM.icsatha, btttfly aaderstood in the Baa«, lt«W !oeiijuyfa8thorf4«,.fro.,,ir!,ju,,rs,al).l<i(.':il-. speedily nrin-isnsge M ¡,lto (i(.ilt .,.,. faillit«. ik-urnl practical, estpark need, nid fi ural nun only «an ich o]', üiíiun.s jiiupuly. With ..m |S tu $*- persil ,,,.. ju b< ¡uu!y » In I e i-f ¡s indi i »n* -iiipervi-ioii SOI -. " li Bttd the di v ¡dins; line betw« and failon .I bare, for «>hv ion.-* n '-"! ta it. troth - liri n the din!- innis in M on i a 11 a. ii is one ena! field of bewildering wi ilth, and 1 Baoat earaestly r*ope I. II BTmedily ,:¦ relop d. i ntv miiliona of «tapital «"nid Le i re profitably inTeatt lit m in any Othi i la* ilit.v and, bj im] mnd i1, ¡i, taj'ii.-iiisU in ethel .ni' ipii- es, n.'t one dollar in twenty should be lost, « i > itj of tbs inv sat.enl » would u i tttrns, In no othei mining n Ion are ii!'- ! and ho . I mil bl <! velopedbj tunnel and the owdaUvered al arery low rate. Not only the iiu'U'i'aiiis. hu' the al,, ol in, uinpilalile lil I"" BV Alder b, ti ¦. Iready prodno d bmbti gold than any li Ii in tin- world i lam Infoi.\\ will bo ¡n i. wini, ,-d over a:-1. m and np- ititi previous yield. ,| foi 10 « on» iitire n rj ».¡mi ni 100 !¦¦' i. and <:¦ h laim j ii Id« ii fn 0 every 21 lunn.*. < I" n-ln-.u!. <! bl now traill, iinu' op the claims, und will, hy one citr.il iluhie. travel ing i!.--1"> »» bottom, worn ovi r the whole guli li a itli «. isl profit, wini, «.ii own iii, m li hill -ni' bj the hydraulic ru¬ in ti««- melin lime tin- i It li bl a :,, ,i. -.- Ih.wi led, !'ii i ' pci inn. will I- worked, and boi iiiines ama» ted. There is no par! of thifl centin« nt Ka it« m . ¦: .¦",1 v '" ''' it will so wi II n ward its judicious inv« Monia! a; B1 '1 I « ntl» al men lo (li sen rd in < laini«, intlatetl sp. dilative ci l. lu helping band in the »*i"l .'¦' ni "I tin* isliiinhcrini' w-i i.itli. Scud pia- -'1 uicn tosiv lul cure leis pronrrly loci t- .1 r«»i d««vil«»i>nt«'iit. anti thcn.abovc ..II thi nil linn. i. an.I faillir« is hi "'. Uifleiont ._.vill h. .' u » '¡""'»^< '", ,m0,ï"ft,,,.,Jwi»l hnvnthi? li I,I.111.U.S. '.hrWHl 'l. V 111' tia«« Ion* unknown hu! rich .tonal creation«_ a.».». ! ///: f " m u 11 TIONA I CONl / A / ION. ii port OP Tin: <'('.iMim i OH I'M: p IM. PI iii Ü1 'PIM. LEGIS1 4.TI II TIio following docnnienl coinprii i the re¬ port Of Ila' <"" BBBittee eh '.'-.I «II! I! li li)'.: their « -i" 'l" ii, mulei«, abai ia j -1 lily iiui ii::- , »I .u le.: lid to Hie dul ! "I. ii, m. anti n Mil ill "t ti'i nni nain!] i- ilmi rent u, : »I In sonn m -. .. ;' Be¬ lli i, li .«I all tue 'Ville I.if lill SOU« pi, VI ,'"! vii I»« li I."Ill 11 al- .-"li J.I to in. >!\ a..' Pilli» li arc i i th« v' it« . bj pi i. Lb « , bl. und« rib« tal a mr« in ,,n Dial b ' Ithdm f Hie I t,» v. ii.'u., them 'J lu m i-oi U -. ,.I l -, I vv Inch . f 11. v an » . di« ili 1 V»llhUl I' I' 1 It.' lu (lo lu 1 ' l l,|e I. I 'II I be mel lr.illili»'. unly. it I ' 1"! l-l i '1 ile , ii dil . -, Í. li 1, debt pi« . allow a I, .-Mil, I to real i prop. u.. ,, , i,. Iii "ile ii- pool« .»,., li com ..., u., ii h> im if.'¦ lu practico ,.,, Uta mu li "" '"toll I "III 1 'if V]e -' u Ik appoii ,1 ia i rho 1, lillie shall i. «¦vu n ,,in),« ns.iinu. to a,... ti.-' nu utter ti (¦Uli 1 va ,e di |-,'. BO) nie. tv,.»te I, -i,..ii pruvide ; all .. mu mi ::¦......!i..,u.«"II rim. mia c1 Itated U li a> ..ii, i .. J. »"'.'.' " .',' -:''; t. .i...! .i ¦'- ."|'l .'"1..,,., S hura potrera I..-V-, I".";1', I li.« or- li lill. '" exu-od railroad *h " ¦¦'!'. i.ml ...I!.ni ai i rlij -a tutor« itoratadjUla«, until ti., »,. m ., ,...,,:. l- «.Mainel, .ml al ¡, ,,-t Hu owner« ni Ulli property on ti. ; throU(,h ..., .'. load lo bu blades u, dor. after thnx i- ¦¦.:.. ,;., ... ,,.. Mu,.. ,,..;. and the vi.. t ..-.,.. mu in rl" city or villa Bula mai i. veto h> a lui third rote, and n ., ni no1 u»; rctiirni <l by tbi Govi tis r withlu i, ¡, dan sit» r Hu y . II have boeu i.i to ,,. ,,',. cahill rli ill !', a la«! '" "*'' H I,'- bad Bbjpil i", in,lisa Hie la lature, hy n, ail.uUIiiii.i-lit, J»i ., U lue Ililli, in wail u ,., it abai! .ii 1! ill i liol ii,ive ).,\«, t" -.na Uou in :i ,y nu.nner the suspension of specie paymeut by bu«, poi .... or i urpoi ii "u i- ulna] hank not« s ol m > di s, riptiou. No lim'- .-i.'ai !" created for »eifhlnf» Kauniuff, uni uuiug, or Inapocting anj mt'tobaudise, uinuulai tun ,04 row« iii-iilJty vvii.iu hut this «ball bol alf« 11 iii« unalinKot an «WH«« l't" pi' t< » the publli health .,1 lull i. ita ..f tbs bun :u 11. prop .it n lehne, or m«npplyli v, .ii. ,.i i-,,: d| ii dal J* of weigli it may prot |d< for ti" ' iHinlj iluuai si on upolu iiliiiii 01 ila¦ i.o.iiJ «f 1 county. ¦.¦ 1 any lota' hi Jil It !i,i«i tim 1.« ^irsl.ii m,-, iiulcrs« B liotl !" 11 published lu the Stab, uapei foi at least m day», and «neo bill U4U»1 h ihtn.iiucul VMIhlh the I, '-.anne »hail not pa-s local or special laws u (ii,,. 1 ol tin. follow!..« "I.'s /Utlll.il/I.'..'till r-Ule ll.,It.-,-'lilli,C1 lill«! .ii pi parti til 11.1.., 1. ,,¡ oil 11 1 1 iona undi baiising Mu nmii,.. ,,r ,.., ÜUI ,,. j.n||,K out. aorit- ii« or dlHontiuuli « public m privat« til S ".' .'.' a- s us onnty al ui li c'l't ii* aimiual lb« »late, th« ii , invulhi 1, ir .,1 au) olli« sr. 1 ", raullng to an) nain uti. îbitlon, or toi ,, ,,,-m, :vl . '(e. or » li ail.fell!.al »,i luían ... ¦. Uti li 1 -4 «bore a tli i" ral bin THE SOUTH. U.'i.l.MV _RBJ_ff KUI à »At I UN«; A FBEEDMAB. Pobtbbm Mi'Mioii, An,-. »..John II. Bhivi ra, n .in t.icof the a. « r i ,:< sf Wight recently arrested by Datted Bl " li I ian« d i«y t folk, snd united in that etty -, -..-,! iv t.« answer a .nit mid batt« ry, aUsged tu have been <"»- mitt« «i 'in, u. n u '. «l B< dg« i-. ,|. nine two Merk« lill. Aft« r 11 ] 1. lu id to ball I.) .;,!",«:,. St riv« nt.-i. ili.it v. ith a pun i .i tel " doug ihi nest. ni < t.i ib«y wen- in company with titi yacht Wave, al o witta of l'ltii. U h ians on a similar i rulst. bul hat lag rtj, banu ti i. "»' ii ard. I hey pi ..-lililí lo Baltimore from Annapolis to attend the Coroner*! Inquest Th« aeeidenl puta sudden ter- mu alb u tollu ii pi' Bsui Ii ' »be will vlsll Nor- folk to monow and stattoua ihthluj totopa H v. a -t« ara main elevator «iii h h ft Paltlt-iore j 1,..u,' t.. New-York, broke down ofl l'iankitunk Uiver. t: Hi up the Bay, -,- rt« rdsj n ntl Ini si d u losucl r there. Assists , to her. Baa oki wtll i,,, towt ti i" Korf« .1. for i-i Amarine wrvej wm biddon Bsturdayon tin i. i, ,, i. ¡t.,; .i ;..'i:..il. wiin dinah.« Il pint I thal 'lie I- « ! ¡i'i ') reawic I-, .-,,,. tn ii n pah . m i" r ma' h"« '> i""1 rWaull " i--« «I« h '" i. ¦'¦ ..» '", ' *'.,"/. The ram HI wall ti ,. t bonni hlj ¡ ilttcd, " it, I Lil, ptoll l.ua'l-». I'lti'-'i-. Ililli I. i .lapuii. Bl m;v a. \si OB ii I »KOBO 1><»miv- ' AM) Till! l-ll-.lt« HKIlI m«i WITT l 041 Tilla «m nu BM B nu I- man TO laABOB. As mi nt i. »n. 4l l.y tolegraplt, Den. Henry A. ,i, im d an addn in Hann»! i. \ t on Tho ¦..a n:.-t iiu aeea-fcm teing a festival to rain tanti fn the (tullun of »n Bpkeepal Chureb in Ha- rklnltyof v. ii-l.n .'..i lb iy Academy. The original eoUege .wai. fnttliii« «I ill 17 ".' I' ...-. -, I'.i .nit II« mi . ii on » ««h" at« «I, UM ¡i« te . of ii 'lue |ii:.i. lim-, 'li l»c': llu hu,I' ..lill.) li:.-, in" se a. iifit 11 linn!. 'I lions, and It« elua found tin culb-ge devoid «f «¦ luiii; in. et».-.ni t»-n u" ti.u ii-*. I'he Trusten ti., n, lu « nable III« ni '«' con uni hu it v In in tl:< cotllill lu ill \- ith l'i.... n oribe i,. ' a vi ;. ,i|i- ..ti ii,ii iu ii u ,ui .t ni udi my, a hit h Ml ii li lil .ut lu o- d lilli KC, li« ii W l-i inMi-i Thoa alto woiild build a house made witii bauds, i"i ". ihe I.«,id to dwi il m " -ii.'iihl " I .ike the tin-! fruin fl tin Ir i- -t, f- i the id on which Ibcy tread is in ly " The honor of such rk wai t.-' pin,.ni. it evi unto King lia id. 'ihe tempi« ol «"ni .ih,.h.d like tin im.i m., luiii. muí Hu- thunders o( Siniii, i. ml tin pillars of Ure and cloud, and ti 11 the waU of tb< Hi ti m b, i il tin in. 1,1 :. relations of " God with as." Tbuwboh-of tin t. in .iii it« distmrI sets, is embraced bi tites« three '- dod with us." 1' 11.. n !"i .'" ¦' n n tu 1 lilt! l.niisif» lo God 1". m ile pit pal ii. * tin bl 1. -, ¡li d tie ' tb« nu u un li eui of Hu it.il , Hu ii tu i.tin the o mpl« ol i .in. .... i rU In, inn (.«Hi, ii of "Cod in onie « .-.ii \> lill ui ¦' of evil. Th i, ..| I- lu I.'ii. to - lu li rt)ll| I i . s :. li ... . 1 " «ni 1 M IÜ. i und ri hu liri I Pilbil« a -I pi i va le m I did nul I it to I pilli j -. cry of tile » "i: nil u iii opp' holo< iid t,, . Ill II > tuite «ii.! »theil I Lil i I .H ii III 11 I II ¦.! .! ion, « ut n -i.m .ti. Ina« iii nain n or nul eil el lu bupi oil It, rmci u n aal of .. an i- Oh \ lu li l i. .tu tot i- the catii, î ..". o « t!. n-...iI ... ( ¦ i. nîl «I [in Nothing es1 ti an liii» l »bl I mt I luoii-fhl and , > . . uni Imp.- .e-i It, :«i m uphold It at :< lu .'. Hu nr. of an in though It ehli lilli ii la Ile n (Ulli bl*. II pilbil« fl H *'. min- f.n li llf I it - h), sud pi-wi r of pii.fci lion I luL i i... i i¡. um ni n.pt ithrn, ita . to tin \ lol«) ..n of Hu» inpicau .nil »hal l'Ut of lu I««' lal in Si \t tu our lim: mi.!. try is the . « lo Ibu) we neeil to at tempt tin II I In « .mi. li m m il < u,n,ipui. ni i His own '.' .'«Vii "I n k u nlii t the prill Hut Gi* u. n,, i m i" du] m u- the duty of g-uanLtug our- to nil .. .:h all "ni md »vow« «t uf. t«-tupi cu.i (fat \ uiiil Hu « m.«a» ip.tin.n and the Kiianllaii nip of free ti me li, to u -. f tu ih«' diiiu'i...linn it the m.u k nu« malo »bivi le I ' - i f !.',.. I. ti«. oi '.. r m i n».,ie i,. ... of power to peni tunta Hu i. .1 i.,i lidttti d n- mi tl.ullfcli ! li plihl.. ..I III. I It v. tilt« i'.« -,.i. iv in -i -- 'il -n Is ro del ai it t '.,,- lui .e i \ (tetlu t. \ .. .! ,. -, ,,f ji.ii fjf III« li Hld I I ,1 III take, iliit ( ti. ii ti ( .. ¦! i: .in. We must rely on the truth, nu the Coi tltuUon, e tin fort 1 -fun lil ; OU .l-l «"I II ti | u I Neilh nml huiiili. If.