christmas issue 2011


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GH Newsletter


Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 1

ABOUT THE GRADUATE UNION The Graduate Union is a residential college and a centre for academic and professional development in Melbourne; as well as an association for graduates of all Universities across the world.

Affiliated with The University of Melbourne as its eleventh college, The Graduate Union of The University of Melbourne Incorporated is located on the corner of Grattan Street and Leicester Street, Carlton, just south of The University's main Parkville campus and in the vicinity of University Square.

The unique feature of The Graduate Union is a focus on graduates. The 120 residents of Graduate House are post-graduate students (e.g. masters and doctoral) from all over the world; or post-graduate fellows and scholars visiting Melbourne on sabbatical, or as part of an education, research or professional development partnership with a university in Victoria.

Our interest is in providing our Members and their guests with intellectual and social stimulation, by organising and hosting a variety of events.

Remembrance Day 11.11.2011 Every year, on 11 November at 11 am – the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we pause to remember those men and women who have died or suffered in all wars, conflicts and peace operations. On Remembrance Day 2011, conference participants along with residents joined Graduate House staff to reflect with a minute of silence.

City to Surf 13.11.2011 The event, which is the sister event to Sydney's Sun-Herald City2Surf presented by Westpac, recorded a sold out field of 13,000 registrations and raised more than $400,000 for charity to date.

Our CEO Head of College, Dr Kerry Bennett and another staff member, Eliah Castiello joined the Carlton Rotary Club as volunteers at this fundraising event, handing out drinks to the many elite runners, joggers, walkers, pushers and community-minded families from around Australia who crossed the starting line at the Arts Centre in Melbourne’s CBD and travelled along the scenic 14 km course to a spectacular finish by the sea in St Kilda.

The Melbourne Graduate Will Change in 2012 The Graduate Union will continue to disseminate three Melbourne Graduate publications each year.

The first for 2012 will be in April and will take the form of an Annual Report on membership activities, on the governance, operations and financial performance for the year, and on the vision and strategies for the coming twelve months. There will be no Melbourne Graduate in February 2012. The Notice of Elections and associated election material will be provided to all members with The GU’s February Newsletter and made available from The GU website and at The GU offices.

Subsequent publications of The Melbourne Graduate will be in August and December of 2012. These will continue with similar formats to previous Melbourne Graduate publications and will include research and academic commentaries sourced from our membership, including from our residents and those who meet here at The GU facilities for collegiality and professional development. It is hoped that members will be pleased with this change and enjoy the more modern and expanded Graduate Union Annual Report,

Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 2

together with the two publications with informative and stimulating material from our intellectual and innovative membership.

December Monthly Luncheon Philippa Challis had the guests at the last Monthly Luncheon for 2011 in fits of laughter as she introduced them to Haha yoga, a series of ‘exercises’ designed to be performed either alone or shared with others, and which captures the pleasures of laughter, including laughing for no reason. On a more serious note, Philippa explained the physiological effects on the body which laughter produces and how the resulting release of endorphins causes a measurable reduction in pain. Members and guests entered the spirit of the address as can be seen in the pictures below. (Please note: Videos are available of the

Twilight Lecture address by Laureate

Professor Doherty, and of the November

Luncheon Speaker, Wilma Farrow)

Chairman’s Christmas Wish to Members

Dear Members,

Another year has passed, time goes so quickly. Someone once said that time stands still for no man and very few women.

As Chairman of your Council time has not only been travelling quickly for me but from a Graduate Union point of view I believe that it has been well utilized.

With 2011 being the centenary of the formation of the Graduate Union we needed to follow through on the planning commenced in 2010 for the celebration of our 100 years. The events provided were very well received by all and commenced with an evening cocktail reception in May. In July, on the 100 year anniversary date we enjoyed a speech in Melba Hall by the previous Governor-General Major General Michael Jeffery which was followed by an elegant dinner for over 100 guests.

We followed the theme of leadership introduced by Major General Michael Jeffery with more of our Twilight Lectures. In August our speaker was Major General Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld eminent neurosurgeon and Surgeon General of the Defence Health Reserves. In November we hosted Laureate Professor Peter Doherty Nobel Prize winner in Physiology or Medicine. Peter is now a prominent researcher at the University of Melbourne.

Another important highlight of the year was the appointment of our new CEO and Head of College Dr Kerry Bennett. In the four or so months since her appointment, Kerry has demonstrated great talent and enthusiasm for her responsibilities. Consequently the Council and Kerry are now moving very strongly into areas of administration, planning and governance which have been in need of improvement.

