chinese history timeline

November 1908- Death of Guangxu and Cixi 2yr old Pu Yi leader (Prince Chun regent) Yuan Shikai (commander) dismissed 1895 Sino-Japanese War China defeated 1898- 100 Days reforms Created in an attempt to divert criticism Changes in civil service, education, industrial organisation More people in court opposed them Cixi took over the government and had reformers killed or imprisoned 1900-1 Boxer Rising Cixi launched campaign against ‘foreign devils’ in China Backed anti-western secret societies Attacks on Foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians Foreign powers raised army and crushed Boxers, China had to pay reparations $450 million, Foreign troops in and around Beijing and fortifications destroyed. 1905-Guomindang formed Leader Sun Yatsen, formed in Tokyo 1911- Nationalisation of Railways Depended of Foreign loans to compensate previous owners 10 th October 1911- Revolution Wuhan troops disobedient Mutinies in neighbouring provinces Local revolutionaries joined in Yuan Shikai called to command army Seized rebellious regions but not Wuhan came to terms with them November 1911- Only 3 provinces still loyal to government 1 st January 1912- Sun Yatsen President Yuan Shikai offered military strength for Presidency promised Yuan a workable republican constitiution November 1911- Delegates in Nanjing Aimed to establish republic of China 1913- Foreign Loan Yuan negotiate large loan to finance his government $100 million provided: they would recognise Britain’s control of Tibet and Russia’s of Outer Mongolia IF they didn’t pay the loan back, the allies could have control of taxes China had to put finances under foreign control CHINA HISTORY TIMELINE

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Chinese timeline from 1985 to 1949.


Page 1: Chinese History Timeline

November 1908- Death of Guangxu and Cixi 2yr old Pu Yi leader (Prince Chun regent) Yuan Shikai (commander) dismissed

1895 – Sino-Japanese War China defeated

1898- 100 Days reforms Created in an attempt to divert criticism Changes in civil service, education, industrial organisation More people in court opposed them Cixi took over the government and had reformers killed or imprisoned

1900-1 – Boxer Rising Cixi launched campaign against ‘foreign devils’ in China Backed anti-western secret societies Attacks on Foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians Foreign powers raised army and crushed Boxers, China had to pay reparations $450 million, Foreign troops in and around Beijing and fortifications destroyed.

1905-Guomindang formed Leader Sun Yatsen, formed in Tokyo

1911- Nationalisation of Railways Depended of Foreign loans to compensate previous owners

10th October 1911- Revolution Wuhan troops disobedient Mutinies in neighbouring provinces Local revolutionaries joined in Yuan Shikai called to command army Seized rebellious regions but not Wuhan came to terms with them

November 1911- Only 3 provinces still loyal to government

1st January 1912- Sun Yatsen President Yuan Shikai offered military strength for Presidency promised Yuan a workable republican constitiution

November 1911- Delegates in Nanjing Aimed to establish republic of China

1913- Foreign Loan Yuan negotiate large loan to finance his government $100 million provided: they would recognise Britain’s control of Tibet and Russia’s of Outer Mongolia IF they didn’t pay the loan back, the allies could have control of taxes China had to put finances under foreign control


Page 2: Chinese History Timeline

12th February 1912- Qing Abdication

1913- 2nd Revolution Republicans condemned harsh terms of Loan GMD tried to organise armed resistance Yuan’s army crushed the resistance Introduced series of measures designed to consolidate his power Suspended parliament Outlawed parties GMD included Bought tax revenues under central control Abolished regional assemblies

1913- Sun Yatsen flees to Japan Begins to restructure GMD

1915- Japan’s 21 Demands Police force must be run by both Japanese and Chinese Political, Financial and Military areas must contain influential Japanese people Chine had to buy a fixed amount of munitions from Japan (4th May 1919) Japan’s possession of Province of Shandong (previously German) would have to be accepted Yuan appealed to the West for help, Britain agree some terms were harsh but once they were amended, they said China should accept the remainder Yuan accepted the terms- caused strikes through Beijing and other provincial cities

1st January 1916- Yuan becomes Emperor Resurrects imperial government Attempts to gain more power Actually created fiercer opposition, even army refused to co-operate