«. eoiialiit a -¦' i" nui «l upon u«, It eau anti nu ¡.. n th« ; ii.« Noitb« m »tal« a lui.le 11 too hi 'I!. I ,. li lo US \. lil« .. tb« S Would .it li L I- »-.' br i* i. ,,, Soil turn th« ' -l'iie a God in« ,.i litii n preju !.. In hi \- \- i. une« ..t -..a,, orto« ni iiiui.,it,, \A.X ,.._ (i u u j, uu IUi iilM ,| ,,,, of the North, niiail \ m inba ob s Jamaios Oi a ban DomlUato I I, ,'".','" doiulm :. ui rbii I A" n- land '""' «< utplcaaud n_-(<a ,,, i,. dedicated lotbeOungo .'' ¦' ¦.! nut lulu ¡el tbt ""¦' "than the W.,1,,,, vim. I,, ,. .. .."'Im ft for h Í ,u":,,,l,,u','r"""'>'1"-"''-"'.. nwiaan ','';. ''".'' "' pringsiiiid i li al iwcel '.::,''''l "id-dug. and the 11. iu,« !«.!-.....st ».li 1.1., i'' ..¦"""" ""-lub. uno,,, .in ¦- op h to Neu '..i,;"11' "MO-BBS, ., . , ..., ........ w_o H.eu .- Jill '9 lu Ann licit Itwilluot be op. n I- Hull hoi..' ''.' ",?. i V *' '.",'" ¦"'.»¦ «hiimiiati.... ..f tb« black tara, l l v,, wiUbs (.hu,.'. ,i t.. leave tin lands. V '". ',' "|iM'' »o ihe whit« ,,',,. D i.,nu, and the o ti.?.- ,*-,",n -I «¡very clime to railj to na '¦' ""'' »*« ¡' '¦"' f- This not n. ii...i ib« righi "i m.p..iii. » .m.. 1 ihSaVf " '. .,,,,1, .._ BU,| (!,,.> UM' Ill dal | , f !.. ertv ibiil »i,'e of ni-- rfj they ore now In s boiter defined a stub ol license. Iheyare '" --11"" oi .' to r do v lili m «' I or bad nu n, ami ,. ,,, ,-.( um l!y loth« m from th- i.e.t, j n. ,. (uti i. ,.. Hu |H lofirenH« m, -i who \ ret ¦.iiiul who ever wai in« uds of tb« r pine« «u MiiutitliiH'- n..n, If not i-f slav« nita U.e li ni] tniiuu» . 1.1. '. I«! 'I li sors, and thor are ukuiv uu iht i.na. ¦ i,v theirIdl ,.(¡,,ii.(l-iiiitii»i'»t!.i(!"l ,,u, 11 .1,'(.'taila! inn. 'ii,.» ai- unlit for se If^vern- iiieiit.ai ii iii.d training as men pupils of liberty ; ana ii > m. i!,. tu,] nu st cruel I . when in- "i bhorrently mitti I,, he 111 ,. le >i ,,.'1 ' .: ' J" .¦l"'1 '''. i rill Ih- tu oat unnatural n a, m., I for tin p !. ¦¦. ". ' .' owB " lur and i.m ¡oi'.-iiiiit ti, to un. He us 111 irnluv salid io..«.iipv the inheritance of our lauds. The Interest of the white M-Hortb well aa fcntitli demands that " this land, ol vi iy 1., ,i ila ti hite rix whit« ra«-, everywhere eon nu 1, r hood our call tOthe resem l-et Me n]¦.¦« ¦« 1 Is atonce to, :is of a trump ! maktBg I.,111 S" Ililli. IV. lu (bl leo,h tillie II II h ID« ! 1 " ,lHl lia ,.i ..'-I ,-¦ lu ike - ii .'-»¦¦ ilu-ii- lal "i-ai..I -l ill. i. enliven their li Inspire Mu ii- eut« roi - .--..I repair lb« r waste p Wean In .t"l our agou) ui uu.i-in,t-- uia.v ,', to ,,.,:,.,,,,,i honor, Out i ian ma. eihl ' loo pi« i ii.i.n.l.uti' tbe pco_»fc were novcr it and nu lain, veem under Mosos al im-i"' ' ., v lui, iiii.iltieti'dl.v ii. plllarsol m'- .'!;' ,'"/" ¡f in an BXodllSfrOBIi boiuluo.,-. We an raia.llv l«-ri.l- tti« Uli greater anti more« uormoue «_«-uii.raii/nii»ii "frr.pllitl.ltll IT pUbll« lil ; ,i lill «I» bl-«- I' WS al.« BO ,,,,,,'. it «»III be Mi-¦.'.-!..,!¦ t m,,:.,1 ,i> a- well M moral -, ter The pr«»pk'. North nml South, see, In lbs midst uf tlii ii uieY.iu- Kim.1» ¡"; til tnxittl« n. the nnllloi sir« -, al 1.io ¿id abroad, rnoi.« ""I"':1;: W"/,"..'*" neil millions of nubil«* debt, and boardilla it like misera, roi ihe'v.M ÄiithatltlKiaraarateo. Inter» hundir«!- pertci.1 above wbal the moat ¡u live comm« rea In tbe country now author.«.«!* for loans. If tliev .«i ii in tin s lu.hin.' and in. mili It, tba demon «if tai poyina malcontent-* 111 -. era (1 void the wini.-. Tnoj toual l-l h, thai ila ni Ity f wai al- .u resi<-,1 «uob n debt at such a rate of Interest, and thal now the o \ i.f i».Is as arsat to d troj It aa of war I 'i he snj nie publie v. ill and public «rood arc al ko pleadi «1 In iii.« '-' pul li« ni 11 islty, and the tax«p know that tin ¿peculators in tim publie funds kept up the » ii '. lui public debt* The people will take .. mammon which bob prolong* the Ibe v.l.-, when peace i-» proclaluied Tin u- li.ililli Will lu- nnr ¡rl jiar The | This anormons pub- li hi. Illili Its e.\l,l|,|r;|,lt rute «'f lilli li I, ti,, I, - .if lill tu.\|»a> i -|-s l.iiiiv., no1 (i.'il.v k11 |»m I, II «luveielcii Mali* out of ii" ii órbita In tbe Union, ibm only pre vent.si inn re a.in iion.fi m Hi«-1 on. lim id.-in' dread «r a viuda live i' in Hatton, hut li \ driving the Worth Itself to Um ox ii. m- of ai.. h-iiiM ; i.! LU a .'.<.. li, criss fi i mon and more tai to pay millionalrcB'Incomes from aa torbitai rateo! lut« i. -i wbl. li pal nu ta vi... 'ii. Bal ..ne way lo i. li -ve Hu« oppressive '. neill taxation, mil to -ave ti,« national honor: 1st, R .ii..» iii« ii t.ie-,i mi na-imh.u debt from 7 I to 4) p'-r ..ii ad. Tai tie luaome from Unit Iniertww In pro portion to other Imonica taxed, ad. ttirtaotidate the whole public debt, .-ni»! -i lu Imitation of tba i . :-i Hw bond i to be pul lato tin na,", c lum :, t. It trill reduce thu barden «>i taxa- lion It will« h. mi* no longer to be hoarded, mai uiaUe them I It a ill m I; .¦. usai v iv ¦ i4 trill be ¡i e « i.ei | ol lil el. lit il T' eellte «'X- I. ii i.e. It Will « -lil l.i-1. in lillies ,,f II, 'hey I" re. It -,,!., ,. u i,.- t:iO tai i Inglntcri t. and « .¡1 sa> n tt-ional bon« frota repu« .I tu i kui. And the bondi 111. i. i,.,,i n, ti. lukr tbla dm <h- ll:i l-l lillie I,, \. li V if liff ¡ill ni ile Jj hu,Dill (1 lrc.;«lll'U "f .1 t i\, it cfeillt Bl 'I 111' "h.e. \ Kui all Uns will I»- in vam if we do no» Individually ami ., and ii .- eotintry I.i- leu v, hin t, and vi ink sad Workob we must, torivodure tia iitntorialol plenty. We must chauae our whole eye- tom of lalHir. The agrl nltural hil real espccUilly must i.uoee it» "i'l rout lue "f planting tbe large sta»ple i 1" nie!' \ Bl n 'I. o o m, or a -' ni more ura, hot i full m-. al ¦! ¡all n. li,n-t lu- St I Iii' lil. ii li ! the " .sett |S< e I " . , i iking, and (lum,i. li .¦, and b - kkea pli ?. aud town .ii ,.,i a trade .i no1 pab ii».m en- ugh * t theil!. V ,' lull I teach our eli. t.» lubor, i»ti«t love Bad bonor tabor, tv in stljr, liol : illy. Aid in the « input) nient ol labor«**», i recommi ltd ti.- ranting uutploylus dag laborers in bar- iib niilit Ixl h le in« .1 i»v laboi They Bxrept to those f inillb * it i. itera w hu ii, i. I to ro¬ erá ii "'a i t.,,. m«l av li- ii t' debtoi « sa thor ar . . nur Hercules I. I apt i ... build and i l«*s v Itbin «.ni i.I. Never depart from the moral law, iTore- lrv. .N. and blood, and t., ¡iii. -, i .' u- althou -j Uve ia i".. and t-. M (t'a Bl m IB) vi '»'. I '- Pi CÜ- 11 II s \\;i('|! V ! I.IKI'.'IM AM. HEX :. -Ml"--'.:.S. s. U((- I li ii» AM» lill. ( i ; i ..¦ vi.s.. \\ ii«, nit;. !N ¡N oil || !.. RBBBBBSBBi Ri o'; n :-, «Ti The following c4rcoJai »>f <'.«!.. 0, Brown, lag to Iii« iuPiik tlt- if mt h.iis to »I' -lllllte I'll Illili .1.1. r TI ' A I.i> I Rl« ¦'-.«., t , Ang.17,1 ' IB KO e |U |'| Hi . :-t in.- ii irmatlnn of tbe Inala! in -tu in "I., .le I 1rs! . I.araetcr of ¦-* tioltl ul i <.i.ii!'i.s.-i,itier t.i ord t tu i linly with r (. ililli. K M ii I l ii) lirci v \ v \ » A \ re willi Um ilcMntc, wa» .i an« ittcr of .! putt. Badi I ti'I 1 Bl iy, upon t) ..ii a church, i* li. al ..'. .»« da tlu-ir own proa- 1! o v V\ in; if au> tli.n : in- m iv he itUlllg bj himself re and atai -i ' ii :. and to t ,»l» rt H ti""., be would be a io»-I :ii''l a ki I. opie .-lin« their sob)ag »t»«>*i. lu :Ui» oin alni but'ul ; bl J i!».»i thal von i .ni du* uns iu ii.« mi liante arts, ami I,. Si ti.'". .1. mBaal» tl.e , 1 .I yon lune to du oith-taking, vi tin.', convention.«, or elections. » >:> ' uiiin's i " patbj wUJi bia own extreme views mid noi ensleal falla the Imp »-. ii»!u ii lo)all. ii, ..¡. -, m ! farr .. pn hei slbla .- \v i«« f"i '¦'¦ .«ii, lulu- a m i;,,\ P lipolnt, w] ¦, lath« poUtlrol .vutipode* of Wise, II it«. i,ivi Ing tia» '"' .'ii tihui-l.T ai .., et ii , 'a lae Hie wliit-n. \\ n I- I..I nu I. in r-BBW Of Hu li I. lu »ra II. e li) ,,ii lli.it »ni». i». s h ¡i. ni tin- (luin-H, now In* ipon il, m ., bus, ,,r i, tri te ring, md v tin« lien Hu- linn tui -, and a- if « ¡ti, ,i-.\ , ra !»¦ "Hill hint about ti liol " I'. 1: i* l.(»l*teil Ms rune for ¦» a i. '.. 1", al fui fra hi the I li, I I.Hil -fly op|ll. e* hllil, .11,, i nisof ,iiv,,ii-.i muí tieiiuiK utiioii against j at the ouutrv i>iiM ra, / / '-' half Ki , ,- i.,t ,,|,,. iMl 'liift '. Uli ii un, ut p. |. [da, uiul the popularity ol Polrpolnt, who, , h, itlinal .i. ,1 ia «t «, o, i.. u.ie'. Iii« reply of the I'll y Mu l»t rates to Oen.Sebolleld. h waa fin lu . io m juill illa el Illili; ' Bl ills Ol lllci-s, in a .m !i it was bininu »tul tli-t Justice bad no1 l»eon Im¬ part] 111. ililli';. IO, II i-oo.t. le I, l,| V!, 11, t,,u io (lu tenure uf th, -, ei.lv bj iii u.. uni." ni.--, inn uuitierone utbers who ara in Al -ii ature of n ti vi l.l tlhas J.t been «»vcl'i k, (1, I.* the fact tllut 11 .ii tin supposed dchinjueol onlelula ara «1: -ii .»..- .1, .o >l ii pr« -'ia .1 j muni « bo look i. .,.- isly f.,i rard to the vacation .f the p iff lons thal thi-lrcon« ., lill "'II,I v II IllllH.V lo ii li i|II|'Olutlt|CI,t. lutentlmi of Uon. s-ii, tl.-l.l In IllllU til»!'» i" 'I...., ." ;- it bia incaniiiir, wini, ii i. in ki.i.v.. ii-« ii Unit lu is Minn v hut dilatory In letloti Commowing with tbe City ProseentingAt- toiiici. IhS Mini. Un Ih eurdcr. Hu- Mie.'striil. s, (ity m, i L., lila;) .. tabla, and others ol !> .* (iiK- ,i position »I iii.-liiiii» l -ni in iy all me ity»fr,iii ,1 t,> lu n. .--.111.1111(1'* own edle», ami i «»r« or tia« ,iu,i'ii ho.it na oullin i.ti.v ol toyal antecetlents, or i ui ladoiB (able teal Ita the Inion, «>f which thty aro nui» i-ttlzeuB a bout ant quoliflratlon assnett, ii i* argui ii thal n «ufflciont uumbi of persons cannot I., found lo ml Ibose _>«>.i.