calling issue 25 (22 august 2013)

22 August 2013 No. 25 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email offi[email protected] A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12 Dear Members of the St Patrick’s College Community, e EKKA has been and gone; we have passed the halfway point in the term, and the final trimester of AIC/CIC sport is under way. is has been a big week with a number of events taking place. On Monday the Year 8 students and their parents began their journey to select subjects for Years 9 and 10. My thanks go to the large number of staff involved in this process. Tuesday was a special day for the St. Patrick’s College Community. e Spirit Assembly for Basketball and Tennis was held. Again this year there are a large number of students involved with this term of sport. My congratulations go to Glenn de Waard, Captain of Tennis, and Sean Macko Captain of Basketball. I am very confident that both young men will lead their teams well and represent St. Patrick’s College with distinction. e Paddies Battalion will again be at the various venues this season supporting the St. Patrick’s College teams. Tuesday also saw the annual OPEN DAY. In perfect weather it was another great success, with very good numbers in attendance. My special thanks go to the large number of staff, parents and students who assisted throughout the afternoon. St. Patrick’s College was on display and our visitors were not disappointed with the huge range of activities, the friendly welcome and, of course, the enthusiastic St. Patrick’s College students proudly showcasing their College. ank you to all involved. At the Parents and Friends meeting this week I presented an update on the proposed sports uniform for introduction in 2014. I will email all families shortly to explain the options and seek feedback. A change in any part of the school uniform is a big decision so I would appreciate any feedback in response to the designs that are emailed to families. A transition period will occur so families will have time to use up existing uniform items while the old sports uniform is being phased out. Tomorrow is also a very important day for our Year 10 students and their families. On the SET Plan Day Year 10 students and their parents meet with members of the teaching staff to plan for Years 11 and 12 and ultimately to finalise their subject selections. is day is the culmination of a number of sessions regarding subject selection. My thanks go to Mr Chris Campbell and Mrs Maxine Nott for their coordination of this process and also to the large number of staff involved with the SET Plan meetings. Finally this week, my thanks go to Mr David Gardiner for his coordination of the recent Inter-House Athletics Carnival. It was a very successful day for which David had done a lot of work in preparation. Well done, David! Have a great week God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal COLLEGE TENNIS CHAMPION Matthew Travers congratulates the Under 10 Champion Foley Coutts

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The EKKA has been and gone; we have passed the halfway point in the term, and the final trimester of AIC/CIC sport is under way.   This has been a big week with a number of events taking place. On Monday the Year 8 students and their parents began their journey to select subjects for Years 9 and 10. My thanks go to the large number of staff involved in this process.


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22 August 2013 No. 25 60 Park Parade Shorncliffe QLD 4017 Tel (07) 3631 9000 Fax (07) 3631 9001 Email [email protected]

A Catholic Boys' School in the Edmund Rice Tradition catering for Years 5 to 12

Dear Members of the St Patrick’s College Community, The EKKA has been and gone; we have passed the halfway point in the term, and the final trimester of AIC/CIC sport is under way. This has been a big week with a number of events taking place. On Monday the Year 8 students and their parents began their journey to select subjects for Years 9 and 10. My thanks go to the large number of staff involved in this process. Tuesday was a special day for the St. Patrick’s College Community. The Spirit Assembly for Basketball and Tennis was held. Again this year there are a large number of students involved with this term of sport. My congratulations go to Glenn de Waard, Captain of Tennis, and Sean Macko Captain of Basketball. I am very confident that both young men will lead their teams well and represent St. Patrick’s College with distinction. The Paddies Battalion will again be at the various venues this season supporting the St. Patrick’s College teams. Tuesday also saw the annual OPEN DAY. In perfect weather it was another great success, with very good numbers in attendance. My special thanks go to the large number of staff, parents and students who assisted throughout the afternoon. St. Patrick’s College was on display and our visitors were not disappointed with the huge range of activities, the friendly welcome and, of course, the enthusiastic St. Patrick’s College students proudly showcasing their College. Thank you to all involved. At the Parents and Friends meeting this week I presented an update on the proposed sports uniform for introduction in 2014. I will email all families shortly to explain the options and seek feedback. A change in any part of the school uniform is a big decision so I would appreciate any feedback in response to the designs that are emailed to families. A transition period will occur so families will have time to use up existing uniform items while the old sports uniform is being phased out. Tomorrow is also a very important day for our Year 10 students and their families. On the SET Plan Day Year 10 students and their parents meet with members of the teaching staff to plan for Years 11 and 12 and ultimately to finalise their subject selections. This day is the culmination of a number of sessions regarding subject selection. My thanks go to Mr Chris Campbell and Mrs Maxine Nott for their coordination of this process and also to the large number of staff involved with the SET Plan meetings. Finally this week, my thanks go to Mr David Gardiner for his coordination of the recent Inter-House Athletics Carnival. It was a very successful day for which David had done a lot of work in preparation. Well done, David! Have a great week God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

