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  • 8/10/2019 E coli 2010


    Certain isolates of Escherichia colihave been implicatedin a wide range of diseases that affect either animals orhumans worldwide. To date, eight pathovars and theirmechanisms of disease have been extensively studied.These pathovars can be broadly classified as either diar-rhoeagenic E. colior extraintestinal E. coli (ExPEC)1. Sixpathovars enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC), entero-haemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enterotoxigenic E. coli(ETEC), enteroinvasive E. coli(EIEC; including Shigella),enteroaggregative E. coli(EAEC) and diffusely adherentE. coli(DAEC) are diarrhoeagenic, and two pathovars uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and neonatal menin-gitis E. coli(NMEC) are the most common ExPECisolates (FIG. 1). Other pathovars have been identified,but their mechanisms of pathogenesis are not as welldefined(BOX 1).

    The pathogenic E. coliisolates share many virulencestrategies. Adhesion to host cells is a requirement for all

    pathovars except EIEC and is frequently achieved throughlong appendages called fimbriae or pili. Following attach-ment, E. colimust subvert host cell processes, often usingsecreted proteins. Hijacking and manipulating host cellsignalling pathways can result in the coordinated inva-sion of host cells, evasion of host immune responses andefficient colonization, and ultimately leads to disease(reviewed in REF. 2). Each pathovar has its own character-istic mechanisms of attaching to and exploiting host cells(see Supplementary information S1(table)), althoughthey often target the same host machinery. For overviewsof the mechanisms of pathogenicity of the diarrhoeagenicand ExPEC pathovars, see FIGS 25.

    Many of the virulence factors associated with E. coli-mediated disease have been known for several years.Recently, we have begun to elucidate the key interac-tions between host proteins and these virulence factors,providing an insight, at the molecular level, into howthey contribute to disease. In this Review, we summarizerecent advances in our understanding of these virulencefactors and how they are used by E. colito cause diseasein humans.

    Evolution of diverse pathogensThe loss and gain of mobile genetic elements has a piv-otal role in shaping the genomes of pathogenic bacteria.Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is an important mecha-nism that rapidly disseminates new traits to recipientorganisms. Acquiring these new traits is crucial in pro-moting the fitness and survival of a pathogen while it co-evolves with its host3. Large clusters of virulence genes,

    called pathogenicity islands (PAIs), can be found on plas-mids or integrated into the chromosome in pathogenicbacteria, but they are not found in non-pathogenic bac-teria. PAIs are usually flanked by mobile genetic elements bacteriophages, insertion sequences or transposons and often insert near tRNA genes. It is not surprising thatmany of the virulence traits that are present in E. coliarecarried on PAIs as well as on plasmids and prophages(seeSupplementary information S2(table)). Although mostprophages are defective, some can still form infectiousparticles4. Traits that are acquired by HGT can allow therecipient bacterium to colonize a new niche, and selec-tive pressures select for variants that can survive these

    Michael Smith Laboratories,

    The University of British

    Columbia, 301-2185 East

    Mall, Vancouver, British

    Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada.

    Correspondence to B.B.F.


    [email protected]


    Published online

    7 December 2009


    The latent form of a temperate

    bacteriophage, in which its

    genome is integrated into the

    bacterial chromosome without

    disrupting the bacterial cell.

    Molecular mechanisms ofEscherichia colipathogenicityMatthew A. Croxen and B. Brett Finlay

    Abstract| Escherichia coliis a remarkable and diverse organism. This normally harmless

    commensal needs only to acquire a combination of mobile genetic elements to become a

    highly adapted pathogen capable of causing a range of diseases, from gastroenteritis to

    extraintestinal infections of the urinary tract, bloodstream and central nervous system.

    The worldwide burden of these diseases is staggering, with hundreds of millions of peopleaffected annually. Eight E. colipathovars have been well characterized, and each uses a

    large arsenal of virulence factors to subvert host cellular functions to potentiate its

    virulence. In this Review, we focus on the recent advances in our understanding of the

    different pathogenic mechanisms that are used by various E. colipathovars and how they

    cause disease in humans.

    R E V I E W S

    26 | JANUARY 2010 |VOLUME 8 www.nature.com/reviews/micro

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    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=12319http://www.nature.com/nrmicro/journal/v8/n1/suppinfo/nrmicro2265.htmlhttp://www.nature.com/nrmicro/journal/v8/n1/suppinfo/nrmicro2265.htmlmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.nature.com/nrmicro/journal/v8/n1/suppinfo/nrmicro2265.htmlhttp://www.nature.com/nrmicro/journal/v8/n1/suppinfo/nrmicro2265.htmlhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=genomeprj&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Overview&list_uids=12319
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    Brain: NMEC

    Kidney: UPEC

    Bladder: UPEC

    Large bowel:EHEC, EIEC and EAEC

    Small bowel: EPEC,ETEC, DAEC and EAEC

    Bloodstream:UPEC and NMEC

    Core genome

    The pool of genes that is

    shared by all strains of a

    bacterial species.


    All of the genes that are found

    in the genomes of a given



    An epithelial cell that is found

    in the small intestine and colon.

    pressures. One theory is that multiple HGT events exposethe bacteria to new selective pressures, which eventuallyselect for more virulent organisms that become epidemic,such as EHEC and EIEC5. It should be noted that the evo-lution of pathovars might not always occur in a lineage-specific manner; for example, EHEC virulence factors werefound to have been acquired independently by differentphylogenies of E. coli6.

