Page 1: Transport of large particles in flow through porous media


Transport of large particles in flow through porous media

A. O. Imdakm and Muhammad SahimiDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90089-1211

(Received 22 June 1987)

There is considerable evidence indicating that significant reduction in the efficiency of manyprocesses in porous media, such as enhancing oil recovery, heterogeneous chemical reactions,deep-bed filtration, gel permeation, and liquid chromatography, is due to the reduction in the per-meability of the pore space. This reduction is due to the transport of particles, whose sizes arecomparable with those of the pores, and the subsequent blocking of the pores by various rnecha-nisms. In this paper we develop a novel Monte Carlo method for theoretical modeling of thisphenomenon. Particles of various sizes are injected into the medium, and their migration in theflow field is modeled by a random walk whose transition probability is proportional to the localpore fluxes. Pores are blocked and their flow capacity is reduced (or vanished) when large parti-cles pass through them (and reduce their flow capacity) or totally block them. The permeability ofthe medium can ultimately vanish and, therefore, this phenomenon is a percolation process. Vari-ous quantities of interest such as the variations of the permeability with process time and the dis-tribution of pore-plugging times are computed. The critical exponent characterizing the vanishingof the permeability near the percolation threshold appears to be different from that of percolationconductivity. The agreement between our results and the available experimental data is excellent.


Many operations in the chemical and petroleum indus-try involve transport and reaction processes in disor-dered porous media. Examples include multiphase fluidflow in oil and gas reservoirs, filtration processes, woodand coal combustion and gasification, heterogeneous(catalytic) chemical reactions, gel permeation, and liquidchromatography. The efficiency of such processes de-pends crucially on the availability of open pore spacewhich provides transport paths for the flowing andreacting materials. Thus if the permeability of theporous medium, which is a measure of openness of thepore space, is reduced during such processes, theefficiency of the operation is also reduced, often dramati-cally. An important reason for the reduction of the per-meability is the migration of fine, solid particles whosesizes are comparable with those of the pores of the medi-um, in the flow field through the porous medium. Theseparticles can be the product of a chemical reactionwithin the pore space or the result of a process such asetching of the porous medium, which is intended tochange the structure of the pore space. Moreover, parti-cles adhering to the pore walls, e.g. , diagenetic clayswhich have been precipitated from formation water, canbe released upon contact with the flowing fluids becauseof the change in the ionic environment or the flow rate.In addition, during the flow of dilute, stable emulsions infine-grained porous media, ' a large reduction in the per-meability of the porous media is usually observed. Thisis because the ratio of emulsion size to pore size may beof order of unity and, as a result, the pores of the medi-um are blocked by the emulsions, a phenomenon whichis similar to the reduction of the permeability during the

migration of fine particles in flow through a porousmedium. Thus size exclusion, by which large particlesblock smaller pores, is the dominant mechanism of thereduction of permeability of the porous medium. Cap-ture of the particles by the solid surface of the pore by,e.g. , an electrostatic interaction between migrating parti-cles and the surface, is another mechanism which resultsin the reduction of the permeability. In addition, duringgel permeation in porous media and liquid chromatogra-phy, ' size exclusion plays a fundamental role. In anyevent, the permeability of the pore space reduces withprocess time and can ultimately vanish if enough poresare blocked. As such, this phenomenon is a percolationprocess, although, as we argue below, it may not be anordinary percolation process and appears to be describedby a different set of critical exponents.

Past modeling of this phenomenon has involvedvarious geometrical models of the pore space, such as abundle of parallel capillary tubes with given pore-sizeand particle-size distributions, or the Carman —Kozenymodel for permeability of a porous medium. More re-cently, Soo, Williams, and Radke presented a filtrationmodel to describe the permeability reduction due to thecapture of droplets by the solid surface of the pores. Al-though these models contain many essential features oftransport of fine particles in flow through porous media,such as their deposition on the solid surface of the poresand their possible release from the surface, their predic-tions of the reduction in the permeability of the porousmedia are much smaller than the experimentaldata. "" This is because of the fact that models of thepore space that have been employed by these authorscannot represent the effect of the topology (connected-ness) of the porous media and the interconnection be-

36 5304 1987 The American Physical Society

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tween the pores. It is well known that such models pre-dict a zero-percolation threshold for the porous mediumand, therefore, it is not surprising that they predict apermeability reduction which is much smaller than theobserved one. A recent advancement is the work ofSharma and Yortsos, ' in which the authors employ anetwork model of pore space to describe the transport offine particles in a flow field. However, an effective-medium approximation (EMA) is used in order to de-scribe the flow field and make the model analyticallytractable. Although the results are in better agreementwith the experimental data than those of previous mod-els, their model is not totally satisfactory, since an EMAcannot predict accurately the permeability of the porousmedium as the percolation threshold is approached.

