c. w. thurber, potib, v. amo ucc»hss he we. do va the...

VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7,1885. NO. 40 MDmrFriitiiEOvnj PDIUHEH lm PtOFBlITOU. teuton tar tote TEBMI OP •tlBBCWPTION UtVABU BLT IX 1PVAKC£. Ull TlAB.... HixMonn... nuuNonu •tui. 1 mt«. I " 1 « G " 1 ooLiim. •TACK. 1 now. a « 8 " 4 " > « 1 OOLDKX. 1 " I. .. I > nniiauni In. » 75 1 85 1 75 2 25 a r, 360 i to C61) 11)00 )»» G On 050 aw 10(1) 11 SI 15 UI 18 Gu aim »MdNTiaR ADDED m Inn. » 1 it sou S76 3 Go 5 25 coo nm 17 00 9 MOS, (401 « GO 9 00 II 110 la m IGSS 19 00 ar» no uoo KITU tfou IS oEMn la LINK. 3 VB8. * 1 SO a r>» »ai 4 511 e aj 700 too 10 26 21 UU 0 M..B. e oo 10 00 14 01) 18 011 31 00 23 GO 211 GO 3! 00 OGOU M. HOC ..taw .. urn .. BO 1 «O. »1 15 3 GO 4 SO SKI 0 W 8 SI low ia so 24(10 l.« 110(10 17 00 lino 87 W 30 n as mi 45 (Kl CG (10 130 W U BO- fl«O. 0, CUMI1IK8,1. »., mnui ruciirioni, us tnouuR n TBI TUATWMI of lULUiu. »iar»»i». otnoi IT TBI » u n n , REPUTATION Having been acquired by us for manu- facturing FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING only, at POPULAR LOW PRICES, we wish to call particular attention to our handsome and complete stock of MEN'S, YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SUITS AND 0 VEECOATS or Pall andWinter wear. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY no risk in dealing with us. Ours is an old-established, house, and our rule ONE-PRICE, and that the LOW- EST* Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. When you visit New York, pny us a call at either store. MAXSTADLERdCo. M D DOVER, N. J. I. a. JOLLEY. Proprietor. tf G f t M i r AM* KOfiBf tVM.10, U0« Bl BWLDUO. SOtin.1l. I JAMES S. MEL1CKS, y o.B«a*ltTH,t.«. OOVGB, K. J. 1*1UU8 Or OBIB l»D HJSEBAW, tvama or MINIS. TV». A. W. C0KD1CT, 41lf POST OltMT, H. J. OrflCI IT HUB. EUStEV'8. C. W. THURBER, mannmni or mnio BOBOOLS 0111OB1UBOODHTI. omnn *.«. awn mom POTIB, V. t. HMIH6I4CHIHERT MORRIS COUNTY MACHINE &IRON Co. AND HAIR CUniRG BALOON. SUSSEX STREET, W M n > * l > *> CLOTHING UnuonUatftimliU NEWTON ELY'S, D0VU.X. J. «* la ori'r from Mil ol 1iff,r..l ki«i> of IUICIH f G. BOCKEFELIEB, Ri.Hr YUTI Oiii Pui! DOVER, N.J. oinca OVEE w. n. BAKEB'9 stone. R, F. JOLLEY & Co., MEN'S FURNISHERS, 831 BROAD St. NEWARK, N. J. •:-SPEOIALTIES-:- HOUSE FURNISHIH6 fiOODS, Mt2sSff JOSEPH TOBK, MORRI8TOWN.N.J LEADIIVO •l-4«7 BHOADtVAY, COSHER GRAND STREET, ltt-681 EIGHTH AVENUE, UOHSEtt 40th hTBEET, T9WW SEGAKS, TOBACCOS, WINES, -AT- V Y V V V V V V "V V V \ We are receiving the largest and most complete stock of Fill and Winter Boots aud Shoes that have ever been on exliil.i. tion anywhere in this section. Every pair that nve receiving is made from stock of our own selecting and that in our judg- ment will not only sustain « reputation that almost half a century has been build- ing, but will ndd to the fame that this old Shoe House has acquired ns being the BEST PLACE to get the BEST GOODS, BEST STYLES, REST ASSORTMENT, BEST PRICES. HBACrAN A CO., OPP. B..L. * V. DEPOT, DOVER, N. J. _A A A A A A A A A _ A A_ V V V V V V Y V \ V V SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J. 1 barestwwwmxi an[IBIUDHHO ntnck <*f KMOKER'H WAS'THsuoli n*Modwlinuln ripea. L I'ljfiir Huldur.i HIMCiyir CtUuH, llandriMn ul xlj'lca of llriur I'IJIL-N, .-JIBABS AND TOBACCOS!: j jiloflAihi kiitclH, lintli WIIULKSU.I: AKli BKTAII, at prkw wlili'h iii>l'v ciiimiotitiiui. Mr ineauilMii lliii.iirtiuriii nml..: funml »l till MIIH-H WHI «inclinl Will, (lie IH-HI 1,'rnili* giioiU »f nil kimlH nt muimiiulilt! iiritio* M.v NEW* IHCI'AKTMKNl 1 IUIIIH nil tho RBUIJ ami dally iwiWM. iHmHt;V\ iuu^i»hiiw. mill nil tli« Suiuliiy i»;i|n-w, wlili-li uri> il.llv- .red tu miy iiumm willtm tlii> vk-iiilly fnw ur olwM«. All unlirs l.v mull IWWiui g, U,tmr» lid V\%n&ituiiui»tly ilttiiuilcil tn. JAMIC* N. lill'XH'K, Hover. N. i. •>l rifclmii [OMTINO KNUJXES. PUMPIKU « klflh DOHMUH PIIMK, •luie. » * Plil.LKV8.Ulo •M naall. Brivy sod Liitlit Cmtlnga jn Iron, Bm*., till Pliusplior Brnnxp, ForKiaRii t>r tw*Tf u«* Ktlcll..» I BOU.EH8, lionionl.i, tubulu ui TIBI". Tkc Equipment of Inn nines specialty. IHHc mil Work., I BCSSEX»., mvt:K, * . J. I County Collector'* Notict The County C«,11i*tnr nil! bo at the Sitrro- tr'a office, M..rriMown, for the trausucllui barinea", on Ihnrrfay of each »«*. tmni n'clock A. M., to Vi o'clock, H. All «>to- ' for him ttliould be wldH-Mel to M. V. B. SEARING. CARPENTER «fl« BUHOER. »LiCWILL ST., MTU, 1.1. Slate Boofliig; Wilk bribr fulUliM I un ulbled to pat oa BUTE HOOFS olww Iku crtr mloj Hoi but Uu bolquUO l UWMdoi nil »ort I. «MT Ul Ml >I«P •• F03 RENT. a aoito mom, mlUblv far »nj kind pf B\ STORE ROOMTO IET. Ibe .tore »om on IhtcU MiMt In Ih. Mr f (he tome! MoKmf tin liriok Uotk, .ill- •tile to j n x m , l.ul«bor, or otber Uod. of R UPTURE 8 W VOIIB CIGARS, WINES Hd LIQUORS —OF— J.J.BAOKOFF DB.G.W.McDATIT DENTIST, (0V«B KO. 8 STOBE-BBIOK BLOCK,: OppciU Wl8»tt»'« tin 8U««. DOVBB, K. J. THOS. JOHNSON, •ouarticliiror sad dc« Siiiiton FURNITURE. THE BOSS STORE. Why ? HCCUIISC It is the largest store In Ihc Slate. THE BOSS STOCK. Why.' llecaiiM) it Is the largest iu tho State. THE BOSS BUSINESS. Why ? Ucc»Hse we do the largest busliwss in the State. AMOS H. VAN HORN iviog Intclv enlarged liis store nod largely increased bis slock, offers today the greatest hntimiD in Carpets* ami Fntnitoie tbnt linB ever been oflercil in tub 8tat«,THIBTV PEB CENT. BELOW any houo 100 Solid V." Mini I Bednou Btiitx, Mnibletop, (8 pieces,) from $400 flown UB low as ! 75 Aah Bedroom Suits, from 675 IN THE LEADINO Northern New Jersey. BRUEN & BUNNELL, JOE 10ENT8 10* Itb ileel slum »d Canada iprnce in JuNnn." Tbejabiofcoiji ia.toct 'TIJBSEW .. u ut .^ ti <fu mn i Baio-Eufuing -—_ >Un lt«i.it linbihcr ctnirji Itl till HJMMEll Uv WXSTEH USB. Alio. * aiiH, Wooden. Oopwr, Plain and JapatHwa CINWA8E. (.Ml uTolfli, Uarpiitv, t i m p i , ftmtiTnn Oil,, bird (J.RN, VMUun. Prill's lUbi »«u UIIB, mi" v»i nrilral Oil (BOH..PlMlVr.i ami •——••- COAL. BoolitiK, Plmnblnff .""I., £L£ SSl'cioniK'pri™; T*I/T J"tai»«. Sf Ibi .lov. . a M II from ol tt. r pl.» ot Im.inewi '"r KOblio wclRbfnR. OldlroB, Oop- pr. Br...,U^,B.«..»d ar-nb»». U..» e'lu Wire BPIIWI B.d Holtom. . Duuw. j.H.Bmnura. BUCHANAN BROS. ""PAINTERS. rr Bntm, Or.lncr., Drconlon, CARPETS -AND- luiio atid aileut 1 «il iu mj- room, W.tieii tlie KuriHti llgbt 1)Mneil. Tbo foDtaicpH of tbu dewt. Hit noouuiid I bear, aud onaijfht I xee, or my love uuiuci tiacV uu more tu IUU. How noft tlo llgbt of bert«u<I«r eye*, Bint riniiluil inh«r «t*d, Hwcet wav; AH WO »tDmi bcurulli lh«nlowiiiK *kle» At tlin .-low uf that bllKHful duy ! Tltut •ntili', when 1 t'loae my eyi>m I Mac, no fotul furkliws or wuriu oubiut-'f. >Vliut oould wo do hut HtUlid, Ami irlvH mid take, witli («ad«>r \pwe, Tin; (brill ul'u dunlinu buud I I'liut limiil tin nmrti inluiuc xliiilt he. my lovo comes buck uo morn tw mo. ivit iiml |>itv- go banil iu hand, i>w tjiiiuklv tlioy mny Icarti, Wlntt grh-A roninitm for tbo«ci wbc it*nd, Audvuit Ilielr luvt 1 '* return, Tlutt gfiiif iu my lieart uiuat ulwayit l>c, ii- my luve cmiiua buck oo mow. to me, ~ BITS FROM lULIUCS." Ali-.M puorYoriuk. —HBIUlDt. A (log i^ the only thing on Iliis i-tirtli Iliat It.vi vou uioro tliun be lnva biu)- Lies mo .like illogitinialo cltiiilrcD, i(il)U> ta hall a manfatbor wlicu bo lo.itt xpcktHit. Tt w piok out ngood biisbiiud— Stint up bi-tb cjc", giab bard puil (rust ia tlie Lord. Every timo a man Inff* be takes a kink cmt ov tlio cliaiii ov lile, a ad tbuslougtli- iH it. Lavi» HketUo meotlcs, we kau'tliav t bud but once, and tbe luler iu life «o jav it Hid tnfffr it goes with us. Hekrets uia ctissii poor property cuny JW ; if >u cirkulate Ibcra juu loeo ieia, nml if yti keep tfaem julozc tlie iutcrcst oa tho iuvestment, Tlio .