ecotrak fuel saving technology

EcoTrak Fuel Saving Technology Cut costs Cut carbon Drive safer Drive smarter

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EcoTrak Fuel Saving Technology

• Cut costs

• Cut carbon

• Drive safer

• Drive smarter

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Monitoring and managing fuel used by the vehicles in a

fleet is vital for all professional operators as fuel often

accounts for as much as 40 per cent of overall operating

costs. By implementing a management solution it is

possible to reduce fuel costs alone by up to 15 per cent,

which will result in significant carbon reductions too.

The use of safe and fuel efficient driving techniques as part

of a fuel management process will help to contribute to

these savings.

Why? Reasons for implementing a fuel & driver management solution

By using fuel more efficiently businesses can benefit from:

• Lower costs

• Improved profit margins

• Reduced vehicle carbon emissions

• Improved and safer performance

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EcoTrak fuel saving technology has been developed in

conjunction with the haulage, waste management and

passenger transport industries to help businesses reduce

fuel and operating costs, lower vehicle carbon emissions

and promote safer driving throughout their fleet.

Using CANbus technology EcoTrak can not only report on

where a vehicle is, but how it is being driven. The

information gathered from the vehicle is recorded every 60

seconds and using this information, a profile of the driver

and their style can be derived.

What is EcoTrak fuel saving technology?

Dependent on the vehicle’s age and compatibility, EcoTrak

reports on driver and vehicle management parameters


• Real time MPG

• Odometer

• Speed

• Idling time

• Over revving

• Harsh braking

• Harsh Accelerating

• Excessive throttle use

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The data is collected by linking EcoTrak to the vehicle’s

communication network using two standard protocols:

SAE J1979 for cars/vans and SAE J1939 for trucks/buses.

To access the data, EcoTrak uses only the vehicle’s

Controlled Area Network (CANbus) and there is no

requirement for vehicle’s FMS to be enabled.

By managing driver behaviour using these parameters, it is

possible to improve your fleet’s overall performance and

significantly reduce operating costs.

What is EcoTrak fuel saving technology?

Using EcoTrak fuel saving technology, our customers

typically achieve fuel saving of between 10% and 20%,

observe improved driving practices and consequently

lower their impact on the environment.

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Available data? what information can EcoTrak provide?

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The information available is largely dependent on the age

and type of vehicle. EcoTrak is compatible with all HGV

and RCV manufacturers, and many parameters can also

be brought back for LCVs and cars.

Working with our customers, we continually work towards

improvements and new functionality. For example, in

response to customer feedback, we have recently

developed a number of waste specific applications of the

available telemetry—e.g. axle weights, infrared curtain,

thermal sensors.

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“The most influential factor on fuel consumption

within a business is people. As the person driving the

vehicle, it makes sense that the driver has the most

significant impact on fuel consumption. Therefore,

understanding and influencing their daily activities

is vital.” Freight Transport Association, 2008

EcoTrak enables you to understand the individual driving

styles of each of your drivers. The system records their

actual behaviour in real time and reports it back to you in a

Driver Behaviour The most important factor of all

collection of simple reports, which make up the EcoTrak

reporting and analysis suite. These reports are accessible

via the internet 24/7 or can be scheduled to arrive in your

inbox at your chosen time.

Using these reports it is possible to identify drivers that are

performing less efficiently and re-educate them to

promote more fuel efficient driving. Not only does

efficient driving mean lower fuel costs, it also means lower

maintenance and insurance costs too.

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For Drivers

Through fuel efficient driving, drivers can raise their level of

skill and become more of an asset to their employer. For Operators

Promoting fuel efficient driving can result in:

• Reduced fuel costs

• Increased productivity & vehicle utilisation

• Reduced vehicle running & maintenance costs

• Potential reduction in insurance costs

The Benefits of Safe & Fuel Efficient Driving

For the Bigger Picture

By supporting and investing in safe & fuel efficient driving

practices, organisations can:

• Reduce vehicle CO² emissions

• Promote and develop a responsible safety culture

within the organisation

• Lead the way with good practices

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Managing the speed that a vehicle travels is a simple, but

effective way to cut costs and reduce accident rates. As

well as the importance of implementing good practices,

there is the legal obligation for speed limits to be adhered

to and safe speeds to be maintained. By reducing a

vehicle’s average speed by just a few MPH, significant fuel

savings can be achieved.

