diffusion chapter 7

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  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7




  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7



    the d egree to which an ind ividual ( or other unit of ad optio n) is

    re la tive ly e a rlier in ad opti ng ne w id e a s than other me mb ers of asyste m.

    It is the b otto m-line b eh a vior in d iffusion process

    For ex am p le :

    Diffusion of hand pho nes .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    The ind ividual s in a social syste m d o not all ad opt an innova tio n a t the sam e time .They ad opt in an over -time seq ue nce, so tha t ind ividual s can b e cla ssifie d into ad opter ca tegories on the ba sis of whe n the y first

    b egi n using a n e w id e a.

    For ex am p le : SEGA ( vid eo g am e )-Innova tors-Ea r ly ad opters-Ea r ly maj orit y-La te maj orit y-Lagg a rd s

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Each ad optio n in the social syste m is in a se nse eq uival e nt to ale a rning trial by an ind ividual ( in fa ct, if the ind ividual tries the innova tion trial prior to ad optio n, e a ch ad optio n is ind ee d ale a rning trial).

    A nor mal ad opter d istribu tion for an innova tion b ec au se of the cumula tive ly incre a sing influe nces upo n an ind ividual to ad opt or re ject an innova tion.The S-sha pe d curve d escri b es only ca ses of successf ulinnova tion, in w hich an innova tion spre ad s to alm ost all of the pote ntial ad opters in a social syste m.

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Innova tors : Venturesome

    -Venturesomeness is alm ost an ob sessio n w ith innova tors .

    -The innova tor must b e abl e to cope with a high d egree of

    uncert a inty ab out an innova tion a t the time he or she ad opts .-Due to a d esire for the ra sh, the da ring and the risky

    -Play s a s a g a te keepi ng ro le and w illing to a ccept an occa sionalset ba ck whe n a n e w id e a proves on successf ul.

    Exam p le : Ma rk Zucker b erg - Fa ce b ook

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Early Ad opters : Respect

    -The y a re more integr a te d p a rts of the local social syste m thana re innova tors .

    -Ha s the highest d egree of opi nion le ad ership .-Pote ntial ad opters look to e a rly ad opters for ad vice andinfor ma tion ab out an innova tion.

    Exam p le : Fa ce b ook is the d iffusion of Frie nd ster and My sp a ce .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Early Maj orit y : D eliberate

    -Ad opt ne w id e a s just b efore the a ver a ge me mb er of a syste m.

    -Inter a ct freq ue ntly w ith their peers bu t se ld om hold s positio ns of

    opi nion le ad ership in a syste m.

    Exam p le : Ha rva rd stud e nts a re the d e lib er a te users of Fa ce b ook .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Late Maj orit y : Sk eptical

    - Ad opt ne w id e a s just a fter the a ver a ge me mb er of a syste m.

    - Innova tions a re a ppro a che d w ith a skeptic al and cau tious a ir.

    - The y d o not ad opt until most others in their syste m ha ve al re adyd one so.

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Lagg a rd s : T raditional

    - The la st in a social syste m to ad opt an innova tion

    - The y possess alm ost no opi nion le ad ership

    - Decisio ns a re ofte n mad e in ter ms of wha t ha s b ee n d one previo usly.

    - The y inter a ct pri ma rily w ith others who al so ha ve trad itionalvalu es .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Socioeco nomic cha ra cteristics- Earlier ad opters a re no d iffere nt fro m la ter ad opters in a ge .There is inconsiste nt evi d e nce ab out the re la tionship of a ge andinnova tive ness .- Ea rlier ad opters ha ve more ye a rs of for mal e du ca tion than

    la ter ad opters .- Ea rlier ad opters a re more like ly to b e liter a te than la ter

    ad opters .

    - Ea rlier ad opters ha ve higher social sta tus than la ter ad opters .Sta tus is ind ica te d a s income, leve l of living, possessio n of we al th, occup a tio nal prestige, se lf-perceive d id e ntifica tion w ith a socialcla ss etc .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    - Ea rlier ad opters ha ve a gre a ter d egree of upwa rd socialmob ility than la ter ad opters .

    - Ea rlier ad opters ha ve la rger -size d un its (fa rm, schoo ls,

    comp an ies, etc ) than la ter ad opters .

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    Perso nal ity Va riabl es

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve gre a ter e mp a thy.

    - Ea r lier ad opters may b e less d og ma tic.

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve a gre a t ab ility to d e al w ith ab stra ctio ns.- Ea r lier ad opters ha ve gre a ter ra tio nal ity.

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve more inte llige nce .

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve a m ore fa vor abl e a ttitud es towa rd s chan ge .

    - Ea r lier ad opters a re b etter abl e to cope with uncert a inty and risk .

    - Ea r lier ad opters a re less fa tal istic.

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve higher a spir a tio n.

  • 8/3/2019 Diffusion Chapter 7


    C ommunica tio n Beh a vior

    - Ea r lier ad opters ha ve more social p a rticip a tio n.

    -Ea r lier ad opters a re more high ly interco nnecte d thro ugh interperso nalnet work in their social syste m.

    -Ea r lier ad opters a re more cosmopo lite .

    -Ea r lier ad opters ha ve more conta ct with chan ge a ge nt.

    -Ea r lier ad opters ha ve gre a ter expos ure to ma ss me d ia comm chann e ls

    -Ea r lier ad opters ha ve gre a ter expos ure thro ugh interperso nal chann e ls

    -Ea r lier ad opters seek infor ma tio n ab out innova tio n more a ctive ly

    -Ea r lier ad opters ha ve gre a ter knowle d ge of innova tio n

    -Ea r lier ad opters ha ve a higher d egree of opi nion le ad ership .

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    Aud ie nce seg me nta tio n is a stra teg y in w hich d iffere nt communica tio n chann e l or mess a ges a re use d to re a ch e a ch subaud ie nce .

    Exam p le : Astro ch ann e ls.