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Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA

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Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart Church of the Sacred Heart

Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA Roslindale, MA


Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA

SATURDAY, March 28 8:30 am Maria Morales & Deceased Members of the Serrano Family Memorial 4:00 pm Theresa Boggio Anniversary

SUNDAY, March 29 8:00 am Boggio & Ryan Families Memorial 10:00 am Anthony Cappucci & Family Memorial 12:00 pm Consuelo Alvarez 1st Anniversary 5:15 pm Virginia Salinas Anniversary MONDAY, March 30 8:30 am Ed Pothier Anniversary TUESDAY, March 31 8:30 am Mass of Thanksgiving WEDNESDAY, April 1 8:30 am Mary E Brady Memorial THURSDAY, April 2 Holy Thursday 8:30 am Morning Prayer Service 7:30 pm Solemnity of the Lord’s Supper FRIDAY, April 3 Good Friday 8:30 am Morning Prayer Service SATURDAY, April 4 Holy Saturday 8:30 am Morning Prayer Service 7:30 pm Easter Vigil—English 7:45 pm Easter Vigil—Spanish

SUNDAY, April 5 Easter Sunday 8:00 am Easter Sunday Mass 10:00 am Easter Sunday Mass 12:00 pm Pedro Ganzalez 2nd Anniversary No Afternoon Mass

Those we know and love who share in Christ’s suffering through illness: Lucy Algere Knox - Yaritza Baerga -

Heidi Barbuto - Danielle Broderick - Evelyn Broderick -

Clara Corsetti - Francisca Cruz - Fran Dolan - Chris-tine Carroll - Lorraine Downey Cuddy - Kathleen Durepo -

Robert Federico—Gabriela Gonzalez - James Gordon -

Eleanor Havey—Chet Havey - Ruth Harzbecker - Jane & Paul Heanue - Candy Hickey - Richard Fraser - Andres

Hernandez - Ileana Thompson - Anthony Iarrobino - Christopher Keegan - Mary Kearns - Carmine Lavoi -

Robert Lynch - Barbara McAveeney - Jennifer McGol-

drick - Helen Kearns Moffie - Bridget Mulkerrin - Salvatore Natalie - Jahaidy Nova - John Reilly - Evelyn Shanahan—

Pat Tremblay - Midge Whelan.

May Christ heal all their ills.

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions From the Pastor’s DeskFrom the Pastor’s DeskFrom the Pastor’s DeskFrom the Pastor’s Desk

Operation Rice Bowl is the Lenten program of Catholic Relief Services, the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic Community in the United States. For more information on the work of Catholic Relief Services visit the website at

Please return your rice bowl by placing them in the boxes in front of the altar or at the rectory office.


During Lent we will be collecting men’s white crew socks for the homeless guests of St. Francis House in Boston. Please put your donations in the boxes located in the back of the church. Over the years ,thanks to your generosity, we have been able to donate more than 7800 pairs of socks for the guests of St. Francis House. The staff and guests are very grateful for the continued generosity of the parishioners of Sacred Heart.

This week listen to Saint Mark’s account of the passion and crucifixion of Jesus ((Mark 14.1—15.47). Mark describes Jesus as a vulnerable man: he is deserted, rejected, insulted, injured, tortured and crucified in an agony lasting six hours. Darkness is the one color of Marks story. Jesus is reduced total passivity, no action is possible. The physical suffering Jesus endured is bad enough. His mental anguish overwhelms us. He is rejected and betrayed by his friends, mocked and insulted. Near the end loneliness overcomes him. Listen to him speak the words from Psalm 22, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” Whatever views you have of Jesus—miracle-worker, teacher, Son of God, Saviour—they mean nothing when we look and read and hear this tale of suffering. Mark gets to our hearts like no other writ-er. This text poses for us the questions: Why did Jesus die? Does his suffering and death reveal God’s presence in anyone who is tor-tured? Am I too responsible for the death of Jesus? Is each of us partners with Pilate in being well-intentioned, cynically practical in his crucifixion? Is Jesus somehow substituting for my sins on Golgo-tha? Does God want his sinless death to remove my sin? The answer to all these questions is yes. Msgr. Frank Kelley