Therefore during the year the Council has been busy on many fronts, with the major issues as follows:

a. A Charter for a correctly constituted Remuneration Committee to manage our obligations to

senior staff. This was one of our first corrective measures to be implemented following the

unfortunate events of late 2010.

b. The creation of a new standing committee, Governance and Policy Review Committee (GPR

committee); very capably led by Councillor Cheryl Kidston.

c. The seeking and appointment of a new CEO and Head of College, Dr Kerry Bennett.

Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 3

d. The conducting of a second retreat day for councillors and senior staff to address issues

relating to our Rules and Council governance.

e. Foreshadowing the need to review and propose changes to our Rules to satisfy new

legislation and the new model rules to become law in 2012. We will require membership

approval for these changes later in 2012.

f. The preparation, with the assistance of the Returning Officer of new procedures for Council


g. The authorization of improvements to the electrical distribution within the William Berry

rooms, ably steered by Councillor Andre Cleghorn as Chair of the House Board Committee.

h. The authorization of the installation of air conditioning to the rooms in the William Berry

wing; also a House Board responsibility.

i. The appointment of architects for planning of additional facilities on the ground floor of the

Stella Langford wing - another achievement of Andre and his committee.

During the year we said farewell to councillors Merren Cliff, Andrew Roberts and Daniel McInerney. I thank them very much for their considerable input during their terms. We welcomed to the Council Leo Santalucia, Dr David Bellair and Dr Ross Webber. To fill specific gaps in our preferred skill set needed in the Council we co opted Dr Jane McKellar and Kingsley Davis. Jane and Kingsley have very quickly become valuable contributors to the Council and its committees. Although we commenced 2011 with some challenges which distracted your Council, we have finished the year on a high note with many initiatives in place and very positive expectations for the future.

I wish to thank my fellow councillors and all of the staff at Graduate House for their support and for making the organization such an impressive place to be associated with.

To all of our members, friends and staff, on behalf of the Council I wish you and your families a happy Christmas season and a safe and rewarding 2012. David Sparks, Council Chairman

Response to Questions Raised at the May 2011 AGM

There were many questions asked and those given below generally represent the range of subjects raised.

Question 1 That Graduate Union Fellows be reinstated and that initial invitees include the former Governor and Premier.

Response The Membership Committee and the Council may consider this in due course, but currently more pressing priorities are being addressed.

Question 2 There were many questions which expressed concern about the unauthorized access to The Graduate Union computers.

Response Four of the five letters which were sent to the members before the Council elections in 2011 appear to have used a members list obtained without authorization. Council will not tolerate such behaviour or invasion of the privacy of the Graduate Union and its members. As part of its response Council has engaged an alternate computer support company which has implemented current best practice security into our computers. The unauthorized access and other issues were reported to the police, who have been active, and the results of the police investigation will be reported to the members in due course.

Question 3 Whether members of the Accounting and Audit Committee should be asked to resign in light of the actions of the Remuneration Committee.

Response The Accounting and Audit Committee was not a participant in the setting of the former CEO’s salary package. This was set by an unauthorized Remuneration Committee which was disbanded by the Council. Early in 2011 a properly constituted Remuneration Committee was created.

Question 4 Should our donors continue to donate when it can be seen that spending, such as the travel costs of the former CEO, were excessive.

Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 4

Response Following the discovery of certain practices, the responsibilities of the Accounting and Audit Committee were modified. Authorization practices for approval of expenditure were revised and enforced. Early this year I wrote a new General Regulation which was approved by Council to establish a correctly constituted Remuneration Committee with defined responsibilities including the requirement to report to and seek approval from Council for its recommendations. Donors can be confident that financial practices are now of a high standard.

Question 5 That office bearers (councillors) and the external resources such as the auditor should have limited terms of office.

Response Council recently established a new committee, the Governance and Policy Review Committee. The committee is considering issues relating to external resources such as the means of engagement and term of engagement.

Question 6 Could more Twilight lectures be provided each year?