-ume iuimUI« of lu»in« th« oath i'iibedbj Cougroeoj which Is bow aeondltlon] dent to Hu-,niño »lou of luiv peraoa to ellice within null- .io u ia in. ¡uni linn in mu ni io i-e nie rsaasa wb] Oan, :'. ,i ii, [, is Hu ,i- j -hi., - should he tilled bv ob »lit lnu.v b. poaatrae that tba .ral ha« other reasons for nottraciloa, «bat It la al present lu <¦»«»«-. ptibllc It is statod in a ««ity i. i-, i,, i. ici.. iii, ax v .««iini Indgesblp hy theappotut« iii.-ht "I «',,1. lim nhiiiu, his pieiht Jiubii» Ad voeu t«- :,(,. Tl.XAS. « «ililli I'..VI»! M I* PKTWl'lN vii -«i;--. 'ii|.:,,(K. Ml.hl.'N AM) II W -Hit, POKMI ,. s vD- Míi.-.s i«» mi: li iipi.k. '1 lu- following I'liii-.spiiiuli BOB lu-lnci n (¡«.vs. 1 "'*. -.. b* In i m The Auttiu Omette ni Hu- l-.l, L- , ... ^ Al is, 1', tBS, Au . -, isC*. J. W. 'lu ii« KMOBTOK, rt,/. ' ' ' i'lah mi.: [have th<j honor to Incloss it>u a oonr of sppe.tásenlas .. ¿_d aUo ß w, form yon that I have this day taken si -' mibsrrib ñ the u.itii of office prescribed bj the Co u of thin Blata .,..¦ ,|.. |,.vs, plea-s« inf..¡in m.- if it wilt mil row ". ' "-" n,n"e at ditsi a rrow. Verj iv-pc, nully, yum t l.OV. TUBO« KM..I1 ;. t.\. ! BXAB< I A. J I''lot,ùPr»oi: Vh_ e the honor to koo the r ipt of > otic c-mniii: lent i. with r-i. I'll orri, m No i''."-. ¡-uni Irom lb« I" tdquarters lî./t'i'm mnnhM,i...;.>io--......i «bo« J al. «»ad In answer kara to say Biai II my oonva» ul« me tuturi, over I».>.ni, ¡mt !"-» ¦"t> ". «u. t i loorrow, t' HxecuHve. nfllou of Hil* Flato and ttii» r< sold« thereof. Vu) respectfully, your o.I« J. W. TIlUDi'LMDi-i'.s, I ,, -li M,f n.xas. aunan to nig raoi The Austin tkumtte mNo reta fruin ex- (¡ov. Throcklimi'un to the pi upk. ,1 m th« in,nu to a vindication of hiui-i If from the 1 bsiys of linr- |ag hei-n " an iinpedlinent to fteoustrai II ." lu doing this tho Ooveraor submits a "aUteOH-nt of his act« toueklag the eaeeodoa of ti »uni pre¬ sents f«.r the oousidi ratiou of reflecting and p.itrloüe m. n a ciiiili.l and truthful account of uie situation of Bffalre tn Texas, and aomethlng of itandeoa- duct of the pn.ple sine«: the co cbu-loa of tb« war." BM I From Oor SjmcUl i.'orr« *,i«>cil«j(it. «ill vi »Ki»:, Ail-f. Ia, ISr,. During tlie wai the Babel Mall (.oveiTiiiiont of Tcxart coiitr.ieti-il Milli u Mucka Ic-rniuiintr llrni. Waite »V (hil-a, t«i tan Hu in pun ul or c1««; where, tad deliver to tfet State, a large qasuUty of medicine«, «li'iiir«. lottos can!«, ,Vi:., (til ... r. nid of war» for whick ths said firm wts paid, in ad tktereet- bearlag Bonds of iii«' Doited Btatn (which today are worth a considerable premian] Id the monsymarket,) given by the Governmenl to the mi« u pay fur hei Publie Lands, mi t or admission origin dlv Into the union. The war terminated betöre Whin St (Ail - ('..tilled theil (oufi.ief, but still they had pos Ion of tit« oom! .and, In law. p n being primo facie evidence of owner¬ ship,tin-, Imagined tbej bud inn tu present the boadata the Tren mr« r 1 - - Id * uld lie " plat tn ti i- mc. utln ", however, the -i,i', GovcrnuiADtcommenced a rkand pay ment of then ndi ». Interdi "i1, ia th« grounds that the State being lu rebellion whon I was n.,,ii..I the contract j list pabilo policy, of nu: .-was Willum ¡»n i ¦im, ,v.\ \ the limul« «iii'-ht, turn to the ;-'!'.¦ Tn ¡u>¦. iiuiii , Lieh oy were HhaglBnetaly taken. At this stage of tlie p' ... ': .< TTu-ockmurtoa carne latope wer as Governor, and forthwith appointed «i Gea. 'I aj 'or, formerly a Démocratie na aber of <i«m- iitiiu brooklyn, bul a reputed agent of tte Mte> cillcd" Confederate Government Auringtat v -i-, - Attoi m j for " In the aast- bonds. Divers "Inila aad cross-bills" have lu m hi- ti. i-m1 rumor has i' »' a eos ibout bim'.' made, and the Btate and her loyal tax-payers an lion of th« ¡ Uese facts were li) IT« us, wlm mo au- .willina ':- "tal i.d, and who.no doubt, wttl u Ion" in (tismaller ul ibu haudh of the newly appointed Governor Pe .iTiOl'i.IA. III'-, 0«>N»KRV\TIVf BDTTOB«, IN!)!',NANT AT (,l N. I'oI'K'«. ©BDI Ai tftytrrta Ca., An?. M..The editors of the Ciiiisorvative pre»«» met ¡it Mitton yi-.-'crdny, and appolutln-r a committee to «b-.tw up a memorial tn «len. Pope.nouesttiarthenvoeatkai «if ord.-r No.it (which forbids the pul tilvertlsemeatl in paperi a hieb do not -ni »jorl th« re« ut «driiottou policy!, .¦limn ue<!. In cajú- (Jen. Pope 'refuncs, the uialter is tu he rcfi in d to t-c l'i« eu t. MISSISSIPPI DBCBl UM "i B01 nniü'i ruru.ATinX. Tío- authoriticfl of M:».>i «,ippi provided for taking tbe census of that s nie bt»t year, a » demento«! the reaull «¦! which recently appean«! lo The Jaekoon J., total popula- Wblb Blacks.. .3S1.3&81 Total 721.718 In '."' thi populatl m Wiiii Tntitl ..si/!,-«» The actual «taman of piipnUUoa dating thaak j-ears fruin re : Whit« - ! 1,438 . " .113 Total .. 7«V85 Th« ratio of increase from o toison, of whita-e, was uliuii (.nt, ¡uni ni blink.« ouiethlug more t. t'lid- r Hu» i. on of lacreare during h ive n¦.( n a popul itlon In Mi -, ad .i ..;.'- t, which shows a ., bj a failure to fueranas of-_»o,«joo. l in ». natural!«»» u-s a total tassel populutioaol * ii«- «p.i« « of als rears, ofthli dto th. extout of C2,'!¦*), und the : VAX). FLtOfilDA. HflB OI HBTBATIOV. from i-.- mat.tin Itnutwni i B, A mr. 10. hu*, 'Iii registration in Florida is progreatiof Is a i'u.mi of b--..»nation In each county until » balVC II, li I Li . D lu-,lid _- .«.in n ¡-¡»i« i- «' t..t..». olisistlug of 3,611 .. upii-t the i «. waite r- rontiditntlv st ib ! to be n lu- i.« not Included of loyal ih- louth . I heitrd rue whites are ir. ii-iiiu In thi larg« it i ht- Lui li as .n Hi.».-tate ¡ire about ..h. «. POLITIC '/ Ex-Provisional Oovetiior W. Vf. Holden is Grand i iorth i undina. George W. Julian of Indiana k thoroughly r that The Hon. John A. Rattoa, o\-M. ('.. bttbeefl itidforUie Iowa legislature in the Ure Momea «li«li:«t. -. >!. '.nu. Democratic ennriidate tor Got* a u i date lupathy fur the ¡ead« ..." Ex-*Preeident Bnchanan, since hk recovoiy fi m. his dangerous I pulu Philadelphia, «MO- utting with the Democratic bautats relativa io futuro Ex-Coii^*n ..-lunn John Bidwell havina ile- eliii,,! the -i rvallv« noi furnia, It has Is n predb-t tvlll bo « tu«, n to toa Senate of the United States in Hie place of Mr. Mc- At tho I>«moe; ty Convention, held st Pittsburgh, la. un i' - ilmiuii uit'. r. i. in- i'u» cniit'T uf l'i« .-;«!¦...i .u -n.. was, s .dil nibil .. .11 the t .'.'.e. -.mit ti t..i li 1(1- Irift j ni... . nation at the M uphlil, (dil" parti ulin l»t nil :1a- rc.-trlmiuu. The I.« ..lsl.ituif id TetMBBHte will bbmI in «i, t, i.i, . .. will be to make , holce of .t s-.'iiai. i i . :u 1 ' n of Jwlge Patterson, llora« William B. tjtokea, Andrew J IMelcher, and Joseph A Cooperare named. «'..I. btokt « la pi- tod d ¡h« «appert w; imt Mt Maynard booked b> the h*iHlii)g bn.nu maa of the Hato. Tha Hob. Chart« D. Gilflllaa of ?t. Taul »liitH ¡i raudidate for the nemiaaibm for Oovcrnoi bo- fore the Mu tu iota lb puhln ,m « iim-uüou. in eppoaBlsa la Uav. Marshall. Mr. HllflUan is opposed ta tat nttta- nieat 4>f the relhfoad bond qui oasis pii>i«u .-I, and win han th« npporl of all RepnWicani bkc nnnded. 1 in« bond quoatlou ii» to be an íin.-i ml ebemeut in Hie ita Tho Legislature of Iowa, convened tins Win¬ ter, will «d« ct a limb «1 - -a,; ti d the lion. .;. v,. flrltnt Mi Grimei ant toben eaudldate for i- I. Illili, Ililli Ml nilli tilt II nu m utivo Committee, Among Iheuawl prouilnetil caadldatn for .n an Hio lion. James F. Wilr-ou, i>ri-»i«»nt Brpreseutatlre fruin the Ftrat District the Rou. «ie»i»-o <i Wiik-ii-, nue ol ih" Judges t. me Coan) luv William M Moue, ami i.cn. William Vamkvn. The Soldier's Friend, Davenport, Iona, nonda- -iici ..hi ft i-ru «¡,ii ut, mid tin- Uni Jamre Uarlaa fat \ i. < l'i. «ah nf. it sysi "Hi« admitted that llul Hberldan, as a mbllar. bsa no equal ou this continent Anti !u tb.' m i vu in m- nt nf t-\tl ¡'fr-tlr-. be has lat.-Jy niiowti thal lu- hi equal toauj and < \. ¡t emoi»coney. Wo li li«'\« lulu to b an uiif nuil nut Undi. al. believe la maUng bun our COmm ad« r-ln-« lu, f We believe in m.-kiiirf bim l'n ritli Id f Hie United btatea, und »o liellcv- Ing. we hate pi iced In» mimi ¡n ,i.- i ,,i ,,f our laiper, ki ..w ing full well that the .. Boj « lu r. ne " ,if th. Noi th- si will .min.« m making gallant i'aii BheiidaB the »ue- f Audj Johaeon." The Chaee Com a ty Bemuar bat ¦ t'i-]><<-.t that Ihe cholera is pravalUus to tai alarming xtent ttooii-- the Wlehlta liubai.¦., belowTowanda. e-gktjj »V'aiii. were n pinuii up to wadaaada] last. Private loit«rs lioiti fort Dodat mv, tln-io has lien no aaareanof cholera tin re »ince t'o- wick ending Aug. i. The total number of deaths there from cholera dining it.« pnvalean w Tho nrvivott of tho lioiiioralile battle of lone jack (Auk. IS, USD met the other da) on the iiaitlo ground, and enjoyed m pi« a-.mt anniversary nb bnttan i he}- itW-u orgnmted au association to erect a iuuuueiuo- rative momimeut. Mike Ciirtiii. tho fphnïmtt, wbo wasn»liot at Blltworth, Kioisns, a fen days sgu, by adnperodo named Davie, «li« «1 mi the i »tb. lue woman .Melin- Logap, who wuk «hot by the ».uni« scoai-dnu, in recoveriag. Oattte s lmi Da\ ia through the ann .u.d should« r utter bat.», «hot down. A tragical Waomtiu ircrtirreil at Lebanon, Manon l otii.lj. Kv.. on t a.- nur.| of Hie lath lnst.. lie- tweaa two men named Graham ami Bugl.ee. Moth Mere itiHtantly killed, one ntiibhed am! the other -hot They fought and »litughtesed inch otbei- about the ffftn of a Uruik of m lu iky. A Pet-to took pla« at I'.ll.'voifh on t!i<* loth, li tween Gen. McC ill und Mr. Edgar of the Conmina ty Department, A ehaUengc paaaxl bnwnn them a«, a coa« ne. Of «nui»«, tb« mutter will .',- "aettled atnK .titi',, in a m.i mu r satisfactory and hi0'Uly liojioiul.de to both parties." Dorina Uta parférnance of Rohlnatax1! Circus, nt Noi bulk. Va., on the _kl, a pertloa at in« M>ats gav© win « the a^.niiid and mixing th« 111 lli.l1.-c|-|i/ii|i:ite'V lilt« ».' «" f'l-inn p.e\ nilctt. al li three lu.!!..- rtouslj Itjui t and a aumbei of hiitiu n i .. ,i i ¦,, i, wen CataUi b>

