egovernance explained - mukund nadgowda

eGovernance Explained Mukund Nadgowda Mukund Nadgowda YASHADA YASHADA

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eGovernance Explained - Mukund Nadgowda


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eGovernance Explained

Mukund NadgowdaMukund NadgowdaYASHADAYASHADA

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““Employing Employing

InformationInformationand and

Communication Communication TechnologyTechnology

in Governance”in Governance”

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Just possessing Information & Communication Technology (ICT)Tools is not enough.

It may make your life more complex

unless you are clear about

Why, when, where & how to use these powers to get what we want in the

simplified way.

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First Wave - Agriculture Revolution

Second Wave - Industrial Revolution

Third Wave -Information Revolution, which in turn triggered the concept of eGovernance

Our Transformations

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SMART Governance Characteristics

A Governance body having characteristics like :

Simple Moral Accountable Responsive Transparent

SMART Governance with focus around citizens, and prefixed with “e” (usage of ICT tools to achieve desired objectives ) is e-Governance.

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It is application of Information & Communication Technology(ICT) for interaction between :

1. G2C, C2G-Government & citizens 2. G2B, B2G - Government & Business

3. G2G - Inter / Intra Government 4. G2E Management & employees

Various Stake Holders in e-Governance

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e-Governance Mission e-Governance Mission Partnership between various stake holders with objectives as follows Partnership between various stake holders with objectives as follows ::

e - Citizen : To receive govt. services, access them on line 24x7x365 days , and participate in

governance process

e - Business : To access Govt. services, for faster economic development, and participation in value

addition to govt. services

e – Employees : For better communication / understanding, Increased productivity, participation in strategic planning

e – Government : To Increase productivity / efficiency, build good relationships with others for good governance.

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Citizen Centric e-GovernanceCitizen Centric e-Governance

When the focus of Government services is to facilitate citizens to have access to information :

- In the format convenient to them - at the place of their choice - Transparency about the decision making processes - Simplification of procedures of information access - To minimize the total processing time for requested actions

An example Technology should facilitate citizen to make payments of utility

bills (electricity bill, telephone bill or water bill) at one place or automate the payment through bank. It should further facilitate the citizens to interact with the concerned agencies for queries / clarifications / adjustments etc. ( Aim should be to provide Single window service 24 X 7 X 365 )

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e-Governancee-Governance is a Processis a Process

An Illustration : An Illustration :

Development of Computerised Databases and Dissemination of Information through normal channels or Web technology is e-Government

Enforcement of laws for timely delivery of services to citizens, Business and other Govt.offices through Internet or Intranet is e-Governance

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E-Governance Applications E-Governance Applications

Few examples, where citizens interface with Government :

• Delivery of Products (BSNL Directory distribution)

• Delivery of Services (Hospital, Police, Post)

• Delivery of Information (Govt. schemes, RTI matter)

• Online Transactions (Applying for Driving License)

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Practical benefits of e-Governance Practical benefits of e-Governance

• Simpler documentationSimpler documentation

• Faster responses Faster responses

• Simpler procurement Simpler procurement

• Greater reach of servicesGreater reach of services

• Accelerating educationAccelerating education

• Public participation Public participation

• Simplified transactions Simplified transactions

• Simplified interactions Simplified interactions

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Potential e-Governance Application areas Potential e-Governance Application areas

• Citizen Services

• Employment

• Bridging the Digital Divide

• Revenue

• Postal

• Health

• Education

• Justice

• Trade

• Public Grievances

• Human Rights etc…

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Evolutionary Stages in eGovernanceEvolutionary Stages in eGovernance

• Use of email, internal networkingUse of email, internal networking

• Intranet setup for internal activitiesIntranet setup for internal activities

• Allowing public access Allowing public access

• Enabling 2-way communicationEnabling 2-way communication

• Enabling online transactions by CitizensEnabling online transactions by Citizens

• Enriching digital democracyEnriching digital democracy

• Integrating with other applications / SSOIntegrating with other applications / SSO

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e-Governance : Challengese-Governance : Challenges

The key challenges withThe key challenges with e-Governance are not the e-Governance are not the TECHNOLOGYTECHNOLOGY issues issues but, they are thebut, they are the ORGANIZATIONALORGANIZATIONAL issues issues

Let us look into these challenges Let us look into these challenges

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e-Governance : Challengese-Governance : Challenges

• Realistic Needs AnalysisRealistic Needs Analysis

• Redefining rules and procedures for Redefining rules and procedures for data collection, processing, storage, data collection, processing, storage, dissemination, and decision making dissemination, and decision making

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• Information transparency / securityInformation transparency / security

( Is it practical to have 100 % transparency ? )( Is it practical to have 100 % transparency ? ) • Interdepartmental collaboration for Interdepartmental collaboration for

information sharing information sharing ( Horizontal & Vertical)( Horizontal & Vertical) (How to change mind sets to employees to (How to change mind sets to employees to

come out of possessive nature ?come out of possessive nature ? ))• Security and Legal IssuesSecurity and Legal Issues ( Who should be responsible for correctness of ( Who should be responsible for correctness of

the information having multiple updation the information having multiple updation /access rights?) /access rights?)

e-Governance : Challengese-Governance : Challenges

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Infrastructure Infrastructure (Just acquiring computers is not enough.