    The genomes of the pathogenic E. coliare diverse andcan be up to 1 Mb larger than those of commensal iso-lates, mainly owing to the acquisition and loss of PAIs andother accessory genetic material. The sequenced E. coliisolates are thought to have a core genomeof approxi-mately 2,200 genes and a pan-genomeof approximately13,000 genes7,8. It is intriguing that, although the genomes

    of most pathogenic E. coliisolates can encode more than5,000 genes, less than half of these genes make up the coregenome. This allows for substantial genetic diversity andplasticity in pathogenic isolates. For example, 13 genomicislands are found in the genome of UPEC str. CFT073,constituting almost 13% of the genome9. Interestingly, thedistribution of virulence factors among other UPEC iso-lates is heterogeneous, and no one factor has been solelyimplicated in uropathogenesis. Comparative genomicshas identified 131 UPEC-specific genes, most of whichencode hypothetical proteins9. As these genes are specificto UPEC isolates, they might constitute a common subsetthat contributes to virulence.

    The complete genome sequence of EPEC wasrecently published and found to encode approxi-mately 400 more genes than E. coli K-12 substrains,but around 650 fewer genes than EHEC O157:H7and 770 fewer genes than UPEC str. CFT073 (REF. 10),suggesting that the repertoire of acquired virulencefactors that are necessary to become EPEC might besubstantially smaller than that required to create theother pathovars. Of the pathogenic E. coli, EIEC hasendured the most recombination and has undergonepatho-adaptation (reviewed in REF. 11), including theloss of genetic material. HGT of the virulence plasmidpINV gave EIEC the ability to be invasive; however, adeletion (such deletions are also referred to as blackholes11) in a region of the genome that contains thelysine decarboxylase gene, cadA, was necessary for fullfitness and adaptation to an intracellular lifestyle. Bothgene loss and gain have contributed to the divergenceand emergence of a diverse set of E. colipathovars.

    Pathovars and pathogenesis

    Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.EPEC is a majorcause of potentially fatal diarrhoea in infants in devel-oping countries1. This pathovar belongs to a family ofpathogens that form attaching and effacing (A/E) lesionson intestinal epithelial cells; other members of the familyinclude EHEC, rabbit diarrhoeagenic E. coli (RDEC), themurine pathogen Citrobacter rodentiumand the recentlyidentified Escherichia albertii (formerly known as Hafniaalvei), a pathogen that is associated with diarrhoea inhumans. The attaching bacteria efface the microvilli andsubvert host cell actin to form distinct pedestals beneaththe site of attachment. This phenotype is afforded toEPEC by genes encoded on a 35 kb PAI known as thelocus of enterocyte effacement (LEE)12. The LEE ishighly regulated and encodes a type III secretion sys-tem (T3SS) that translocates bacterial effector proteinsinto the host cell cytoplasm. Seven effectors are encodedby the LEE, but there are several non-LEE encoded(Nle) effectors in addition to these13; the roles of manyof these effectors are unknown.

    The initial attachment of EPEC to enterocytesin thesmall bowel is thought to involve the bundle-formingpili that are encoded on the EPEC adherence factor(EAF) plasmid. Bundle-forming pili are rope-like fim-briae that interact both with other EPEC bacteria, toform microcolonies for localized adherence, and withN-acetyl-lactosamine-containing receptors on host

    cell surfaces14. Recently, it was demonstrated that theE. colicommon pilus, which is present in most E. coliisolates, may act in concert with bundle-forming pilito stabilize interactions between EPEC and host cells15.Intimate attachment is mediated through interactionsof the bacterial outer-membrane protein intiminandthe translocated intimin receptor (Tir) (FIG. 2). EPECuses the T3SS to rapidly translocate Tir into the cyto-plasm of host cells in a process that is possibly initi-ated through Ca2+sensing16. Tir is then displayed onthe surface of the host cell17and acts as a receptor forintimin. Interactions with intimin lead to the cluster-ing of Tir, which is then phosphorylated by various

    Figure 1 |Sites of pathogenic Escherichia coli

    colonization. Pathogenic Escherichia colicolonize various

    sites in the human body. EnteropathogenicE. coli(EPEC),

    enterotoxigenicE. coli(ETEC) and diffusely adherent E. coli(DAEC) colonize the small bowel and cause diarrhoea,

    whereas enterohaemorrhagic E. coli(EHEC) and

    enteroinvasiveE. coli(EIEC) cause disease in the large

    bowel; enteroaggegrative E. coli(EAEC) can colonize both

    the small and large bowels. Uropathogenic E. coli(UPEC)

    enters the urinary tract and travels to the bladder to cause

    cystitis and, if left untreated, can ascend further into the

    kidneys to cause pyelonephritis. Septicaemia can occur

    with both UPEC and neonatal meningitis E. coli(NMEC),

    and NMEC can cross the bloodbrain barrier into the

    central nervous system, causing meningitis.

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    A thin, transient actin

    protrusion that extends out

    from the cell surface and is

    formed by the elongation of

    bundled actin filaments.


