epc与epcm 中英文对照版

EPC 与 EPCM 建建 ,。 ,一。 建建建建建建 建建 /建建建建建建建建 建建建 建建建建建建建“建建 ,。 -建建” 建建建建 建建建建建建建建建建建建建 EPC(建 建 建 ,,)建建建建 EPCM(建 建 建 ,,) 建建 。, EPCC(建 建 建 ,,)建建建 (建建建 ,,)/(建 建 建 ,,)建建建建建建 EPC(与 与 与 ,,)建建建建建 ,。,,。EPC 建建建建 (,,)。 EPCM(与 与 与 ,,)建建建 ,。,EPCM 建 建 建 。,。 建建建建建 一,。 ,。 体体。 建建/建建 EPC 建 建 建 ,, EPCM 建 建 建 ,, 建建建建建建 建 EPC 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建EPCM 建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建建建建建建建建建 )。 建建建建建建 建 EPC 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建EPCM 建建建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建 EPC 建建建建建建建建建 建建建 EPCM 建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建 EPC 建 建建建建建建建建建建/建 建 建 ,, EPC 建建建建建 建建 一,/建建建“ 建 建建建”建建建建建建建建 建 EPCM 建 建 ,。 建建建建建建 建建建建 EPC 建 建 EPC 建建建建建建建 EPCM 建 建 建 ,,。 建建 ,。 建建建建 建建建 EPC 建建建建建建建EPC 建建建建建建建建建建 建建 ()。 建建建/建建建建建建(建 EPCM 建建建建 建建建)建 建建 ,(建建建建建建建建 (一 建建建建 建建建建建 ,) 建建建建建建 EPC 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建建建 EPCM 建 建 ,。 建建 建建建建建建建 (,) 建建建 EPC 建 建 ,。 EPCM 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建建建 EPC 建建建建建建建建建建建建建建 建建建建 建建建建建建建建建建建建 EPC 建 建 “建 ”建 建 ,。 建建建建建 。(),/建建建建建建建建建

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Page 1: EPC与EPCM 中英文对照版


建设行业有各种各样的术语用于表达设计,建设新的设施及改建。 但遗憾的是, 在众多流行的术语中没有一个被证明是真正好的定义。拟定恰当的建设合同对成本与建设项目风险有很大影响。 业主/投资者需承担的商业风险与建设成本成反比。业主担的商业风险越低,那么建设和管理成本越高这便是“风险-回报”商业原则。两个最常见的建设合约模式有 EPC(设计,采购,施工)交钥匙和 EPCM(设计,采购,施工管理)。 两者都可随项目的需要而转变成其它模式,例如 EPCC(设计采购,建设和调试)模式等。(设计,采购,施工)/(设计,采购,施工管理)的定义和比较EPC(设计,采购,施工):是指该公司为业主提供设计,采购和施工服务。这类合同主要是承包商对项目进行总管理,控制成本和风险,业主无需介入 。EPC(设计,采购,施工)承包商与建设承包商直接签订合同。EPCM(设计,采购,施工管理):是指该公司为业主提供设计,采购和施工管理服务。建设公司与业主直接签约并提供建设施工服务,EPCM 通常代表业主对其进行管理。这类合同项下,主要由业主管理项目并控制成本和风险。以下是一个简单的对比表,对比了相同情况下两者的差异。 虽不是百分百完整,但主要差异都有囊括在内。在合同谈判中每个问题的处理方式都可以根据具体情况和项目的总体目标进行修改。任务/问题 EPC 设计,采购,施工 EPCM 设计,采购,施工管

理设备供应合同 仅 EPC 承包商与供应商谈判和

签订合同。业主(EPCM 承包商提供咨询和援助)与供应商谈判并签订合同。

现场施工合同 仅 EPC 承包商与供应商谈判和签订合同。

业主(EPCM 承包商提供咨询和援助)与承包商谈判并签订合同。

供应商选择 EPC 自主选定供应商,无需业主参与

业主与 EPCM 承包商和议选定供应商

供应范围 EPC 合同只是列出招标过程中的原始项目规格。合同签订后再更改规格/供应范围,费用会很昂贵,由于 EPC 承包商是唯一的,业主不能再对其它承包商/供应商“货比三家”。