•MIIIHII iz tbe fruit uv tbo <H,.,m, wliicli iiccoiiutu for tUtir being so salt. If I can IIIIVO plenty ov codlisli fur tfast, I cm generally mnuiigc tew uubu tbo otbtT two meals nut of cold eater. Wiiciicvsr von Bee a flnk ov get-sc all tnndiug ou ono leg, except tlio old gun- ler, uuO lio cbuwing bie cut), look out of ii toulliwi'st wiml tuw-taorrow, or tliu josi tiny, or llic tiny oftor, or (it soiuo owtcr timo. Ttro-tliinlH of tho pity intUia wotU iz JthJDR raoru tli:iu it nektet 6iiti»fakHbnu nt RiuuixHlily if wusfi opbtbnn we art*. WIio iz thfre wliokau giv tlio trcu traklL-r uud pudi^rec uv tbo pbiddlo ? iVho kuoao wbea vlicj TVBZ fust botu, nd will eiiuy orm pretend losuv that icy won't lust tiud buy mim kfpd ov a :aac iu flictu, wliofa Guliriclaud biaboru JJ':.(U Ibu wutlil tew juOguifiut. I kab't )la ii timo ou DotbiDg, not uveo a jmne- mrp, but I never ece UD old pbidtllo ftth uulv ouo string ou it eveu but m begiu tor/ ileb with musik. Bum bodily line Htoln nur old blow ben OOVIB as low nil $25.00 50 Euamelod Bedroom B from «50jD*uas.owDH CARPETS. 60 picceti BIKIJ Itruswia Cirfot, DB low ns 90c. per JUIJ. LOG piL-cea Tapestry B:ua«e!» Cat- pet, OR low us 00c. por yoiJ. 75 pieces lagraia Carpet at low at 60c. p<r yard. OIL-CLOTH. 10,000 ynrds Oil-cloth, bongbt from R ictory just Roing out of tlio businosst nd me selling them from 5c, to 10c. below any liouto iu tlio city, IIiiak.Hair, Fibre and Eicclsior. A BO°d Hair Mutln-^ lot $15. A ffooi nixod^Matircsi for 63. Feathers, Blunkets, Qailta, Fillaws, etc., at reduced prices. MATTRESSES. Tbo largest stock ud lowest prices ol nf bonio la llio eity. A good BedJjouugofor & AgoodfiodSpriDg for 1.10 A. good 6 ft. Extension Table (or 4.95 Marble top Table lor 3.B0 WEEU7 AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAKEN. 000DS DULlvmED FJIEE OP CUARQE IX M>1" PJ11T OF T1IK XTA TK. AMOS H. VAX HORN, No. 73 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, W. J. DITWEIN WiBBISOIOJ AKOrUSI BT9.I THE DOVER LUMBER 00. offer, to builders the bed opportunities inthe of oyery grade and dowriptiga iiioluding LOW adnatagt of hiving ofLDMBEK :0E8 and the great Iiumber Worked to Order bymMhineiTfti cost of ur~ nerr tt the place where it is pnrohued, greatly leuening of building by the great s m o g in mnuiud labor. Our •look alvara iadndea Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and LUMBEH of everj deieripUoo, and especial paba are taken to give aatUlaotura in VIVCJ partieiilai, Osnt B rraMaill «•. H. Luoan, Soo'juul TNM Oin'llluigar. CHAS. G. QRIFFEN. CARRIAGE PAINTER, Shop on Clinton St., Dover. inMptrionoeof 15 ?e*™ in Dover on the DRAKE & KIM, uitl rtttlara in LUMBEBuACOAL. Alan lt J HMh D Dlind MlJ uitl rtttlara in LUMB * ftlovt uJ HMh, Doo - - Li C Lima. Cement, Latii, itnoBng t portalnlng In the bulldln MIH "If niorcfatlieis would taku a course itb tbeirtions situiliar lo tbe one my father took with me," observed ono of tbo leadiuy biiHinuaa tucu of Boston, tbe hoys niigbt tbink bard at Ibe tian but they'd tlniLk liim iualter lire." " W'liut nor! of u courrio ?" we askej. " Well, I WBN a yomm tetiuw of ^2. just mt of ooNvge ; oud folt myself of uan- jji'rublc iiiiuurtuuce, I knew wy fatlitt WUH well ott; und my Load wu^ full ul ipi-tidiug lots of money. Lnlcr ou I :cled fatlicr tu wturt tnu iu bituia. ., tcr I'd '/.welled' rouud a whilo uttbu illw mid with (innborxe (lui-h, "Like a wise MUD, futbrrsawtbrongh my fuljy, nnd resolved tu prevent my Kditsti uctiuti, if pcisfiibtc, •"Ifibo boy'Hgot tberifilit stuff iu in, let liiii i,tovo. it,' I hlunl fittlicr y lo tuolltiT ouodity. *I worked burd r my mouey, aad 1 don't iutcud to let .•il MinmidiT it mill rain immell be "Tliiit very diiyfutlnirauienloDgnud .uilcil iun SHI, rciDiirkiug, 'Ned, lnko tlmt mouoy, fijioDd it nnyou cboost, but uuiItTstaud ibis much ; it's tbo last dol- lar of tuy motley you an bnva till you Wi joutsotf cnpftWo oE eatning luoiif-y 1 litkiuK wire of it ou your owu ac- in*.* ' I tooktlie money iu atortof idflied mnUDoi, und sluuiuiered out, 'I—vhy—I —I—Wftiit to yn into bimiucss, duosH I" oxclninird fatbrr, run- uuttly, ' wliut tlo j uu kmiw utiuut inptbfl tufircantito busiuoaa '/ GL-t id lenru (ho nipbabul, before you talk tomo ut bimuess. 1 And futLor L-ft ui€ tbca to ponder onhis words. And thnt 850 vffts tlio lntt money my fathergnvo me, till at bisdoatb I received uy purt of Ibe proporty. "Ifultlinrd aud bitter tbcn.fnlt my ntlicr WHS artliugy ulJ fogy, nud raeut- ully resolved to prove to bim that I oould live without bia money. Ho bud roused my ftudc—just uliat be iutumlui}, I sop- For tlireo days 1 looked nbout for a ',B to make lota of utoticy. But 1 [oupd no such cbnuccB, and ut length I iccepteii a cluikMbip iu a largo lotail it»ru at 6100 a yenr. " Auother bit o( father's stingineBs" at ;bia time wna doaiandiog two dollnrs a reek for tny boaid through tbat first ycitr- At the end of my first year I badhid tt tfiW, nudtlieiiL'xt yenrmy Biliary ? raised 8100, 2 bad &>U0 laid by. I would jUt tiko ta kuo wbo tho r az who fust invented tito boots. Oh 1 for tbo punov departed Williiiu Sluikapenr to write an anathema itgainst tito bootn tlml wouU make aosbuot ttoine wuko npnuil howl again HB ilif did oucc befaro oa a previous ooktuhau Oh t for tbe strcoatb ol Borkalcs to are into »1iti strings all Ihe tile boots ov ireaaliun, andscatter them tow tbo eight Obi for tlio but* of Venus tew makes bigg foot look kutsum vitliont a tile boot OP it. Oh I for t i e psvshenee ov Job, tba to DUBS alite boot ant] blei it, even pra for one » rise smaller nut! more piuchf u). Oh I forapairofbooU bigg enofTfor ie fuot os amountain. Titu boots ara an insult to enay man's umlerelaudiug. Ho who wears lite boots will havoto uekcowledge Ihe corn. Tito Ixiots hav no bowelts ov merey, lln-ir iosidos are wrath aad prutnUkioaa cussing. Bewttro of tile boots. AUUKAXEg tcacb as when tew wean lambs, who tew pay our debts, sodbow twe Bet a hen witb eleguse ftcA preciiion. PnaoKo^rn : Whenever dogs sre seen truveliog around with notbipg to do and old maids refuse laeir let, sod bop vines woDtklimK sod grindstones wont grind, llien yu may expekt a Ilto crop uv oals, ind beaus woat pay fot barvetsliog. Dutnratiuk Boinls.—To make light brcu I— do an the bakers (lo—call nine OUUCOH a pound. To nmke a hoe lake, take a Loe and Mlt it to a lliin jell, &ttd tben—let licr To lvatxt jure offspring to Btenl, make tbcm beg hard fur all that you give them. Ten-remove grcsso Irom a man's fcarak- ter, let himstrike some Hidden, ile. Angels lainlte tho dice when tloublcta are thrown in the ci-udlo. FJuttery is like colouc walor, tew bo smalt ov, not sttallured. Hn tnau buint got a well balanced bead, IliketewBve uimpa.t Itis hair ID tho midille. Xbeie is only one good substiate foe the eudeanuuiilB ov a siatar, and tltat is tbo endearments ov sumother phellow's sister. Piety iztike beam, it seems to do the beat oa pool silo. Guiiig to law iz like skinning milk cow for ber bide soil giving tho Iwef too tho lawyers. About tlio hardest Ihiogupboilowkan <lois tewspark tewgirls at oust preserve agood average. I hud rather uudetUiktcw be tew good doves than one decent serpent. A good wifo is a eweet emile from A lie iz like a kat—it never cams to yen in iBtrnigMHue Tfff! AT.AI0V (iLOCK FOB THE OLD BIAS,—" H»vo yoo got wbat dey cnl alarm clocks ?" he wasosking eta Wood wutil QVCDUOjeweler tbe otber day. "Yes, air. 11 " How elves it alum ?" "Itinga abell." "Am dat all V" " Isn't that enough ? Few people can deep witb that Ml ringing nway like a butglnralara." Harry, boss, bnt no Hucli trifle as dnt nil do fur my cabin, I