The goal of this paper is to develop a Monte Carlomethod for studying the transport of fine particles inflow through a porous medium and its effect on permea-bility. Our method is closely related to the Monte Carlomethod that we developed' earlier to study hydro-dynamic dispersion in porous media, although there arealso significant differences between the two methods be-cause the two problems are totally unrelated. We con-sider only the reduction of the permeability of theporous medium due to the size-exclusion mechanism andignore any other factor that can affect the permeabilityof the pore space. In a future paper, ' we will investi-gate the effect of other mechanisms of permeabilityreduction. However, we show here that there is excel-lent qualitative agreement between our results and theexperimental data. This indicates that the dominantmechanism of the reduction of the permeability of aporous medium may be the size-exclusion phenomenon,as mentioned above.

The plan of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II we givethe details of our Monte Carlo method. Section III con-tains the results and the discussion of our Monte Carlosimulations of the problem. The paper is summarized inSec. IV where we also discuss how an analytical modelmay be developed to predict the Monte Carlo results.


The porous medium is represented by a two-dimensional square network. The bonds of the network,which represent the pore throats of the porous medium,are assumed to be cylindrical capillary tubes which haveno converging or diverging section. The radii R of thetubes are distributed according to a statistical distribu-tion, which, in the present paper, is assumed to be theRayleigh distribution

f (R)=2a R exp( —a R ),where a is a characteristic pore radius. This distribu-tion mimics qualitatively the pore-size distributionsdetermined experimentally by several investigators. ' 'The sites of the network, which represent the pore bo-dies of the porous medium, are assumed to be largeenough in order to be able to contain the fine particles,although the effect of their sizes on the flow field is ig-

nored. Creeping flow within each bond is assumed, andthe pressure distribution in the network is computed.This is done by solving a standard Kirchhoff-law formu-lation in which the flow rate in each bond is the productof the pressure difference between its nodes and its hy-drodynamic conductance, which is proportional to RThe boundary conditions are constant pressures imposedat the entrance and exit plane of the network (X=O andX =L, respectively), and matched periodic conditions inthe Y direction. From the pressure distribution and thebond radii, the average flow velocity and the flow rate ineach bond is calculated and the permeability of the en-tire network is determined.

After the flow field is determined, solid particles areinjected into the network at random at plane X=O. Thiscan be done in several ways. For example, one can in-ject a single particle into the network at time t=O, thesecond particle at time At, and the Nth particle at time(Ã —1)b,t. Alternatively, we can inject simultaneously aset of M particles into the network at time t=O, thesecond set at time At, and so on, where M can vary fromset to set. Finally, we may choose the time intervals be-tween two consecutive injections from a probability den-sity function. The results presented in this paper arewith the second method. After each time interval, weinject M particles into the network. We take M to be arandom variable uniformly distributed in the interval(O,L). This is because of the fact that at any given timea different number of solid particles may enter theporous medium.

The particles are assumed to be effectively spherical(circular in two dimensions) the effective radii of whichare distributed according to a particle-size distributionwhich, in the present paper, is either a uniform distribu-tion in the interval (0, 1) or the Rayleigh distribution.Within each pore, a particle moves with the mean flowvelocity of the pore. Because the size of a particle isfinite, its motion can disturb the flow pattern within thepore. However, we neglect such disturbances becausetaking them into account would make the computationsextremely complicated. We also neglect the possiblecapture of the particles by the solid surface of the pore;these issues will be considered in a future paper. '

