chalice connection 06-17-10

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  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 06-17-10


    The Chalice

    CONNECTIONA publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    Vol. 2 No. 24 June 17, 2010

    Too Quick To Judge?by Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

    Join us forSummer SundaySchool for AdultsSunday mornings at 10

    in the ChapelOur theme this year is story tellin

    through the ages. We will explor

    many stories from scripture and

    how they affect our lives and our

    theology. Is God for all people or

    just those who are Christian (or

    Jewish)? We have special guests

    and storytellers, as well as some

    of our own youth telling their

    story of discovery. We will meetin the chapel from 10-11:00 every

    Sunday during the summer.

    Sunday, June 20Fathers DayChris Shorow will

    present stories from and about

    fathers through the ages, in

    history and in scripture.

    I dont like traffic. After all the years I lived fighting it

    in Dallas, I have developed a distaste for bad drivers

    and the accidents they may cause on our roadways.

    Thats why I was so mad driving down 2nd Street

    the other day. I had pulled out from the church and

    a car approached me from behind, weaving in and

    out of other cars and going way too fast. For a split

    second, I thought I might cut them off intentionally

    to make them slow down. But wanting to avoid

    danger, I simply slowed down.

    I wished there was a police officer nearby to get them. I then had

    thoughts about what a selfish and rude individual must be driving that car.

    Until I saw them swiftly turn in to the entrance to the hospital. My

    hateful thoughts were immediately replaced by compassion. What if they

    were severely injured or having a heart attack?

    Made me think of a great scripture from Romans 2: Therefore, you

    have no excuse, when you judge others; for in passing judgment, you con-demn yourself because you are doing the very same things. Lots of us may

    be a little too quick in passing judgment. I know its one of the major sins of

    our world today. It seems our public dialogue is full of judgment about the

    sins of others. But what about our own?

    I love the quote from Mark TwainMost people are bothered by

    scriptures they dont understand; the ones that bother me the most are the

    ones I do understand. In religion and politics, peoples beliefs are, almost in

    ever case, second hand and without much thought.

    I certainly understand the judgment scripture. Heres hoping I follow

    it more often.

    Summer Special MusicWould you like to share your talentthis summer in Sunday worship?Glenn Sulley and Diane Ball wouldlove all ages, children through adults,to have the opportunity to share

    your musical talents with the congregation and experience this wonderfulway to praise God. To schedule a time or get questions answered, pleasecontact Diane at 341-3544 ex.25 or e-mail her at [email protected]

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 06-17-10


    We are hiringNursery Workers !To apply, pick up an application

    from the Nursery CoordinatorsMailbox in our workroom or logon to anddownload the application.Questions? Contact JenniferGetts, Nursery Coordinator [email protected]

    This summer at Sunday School, our children are learning th

    story of Joseph and about Gods Creative, Powerful PresencSunday School is held from 10 10:50am

    Please meet on the playground (weather permitting) orin the classrooms for inclement weather. Parents, please pick up your cdren from these classrooms: Story Tent or Journey Post for 3s, Pre-K, an

    Gospel Studio or Work Place for 1st 4th(5th Graders will continue their Believers Class)

    Questions? Contact Erin Robertson, Interim Director of

    Childrens Ministry [email protected]

    We Had FUN at

    Vacat ion Bible Scho ol

    Thank you!A heartfelt thank you to all of the many volunteers, adult

    and youth alike that helped out with VBS this week. Our

    amazing journey through Egypt would not have been possible without your hard

    work, love, and dedication. The kids had a fabulous time and so did we! Much love

    and many thanks,

    Julie Bunton, Director & Anna Lisa Stanley, Co-Directo

    Did you loan us yourgalvanized tub forBrickmaking at VBS?You can pick it up anytime in

    the entryway to the church

    leading into the rotunda.

    Thank you for sharing!

    New ChildrensMinistry T-ShirtsAvailable in THREE fun

    colors! Aquatic Blue, OranSherbet, or Lime Green

    Place your order online on Sunday mornings(Order submitted July 25,

    so dont delay!)

    Check out our VBS photogallery!online at THANKS to Frank Gresh for fantastic pics!