wanted, a clock diit would, pull ba'r, yell like an Injun, yank de bedclothes off an' frow down di FIHHIOH ROfCH. There ore indications of a contiouanoo of tineel effecU in fall fabrics but thin ia not assured as yet. Tbe importers of drygoods «y we are to have another Beaeun oi velvet aud velveteen, plain and broclie. Tlio moat mtrkt><l feature ol tue coin- ig season's dr«»»eitwill bo tbe abseoce of the "bunchy " aide draperies. Fiunnel is tbe be.it goods for walking or suit mated gumes, and plaita and tacks recommend theui&u.ves for trimmingB. lUrk moss greeu and purple are two cnlora need in Paris tailliuery tliis »eu- French modistes also need this Peacock effects inblue anil green will be eeen in street coatntaos tkc couiug n. Velvet is particulnrly effective in these colors. lloon ribbons, in Tnrkisb deaigUR, tf «ud effects, afo omong the pecul- iar novelties, and cruss stripes in bunr- effects of fine worsted and raw silk. Uiled dicfises aie tcry laBhionable. These urn worn over rich ailk gowns of >right bues. Tbe wnple draperies aie looped up with clustered silk velvet lowers. Autumn leaves with tho brilliant culurn of the American maples are now made ery successfully by the French flower uanufeotnrera and are used to decorate •veuiug costumes. Dcycnibruidertidandbeaded crowns, in cloth, velvet and laoe ore abundant, and arc eeeu in some of tho handsomest bounctte, and tbe eabroidered woolen materials are among tbe nott desirable of present millinery (aiwiea. There are stripped ribbons in ftevetal colors, and strips of aatiD, velvet and moire antidue inribbons of solid color, while tbe groa-graia texture baa been upplanted in ribbons, as well M in dresi silks, to • great eileot, by the iober faille Frencaise textnre. In bpecially high novelties in lace robes there are m ay retnarkabldpro- luctions. Moat cbarmiDg are lue lull, H, cttb embroidered boqneta in gold thread, nd in balls and loops, and also knots of cbenille BO tight and teecy that at a little distance the look liko windrows of *' Ono hundred eenta nieuut i e dura Hiau$100 had pievioi sly. " At the end of four years 1 clerkiug I wont to tuv father will) 81,500 or my own. nnd caked him if bo wiis willing tu ulp mo enter biisinenH, Even tln>u lie would ouly 1ft1110 hire the money, $ 000 nt HIX per cent, interest. To dar, I ntn called a HDCcessfnl busiuesa mnn. And I hive, my father ti tliank. fur it. Tlioso lessons in Belf-iioninl, rcspuct aud inikpendeuco which bo guvo me put the irouUaod into me, " Years afterwards, fathnr told ma it coat himdiehardest straggle of bU life to be su bard witb bis boy. But be felt it wiit* the only coumo to make a man of nw. Many n lime wo'vo laughed over that two-dollar board bill."—IWV« A wise woman lately uid she did not intend to spend everything her husband gave her now for pin money to dreu ier children with, became tbe neigh- bors' children appeared ao finely clad ; she preferred to save something and help bitu pay for their boose, sn<3 whea tuat was dooB ber children would bo older and know better ho* to lake cue of their clothes. A man tuat in prudent iclf with enoh a wife need not be many years paying tor a little home, and no matter how plain the eitcrinr nut; be, theinterior will be aparadise, "And yon prelend lo say," remarked a Iawver to a witness, " that you remem ber the exact words tUU man said toyon lea years ago ?" » I do." " Well, if my memory servei me, I met yon at Saratoga about five years age, and ooM like to know if yon can swear to any expression which I then made." "lean." " Now, Mr. J,, I want you to remain- bor (hut you aro under oath. Now, under oath, you swoar that yon can quote with great accuracy a remark I made to yoo at Saratoga, five jreava ago ?" " I can." "Well, what was itt" " You met me inthe hole] corridor." "Yes, quite correct." "And you auouk binds witli me." "NatunllyXdid." "Aud jou said to me; ' Let's go aad take something." 1 Tlie crier of Ihc court bod (0 call ell- ence for ten minutes anil Ihe lawyer confessed that the witness had a rematk- able memory.—Boston Journal. eml. When my olo woimm p,\t» toi ••Hnatit -no siu't gwino to let go lor no Sometimes strange difficulties are en- countered by tbe ladies whu ore ende&i oring totoich Cliristinnitj tothe Ubineso in the Sunday Schools of tbe metropolis. One of tbt) must conscientious as well as ono of the brightest nnd prettiest of these teachers wsa attempting, ta Brooklyn school, to inoulcilo upon the beatben mind of a sleek-looking Mon- gulian tbe lesson of charity toward all. "God loves everyone," she suid. "We alto should, love everyone." TboChiw- man looked meekly up in her face and lietly asked : •<Does Goi lavs mo ?" " Ves," the young lady replied. " I>o youlove everyone V" was Ihe next pointed inquiry, " Yes," sue answered, "Po yoo lovo mo ?" "Y-j-e-a." "Will you mally me." Tltcro was no direct answer to tbii question, but tlio teacher has ainco :liunged her pupil foraOhinamao of less logical turn of mind, Hia FATOMTE.—" A love for the ani- mal kingdom is common toeverybody," said a Suudav school talker. "Some people luvo birds, others tiko dogs, horses, goals, etc., andit ia qpiieproper tbat they bhonld do BO, I suppose every little boy and girl here loves somo dumb crcatnro belter than all others, Don' you, my liUlu frieitda V All hnndH went tip. " Ihat'fi right, and I am glad tnsea it. It shoes tbat you liuvo hearts lull o lovo for tbepoor creatures whnhaio n< been blessed with reason and othei precious gifts like yourselves, Now, t< illustrate a point, I am going lo eat somi little boy to tell mo what hia favorite i iiiuoug the domestic animals. Ah, thanks. This littlu boy Bliall ucswer, What do you like best, my littlo man. Sptuk up Uiml no llint all may bear you Doy (in toaes that made the window! rotlluaud put the liudiunce in anuproar; Wtf KKB sWTB Win. There is a story of tbe French crimi- nal whodied because be believed he woa being bled to death, while iu reality hU irus were only pickeJ, and a Bound of irickling water made loimitate tbe uoisa >f the blood flowing forth. In tbe same vay it in iccordej how Mr. Iioatbcr- bourg cured lurgo nuinUen of patient* l>y attauking tho imagination. Among thorn wliolmd vifiited him was a man lio bad been tnmblcil with grent paina M ffwelliugK, pacticuluty about tho ius, HO tliat ho could not walk across lie room. Ou entering Mr. Loutber- irg lookoj steadfastly at him and tiuij ; " I know your complaint; look t we." They cuntmned looking at each otlcr Home niiuuUn ; tbtu Ur, Lonther- urgn.sked himif bedid not feel some aruith at hialoina, wlioc-iip^u thejaan (•plied tliut hodid. "Tucn you will feel iu a few minutes much greater waitutb." After & short pause the wan : " I fool as if a person were pour- ing boiliug wiitcr upon me," Still look- ing iu Jus face, Mr. Lutitherbourg aaid ; " How did yoneuarnhere, sir 1" " In t :oiieb." "Thengo on J discbarge your loach and walk back lo town P" The ill woo discharged, and toe patient walked to town, and tho next <hy ha walked flvo hours about town without iie. SmilarlyHydneyHmilh relatea ow tbe banker poet Bogeri caught a badoold simply from imagining a win- dow to boopen, but wiiieb all lue lime nn fliitlt. It was at a dinner put; and the great iectof ptnte glues bid deceived Rog- ers, who was Bitting in what be thought lo be a dangerous draught. To quota further case : Dr. Bignmod *elat«* kow a poor woman, havieg applied to hysician for a enre of no affeatiott of he breast, be gave ber a prescription, hich he directed should be applied to the breast. Blie returned at the eni of few days to offer her grateful Uunks) >r tlie cure which he badaBeoted ; bnt makiug inquiry as to the mode of ctioD he ascertained that