COLLEGE TENNIS CHAMPION Matthew Travers congratulates the

Under 10 Champion Foley Coutts

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2 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mr David Gardiner College Dean

OPEN DAY Thank you to everyone who contributed to a very successful Open Day. Over 200 students volunteered to be Tour Guides, hundreds more were involved in activities across the College, staff provided excellent guidance and information, and the P&F were here in great numbers. I am certain all of our visitors would have been captivated by the strong sense of community at St Patrick’s. We received so much positive feedback from visitors after having experienced first hand our young men after being escorted on tours. Many complimented our students on their beautiful manners, enthusiasm and knowledge about their school. One family commented that if their sons grew up to be like James in Year 8 they would be extremely happy. We could not ask for more from our young men. Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us for last Friday’s Inter-House Track and Field Carnival at Curlew Park. Many helped out in the tuckshop whilst over one hundred parents followed the students around to each of the eight activities. It certainly helps create a wonderful atmosphere and was greatly appreciated by the boys. ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE FOUNDATION GUESS THE JELLY BEAN COMPETITION Joshua Kiss from Year 5 received an instant boost to his popularity this week when he was announced the winner of the Guess the Jelly Bean Competition for the College Foundation at Open Day. There were 1012 Jelly Beans in the jar and Joshua was one of three boys who had the closest guess with 1000. All three names were placed in a hat and Joshua was deemed the winner. Joshua won the jar of 1012 Jelly Beans and an Ipod Nano thanks to Ms Kerry Millard MP. Congratulations Joshua—We imagine you are going to be very popular amongst your friends and family!

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Fathers Day Stall P & F News

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Mr Matthew Hawkins AP Identity

FOLLOWERS, NOT WORSHIPPERS… Recently, I came across a modern day version of the Beatitudes, set in the 21st century. It was written by Br Steve Rocha, an Indian Christian Brother, and it resonated with me for a few reasons. It said: Happy are you who recognize the Declaration of Human Rights as the new language of love and the new translation of the Gospels. You shall share the joy of enfolding heaven on earth. Happy are you who defend those whose rights are abused. You will share my death and the resurrection of the kingdom values. Happy are you who dare to challenge systems that make and keep people poor. You shall suffer the same exclusion as the prophets of old. Happy are you who believe in dialogue and the round table. You will truly embody the power of love. Happy are you who are willing to be mystics on the margin. You will live the realization that ‘the Mystery We Call God’ is still alive and active in our world. Br Steve believes, and I agree with him, that if Jesus walked the earth today, he would once again gravitate towards those at the margins of society, those whose rights were being abused. Therefore, I believe as Christians, we are called to do the same. BECAUSE JESUS WANTS FOLLOWERS, NOT WORSHIPPERS. Don’t get me wrong – I am not saying going to Mass is not important, for I also believe in the strength of a community of faith sharing Eucharist. This is central to our Catholic faith. But alone, going to Mass is simply not good enough I’m afraid. If I do not live my faith through action, I have missed the point. This week, as I prepared for Open Day and the various displays that the Identity Team were responsible for, it again struck me that our “brand of faith” at St Patrick’s is about living our faith through action – we are followers of Jesus, not just worshippers. It was evident as the Paddies Van was loaded up and driven away into the city during Open Day; it was evident as our wonderful Mums served soup and cared for the Paddies Garden; it was evident as our students spoke to our guests about ERA for Change, our Advocacy group amplifying the voices of the marginalized in our world; it was evident as people picked up copies of the great “Just Us” publication, highlighting the amazing justice and peace work our students do in the curriculum; it was evident as people learned about the numerous justice activities we do concerning poverty, the environment, rights of people, animals and the earth. All of this action, in the name of Jesus Christ – we are followers, not just worshippers. Have a great week.