When a particle arrives at a node, it leaves into one ofthe attached bonds which is open to flow (i.e., it has notbeen plugged yet). The transition probability for goingfrom one pore into another is assumed to be proportion-al to the fraction of the flow rate departing from thenode through that node. After a particle selects one ofthe available pores, its effective radius r is comparedwith that of the pore R. If r &R, the particle is allowedto move into that pore and to be carried with the flow.However, if r )R, the entrance to the pore is blockedby the solid particle and the pore is completely plugged.This is effectively equivalent to removing the pore fromthe network (i.e., setting its radius to be zero) and, there-fore, the phenomenon is a percolation process. This pro-cedure is then repeated for all the particles in the net-work. Once the plugged pores are identified, a new flowfield is computed, taking into account the presence of allsolid particles in the system and their effect on the flow

Page 3: Transport of large particles in flow through porous media


field, and the permeability of the network is computed.Particle injection is continued until there is no longerany significant change in the network permeability, oruntil the network is completely plugged and its permea-bility vanishes. Alternatively, one can stop the injectionof the particles after a certain amount of them have beeninjected into the system, and study the structure of theresulting network. The extent of the pore plugging andthe decrease in the permeability of the network dependcrucially on the size distribution for the pores and parti-cles and the method of injection of the particles into thenetwork. These factors also inhuence the time at whichthe network becomes macroscopically plugged and itspermeability vanishes; these are discussed below. ThisMonte Carlo method is very similar to that used for thestudy of hydrodynamic dispersion, ' although the twoproblems are totally different. We used networks ofsizes I.=40 and 60, and we typically averaged the resultsover ten different realizations of the network.


We have carried out extensive Monte Carlo simula-tions of the process described above. We have used twodifferent values of At in our simulations, At=1000 and5000. The units of time depend on the units ofvolumetric How rate in the network. Changing At en-ables one to change the effective concentration orvolume fraction of the solid particles in the pore space.Small values of At mean a large concentration of thesolid particles (since for a given process time, more par-ticles have entered the pore space), and vice versa. Fig-ure 1 shows the variations of the permeability of the net-work with the process time. The permeability of thenetwork is normalized with its value when no pore hasplugged yet (i.e., its permeability at t=O). The resultsare for the Rayleigh distribution for the pore sizes witho. =1, and a uniform particle size distribution. As canbe seen, the permeability drops sharply after a relativelyshort time, and the decrease is sharper for the smallervalue of At. After some time, the permeability reachesits steady-state value and changes very little with theprocess time. This means that with the pore-size andparticle-size distributions that have been used, almost nopore can be plugged after time t =2&10, because thereis not a large enough particle to plug a relatively largepore. In order to be able to compare directly the results




w 0.4

cL 0.2

0.0l I I

5.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0PORE VOLUME IN J ECT ED, z.

FIG. 2. Dependence of the permeability of the network onthe pore volume injected, for various values of At.


with the experimental data, ""we present in Fig. 2 thevariations of the permeability of the network with thepore volume injected r. Here r is defined by r=Qt/V,where Q is the total volumetric flow rate in the networkat time t and V the total volume of the unplugged net-work at t=0. The results are in qualitative agreementwith the experimental data. "'" although our resultsshow a steeper decrease in the permeability of the net-work than those of the experimental data.

In order to interpret the results in terms of the con-cepts of percolation theory, the variations of the permea-bility of the network with the fraction q of the un-plugged pores at time t are shown in Fig. 3. Two pointsare worth noting. The shapes of these curves are totallydifferent from those of percolation conductivity (the ana-log of permeability) which have been obtained for thesquare network; see, e.g. , Kirkpatrick. ' Whereas per-colation conductivity decreases essentially linearly withthe fraction of conducting bond (i.e., the analog of un-plugged pores in our study), except very close to the per-colation threshold p, = —,', the permeability of the net-work in our study decreases more slowly with q, and thedecrease in the permeability is not even linear. More-over, the percolation threshold q, of our network (i.e.,the point at which the permeability effectively vanishes)appears to be higher than that of the percolation con-ductivity. This is because in our simulations the bondsof the network are not blocked completely at random.Those pores that are in the direction of the average(macroscopic) flow have larger fluid fluxes and, there-fore, are more likely to be selected by the solid particles


~~ 0.4CL

~cL 0.2

0.0Qt =1000


10I I

20 30T I ME IO





0.00.90I I I

0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98FRACT ION OF UNPLUGGED PORES, q


FIG. 1. Variation of the permeability of the network withprocess time for various values of At.

FIG. 3. Permeability of the network as a function of thefraction of unplugged pores for various values of ht.