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Page 1: ¦fin-; -. THE SOUTH. ,. I''lot,ùPr»oi:Vh....,-el. pul. 'Hu« i-thecommondi «a»' thal has (hilare throughoal Hu-mouataina, ib.i m-i stopei dont biter« bj the u m1 n-tot n. It

¦fin-; minin raa

BuniMG 11Il It! Il WA1 IV ¡\«;.


, Imo 'i mu. h

1.1 tn-uiiv til,î-v» rs il li- re as thantitos» iln y

of i

M -t -H lil

Colorado. Borne eotnpani«,\v dotna a ig proa«

j> t« .th. ni Inn in ', barsii»!' to li am, they bare beei i ;

in Batte of the Bsanaai noinyand shill in (_cir dirai sion

|]b in ilü" Terril '1 and Bup-i»«»-*«! ta u- in ard r for ronniiI it l!

l'.itii.iJiv (l.fcttivn m tie "inl mnsljitvvait inodit'u at ion or r> »... ' theliru-liiiK rv ni,«I tin» power,01 (lis:i|.p iintid in t! : i

inore illa:, .,

Hie mal-tuf t!«.nitiii :;t, or prol abb In

.nil;.".theMontana quaii«lovvn. wlnle lil ( iilil.'ii: ;'

tim pi'-- .on- in,-'

i -. 1." can beCi,: ; « .'în-

rpriaea. « mb u i. Idents. drag alón»,' in aras! ami

finally and in » bo oft hein, poaaaaähtg ordii ryluit L-l moe al the a« tnal. here, toappro« de that tlii'ir faili

resiiin ,,f iii, ir ow Inot Uioi.mit tal the minen \vl.ii: » andaraUabte wealth. TI«)ti;ii!/ ¦ ration in li peyinfthe «tod '.,»: -ni twi« s

,i in the Batane of di»t i,;-: . ;

Ing lulil'-s. scie. til!-..'. I:

iniiN, nid in|] before buithe wondai fui

wealth "t theee înoiiiii:..

opea williiit.ii'

Mainp milla indefinitely, and of i»

ii.» nt in the pnní tlio;. íii-

lin tr and delWi i

tun. While in I thor vi,..!, ore profitablyv u lill lunn |M lo ( j

ii lo p;i\ i xp i-, I ; in $«a>p i in!',, ¡mil in inn u.-, bartences ~.~ t1-1

It IS ti. e tlh.t .

California, ¡uni mut remain i o tea«

'J be Te; -.her,grain, and regetahl Ii has no

luniiiii.i. turca and will l...»> u

BUI »:¦ li'liltioil. Mill I, ii. i;..

plinto, non. contle«», le,ni. aVew,i.iiuiiou-piices. (»M ir.'ii i- perptmndir-!l('< t ¡KUI IS Wolth .'¦ (()'"-;»'«'111-

Inmil î-'pci pound; 1« ad i

Cent |h r pound, and thero.ily tliiit (à per du} is not qi-»t ..itliibbTJ la!"»!« ii, M B.S '.

lint« fS, and all ela iiandfrosa «w> to80 par ti.t iibbtb. This« remo-

died, even m a ««uni! l times sodlo atóale, n - it vva.s I.,-.., \», anti-fill \..'.h Vs. 1 c, iilisi li;, -re | iii. 'I Wo

JOBTS i'efoie dour Wa* Sd, Bad the piolita in alixed

by tlioiH- Wa»04_ported n b1 aralatedtil ill to II )K ,it the Of

v\ Ita. aa ¡d'iiinl.iiit mipp ».I i-

lioine L'nivvii l'unir, ;:h(l 1 hial111 Hi li, i t. r.ejt.lid ile ..oil of the

li Montana, oom I tilingbut v.'..i'tiiey e\p«ct i>» tune, andi " s, iteaaatis « íioiis asa<>f le !i B i'l l-l" 1 rOUB

aremoati] minen» who easrot poraryi Jiere, ¡uni Hie H id« - who. ..»vv m tin iff traid tate prerioits nui.ils aft.Jual now tin- Xarrltor] :* millionofgToenbaoka to pay fi comniandafrom ten per u nt a n.oi Iii up I

_ Jills, ¡iuMflbl.S lind »lows li


y daahl ipti y bw« » piv '. when ti.i i .. taanymillion* in ila« i; .!- -"'.1the ,. ¡y ela

jinn-, nae suipiu.» of ¦

J.. I is i>erf«ctijsold .ii -"it. Le..,.- lu , ii

iji lied to ot

\h i ii.o'itli lo pay .night m foil and thene-Os-Xl«. ill .. I t'< II.Cl t

then .i1-1' .liions. One Jliu.siln-s« ol'the lic\t. ¡lu«! i i Li ,

tir vv.-iM . î.if.iiiiuif or «lis..-;. :. I. ¡.-di:.-

l in lill» in, st] Tin-i old;b. «Is ati- iia-ti,-, i.. harriedt»vi r, I« ¡ii tin m i

them, and ot a pro ti h roesof tli. pickbu«1 spado tri : lr.,ni

llii-iu r to J nee to - ilmon lit»«the hundred of p

J.le Weal.!, of die mot.Ill i

.1 (¦!,(( 1-

j M vv ill coiue to tillitll ofMontana will stsrli.lu-w ord) ; will dawn. It. .-.-. It] had i."t trono ilironih th. dmillionso| themiinin.' rogi .» i«>, I wmiMv diet thi dvent of b

t m HeBtans : bo* ii ¦< n in lhoJ. isi v..11 asarais! in i » In Cotoi

tot assume that they will not nuilinna ta riiffoltin- Kimo iiiaiine prollii'tcy in Moiii.,u;i- BO

linn Iretl of milli- , bank*rupt eoi'i " .niiiin.if ni. lineas, i a Montana irosathis terril1 fen ih.ty be »v.'isted, «i '.'.-i-' than » -' .'.,

' «niiij'iist theWhole world oi,

'¡¦iliingSaBSO*Ciations ergS-nUed m t., hap-1 ml. and .profligate j .»:*«. i.. i in whichM-IIte.l all,. !.(J l.VlJI the ¡IK,st judlClOllsillui» 'm u m ihm i,; ular business at home,

t -tilt of allaoiini] pun«,| I.-« in iiroj.'i iii..tin--, t '-uuDini'di-, ;

nine raaos otrtol tee they sre ii,,,,..,.,,. ¡ gpaniatbenot lie« .ti¦-. .,__. ,. p,»,|_

j», hui»-*, but lu-eau«* .-,,, g ,iAt ,,,, J.»' wera them to advan! i"«-. n ¡(.s m

arc still held ina tnnni cr that pic hu!, .s

lillies-! li develop]] 'nu will'i'.v n the wholetua h... non of'"!1. «nu,!" (tin- _(kj feltonv I.- vv ii.* tli.( ovt r«V and there w ill Le «hf-

ior Noa. i. -. a, t, aaal as en eaeh «raji t lihely no ona Baan will owa

moio tluiu a huit or nuilih of ii»«- UK» or 200 :

laira. Take the " be "<>ia Cacho,"Il-n I.l.i," li" 'Wliiihiri," th«: "Ilia/,''the

:," tin- " l'.'ti.v.," anil the Lnmlicos «»1

f>tI. i* a«roady partially dereioped,und iß« of claiiii--, iiie (.nm laliy

.ids HO proltiisi iimisi 1

thal ling is ¡uipfm-*>'"¦'BS a ml-'.

¡inddo BO.