Key Components of Safe & Fuel Efficient Driving


Unnecessary engine idling can burn several litres of fuel

per hour. This is a common area of wastage which affects

many businesses and once controlled fuel savings can be


Idling can be defined as an extended period of time

whereby a vehicle’s engine is left running but the vehicle

is not moving. There are of course instances where this

may be acceptable (in a traffic jam), but constant idling of

perhaps more than 5 minutes may be identified as

excessive and unnecessary.

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Over Revving

Keeping the vehicle travelling within the “green band” rev

range optimises fuel consumption. Outside of this range,

fuel economy is reduced.

Cruise Control

The electronic control system can deliver the necessary

amount of fuel for any given situation, resulting in less

wastage and improved fuel efficiency.

Key Components of Safe & Fuel Efficient Driving

Harsh Accelerating and Braking

Unnecessary harsh accelerating and braking can:

• Cause accidents

• Increase vehicle wear and tear

• Increase maintenance costs

• Increase fuel consumption

Keeping the vehicle travelling steadily is safer and more

fuel efficient.

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PTO Over Revving

Some drivers incorrectly believe that by engaging the

throttle whilst PTO is activated, the PTO speed will be

increased. This is not the case, but as a result, fuel can be

unnecessarily consumed.

Excessive Throttle Use

By engaging the throttle at more than 95 per cent, exces-

sive fuel is used. Progressive and moderate throttle use

results in more fuel and carbon efficient driving.

Key Components of Safe & Fuel Efficient Driving

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What is an EEDI?

An Energy Efficient Driving Index (EEDI) is a simple way of

establishing how fuel efficient a driver is. Using a clear

colour coded rating system, similar to that of the familiar

domestic appliance chart, it is easy to identify how a driver

is performing against selected key parameters and against

other drivers in the fleet.

The drivers’ EEDI score can be configured to reflect the

nature of the business; weighting the importance of certain

factors higher than others, dependent on the operation.

Introducing EEDI Energy Efficient Driving Index

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CMS SupaTrak recognises the importance of driver

training in order to improve driver style and efficiency. This

can take the form of classroom sessions, practical in-cab

lessons or simple driver briefing. Each of these has their

own merits, depending on the business and the drivers in


CMS SupaTrak work with a network of driver trainers and

fuel saving consultants who provide independent training

and consultancy services to promote safe and fuel efficient

driving throughout business fleets. These professionals

Driver Training to improving driver performance

work closely with our customers to understand the nature

of the business and the fleet and find ways to increase

efficiency and reduce wastage.

Some businesses already have active driver training

initiatives in place, but are concerned that their drivers

may revert back to old habits and inefficient behaviours

after the training has lapsed. EcoTrak can help businesses

to prevent this from happening by providing ongoing

management of driver performance against proven

achievable parameters.

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The web based reporting suite has been developed to

deliver valuable information in a concise and useable

format, aimed at helping businesses to understand and

manage their drivers better.

All reports are available on demand, or alternatively, can be

scheduled to be delivered to your inbox at a convenient

time on a regular basis.

There are a selection of reports to choose from, all of

which are categorised within the web based system.

Reports information to help you manage you drivers

The available reports include:

• Fuel saving

• Vehicle and driver analysis

• Performance league tables

• Pointer (areas for improvement)

• Alerts

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The Vehicle Analysis Report gives a concise overview of a

vehicle’s performance over a given period of time. It

reports on data including vehicle utilisation, optimum

driving time and also features the EEDI score.

Reports information to help you manage you drivers

The Driver Pointer Report compares driving style between

two selected periods. It highlights key areas of performance

and notes the changes observed. Green ticks show

improvements, whilst red exclamation marks indicate

a decline in performance.

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The Alerts Report provides an overview of instances of

inefficient driving. The frequency of each alert is recorded

along with a more detailed breakdown of where and

when each alert was triggered. If an SDA is being used, this

report will mirror what the driver sees in-cab.

Reports information to help you manage you drivers

The Fuel Saving Report shows the actual fuel savings being

realised, per vehicle, over the selected period of time. Based

on the original benchmarked data, the current performance is

compared and the litres of fuel and carbon saved as a result of

the improved EEDI and MPG are recorded.

