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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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1. Build “Revenue Generating Websites”

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2. Buy “Revenue Generating Websites”

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3. Teach how to “Build” or “Buy” “Rev. Gen” websites

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Credibility Popularity Author Equity

How Google “Ranks” or “Stacks”

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2. PopularityShoot – Post – Promote

DavidGreg Kerri

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“I’m not a Garbage can with

a hairy lid !!”

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Little BackgroundTGC/IS – Who We Are – What We Do


+10k / mo. per store-3k / mo. per store

Never Feel Pain of 1 Source of Income AGAIN

2012 - Google’s Awakening Roadways over RankingsI WILL Own – Control Roadways


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Thanks for being my case study(guinea pigs)

“Guerrilla Marketing Today”“The Success Wheel”

Today’s Notes…

“Case Study”


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Let’s Start With Rule-Book


To Win at a Game – Need to Know the Rules

Google Posted the Rules – Most Links + Top Site

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Many chose to Bend the Rules….

#1 Buy Links…500 links $50

Google spent 2007 – 2011 Busting Companies

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Many chose to Bend the Rules….

#2 Spin City

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The Game has Changed!

Who’s most respected seo firm in U.S.?

SeoMoz, nobody’s close

It’s been said that Matt Cutts reads SeoMozTo see how their algo changes are affectingwebsites

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Anybody have an idea of why SeoMoz is Changing it’s name and website?

They have years of branding built…

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Maybe this is the reason?

Google is in MAJOR transition mode right now !!!

Rand… is E.F. Hutton, we may want to change

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Are Google’s growing pains hurting anyone?

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How bout some recognizable companies?

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My three favorites, Here’s one !!!

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My absolute FAVORITE, Here’s number two !!!

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Finally, Here’s number three !!!

Again, does ESPN have an SEO budget?

Why aren’t they growing up and to the right?

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62 Keys and Content - Confused

Fundamental Difference between Base Site & Authority Site

Driven by a misunderstanding

“A steady diet of failure, success always follows”

Driven by a working model

Show of hands if guilty Announcement In / Out

30 down 5 Navs

But We hired an S.E.O.?

Driven by a burst of energy….peters out130 down 5 Navs

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“A steady diet of failure, success always follows”

“Working Model”Authority Driven Content

Old Term – Knowledge Based Content

170 posts

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170 posts

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Cherissa story

Great Military CareerTremendous Experience2500 Emails to Atty’s

Nobody is Willing to be one of…


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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultant

Guerrilla Marketing Today Chapter 1

Your Online CredibilityOften Determines Your

Over-All Income…

“What shows up when your personal or company name is typed into


First Sentence of “Guerrilla Marketing Today” -Ken Courtright

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Case StudyEvidence:


What shouldI Do?

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What if you could achieveSame Results

Without paying for it?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Let’s dig in

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If you looked more trustworthy, Would you be able to do more business?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Do people JUDGE other people?

”3 Seconds” – We are Judged & Convicted

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So… Lets put this to the test?

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Which of these financial advisors did76% of people trust with their money?


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Our “Presence” …gives off Signals:

Physical and Digital

Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

As a Rule, can you “Over Dress”in society?

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Ironically, the principle of “Over-Dressing” works

the same for your web properties!

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Most Websites Today……a bit under dressed

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc


Fact: Put the right S.U.I.T. on your website……Revenue WILL Follow

You aren’t so special that these methods won’t work for you

Best Part…

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Auth. Site – 50/50 $

May 1992

Rev. Gen – 50/50 $

Nov 2011

2 Unique Companies:

500+ Revenue Generating Websites

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Copyright 2014 - All Rights Reserved Today’s Growth Consultantc

Had a hunch… “Social Proof” Let’s test hunch

2013 Personal Goal:Why do some make more $?

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Problem: …can’t “Test” inside our portfolio

130,000,000 + views 2014

30days / 30K

HAVE to Succeed…Contractually “Guarantee” 15% - 22%

500+ Revenue Generating Websites

Small Problem… we are really Growing

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Closer look at “SOCIAL PROOF”

We needed

“Social Proof”What do our potential clients

NEED To Seeto feel comfortable to do business with us?

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Power of “Social Proof”

We Follow Suits Sell

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Power of “Social Proof”

We are Followers first, Leaders ONLY when have to

A “Group” CAN’T be wrong

There is Safety in a Tribe

Sell your Audience to your Audience

Fear of Loss…”Display your Resume”

Perception is Reality Comedian in a Suit

Put your “Suit” on The Media is your “Suit”

GIVE them someone to Follow “Prove you have clients” – ProBono!

4 Principles of website engagement“Social Proof” Fact: Action Needed:

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Power of “Social Proof”

Social ProofUnquestionablyIgnitesTrust

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Check out ourNew S.U.I.T. #1 ?

Which Company would you Trust more? - Why?

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How do you like ourNew S.U.I.T. #2 ?

Which Company would you Trust more?

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1 out of 8

1 out of 3.5

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One might say…That’s great for Ken, he’s got a team of Designers, Programmers, Developers…

…What the heck can “little old me” do?Let’s look at what we actually did…

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* Recommends Endorsements

* Testimonials

* Local Media

* Commercial Media

2. Suit Coat


1. GLFT Shirt

Google +


Facebook (fan page)


Positions “Presence” on4 of 10 Largest !!

Ps. YouTube a 12 yr. old

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Is there anything on this page “little old you” CAN’T do?

* Recommends Endorsements

* Testimonials

* Local Media

* Commercial Media

Google +


Facebook (fan page)


--Even a Comedian…Positions “Presence” on4 of 10 Largest !!

Ps. YouTube a 12 yr. old

What did this cost us?

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For Revenue Generating Purposes…


B.C. – 1995 Know – Like - Trust

1995 – Forever Trust - Know – Like - Trust

Is it Better to HAVE Credibility –or-

To APPEAR to have Credibility?

Best Business Question of our time…

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Question of the day so far…

“ Are the people finding your websiteImmediately sure YOU

can be trusted with


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Unseen CREDIBILITY = Unseen RevenueFact: In the U.S. we are paid in direct proportion to…



* This slide often upsets people:

Who We Are can only be measured by SOCIAL PROOF

Who We Are… not What We Do or What We


= MORE Credibility= MORE Revenue Allowance

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KEY Question… Is there evidence the Visitor might be your first Customer?

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It’s set to “Relevance”

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Google Adsense 3.3 B

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10 to 3 to 9 method, the ULTIMATE fish finder…

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“The Success Wheel”The “Method” to Recurring, Predictable and Consistent


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Ken, your done,You went one slide too far

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