People should be aware of their potential and should acquire skill of using them optimally… )

Tendency to resist the change in Tendency to resist the change in work culturework culture(Using a computer instead of type writer and using email, instead of telephone can not be treated as change in work culture. Some thing more is required, What is that challenge?)

e-Governance : Challengese-Governance : Challenges

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Challenges specific to Indian scenario

• Problem of priority Problem of priority (There are other important issues…)(There are other important issues…)

• Infrastructure Infrastructure (lack or unavailability thereof)(lack or unavailability thereof)

• Diversity Diversity (Different languages and regions)(Different languages and regions)

• Over powering Over powering (IT expert sector)(IT expert sector)

• Low quality of input Low quality of input (hence…)(hence…)

• Low quality of output Low quality of output ( Garbage in / garbage out) ( Garbage in / garbage out)

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Words of Caution Words of Caution

Technology helps to reach the un-reached, Technology helps to reach the un-reached, but it can make the things worse through but it can make the things worse through digital divide.

There is the fear of emergence of an elite There is the fear of emergence of an elite group who only may be the ultimate group who only may be the ultimate beneficiaries of successful technology beneficiaries of successful technology applicationapplication

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Where do we stand ?Where do we stand ?

• In Countries such as USA, Singapore, Norway, In Countries such as USA, Singapore, Norway, Sweden, online Govt. services are high.Sweden, online Govt. services are high.

• In Britain, New Zealand, South Korea even the In Britain, New Zealand, South Korea even the general usage of internet is less when general usage of internet is less when compared.compared.

• Internet usage in India too growing and many Internet usage in India too growing and many state governments are going online.state governments are going online.

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What is lacking ?

We have been doing computerization

NOT e-Governance!

We need to adopt a holistic approach!

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What is e-government ?What is e-government ?

It is the transformation of government

to provideEfficient

Convenient &TransparentServices

to the Citizens & Businesses

through Information & Communication Technologies

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What is What is NOTNOT e-Government ? e-Government ?

e-Government is not about ‘e’

but about government !

e-Government is not about computers

but about citizens !

e-Government is not about translating processes

but about transforming processes !

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Minimum Agenda for e-Governance

• Intranet Infrastructure ( LAN, PC, Software Tools, Portal / Vortal )

• IT Empowerment of Officers/Officials

• IT enabled Services - intra and inter Departments (G2G, G2B)

• IT enabled delivery of services for masses - Public Information & Facilitation (G2C)

• IT Vision for the Sectoral Development

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e-Governance Systems Development Stepse-Governance Systems Development Steps

1. Have a clear vision and prepare action plan. 2. Choose projects that fit in action plan, if you

can’t, make them fit in. 3. Large e-Governance systems have to be divided

into manageable logical modules, each with a goal that supports overall objective of e-Governance. ICT provides solution for plugging such components to a great extent, even if the modules are developed on different platforms.

4. There is need to contain cost by developing portable / replicable modules, which can be reused across different government.

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e-Governance Systems Development Stepse-Governance Systems Development Steps

5. The e-Governance architecture should be able 5. The e-Governance architecture should be able to support to support phasedphased implementationimplementation. This is . This is possible by providing interlinked common possible by providing interlinked common backbone architecture, and customized backbone architecture, and customized architecture at front end for deployment of different architecture at front end for deployment of different e-Governance applications. e-Governance applications.

6. There is need to follow 6. There is need to follow technology standardstechnology standards for Databases, operating systems,Schema, for Databases, operating systems,Schema, nomenclatures, architecture, communication nomenclatures, architecture, communication security etc. security etc.