Sacred Heart Parish Roslindale, MA

OUR PARISH TITHE OUR PARISH TITHE OUR PARISH TITHE OUR PARISH TITHE Our project for generosity needs some help. Would you be able to help? We need some parish members to help find opportunities for Sacred Heart community to help others. Please contact me if you can help. Also, do you have a charity to recommend to us? Please let me know what or to whom we can be of help in the weeks to come. Fr. Kelley

02/01/15 Shriners Hospital for Children 02/08/15 Utility & Energy second collection 02/15/15 Bethany House Ministries 02/22/15 Bikes not Bombs 03/01/15 Friends of the Unborn 03/08/15 Catholic Appeal (second collection) 03/15/15 Julie’s Family Learning Program 03/22/15 Roslindale Green & Clean 03/29/15 Fr. Bill’s MainSpring


PARISH STEWARDSHIP Thanks to all who have donated o Sacred Heart Parish. Consider making your gift electronically through Parish Pay. This helps us plan and budget for our future.

STEWARDSHIP Stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is chiefly a way to deepen our spiritual life, not a way to increase our giving, although living our stewardship results in both

January January January

Week 2013 2014 2015 1 8031 7463 7944 2 7799 7858 7184 3 7168 10889 7049

4 7738 8822 7756

(includes Mass offertory and electronic giving via

Parish Tithes for January 2015 (5% of monthly offertory)

Students for Life of America 1 $374

Pro Life Legal Defense Fund 2 $374

Catholic Social Ministries 3 $374

Church in Latin America 4 $374




Sunday, March 29 PALM SUNDAY begins our Holy Week services. Regular Sunday Services Tuesday, March 31 Penance Service for Roslindale and West Roxbury. This year St. Theresa’s hosts our Lenten Penance Service at 7:00 pm.

Thursday, April 2 Morning Prayer at 8:30 am

Holy Thursday Bi-Lingual Service 7:30 pm Adoration, lower church following Mass until mid-night Friday, April 3 Morning Prayer, 8:30 am

Good Friday Service, 3 pm lower church Via Crucis, 6:00pm, Roslindale Square

Good Friday Service, 7:30 pm upper church Good Friday Service, Spanish 7:30pm lower church Saturday, April 4 Confession 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm lower church, English and Spanish Easter Vigil 7:30 pm upper church English Easter Vigil, 7:45 pm Spanish lower church Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday, 8:00 am & 10 am in English 12 noon, in Spanish No 5:15 pm Mass

Holy Week Collections Good Friday’s collection for the Holy Land is, in the words of Paul VI is “not only for the Ho-ly Places but above all for those pastoral, chari-table, educational, and social works which the Church supports in the Holy Land for the wel-fare of their Christian brethren and of the local communities.”

Easter Offertory

Next week, at all our Easter Masses, our only collection will be to support the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance of your generosi-ty.


Palm Sunday, Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015

We gratefully acknowledge the Gift to the Me-morial Fund given to the Glory of God in Memory of:

Roland J. Crowell by: Sons of Italy Lodge #1606

Tommy Grealish by :

Martin & Josie Greally

SAVE THE DATE! 18TH Annual Sacred Heart

Golf Tournament George Wright Golf Course

Friday, September 18, 2015

Senior Division, Women’s Division, Wonderful Buffet, Contests, Raffles and more!

Spanish CCD March 28 Retiro Familiar 8 am—1 pm

April 11 Class English CCD

March 29 Class April 5 Easter Sunday No Class April 12 Final Class

Confirmation Program March 29 Final Class

April 12 Year II Day of Recollection

Registration is now open for 2015-2016 Reli-gious Education classes. All classes take place at Sacred Heart School on Canterbury St. If your child was not baptized at Sacred Heart Parish please provide a copy of their Baptismal certificate when you register. The registration fee is $45 per child with a maximum of $120 per family. Contact the rectory office for registration forms and more information.