    Increased uptake of bacteria

    by host cells owing to antibody

    or complement binding to the


    Haemolytic uraemic


    A disease that primarily affects

    infants and children and is

    characterized by the loss and

    destruction of red blood cells,

    sometimes leading to kidney


    SOS response

    The bacterial response to DNA

    damage that is regulated by

    the LexA and recombinase A

    proteins and involves the

    expression of a network of

    >40 genes.


    A form of regulated,

    actin-dependent endocytosis

    that involves the formation of

    large endocytic vesicles after

    the closure of cell surface

    membrane ruffles.

    host tyrosine kinases1820. Experiments in vitrodem-onstrated that the phosphorylation of Tir recruitsNck21to the site of attachment, which activates neuralWiskottAldrich syndrome protein (N-WASP) andthe actin-related protein 2/3 (ARP2/3) complex tomediate actin rearrangements and pedestal forma-tion22. It was subsequently shown, however, that thephosphorylation of Tir is dispensable in A/E lesionformation ex vivo, as a Tir phosphorylation mutantcan still recruit N-WASP independently of Nck23. Thisexemplifies the importance of critically assessing thedifferences between phenotypes that are seen in vitroand what may actually occur in vivo.

    EPEC has a large repertoire of effectors that aretranslocated into host cells by the T3SS and subverthost cell processes; for example, they cause cytoskel-etal rearrangements and immune modulation, as wellas contributing to diarrhoea (BOX 2; FIG. 2). Many ofthese translocated effectors have multiple functions.Mitochondrial-associated protein (Map) belongs toa family of proteins that share a WXXXE motif andwas thought to mimic the active form of cell divi-sion control protein 42 (CDC42), a small G protein24.More recently, however, Map was shown to act as aguanine-nucleotide exchange factor for CDC42, regu-lating actin dynamics25to result in the formation of

    the filopodiathat surround bacterial microcolonies24.Map is also targeted to the mitochondria, where it dis-rupts mitochondrial structure and function26. A sec-ond multifunctional effector, EspF, is targeted to themitochondria and triggers the mitochondrial deathpathway27. In addition, EspF has been implicated inthe inhibition of phagocytosis28and the disruptionof tight junctions29as well as in mimicking aspects ofthe host cell signalling pathway that is involved inmembrane trafficking30. EspB (also known as EaeB)has a dual role as a T3SS translocation protein andas an effector that prevents phagocytosis31. Nle pro-teins also have roles in EPEC virulence. For example,

    NleA(also known as EspI) reduces protein traffick-ing 32and disrupts tight junctions33, EspJ inhibitsopsonophagocytosis by red blood cells34, and cycle-inhibiting factor (Cif) is a cyclomodulin that preventsprogression of the cell cycle35and, later, induces apop-tosis36. Several other Nle proteins have been identified(reviewed in REF. 37); however, their characterizationremains cursory.

    Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli.Cattle are akey reservoir for EHEC, which is a highly infectiousA/E pathogen that colonizes the distal ileum and largebowel in humans and is often the causative agent of out-breaks of severe gastroenteritis in developed countries.Transmission to humans usually occurs through con-taminated food and water. In North America, Japan andparts of Europe, most outbreaks are due to EHEC sero-type O157:H7, whereas other serotypes are importanthealth concerns in other developed countries. Adultsand children infected with EHEC suffer from haemor-rhagic colitis (bloody diarrhoea), and further complica-

    tions can lead to the potentially fatal haemolytic uraemicsyndrome(HUS)1.

    Almost all EHEC O157:H7 isolates harbour a 92 kbvirulence plasmid called pO157, which has approximately100 ORFs and encodes several virulence factors. However,the main virulence factor of EHEC is the phage-encodedShiga toxin (Stx; also known as verocytotoxin), which isa defining characteristic of the Shiga toxin-producingE. coli(STEC) group to which EHEC O157:H7 belongs.There are two subgroups of Stx, Stx1 and Stx2, whichcan be found in various combinations in EHEC iso-lates, with Stx2 being more prevalent in haemorrhagiccolitis and HUS than Stx1 (REF. 38). Stx is an AB


    consisting of a pentamer of the B subunit that is non-covalently bound to an enzymatically active A subunit.EHEC lacks a secretory mechanism for Stx, so the releaseof Stx occurs through lambdoid phage-mediated lysis inresponse to DNA damage and the SOS response39; anti-biotic therapy should therefore be discouraged, as thetoxin would be released.

    The Stx receptors are the globotriaosylceramides(Gb3s) found on Paneth cells in the human intestinalmucosa40(FIG. 2)and the surface of kidney epithelialcells38. Cattle lack these receptors in the gastrointesti-nal tract, which may explain why EHEC colonizationin cattle is asymptomatic41. The Stx B subunit interactswith Gb3 and induces membrane invaginations to facil-

    itate internalization of the toxin42. The internalized Stxis trafficked through early endosomes into the Golgi,where the A subunit (an N-glycosidase that preventsprotein synthesis) is activated by a cleavage event 43,leading to necrosis and cell death38. It should be notedthat the physiological role of Stx binding to Panethcells has not been explored. Interestingly, Stx can befound in Gb3-negative human intestinal cells (FIG. 2),possibly after being taken up by macropinocytosis44.Inside these cells, Stx does not prevent protein syn-thesis or induce apoptosis45but, instead, is thought todampen chemokine expression and therefore suppressinflammatory responses46.