业主可以几乎毫无障碍的修改项目规格。业主在 EPCM承包商的的协助下,根据项目的实际情况随时与供应商进行单独谈判。

设备供应保证 供应商和 EPC 承包商谈判,并直接向 EPC 承包商保证。

根据 EPCM 承包商的建议,业主与各供应商单独谈判,

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工艺保证 业主和 EPC 承包商单独谈判,EPC 承包商直接向业主保证(通常以履约保证的形式)。

供应商/承包商与业主(在EPCM 承包商的建议下)单独谈判, 并直接对业主保证(通常以履约保证的形式。


按照合同协议,EPC 承包商和分包商完全负责工地安全。

按照合同协议,EPCM 承包商监督施工现场安全,但现场安全是业主和分包商的法律责任。


许可由 EPC 承包商签发,除了业主根据法律规定签发的特殊许可外。

EPCM 承包商向业主提供必要的支持文件后直接签发许可证。

项目预算超支 EPC 承包商必然要承担项目成本风险。任何设备和在供应范围内的超支都由 EPC 承包商自行承担,除非发生“条件变更”或有相反规定,否则业主不予负责。


项目预算节省 EPC 承包商必然要承担项目成本风险。任何设备和在供应范围内节省的费用都归 EPC 承包商所有,除非有相反规定,否则与业主无关。


项目日常开支 EPC 承包商自理项目供应范围内的日常开支。

业主承担项目日常开支,但EPCM 承包商管理和掌控这些开支(未高达预先设定数量,业主不必干预)。通常业主会设定一笔资金作为日常经费。

项目融资 业主通常分期付款给 EPC 承包商,余额(部分付款)以不可撤销信用证形式支付。这就要求业主在项目开始就全部资金到位以保证信贷。

项目融资可以分批进行,业主分期付款给供应商/承包商,开立账户或不可撤销信用证。具体方式在合同谈判中议。EPCM 承包商代表业主全权谈判。这样业主在项目开始时只需有部分资金,其余可根据合同的需求到位。

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法律成本 一旦发生法律纠纷,业主必须控告 EPC 承包商,反之 EPC 承包商会对相应的供应商/承包商采取法律行动(通常比 EPCM法律行动耗时长)。

业主法律成本较高,业主在EPCM 承包商的协助下直接与多家供应商/承包商谈判。一旦发生法律纠纷, 业主必须对各供应商/承包商采取法律行动(通常比 EPC 法律行动耗时短)。

管理 EPC 合同下业主管理成本低,只需少数人员(管理,质量管理,法律等)管理/监测项目。“非主人翁”(事不关己)的思想在业主内部可能会对项目造成负面影响。

EPCM 合同下业主的管理成本较高。需要大量的人员编制以配合 EPCM 承包商管理/监测项目。在业主内部培养员工“主人翁”意识。项目完成后,项目工作人员往往被转移到业务部门工作。

在建设行业,EPC 和 EPCM 都是非常普遍的承包合同模式。业主根据可接受的项目风险水平,预算限制,自身核心竞争力等来选择最佳模式。 EPC 模式下, 业主成本高,因为 EPC 承包商承担了大部分项目风险。通常EPC模式要比EPCM模式高出10%~20%费用,因为 EPCM 模式使项目的风险平均分布到业主和承包商/供应商。鉴于多种原因,建设承包趋向于 EPCM 模式而非 EPC 模式, 但至今两种模式都各有立足之地。EPCM   优势 : 降低整体成本;员工的“主人翁”精神;更多过程控制;有利于减少供应范围内的变数;减少法律诉讼(及时发现并解决问题以免事态扩大);业主融资更灵活;这些只是 EPCM 模式的部分优点。EPC 模式在建设业也有一席之地,在某些情况下要比其它模式更具优势。EPC Advantages 优势 :  一站式购物 单线联络;业主做甩手掌柜;最低人员需求;最小法律风险;EPC 承包模式最适于项目设计细节已确定情况下(最小未知数)。如前所述,这些建设合约模式满足于项目/业主的个性化需求。一些公司打破了

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EPC / EPCM(设计,采购,建设/施工管理)的界限 形成独立的公司专营设计、采购、建设或施工管理。即一个公司可以做设计,另一个可以做采购,其他可以做 建设/施工管理等。每个公司应根据特定项目的具体情况,参考法律和金融律师的意见自行选择最佳模式。

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EPC / EPCM Definition & Comparison:

Many different terms are tossed around the construction industry loosely describing the different methodology used to design and construct new facilities and turnarounds.  Unfortunately, there are no tried and true definitions for the different methods and numerous variations of each of the most popular methods.