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum

YEAR 8 SUBJECT SELECTION Thanks to parents who attended the Year 8 subject selection meeting on Monday evening. The online subject selection portal is currently open and will remain so until Friday 6 September. Curriculum guides were given out to the boys earlier this term. These guides contain relevant and detailed information regarding the make up of Year 9 and 10 courses of study. YEAR 10 SET PLAN MEETINGS Year 10 SET plan meetings are to be held in the library on Friday of this week. Appointment times have been emailed. Parents and boys should report straight to the library on Friday. There are no classes for Year 10 but students must wear full school uniform to the meetings.

YEAR 12 QCS TEST Year 12 students will complete the QCS Test on Tuesday and Wednesday fortnight. Only boys completing the test are required at school on these days. It is suggested that boys who are not attending and do Structured Workplace Learning contact their employer and organise a makeup day on either the Tuesday or Wednesday (3 & 4 September). QTAC INFORMATION EVENING There is a QTAC Information Evening next Monday 26 August in the Callan Centre. The evening will commence @ 5:45pm with a BBQ for parents and boys in the plaza area. The College Leadership Team will address the group at 6.30pm in the Callan Centre. Dianne Reed from QTAC will speak from 7.00pm. All students and parents whether completing an OP pathway or not are welcome to attend the evening.

Ms Helen Dacy Head of Library Services

LIBRARY TIPS Our Year 7 Library classes have been creating Infographics – a digital poster of information about a topic. We have been using the class novel, “Coraline” as our topic – students presented the setting, characters, theme and plot. Now students are creating their own infographics detailing a novel of their own choice so they can recommend good reading books to each other via their infographics. An example of an infographic that might interest you is below –

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Mr Chris Campbell AP Curriculum

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St Patrick’s College Calling | 7 

Mr Frank Torrisi AP Student Formation

INTER-HOUSE COMPETITION The Athletics Carnival last Friday was exceptionally well at-tended and there was an excellent spirit of participation and competitiveness. Congratulations to Rice House on winning the Athletics Carnival. Special thanks need to go to our Grounds Staff for a magnificent job of preparing Curlew Park for the carnival. The Year level winners were:- Year 5 - Rice; Year 6 -Treacy; Year 7 - Rice; Year 8 – Rice; Year 9 – Kennedy; Year 10- O’Rourke; Year 11- Coffey; Year 12 – Coffey. Overall Places were 1st – Rice, 2nd- Treacy, 3rd - Coffey 4th O’Rourke, 5th – Kennedy and Mooney 7th - Ryan 8th Quane 9th Xavier. Congratulations to Mr Walker and all the Rice students and staff on a great performance. MOBILE PHONES I would like to remind parents of procedures regarding mo-bile phones at St Patrick’s. Students are allowed mobile phones as we understand the need for communication in

many situations. Students can place their phone in the Stu-dent Office for safe keeping during the day. Our policy is that if we see or hear a phone during school hours we will take that phone. If there is any concern about the use of a phone we will check the contents of that phone. We encourage eve-ry student to use his phone appropriately or risk losing the privilege of having a mobile phone at school. ST JOHN FISHER COLLEGE SOCIAL Friday 24 August 2009 7.00pm – 10.00pm Years 8-12 at St John Fisher College, Killoran Centre Bracken Ridge—$10 En-try, current ID is essential for entry. The College Code of Con-duct will apply, which includes modest and appropriate standard of behaviour on the dance floor. Dress standard to be appropriate for a school event which includes no singlets, inappropriate slogans or thongs. All students need to be aware if they are attending true and respectful behavior is expected.