hit patient bad cry carefully tied the prescription irouud her neck, Fuitb curei of thii [iud are of constant ocoarrenoc, and w» now bowmany persons, when snflering from maladies connected witb the brain or nenoaa syRteju, bavu been reatored to their abnormal stale of health hf implyfaitb, Tuusstartlinu effects have occasionally followed the swaUowiog of such make belief rcmedit* as pllb com- d of bread or sugar. This acoonnU, :hert'fore, for the cures which wen rought iu days gone by, even whem medicine was ina backward state, and tbe moat absurd perscriptions were oflea given to patients suffering from nervous) diseases. Hare «T Oae IBIIM. Thero was a case of assaalt and bat- tery before ono of tbe justices tbe other dity, aud a witness with a black eye, several strips of conrt plaster araoa* bis uose, nod one ear badly looped over WHS asked by the defendant's lawyer if be aaw Drown strike White. " Can't say as I did," be replied. " Did you tee the whole afliir t" " Mosrty." "Well, how was it?" " Well, Smith and Besot on the reaper talkin* evolution. Jones and Green sol OD tbe graas tsUin' nlitfioa.. Vrown and White sot by tbe edge of tbe straw- stack diaputiu* oa politioa. Three or fearbo;« was in the bara fl^Uin 1 vp a dogfight." "¥es,goon." "Fuet I knowed aomebod/ called emebody ebe a liar. Next I knowed isolation, religion, polities sad Bghtlog dogs was a rolling over eaoh other on the grass, aad ever* nan kicking wd biting and bitting away for tit be was wuth." "Butdid yon see Brown strike Wbitof" •Can't say aa I did." " Did you seeWb He itrike Brown f" " Can't be sore of it. The only thing I am s u e of, Blister Uwy«r, la that sty old woman cams out witb a pail of hot water ud licked tbe bill crowd and had over two quanta kit for the next tine, —Detroit Fre* Prtu. POOD rOM THOUUHT. Circumstance « t h e occasion of vice, Poverty of soul Is worse than tbat of fortune. The virtues of aman an leen in his aclious, An obedient wife eoomanda ber has- band. Peace in asinful coarse is one of the creates* of corses. Better suffer from truth than prosper by falsehood. Consistency Utn acquired habit, and of slow growth. Love can gather hope from » ttat- velona little thing. Politeness is a wreath of lovers tbat adorns the world. Vie consider tbe man undone who ia insensible to shame. Wo can do more good by being good than In any otherway. The earnestness of life Is the only purport lo the satisfaction ol life. Knowledge uoused for the good of others ia mote vain, than unwed gold. Doligencc, industry and tho proper use of lime represent the material of success. If yoo would never have nn evi ipokcn ol inconnection with you, don't do onu. Wo carry our neighbors' crimes in eight and throw our own over oar shonlacrs. It is worth athonsand pounds a j to bnve tbe art of looking on the bright side of things. • u u u r losriw XaMvatisu. Tli* tuttaeticn of wniner huftnlcm upon nt- U tlfo Women eloiirl? viiitile about till" time of tlio yesir. Au Item tu on excliStiRfl t*slTs u tbnt a "\v*y ptetty cover for k wl\klDg-*to« in uioile «f geldtn brown *Uk tetge, with a coiivcnlioualiicd apple Uowom la sfasded IiinV »llk -with tlio ntamoBH in gold silk be- tween the pctnU." Wo nuspect that tho wouiiljuitkkk tbeatnfi-DKoutottliitlco M I-rclly Mit in, »nd iwitct ber Uil Into tlie fueoof iherallk-umiJ ia tho LargQio. COW uro tjiieer critters, aad don't want any snuki: imlitTO mij.lo biaucuB uwtnd tho b w n d —Hnntcrdaii Democrat. v.ingin', Elwu wlten I ftow ieo water obcr her slit simply eliunges off from dteatnin' about while k dreauiu* of black cmt*.'* 1 an 1 goes to An RCOIU friupu in tho natural aolor 3f the fruit of tho oak tree is the latest ays Emerson He Couldn't be Taken In. A pretty girl entered a lawyer's oftw. Hue was joung, ncut, ond in lier e|« van roguery. Bho was a swindler. t)ba carried abunch of printed tickets lor raffia of a watch, and she sail tbat in order to help tier poor, dear, sick mother ovoi ainddcu financial strait aba bad rewired to sacrifice ber own golde* timepiece by lottery. Would tha •*•• tkmen pleaao bay ohaneai at $1 spieeef AU tUl* WMptcoiooa Bofiwiise. fiba was a little rascal, wboutilised ber good looks and glib tongue to get dollars froat •asooplible men. Ihre* innute* ol lbs offloe which abo now iavaded ware adam- ant to her assault. But if chuoeft tkak she iDlerrapted aduoavioaof Basttll Sage's disposiUoii. I will Wet #10," iaid one, "tkat Uiia girlca&wbecdleBagoout ut MuawiBoae;. And she Bball hare naif tb* stakes if Hw rina. He Is sn old fool ia the bands of ptetty ancl andaoions artist. 11 ••I'llMl yonwbat III do," was tba reply " You shall riak your nooer oa tbo girl, I will put (be sine amount oa tbe beggar dowL there In the street, 1 * pointing to the man against Trinity fence. "If he feta from Sage Biota cents tbao sbe does dollars, then I win { if the contrary, I lose. Ittaagof On of his clerks is an intimate friend ol mine, andfrom him we will art m Matt account of wbat happens," The beggar in Utters was fint swt is. Sage gaud at bim critially and Midi "II yon arc «s badly off ayoasay, 70a ought to be iabed. I will send a eletk witb you to Roo-ereh Hospital, with M order to charge tue neceHaty eapsosM Lo me, and I don't doubt that yoncat Cnred." There was no more tbe mat* ter with Ibe man tbaa be wished to pro* sono intact, aad he withdrew hartilv. Ihe girl aeit tried. Slid did ber trema- speaking, tier shy glancing, and her covert flattering as skillfully as the oouU In about aisteeu seconds. l a e n tue millionaire interrupted ber. Let mo see, young woman," be said ; " what was yonr errand the but time 70a camo around here f Ob, yes. Xremem- ber. You bad beeo accidentally left be- hind in tbe departure of jour familylor Chicago, and yon wanted to borrow money enough to bay %ticket to fellow tbem. Ah, you're a fraud. Bnt 111 do wmetUiug for yon, I'll pay the fee for yonr entrance to tbe Home for Fallen fitlfi, sn.ll tbiak you ougfattogoineM." And I tnink," the girl exploded, "tbal you ongbt to go to tbo devil, yon old drain p." What Ihe two beggars conld get from Sage was HO difficult to appraise tbat tba bet was declared oil—OUcajo inter* Ocean. Mjas^ti of ,n<iiuKii It would \te more truo HAL—In the good old days, when " snaticty " didn't depend oft tbe height of a man's shirt collar ot tba vwclty of cloth inhiapanta or tbe drawl in his articnlfltioa, there wu something stately andcommanding intbe manner of lifting tbe bat when the Iiuiy gave tba ul for recognition. It was combined, with a bowwhich had to bewelleseonted, in order to make tho otber effectual. It was a sure index to a gentleman, for I kncw avulgnr man to acquire tho art o! Ufling liis hat gracefully. Bolt this secrna to buve been obliterated by tba coming generation ia panle. Tbe thing now is to grab tbe rimof tbe hat in front with tbe Bamd celerity you would grab for a sent in a street car. Having olulob- cd tlie right spotyou jerk Ibe hat down us if yonwere trying tD hide yonr face— and a muu who will take ofl bis hat in this way ought to bide hii face—then you rub tlio hut upand down your front* very quickly na if yon are trying to allay irritation. When ttieliatgtiita toiUplaoe. you grin like a monkey ; one grin is all Hint the custom requires. By this titna Hie Inrlv 1ms riasBt-d and if shn is awmni- { t is iicr tarn tu ifriu. to say, they ecparate »a oil from wtfter, na children from oM people without Freuch novelty ia the. way ol elegant bvc or hatred ia the nutter, eaco seek- dress trimmings. ! ing hia lite. The greatest good Hint enmes to n man fro in u womim's Hocicty is that ha has to think of snnieboity beside him* self, lomobody to whom be is bound to be constantly attentive anil respecting

