enrolment pack · next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. this is the standard education...

A ENROLMENT PACK ESSENTIAL FORMS PACKET Telephone: (07) 3442 3777 Facsimile: (07) 3442 3700 Email: [email protected] WE CARE WE ACHIEVE WE ARE RESPONSIBLE

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Page 1: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The




Telephone: (07) 3442 3777 Facsimile: (07) 3442 3700

Email: [email protected]


Page 2: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The


We understand that the process of enrolling at a new school is an important one. As a result, we have put all the key forms together in 3 key booklets, to assist you in completing this process. There are the: 1. ESSENTIAL FORMS PACK - hand in completed to front office 2. GETTING TO KNOW YOU – hand in completed to front office 3. INFORMATION PACK – you keep as a reference

The enrolment checklist is best filled out right at the end, as it helps us to be sure that you have all the necessary documents and have completed the appropriate forms. Our list of Questions and Answers attempts to help you with commonly asked questions. Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The additional forms are completed to verify your agreement to the conditions of enrolment, use of school computers and your consent (should you choose to give it) for the use of photographs and images of your student/s. We are looking forward to meeting you at various events at the school. Contact us on 3442 3777 to arrange a meeting with you for any reason you feel pertinent albeit academic, social / emotional welfare of the student and issues surrounding behavior.


1. Enrolment checklist 2. Questions and answers 3. Enrolment Form 4. Agreement and Consent Forms: a. Enrolment Agreement EF1 b. Responsible Use of ICT Policy Agreement EF2 c. Copyright and Media Consent EF3 d. Responsible Behaviour Contract EF4 e. Payment form STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME SFF1 f. BYOX Computer Yearly Hire Scheme (if interested) SFF2b

Page 3: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The


Year Level of Enrolment:

Requesting Starting Date:

Email Address (for school newsletter):

Primary Parent Responsible for Fees Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Your Bank Details should a refund be necessary to process: Account Name: BSB: ______________________ Account Number: _____________________________________________

Parent Checklist


Office Use Only

Application for student enrolment form – Completed and Signed

Birth Certificate. Please provide a copy

Medicare Card. Please provide a copy

If Born Overseas -

Evidence of Residency / Citizenship (if applicable) □ Have you lived in Australia for FEWER THAN five years? YES / NO

Passport required. Arrival stamp, photo page, and Visa will be copied on premises.

Signed Forms:

□ a. Enrolment Agreement EF1

□ b. Responsible Use of ICT Policy Agreement EF2

□ c. Copyright and Media Consent EF3

□ d. Responsible Behaviour Contract EF4


□ f. BYOX Computer Yearly Hire Scheme SFF2b

Page 4: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The



Who can attend Beenleigh State High School? All students in Years 7-12.

Are uniforms compulsory? We have a uniform policy and expectations around it detailed in the INFORMATION BOOKLET and on our website. All items are available for purchase at the uniform shop.

How do I get information about bus and train timetables and bus routes?

Logan City Council: Visit the Trans info website: www.translink.com.au

How do I know what subjects my student has been given?

Students receive a timetable on their first day of school. These are also available on the Qparent App.

What do I need to bring on my first day of school? A writing book and pens at minimum. There is a general stationary list in the INFORMATION BOOKLET.

Where do I go on my first day? At the beginning of the year you will be met by a Year Co-Ordinator, and there will be an induction program. For mid-term enrolments, you report to the main office on your first day, where you will be met by our friendly staff. There will be an induction program, and some diagnostic testing on reading and math to help tailor your education program.

Does my child need a laptop / device? Yes. We are a BYOD school. We provide 3 options: 1. Bring your own (best suited for senior school) 2. Daily hire from school 3. Yearly hire (best suited for junior school)

What about your school’s policies, they weren’t in the pack?

You can find our policies on our school’s website as a PDF to download. You can request a hard copy from our front office staff. www.beenleigshs.eq.edu.au

What about school fees? Our school has a Student Resource Scheme of $230 You may participate in the BYOD Year Program $150 Subject and specialist programs may have a levy (and listed in the subject selection books) – not all subjects attract a levy. Throughout the year some subject may offer excursions and field trips that may attract a fee.

Page 5: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 6: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 7: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 8: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 9: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 10: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 11: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 12: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 13: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 14: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The

EF2 Media Consent Form

Page 15: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 16: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 17: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 18: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The


This document defines the Responsible Use Policy for student use of the Beenleigh SHS Computer

Systems. Its main purpose is to encourage the mature and responsible use of the facilities available to

the students through the provision of clear usage guidelines. Students authorised to use the school’s

computer system also have Internet and Electronic Mail access.

The use of ICT devices and systems has been designed to help students keep up with the demands of

the 21st century. Helping students become responsible digital citizens will enhance not only what we

do in the classroom, but also give students skills and experiences that will prepare them for their future

studies and career.

The Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment deems the following to

be responsible use and behaviour by a student:

- developing appropriate literacy, communication and information skills - authoring text, artwork, audio and visual material for publication on the Intranet or Internet for

educational purposes as supervised and approved by the school - conducting general research for school activities and projects - communicating or collaborating with other students, teachers, parents or experts in relation to

school work

- accessing online references such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc. - researching and learning through the Department’s e-learning environment.

The Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment deem the following to be

irresponsible use and behaviour by a student:

- use the IT resources in an unlawful manner - download, distribute or publish offensive messages or pictures - insult, harass or attack others or use obscene or abusive language - deliberately waste printing and Internet resources - damage any electronic devices, printers or the network equipment - commit plagiarism or violate copyright laws - use unsupervised internet chat - send chain letters or Spam e-mail (junk mail) - access 3G/4G networks during lesson time - knowingly download viruses or any other programs capable of breaching the Department’s

networks security.

In addition to this Beenleigh State High School states that:

1. Users are responsible for the security, maintenance and integrity of their individually owned devices and their network accounts.

2. Users are required to create a password to protect their account. This password should be difficult enough so as not to be guessed by other users and under no circumstances should passwords be divulged to any other user on the system.

3. If users have any reason to suspect that their account security may have been compromised or tampered with, it should be reported immediately to Technical Support.

4. Information dispatched from the school network is a reflection on how the global community perceives the school. All students using the systems are encouraged to show that they are positive ambassadors for Beenleigh SHS. No obscene, inflammatory, racist, discriminatory or derogatory language should be used in electronic mail or any other form of network communication.






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Page 19: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The

5. Students using the system must not at any time attempt to access other computer systems, accounts or unauthorised network drives or files or to access other people’s devices without their permission and without them present.

6. Students must not record, photograph or film any students or school personnel without the express permission of the individual/s concerned and the supervising teacher.

7. Students must get permission before copying files from another user. Copying files belonging to another user without their express permission may constitute plagiarism and/or theft.

8. Students need to understand copying of software, information, graphics, or other data files may violate copyright laws without warning and be subject to prosecution from agencies to enforce such copyrights.

9. The school will educate students regarding cyber bullying, safe Internet and email practices and health and safety regarding the physical use of electronic devices. Students have a responsibility to behave in line with these safe practices.

10. Any inappropriate material should be removed from personally owned devices before bringing the devices to school and such material will not be shared with other students.

11. It is recommended families are responsible for providing their own individual insurance on privately owned electronic devices, to assure to always have a working device. Other consequences may be deemed necessary following the school behaviour plan.


Occurrence 1: Text message sent home to remind that the device has not been returned by 3pm

Occurrence 2: Letter sent home informing that the device was not returned for a second time and if it occurs

again $150 will be invoiced to the students account for the take-home laptop program, an after-school

detention will be issued to the student.

Occurrence 3: $150 will be invoiced to the students account along with the device being assigned to the

student. Paperwork will need to be signed that they now have a take-home laptop.


The following is to be READ and COMPLETED by both the STUDENT and PARENT/LEGAL


We have read and understood the ICT Responsible Use Policy. We agree to abide by the above rules.

We are aware that any breaches of the ICT RUP document may result in my/my child’s immediate

removal from the system for a specified period as per the school’s Behaviour

Management Policy and in relation to the severity of the offence.

Student’s Name: .........................………………........ Year: ...................... ID No. ……...……........


Student’s Signature: ...........................………....................................…... Date: ___/___ /_____

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name: .......................….........……………………..….......................................


Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: .................…………………..................... Date: ___/___ /_____






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Page 20: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The





(Name of Student)


Beenleigh State High School

I have read the Beenleigh State High School Responsible Behaviour Plan.

I understand the Beenleigh State High School Responsible Behaviour Plan.

I will comply with the Responsible Behaviour Plan.

I give my full assurance that I will:-

(i) wear, with pride, the designated school uniform correctly at all times;

(ii) attend every day and be punctual to school, all classes, activities and appointments;

(iii) be fully prepared with all necessary books and equipment for all curricular and co-curricular activities;

(iv) abide by the policies of the school e.g. Assessment/Responsible Behaviour Plan/Uniform/Internet/Anti-Bullying;

(v) extend courteous and respectful behaviour to the total school community (residents, businesses, visitors, cleaners, office staff, fellow students, teachers);

(vi) aim to achieve my best in my learning and classroom activities as well as submitting all assignments on due time and completing all homework tasks.

Signatures: Student: Parent/Caregiver: Date:




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Page 21: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The



This document is summary explaining the purpose and usage of the SRS.

Levies for students are made up of several components. These are:

Student Resource Scheme - $230 per year, per student. Signed Participation Agreement required.

ICT: BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) / Device Hire $150 per year / Daily Loan (limited devices)

Subject and specialist program levies

Excursion and field trips

INFORMATION REGARDING THE STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME In accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, the cost of providing administration and

facilities for the education of students enrolled at State Schools is met by the State.