REFLECTION FOR SUNDAY GOSPEL This funny little passage holds the key to why Jesus was crucified. Jesus rides a donkey that has never been ridden, suggesting a new ap-proach to Jerusalem, the seat of religious and political authority for Jewish people. This poor carpenter and his band of followers have been roaming the countryside preaching repentance and the coming of a new kingdom. Now they are making their pilgrimage to Jerusalem for Passover. Rather than making a triumphal entry befitting a king, on a horse, or in a chariot, Jesus opts for a pack animal – an agricultural beast of burden. Jesus rejects the symbol of secular pow-er and makes a joke of their power by riding a lowly donkey as if he were a king. His followers complete the joke by laying their coats in his path and shouting praise on his way. Having made this joke, Jesus returns to Bethany, outside the city walls. Palestine in the first century was full of rebels looking for an opportunity to overthrow the Roman occupiers. The Roman authorities squashed every attempt at revolt – and as was typical at that time – they crucified the political leaders of these uprisings to send a message to other rebels about their fate if they attempt re-volt. As we know, satire provokes strong reac-tions. And the Roman authorities thought Jesus may be a threat to their authority, so he was cru-cified. But they failed to understand Jesus was doing a new thing and he did not want secular power. He asked people to repent and love one another and he poked fun at those who sought power for power's sake. Joe & Becky Mokos

PROJECT COOKIE DOUGH: Many thanks to our 15 bakers who made 594 homemade cookies this past month—they were very much appreciated. Our April batches of cookies will be due on Wednes-

day, April 15th by 12:00 noon. New bakers are always welcome! Any questions, please contact Donna O’Connor at 617-524-4396. thank you!


Palm Sunday, Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015

DOMINGO DE RAMOS 1ra lectura: (Is 50, 4-7) El profeta Isaías nos hablará del siervo que se entrega al servicio de todos nosotros. Cristo es el siervo fiel que sufrió para salvarnos. 2da lectura: (Fil 2, 6-11) El apóstol Pablo nos invita a seguir a Jesús en su Pasión, humillado y despreciado por la gente, le veremos exaltado a la derecha el Padre. Nosotros también debemos humillarnos con Él para que podamos participar en su gloria. Hoy, Domingo de Ramos, damos inicio a la Semana Santa. Es la "Semana Mayor" porque constituye la más importante y solemne celebración de todo el año litúrgi-co, pues en ella conmemoramos y revivimos los miste-rios de nuestra redención, los acontecimientos que nos dieron vida, vida eterna. Sí. Otra vez va Cristo en estos días a morir en la cruz por nosotros, para salvarnos de nuestros pecados. Pero ahora no muere sólo en Jerusalén o en Roma, como entonces. Hoy en día muere mística-mente en todos los rincones del planeta: muere en Irak, en la persona de tantos hombres involucrados en este conflicto armado y en tantas víctimas inocentes de esta guerra. Muere en los países del Medio Oriente, en Su-dán, en Nigeria, en Indonesia, en la India y en Pakistán, a causa del terrorismo y los fanatismos religiosos; mue-re en Chechenia, en Colombia, en Burundi, en el Congo, en Ruanda y en Uganda, por la guerrilla, los odios racia-les y la violencia; muere de hambre en tantas partes del África; y muere en miles y miles de mujeres de todo el mundo "civilizado" que hacen de su vientre la guillotina de sus propias criaturas indefensas y no queridas.... co-mo Herodes en la matanza de los niños inocentes, con la diferencia de que el cruel tirano no asesinó a tantos. Y la causa más profunda de su muerte está en las mismas raíces del corazón humano: en la injusticia y en la so-berbia de cada uno de nosotros; en la ambición y la pre-potencia de los fuertes; en nuestra sensualidad y egoís-mo brutal. En una palabra, en nuestro horrible pecado. ¡Ése es el motivo de por qué Nuestro Señor va a la cruz! Estos días santos son, pues, para acompañar a Cristo en los sufrimientos de su Pasión y en su camino al Calva-rio: para unirnos a Él a través de la oración, los sacra-mentos, la caridad, el apostolado y las obras buenas. ¡Tántas cosas podemos hacer en favor de los demás!

RECUERDEN: EL VIERNES SANTO es día de abstinencia de carnes y ayuno. Los niños/as y personas enfer-mas o ancianas no están obligadas a estas nor-mas. Pero es cosa muy buena, si es posible, que todos aun los más chicos traten de cumplir. *Traten de llenar una (o más) de las cajitas “RICE BOWL” durante la Cuaresma para ayudar a dar co-mida a los más necesitados. **No se olviden de contribuir a la COLECTA CATOLICA (Catholic Appeal)



MISA DE LA CENA DEL SEÑOR: 7:30PM – Bilingüe (iglesia de arriba)


VIA CRUCIS: 6:00PM (desde la plaza de Roslindale hasta nuestra Iglesia)