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Mr Luke Donatini Director Of Sport

OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS Matthew Palmer (Year 8) – completed the Australian Pool Rescue Championship Titles last weekend and was rewarded with four gold, one silver and one bronze. Matthew and his Queensland relay team members also broke three Australian records during the championships.


Mr Ryan Schultz Track & Field



Morning Tea, Friday 23 August ALL ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND



Open 1500m

Open (9Yrs – 13Yrs)

(Host Colleges to start 1500m)



All Age Groups


RELAYS (August 24 and 31 ONLY)

All ages


800m & Hurdles 13 & 12 Years Shot Put 9 & 10 Years

High Jump 11 Years Long Jump 12 Years


800m & Hurdles 9, 10 & 11 Years Shot Put 11 Years

High Jump 12 Years Long Jump 13 Years


Shot Put 12 Years

High Jump 13 Years Long Jump 9 & 10 Years


Shot Put 13Years

High Jump 9 & 10 Years Long Jump 11 Years

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Mr Ryan Schultz Track & Field

CIC TRACK & FIELD The CIC Lead-Up Meet for Saturday 24 August will be held at the University of Queensland Track, Sir Fred Schonell Drive, St Lucia. Private transportation will be required for this meet so should your son be ‘stuck’ for a lift both to and from the venue, can we suggest that ‘carpooling’ may well be a very good option. 800 METRE & HURDLES EVENTS Each age group will be called out as another has finishes. Boys will be asked to leave their field event and then return. We will be working on each 800m/Hurdles age group taking no more than 30minutes. What can your son can compete in: 100m – open to everyone 200m – open to everyone Hurdles – limited to 10 competitors per age group 800m – open to everyone 1500m – open to everyone Long Jump – restricted to 3 competitors per age group (SPC will nominate these) Shot Put – restricted to 3 competitors per age group (SPC will nominate these) High Jump – restricted to 3 competitors per age group (SPC will nominate these) NB: The St Patrick’s College nominated athletes for Long Jump, High Jump and Shot Put will be told at the Morning Tea Team Meeting on Friday, as well, the names will be placed on the Sports Notice Boards around the College after Morning Tea on Friday.

ALL ATHLETES MUST WEAR SHOES (Running spikes are permitted if desired)

CIC TRAINING (YEAR 5 TO YEAR 7) Tuesday Mornings – 6.45am to 8.00am College Back Oval Friday Mornings – 6.45am to 8.00am College Back Oval AIC TRAINING (YEAR 8 TO YEAR 12) Monday Afternoons – 3.30pm to 5.00pm at McPherson Park Bracken Ridge Tuesday Afternoons – 3.30pm to 5.00pm at McPherson Park Bracken Ridge Thursday Afternoons – 3.30pm to 5.00pm at Nudgee College Track

Note: Bus transportation will be provided from the College to the training venue. Private transportation will be required for pick up at 5.00pm.



Sat 24 Aug

University of Queensland Track Sir Fred Schonell Drive, St Lucia

7.30am to 11.30am (approximately)

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Br Chris Pritchard Tennis

2013 ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS On Saturday 17 August the St Patrick’s College Tennis Championships took place for all ages at Club Coops, using eight courts, organised by Br Chris Pritchard and Mr Brad Harbottle. The day was a perfect spring morning with a slight cloud cover and little wind. There had been a large number of participants and some 126 students had taken part. Many parents and siblings were on hand to assist, encourage and console all players during the morning. The basic format for the day was a set (first to 6 games) with a tie breaker if necessary (first to 7 points) while the Opens used the formula for 1st IV AIC Tennis, best of two sets. All the earlier rounds to the semi-finals had been played in the three weeks prior to the ‘Finals Day.’ Congratulations to all competitors and the eventual College Champions, 2013, and thanks to Ben Wicks and Mrs Travers for the photos as mementos and for the Spirit Assembly. THE FINALS RESULTS WERE:

Under10 Foley Coutts def Henry Swan 6 - 1 Under 11 Jack McDonald def Cooper Grinlaubs 6 - 2 Under 12 Jake Kelly def Harrison Wellman 6 - 4 Under 13 Quinn Storrie def Pearson Locke 6 - 2 Under 14 Richard Cook def Brynn Jansen 7 – 6 & 7 - 5 Under 15 Matthew Beard def Bede Jennings 6 – 1 Under 16 Ivan Twomey def Harry Rehm 6 - 2 OPEN Matthew Travers def Glen de Waard 6 – 1; 6 - 2

U.11 Finalists - Cooper Grinlaubs and Jack McDonald 

TEAM TIME OPPONENT/LOCATION Morning Tea Roster Team 1,2,5

& 6 Start 8:00am arrive 7:45am

SPC Home Game vs BGS – Deagon Tennis Centre Board Street, Deagon

All players to provide morning tea please

Team 3,4,7

& 8 Start 8:00am Arrive 7:45am

SPC Away Game vs PAD – Health Works Everton Hills Courts Chinook Street, Everton Hills

All players to wear correct St Patrick’s College uniform.

CIC Tennis Round 4 v Padua College Saturday 24 August

TEAM TIME OPPONENT/LOCATION Morning Tea Roster Team 1,2,3 16A & 16B,

Start 8:30am arrive 8:00am

SPC Home Game vs MCA – Coops Tennis Centre – Beams Road, Carseldine

All players to provide morning tea please

Team 15A, 5B, 14A, 4B, 13A

& 13B

Start 8:30am Arrive 8:00am

SPC Away Game vs MCA – Marist College Tennis Courts – Frasers Road, Ashgrove

All players to wear correct St Patrick’s College uniform.

AIC Tennis Round 1 v Marist College Ashgrove Saturday 24 August

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Mr Corey Meehan Basketball

GENERAL INFORMATION Every effort is made to get information for both CIC and AIC fixtures out by Wednesday of each week; this information is located in a number of areas around The College. If ever you have a question regarding game time/locations/transport issues please check the following sources:

SPC Connect (Updated generally by Wednesday each week) Sport Notice Boards (outside SPC GYM, Morrissey Building and tuck-shop area, updated Wednesday each week) The Calling (out Thursday) If students have any further issues they are to come down to speak to the SPC Sport Department in the school gym. AIC BASKETBALL Due to Boondall Entertainment Centre being out of use for the rest of this week and next week please be aware of AIC alternate training times and locations. All students who wish to play are expected to attend training unless they have a Cultural/Music commitment on Wednesday afternoon. If there are any issues students must contact coaches. Teams will return to normal training times at Boondall from 2nd September. Sandgate State High School (SSHS) – Outdoor Courts U13 & U14 Age Groups: A bus will transport players to SSHS after school Students are to be collected from SSHS by 5pm Sandgate PCYC – Indoor Court Students will require private transport to the PCYC for the AM sessions Students will be transported back to SPC after 8am

AIC TRAINING Uniform at training and games: SPC PE Uniform or SPC Basketball Strip ONLY. If students fail to comply with this they will be asked to sit out of training/games. Students are to use change rooms only, no students are to get dressed courtside. This is a request from BEC management. To allow staff at BEC to commence set up after training all students must exit the centre by 5pm sharp.