March 1916- Yuan renounces the Throne Dies 3 months later

1916- Warlord Era begins Fighting amoung Beijing army commanders Duan Qirui becomes Prime Minister from 1916-20 but had little power Local regions fell under control of Warlords, central government unable to impose authority on provinces Feng Guochang in Gansu, Zhang Xun in Shandong, Yan Xishan in Shanxi (longest surviving Warlord, 1912-49)

1917 - Zhang Xun tries to restore Pu Yi to the throne

1920 – Warlords Feng Yuxiang ‘Christian General’, Zhang Zongzhang in Shandong

1917- Sun sets up GMD to rival Beijing government

July 1921 – Formation of CCP Li Dazhao Chen Duxui founders

1919- Sun declares reformation of GMD, Guangzhou becomes main power base

1922 – Washington Naval Conference Signed by Nine Powers Restricted armament size and agreed to recognise each other’s Spheres of Influence

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1922- Zhang Zuolin Warlord of Manchuria/Beijing Anti republican

1923- 3 principles of the People Nationalism, democracy, people’s livelihood

1924- Whampoa Military Academy founded Centre dedicated to training GMD army recruits

1924 – Sun plans to unify China

1923 – Comintern agents contact CCP They urged CCP to join GMD Adolf Joffe and Michael Borodin offered money and military supplies

12th March 1925 – Sun Yatsen dies Anti communist forces within GMD released Chiang took over, believe communism should be crushed

1924 – United Front Wanted Warlords out Socialism-marxism compatiable Sun admired Bolsheviks

30th May Incident 1925 Shanghai- large crowd march against shooting of Chinese workers by Japanese factory guards British commander orders forces to crush protests 12 people were killed Further strikes and foreign diplomats were attacked

1924 – Chiang Kaishek becomes C in C Appointed at Whampoa Military Academy at Guangzhou

1926-28- Northern Expedition United front plans to defeat Warlords: Wu Peifu, Sun Chuanfang and Zhang Zuolin Strategy to surround armies and cut off supply lines After defeating Zhang in 1928 GMD announced it was the legitimate government Capital became Nanjing Communist Role: workers sabotages Warlord effort by organising boycotts, Mao used links with peasant associations to their advantage Not all Warlords were crushed; some accepted GMD authority and others took roles in GMD government

1923 – CCP railway stoppage Beijing Attempted to get rid of Warlord power

1926 – Chiang dismisses some CCP officials and Wang Jingwei (threat in GMD)

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Summer 1927 – UF Forces capture Wuhan and Shanghai

1927-Sun Chuanfang’s counterattacks 100,000 launch attacks against Nationalist forces By 1925 Chiang built pu forces to 250,000 and was able to overcomes his forces

April 1927- White Terror ‘Shanghai Massacre’ Chiang intensifies attack on Communists Zhou Enlai formed trade union move 5000 communists shot or beheaded by GMD in Shanghai,In Hunan 250,000

Autumn 1927- Autumn Harvest rising CCP resistance lead by Mao Zedong in Hunan Defiance of Moscow’s order, despite White Terror United front must remain Mao condemned Chiang for destroying alliance and betraying Sun’s memory Unsuccessful-didn’t have enough troops

1928 – Nanjing replaces Beijing as Capital

1927-37 – Nanjing decade Sun’s body moved - overlooking Nanjing Reduced no of soldiers Chiang had control of the army,and other roles in government married sister-in-law of Sun Yatsen whose brother given role as Finance Minister Spy network and Secret police

1928 – Zhang Zuolin killed by Japanese Son Zhang Xueliang takes over Manchurian Province

1930 – Futian Incident Mao conducted two month purge against rival unit within Jiangxi Red Army, killing those he suspected on being disloyal (GMD) or Supporters of Li Lisan (Urban Communist) Ordered torture and execution of nearly

1929 – Encirclement Campaigns by GMD Chaing’s attempts to eradicate remainder of the CCP Hans Von Seeckt suggested strangulation of CCP armies through encirclement campaigns First 3 were resisted by Marshal Zhu De and Mao’s army but by 1934 Army were exhausted CCP realised they had to take action for the survival of the party

1931- Japanese occupation of Manchuria(Machukuo) Tanaka Memorial 1927- feared Chinese unification Kwantung army invaded after Mukden incident Pu Yi put at puppet leader by the Japanese after League of Nations threatened sanctions