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Live Interactive Map integrated mapping enables full fleet visibility

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Our live online mapping solution allows you to have full

visibility of your fleet 24 hours a day. Each vehicle’s data is

updated every 60 seconds, including location, speed,

direction and journey history.

Our mapping options include roadmap, satellite and

street view mode, each providing a different level of detail.

The street view option can be helpful for understanding

the working environment being experienced by the driver.

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Carbon Reporting

EcoTrak not only records fuel used, but carbon emitted as

well. The carbon calculation is taken from current DEFRA

figures and is updated regularly to ensure accuracy with

current guidelines.

The reporting suite records the amount of carbon emitted

by vehicle, period of time, or by driver. Monitoring and

managing these emissions is key for many businesses

who have targets to meet and need an automated and

verified method of carbon calculation.

Cutting Carbon Reducing vehicle CO² emissions

Carbon Certified

CICS (Complete Integrated Certification Services Ltd) was

contracted by the Diamond Standard Carbon

Exchange to verify the methodology used by CMS

SupaTrak Ltd to calculate the fuel and carbon dioxide

saving achieved through the introduction of EcoTrak and

to provide an opinion as to the accuracy of the

methodology in relation to claimed carbon dioxide

savings. The resulting option was that the methodology

used is relevant, consistent, accurate and transparent.

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What is the SDA?

The Safer Driving Assistant (SDA) is an interactive in-cab

display unit which has been developed to help drivers

adhere to good driving practices and become more fuel

and carbon efficient drivers.

The device is mounted on the vehicle’s dash panel and

reacts in real time to the driving style, alerting drivers to

instances of excessive idling, speeding, harsh braking, harsh

accelerating, excessive throttle use and over revving.

Safer Driving Assistant Interactive in-cab alert system

The alerts are displayed visually on the LCD touch screen

display and are accompanied by an optional alert tone, to

inform the driver of their error. Each of these driver

behaviour parameters can be easily configured to reflect

the acceptable parameters for the particular vehicle, driver

or route, as necessary.

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Managed Trial Process an opportunity to understand what can be achieved

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Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

Agree Trial

Select Vehicles



Install EcoTrak


Benchmark of


Driver Training

Ongoing Driver


Post Driver



Produce Savings


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CMS SupaTrak works closely with

GreenFleet and supports its many

events throughout the year. In fact the SDA was launched

at the Arrive N Drive event in May 2010.

The annual GreenFleet Awards is a showcase of the

industry’s best innovations and new technologies and for

the past 2 years, CMS SupaTrak has fought off the

competition to win the IT Innovation Award.

Freight Best Practice

Since developing EcoTrak fuel saving technology in 2008,

we have worked with a number of freight and haulage

operators. Freight Best Practice approached us and we

worked with them to put together a fuel saving trial guide,

which features a number of our customers, sharing their

experiences of EcoTrak and the achievable savings.

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Industry Recognition for EcoTrak fuel saving technology

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Who we work with customers using EcoTrak include…..

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Customer results what our customers have experienced

• Initially undertook an EcoTrak managed trial

• Trialled 14 mixed vehicles including trade waste, bulk

carriers, F.E.L, Multi buckets

• Increased MPG by over 13 per cent

• This equates to a fuel saving of over £1.01million for

their fleet of 1,000 vehicles.

• Undertook EcoTrak managed trial

• Trialled on Geesink Norba DAF compactors

• Benchmark MPG 2.98 went to 3.40 MPG

• £1,718 per vehicle per year

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Customer results what our customers have experienced

• National logistics company, Ramage Transport

recently trialled the Safer Driving Assistant

• They reported that during the trial they

witnessed an increase in MPG from 7 to 8.5

on the initial vehicle trip from Durham to Kent

just by reducing the speed threshold from

56mph to 52mph.

• Based on these initial savings, the forecasted

annual fuel cost saving for this company will

be £930,056.33 with an annual C0²

reduction of 2,516.419 tonnes

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Customer results what our customers have experienced

• Leading logistics company, Surefreight, have

their mixed fleet fitted with EcoTrak

• An average MPG of 6.9 was being achieved at

the beginning of the trial

• By the end of the trial period, the average

MPG being achieved across the fleet was 8.0

MPG. This increase equates to an annual fuel

cost saving of over £300,000, after the cost of

implementing the EcoTrak solution.