    Box 1 | Other human-pathogenic Escherichia coli

    In addition to the eight main Escherichia colipathovars, other pathovars have been

    described but are not as well studied. Necrotoxigenic E. coli(NTEC) can be isolated

    from human extraintestinal infections such as urinary tract infections. NTEC secretes

    two cytotoxic necrotizing factors (CFN1 and CNF2), as well as cytolethal distending

    toxin. Cell-detaching E. coli (CDEC), which secretes CNF1 and a haemolysin, may be

    associated with diarrhoea in children1.

    Perhaps the most interesting pathovar is adherent invasive E. coli(AIEC) as it has beenimplicated in 36% of ileal Crohns disease. AIEC adheres to carcinoembryonic antigen-

    related cell adhesion molecule 6 (CEACAM6) in the ileum135,136, which is overexpressed in

    patients who are predisposed to Crohns disease. Adherence of AIEC also increases the

    expression of CEACAM6 through the stimulation of tumour necrosis factor and

    interferon-, which possibly promotes better colonization of the ileal mucosaand subsequent inflammation135. Following adhesion, AIEC can invade the intestinal

    epithelium. Individuals with Crohns disease are often unable to control bacterial

    infections, possibly owing to defects in autophagy137, so AIEC can replicate quickly

    in epithelial cells and is inefficiently cleared by the innate immune response. AIEC

    can translocate through the intestinal epithelium into the lamina propria, where

    the bacteria interact and survive inside macrophages; they further exacerbate

    inflammation by stimulating tumour necrosis factor, eventually forming

    granulomas (reviewed in REF. 138).

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    28 | JANUARY 2010 |VOLUME 8 www.nature.com/reviews/micro

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    Ca2+ influx


    Rearranged brush borders

    Decreased enzyme activity














    LT A subunit










    GM1 CFTR


    AMP TJ



    ETEC-mediated diarrhoea has been attributed tothe secretion of heat-stable enterotoxins (STs), theheat-labile enterotoxin (LT) or a combination of these.STs are small toxins that can be further classed as STaor STb on the basis of structure and function1and aresynthesized as 72-amino-acid precursors that are proc-

    essed into active forms of 1819 amino acids for STaand 48 amino acids for STb. STa, which is associatedwith human disease, binds to guanylyl cyclase recep-tors on the brush border of the intestine and stimulatestheir activity. This leads to increased intracellular levelsof cyclic GMP and activates the cystic fibrosis trans-membrane conductance regulator (CFTR), resultingin impaired absorption of Na+and H

    2O efflux into the

    lumen63. LT is similar to the cholera toxin and is alsoan AB

    5toxin. It is secreted from the pole of the bac-

    terial cell67and associates with lipopolysaccharide onthe surface, where it may act as an adhesin, facilitatingattachment to host cells68. The B subunit of LT interacts

    with the monosialoganglioside GM1 on host cells; thetoxin is internalized at lipid rafts69, where it is traffickedto the cytosol through the endoplasmic reticulum. TheA subunit ADP-ribosylates the stimulatory guanine-nucleotide-binding (G) protein -subunit (G

    s), which

    activates adenylyl cyclase and increases the levels of

    intracellular cyclic AMP. This activates cAMP-dependentprotein kinase A (PKA), which in turn activates CFTR38.Intriguingly, activation of PKA and other host cell sig-nalling pathways by LT has also been shown to inhibitexpression of antimicrobial peptides70.

    Other virulence factors have been shown to besecreted by ETEC (reviewed in REF. 63). For exam-ple, EatAis a serine protease autotransporter of theEnterobacteriaceae(SPATE) that cleaves cathepsin Gand may accelerate fluid build-up. Other secreted viru-lence factors include CylA, a pore-forming cytotoxin,and E. coli ST1 (EAST1), which may have similarfunctions to STa.

    Figure 4 |Pathogenic mechanisms of enterotoxigenic, enteroagreggative and diffusely adherent Escherichia coli.

    a| Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli(ETEC) becomes anchored to enterocytes of the small bowel through colonization

    factors (CFs) and an adhesin that is found at the tip of the flagella (EtpA). Tighter adherence is mediated through Tia and

    TibA. Two toxins, heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and heat-stable enterotoxin (ST), are secreted and cause diarrhoea through

    cyclic AMP (cAMP)- and cyclic GMP (cGMP)-mediated activation of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance

    regulator (CFTR). b| Enteroagreggative E. coli(EAEC) attaches to enterocytes in both the small and large bowels

    through aggregative adherence fimbriae (AAF) that stimulate a strong interleukin-8 (IL-8) response, allowing biofilms to

    form on the surface of cells. Plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) is a serine protease autotransporter of the Enterobacteriaceae

    (SPATE) that targets -fodrin (also known as SPTAN1), which disrupts the actin cytoskeleton and induces exfoliation.c| Diffusely adherentE. coli(DAEC) forms a diffuse attaching pattern on enterocytes of the small bowel, which is mediated

    through afimbrial (Afa) and fimbrial adhesins, which are collectively known as AfaDr fimbriae. Most AfaDr fimbriae bind to

    complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF); a subset of AfaDr fimbriae bind to receptors in the carcinoembryonic-

    antigen-related cell-adhesion molecule (CEACAM) family. The autotransported toxin Sat has been implicated in lesions

    of tight junctions (TJs) in AfaDr-expressing DAEC, as well as in increased permeability. Polymorphonuclear leukocyte

    (PMN) infiltration increases surface localization of DAF. For full details, see main text. AMP, antimicrobial peptides; Gs


    stimulatory guanylyl-nucleotide-binding (G) protein -subunit; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; PKA, proteinkinase A.