WEEK COMMENCING 19/8/13 AND 26/8/13



Callan Center 6:30-8:00am


INDOOR 6:45-8:00am

2nd V Sandgate PCYC


3rd V Sandgate

PCYC 6:45-8am

1ST V Callan Centre 6:30-8:00am


INDOOR 6:45-8:00am

2nd V Sandgate

PCYC 6:45-8am



OUTDOOR 3:30-5:00pm


3:30-5:00pm U15

Callan Centre Front Courts 4pm-5:00pm





OUTDOOR 3:30-5:00pm

U15 Callan Centre Front Courts 4pm- 5:00pm

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12 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Corey Meehan Basketball

CIC Basketball Round 4 St Patrick’s College v Padua College

Friday 23 August  


AIC Basketball Round 1 St Patrick’s College vs Marist College Ashgrove

24 August 2013


7A 5:40pm – 6:30pm

7B 4:50pm – 5:40pm 7C 4:00pm – 4:50pm 7D 4:00pm – 4:50pm

6A 4:50pm - 5:40pm SPC Away Game vs PAD – Padua College, La Cordelle Turner Road, Kedron 6B 4:00pm – 4:50pm

5A 4:50pm – 5:40pm SPC Home Game vs PAD– Morven Courts, Court 1 Park Parade, Shorncliffe

5B 4:50pm – 5:40pm SPC Home Game vs PAD– Morven Courts, Court 2 Park Parade, Shorncliffe 5C 4:00pm – 4:50pm

5D 4:45m – 5:30pm SPC Away Game vs PAD 5D– Padua College, Pool Court Turner Road, Kedron

SPC Home Game vs PAD – Callan Centre, Court 1 Pier Avenue, Shorncliffe


1sts 2.00pm

St Patrick’s College Callan Centre Indoor Court (Enter via Yundah Street, Shorncliffe)

2nds 1.00pm

3rds 11.00am

16A 12.00pm

15A 10.00am

15B 9.00am

15C 8.00am

14A 1.00pm

St Patrick’s College Morven Outdoor Court, (Enter via Park Parade, Shorncliffe) 14B 12.00pm

14C 11.00am

13A 10.00am

13B 9.00am

13C 8.00am

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St Patrick’s College Calling | 13 

Mrs Helen Jones Half Season Cricket

Registration for half season cricket is on this Saturday and Sunday at the Curlew Park Function Room. Details for the competition are as follows: Specialist coaching clinic – to be confirmed; First round: Saturday, October 12; Final round: Saturday, December 7; Cost: $70 (clubs charge around $110); and Includes: Player registration, coaching clinic, perpetual shield, and end of season awards event and BBQ. For further information contact Helen on 0421 909 473 if you would like further information or to register for the half season compe-tition. Email: [email protected] Phone A/H: 3314 1101


Return form and payment to Mrs Lee Schultz in the Administration Office by Friday 6th September 2013.


I/We ………………………………………. am/are the parents or legal guardians of my/our child ………………………………… I /We agree to my/our child applying to and being allowed to participate in cricket match-es, training and associated events (“Activities”) organized and/or supervised by St Patrick’s College representatives.


I/We as the parents or legal guardians of the said child hereby agree and consent to the provision of the personal infor-mation regarding my/our child as set out in this form to St Patrick’s College for use by it as it sees fit in the course of its administration of cricket for the 2013 half season. Signed: ………………………………………………. Signed: …………………………………………….. Print Name: …………………………………………. Print Name: ………………………………………... Date: …………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………………..

Zone: Brisbane North Association: Brisbane North Junior Cricket

Club: St. Patrick’s College Shorncliffe

Player Details: Surname:_____________________________; Given name:_____________________________________

Date of Birth: ______________________________________

Email : _______________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________________ Player’s Mo-bile:_______________________________________

Mother’s Mobile: __________________________________________

Father’s Mobile: ______________________________________

2013 Year Level: __________________________________ House Group (if known): ________________________

To play with mates: _________________________________________________________________________________ Will you be attending the pre-season Cricket Clinic Yes / No / Maybe (Cost included in registration fees.)