Page 4: Transport of large particles in flow through porous media


and be plugged. Moreover, the blockage of a pore de-pends on its effective radius and the effective size of theparticle that is encountering it. Thus we may expect ahigher percolation threshold than that of the percolationconductivity, consistent with our results. The shape ofthe permeability curve might also indicate that near q„one has

K =(q —q, )",

where p is presumably a universal exponent. We expectp to be different from that of percolation conductivity,whose best current estimate is about 1.3, ' and in fact webelieve @&1; this is discussed below. Our results do,however, indicate that the phenomenon of pore pluggingis sensitive to the morphology of the pore space (i.e. , itsgeometry, represented by the pore-size distribution, andtopology), the particle-size distribution, and the concen-tration of the solid particles.

Figure 4 represents the distributions of the distances,along the direction of macroscopic average velocity thatthe solid particles travel before they cause any plugging.Although the two distributions for the two values of Atare qualitatively similar, the distance that is traveled bythe particles is larger for larger values of ht. This is inagreement with experimental observations" '" that forless concentrated systems (i.e. , larger values of b, t in ourmodel) the particles travel a larger distance before theycause any pore plugging. It is also intuitively clear that,if the system is highly concentrated, more pores areplugged and, therefore, it is more difficult for the parti-cle to travel before any pore plugging takes place.

To investigate the effect of mean-flow orientation onthe pore-plugging process, we applied a pressuredifference at 45' to the two pore directions and therebyproduced flow in the diagonal direction. In this case, byvirtue of the pore orientations, two bonds at each nodecarry fluxes into the node and the two other carry fluxesout, i.e., they are directed away. Thus we obtain a fullydirected square network in the language of percolationtheory, though the full directedness of the network is notintrinsic but is flow induced and dynamical. Moreover,no pore in a particle direction is more likely to beplugged because, on the average, all pores that aredirected away from a node carry the same flux. There-fore, we may expect the percolation threshold of the



w 0.4CE

~ 0.2

0.00.0 3.0 6.0 9.0PORE VOLUME INJECTED,

I 2.0

FIG. 5. Reduction of the permeability of the oriented net-work with the injected pore volume for various values of ht.

oriented network at which the permeability vanishes tobe lower than that of the usual square network discussedbelow.

Figure 5 represents the reduction of the permeabilityof the oriented network with the injected pore volume.This figure shows that, at least for larger values of At,the permeability of the oriented network decreases moreslowly than that of the unoriented one. This may be ex-pected on intuitive grounds because the plugging of thepores of the oriented network is more random thanthose of the unoriented network. As a result, the per-meability of the network should decrease more slowly asmore pores are plugged. This figure is in excellentagreement with the experimental data, "'" and it mayindicate that the dominant mechanism of pore pluggingduring the transport of fine particles, in flow through aporous medium is the size-exclusion mechanism, andthat other possible mechanisms, such as the capture offine particles by the surface of the pores, may be ofsecondary importance. Of course, capture of a solid par-ticle by the surface of the pores depends on several fac-tors. It depends primarily on the fluid flux within apore. If the flux is large, , the particle is quickly trans-ported to the end of the pore, and it is not very likelythat the particle and the pore walls can interact with oneanother and, thus, the particle may not be captured bythe surface of the pores. Capture of a particle dependsalso on the ratio r of particle size to pore size. If this ra-tio is close to unity, it is more likely that the particlewould be captured by the surface of the pores. More-

o 0.2.



(f)o 0,~




~ O.sI—~ 0.6CD


~ 0.20 10 20 30 40 50




FIG. 4. Distribution of the distances, along the direction ofmacroscopic mean velocity, that the particles travel before theycause any pore plugging.

FIG. 6. Permeability of the oriented network as a functionof the fraction of unplugged pores.

Page 5: Transport of large particles in flow through porous media


over, if r is close to unity, the transport of fine particlescan have a strong effect on the flow field within the pore,which can affect the capture of the particles. Anotherfactor that influences the capture of the particles by thepore walls is the strength of the interaction between theparticle and the pore walls. These matters will be dis-cussed in a future paper. '

Figure 6 represents the variations of the permeabilityof the network with the fraction q of unplugged pores.A comparison between Fig. 6 and Fig. 3 shows againthat the permeability of the oriented network decreasesmore slowly with q than that of the unoriented network.The shape of the curves in Fig. 6 shows a more dramaticdeparture from that of percolation conductivity. ' Italso indicates that p ~ 1, in contrast to the exponent ofpercolation conductivity (or permeability, since the twoexponents must be the same in two dimensions), which isalways greater than unity.