..'j pro;du-

if tin ii whola propel tv. anti winn BOBSt one

m n nit- tu ma!;«- i!u- .nions ex-

-tit. tod I« ad,'.. pay the otben fabulons priora for I

,. ¡I (lien wealth. Developm« nt i- no1:. mo»! ni iii.: v.dm.1.1"

nt i, i-t fra ¡"H- oi ti. m- 'I'¦iirh atora ((Untii-m. < > It « iBBOl

without seenring additiad hisi folly

np a

i lay-oat" foi lum. !

end ; ite shafts in the '-aim

prodl tun, bean "I

worked by « ..-< h -ii ii:, whan atonael(I. liv. ral! til« ON of the 1- ad Bl I "«t BOl

pt t tun. In tin-» way eon] take arc

involved in disastrous expenditure to procure theirore from ;,i it lan minea TheyJ eli« reeertabth tds

t i .»go«d:ii.« l'T, i-.- '¦, fivti "i <. '-ihondri'li t «m them withon! knowlog how their

m bow the h .ni ian i-

lio worked; liny lav« t ti doll iatil | tree! maehin« ry. ami m hen

liny want their m they disoovet thal whik theymes undi ground, \

.ni!-;, anti t pel ti m to I"'.»'(li in out a rainooi pTioesot work their dab.

rapan] shouldc1 :¡ les i-i the parpo e of working

ip thoa mi-' iii" location of( lain on the lend, the streamsof wal r boc« ni¬

bil i-i mills, the formation of the ground travers dII itude and grad ¦, it« timm r, and, fa shofl w tuunclswhlch will

con re al the leaal coat» W b n on paninm ,-!-. ¡i pin ¡nctu-.s thal they own lalms

«n, :: i. n dif i« b1i« p ita m valuable mian, nu!' se tin y own conm «t« «1

as tn some one or more well-tested leads, whichbe worked by ano abaft ot tunnel, rest snored¡ i" projet lu-, of tin- oompanies eithi r have lu en

heat« «I «n th« y in«- a eking to defaad thepublic by t!i" -.nie of stock thal can nevei be ml na bl

unices bv toekl ni. I have explained in detail thisuiiiiin.it c1:.um», because n i-» Hie nul» nil

which very immy have wrecked the motl nngnineI, li.c it,ten t of the country a'

i-f stockholders ilia1 tiny look well Intn this i«« ni. A mill once etech <l. a

depends upon the lotrol I adjoining ekiim to Buflf« i extortion i" ' '; taint, "'

.i« bul m bankreptey, beti le BBtoM wealth...ulai error committed by

alle ii th" expenditure << bundrcda,ii millabefure ii" it I«

., -el. pul. 'Hu« i- the common di «a»' thal has(hilare throughoal Hu- mouataina,

ib.i m -i stopei dont biter«bj the u m1 n- tot n.

It will doubtlns startle thoastnds at yow naden,lui! it is neverthelen Une. thal ila It ii» not a mu !

uiiie ia Montana thal imIc\« l« p-«i. and few, Hi ojotado. Otad " pay peek " hts been Coond

Id the Miliar:» on s. tod they have been work -1

With ti'!« lal'!' -n «- bttl the <ll.il ,n hi ami \ al li¬

ol'ti n where tiny are c1« ml;» d< Sued, no

is ii t tseetttim d, E p 11«I il m l.v the waihi, city, ]-. ki t.. and

I pronounce them the mott vatesbk and,,t n! \ in the world hal ni.« slain al MO lY.'t

i !. u b sd may he <>f mu . bueter amy cap. or pinch, <»r oatxow to alnoal

lain will pre at fra gold, whik'..mi v ¡ii ly Imprégnai d a ithlefy redaction by the ordinary stamp-

niil!. I have .seen free gold and lu.ivy sulphmti- iit'i. nu tin* ¦ uns ad, tod within 100

b other. AN fien these! red,[ble men will m e the foi|j of rushing Bp mills ob,. lo]. d bad», mIu n iii":» it»" t" roath« i

bal ren min ¦. "i a chai icter oltheilKo nil ing company i

nlo 01 Montana sbanld entertsia tbeldcaofpur, basing at bin rj foi al I« ssl one y< ar tftei

inn avin n they bai t pur-their let i being careful to 1

theil .. bod) «. b Imort economical nuning they should

¡i.-i i. m d, and p'i- ti 1 mim r

velop Hi Ten or twenty thousand d«I thus « x;>. tided arifl prove bej ond all «1« ubi ii..

¡uni value of lb- «'1',; and until al 1- ¦-! I."of im- an- on Um Lank, it», value pror


should bo considered If tlie mian rtftayield good ore at a reasontble oost the 1<

tit, and the projeet can ha-al«_ndonedwitbont involving the sacriflctof i In whole capital

j ¡my. tad the tnbti many . i¦- thna fi

naturally tempted to tor»iiildititinal sn::,«, \\ ith the

th.n red bj m

until i n.IK hope aad means lade oat to]; ,ii ii. q air,

Ii :'." mu', t pro(¦«.ml ore «nu be prodnoed al a reaaonableoo

I the ore ia m .\t to bet I, ai d tin

prop« i mai binerj d powei to itdu« . tin- larg)

of th«- pyrlb.« of iiiin th- «'i.iinni n.iii» ¡milmin«

.-»able adjunct The stamp-mill is ti . andbloat] and re the redm ti

: » ikiH,8Bd talen expi ni ha:,« i work ¡""1 with the bárrela»

nuil«- gold «"it d tiordintry tmalgama-

than the nau;p pu.,. », .ii ida When th«Is larg« ¡y mixed « lib ; m Colorado,t'1- a i.-» ted thal will reduce it

i Dt'rflc talent of thami t-l pstttoas of Europe, in :

these i< factor]»I bat until th

.led, tmsteurs btv« na basiui ¦«< sport-itiug with boj nt the various patents width Hood

Conpanin whiefa develop Jtacicut; iiKUiey by t\ ¡ii,- u net te overt

a, and they tat '¡"it with «satire confidencetinu t lay mil ultimately naki theirminn profil ble,

n cotapaain have thus fairly develop d tin iiaad ascertained the character oftbeknn,

readilj deti rmine what kind ofidtpted to linir wanta, tnd they eta ti». >i

witcly proceed to thip ii Pint, however, theio cunnii in looking to tb" quality and .-

ph :« neeaof tin ii mills. 'I b« re are nulls bow « net, «1l-ii.i.i. t»!i¡th were won ort In a month»

Thia is no country foi delective amohinny. It ntl«i. pain d. and mi»- CBBBO. 1"

Every pall oía mill likely to break shouldbe dupli« ¡«t« d, and a forge outfit it essentio1 to

m yet, no foondeiy in the Ti nm thal one i-» tbout to be estaMisbed in II« lens ;

bat the I t profitable mill for days to gel¡¡s done 1O0 miks or bmvto dktant, k attended

.i fi ai in) loss, not to count the gOftdttBl < !for work ami trtuepaitttion. Ii' anything Unporttnlkfoaod wantingin th« machinery whta M ¡hum«,

¦.ñires unotiu i .»« ftSOB te m l'piy it, St ii" IttlBS or

boat.« 1« tve tin Last fur IfoottOt the same .\« ti ni.'«*'a mill k delivered on the ground and it.« «J. le« ts «lis-eovcttd by its ottsMoa. Obi bobipbbj hen loglt

:. to SMid home r «cidml porticoof the null. If they ure impioving the lout time in

'loping their min« a, it v t«, a fuit minti: acini« nt,but they nu claim mm h above um average of goodinaiia).'!-ii.« nt, if ihcy thus made their -».up'-oscd uiis-baps a blcabiiig.

BU_ s,!«, 1, a «ml started by the river, a ftrst-«. Industrio* basin .st ana is waafed fat super-

int. ndciit. in most « aa ». M,_.. ,,., ,. f,.;,..,,- .tof tu- leadingoflccrtof the oofnpány, having .... tit

foi b'iM.icsatha, btttfly aaderstood in the Baa«,lt«W !oeiijuyfa8thorf4«,.fro.,,ir!,ju,,rs,al).l<i(.':il-.speedily nrin-isnsge M ¡,lto (i(.ilt .,.,.

faillit«. ik-urnl practical, estpark need, nid fi ural nunonly «an ich o]', üiíiun.s jiiupuly. With

..m |S tu $*- persil ,,,.. ju

b< ¡uu!y » In I

e i-f ¡s indi i »n* -iiipervi-ioii SOI -." li Bttd the di

v ¡dins;line betw« and failon.I bare, for «>hv ion.-* n '-"! ta it. troth

- liri n the din!-innis in M on i a 11 a. ii is one ena! field of bewilderingwi ilth, and 1 Baoat earaestly r*ope I. II BTmedily

,:¦ relop d. i ntv miilionaof «tapital «"nid Le i re profitably inTeattlit m in any Othi i la* ilit.v and, bj im]

mnd i1, ¡i,

taj'ii.-iiisU in ethel .ni' ipii- es, n.'t one dollar in

twenty should be lost, « i > itj oftbs inv sat.enl » would u i tttrns, In no

othei mining n Ion are ii!'- !and ho . I mil bl <!

velopedbj tunnel and the owdaUvered al arerylow rate. Not only the iiu'U'i'aiiis. hu' the

al,, ol in, uinpilalile lil I"" BV Alder

b, ti ¦. Iready prodno d bmbti gold than anyli Ii in tin- world i lam Infoi.\\ will bo ¡n

i. wini, ,-d over a:-1. m and np- ititi previous yield.,| foi 10 « on» iitire n

rj ».¡mi ni 100 !¦¦' i. and <:¦ h laim j ii Id« ii fn0 every 21 lunn.*. < I" n-ln-.u!. <! bl

now traill, iinu' op the claims, und will, hy onecitr.il iluhie. travel ing i!.--1"> »» bottom, worn ovi r

the whole guli li a itli «. isl profit, wini, «.iiown iii, m li hill -ni' bj the hydraulic ru¬

in ti««- melin lime tin- i It li bla :,, ,i. -.-

Ih.wi led, !'ii i '

pci inn. will I- worked, and boiI« iiiines ama» ted. There is no par! of thifl centin« nt

Ka it« m . ¦: '¦ .¦",1 v '" '''

it will so wi II n ward its judicious inv«Monia! a; B1 '1 I « ntl» al men lo (lisen rd

in < la ini«, intlatetl sp. dilative ci

l. lu helping band in the »*i"l .'¦' ni "I

tin* isliiinhcrini' w-i i.itli. Scud pia- u» -'1 uicn tosivlul

cure leis pronrrly loci t- .1 r«»i d««vil«»i>nt«'iit. anti

thcn.abovc ..II thinil linn. i. an.I faillir« is hi "'. Uifleiont

._.vill h. .' u » >»

'¡""'»^< '", ,m0,ï"ft,,,.,Jwi»l hnvnthi?li I,I.111.U.S. '.hrWHl 'l. V 111'

tia«« Ion* unknown hu! rich.tonal creation«_ a.».».

! ///: f "mu 11 TIONA I CONl / A / ION.

ii port OP Tin: <'('.iMim i OH I'M: p

IM. PI iii Ü1 'PIM. LEGIS1 4.TI II

TIio following docnnienl coinprii i the re¬

port Of Ila' <"" BBBittee eh '.'-.I

«II! I!

li li)'.:

their « -i" 'l"

ii, mulei«, abai

i a j -1 lily iiui ii::- , »I .u le.: lid to Hie dul! "I.ii, m. anti n Mil ill "t ti'i nni nain!] i- ilmi

rent u, : »I In sonn m

-. ..;' Be¬

lli i, li .«I all tue

'Ville I.if lillSOU« pi, VI ,'"! vii I»« li

I."Ill 11

al- .-"li J.I to I» in. >!\ a..' Pilli»li arc i i th« v' it« . bj pii. Lb «

, bl. I« und« rib«

tal a mr«in ,,n Dial b '

Ithdm f Hie I

t,» v. ii.'u., them

'J lu

m i-oi U -.

,.I l -, I vv Inch.

f 11. v an » . di« ili

1 V»llhUl I'




lu (lo lu 1


l l,|eI.


'II Ibe mel


unly.it I '

1"! l-l i

'1 ile , ii dil .


Í. li 1,debt pi« .

allow a

I, .-Mil, I

to real i

prop.u.. ,, , i,.

Iii "ile ii- pool« .»,., li com ..., u., iih> im I«if.'¦ lu practico ,.,, Uta mu li

"" '"toll I "III 1 'if V]e-' u Ik appoii ,1 ia

i rho 1, lillie shall i.