Response The challenge with the Twilight Lecture series is to locate quality speakers. Council is always willing to look at other proposals and to try to provide variety such as the introduction last year of the Sunday music concerts. However, although many events are well attended, the majority of attendees are friends of members such that out of 60 attendees 20 may be members. We need more member support. David Sparks, Council Chairman

Co-opted Council Members:

Dr Jane McKellar, PhD (La Trobe), BS (Ed) (UMC)

Dr McKellar has been Director of Jane McKellar & Associates Pty Ltd for 15 years. Her consultancy specialises in strategic and organisational development, project management and governance in the public, higher education and not-for-profit sectors. She is currently Program Director of the project establishing a new statutory authority - the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.

Jane has been a Graduate Union member since 2007, and has twice been a resident at Graduate House. Jane has qualifications in the Humanities and Education and has undertaken graduate law studies at Melbourne Law School. She has studied in Australia and the US, and is currently enrolled in the University of London International Academy Postgraduate Laws program. Jane has internationally recognised professional accreditations in a range of psychometric tools that she uses in her leadership and organisational development work.

Jane has enjoyed a multidisciplinary career in strategic and organisational development, public service and policy, and higher education, scholarship and research. She has executive, senior management and consultant government experience at agency, portfolio, whole-of-government and inter-governmental levels; and has been responsible for leading and managing people, governance, organisational transformation, policy development, corporate services, and major projects. Her achievements are in diverse fields, including public policy, intellectual property, academic and scholarly research, education, arts and cultural policy and development, Indigenous policy, equity and social justice, and the environment.

Throughout her career, Dr McKellar has been appointed to, and often chaired, over 40 national, state, industry, professional and organisational executives, advisory and consultative committees and working groups.

Mr Kingsley Davis

Kingsley Davis is a barrister at the Victorian Bar. He graduated with a LL.B from The University of Melbourne, and signed the Roll of Counsel in 1969. He has been a member of the Graduate Union for 45 years. Kingsley's professional background has complemented extensive corporate governance experience on other community boards. When on the committee of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Society he oversaw the drawing of the Purposes and Rules for the incorporation of the

Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 5

Melbourne Symphony Friends in 1989.

As a Councillor and later a Director of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) he was significantly involved in the drawing of the new Constitution of the National Trust in 2005. As the Assistant Commissioner for Publications in the Victorian Branch of the Scout Association of Australia he is currently involved in the drawing of the new Constitution for the Victorian Branch, which, very unusually, is a company incorporated by a private Act of the Victorian Parliament. Kingsley has also drawn and advised on other constitutions.

On the National Trust he was a member of the Management Committee of the National trust property Labassa from 1987 – 2004 and Chairman of the committee from 1990 – 2004.

Kingsley says that he is very pleased to have joined the Council in this centenary year of the Graduate Union when much is occurring in the Association. This includes the drafting of new Rules arising from the amendments to the Associations Incorporation Act, a governance manual, new regulations for Council elections and new governance policies. Additionally, there are many innovations being considered by our recently appointed Chief Executive Officer and Head of College Dr Kerry Bennett and the Council.

Kingsley looks forward to meeting as many members as possible at Graduate Union events and representing any concerns they may wish to raise with him.

Interview with Dr Kerry Bennett (an extract from CLeaR Views newsletter December 2011 edition)

In the 1st edition of CLeaR Views for 2012, Keith Ryall interviews Dr Kerry Bennett who was recently appointed CEO and Head of College at Graduate House within the Graduate Union at the University of Melbourne.

What do you currently do?

My position is as CEO and Head of College of this 100 year-old institution – The GU.

We have around 120 residents from all parts of the world. The majority are undertaking post-graduate studies such as their masters or doctorates at one of Melbourne’s many universities. Others are visiting academics, on university business, or here to attend/present at the many conferences and academic/professional events that we host in our function and dining rooms.

The GU is also an association of people of all ages and nations who have completed a recognised university diploma or degree from anywhere in the world. These intelligent and engaging members come into the college regularly for a variety of educational, professional development, and discussion forums. We provide the facilities to support these meets. What do you see as the main challenges?

Just before this interview at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011, we remembered, here in Australia, those before us who fought and died to bring peace, democracy and civil society. The 1st president of The GU, Sir John Monash, lived through these war tragedies in the early 1900s and brought back to Australia a strong action-oriented commitment to rebuilding society with opportunity furnished by education. Of the same era and mind, Vida Goldstein built and led collectives that pursued human rights with ethics and resilience. As we learnt here at The GU through a theatrical performance by the talented Wilma Farrow two days ago, Vida campaigned successfully for women in Victoria to vote and thence to the heard voice of opposition to sons, daughters and other loved ones being killed by war.