September 1931- Mukden Incident “Shenyang Incident” Kwantung army planned to invade Railway bombed (high economic importance)by Japanese to legitimise invasion of Manchuria- caused barely any damage Blamed bombing on Chinese

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July 1937-September 1941-Sino Japanese War Building tensions between countries

21 Demands 1915

Japanese help in crushing Boxers

Loss of Korea and Taiwan to Japan 1894

Jealous of Japan’s defeat of Russia 1905

Japan allowed Shandong

Japan feared Chinese Unification

Mukden Incident

Chinese accepted occupation of Manchuria by the Japanese National humiliation for China

1940- 100 Regiments Offensive 400,000 CCP Troops in 100 Regiments under Peng Dehuai undertook series of attack on Japanese Overrun Garrisons, destroyed railways, roads and bridges

29th January 1932- Bombing of Shanghai Japanese admiral ordered bombing of Chapei Marines landed and began firing Hundreds of civilians killed 70,000 Japanese troops rushed to Shanghai By February Full scale war broke out

1933 – Japan walked out of League of Nations

May 1933- Treaty of Tanggu Chinese accepted occupation of Manchuria by the Japanese National humiliation for China

1936- Xi’an Incident Warlord Zhang Xueliang and CCP kidnapped Chiang Kiashek after growing tired of appeasement towards Japanese He went to Xi’an to supervise destruction of Communists Chiang allowed to leave if he would re-negotiate UF and resist the Japanese

1935- Creation of Yanan Soviet Attempted to create an alternative form of Chinese Society Provided inhabitants with security and welfare Created a sense of Community However the system was oppressive

1936- December 9th Movement

1935 – Zunyi Meeting Mao believed Urban reds were abandoning successful Guerilla Tacticsfor pitched battles Dispute over Red army Route between Zhang Guotao and Mao, Mao’s Route more logical- had good judgement and gained respect within the party

1934-5 – Famine and Drought Flooding of the Yangtze River Famine killed 30 Million

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1940 – Publication of Mao’s ’New Democracy’ Appealed to Chinese to Unite against enemies of the Nation

1940-4 – ‘New Government of China’ Wang Jingwei (former GMD) headed new government He denounced Chiang Kaishek

1941- Russo Japanese non Aggression pact

1940 – Wang Jingwei’s government Japanese puppet leader who set up government in Nanjing Wang (traitor) denounced Chiang and the GMD Wang’s government lasted till 1944- his death and had little power compared to the GMD or CCP

1941- Russo-Japanese non-aggression pact Solved fighting on the Manchurian border between USSR and Japan

1942- Rectification of Conduct Campaign Kang Sheng (security chief) organised the Campaign introduced by Mao Kang imprisoned 1000 CCP members Political party re-thinking and dissolution of revisionist ideas, Mao prescribed texts for members of his party to search for revolutionary truth Maoism develops- cult status

7th December 1941- Pearl Harbour Attack USA becomes involved in the War Japan launched ‘Operation Tora Tora’- attack on pacific fleet

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1937- Marco Polo Bridge Incident Japanese troops stationed after ‘Boxer Protocol’ They lost a soldier and went to search for him Clashed with Chinese troops, rifle fire broke out causing many other clashes in July

January 1949 – Beijing surrenders to CCP

1944- Ichigo Offensive Japanese launched Battles fought between NRA and Japanese Japanese seized vast amounts of territory and air field, also secured a land route to Indo-China Undermined Chiang

June 1946-October 1949-Chinese Civil War

Struggle for Manchuria

Strong Point Offensive 1947

Liaoshen Campaign September-November 1948

Huaihai Campaign November 1948- January 1949

Pingjin Campaign November 1948- January 1949 GMD lost 3 million CCP lost 1 million Civilian Deaths 6 Million

1945 – End of the war After the USA dropped an atomic bomb on Japan, they devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki – resulting in their surrender

1945 – Soviet-GMD friendship treaty Chiang allowed Soviet forces into Manchuria, in return for the USSR recognising the GMD as the legitimate government in China

1st October 1949 – Chinese People’s Republic declared Mao Zedong enters the Forbidden City

December 1949 – Chiang flees Chiang went to join remnants of GMD in Taiwan