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    and cause actin polymerization and ruffle formation forbacterial entry73. RAC1, which can promote membraneruffle formation, may be activated by IpgB1mimicry ofRhoG in the ELMODOCK180 (engulfment and cellmotilitydedicator of cytokinesis protein 1) pathway24,74or directly, by IpgB1 guanine-nucleotide exchange factoractivity25. Other effectors, such as IpgD, IpaAand VirA,are involved in the destabilization of actin and microtu-bules to promote invasion into a phagosome, and escapefrom phagosomes is dependent on the effectors IpaB,IpaC, IpaDand IpaH

    7.8(reviewed in REF. 72).

    Once free in the epithelial cell cytoplasm, Shigellapro-mote their survival by using effectors to further subverthost cell processes (FIG. 3). To prevent intestinal epithelialcell turnover, IpaB mediates cell cycle arrest by targetingMAD2L2, which is an inhibitor of anaphase75, and OspEhas been shown to interact with integrin-linked kinase(ILK) to prevent epithelial cell detachment76. Apoptosisis also prevented through IpgD77, which can stimulatephosphoinositide 3-kinase and activate Akt proteins,which regulate cell survival. These three mechanismsprevent cell death and sloughing, providing a replica-tive niche for Shigellato maintain an infection. To per-

    sist inside colonocytes, Shigellamust also evade innateimmune responses, for which they use at least four effec-tors. One of these effectors, OspG, was shown to bindubiquitylated E2 proteins, which prevents degradation ofinhibitor of nuclear factor-B (NF-B) subunit- (IB)and thus inhibits NF-B activation78. Additionally, OspFis targeted to the nucleus, where it irreversibly dephos-phorylates mitogen-activated protein kinases that arerequired for the transcription of genes that are regu-lated by NF-B79. IpaH

    9.8is also targeted to the nucleus,

    where it interacts with a splicing factor that is involved inthe expression of inflammatory cytokines80. The fourtheffector, OspB, acts with OspF to reduce interleukin-8

    (IL-8) levels by recruiting host factors that remodel chro-matin81. Collectively, these four effectors are involvedin dampening inflammatory responses and thereforeallowing persistence of the bacteria.

    As Shigella do not have flagella, movement in the hostcytosol and cell-to-cell dissemination require manipula-tion of the host machinery (FIG. 3). The outer-membraneprotein VirG(also known as IcsA) localizes to a singlepole and recruits and activates N-WASP and the ARP2/3complex for actin polymerization82. The growth of theactin filaments pushes the bacteria through the cell. Theability of VirA to stimulate the destabilization of micro-tubules plays an important part in the efficient intracellu-lar spread of Shigellaby providing a channel that enablesthem to move throughout the cell83. As a host defence,autophagy targets cytosolic Shigellathrough autophagyprotein 5 (ATG5) recognition of VirG. Interestingly, thesecreted effector IcsB can bind VirG and sequester it,thereby avoiding another aspect of host defence84.

    Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Although it is con-

    sidered to be an emerging pathogen, EAEC is the secondmost common cause of travellers diarrhoea after ETECin both developed and developing countries. EAECis also becoming commonly recognized as a cause ofendemic and epidemic diarrhoea worldwide. Diarrhoeacaused by EAEC is often watery, but it can be accompa-nied by mucus or blood. EAEC colonization can occurin the mucosa of both the small and large bowels, whichcan lead to mild inflammation in the colon38. Much likethe details of its transmission and epidemiology, theunderstanding of EAEC and its pathogenesis is limited,in part owing to the paucity of suitable animal modelsand the heterogeneity of virulence factors.

    The characteristic phenotype of EAEC is aggregativeadhesion, which involves the formation of a stacked-brickpattern of HEp-2 cells and is mediated by the genes thatare found on a family of virulence plasmids called pAAplasmids. These 100 kb plasmids encode the necessarygenes for the biogenesis of the aggregative adherence fim-briae (AAFs), which are related to the Dr family of adhes-ins and mediate the adherence of EAEC to the intestinalmucosa (FIG. 4b). AAF- and flagellin-mediated adherenceinduces an IL-8 response, which leads to the transmigra-tion of neutrophils85,86. Four variants of AAFs (AAF/I,AAF/II, AAF/III and Hda) have been identified87,88. Thereceptors for AAFs are unknown, but recent data showthat AAF/II can bind fibronectin89. Fimbrial extension

    of the positively charged AAFs away from the negativelycharged lipopolysaccharide is thought to occur througha secreted protein called dispersin90. Dispersin associateswith lipopolysaccharide through electrostatic interac-tions and is speculated to mask the negative charge ofthe lipopolysaccharide, thus allowing the AAF to extendaway from the bacterial surface instead of collapsing ontoit. This promotes dispersion of EAEC across the intesti-nal mucosa, by counteracting excessive AAF-mediatedaggregation between other EAEC cells.