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Page 1: C. W. THURBER, POTIB, V. AMO Ucc»HsS He we. do VA the ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-11-07.… · 8tat«,THIBTV PEB CENT. BELOW any houo 100 Solid



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m n u i ruciirioni,u s tnouuR n TBI TUATWMI

of lULUiu. »iar»»i».otnoi IT TBI »u n n ,

REPUTATIONHaving been acquired by us for manu-facturing FIRST-CLASS CLOTHINGonly, at POPULAR LOW PRICES, wewish to call particular attention to ourhandsome and complete stock of


ABSOLUTELY no risk in dealing withus. Ours is an old-established, house, andour rule ONE-PRICE, and that the LOW-EST* Satisfaction guaranteed or moneyrefunded. When you visit New York, pnyus a call at either store.



DOVER, N. J.I. a. JOLLEY. Proprietor.

tf G f t M i r AM* KOfiBf tVM.10,

U0« B l BWLDUO.SOtin.1l. I


y o.B«a*ltTH,t.«.


tvama or MINIS.

T V » . A. W. C0KD1CT,




C. W. THURBER,m a n n m n i or mnio BOBOOLS


omnn *.«. a w n momPOTIB, V. t.





W M n > * l > * >



«* la ori'r from Milol 1iff,r..l ki«i> of IUICIH


Ri.Hr YUTI Oiii Pui !DOVER, N.J.

oinca OVEE w. n. BAKEB'9 stone.

R, F. JOLLEY & Co.,










V Y V V V V V V "V V V \

We are receiving the largest and most

complete stock of Fill and Winter Boots

aud Shoes that have ever been on exliil.i.

tion anywhere in this section. Every pair

that w« nve receiving is made from stock

of our own selecting and that in our judg-

ment will not only sustain « reputation

that almost half a century has been build-

ing, but will ndd to the fame that this old

Shoe House has acquired ns being the

BEST PLACE to get the






— •

_ A A A A A A A A A _ A A_V V V V V V Y V \ V V

SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, N. J.1 b a r e s t w w w m x i an [IBIUDHHO ntnck <*f KMOKER'H WAS'THsuoli n*Modwlinuln ripea.

L I'ljfiir Huldur.i H I M Ciyir CtUuH, llandriMn ul xlj'lca of llriur I'IJIL-N,

.-JIBABS AND TOBACCOS!: jjiloflAihi kiitclH, lintli WIIULKSU.I: AKli BKTAII, at prkw wlili'h iii>l'v ciiimiotitiiui. Mr

ineauilMii • lliii.iirtiuriii nml..: funml »l till MIIH-H WHI «inclinl Will, (lie IH-HI 1,'rnili*giioiU »f nil kimlH nt muimiiulilt! iiritio* M.v NEW* IHCI'AKTMKNl1 IUIIIH nil tho

RBUIJ ami dally iwiWM. iHmHt;V\ iuu^i»hiiw. mill nil tli« Suiuliiy i»;i|n-w, wlili-li uri> il.llv-.red tu miy iiumm willtm tlii> vk-iiilly fnw ur olwM«. All unlirs l.v mull IW Wiui g, U,tmr»

lid V\%n&ituiiui»tly ilttiiuilcil tn. JAMIC* N. lill'XH'K, Hover. N. i .

•>l rifclmii[OMTINO KNUJXES.


« klflh


» * Plil.LKV8.Ulo•M naall.

Brivy sod Liitlit Cmtlnga jn Iron, Bm*.,till Pliusplior Brnnxp, ForKiaRii t>r tw*Tf u«*Ktlcll..» I BOU.EH8, lionionl.i, tubulu u i


Tkc Equipment of Innnines • specialty.

IHHc mil Work., IBCSSEX »., mvt:K, * . J. I

County Collector'* NotictThe County C«,11i*tnr nil! bo at the Sitrro-tr'a office, M..rriMown, for the trausuclluibarinea", on Ihnrrfay of each » « * . tmnin'clock A. M., to Vi o'clock, H. All «>to-

' for him ttliould be wldH-Mel to


»LiCWILL ST., MTU, 1.1.

Slate Boofliig;Wilk bribr fulUliM I un ulbled to pat

oa BUTE HOOFS olww Iku crtr mlojHoi but Uu bolquUO l UWMdoi

nil »ort I. «MTUl Ml >I«P • •

F03 RENT.a aoito mom, mlUblv far »nj kind pf B\

STORE ROOM TO IET.Ibe .tore »om on IhtcU MiMt In Ih. M r

f (he tome! MoKmf tin liriok Uotk, .ill-•tile to jnxm, l.ul«bor, or otber Uod. of








OppciU Wl8»tt»'« t i n 8U««.DOVBB, K. J.

THOS. JOHNSON,•ouarticliiror sad dc«



Why ? HCCUIISC It is the largest store In Ihc Slate.

THE BOSS STOCK.Why.' llecaiiM) it Is the largest iu tho State.

THE BOSS BUSINESS.Why ? Ucc»Hse we do the largest busliwss in the State.

AMOS H. VAN HORNiviog Intclv enlarged liis store nod largely increased bis slock, offers today

the greatest hntimiD in Carpets* ami Fntnitoie tbnt linB ever been oflercil in tub

8tat«,THIBTV PEB CENT. BELOW any houo

100 Solid V." Mini I Bednou Btiitx,

Mnibletop, (8 pieces,) from

$400 flown UB low as !