«¦vu n ,,in),« ns.iinu. to a,...ti.-' nu utter ti

(¦Uli 1 va ,e di |-,'. BO)nie. tv,.»te I, -i,..ii pruvide ; all .. mu mi

::¦......!i..,u.«"II rim. miac1 Itated U li a> ..ii, i .. J.»"'.'.' "

.',' -:''; t. .i...! .i¦'- ."|'l .'"1..,,., S hura potrera


I".";1', I li.« or-

li lill.'" exu-od

railroad *h" ¦¦'!'. i.ml ...I!.ni ai i rlij -a tutor«itoratadjUla«, until ti., »,. m ., ,...,,:.

l- «.Mainel, .ml al ¡, ,,-t Hu owner« ni Ulliproperty on ti. ; throU(,h ...,

.'. load lo bu"¦ blades u,

dor. after thnx i- ¦¦.:.. ,;., ... ,,.. Mu,.. ,,..;.and the vi.. t ..-.,.. muin rl" city or villa .¦ Bula mai i.veto h> a lui third rote, and n ., ni no1u»; rctiirni <l by tbi Govi tis r withlu i, ¡, dansit» r Hu y . II have boeu i.i to ,,. ,,',.cahill rli ill !', a la«! '" "*'' H I,'-bad Bbjpil i", in,lisa Hie la lature, hy n,ail.uUIiiii.i-lit, J»i ., U lue 1« Ililli, in wail u ,., it abai!

.ii 1! ill i liol ii,ive ).,\«, t" -.na Uou in :i ,y

nu.nner the suspension of specie paymeut by bu«, poi ....

or i urpoi ii "u i- ulna] hank not« s ol m > di s, riptiou. Nolim'- .-i.'ai !" created for »eifhlnf» Kauniuff, uni uuiug,or Inapocting anj mt'tobaudise, uinuulai tun ,04 row«iii-iilJty vvii.iu v« hut this «ball bol alf« 11 iii« unalinKotan «WH«« l't" pi' t< » the publli health .,1 lull i. ita ..f tbsbun :u 11. prop .it n lehne, or m«npplyliv, .ii. ,.i i-,,: d| ii dal J* of weigli it mayprot |d< for ti" .» ' iHinlj iluuai sion upolu iiliiiii 01 ila¦ i.o.iiJ «f 1 county.

¦.¦ 1 any lota' hi Jil It!i,i«i tim 1.« ^irsl.ii m,-, iiulcrs« B liotl b« !" 11 publishedlu the Stab, uapei foi at least m day», and «neo billU4U»1 h ihtn.iiucul VMIhlh the I,

'-.anne »hail not pa-s local or special lawsu (ii,,. 1 ol tin. follow!..«"I.'s /Utlll.il/I.'..'till r-Ule ll.,It.-,-'lilli,C1 lill«!.ii pi parti til 11.1.., 1. ,,¡ oil 11 1 1 iona undibaiising Mu nmii,.. ,,r ,.., ÜUI ,,. j.n||,K out. aorit-ii« or dlHontiuuli « public m privat«

til S ".' .'.' a- s us onnty al ui lic'l't ii* aimiual lb« »late, th« ii , invulhi

1, ir .,1 au) olli« sr. 1 ", raullng to an) nain uti.îbitlon, ortoi ,, ,,,-m, :vl

. '(e. or » liail.fell!.al »,i luían ...


Uti li 1

-4 «bore a tli i" ral bin


_RBJ_ff KUI à »At I UN«; A FBEEDMAB.Pobtbbm Mi'Mioii, An,-. »..John II. Bhivi ra,

n .in t.icof the r« a. « f« r i ,:< sf Wight i«

recently arrested by Datted Bl " liI ian« d i«y t

folk, snd united in that etty -, -..-,! iv t.« answer a

.nit mid batt« ry, aUsged tu have been <"»-

mitt« «i 'in, u. n u '. «l B< dg« i-.

,|. nine two Merk« lill. Aft« r 11 ] 1.

.» lu id to ballI.) .;,!",«:,. St

riv« nt.-i. ili.it v. ith a pun i

.i tel " doug ihi nest. ni <

t.i ib«y wen- in company with titi yacht Wave, al o wittaof l'ltii. d« U hians on a similar i rulst. bul hat lag

rtj, banu ti i. "»' ii ard.Ihey pi ..-lililí lo Baltimore from Annapolis to attendthe Coroner*! Inquest Th« aeeidenl puta sudden ter-mu alb u tollu ii pi' Bsui Ii ' »be will vlsll Nor-folk to monow and stattoua ihthluj totopaH v.a -t« ara main elevator «iii h h ft Paltlt-iore j

1,..u,' t.. New-York, broke down ofl l'iankitunk Uiver.t: Hi up the Bay, -,- rt« rdsj n ntl Ini si d u

losucl r there. Assists , to her. Baa oki wtlli,,, towt ti i" Korf« .1. for i-iAmarine wrvej wm biddon Bsturdayon tin

i. i, ,, i. ¡t.,; .i ;..'i:..il. wiin dinah.«Il pint I thal 'lie I- « ! ¡i'i ') reawic

I-, .-,,,. tn ii n pah . m i" r ma' h"« '> i""1

rWaull " i--« «I« h '" i. ¦'¦ ..» '", ' *'.,"/.The ram HI m« wall ti ,. tbonni hlj ¡ ilttcd, "

it, I Lil, ptoll l.ua'l-». I'lti'-'i-.

Ililli I. i .lapuii.

Bl m;v a. \si OB ii I »KOBO 1><»miv- '

AM) Till! l-ll-.lt« HKIlI m«i WITT l 041 Tilla

«m nu BM B nu I- man TO laABOB.As mi nt i. »n. 4l l.y tolegraplt, Den. Henry A.

,i, im i« d an addn in Hann»! i. \ t onTho¦..a n:.-t iiu aeea-fcm teingafestival to rain tanti fn

the (tullun of »n Bpkeepal Chureb in Ha- rklnltyofv. ii-l.n .'..i lb iy Academy. The original eoUege .wai.

fnttliii« «I ill 17 ".' I'

...-. -,

I'.i .nit II« mi . ii on » ««h" at« «I,UM ¡i« te . of ii 'lue |ii:.i.

lim-, 'li l»c': llu hu,I' ..lill.) li:.-, in"

se a. iifit 11 linn!. 'I h«lions, and It« elua found tin culb-ge devoid «f «¦

luiii; in. et».-.ni t»-n u" ti.u ii-*. I'he Trusten ti., n,lu « nable III« ni '«' conuni hu it v

In in tl:< cotllill lu ill\- ith l'i.... n oribe i,. ' a vi ;. ,i|i-

..ti ii,ii iu ii u ,ui .t ni udi my, a hit h!» Ml ii li lil .ut lu

o- d lilli KC, li« ii W l-iinMi-i Thoa alto woiild build a house made

witii bauds, i"i ". ihe I.«,id to dwi il m "

-ii.'iihl " I .ike the tin-! fruin fl tin Ir i- -t, f- i theid on which Ibcy tread is in ly " The honor of suchrk wai t.-' pin,.ni. it evi unto King lia id. 'ihe

tempi« ol «"ni.ih,.h.d like tin im.i m., luiii. muí Hu- thunders o(

Siniii, i. ml tin pillars of Ure and cloud, and ti11 the waU of tb< Hi ti m b, i il tin in. 1,1

:. relations of " God with as." Tbuwboh-of K«tin t. in .iii it« distmrI sets, is embraced bi tites« three

'- dod with us." 1' 11.. n !"i .'" ¦' n n tu

1 lilt! l.niisif» lo God 1". m ile pit palii. * tin bl

1. -, ¡li d tie'

tb« nu u un li eui of Hu it.il , Huii tu i.tin the o mpl« ol

i.in. .... i rU In, inn(.«Hi, ii

of "Cod inonie «

.-.ii \> lill ui ¦'

of evil. Th i, ..|I- lu I.'ii. to - lu li


I i . s :. li ... . 1 " «ni 1 M IÜ.i und ri hu liri

I Pilbil« a -I pi iva le mI

did nul

I it to

Ipilli j -.

cry of tile »

"i: nil

u iii opp'holo<

iid;¦ t,,. Ill


> tuite «ii.!


ILil i

I .H ii

III 11


II ¦.! .!

ion, « ut n-i.m .ti.

Ina« iii nain n or nul eil ellu bupi oil It, rmci

u n n« aal of .. an i- Oh \ lu li l

i. .tu tot i- the catii, î ..". o « t!.

n-...iI ...(

¦r« i. nîl

i« «I [inNothing es1

ti an liii» l »bl Imt I luoii-fhl and , > . .

uni Imp.-.e-i It, :«i m uphold It at

:< lu .'. Hu nr. of a n in though Itehli lilli ii la Ile n (Ulli bl*. IIpilbil« fl H *'. min- f.n li

llf Iit - h), sud pi-wi r of pii.fci lion I luL i i... i i¡. um

ni i« n.pt ithrn, ita. to tin \ lol«) ..n of Hu» inpicau

.nil »hal l'Ut of lu I««' lalin Si \t tu our lim: mi.!. try is the

. « lo

Ibu) weneeil to at tempt tin II d«

I In « .mi. li m m il < u,n,ipui. nii His own

'.' .'«Vii"I n k u nlii t the prill Hut Gi* u. n,,

i m i" du] m u- the duty of g-uanLtug our-to nil

.. .:h all "ni md »vow« «t uf.t«-tupi cu.i (fat h« \ uiiil Hu « m.«a» ip.tin.nand the Kiianllaii nip of free time li, to u -. ftu ih«' diiiu'i...linn it the m.u k nu«

malo »bivile I ' - i f !.',.. I. ti«.

oi '.. r m i n».,ie ,« i,. ... of power to peni tunta Hui. .1 i.,i lidttti d n- mi

tl.ullfcli ! li plihl.. ..I III. I It v. tilt«i'.« -,.i. iv in -i d« f« -- 'il -n Is ro del

ai it t '.,,- lui .e i \ (tetlu t. \ .. .! ,. -, ,,f ji.ii fjfIII« li Hld I I

,1 III take, iliit ( ti. ii ti ( .. ¦!i: .in. Wemust relyon the truth, nu the Coi tltuUon,

e tin fort 1 -fun lil ; OU .l-l «"I II ti | u

I .¦ Neilh nml huiiili. If.«. eoiialiit a

-¦' i" nui «l upon u«, It eau anti nu ¡.. n th«; ii.« Noitb« m »tal« a

lui.le 11 too hi'I!. I ,. li lo US \. lil« .. tb« S Would .it li L I-

»-.' br i* i. ,,, Soil turn th«

' -l'iie a God in« ,.i i» litii n preju !.. In hi \- \- i.

K« une« ..t -..a,, orto«ni iiiui.,it,, \A.X ,.._ (i u u j, uu IUi iilM ,| ,,,,

of the North,niiail \ m inba h« _« ob s Jamaios Oi a ban DomlUato I I,

,'".','" doiulm :. ui rbii I A" n- land'""' «< utplcaaud n_-(<a ,,, i,. dedicated lotbeOungo

.'' ¦' ¦.! nut lulu ¡el tbt ""¦'

"than the W.,1,,,, vim. I,, ,. .. .."'Im ft for

h Í ,u":,,,l,,u','r"""'>'1"-"''-"'.. nwiaan','';.''".'' "' pringsiiiid i li al iwcel

'.::,''''l "id-dug. and the 11. iu,« !«.!-.....st ».li

1.1., i'' ..¦"""" ""-lub. uno,,, .in ¦- op h to Neu

'..i,;"11' "MO-BBS, ., . , ..., ........ w_o H.eu.- Jill '9 lu Ann licit Itwilluot be op. n I- Hull hoi..'

''.' ",?. i V *' '.",'" ¦"'.»¦ «hiimiiati.... ..f tb« black tara,l l v,, wiUbs (.hu,.'. ,i t.. leave tin lands. V'". ',' "|iM'' »o ihe whit« ,,',,. D i.,nu, and theo ti.?.- ,*-,",n -I «¡very clime to railj to na'¦' ""'' »*« ¡' '¦"' f- This i« not n. ii...i i« ib« righi "i

m.p..iii. » .m..1ihSaVf " '. .,,,,1, .._ BU,| (!,,.>

UM' Ill dal i« | , f !..ertv ibiil »i,'e of ni-- rfj they

ore now In s boiter defined a stub ol license. Iheyare'" --11"" oi .' to r do

v lili m «' I or bad nu n, ami ,. ,,, ,-.( um l!yloth« m from th- i.e.t, j n. ,. (uti i. ,.. Hu |H lofirenH«m, -i who \ ret

¦.iiiul who ever waiin« uds of tb« r pine« «u MiiutitliiH'-n..n, If not i-f slav«

nita U.e li ni] tniiuu» .

1.1. '. I«! 'I

li sors, and thor are ukuiv u» uu iht i.na.