    Biofilms formed by EAEC are distinct from biofilmsformed by non-pathogenic E. coli, in that they can formindependently of common factors such as curli, flagella

    Box 2 | Mechanisms of A/E pathogen-induced diarrhoea

    The mechanisms of diarrhoea caused by attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens (FIG. 2)

    have puzzled researchers for some time. Citrobacter rodentiumprovides a natural model

    for studying A/E pathogens in vivo. Type III secretion system (T3SS) effectors are involved

    in microvilli effacement and deregulation of ion exchangers, leading to a concomitant

    decrease in water absorption. Effacement of microvilli is a cooperative function of

    intimin and the T3SS effectors mitochondrial-associated protein (Map), translocated

    intimin receptor (Tir) and EspF139

    , although other effectors are probably also involved.EspF contributes to tight junction disruption29and also decreases the activity of Na+/H+

    exchanger 3 (NHE3), a major mediator of Na+absorption140. Independently, EspG- and

    EspG2-induced alterations of microtubules141affect ClOHexchanger activity142.

    Furthermore, both EspF and EspG mislocalize aquaporins143, which are the channels that

    are responsible for rapid water transport, and the sodium-d-glucose cotransporter

    (SGLT1)139and the intestinal serotonin transporter (SERT)144are also inhibited. SGLT1 is

    a major water pump that is inhibited by a combination of intimin, Map, Tir and EspF, but

    inhibition is independent of effacement. SERT is involved in the uptake of serotonin, a

    hormone that is involved in intestinal absorption and secretion of electrolytes and

    fluids. In addition, connexin 43 (Cx43; also known as GJA1) hemichannels were found

    to be upregulated on the apical surface in response to C. rodentiuminfection,

    resulting in increased luminal water content145. So far, no T3SS effectors have been

    found to be associated with the inhibition of SERT, despite this being T3SS-dependent,

    or with the upregulation of Cx43. Collectively, these disruptions in water absorption

    and ion balance result in A/E pathogen-mediated diarrhoea, although the exactcontribution of each component to diarrhoea is not known.

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    and antigen 43 (Ag43)91. EAEC biofilms on the sur-face of enterocytes are encased in a thick mucus layer.EAEC is thought to be able to penetrate this mucuslayer through the mucolytic activity of the SPATEPic 92. A few genes, both plasmid-borne and chro-mosomal, encoding proteins that are involved in theformation of biofilms have been identified, includinggenes that encode a type VI secretion system93; thedetails, however, remain cursory.

    EAEC causes mucosal damage by secreting cyto-toxins, although not all toxins are found in all isolates.The plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) is a SPATE that tar-gets -fodrin (also called SPTAN1), disrupting the actincytoskeleton, and induces exfoliation1. The toxin is inter-nalized by a clathrin-based endocytosis mechanismand is subsequently trafficked through the endoplasmicreticulum to the cytosol94,95. Two other toxins, Shigellaenterotoxin 1 (ShET1) and EAST1, can be found in otherpathogenic E. coli isolates, and their role in pathogenesisis not completely understood.

    Diffusely adherent Escherichia coli.DAEC is a het-erogenous group that generates a diffuse adherencepattern on HeLa and HEp-2 cells. This pattern ismediated by proteins encoded by a family of relatedoperons, which include both fimbrial (for example, Drand F1845) and afimbrial (Afa) adhesins, collectivelydesignated AfaDr adhesins (reviewed in REF. 96).DAEC isolates that express any of the AfaDr adhesins(which are referred to as AfaDr DAEC) colonize thesmall bowel and have been implicated in diarrhoea inchildren between the ages of 18 months and 5 years,as well as in recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs)in adults96.

    All AfaDr adhesins interact with brush border-associated complement decay-accelerating factor (DAF),which is found on the surface of intestinal and urinaryepithelial cells (FIG. 4c). Binding to DAF results in theaggregation of DAF molecules underneath the adherentbacteria. It also triggers a Ca2+-dependent signalling cas-cade, which results in the elongation and damage of brushborder microvilli through the disorganization of keycomponents of the cytoskeleton96. Furthermore, alongwith flagella the interaction between AfaDr adhes-ins and DAFinduces IL-8 secretion from enterocytes,which promotes transmigration of polymorphonuclearneutrophils (PMNs) across the mucosal epithelial layer.This stimulates the upregulation of DAF on the apical

    surface of epithelial cells, providing DAEC with morereceptors for tighter adherence97. DAEC interactions withPMNs, mediated by AfaDr, lead to an accelerated rateof PMN apoptosis and a decreased rate of PMN-mediatedphagocytosis98.

    A subclass of AfaDr fimbriae interact with membersof the carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesionmolecule (CEACAM) family of receptors that are foundon the surfaces of membranes, in particular in lipidrafts96. Interactions with CEACAMs enhance the activa-tion of CDC42, leading to CEACAM aggregation under-neath the adherent bacteria and the effacement of thebrush border microvilli99. These lesions disrupt several

    brush border enzymes that are involved in intestinalsecretion and absorption, which may contribute to diar-rhoea96. It was recently shown that interactions betweenDr and CEACAMs cause CEACAM dimers to dissoci-ate, so that Dr can interact with the monomeric form ofthe receptor100. This may serve as an interesting methodto manipulate host pathways through the responsethat is mediated by the disruption of CEACAM dim-ers. AfaDr adhesin interactions with CEACAMs andwith DAF may be involved in microtubule-dependentuptake of DAEC cells, following which the bacteria cansurvive in vacuoles101.