75 Aah Bedroom Suits, from 675


Northern New Jersey.


JOE 10ENT8 1 0 *

Itb ileel slum » d Canada iprnce in

JuNnn." Tbejabiofcoiji ia.toct 'TIJBSEW.. u u t . ^ t i <fu m n i Baio-Eufuing

-—_ >Un lt«i.it linbihcr ctnirji Itl ti l l


ai iH, Wooden. Oopwr, Plain and JapatHwaCINWA8E. (.Ml uTolfli, Uarpiitv, t i m p i ,ftmtiTnn Oil,, bird (J.RN, VMUun. Prill 'slUbi » « u U I I B , m i " v»inrilral O i l (BOH . . P l M l V r . i a m i •——••-COAL. BoolitiK, Plmnblnff . " " I . , £ L £SSl'cioniK'pri™; T*I/T J " t a i » « .Sf Ibi .lov. . a M II from ol tt. r pl.» otIm.inewi '"r KOblio wclRbfnR. OldlroB, Oop-pr. Br...,U^,B.«..»d a r - n b » » . U..»

e ' l u Wire BPIIWI B.d Holtom.

. Duuw. j.H.Bmnura.


rr Bntm, Or.lncr., Drconlon,


luiio atid aileut 1 «il iu mj- room,W.tieii tlie KuriHti llgbt 1)M neil.

Tbo foDtaicpH of tbu dewt.Hit no ouuiid I bear, aud on aijfht I xee,or my love uuiuci tiacV uu more tu IUU.

How noft t lo llgbt of bert«u<I«r eye*,Bint riniiluil in h«r «t*d, Hwcet w a v ;

AH WO »tDmi bcurulli lh« nlowiiiK *kle»At tlin .-low uf that bllKHful duy !

Tltut •ntili', when 1 t'loae my eyi>m I Mac,

no fotul fur kliws or wuriu oubiut-'f.>Vliut oould wo do hut HtUlid,

Ami irlvH mid take, witli («ad«>r \pwe,

Tin; (brill ul'u dunlinu buud II'liut limiil tin nmrti in luiuc xliiilt he.

my lovo comes buck uo morn tw mo.ivit iiml |>itv- go banil iu hand,i>w tjiiiuklv tlioy mny Icarti,

Wlntt grh-A roninitm for tbo«ci wbc it*nd,

Audvuit Ilielr luvt1'* return,Tlutt gfiiif iu my lieart uiuat ulwayit l>c,

ii- my luve cmiiua buck oo mow. to me,


Ali-.M puorYoriuk.—HBIUlDt.

A (log i^ the only thing on Iliis i-tirtliIliat It.vi vou uioro tliun be lnva biu)-

Lies mo .like illogitinialo cltiiilrcD,i(il)U> ta hall a man fatbor wlicu bo lo.ittxpcktH i t .

Tt w piok out n good biisbiiud— Stintup bi-tb cjc", giab bard puil (rust ia tlieLord.

Every timo a man Inff* be takes a kinkcmt ov tlio cliaiii ov lile, a ad tbuslougtli-

iH it.Lavi» HketUo meotlcs, we kau't l iav

t bud but once, and tbe luler iu life «ojav it Hid tnfffr it goes with us.

Hekrets uia ctissii poor property cunyJW ; if >u cirkulate Ibcra j u u loeoieia, nml if yti keep tfaem j u l o z c tlie

iutcrcst oa tho iuvestment,Tlio .•MIIIHII iz tbe fruit uv tbo <H,.,m,

wliicli iiccoiiutu for tUtir being so salt.If I can IIIIVO plenty ov codlisli fur

tfast, I cm generally mnuiigc tewuubu tbo otbtT two meals nut of coldeater.

Wiiciicvsr von Bee a flnk ov get-sc alltnndiug ou ono leg, except tlio old gun-ler, uuO lio cbuwing bie cut), look outof ii toulliwi'st wiml tuw-taorrow, or tliujosi tiny, or llic tiny oftor, or (it soiuoowtcr timo.

Ttro-tliinlH of tho pity in tUia wotU izJthJDR raoru tli:iu it nektet 6iiti»fakHbnunt RiuuixHlily if wusfi opb tbnn we art*.WIio iz thfre wliokau giv tlio trcutraklL-r uud pudi^rec uv tbo pbiddlo ?

iVho kuoao wbea vlicj TVBZ fust botu,nd will eiiuy orm pretend lo suv thaticy won't lust tiud buy mim kfpd ov a

:aac iu flictu, wliofa Guliriclaud biaboruJJ':.(U Ibu wutlil tew juOguifiut. I kab't)la ii timo ou DotbiDg, not uveo a jmne-mrp, but I never ece UD old pbidtlloftth uulv ouo string ou it eveu but mbegiu tor/ ileb with musik.

Bum bodily line Htoln nur old blow ben

OOVIB as low nil $25.00

50 Euamelod Bedroom B

from «50jD*uas.owDH

CARPETS.60 picceti BIKIJ Itruswia Cirfot,

DB low ns 90c. per JUIJ.

LOG piL-cea Tapestry B:ua«e!» Cat-

pet, OR low us 00c. por yoiJ.

75 pieces lagraia Carpet at low at

60c. p<r yard.

OIL-CLOTH.10,000 ynrds Oil-cloth, bongbt from R

ictory just Roing out of tlio businosstnd me selling them from 5c, to 10c.

below any liouto iu tlio city,

IIiiak.Hair, Fibre and Eicclsior.

A BO°d Hair Mutln-^ lot $15.

A ffooi nixod^Matircsi for 63.

Feathers, Blunkets, Qailta, Fillaws,

etc., at reduced prices.


Tbo largest stock u d lowest prices ol

nf bonio la llio eity.

A good Bed Jjouugofor &

AgoodfiodSpriDg for 1.10

A. good 6 ft. Extension Table (or 4.95

Marble top Table lor 3.B0




THE DOVER LUMBER 00.offer, to builders the bed opportunities in theof oyery grade and dowriptiga iiioluding LOWadnatagt of hiving

ofLDMBEK:0E8 and the great

Iiumber Worked to OrderbymMhineiTfti

cost of ur~nerr tt the place where it is pnrohued, greatly leueningof building by the great s m o g in mnuiud labor. Our

•look alvara iadndea

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBEH of everj deieripUoo, and especial paba are taken

to give aatUlaotura in VIVCJ partieiilai,O s n t B rraMaill« • . H. Luoan, Soo'juul TNM




Shop on Clinton St., Dover.inMptrionoeof 15 ?e*™ in Dover on the

DRAKE & KIM,uitl rtttlara in LUMBEBuA COAL. Alan

l t J HMh D Dlind M l Juitl rtttlara in LUMB

* ftlovt uJ HMh, Doo- - Li CLima. Cement, Latii, itnoBng

t portalnlng In the bulldln


" I f niorcfatlieis would taku a courseitb tbeirtions situiliar lo tbe one my

father took with me," observed ono oftbo leadiuy biiHinuaa tucu of Boston,

tbe hoys niigbt tbink bard at Ibe tianbut they'd tlniLk liim iu alter lire."

" W'liut nor! of u courrio ?" we askej ." Well, I WBN a yomm tetiuw of 2. just

mt of ooNvge ; oud folt myself of uan-jji'rublc iiiiuurtuuce, I knew wy fatlitt

WUH well ott; und my Load wu^ full ul

ipi-tidiug lots of money. Lnlcr ou I:cled fatlicr tu wturt tnu iu bituia. . ,tcr I'd '/.welled' rouud a whilo uttbuillw mid with (inn borxe (lui-h," L i k e a wise MUD, futbrrsawtbrongh

my fuljy, nnd resolved tu prevent myKditsti uctiuti, if pcisfiibtc,• " I f i b o boy'H got tberifilit stuff iuin, let liiii i,tovo. it, ' I hlunl fittlicry lo tuolltiT ouodity. * I worked burdr my mouey, aad 1 don't iutcud to let.•il MinmidiT it mill rain immell b e

"Tliiit very diiyfutlnirauienloDgnud.uilcil iun SHI, rciDiirkiug, 'Ned, lnko

tlmt mouoy, fijioDd it nn you cboost, butuuiItTstaud ibis much ; it's tbo last dol-lar of tuy motley you an bnva till you

Wi joutsotf cnpftWo oE eatning luoiif-y1 litkiuK wire of it ou your owu ac-in*.*

' I tooktlie money iu a tor tof idfliedmnUDoi, und sluuiuiered out, ' I—vhy—I—I—Wftiit to yn into bimiucss,

duosH I" oxclninird fatbrr, run-uuttly, ' wliut tlo j uu kmiw utiuutinptbfl tufircantito busiuoaa '/ GL-t

id lenru (ho nipbabul, beforeyou talk to mo ut bimuess.1 And futLorL-ft ui€ tbca to ponder on his words.