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 06-17-10


    Happy Birthday!6/20 DeeAnnFlippin

    6/21 ShirleyBrown,TheoKinnaird,


    6/22 DaveFrancis,RobertRowley,



    6/23 HerbDavis,AlainaHamilton,



    6/24 JoeyBiby,AnnCather,LindaH


    6/25 MollyHaley,EmilySarani,Don

    Wiechmann6/26 BennettStone6/27 DorothyBryan,DonGable,Jax


    June 20 - Seekers Class

    Celebrate All Weekend!Volunteers and Donations Needed

    Sign-Up online at

    Few things are more exciting than Independence Day. Celebrating the 4th of July

    and the Declaration of Independence is one of the hallmark events of any year.

    Firework displays, musical concerts, parades, and family gatherings typify our cher-

    ished, patriotic, and national spirit. And our church family is no exception.

    In conjunction with the Edmond Liberty Fest Parade on the 3rd of July, we will continue our FCC tradition of Freedom Festthe free distribution of hot dogs, chips, water, and watermelon to parade attendees.

    Then, on Independence Day itself, we will gather for one 9:30am, shared Sunday School hour (individual classes and Summer Sunday School a

    preferred) followed by a Combined Worship at 10:30am and a church wide indoor/outdoor picnic at 11:30am Worship will feature a blend of

    praise, thanksgiving, and patriotic music. Dress for the day is casual red, white, and blue.

    The intent of Freedom Fest is to promote First Christian Church as a caring, serving, giving people of faith. The intent for the combined worship

    to promote an experience and celebration of our three worship communities together. The picnic will take place indoors with the church provid

    ing hot dogs, chicken, drinks, chips, and watermelons, and members providing side dishes (plan to bring your favorite). Watermelons will be

    served outdoors. Join us in this weekend of national patriotism, corporate worship, and faith in action (and remember your side dish on Sunday

    Sign-up to volunteer or donate, this Sunday at church or online at

    Your Membership, Worship, and Evangelism Team


    Les Lee, VA Hospital

    OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Eric Koegel, Haynes Phillips (Anna Lisa

    Stanleys dad), Jeanne Larimore, Rita Ward, Ed Brumback (Ron Brumbacks dad),

    Adam Jewell, Bob McKibbin, Chuck Racster, Garry Sloan (former FCC minister

    of music), Joyce McNickle, Jim Hays, Ann Crandall, Bart & Jennifer Rodr, Jeff

    Stephens, Lorelle Watts, Pam Fraim, Virginia Hiebert, Sharon Luton (Susan Blacks

    cousin), Ed Berry, Taylor Wheeler, Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas brother)

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS Glenda Bond in the death of her mother,

    Elaine Bond, who passed away May 30. Services were held June 2.

    CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFEMattalinn Elizabeth, born June 15 to Amanda McDaniel & Matthew Mize.

    Dear Church Family and Staff,

    Thank you so very much for all the cards, prayers, and words of comfort

    during the last few weeks. We also greatly appreciated the time and efforts of those

    who provided and/or served the family meal before the service. It is a blessing to

    have a church family that one can turn to in times of need.

    Sincerely, The Family of Lavada Moffatt

  • 8/9/2019 Chalice Connection 06-17-10


    Worshipat First Christian8:15, 9 & 11am

    June 20, 2010Fathers DayMessage: Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: I Kings 19:11-15

    June 27, 2010Message: Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: Luke 9:46-49

    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected]

    Read News Online@

    Submit Articles [email protected]

    Golf Tournament June 25New Registrants Are Still Welcome!

    Sign up at church Sunday June 20 or online at you were registered prior to our original May date, you remain o

    the list unless you contact Bob Stafford at 359-8900or Karla Mahan at 341-3544 [email protected]

    Want to Learn More About First Christian?Join us Sunday, June 27 at 10am for

    Discover First Christianan informational event designed for people who want to nd way

    to connect, grow, serve and care within our family of faith.

    Whether youre brand new or considering membership,

    come meet the staff and learn how First Christianis making a difference in the world.Well gather in Fellowship Hall-West.

    Coffee, juice, donuts and CHILDCARE provided.