CELEBRACION DE LA PASION DEL SEÑOR: 7:30PM (en la iglesia de abajo):

SABADO SANTO VIGILIA PASCUAL: 7:30 Santa Misa en español (iglesia de abajo)


12:00PM SANTA MISA (iglesia de arriba)

AVISOS: *CURSO DE ADULTOS: No hay clase el Domin-go de Ramos y el Domingo de Pascua. **Si quieren dar sugerencias o ideas para nuestra misa o para la comunidad, mi correo electrónico es: [email protected]

ATENCIÓN: Misa en español en televisión por Catholic TV Domingos a las: 8:00am, 5:30pm, y 10:00pm PROFESORA: Esto es increíble, Pepito, en toda la mañana no has puesto nada de atención, solo te has dedicado a hablar, tendré que pedirte que mañana vengas con tu mama. PEPITO: Pero profe, mi mama habla mas que yo...


Palm Sunday, Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015

MISSION STATEMENT Rooted in the universal call to discipleship, the mission of Sacred Heart and St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Roslindale and Forest Hills is to preach Jesus Christ. Proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ takes many forms: preaching, wor-

ship, education, service, works of mercy, and evangelization. The staff and the congregation are guided by the overall mission to proclaim the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death in this time and place.

By this mission we are to be judged.

Rev. Msgr. Francis H. Kelley, Pastor Rev. Mario Guarino, F.D.P., Parochial Vicar Deacon Jesus Quiles Mrs. Kathy M. Sherrod, Pastoral Assoc. Parish Secretaries: Mary Dillow & Margaret Laboy Rev. Laurence Borges, Sr. Priest, In Residence Rev. Eugene P. Sullivan, Sr. Priest, In Residence

Sacred Heart School: Mrs. Monica Haldiman, Principal 1035 Canterbury St, Roslindale 02131 Office: 617-323-2500 Fax: 617-325-7151 Tuition: 617-325-0229 After School Program: 617-325-3656

Sunday Masses: Saturday Eve: 4:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM & 5:15 PM, 12:00 PM in Spanish Weekday Masses: Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM

Penance: Saturday, 3:00-3:45 PM, Lower Church Baptism: Call Rectory for arrangements. Marriage: Call Rectory to speak with one of the priests at least 6 months be-fore the marriage.

Rectory Office 617-325-3322 FAX 617-325-2145

SUNDAY, March 29 CCD—English 11:30 am School Coffee– English 11:30 am St. Theresa House Coffee– Spanish 01:00 pm Murray Room Adult Instruction—Spanish 01:15 pm Rectory library

MONDAY, March 30 C21 Lenten Group 07:00pm Council Room

TUESDAY, March 31 Spanish Prayer Group 06:15 pm Lower Church C21 Lenten Group 07:00pm Council Room

WEDNESDAY, April 1 Youth Choir 06:00 pm Upper Church Prayer Class—Spanish 06:30 pm St. Theresa House

Bible Study– Spanish 06:30 pm Murray Room Spanish Choir 06:30 pm Rectory l Adult Choir—English 07:30 pm Upper Church

THURSDAY, April 2 Eucharistic Adoration 09:00 pm Lower Church

FRIDAY, April 3 Good Friday SATURDAY, April 4 Holy Saturday

Parish ResourcesParish ResourcesParish ResourcesParish Resources The Week AheadThe Week AheadThe Week AheadThe Week Ahead

The Parish of The Parish of The Parish of The Parish of

169 Cummins Highway Roslindale, MA 02131

Tel: 617-325-3322 Fax: 617-325-2145

E-mail: [email protected]

Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred Heart

The Sacred Heart Adult Choir needs you! Singing in the choir is a great way to serve the parish and to praise The Lord at the same time. No experience needed, just a love of singing and of good company. Rehearsals: Wednesday 7:30 pm (enter through the rectory)

and Sunday 9:30 am for the 10 am Mass.

Contact Amanda Sindel-Keswick, choir director, at [email protected] or just show up!

For Adverti sing Informati on, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulleti ns • www.PilotBulleti Sacred Heart Parish, Roslindale, MA


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For Adverti sing Informati on, Please Call 617-779-3770 Pilot Bulleti ns • www.PilotBulleti Sacred Heart Parish, Roslindale, MA

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