¦ i,v theirIdl ,.(¡,,ii.(l-iiiitii»i'»t!.i(!"l,,u, 11 .1,'(.'taila! inn. 'ii,.» ai- unlit for seIf^vern-

iiieiit.ai ii iii.d training as men pupils of liberty ; ana

ii > m. i!,. tu,] nu st cruel I . when in-

"i bhorrently mittiI,, he 111 ,. le >i ,,.'1 ' .: ' J" .¦l"'1 '''.

i rill Ih- tu oat unnatural n w«

a,m., I for tin p !. ¦¦. ". ' .' owB " lur andi.m ¡oi'.-iiiiit ti, to un. He us 111 irnluv salid io..«.iipvthe inheritance of our lauds. The Interest of the whiteM-Hortb i« well aa fcntitli demands that " this land, ol

vi iy 1., ,i ila ti hiterix whit« ra«-, everywhere eonnu 1, r hood our

call tOthe resem l-et Me n]¦.¦« ¦« 1 Is atonceto, :is of a trump ! maktBg

I.,111 S" Ililli.IV. lu (bl leo,h tillie II II h ID« ! 1 " ,lHl

lia ,.i ..'-I ,-¦ lu ike - u» ii .'-»¦¦

ilu-ii- lal "i-ai..I -l ill. i. enliven their li

Inspire Mu ii- eut« roi - .--..I repair lb« r waste pWean In -¦ .t"l our agou) ui uu.i-in,t-- uia.v

,', to ,,.,:,.,,,,,i honor, Out i ian ma. eihl ' loo

pi« i ii.i.n.l.uti' tbe pco_»fc were novcr

it and nu lain, veem under Mosos al im-i"' '

., v lui, iiii.iltieti'dl.v ii. plllarsol m'- .'!;' ,'"/"¡f in an BXodllSfrOBIi boiuluo.,-. We an raia.llv l«-ri.l-

tti« Uli greater anti more« uormoue «_«-uii.raii/nii»ii"frr.pllitl.ltll IT pUbll« lil ; ,i lill «I» bl-«- I' WS al.« BO

,,,,,,'. it «»III be Mi-¦.'.-!..,!¦ t m,,:.,1 ,i> a- well M moral

-, ter The pr«»pk'. North nml South, see, In lbs midstuf tlii ii uieY.iu- Kim.1» ¡"; til tnxittl« n. the nnllloi sir« -, al

1.io ¿id abroad, rnoi.« ""I"':1;: W"/,"..'*"neil millions of nubil«* debt, and boardilla it like misera,roi ihe'v.M ÄiithatltlKiaraarateo. Inter»hundir«!- pertci.1 above wbal the moat ¡u live comm« rea

In tbe country now author.«.«!* for loans. If tliev .«i ii

in tin s lu.hin.' and in. mili It, tba demon «if tai poyinamalcontent-* 111 -. era (1 void the wini.-. Tnoj toual

l-l h, thai ila ni Ity f wai al- .u resi<-,1 «uob n

debt at such a rate of Interest, and thal now theo \ i.f i».Is as arsat to d troj It aa of war I'i he snj nie publie v. ill and public «rood arc al ko pleadi «1In iii.« '-' oí pul li« ni 11 islty, and the tax«pknow that tin ¿peculators in tim publie funds kept up the» ii '. lui public debt* The people will take

.. mammon which bob prolong* theIbe v.l.-, when peace i-» proclaluied Tin u-

li.ililli Will lu-nnr ¡rl jiar

The | This anormons pub-H« li hi. Illili Its e.\l,l|,|r;|,lt rute «'f lilli li I, ti,, I, - .iflill tu.\|»a> i -|-s l.iiiiv., no1 (i.'il.v k11 |»m I, II «luveielcii Mali*

out of ii" ii órbita In tbe Union, ibm only pre vent.si inn rea.in iion.fi m Hi«-1 on. lim id.-in' dread «r a viuda livei' in Hatton, hut li \ driving the Worth Itself to Um ox

ii. m- of ai.. h-iiiM ; i.! LU a .'.<.. li, criss fi imon and more tai to pay millionalrcB'Incomes from aatorbitai rateo! lut« i. -i wbl. li pal nu ta vi... 'ii.

Bal ..ne way lo i. li -ve Hu« oppressive '.

neill taxation, mil to -ave ti,« national honor: 1st, R.ii..» iii« ii t.ie-,i mi na-imh.u debt from 7 I to 4) p'-r..ii ad. Tai tie luaome from Unit Iniertww In proportion to other Imonica taxed, ad. ttirtaotidate thewhole public debt, .-ni»! -i lu Imitation of tba

i . :-i Hw bond i to be pul latotin na,", c lum :, t. It trill reduce thu barden «>i taxa-lion It will« b« h. mi* no longer to be hoarded,mai uiaUe them IIt aill m I; .¦. usai v iv ¦ i4 trill be ¡i

e « i.ei | ol lil el. lit il T' eellte «'X-

I. ii i.e. It Will « -lil l.i-1. in lillies ,,f II, 'heyI" re. It -,,!., ,. u i,.- t:iOtai i Inglntcri t. and « .¡1 sa> n tt-ional bon« frota repu«.I tu i kui. And the bondi 111. i. i,.,,i n, ti. lukr tbla dm <h-

ll:i l-l lillie I,, \. li V if liff ¡ill ni ile Jj hu,Dill (1 lrc.;«lll'U"f .1 t i\, it cfeillt Bl 'I 111' "h.e.

\ Kui all Uns will I»- in vam if we do no» Individuallyami ., and ii .- eotintry I.i-

leu v, hin t, and vi ink sad Workob we must, torivoduretia iitntorialol plenty. We must chauae our whole eye-tom of lalHir. The agrl nltural hil real espccUilly musti.uoee it» "i'l routlue "f planting tbe large sta»ple

i 1" nie!' \ Bl n 'I. oo t« m, or a -' ni more

ura, hot i full m-. al ¦!¡all n. li,n-t lu- St

I Iii'lil. ii li ! the " .sett |S< e I "

. , i iking, and (lum,i. li .¦, and b - kkea pli ?. aud town.ii ,.,i a trade

.i no1 pab ii».m en- ugh* t theil!. V ,' lull I teach our eli.

t.» lubor, i»ti«t love Bad bonor tabor, tvin stljr, liol : illy. Aid

in the « input) nient ol labor«**», i recommi ltd ti.- rantinguutploylus dag laborers in bar-

iib niilit Ixl h le in« .1 i»v laboi TheyBxrept to those f inillb * it

i. itera w hu ii, i. I to ro¬erá ii "'a i

t.,,. m«l av li- ii t' debtoi « sa thor ar. .nur Hercules I. I apti

... build and i l«*s v Itbin«.ni i.I. Never depart from the moral law, iTore-

lrv..N.and blood, and

t., ¡iii. -, i .' u- althou-j Uve ia i".. '¦ and t-.

M (t'a Bl m IB) vi '»'. I '- Pi CÜ-11 II s \\;i('|! V ! I.IKI'.'IM

AM.HEX :. -Ml"--'.:.S. s. U((-

I li ii» AM» lill. ( i ; i ..¦ vi.s.. \\ ii«, nit;.!N ¡N oil || !..

RBBBBBSBBiRi o'; n :-, «Ti

The following c4rcoJai »>f <'.«!.. 0, Brown,lag to Iii« iuPiik tlt-

if mt h.iis to »I' -lllllte I'll Illili .1.1. r TI'

M» A I.i>

IRl« ¦'-.«., t , Ang.17,1

' IB KO e |U |'| Hi .

:-t in.- ii irmatlnn of tbe Inala!in -tu in "I., .le

I 1rs!

. I.araetcr of

¦-* tioltlul i <.i.ii!'i.s.-i,itier t.i ord t tu

i linly with


(. ililli. K M ii I l ii)

lirci v \ v \» A \

re williUm ilcMntc, wa» .i an«

ittcr of .! putt. Badi I ti'I1 Bl

iy, upon t)..ii a church, i*

li.al ..'. .»« da tlu-ir own proa-

1! o v V\in; if au> tli.n : in- m iv

he itUlllgbj himself I« re and atai -i

'ii :. and to t

,»l» rt H ti""., be would be a io»-I :ii''l a kiI. opie .-lin« their sob)ag »t»«>*i.lu :Ui» oin alni but'ul ; bl J

i!».»i thal von i .ni du*uns iu ii.« mi liante arts, ami

I,. Si ti.'". .1. mBaal» tl.e, 1

.I yonlune to du

oith-taking, vi tin.', convention.«, or elections. »

>:> 'uiiin's


patbj wUJi bia own extreme views mid noi ensleal fallathe Imp »-. ii»!u ii

lo)all. ii, ..¡. -, m !farr .. pn hei slbla

.- \v i«« f"i '¦'¦ .«ii,lulu-

a mi;,,\ P lipolnt, w] ¦, lath« poUtlrol .vutipode* of Wise,

II it«. i,ivi Ing tia»'"' .'ii tihui-l.T

ai .., et ii ,'a lae Hie wliit-n. \\ n

I- I..I nu I. in r-BBW Of Hu li I. lu »ra II. e li) ,,ii lli.it »ni».i». s h ¡i. ni tin- (luin-H, now In*

ipon il, m ., bus, ,,r i, tri te ring, mdv tin« \« lien Hu- linn tui -, and a- if « ¡ti, ,i-.\ , ra !»¦

"Hill hint about tiliol " I'.

1: i* l.(»l*teil Ms rune for¦» a i. '.. 1", al fui fra hi theI li, II.Hil -fly op|ll. e* hllil, .11,, 1«

i nisof ,iiv,,ii-.i muí tieiiuiK utiioii againstj at the ouutrv i>iiM ra, /

/'-' half Ki ,

,- i.,t ,,|,,.iMl 'liift '. Uli ii un, ut

p. |. [da, uiul the popularity ol Polrpolnt, who,, h, itlinal .i. ,1 ia «t «, o, i..

u.ie'. Iii« reply of the I'll y Mu l»t rates to Oen.Sebolleld.h waa fin lu . io m

juill illa el Illili; ' Bl ills Ol lllci-s,in a .m !i it was bininu »tul tli-t Justice bad no1 l»eon Im¬part] 111. ililli';. IO, II i-oo.t. le I, l,| V!,

11, t,,u io (lu tenure uf th, -,

ei.lv bj iii u.. uni." ni.--, inn uuitierone utbers who arainAl -ii r» ature of n ti

vi l.l tlhas J.t been «»vcl'i k, (1, I.* the fact tllut 11.ii tin supposed dchinjueol onlelula ara «1: -ii .»..-

.1, .o >l ii pr« -'ia .1 j muni « bo look i. .,.- islyf.,i rard to the vacation .f the p iff lons thal thi-lrcon«

., lill "'II,I v II IllllH.V lo ii li i|II|'Olutlt|CI,t..» lutentlmi of Uon. s-ii, tl.-l.l In

IllllU til»!'» i" 'I...., ." ;- it bia incaniiiir, wini, iii. in ki.i.v.. ii-« ii Unit lu is Minn v hut dilatory In

letloti Commowing with tbe City ProseentingAt-toiiici. IhS Mini. Un Ih eurdcr. Hu- Mie.'striil. s, (itym, i L., lila;) .. tabla, and others ol !> .* (iiK-

,i position »I iii.-liiiii» l -ni in iy all me ity»fr,iii,1 t,> lu n. .--.111.1111(1'* own edle», ami i «»r« or tia«,iu,i'ii ho.it na oullin i.ti.v ol toyal antecetlents, or

i ui ladoiB (able teal Ita the Inion, «>f which thty aro

nui» i-ttlzeuB a bout ant quoliflratlon assnett,ii i* argui ii thal n «ufflciont uumbi of persons cannot

I., found lo ml Ibose _>«>.i.-ume iuimUI« of lu»in« th« oathi'iibedbj Cougroeoj which Is bow aeondltlon]

dent to Hu-,niño »lou of luiv peraoa to ellice within null-.iou ia in. ¡uni linn in mu ni io i-e nie rsaasa wb] Oan,

:'. ,i ii, [, is Hu ,i- j -hi., - should he tilled bv ob»lit lnu.v b. poaatrae that tba

.ral ha« other reasons for nottraciloa, «bat It la alpresent lu <¦»«»«-. ptibllc It is statod in a ««ityi. i-, i,, i. ici.. iii, ax .» v .««iini Indgesblp hy theappotut«iii.-ht "I «',,1. lim nhiiiu, his pieiht Jiubii» Advoeu t«-


Tl.XAS.« «ililli I'..VI»! M I* PKTWl'lN vii -«i;--. 'ii|.:,,(K.

Ml.hl.'N AM) II W -Hit, POKMI ,. s vD-Míi.-.s i«» mi: li iipi.k.

'1 lu- following I'liii-.spiiiuli BOB lu-lnci n (¡«.vs.1 "'*. -.. b* In i m The Auttiu

Omette ni Hu- l-.l,L-

, ... ^

Al is, 1', tBS, Au . -, isC*.J. W. 'lu ii« -» KMOBTOK, rt,/.

