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The World is FlatPart 2

Presented byMarcus Robertson

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Flattener #111/9/89The New Age of Creativity: When the Walls Came Down and the Windows Went up

Flattener #28/9/95The New Age of Connectivity: When the Web Went Around and Netscape Went Public

Flattener #3Work Flow Software

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“It is the creation of this platform, with these unique attributes, that is the truly important sustainable breakthrough that made what you call the flattening of the world possible” - Craig Mundie, Microsoft

“We were not just communicating with each other more than ever, we were now able to collaborate- to build coalitions, projects, and products together-more than ever” - Joel Cawley, IBM strategist

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Flattener #4Uploading

Harnessing the Power of Communities


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Community Developed Software (aka “open-source” community)Source Code- the underlying programming

instructions that make a piece of software work

“Intellectual Commons Community-” anyone in the community may use the source code as the foundation for a commercial product

“Free Software Community-” if you build and distribute and derivative product on the shoulders of community-developed free software code, contribute your innovation back to the community

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Apache (APAtCHy)Brian BehlendorfWeb server- a software program

that enables anyone to use his or her home or office computer to host a web site on the World Wide Web

LinuxLinus Torvalds

The Mozilla FoundationFirefox

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BloggingOne-person online commentatorsYour own personal soapbox

PodcastingThe audio version of bloggingInvolve individuals and companies producing

their own audio and video files

YouTube“Video blogging”

Wikipedia (“the people’s encyclopedia”)User-contributed online encyclopedia

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“Uploading is the architecture of participation” -Tim O’Reilly, Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media

“Of all the ten forces flattening the world, uploading has the potential to be the most disruptive”

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Flattener #5Outsourcing (Y2K)

taking some specific, but limited function that your company was doing in-house and having another company perform the exact same function for you and then reintegrating their work back into your overall operation

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Flattener #6Offshoring

Running with Gazelles, Eating with Lions

When a company takes one of its factories that is operating in Canton, Ohio, and moves the whole factory offshore to Canton, China

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China’s entrance in the World Trade Organization (WTO)

Sold in China

Made in China Designed in China Dreamed up in China

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Flattener #7Supply-Chaining

Eating Sushi in Arkansas

a system of organizations, people, technology, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer

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Global optimization- balancing out all of the factors to get the most reliable, low-cost delivery system in place

Coordinating disruption-prone supply with hard-to-predict demand


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Flattener #8Insourcing

What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts are Really Doing

the cessation by a company of contracting a business function and the commencement of performing it internally (the opposite of outsourcing)


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