Determining the correct form of construction contract to pursue can have a great effect on the cost and risk associated with the construction project.  The cost of construction varies inversely with the amount of business risk the “owner / financers” are willing to accept.  The less business risk the owner wishes to assume, the higher the cost of construction and management.  This follows the “risk-reward” motto for business.

The two most common types of construction contacts are EPC “turn-key” and EPCM.  Each of these methods have variations that can be adapted to each project as needed; example (EPCC Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning), etc.





EPC / EPCM Definition & ComparisonEPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction): means the company is contracted to provide engineering, procurement and construction services by the owner.  Think Design & Construct style contracts, where the project is largely Contractor managed and the cost risk and control are weighted towards the Contractor and away from the Owner.  The EPC contractor has direct contracts with the construction contractors.

EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management): means the company is contracted to provide engineering, procurement and construction management services.  Other companies are contracted by the Owner directly to provide construction services and they are usually managed by the EPCM contractor on the Owner's behalf.  Think Professional Services contracts, where the project is largely Owner managed and the cost risk and control is weighted towards the Owner.

Included is a simplified Chart showing the differences in the type of contracts and how each would differ under the same situations:  The list below is not a complete list of differences between EPC and EPCM contracts but it does address many of the major contractual differences.  The way each of these issues is handled can be modified during contract negotiations to suit the situation and overall goals of the project.

Task / Issue EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)

EPCM (Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management)

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Equipment Supply Contracts

Negotiated & Signed solely between EPC contractor & Supplier

Negotiated & signed between  Owner and Supplier /with EPCM contractor’s advise and assistance

On-Site Construction Contracts

Negotiated & Signed solely between EPC contractor & Supplier

Negotiated & signed between Owner and Contractor /with EPCM contractor’s advise and assistance

Supplier Selection Suppliers chosen solely by EPC contractor with no input from Owner

Suppliers chosen by mutual agreement of Owner and EPCM contractor

Scope of Supply

EPC Contract only as good as the original project specifications presented during bidding process. Changes to specifications / scope of supply after awarding of contract can be expensive, due to EPC contractor’s sole contract with Owner and Owner’s inability to “Shop Around” for multiple quotations from independent contractors / suppliers

Owners can modify project specifications with little or no trouble.  Owner, with the assistance of the EPCM contractor can negotiate independent contracts with suppliers / vendors at any time due to the fact that project is under multiple (independent) contracts and not one (1) all encompassing contract  

Equipment Supply Warranties

Warranties negotiated by Suppliers & EPC contractor and issued to EPC Contractor directly.  Warranty to Owner from EPC contractor is negotiated separately between Owner and EPC Contractor and issued to Owner by EPC Contractor

Warranties negotiated individually with each supplier by Owner with EPCM contractor’s advice.  Issued directly to Owner from the suppliers and contractors

Process Warranties

Warranties negotiated by Suppliers & EPC contractor and issued to EPC Contractor directly.Warranty to Owner from EPC contractor is negotiated separately between Owner and EPC Contractor and issued to Owner by EPC Contractor (Usually in the form of a performance Bond)

Warranties negotiated individually with each supplier by Owner with EPCM contractor’s advice.  Issued directly to Owner from the suppliers and contractors (Usually in the form of a Performance Bond)

Construction Site Safety(General Liability Insurance, Workman’s Compensation, Accident, etc.)

Site Safety solely the responsibility of the EPC contractor and sub contractors; in accordance with Contractual Agreements

Site safety is monitored by EPCM contractor but site safety is the legal responsibility of Owner and Sub Contractors; in accordance with Contractual Agreements

Permitting (Environmental, Construction, etc.)

Permitting is the responsibility of the EPC contractor with the exception of permits that are required by law to be issued in the name of the Owner of the project

Permits are issued to the Owner directly with EPCM contractor assisting in filing the necessary paperwork

Project Budget Cost Overruns

The cost risks for a project are borne by the EPC contractor. Any cost overruns, for equipment and/or services within the EPC contractor’s scope of supply, are for their own account and can not be passed onto Owner unless “change conditions” occur  or contractual agreements to the contrary

The cost risks for a project are borne by the Owner. Any cost overruns, for equipment and/or services are for the Owner account (with the exception of fixed price supply contracts) i.e. Final equipment pricing bids / on site cost higher than originally budgeted.