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Critical Success FactorsCritical Success Factors

• People, Process, TechnologyPeople, Process, Technology

• Architecture & StandardsArchitecture & Standards

• SecuritySecurity

• Implementation ModelsImplementation Models

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Points to PonderPoints to Ponderin Implementation of e-Govin Implementation of e-Gov

• System Study Vs. System Development

• Pilot Vs. Rollout

• In-house Vs. Outsource

• Make or Buy

• Open Source Vs Proprietary software

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Problems in implementationProblems in implementation

• Budget constraints• Too many disjointed efforts• Lack of Infrastructure• Digital Divide• Shortage of Champions• Local Language Interface• No architecture and standards• Too little benefits

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• Railway ReservationRailway Reservation• 7/12 / Land Records, 7/12 / Land Records, • E-Tendering E-Tendering • SevarthSevarth• PlanPlusPlanPlus


eGov ApplicationseGov Applications

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The National e-Governance PlanThe National e-Governance Plan(NeGP)(NeGP)

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

The Plan seeks to lay the foundation and provide the impetus for long-term growth of e-Governance within the country.

It seeks to create the right governance and institutional mechanisms, set up the core infrastructure and policies and implement a number of Mission Mode Projects at the center, state and integrated service levels to create a citizen-centric and business-centric environment for governance.

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)VISION

The NeGP aims at improving delivery of Government services to citizens and businesses with the following vision:

“Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man.”

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)


• Centralized Initiative, Decentralized Implementation• Identify services to be targeted• Prioritize Services (Mission)• Identify measurable service goals (Outcomes)• Identify, Appoint & Empower Mission Leaders• Create mechanism for effective Private Sector participation• Put in place a common Infrastructure, Policies, Standards and Framework.• Service delivery through Common Service Centres• Think Big, Start Small and Scale Fast• All services supported by infrastructure to facilitate web-enabled access• Connectivity: State Wide Area Networks (SWANs)/NICNET• National Data Bank/ State Data Centres ( SDCs)• Common Service Centres (CSCs) primary mode of delivery

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

Core Infrastructure• National eGovernment Intranet (NICNET, ERNET etc.)• State wide Intranets• National eGovernment Data Center• State Data Centers• Security Infrastructure• Resource Centre for E-Governance• GIS National Spatial Data Infrastructure• Language Resource Centre

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

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e-Governance approach in India – e-Governance approach in India – The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)

Institutional Framework under NeGP

(CM- Chief Minister, CS – Chief Secretary, DIT – Dept of IT, GoI, PeMT – Project Governance Mission Team, SeMT – State eGovernance Mission Team)

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Legal Framework for eGovernanceLegal Framework for eGovernanceIT Act, 2000, was enacted to “… provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly referred to as “electronic commerce”, which involve the use of alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and storage of information, to facilitate electronic filing of documents with the Government agencies and further to amend the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, the Bankers’ Books Evidence Act, 1891 and the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”

The focus of the Act is on electronic commerce and electronic records. It contains provisions on digital signatures and authentication of electronic records, legal recognition of digital signatures and electronic records, retention of electronic records, attribution, acknowledgement and dispatch of electronic records, security of electronic records, regulation of Certifying Authorities, Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunal etc. To facilitate the implementation of e-Governance projects at various levels across the country, a more holistic legal framework is required.

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Need for Statutory Backing for E-GovernanceNeed for Statutory Backing for E-Governance

As seen earlier, the DIT has been tasked with creating the common core and support infrastructure, like the National and State Wide Area Networks, NDC and SDCs, Common Services Centres and the Electronic Service Delivery Gateways.

It is also laying down Standards and Policy Guidelines in its role as facilitator.

There are complexities involved in evolution/development and adoption of the overall technology architecture, framework standards, security policy, funding strategy, service delivery mechanism, sharing of common infrastructure etc.

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Need for Statutory Backing for E-GovernanceNeed for Statutory Backing for E-Governance

Data Retention and Preservation policies are important, as paper files are replaced by electronic methods.

Data Privacy issues are extremely important. Citizens may take Government Departments to courts on leakage of data and privacy issues.

NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreements) with all vendors and their employees is an aspect that should be carefully examined.

Amendments to IT Act now have section on “Sensitive Personal information” (Rules u/s 43A).

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Stronger lawsStronger laws

Stronger and more effective laws and rules related to usage of ICT will have to be formulated, and strongly implemented.

This presupposes the adoption and use of security measures more particularly empowering and training judiciary and law enforcement manpower with the knowledge and use of cyber forensics and digital evidencing.

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To conclude…To conclude…E-governance is an evolutionary phenomenon, and requires a change in the mindset of one and all – citizen, executives and the government.

With the support of the Internet, the government processes defined by specializations can be made efficient, effective, and citizen-friendly.

There are many challenging issues lying ahead. Security is the main concern, both for the Government and for citizens.

Redefining rules and procedures, information transparency, legal issues, infrastructure, skill and awareness, access to right information, inter-departmental collaboration, tendency to resist the change in work culture, are the main concerns for the government to address.

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