' ' '

i'lah mi.: [have th<j honor to Incloss it>u a oonr ofsppe.tásenlas a« .. ¿_d aUo ß w,

form yon that I have this day taken si -' mibsrrib ñ theu.itii of office prescribed bj the Co u of thin Blata.,..¦ ,|..|,.vs, plea-s« inf..¡inm.- if it wilt mil row ". ' "-" n,n"eat ditsi a rrow.

Verj iv-pc, nully, yum t

l.OV. TUBO« KM..I1 ;.

t.\. ! BXAB< IA. J

I''lot,ùPr»oi:Vh_ e the honor to s« koo the r iptof > otic c-mniii: lent i. withr-i. I'll orri, m No i''."-. ¡-uni Irom lb« I" tdquarterslî./t'i'm mnnhM,i...;.>io--......i «bo« J al.«»ad In answer kara to say Biai II my oonva»ul« me tuturi, over I».>.ni, ¡mt !"-» ¦"t> ". «u. t i loorrow,t' HxecuHve. nfllou of Hil* Flato and ttii» r< sold« thereof.Vu) respectfully, your o.I«J. W. TIlUDi'LMDi-i'.s, I ,, -li M,f n.xas.

aunan to nig raoi

The Austin tkumtte mNo reta fruin ex-

(¡ov. Throcklimi'un to the pi upk. ,1 m th«in,nu to a vindication of hiui-i If from the 1 bsiys of linr-|ag hei-n " an iinpedlinent to fteoustrai II ." lu doingthis tho Ooveraor submits a "aUteOH-nt of his act«toueklag the eaeeodoa of ti »uni pre¬sents f«.r the oousidi ratiou of reflecting and p.itrloüem. n a ciiiili.l and truthful account of uie situation ofBffalre tn Texas, and aomethlng of itandeoa-duct of the pn.ple sine«: the co cbu-loa of tb« war."

BM I '«

From Oor SjmcUl i.'orr« *,i«>cil«j(it.«ill vi »Ki»:, Ail-f. Ia, ISr,.

During tlie wai the Babel Mall (.oveiTiiiiontof Tcxart coiitr.ieti-il Milli u Mucka Ic-rniuiintr llrni. Waite»V (hil-a, t«i tan Hu in pun ul or c1««; where,tad deliver to tfet State, a large qasuUty of medicine«,«li'iiir«. lottos can!«, ,Vi:., (til .« ... r. nid of war» forwhick ths said firm wts paid, in ad tktereet-bearlag Bonds of iii«' Doited Btatn (which today are

worth a considerable premian] Id the monsymarket,)given by the Governmenl to the mi« u pay fur heiPublie Lands, mi t or admission origin dlv Into the union.The war terminated betöre Whin St (Ail - ('..tilled theil(oufi.ief, but still they had pos Ion of tit« oom! .and,In law. p n being primo facie evidence of owner¬

ship,tin-, Imagined tbej bud inn tu present the boadatathe Tren mr« r 1 - - Id * uld lie

" plat tn ti i- mc. utln ", however, the-i,i', GovcrnuiADtcommenced a rkand pay

ment of then ndi ». Interdi "i1, ia th« groundsthat the State being lu rebellion whon I was

n.,,ii..I the contract j list pabilo policy,of nu: .-was Willum

¡»n i ¦im, ,v.\ \ the limul« «iii'-ht, turn to the;-'!'.¦ Tn ¡u>¦. iiuiii , Lieh oy were HhaglBnetalytaken. At this stage of tlie p' ... ': .< TTu-ockmurtoacarne latopewer as Governor, and forthwith appointed«i Gea. 'I aj 'or, formerly a Démocratie na aber of <i«m-

iitiiu brooklyn, bul a reputed agent of tte Mte>cillcd" Confederate Government Auringtatv -i-, - Attoi m j for " In the aast-

bonds. Divers "Inila aad cross-bills" havelu m hi- ti. i-m1 rumor has i' .« »' a eos iboutbim'.' made, and the Btate and her loyal tax-payers an

lion of th« ¡ Uese factswere li) IT« us, wlm mo au-

.willina '¦ ':- "tal i.d, and who.no doubt, wttlu Ion" in (tismaller ul ibu haudh of the

newly appointed Governor Pe

.iTiOl'i.IA.III'-, 0«>N»KRV\TIVf BDTTOB«, IN!)!',NANT AT

(,l N. I'oI'K'«. ©BDIAi tftytrrta Ca., An?. M..The editors of the

Ciiiisorvative pre»«» met ¡it Mitton yi-.-'crdny, and

appolutln-r a committee to «b-.tw up a memorialtn «len. Pope.nouesttiarthenvoeatkai «if ord.-r No.it(which forbids the pul tilvertlsemeatlin paperi a hieb do not -ni »jorl th« re« ut «driiottou policy!,

.¦limn ue<!. In cajú- (Jen. Pope 'refuncs, the uialter is

tu he rcfi in d to t-c l'i« eu t.

MISSISSIPPIDBCBl UM "i B01 nniü'i ruru.ATinX.

Tío- authoriticfl of M:».>i «,ippi provided fortaking tbe census of that s nie bt»t year, a » demento«!the reaull «¦! which recently appean«! lo The Jaekoon

J., total popula-Wblb Blacks.. .3S1.3&81 Total 721.718

In '."' thi populatl m

Wiiii Tntitl ..si/!,-«»The actual «taman of piipnUUoa dating thaak j-ears

fruin re :Whit« - ! 1,438 .

" .113 Total .. 7«V85Th« ratio of increase from i« o toison, of whita-e, was

uliuii (.nt, ¡uni ni blink.« ouiethlug moret. t'lid- r Hu» i. on of lacreare during

h ive n¦.( n a popul itlonIn Mi -, ad .i ..;.'- t, which shows a

., bj a failure to fueranas of-_»o,«joo.l in ».natural!«»» u-s a total tassel

populutioaol * ii«- «p.i« « of als rears, ofthlidto th. extout of C2,'!¦*), und the

: VAX).


from i-.- mat.tinItnutwni i B, A mr. 10. hu*,

'Iii registration in Florida is progreatiofr« Is a i'u.mi of b--..»nation In each county

until » balVC II, li I Li . D lu-,lid_- .«.in n ¡-¡»i« i- «' t..t..». olisistlug of 3,611

.. upii-t thei «. waite r-

rontiditntlv st ib ! to be n lu- i.« not Includedof loyal

ih- louth . I heitrdrue whites are ir. ii-iiiu In thi larg«

it i ht- Lui lias .n Hi.».-tate ¡ire about

..h. «.


Ex-Provisional Oovetiior W. Vf. Holden isGrand i iorth i undina.

George W. Julian of Indiana k thoroughlyr that

The Hon. John A. Rattoa, o\-M. ('.. bttbeeflitidforUie Iowa legislature in the Ure Momea

«li«li:«t.-. >!. '.nu. Democratic ennriidate tor Got*

a u i \» datelupathy

fur the ¡ead« ..."

Ex-*Preeident Bnchanan, since hk recovoiyfi m. his dangerous I pulu Philadelphia, «MO-utting with the Democratic bautats relativa io futuro

Ex-Coii^*n ..-lunn John Bidwell havina ile-eliii,,! the -i .« rvallv« noifurnia, It has Is n predb-t tvlll bo « tu«, n to toaSenate of the United States in Hie place of Mr. Mc-

At tho I>«moe; ty Convention, heldst Pittsburgh, la. un i' - ilmiuii uit'. r. i. in-

i'u» cniit'T uf l'i« .-;«!¦...i .u -n.. was, s

.dil nibil .. .11 the t .'.'.e. -.mit ti t..i li 1(1-Irift j ni... . nation at theM uphlil, (dil" parti ulin l»tnil :1a- rc.-trlmiuu.

The I.« ..lsl.ituif id TetMBBHte will bbmI in«i, t, i.i, . .. will be to make, holce of .t s-.'iiai. i i . :u 1 ' n ofJwlge Patterson, llora« William B. tjtokea,Andrew J IMelcher, and Joseph A Cooperare named.«'..I. btokt « la pi- tod d ¡h« «appert

w; imt Mt Maynard I« booked b> the h*iHlii)gbn.nu maa of the Hato.Tha Hob. Chart« D. Gilflllaa of ?t. Taul

»liitH ¡i raudidate for the nemiaaibm for Oovcrnoi bo-fore the Mu tu iota lb puhln ,m « iim-uüou. in eppoaBlsala Uav. Marshall. Mr. HllflUan is opposed ta tat nttta-nieat 4>f the relhfoad bond qui oasis pii>i«u .-I,and win han th« npporl of all RepnWicani bkc nnnded.1 in« bond quoatlou ii» to be an íin.-i ml ebemeut in HieitaTho Legislature of Iowa, convened tins Win¬

ter, will «d« ct a limb «1 - -a,; ti d the lion..;. v,. flrltnt Mi Grimei t» ant toben eaudldate fori- I. Illili, Ililli Ml nilli tilt II nu m utivoCommittee, Among Iheuawl prouilnetil caadldatn for

.n an Hio lion. James F. Wilr-ou, i>ri-»i«»ntBrpreseutatlre fruin the Ftrat District the Rou. «ie»i»-o<i Wiik-ii-, nue ol ih" Judges t. me Coan)luv William M Moue, ami i.cn. William Vamkvn.The Soldier's Friend, Davenport, Iona, nonda-

-iici ..hi ft i-ru «¡,ii ut, mid tin- Uni Jamre Uarlaafat \ i. < l'i. «ah nf. it sysi "Hi« admitted that llulHberldan, as a mbllar. bsa no equal ou this continentAnti !u tb.' m i vu in m- nt nf t-\tl ¡'fr-tlr-. be has lat.-Jyniiowti thal lu- hi equal toauj and < \. ¡t emoi»coney. Woli li«'\« lulu to b an uiif nuil nut Undi. al. W« believe lamaUng bun our COmm ad« r-ln-« lu, f We believe inm.-kiiirf bim l'n ritli Id f Hie United btatea, und »o liellcv-Ing. we hate pi iced In» mimi ¡n ,i.- i ,,i ,,f our laiper,ki ..w ing full well that the .. Boj « lu r. ne " ,if th. Noi th-w« si will .min.« m making gallant i'aii BheiidaB the »ue-

f Audj Johaeon."

The Chaee Coma ty Bemuar bat ¦ t'i-]><<-.t thatIhe cholera is pravalUus to tai alarming xtent ttooii-- theWlehlta liubai.¦., belowTowanda. e-gktjj »V'aiii. weren pinuii up to wadaaada] last.Private loit«rs lioiti fort Dodat mv, tln-io

has lien no aaareanof cholera tin re »ince t'o- wickending Aug. i. The total number of deaths there fromcholera dining it.« pnvalean w

Tho nrvivott of tho lioiiioralile battle oflone jack (Auk. IS, USD met the other da) on the iiaitloground, and enjoyed m pi« a-.mt anniversary nb bnttani he}- itW-u orgnmted au association to erect a iuuuueiuo-rative momimeut.

Mike Ciirtiii. tho fphnïmtt, wbo wasn»liot atBlltworth, Kioisns, a fen days sgu, by adnperodo namedDavie, «li« «1 mi the i »tb. lue woman .Melin- Logap, whowuk «hot by the ».uni« scoai-dnu, in recoveriag. Oatttes lmi Da\ ia through the ann .u.d should« r utter bat.», «hotdown.A tragical Waomtiu ircrtirreil at Lebanon,

Manon l otii.lj. Kv.. on t a.- nur.| of Hie lath lnst.. lie-tweaa two men named Graham ami Bugl.ee. Moth MereitiHtantly killed, one ntiibhed am! the other -hot Theyfought and »litughtesed inch otbei- about the ffftn of aUruik of m lu iky.A Pet-to took pla« at I'.ll.'voifh on t!i<* loth,

li tween Gen. McC ill und Mr. Edgar of the ConminatyDepartment, A ehaUengc paaaxl bnwnn them a«, a coa«

ne. Of «nui»«, tb« mutter will .',- "aettled atnK.titi',, in a m.i mu r satisfactory and hi0'Uly liojioiul.de toboth parties."Dorina Uta parférnance of Rohlnatax1! Circus,

nt Noi bulk. Va., on the _kl, a pertloa at in« M>ats gav©win « the a^.niiid and mixing

th« 111 lli.l1.-c|-|i/ii|i:ite'V lilt« ».' «" f'l-inn p.e\ nilctt. al lithree lu.!!..- rtouslj Itjui t and a aumbei ofhiitiu n i .. ,i i ¦,, i, wen CataUi b>