And thnt 850 vffts tlio lntt money myfathergnvo me, till at bisdoatb I receiveduy purt of Ibe proporty.

" I fu l t l in rd aud bitter tbcn.fnlt myntlicr WHS artliugy ulJ fogy, nud raeut-

ully resolved to prove to bim that I oouldlive without bia money. Ho bud rousedmy ftudc—just uliat be iutumlui}, I sop-

For tlireo days 1 looked nbout for a',B to make lota of utoticy. But 1

[oupd no such cbnuccB, and ut length Iiccepteii a cluikMbip iu a largo lotailit»ru at 6100 a yenr.

" Auother bit o( father's stingineBs" at;bia time wna doaiandiog two dollnrs areek for tny boaid through tbat firstycitr-

At the end of my first year I bad h idtt tfiW, nudtlieiiL'xt yenrmy Biliary? raised 8100, 2 bad &>U0 laid by.

I would jUt tiko ta kuo wbo tho raz who fust invented tito boots.Oh 1 for tbo pun ov departed Williiiu

Sluikapenr to write an anathema itgainsttito bootn tlml wouU make aosbuotttoine wuko npnuil howl again HB ilifdid oucc befaro oa a previous ooktuhau

Oh t for tbe strcoatb ol Borkalcs toare into »1iti strings all Ihe tile boots ovireaaliun, and scatter them tow tbo eight

Obi for tlio but* of Venus tew makesbigg foot look kutsum vitliont a tileboot OP it.

Oh I for t ie psvshenee ov Job, tbato DUBS a lite boot ant] blei it,

even pra for one » rise smaller nut!more piuchf u).

Oh I forapairofbooU bigg enofTforie fuot os a mountain.Titu boots ara an insult to enay man's

umlerelaudiug.Ho who wears lite boots will havoto

uekcowledge Ihe corn.Tito Ixiots hav no bowelts ov merey,

lln-ir iosidos are wrath aad prutnUkioaacussing.

Bewttro of tile boots.AUUKAXEg

tcacb as when tew wean lambs, whotew pay our debts, sod bow twe

Bet a hen witb eleguse ftcApreciiion.

PnaoKo^rn : Whenever dogs sre seentruveliog around with notbipg to do andold maids refuse laeir let, sod bop vineswoDtklimK sod grindstones wont grind,llien yu may expekt a Ilto crop uv oals,ind beaus woat pay fot barvetsliog.

Dutnratiuk Boinls.—To make lightbrcu I— do an the bakers (lo—call nineOUUCOH a pound.

To nmke a hoe lake, take a Loe andMlt it to a lliin jell, &ttd tben—let licr

To lvatxt jure offspring to Btenl, maketbcm beg hard fur all that you givethem.

Ten-remove grcsso Irom a man's fcarak-ter, let him strike some Hidden, ile.

Angels lainlte tho dice when tloublctaare thrown in the ci-udlo.

FJuttery is like colouc walor, tew bosmalt ov, not sttallured.

Hn tnau buint got a well balanced bead,IliketewBve uim pa.t Itis hair ID thomidille.

Xbeie is only one good substiate foethe eudeanuuiilB ov a siatar, and tltat istbo endearments ov sum other phellow'ssister.

Piety iztike beam, it seems to do thebeat oa pool silo.

Guiiig to law iz like skinning • milkcow for ber bide soil giving tho Iweftoo tho lawyers.

About tlio hardest Ihiogupboilowkan<lois tew spark tew girls at oustpreserve a good average.

I hud rather uudetUiktcw be tew gooddoves than one decent serpent.

A good wifo is a eweet emile from

A lie iz like a kat—it never cams toyen in iBtrnigM Hue


W» BIAS,—" H»vo yoo got wbat dey cnlalarm clocks ?" he wasosking eta Woodwutil QVCDUO jeweler tbe otber day.

"Yes, air.11

" How elves it alum ?""Itinga a bell.""Am dat all V"" Isn't that enough ? Few people can

deep witb that M l ringing nway like abutglnralara."

Harry, boss, bnt no Hucli trifle as dntnil do fur my cabin, I wanted, a clockdiit would, pull ba'r, yell like an Injun,yank de bedclothes off an' frow down di

FIHHIOH ROfCH.There ore indications of a contiouanoo

of tineel effecU in fall fabrics but thin ianot assured as yet.

Tbe importers of dry goods « y we areto have another Beaeun oi velvet audvelveteen, plain and broclie.

Tlio moat mtrkt><l feature ol tue coin-ig season's dr«»»eitwill bo tbe abseoce

of the " bunchy " aide draperies.Fiunnel is tbe be.it goods for walking

or suit mated gumes, and plaita and tacksrecommend theui&u.ves for trimmingB.

lUrk moss greeu and purple are twocnlora need in Paris tailliuery tliis »eu-

French modistes also need this

Peacock effects in blue anil green willbe eeen in street coatntaos tkc couiug

n. Velvet is particulnrly effectivein these colors.

lloon ribbons, in Tnrkisb deaigUR,tf «ud effects, afo omong the pecul-

iar novelties, and cruss stripes in bunr-effects of fine worsted and raw silk.Uiled dicfises aie tcry laBhionable.

These urn worn over rich ailk gowns of>right bues. Tbe wnple draperies aie

looped up with clustered silk velvetlowers.

Autumn leaves with tho brilliant culurnof the American maples are now made

ery successfully by the French floweruanufeotnrera and are used to decorate•veuiug costumes.

Dcycnibruidertidandbeaded crowns,in cloth, velvet and laoe ore abundant,and arc eeeu in some of tho handsomestbounctte, and tbe eabroidered woolenmaterials are among tbe nott desirableof present millinery (aiwiea.

There are stripped ribbons in ftevetalcolors, and strips of aatiD, velvet andmoire antidue in ribbons of solid color,while tbe groa-graia texture baa beenupplanted in ribbons, as well M in

dresi silks, to • great eileot, by theiober faille Frencaise textnre.In bpecially high novelties in lace

robes there are m a y retnarkabld pro-luctions. Moat cbarmiDg are lue lull, H,cttb embroidered boqneta in gold thread,nd in balls and loops, and also knots of

cbenille BO tight and teecy that at alittle distance the look liko windrows of

*' Ono hundred eenta nieuut ie dura Hiau$100 had pievioi sly.

" At the end of four years1 clerkiug Iwont to tuv father will) 81,500 or myown. nnd caked him if bo wiis willing tu

ulp mo enter biisinenH, Even tln>u liewould ouly 1ft1110 hire the money, $000 nt HIX per cent, interest.

To dar, I ntn called a HDCcessfnlbusiuesa mnn. And I hive, my father titliank. fur it. Tlioso lessons in Belf-iioninl,

rcspuct aud inikpendeuco which boguvo me put the irouUaod into me,

" Years afterwards, fathnr told ma itcoat him diehardest straggle of bU lifeto be su bard witb bis boy. But be feltit wiit* the only coumo to make a man ofnw. Many n lime wo'vo laughed overthat two-dollar board bi l l ."—IWV«

A wise woman lately uid she did notintend to spend everything her husbandgave her now for pin money to dreuier children with, became tbe neigh-

bors' children appeared ao finely clad ;she preferred to save something and helpbitu pay for their boose, sn<3 whea tuatwas dooB ber children would bo olderand know better ho* to lake cue oftheir clothes. A man tuat in prudent

iclf with enoh a wife need not bemany years paying tor a little home,and no matter how plain the eitcrinrnut; be, the interior will be a paradise,

"And yon prelend lo say," remarkeda Iawver to a witness, " that you remember the exact words tUU man said to yonlea years ago ?"

» I do."" Well, if my memory servei me, I met

yon at Saratoga about five years age, andooM like to know if yon can swear

to any expression which I then made.""lean."" Now, Mr. J,, I want you to remain-

bor (hut you aro under oath. Now, underoath, you swoar that yon can quote withgreat accuracy a remark I made to yooat Saratoga, five jreava ago ?"