    Unlike other pathogenic E. coli, the pathogenesis ofDAEC seems to be predominately mediated throughAfaDr adhesin interactions with host cells. Secretedautotransporter toxin (Sat) has been implicated inlesions of tight junctions that are found with AfaDrDAEC infection and in increased permeability102. Nosecretion systems or other virulence factors have beenidentified in typical AfaDr DAEC isolates.

    UropathogenicEscherichia coli. UPEC infections accountfor roughly 80% of all UTIs, causing cystitis in the blad-der and acute pyelonephritis in the kidneys. UPEC hasthe challenge of moving from the intestinal tract to estab-lish an infection in the urinary tract, where it uses pep-tides and amino acids as the primary carbon source forfitness103. The ability to ascend the urinary tract from theurethra to the bladder and kidneys reflects exceptionalmechanisms for organ tropism, evading innate immu-nity and avoiding clearance by micturition. Several highlyregulated virulence factors contribute to this complexpathogenesis, including multiple pili, secreted toxins (forexample Sat and vacuolating autotransporter toxin (Vat)),multiple iron acquisition systems and a polysaccharidecapsule (reviewed in REF. 104) (FIG. 5a).

    Entry of UPEC into the urinary tract is followed byadhesion to the uroepithelium. This attachment is medi-ated by fimbrial adhesin H (FimH), which is found at thetip of the phase-variable type 1 pili. FimH binds to theglycosylated uroplakin Ia that coats terminally differenti-ated superficial facet cells in the bladder104. Interactionsbetween FimH and uroplakin IIIa were recently foundto lead to phosphorylation events that are required tostimulate unknown signalling pathways for invasion andapoptosis105. UPEC invasion is also mediated by FimHbinding to 3 and 1 integrins that are clustered withactin at the sites of invasion106, as well as by microtu-

    bule destabilization107. These interactions trigger localactin rearrangement by stimulating kinases and Rho-family GTPases, which results in the envelopment andinternalization of the attached bacteria. Once internal-ized, UPEC can rapidly replicate and form biofilm-likecomplexes termed intracellular bacterial communities(IBCs) or pods, which serve as transient, protective envi-ronments108. UPEC can leave the IBCs through a fluxingmechanism; motile UPEC leaves the epithelial cells andenters the lumen of the bladder109. Filamentous UPEChas also been observed fluxing out of an infected cell,looping and invading surrounding superficial cells inresponse to innate immune responses109,110.

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    The presence of a higher

    number of cells than normal in

    the cerebrospinal fluid.

    During infection, the resulting influx of PMNscauses tissue damage, and UPEC attachment andinvasion results in apoptosis and exfoliation of bladdercells. In addition, sublytic concentrations of the pore-forming haemolysin A (HlyA) toxin can inhibit AKTactivation and lead to host cell apoptosis and exfolia-tion111. This breach of the superficial facet cells tem-porarily exposes the underlying transitional cells toinvasion and dissemination of UPEC. Invading bac-teria are trafficked in endocytic vesicles enmeshedwith actin fibres, where replication is restricted112,113.Disruption of host actin permits rapid replication,which can lead to IBC formation in the cytosol or flux-ing out of the cell. This quiescent state may act as a res-ervoir that is protected from host immunity and maytherefore permit long-term persistence in the bladder.Interestingly, UPEC infect ion was recently shown tomanipulate the differentiation of the urothelium114,and when urothelial turnover was chemically inducedthese quiescent reservoirs were able to reactivate andcause an acute infection of the bladder 115. The regula-

    tion of urothelial turnover may have important impli-cations in patient predisposition to UTIs and bladdercancer114.

    UTIs that are left untreated can disseminate tothe kidney in an ascending progression of disease.Ascension to the kidney is mediated by reciprocalregulation of type 1 pili and motility. Bacteria thatexpress type 1 pili are less flagellated than those that donot, suggesting that when type 1 pili are switched off ,UPEC can become more motile116. Futhermore, motil-ity was shown to permit the ascension from the blad-der to the kidney117. UPEC isolates that are associatedwith pyelonephritis often express the P fimbriae thatadhere to Gal(14)Gal moieties of the globoseriesglycolipids that are found on the surface of kidneyepithelialcells1. Similarly to the inverse relationshipbetween type 1 pili and motility, expression of P fim-briae is associated with fewer flagella and repressedmotility118. Crosstalk between P fimbriae, type 1 piliand other adhesion clusters prevents co-expressionof multiple surface organelles119. The correlationbetween P fimbriae and virulence, however, remainsinconclusive.

    Neonatal meningitis Escherichia coli.NMEC, a com-mon inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract, is themost frequent cause of Gram-negative-associated

    meningitis in newborns. Fatality rates can approach40%1, and survivors are usually burdened with severeneurological sequelae. The pathogenesis of NMEC iscomplex, as the bacteria must enter the bloodstreamthrough the intestine and ultimately cross the bloodbrain barrier into the central nervous system (FIG. 5b),which leads to meningeal inflammation and pleocytosisof the cerebrospinal fluid.