Parents/carers are directly responsible for providing textbooks and other personal resources for their children

while attending school. In recognition that these costs can be high, Beenleigh State High School operates a

Student Resource Scheme that enables a parent/care to enter into an agreement with the school, for a

specified annual participation fee. This $230 fee provides for the following equipment to be issued to

students and/or made available for use as required:

Administration of the scheme

Equipment hire (musical instruments, computer) (Available for use)

All prescribed textbooks for each subject (Available for use)

Reproduced class materials which complement and/or substitute for textbooks (Available for use)

Other student reference books (Available for use)

Audio and video recordings (Available for use)

Student eDiary/planner (Issued with) (see page 10)

Student ID card – for external use (student discounts, transport) (Issued with)

Computer disks/memory sticks (Available for use)

Additional computer software, specialty computer devices and printers (Available for use)

Minor equipment e.g. calculators (Available for use)

Materials for subjects where the instruction is extended through providing practical learning experiences in excess of materials provided by school grants

A Participation Agreement Form for the Student Resource Scheme will need to be signed and returned to the

school. This form will be made available to all families prior to / or at the time of invoicing.

(Not all subjects attract a levy – but if applicable, the levy is

listed against each subject in subject selection books)

SFF1 Stu


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Page 22: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The

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Page 23: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The
Page 24: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The

GETTING A LAPTOP: There’s three choices.

Option 1: BYOD Students bring a device from the recommended list that is maintained by the student/parents

including all maintenance and repairs. The school laptop co-ordinator will provide support to students

for minor issues and connectivity to the school network.

The recommended devices and accessories are:

Laptop/ Tablet PC running Windows 7 or 8.1 Bluetooth keyboard, if bringing a small screen device A protective case and insurance.

Option 2: Take-home laptop program The Laptop Program is continuing for 2018. There are limited places for this program so it will be a

case of first in, first served; students must pay the $150 in full or set up a payment plan before

receiving the device. The $150 will provide the student with a device as well as all maintenance under

Acer’s warranty conditions. There is a combination of laptops and tablets available. Complete the

laptop program form to lodge your request.

Option 3: Daily hire

These devices may be borrowed from Beenleigh SHS on a daily basis to be collected before 9am and

returned by 3pm the same day. The student must use their school barcode to borrow these devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BYOD?

BYOD stands for Bring Your Own X device. It is a scheme designed to allow all students at Beenleigh

State High School to have access to digital learning.


Previously the federal government funded NSSCF program provided laptops to students. This program

no longer exists but the school needs students to have access to the Australian Curriculum as it is

delivered in Queensland State Schools. This requires Beenleigh High to be able to deliver the

curriculum digitally across all subjects. Beenleigh High is delivering lessons using technology and

needs to continue this practice to effectively deliver the curriculum and continue to develop students

as contemporary learners.

How will my student keep their device safe?

Parents are encouraged to purchase a protective case and students are encouraged to use this case

for all transportation of the device during the school day.

Other items the school recommends parents/carers purchase

- Protective case

- Pointing device (mouse or stylus)

- Onsite warranty (Next Business Day (NDB) Onsite Warranty is STRONGLY recommended)

- Accidental Damage Protection insurance (ADP) preferably from the Manufacturer



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Page 25: ENROLMENT PACK · Next in the pack is the actual enrolment form. This is the standard Education Queensland form. It provides us with the necessary contact and personal details. The

Beenleigh SHS Technology Options

In 2018, Beenleigh SHS will be fully implemented in the BYOD (bring your own device) program. This provides

students with the option to use a device that they are more experienced with. Please read each option carefully

below, select the option that you will be participating in and sign that you accept the conditions.

Student Name: __________________________________________ Year: __________________________

Select your option below by ticking the box: option 1, 2 or 3.

1. Option 1: BYOD Students bring a device that can be used in the classroom to research using the internet; create word processing and presentation documents. These devices are maintained by the student and parents/caregiver with limited assistance with basic problems and connectivity from the school IT technicians. Insurance is recommended. YES, I will bring my own device to school every day to use for learning purposes only. Please select what type of device you will bring:

Tablet Laptop ipad



Students can hire a tablet (Acer Iconic W701 Tablet PC ) for the year. This is the device hire program where

the school maintains the device. This program costs $150 for the year. The first accidental warranty claim is

$50, the second accidental warranty claim is $100, the third accidental warranty claim is $150.

Please debit my MASTERCARD/VISA CREDIT $150.00:

Card Number: _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _

Expiry Date: _ _ /_ _ CCV (Rear of Card) _ _ _

Cardholder Name: __________________________________ Signature __________________________

3. Day hire Students can rent a device at no cost from the student technology desk. The device must be collected between 8.00am-8.40am and returned each afternoon by 3pm. If the device is not returned, the student’s school account WILL be invoiced for $150 take-home laptop payment.

I agree to ALL of the above conditions, regardless of which option I have chosen.

I will use all technological devices whether school owned/ another student owned in an appropriate manner as outlined by the ICT Responsible Use Policy (RUP) that I have signed.

I understand that if I bring a device to school from home, it is my responsibility to maintain this.

NOTE – If this form is not returned the school assumes that you agree to all BYOD

terms and conditions.

Student’s Name: .........................………………............. Year: ................... ID No. ……...…….....................

Student’s Signature: ...........................……….....................................................…... Date: ___/___ /___

Parent’s/Guardian’s Name (PRINT): ........................…………………………………..….........................

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ............................................…………………............... Date: ___/___ /___





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