Other important quantities are the distribution andthe average of times that the particles spend in theporous medium before they cause any plugging.Knowledge of these quantities may help one to predictthe time at which the porous medium becomes macro-scopically disconnected and its permeability vanishes. InFig. 7, we present the distribution of plugging times, i.e.,the times at which a given particle, after entering theporous medium, plugs a pore. As can be seen, this dis-tribution is long tailed and, while most particles plug apore after a relatively short time, some of the pores areplugged after a long time. Because the particle-size dis-tribution is uniform in the interval (0,1), while the poresize distribution is given by Eq. (1) with a = 1, poreswhose effective sizes are close to unity are very difficultto plug and their plugging times are very large.

Finally, to investigate the effect of pore-size andparticle-size distributions on the results, we calculatedthe reduction in the permeability of the network if bothparticle and pore sizes are distributed according to Eq.(1), with a = 1 for the pore-size distribution and a = —, forthe particle-size distribution. The variations of the per-meability with the process time are shown in Fig. 8. Ascan be seen, the permeability decreases very sharply andvanishes at a relatively short time. The shape of thecurve is also somewhat different from those discussedabove. This indicates that the permeability reduction is



w 0CC


0.0I I

).0 2.0 3.0T I ME I 0 t


FICz. 8. Time dependence of the permeability of the networkif particle- and pore-size distributions are both given by theRayleigh distribution [Eq. (1)].

sensitive to the pore-size and particle-size distributions,as discussed above.





We have developed a novel Monte-Carlo-simulationapproach to the problem of reduction of permeability ofa porous medium due to the plugging of its pores bylarge solid particles. The results are in excellent qualita-tive agreement with the available experimentaldata. '' '" Since in our simulations we considered theplugging of the pores only by the size-exclusion mecha-nism, the agreement between our results and the experi-mental data may indicate that during the migration offine-particles in flow through a porous medium, size ex-clusion is the dominant mechanism of pore plugging.

Sharma and Yortsos' have developed an EMA to es-timate the permeability K of the network as a functionof the fraction of the unplugged pores q. For a squarenetwork, their equation for K becomes











00I I I

&0 20 30 40 50PLU GG I N G TIME la t

~~ 0.6

cD 0.5LLI

~ 0.4LLJ





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0FRACTION OF UNPLUGGED PORES, q

FICx. 7. Distribution of pore-plugging times for ht =10'.FIG. 9. Permeability of the network as predicted by the

effective-medium approximation.

Page 6: Transport of large particles in flow through porous media


K —RR dR =q —1,K+R4 (3)

ac a'CBx


where V, is the mean velocity of the flow, DI and DT

where 3 =R'/r~*, and R* and r* are the mean poresize and particle size, respectively. The predictions of (3)are shown in Fig. 9. They are qualitatively similar tothe Monte Carlo results, but the EMA predictions of thepermeability reduction are much steeper than those pre-dicted by our Monte Carlo simulations. Asymptotically,an EMA predicts that K=(q —q, )", with p, = —,'. Al-though this value of p may not be exact, it does indicatethat the value of permeability exponent in the presentproblem is different from that of percolation conductivi-ty.

The close agreement between our results and the ex-perimental data may indicate that, at least to a high de-gree of accuracy, the concentration C of the particlesmay obey a convective-diffusion equation (CDE)

are some effective diffusion coefficients measuring thespread of the particles in the longitudinal (macroscopicmean flow) and transverse (perpendicular to the macro-scopic mean flow) directions, respectively, and Vz is theLaplacian in transverse direction. This is because of thefact that the random walk of a particle in a flow fieldcan be described' by a CDE. We will investigate this ina future paper. '

In a future paper, ' we will consider other mecha-nisms of permeability reduction during transport of fineparticles in flow through porous media. We will also at-tempt to estimate the exponent p in order to establishthe universality class of the permeability of the networkin the present problem.


We are grateful to Yanis C. Yortsos for introducing usto this problem, and to Etienne Guyon for useful discus-sions. Partial support of this work by the PetroleumResearch Fund, administrated by the American Chemi-cal Society is gratefully acknowledged.

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