dealing with guilt

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  • 8/9/2019 Dealing With Guilt



    The first rule of happiness is If you

    like a thing, enjoy it.

    There are only two reasons not to

    enjoy something you like; fear and


    More than any other emotion, guiltputs a heavy burden upon us both

    spiritually and mentally.

    Guilt has been laid upon our

    shoulders by many authority figures -

    by parents, teachers, and friends; bythe media; by our government and

    our educational and religious


    This burden of guilt is placed on us

    for two reasons: to control, and/or topunish.

    To understand guilt we must first be

    aware of what precedes and what

    comes after guilt. For guilt is part of a

    threesome, accompanied by two

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    fellow travelers, sin and punishment.

    Lets define all three words.

    Sin is a missing of the mark.

    Guilt is a compulsion to repeat an act


    Punishment is a reminder that comesalong when the act is not repeated


    An Innocent KissA brief story illustrates how this trio

    works together. Helen Moran had

    been brought up to believe that

    kissing a boy the first time she went

    out with him was wrong.Helen is now twenty-two years old

    and has forgotten that the original

    programming of this belief came from

    her mother when she went to a

    friends birthday party at age eleven.

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    On every date she is very careful to

    keep her principles intact, and does

    not allow even the most innocent of


    If she were to remember the incident

    of the birthday party, she would recall

    that although excited, she was

    apprehensive as well.

    Her mother was to drop her off at her

    girlfriend Arlene Alberts house and

    leave her there.

    There were to be a lot of strange boysattending, and this was the first time

    she had ever attended a mixed party.

    As her mother laid down the rules to

    protect her little girl, Helen felt a bit

    of confusion about the entire event.

    (Apprehension and confusion provide

    a perfect breeding ground for


    Now, Helen, darling, her mother

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    began, I want you to remember that

    you are a pretty little girl and some of

    the boys are going to want to kiss


    Helens eyes opened wide as her

    mother spoke. She drank in the words

    from this great authority figure, the

    source of all the good things in her


    Every word was accepted as gospel as

    Helen concentrated, staring into her

    mothers eyes.If any boy tries to kiss you, you are

    to walk away from him. Do you

    understand that?

    Helen nodded solemnly as her mother

    continued, What are you going to doif a boy tries to kiss you, darling?

    Im going to walk away from him,

    Helen responded, emphasizing each

    word with a nod of her head.

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    Her mother smiled and patted her

    little girl. Thats right, dear, walk


    Remember this always, Helen. Never,

    ever, allow a boy to kiss you the first

    time you meet him or on the first

    date. Remember that and you will

    always be all right.

    The line was drawn, the mark set. It

    was sinful to be kissed on the first


    One day, many years later, Helenmeets her dream man and out the

    window fly her principles.

    They not only kiss but go in for some

    heavy petting as well. She has missed

    the mark that had been set. She hasshattered the commandment set by

    the great authority figure, her mother.

    Theres the sin (so far as Helen is

    concerned), but where is the guilt?

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    The next day Helen wakes up with a

    smile on her face. But then there

    is a nagging feeling of having done

    something wrong. She feels uneasy

    and her mind is split.

    On the one hand she feels wonderful,

    on the other terrible. She starts

    thinking things like Loss of respect,

    and How could I allow that?

    She tosses and turns in her bed as she

    analyzes the previous evening.

    Time passes and the fellow doesnt

    call back. Helen was all right, but he

    has many other women friends and

    she was just an incident in his life,

    already forgotten.

    But Helen doesnt forget. She is now

    convinced that he did not call again

    because of the terrible sin she had

    committed in allowing him to kiss her

    on the first date. (Thats her

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    programming, remember.)

    And now guilt enters the scene. Whydid I do that? she thinks. If only I

    could undo it.

    But how? The more she thinks about

    the incident, the more energy she

    gives it to strengthen the guilt.

    Guilt is a Compulsion to Repeat the

    Act Correctly

    But the act has taken place. How canshe undo something that has already

    happened? She cant repeat it

    correctly. She cant undo what has

    been done.

    And so the third member of the triocomes in to torment her, punishment.