    Initial colonization, after the bacteria have beenacquired perinatally from the mother, is followedby transcytosis through enterocytes into the blood-stream. The progression of disease is dependent onhigh bacteraemia (>103colony-forming units per ml of

    blood), so survival in the blood is crucial. Protectionfrom the host immune responses is provided by anantiphagocytic capsule, made up of a homopolymerof polysialic acid, and serum resistance, resulting frommanipulation of the classical complement pathway bythe bacterial outer-membrane protein A (OmpA)120.NMEC has also been shown to interact with immunecells: invasion of macrophages and monocytes pre-

    vents apoptosis121and chemokine release122, provid-ing a niche for replication before dissemination backinto the blood. Maturation of dendritic cells is alsoinhibited by NMEC123. Recently, a lambdoid phage thatencodes O acety ltransferase was discovered, whichacetylates the O antigen to provide phase variationand diversity to the capsule124and may therefore hidethe bacteria from host defences.

    The bloodbrain barrier is a tight barrier formed bybrain microvascular endothelial cells. Attachment ofNMEC is mediated by FimH of the type 1 pili bindingto CD48 (REF. 125)and by OmpA binding to its recep-tor, ECGP96 (REF. 126),on the surface of brain micro-

    vascular endothelial cells. Invasion occurs through theactions of Ibe proteins, FimH, OmpA and cytotoxicnectrotizing factor 1 (CNF1)127. The receptors for theIbe proteins are unknown, but the 67 kDa lamininreceptor (67LR; also known as RPSA) was shown to bethe receptor for CNF1 (REF. 128). CNF1 is a toxin thatdeaminates Rho-family GTPases that are involved inmyosin rearrangement129. It is possible that FimH- andOmpA-mediated attachment to brain microvascularendothelial cells may be required before translocationof CNF1 into the host cell can occur. OmpA interac-tion with its receptor and FimH-mediated increase ofintracellular Ca2+stimulates actin rearrangements125,130that, along with the CNF1-stimulated myosinrearrangements, are involved in the invasion of NMEC.The K1 capsule which is found in approximately80% of NMEC isolates also has a role in invasionby preventing lysosomal fusion and thus allowingdelivery of live bacteria across the bloodbrain bar-rier 131. Collectively, these mechanisms allow NMECto penetrate the bloodbrain barrier and gain access tothe central nervous system, where they cause oedema,inflammation and neural damage.

    Conclusions and future perspectivesIt is clear that the biology of the different E. colipatho-vars is complex. What makes each pathovar distinct

    is the subset of genes involved in the subversion ofhost responses and hijacking of host cell machinery. Inmany pathovars, the same host machinery or processis targeted but the mechanism and outcome is differ-ent. For example, EPEC and EHEC recruit the ARP2/3complex for pedestal formation, whereas Shigellausethe same machinery for entry into colonocytes andintracellular dissemination. Our improved under-standing of the molecular mechanisms of E. colipatho-genesis has also uncovered new aspects of the hostresponse to infecting pathogens. This is exemplifiedby our understanding of the innate immune responsesthat are triggered by intracellular Shigella and by a

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    recent publication describing the ability of Shigellatocontrol the necrosis of non-myeloid cells through twohost components that were previously unrecognized asbeing part of the innate immune response132.

    So what is next? Genome-sequencing efforts con-tinue to identify more potential virulence factors, butour understanding of the interactions between virulencefactors and host components remains incomplete. Muchof our current knowledge is derived from in vitro obser-

    vations, which do not necessari ly reflect the biologyin vivo23. In addition, hostpathogen interactions are notthe only interfaces that occur in the gut. It is becomingclear that the microbiota play a crucial part in disease

    dynamics and in hostpathogen, hostcommensal andcommensalpathogen interactions. For example, themicrobiota have been shown to be displaced by A/Epathogens133, and signals from the commensal flora canalso affect expression of virulence determinants134. Itwill be interesting to analyse the interplay of signals andresponses between the host, commensals and pathogensand to see how this interplay affects the progression ofdisease. We must be diligent in defining all of these inter-faces as we further dissect the pathogenesis of E. coli andtherefore move towards the prevention of transmissionand the development of effective vaccines and noveltherapeutics to target this group of diverse pathogens.

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    AcknowledgementsWe thank the members of the Finlay laboratory for discussion

    and critical reading of the manuscript. We also apologize to

    those authors whose works were not cited owing to space

    constraints. Work in B.B.F.s laboratory is supported by grants

    from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the

    Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), the Foundation for

    the National Institutes of Health, the Canadian Crohns and

    Colitis Foundation and Genome Canada. M.A.C. is supported

    by a Canadian Association of Gastroenterology/CIHR/Ferring

    Pharmaceuticals fellowship.

    Competing interests statementThe authors declare no competing financial interests.

    DATABASESEntrez Gene:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genecadA

    Entrez Genome Project:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome project

    EPEC|Escherichia coli|UPEC str. CFT073


    Cif|CNF1| EatA| EspF|EspJ|FimH| HlyA| intimin| IpaA|

    IpaB| IpaC|IpaD| IpgB1|IpgD|NleA| OspB| OspF|OspG|

    Pet| Pic| TccP| Tia|TibA|Tir| VirA|VirG

    FURTHER INFORMATIONB. Brett Finlays homepage:http://www.finlaylab.msl.ubc.ca

    SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATIONSee online article:S1(table) |S2(table)


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    38 | JANUARY 2010 |VOLUME 8 www.nature.com/reviews/micro

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