Download - Ignition 5 05.08.14

Page 1: Ignition 5 05.08.14


Page 2: Ignition 5 05.08.14

This Week...ATM fun, Vittel Refresh cap, the movie unlocker bottle, inglorious fruit & veg, Taxi Trails

ATM funTD Canada

Vittel Refresh CapVittel

The movie unlocker bottleGrolsch Beer

Inglorious Fruit and VegetablesIntermarché (France)

Taxi TrailsTaxi Stockholm

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ATM funTD Canada

Banks are not usually in the spotlight for good news reasons, but TD Canada have managed to break the trend. They created a customer experience that has people talking worldwide.

The bank deployed "Automated Thanking Machines" to branches across Canada that gave lucky customers some remarkable gifts, including trips, memorable experiences and fulfilled dreams.

The gifts doled out by the ATMs to pre-selected customers were hugely successful as the video shows.

The ATMs were part of the bank's #TDThanksYou campaign. In addition to the machines featured in the video, TD Canada Trust had more than 20,000 TD employees give away green envelopes containing a $20 bill to each customer in more than 1,100 of the banks' branches across Canada on July 25.

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Vittel Refresh CapVittel

Ogilvy Paris innovated with an irresistible way for Vittel to remind people to drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day. 'Vittel Refresh Cap'. A tailor made cap that pops a flag every hour to gently remind you to drink.

When you twist the bottle cap shut after your refreshing sip, a timer begins automatically. Nothing new to do just twist the cap as you used to do but this time utility has been added.

The program was launched in France in order to gauge consumers' reactions and measure their behavioural changes and initial findings show people drank more water during the day and enjoyed it.

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The movie unlocker bottleGrolsch Beer

Russian beer drinkers can now unlock free-to-view movies on their computer, smartphone or tablet with a swipe of their Bluetooth-enabled bottle of Grolsch. An excellent combination of movies and beer!

The Movie Unlocker was developed for Grolsch by app developers Heads and Hands, using Bluetooth technology to simplify the process of having to enter a promotional cap under a bottle cap.

With the Movie Unlocker, it's as simple as grabbing a bottle of Grolsch and bringing it in close proximity to any device for movie-watching and instantly, you're able to pick a movie of your choosing to view. Each cap's beacon code is completely unique, so that you've got to buy more beer in order to get access to more movies.

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Inglorious Fruit and VegetablesIntermarché (France)

The EU made 2014 the European year against food waste and Intermarché wanted to get involved. There are 520 million tonnes of fruit and veg thrown away each year as it doesn’t fit into the ‘norm’ of what is accepted as saleable produce.

Intermarché launched ‘Les Fruits et Légumes Moches’ and offered these rejected fruit and vegetables at a discount price to the ‘normal’ fruit and veg. To show people that they were just as tasty and nutritious as the ‘normal’ produce, they designed a product line of soups and fruit juices and distributed them in store.

The inglorious fruit and vegetables sold out with 1.2 tonnes of it sold on average per store in the first two days of the campaign. Intermarché also saw a 24% overall increase in store traffic. The initiative increased consumer awareness about food wastage and reached over 13 million people on social networks after one month.

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Taxi TrailsTaxi Stockholm

In cooperation with Swedish ad agency King, Stockholm’s biggest taxi company, Taxi Stockholm, has just released a new type of tourist guide based on GPS data from millions of taxi journeys around Stockholm – Taxi Trails.

The app allows tourists to see where the locals hang out, helping to give visitors a real feel for what the city has to offer and where the best places are to go.

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