    Actually punishment is simply a

    reminder: Natures reminder that the

    act had not been corrected.

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    There are many different methods

    that Helen can use to punish herself

    for being a bad girl. She chooses

    food. (Note: All the avenues one

    chooses to punish oneself are below

    the level of consciousness.)

    Subconsciously she decides to fatten

    herself up to make herself

    unappealing to men so it will not be

    necessary for her to tell them she will

    not kiss them.

    If she makes herself unappealingenough, there will not be many dates

    with goodlooking men and it will be

    easier for her.

    She begins a regimen of eating high-

    calorie foods and puts on more andmore weight.

    In the meantime, on the conscious

    level she is thinking, I must go on a

    diet, I look horrible.

    She goes on a dozen diets but nothing

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    seems to work. Finally she

    rationalizes her new look by thinking

    something like, Well, some people

    were just born to be overweight. She

    doesnt realize that she is caught up

    in the progression from sin to guilt to


    This story is, of course an

    oversimplification meant to serve as

    an example. We must remember that

    our present society seems to admire

    the emaciated look seen on so many

    fashion-magazine covers.

    Other countries and other times have

    considered a bit more meat on the

    bones to be more desirable and


    We picked weight as an example only

    because so many people are weight

    conscious. Beauty is in the eye of the

    beholder, after all.

    This example can be seen as symbolic

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    of many other guilt-producing


    What would the kiss represent in your

    life? And what would be your

    equivalent of overeating?

    Now let us examine the sin, guilt,

    punishment trio from a differentperspective, one component at a time.

    First there is the sin.

    An outside agency, such as a parent,

    an institution (religious oreducational), a peer, the government,

    or the media, sets a mark for you,

    telling you that this is the way it must


    If you do not follow the rules that arebeing laid out for you, it is implied,

    then you are doing something wrong

    and you will be punished for it.

    Generally these rules are set before a

    young and growing mind, the type of

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    mind that is most receptive to


    Upon hearing these rules from the

    great authority figure, an

    impressionable child accepts the

    information as valid, and so all the

    thou shalts and thou shalt nots

    take root.

    The young person who does

    something that violates a rule feels as

    though he or she has done something

    wrong has, in fact, sinned.Then there is guilt. Nature has

    installed within the human framework

    a great many fail-safe systems, such

    as intelligence, self-awareness, and

    guilt.When we feel that we have missed

    the mark, that we have done

    something wrong (sinned), then we

    experience what has been placed

    there by nature, a compulsion to

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    repeat the act, but this time correctly.

    It is not possible, however, to repeatmost sinful acts, which range from

    the benign sin of eating something

    that you were not supposed to eat or

    failing to be nice to your mothers

    brother when you do not particularly

    care for him, to a host of complicated

    shalts and shalt nots that have

    been set by outside agencies.

    These guilts or compulsions to repeat

    begin to build and are ultimatelyreleased in a punishing action.

    Unfortunately, the punishment does

    not necessarily fit the crime, nor

    does it absolve the individual.

    Punishment is simply natures littlereminder, her way of saying, Say,

    you didnt do that correctly. How

    strong is the punishment? That

    depends on the degree the individual

    feels he or she has missed the mark; it

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    is totally relative to the individual.

    On the physical plane (and were notrelating this now to spiritual sin

    and guilt), a person killing a butterfly

    may feel more remorseful and carry a

    heavier burden of guilt than the same

    person would killing a human being.

    For that individual the killing of the

    butterfly is the greater sin, if he or she

    believes it to be a greater sin.

    For most of us, the reverse would be

    true, but in any event the degree ofpunishment sought is relative to an

    individuals own perspective of guilt.

    Guilt Follows Sin, PunishmentFollows Guilt

    Just as surely as night follows day,

    guilt follows sin and punishment

    follows guilt.

    When the guilt has not been released,

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    then the reminder, punishment, enters

    the scene, usually in the form of

    limitations. Individuals with guilt

    piled upon burdensome guilt tend to

    limit themselves in life, feeling I

    only deserve X. I only deserve so

    much money. I only deserve so much

    good health. I only deserve so muchin the way of a home, of a spouse, of

    friends, of clothing, and so on.