Did you play for St Patrick’s College AIC/CIC Cricket in 2013 � Yes: What team ______________ (e.g. U14A) � No

Registration Fee: $70 (Payment options on reverse) Payable to St Patrick’s College upon handing this form completed and signed to the College’s Administration Office.

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14 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Mrs Helen Jones Half Season Cricket

Parental Help

St Patrick’s College is always looking for and is in need coaches, scorers and/or managers. If you can help out, please tick the box below. No experience is necessary and we can offer coaching courses, early in the season.

I am willing to help coach / score / manage my son’s team � Yes; I can assist with coaching / scoring / managing (please circle) Mr / Mrs / Ms _____________________________________ Player’s Name / Age group: ____________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: Registration fee includes:

BNJCA registration;


Game fees;

Specialist Coaching Clinic;

Perpetual Shield; and End of season BBQ and Awards function.

Player Details: Surname: _________________________________; Given name: _______________________________ Date of Birth: ________________; Year level: _______________; Tutor Group: ________________

METHOD OF PAYMENT Registration Fee: $70

Completed forms and payment MUST be returned to the Administration Office by Friday 6th September 2013.

1. Cheque – made payable to St Patrick’s College.

2. Cash

3. Credit Card Bankcard Visa Mastercard Credit Card Number: Exp Date: …../…../….. Cardholders Name: _____________________________________________ Amount: $________

(Please Print) Signature: ____________________________________________________ Processing Date: …../…../… Please return the completed and signed Registration Form and payment to the St Patrick’s College Administration Office or post to the College at 60 Park Parade, Shorncliffe, 4017, no later than Friday 6th September 2013.

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TUES 12-4pm, WED 10AM-2pm, THURS 7.30-11.30am





Fri 23/08 Tania Caruana, Natalie Dare, Karen Johns

Mon 26/08 Jen Smith, Michelle Steen, Angela Funnell

Tue 27/08 Janelle Brown, Sharyn Mula

WED 28/08 Leigh Shaw, Stephanie Ingeri, Melinda Pahany, Bronwyn Hawkins

Thu 29/08 Debbie Birthisel, Michelle Brinkoff

Fri 30/08 Rosary Guppy, Joanne Casey

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:


Tuesday Morn BBQ Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am - 9.00 am 

Tuesday Evening Street Van Brisbane City

5.00 pm - 8.45 pm 

Thursday Morning BBQ Humpybong School 7. 30 am - 9.00 am 

Saturday Night BBQ Sandgate Sandgate Lagoon 5.45 pm-8.30 pm 

Tuesday, 27 August Joshua Berens, Austin Desmond, Will McDonald, Thomas Pearce 

Tuesday, 27 August Johannes Hoehensteiger, Tom McNamara, Ayden Winsen,

Finn McBride 

Thursday, 29 August Xavier Stringer, James Reeves,

Ryan Darker, Kurt Kitchen, Jason Sneath 

Saturday, 31 August Nathaniel Lake, Finn McBride, Joshua

Willmott, Daniel Bruce. Harrison Royley 

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mrs Righetti ASAP.

L  P   L  J      

    M    Please return to the student office if you have it in your home.   

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16 | St Patrick’s College Calling 

Term 3 Week 5,6 & 7 Date Claimers


August 23

Year 10 SET Plan Day CIC Basketball v PAD (A)

August 24

AIC Basketball/Tennis v MCA (H), CIC Tennis v TSS (A)


August 26

QTAC Information Night

August 27

Sacramental Mass

August 28

Year 11 Marine Studies Camp Aug 28 - 30, QDU Finals

August 29

Year 10 Immunisation

August 30

CIC Basketball v ACGS (A)

August 31

CIC Basketball/Tennis v SEC (H), CIC T & F (UQ), CIC Tennis v ACGS (A)


2 September

Sport Support Group Meeting

3 & 4 September

QCS Test

6 September

AIC Track & Field Carnival CIC Basketball v IONA (A)

7 September

AIC Basketball/Tennis v IONA (A) CIC Tennis v IONA (A)