cloudforce sydney 2012 - developing brand insights - masterclass

| p. INSIGHTS IDEAS RESULTS OMD Antenna: Developing Brand Insights June 2012

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Carl McLean of OMD (an integrated Communications Agency) presents on Developing Brand Insights using OMD Antenna that leverages the data captured by Radian6.This was presented during a Masterclass Session held in the Social Media Lounge at Cloudforce Sydney 2012 ( ). For more info about the Social Media Lounge -->


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I N S I G H T S • I D E A S • R E S U L T S

OMD Antenna: Developing Brand Insights June 2012

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1. Campaign and Concept Development

2. Campaign and Concept Testing

4. Ongoing Brand and Campaign


3. Campaign Measurement

OMD Insights

There is a role for Insights at any point in concept or campaign pipeline:

OMD Australia

TV Print

OOH Radio Digital Cinema


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Creating roadmaps for our clients to understand the brand and media environments in which their consumers live


Digital TV


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Diving deep into the lives of consumers to unearth Insights leads to creative ideas and more effective

media planning and measurement

Each year we spend hundreds of hours with consumers (in person and online), understanding their rapidly changing media behaviours and purchasing patterns. Three-pronged approach: 1. Qualitative 2. Quantitative techniques, 3. OMD Antenna – our social media monitoring tool using Radian6 capturing online conversations about brands, products and marketing.

Insights Focus

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From the outside, perception is that this is how all big brands already play in social….

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| But picture is far more varied….

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At this moment people are tweeting, updating and blogging about your brand. Are you listening?

Using Radian6 OMD Antenna scours millions of blogs, thousands of forums and hundreds of rich media sites (video, photos) to understand: • The volume of conversations / your share • The sentiment (positive/negative with examples) • Key themes and trends over time • The source of buzz (which sites) • The influencer demographics (who’s talking) • The competition and how they compare

We translate that data into insights. Crucial difference is we qualitatively analyse it all, giving clients resulting key thematic recommendations that allows them to: • Truly understand how consumers feel and talk

about their brand and competitors • More effectively create and target messages • Measure the amount of online buzz created by

a campaign • Quickly respond to queries and complaints • Develop new product and campaign ideas

guides our clients through the blizzard of social data

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Antenna projects fall into four types:

An in-depth retrospective

look at 30 days to 12 months of


Can be used to build into other types of projects

Discovering who is talking about your brand in

the social space.

Analyses Twitter, Blogs, Forums

and the types of conversations

that these people have

Tracking your campaign from start to finish.

Daily and weekly updates and a

campaign summary report to evaluate the effects of the


Monitoring social media activity as

it happens

Daily and weekly updates as well as monthly or

quarterly reporting

Benchmark Ongoing

Monitoring Influencer


Campaign Tracking

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I N S I G H T S • I D E A S • R E S U L T S

Antenna Examples – Clients in Home and Food Categories

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We talk about the ‘why’ in terms of buzz peaks over time: December ‘11 – February ’12 Total mentions: 880







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Brand Competitors

Forums Twitter Mainstream news Blogs

Buzz around X Club campaign

“Yet another X white paint question” forum thread

drives buzz around competitors and brand

X Club is featured on Sunrise and drives social media through its owned


“Yet another X white paint question” continues to drive buzz and Shaynna

Blaze sparks twitter discussions

X expects higher profit in 2012 thanks to a resilient home

renovation market

Recommendation: X club works – white paint content?

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We explore share of media: December ‘11 – February ‘12

Recommendation: With the large amount of mentions in Twitter, there is opportunity for the brand to set up its own channel here and lead conversation.

© 2012. Proprietary and confidential. 11

Twitter 53%

Forums 37%

Blogs 5%

Mainstream News 3% Other


Forums 60%

Twitter 32%

Blogs 4%

Mainstream News 2% Other


Brand Competitors

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We translate the key content themes to talk around recommendations re: social

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Tactical suggestions:

• What key and engaging content looks like: • Discussion topics: certain types of paints, colours

and colour matching and conversations around


• Kinds of polls that most engage

• Types of live advice to give

• Suggestions on sponsorships and link ups

• Numerous examples on the look, feel and tone of Facebook page

• Blogger engagement: key influencers

Strategic suggestions:

• Forums that the brand should own and the conversation on this

• Wider role that the brand does and can play in consumers lives – permissibility

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Brand’s social media “back then”

219 134


















Aug - Oct '09 Nov '09 - Jan '10 Feb - Apr '10 Nov '11 - Jan '12



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When we started monitoring

Most recent report

Brand and the wider paint category has experienced a long period of growth of social media activity.

Between Nov 09 – Jan 10, we saw just 134 mentions. In the most recent report, the quarter saw our brand its sub-brands hit 754 mentions and 146 mentions for competitors exactly 2 years later.

5.5x The same period 2 years ago

• Thanks to our brand’s efforts, they have grown their social presence as informed by our ongoing monitoring work

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Antenna can also act as a key ‘red alert’ tool as well in tracking campaigns

21st Sep 28th Sep 5th Oct 12th Oct 19th Oct

The video is acted on and taken down from YouTube

Boasting prizes begins

Excitement about the promotion. Spreading the


People start noticing the right


People start swapping thread

Brand gets talked about and there is some confusion

with another promotion

Conversation grows about an Asian girl in the TVC on Twitter

A video is created suggesting the TVC is racist

People work out that the to prize and start asking

around for it

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Benchmark reports to understand key conversation topics, sentiment towards the brand and share of buzz

Benchmark reports that form a platform for ongoing monitoring and development of social strategy

Real time campaign tracking

Category deep dives to understand consumer segments and their related consumption habits

Some of the studies we’ve conducted since launching Antenna in 2010 include...


Influencer identification to underpin blogger outreach and consumer influencer campaigns

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I N S I G H T S • I D E A S • R E S U L T S

Carl Mclean

02 9692 2023 [email protected]

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What does Antenna reporting involve?

• Benchmarking - snapshot to understand where we stand as a brand.

• Ongoing – picture of how a brand is tracking.

• Campaign Tracking – whether our brand is generating the right kind of buzz.

All three can include elements of the following:

1. Red alert updates and response

• Email updates and recommended next steps for any activity requiring attention 2. Weekly summary

• Tracking buzz in real time • Volume and trend analysis for all mentions • Main themes of conversation for keyword focus

3. Quarterly reports • Bringing together key metrics and thematic analysis (especially relevant for Marketing

teams) • Retrospective report delivered at the completion of the campaign • In depth volume and further metrics analysis for entire mentions • Trend analysis for all mentions • Further in-depth analysis of discussion for keyword focus • Identification of key campaign influencers • Share of voice and identification of discussion types across different mediums • Recommended next steps