    These are self-imposed limitations

    that the individual is scarcely aware

    of, all stemming from unresolvedproblems.

    Sin and guilt are imaginary in that

    they reside in the imagination.

    Theyre mental. Punishment is mentalas well, the difficulty being that while

    sin and guilt are mental aspects,

    punishment manifests on the physical


    How can you neutralize guilt? You

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    switch your viewpoint. In this case

    were neutralizing the negative

    effects of guilt. The negative effect of


    is a condemnation of ones self. The

    opposite of self-condemnation would

    be self-forgiveness. Therein lies the

    key to overcoming guilt.

    How easy.

    How difficult.

    To Forgive is To Let Go Of The

    Idea Of Punishment

    Its easy to say Forgive yourself.

    But before forgiveness must come


    Know that whenever you dosomething, whatever it is, you are

    doing your best at that time. We

    always do our best.

    At no time do you ever go out and say

    Im going to do the worst I can.

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    Even when you want to do something

    badly, you still do your best to do it


    Say that somebody you respect asks

    you to do something. You agree, but

    dont do the thing you promised to

    do, and then you feel guilty about it


    At the time you didnt do it there

    were reasons you didnt. They may

    have been subconscious, or they may

    have been conscious, but whateverthey were you can bet that reasons did


    Given the same emotional state, given

    the same circumstances, the same

    mood, the same you, given the sameopportunity, you would have done (or

    not done) exactly what you did (or

    did not do) the first time around.

    The very fact that in the present you

    might feel you had done something

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    wrong in the past is a measure of your

    maturity. You have grown, you have

    evolved, you are more aware, you are

    more mature.

    Of course, the new mature you

    looking back at some past error, some

    past missing of the mark, can say,

    That was dumb, why did I do that? I

    wouldnt do that today.

    Of course you wouldnt do it today.

    Youre not the same person you were

    then.With your greater awareness and

    maturity as resources, you recognize


    thing now as an error you will not

    commit again.Know this: whatever you do, you do

    your best. Whatever you did in

    the past, given your resources of that

    time, could have been done in no

    other way. Theres nothing to feel

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    remorseful about. Theres nothing to


    guilty about.

    The fact that you do feel guilt is an

    indication that you have grown to the

    individual you are now. You may

    forgive yourself for all of your past

    error, for you are a different person


    Forgive yourself, for you could have

    done it in no other way. Forgive

    yourself, for you will not do thatagain; you are more mature.

    If twenty thousand angels with twenty

    thousand Bibles in their hands were

    to attest to the new you and forgive

    you for all your past misdeeds, yetyou remained unforgiving of yourself,

    then you would not feel forgiven.

    On the other hand, should the whole

    world condemn you and you forgive

    yourself, then you would feel

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    The key lies within your ownimagination, for this is where sin,

    guilt, and punishment reside, in that

    image-making capacity of your mind.

    Imagine that you have forgiven

    yourself and you will be forgiven.

    Forgiveness is simply giving up the

    desire to punish.

    The Diminishment TechniqueIf a particular incident is hampering

    your growth, go to your center and

    review the event.

    Go over it thoroughly just as you

    remember it happening. Put a framearound the thought and compress the

    frame until the scene is diminished.

    When the frame compresses to the

    size of a bean, imagine it

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    disappearing in a poof!

    Bring the event to mind once again.This time imagine how you would act

    with your present resources.

    Picture the incident with the actions

    of a new, more mature you. Focus on

    the scene. You can forgive yourselfbecause you have grown to a new

    awareness (proof of that is the guilt

    you felt about the incident in the first

    place), and with awareness comes the

    realization that you wouldnt handlethe event in the same way again.

    You are your actions. You now have

    new actions and are a new you.

    While at alpha say, I forgive myself

    for all my past actions. I no longerhave

    a need to punish myself.

    From this moment forward, I will be

    the best me that I know how to be.

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    When you come out of level, live

    your life the best way you know how.

    Be the best you that you can be.