Project Budget Cost The cost risks for a project are borne The cost risks for a project are borne by

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by the EPC contractor. Any cost savings, for equipment and/or services within the EPC contractor’s scope of supply, are for their own account and are not passed onto Owner unless contractual agreements to the contrary

the Owner. Any cost savings, for equipment and/or services are for the Owner account ie. Equipment/Services bids are returned lower than budgeted.

Project Day-to-Day Expenses

The day-to-day expenses for the project, within the EPC contractor’s scope of supply are borne by the EPC contractor.

The day-to-day expenses for the project are borne by the Owner but are managed and administered by the EPCM contractor (up to pre-determined quantities, without Owner’s need for intervention).  Usually a small fund is established by Owner for day-to-day expenses

Project Financing

Project Financing is usually accomplished by substantial down payment by Owner to EPC contractor and the remainder of the fees issued with Irrevocable Letter of Credit (with partial payments) from Owner to EPC Contractor.  This requires Owner to have all financing in place at the onset of the Project so as to secure letter of credit (LC).

Project Financing can be any combination of down payments, open accounts, and Irrevocable Letters of Credit from Owner to suppliers / contractors; whatever method is negotiated during contract negotiations.  EPCM contractor will assist in all negotiations on Owner’s behalf.  This allows Owner to have partial financing in place at the onset of the Project with the remainder available as needed, dependant on contractual requirements.

Legal Cost

Legal Costs are low for Owner. Owner negotiates only one detailed supply contract with EPC contractor.EPC contractor must negotiate individual contracts with suppliers / vendors.  EPC contractor’s legal costs are high due to multiple contracts.In the event of legal action is taken, Owner must sue EPC contractor, who in turn must bring legal action against appropriate suppliers / contractors.(Usually a longer process than EPCM legal actions)

Legal Costs are higher for Owner.  Owner negotiates multiple supply contracts directly with suppliers / contractor; with the assistance of EPCM contractor.In the event of legal action is taken, Owner must bring legal action against individual suppliers / contractors. (Usually a shorter process than EPC legal actions)


Owner’s administration costs are low with EPC contract.  Only minimal staff (management, QC, legal, etc.) needed to administer/monitor project. May have negative effect on project “ownership” feeling within Owner’s organization (Hands off).

Owner’s administration costs are higher with EPCM contracts. Substantial staffing levels needed to assist/compliment EPCM contractor in administering/monitoring project.  Promotes “ownership” feeling within Owner’s organization.  Project staff often transferred to operational staff after project completion.

EPC and EPCM contracting are both very prevalent types of contracts within the construction industry.  Dependent on the level of risk the Owner of a project is willing to accept, budget constraints, and the Owner’s organization core competencies, will determine which method is best for their project.EPC contracting tends to be more expensive, to the Owner, due to the shift of project risk away from the Owner and to the EPC Contractor.  On average, a project’s cost 10% - 20% more using EPC style of contracting than a project using the EPCM style of contracting.  This is due in large part to the project’s risk being more evenly distributed between the Owner and contracts / suppliers.

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Construction contracting trends have been leaning towards the EPCM style of contracting and away from EPC contracting for several reasons but both methods have their place in business today.

EPCM Advantages:       Lower Overall Cost       Staff’s Sense of Ownership       More Control over Process       Better for less defined projects with anticipated changes to scope of supply       Less Legal Litigation (Identify issues early and remedy situation before larger problems arise)       Owner’s Financing Flexibility

These are just a few of the advantages of EPCM style of construction contracting.

EPC contracting has it place in the construction industry as well.  Under certain situations, it makes better sense to use this type of construction contracting than other methods.

EPC Advantages:       One Stop Shopping “One point of Contact”       “Hands off” approach to project       Minimal Staffing Requirements       Minimal Legal Risk       Best for Well defined projects with Detailed Engineering Complete before EPC Contractor selected (Minimal Unknowns).

As stated before, these construction contract methods can be tailored to the individual projects / owner’s needs.  Some companies can go as far as breaking up each portion of the EPC / EPCM (Engineering, Procurement, Construction / Construction Management) to separate companies.  One company can do the engineering; another can do the procurement, while still another can do the construction / project management).

Each company must decide for themselves, with the advice of legal and financial counsels, as to which method of construction contracting is best for their particular project and situation.