In the years that followed, many of similar influence and ethics built the GU to its current position as a forum for extending the public benefit of tertiary education and research globally. I thus see my challenge as one of honouring these foundation gifts and values by continuing to build a membership of people who contribute with value and action for innovation and wider public benefit.



30 31

Graduate Union


Applications Open


2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Graduate House



Carlton Rotary 1pm

at Graduate House


Bridge Night

12 13 14 15

16 17

Carlton Rotary 1pm

at Graduate House


Bridge Night

19 20

Summer BBQ

21 22

23 24

Carlton Rotary 1pm

at Graduate House


Bridge Night


Australia Day!


28 29

9th JAN


20th JAN


Summer BBQ

Join residents and staff over a BBQ

to kick start the new year! Enjoy freshly prepared salads and

Perfectly grilled food; socialise with

other members and reminisce about the holidays!

Time: 6pm

Members: $25

Guests: $30

(Food only,

drinks at bar



Every Wed




31st JAN


Graduate Union Scholarship Applications

Residents are invited to submit their Application Form. This is available on

our website, on our Facebook& through Twitter. We can also email on


Graduate House Reopens

for Dining & Conferences

Bridge Evening If you can play Bridge, or would

like to learn, be part of the group

each week at Graduate House.

Website: | ABN: 55610 664 963 | No: A0023234B Page 7

2012 Social Calendar *Please note that the below dates are subject to change

• Italian Conversation Dinner held the 1st

and 3rd

Tuesday of each month February - November

• Women’s Forum held the 3rd

Wednesday of each month February - December

• Resident’s Meet & greet held the last Tuesday of each month February - November

• Friday Drinks & Dinner held every 2nd

Friday of each month, February – November

• Bridge held every Wednesday night each month, February – November


9th Kitchen re-opens for Bistro Lunches


4th Rules Forum 2 10am

20th Summer BBQ 4th Monthly Luncheon:

Professor Graham Brown. Topic: Malaria 31st Graduate Union Scholarship


1st Monthly Luncheon 12th The Monthly Argument 6pm

8th The Diabetes Series 13th Rules Forum 3 5pm

19th Sunday Music Concert 18th ITC Series: What is Text/SMS?

21st Pancake Day 31st William Berry Dinner

28th Residents Meet & Greet 6pm


1st Monthly Luncheon: tba


7th Monthly Luncheon: tba 8th The Diabetes Series

9th The Monthly Argument 6pm

8th The Monthly Argument 6pm 19th UoM Open Day

14th ITC Series: What is an MP3 Player? 19th Sunday Music Concert

15th Winery Tour


5th Monthly Luncheon: Dr Sheridan Palmer

Topic: Melbourne’s post war cultural

transformation 21st Twilight Lecture 6pm

27th Residents Meet & Greet 6pm 13th The Monthly Argument 6pm

29th Wine Tasting (White) 19th Twilight Lecture 6pm

30th Graduate Union Scholarship

Last date to submit Applications

26th ITC Series: What is a computer tablet?


4th Monthly Luncheon: Mr Bruce McBrien

Topic: Marvellous Melbourne & Me


3rd Monthly Luncheon: tba

10th The Diabetes Series

11th The Diabetes Series 11th The Monthly Argument 6pm

12th The Monthly Argument 6pm 12th Friday drinks & Dinner 6pm

13th Friday drinks & Dinner 6pm 21st Sunday Music Concert

22nd Sunday Music Concert


7th Special General Meeting

24th Residents Meet & Greet 6pm 8th The Monthly Argument 6pm

2nd Members Meet Candidates 1 14th Monthly Luncheon: tba


2nd Monthly Luncheon: Prof, The Hon

Gareth Evans. Topic: The Dangerous

Neighbourhood? Australia’s Asian Future

30th Resident's End of Academic Year Celebrations


5th Monthly Luncheon: Ms Lesley Bawden

Topic: The Red Hat Society 10th The Monthly Argument 6pm

11th Members Meet Candidates 2 7th Chairman’s Cocktail Party

31st AGM /GU Scholarship announced 14th Members Christmas party

31st Phillip Law Memorial Dinner


6th Monthly Luncheon: Ms Jenny Davis

Topic: Flinders Street Station

13th The Diabetes Series

14th The Monthly Argument 6pm

17th Sunday Music Concert

19th Italian Conversation Dinner

20th Twilight Lecture 6pm

29th Wine Appreciation (Red)

PARKING is free