" I can.""Well, what was i t t"" You met me in the hole] corridor.""Yes, quite correct.""And you auouk binds witli me.""NatunllyXdid.""Aud jou said to me; ' Let's go aad

take something."1

Tlie crier of Ihc court bod (0 call ell-ence for ten minutes anil Ihe lawyerconfessed that the witness had a rematk-able memory.—Boston Journal.

eml. When my olo woimm p,\t» toi ••Hnatit-no siu't gwino to let go lor no

Sometimes strange difficulties are en-countered by tbe ladies whu ore ende&ioring totoich Cliristinnitj to the Ubinesoin the Sunday Schools of tbe metropolis.One of tbt) must conscientious as well asono of the brightest nnd prettiest ofthese teachers wsa attempting, taBrooklyn school, to inoulcilo upon thebeatben mind of a sleek-looking Mon-gulian tbe lesson of charity toward all.

"God loves everyone," she suid. "Wealto should, love everyone." TboChiw-man looked meekly up in her face and

lietly asked :•< Does Goi lavs mo ?"" Ves," the young lady replied." I>o you love everyone V" was Ihe

next pointed inquiry," Yes," sue answered," P o yoo lovo mo ?""Y-j-e-a.""Will you mally me."Tltcro was no direct answer to tbii

question, but tlio teacher has ainco:liunged her pupil foraOhinamao of less

logical turn of mind,

Hia FATOMTE.—" A love for the ani-mal kingdom is common to everybody,"said a Suudav school talker. "Somepeople luvo birds, others tiko dogs,horses, goals, etc., and it ia qpiiepropertbat they bhonld do BO, I suppose everylittle boy and girl here loves somo dumbcrcatnro belter than all others, Don'you, my liUlu frieitda V

All hnndH went tip." Ihat'fi right, and I am glad tn sea it.

It shoes tbat you liuvo hearts lull olovo for tbe poor creatures whnhaio n<been blessed with reason and otheiprecious gifts like yourselves, Now, t<illustrate a point, I am going lo eat somilittle boy to tell mo what hia favorite iiiiuoug the domestic animals. Ah,thanks. This littlu boy Bliall ucswer,What do you like best, my littlo man.Sptuk up Uiml no llint all may bear you

Doy (in toaes that made the window!rotlluaud put the liudiunce in an uproar;

Wtf KKB sWTB W i n .There is a story of tbe French crimi-

nal who died because be believed he woabeing bled to death, while iu reality hUirus were only pickeJ, and a Bound ofirickling water made lo imitate tbe uoisa>f the blood flowing forth. In tbe samevay it in iccordej how Mr. Iioatbcr-

bourg cured lurgo nuinUen of patient*l>y attauking tho imagination. Amongthorn wliolmd vifiited him was a man

lio bad been tnmblcil with grent painaM ffwelliugK, pacticuluty about tho

ius, HO tliat ho could not walk acrosslie room. Ou entering Mr. Loutber-

irg lookoj steadfastly at him andtiuij ; " I know your complaint; look

t we." They cuntmned looking at eachotlcr Home niiuuUn ; tbtu Ur, Lonther-

urgn.sked himif be did not feel somearuith at hialoina, wlioc-iip^u thejaan

(•plied tliut hodid. "Tucn you willfeel iu a few minutes much greaterwaitutb." After & short pause the wan

: " I fool as if a person were pour-ing boiliug wiitcr upon me," Still look-ing iu Jus face, Mr. Lutitherbourg aaid ;" How did yon euarn here, sir 1" " In t:oiieb." "Thengo on J discbarge yourloach and walk back lo town P" The

ill woo discharged, and toe patientwalked to town, and tho next <hy hawalked flvo hours about town without

iie. SmilarlyHydneyHmilh relateaow tbe banker poet Bogeri caught a

badoold simply from imagining a win-dow to bo open, but wiiieb all lue lime

nn fliitlt.

It was at a dinner p u t ; and the greatiectof ptnte glues bid deceived Rog-

ers, who was Bitting in what be thoughtlo be a dangerous draught. To quota

further case : Dr. Bignmod *elat«*kow a poor woman, havieg applied to •hysician for a enre of no affeatiott ofhe breast, be gave ber a prescription,hich he directed should be applied to

the breast. Blie returned at the eni offew days to offer her grateful Uunks)>r tlie cure which he bad aBeoted ; bnt

makiug inquiry as to the mode ofctioD he ascertained that hit patient badcry carefully tied the prescriptionirouud her neck, Fuitb curei of thii[iud are of constant ocoarrenoc, and w»now bow many persons, when snflering

from maladies connected witb the brainor nenoaa syRteju, bavu been reatoredto their abnormal stale of health hfimplyfaitb, Tuusstartlinu effects have

occasionally followed the swaUowiog ofsuch make belief rcmedit* as pllb com-

d of bread or sugar. This acoonnU,:hert'fore, for the cures which wenrought iu days gone by, even whem

medicine was in a backward state, andtbe moat absurd perscriptions were ofleagiven to patients suffering from nervous)diseases.

Hare «T Oae IBIIM.Thero was a case of assaalt and bat-

tery before ono of tbe justices tbe otherdity, aud a witness with a black eye,several strips of conrt plaster araoa* bisuose, nod one ear badly looped over WHSasked by the defendant's lawyer if beaaw Drown strike White.

" Can't say as I did," be replied." Did you tee the whole afliir t"" Mosrty.""Well, how was it?"" Well, Smith and Besot on the reaper

talkin* evolution. Jones and Green solOD tbe graas tsUin' nlitfioa.. Vrownand White sot by tbe edge of tbe straw-stack diaputiu* oa politioa. Three orfearbo;« was in the bara fl^Uin1 vp adogfight."

"¥es ,goon.""Fuet I knowed aomebod/ called

emebody ebe a liar. Next I knowedisolation, religion, polities sad Bghtlog

dogs was a rolling over eaoh other onthe grass, aad ever* nan kicking w dbiting and bitting away for tit be waswuth."

"Butdid yon see Brown strike Wbitof"•Can't say aa I did."" Did you see Wb He itrike Brown f"" Can't be sore of it. The only thing

I am s u e of, Blister Uwy«r, la that styold woman cams out witb a pail of hotwater u d licked tbe bill crowd and hadover two quanta kit for the next tine,—Detroit Fre* Prtu.


Circumstance « t h e occasion of vice,

Poverty of soul Is worse than tbat offortune.

The virtues of a man a n leen in hisaclious,

An obedient wife eoomanda ber has-band.

Peace in a sinful coarse is one of thecreates* of corses.

Better suffer from truth than prosperby falsehood.

Consistency U tn acquired habit, andof slow growth.

Love can gather hope from » ttat-velona little thing.

Politeness is a wreath of lovers tbatadorns the world.

Vie consider tbe man undone who iainsensible to shame.

Wo can do more good by being goodthan In any other way.

The earnestness of life Is the onlypurport lo the satisfaction ol life.

Knowledge uoused for the good ofothers ia mote vain, than unwed gold.

Doligencc, industry and tho proper useof lime represent the material of success.

If yoo would never have nn eviipokcn ol in connection with you, don'tdo onu.

Wo carry our neighbors' crimes in eightand throw our own over oar shonlacrs.

It is worth a thonsand pounds a jto bnve tbe art of looking on the brightside of things.

•uuur losriw XaMvatisu.Tli* tuttaeticn of wniner huftnlcm upon nt-

U tlfo Women eloiirl? viiitile about till" timeof tlio yesir. Au Item tu on excliStiRfl t*slTs utbnt a " \v*y ptetty cover for k wl\klDg-*to«in uioile «f geldtn brown *Uk tetge, with acoiivcnlioualiicd apple Uowom la sfasdedIiinV »llk -with tlio ntamoBH in gold silk be-tween the pctnU." Wo nuspect that thowouiiljuitkkk tbeatnfi-DKoutottliitlcoM I-rclly M it in, »nd iwitct ber Uil Into tliefueoof iherallk-umiJ ia tho LargQio. COWuro tjiieer critters, aad don't want any snuki:imlitTO mij.lo biaucuB uwtnd tho b w n d—Hnntcrdaii Democrat.

v.ingin', Elwu wlten I ftow ieo waterobcr her slit simply eliunges off fromdteatnin' about while kdreauiu* of black cmt*.'*

1 an1 goes to

An RCOIU friupu in tho natural aolor3f the fruit of tho oak tree is the latest

ays Emerson

He Couldn't be Taken In.A pretty girl entered a lawyer's oftw.

Hue was joung, ncut, ond in lier e | «van roguery. Bho was a swindler. t)bacarried a bunch of printed tickets lor

raffia of a watch, and she sail tbatin order to help tier poor, dear, sickmother ovoi a inddcu financial strait ababad rewired to sacrifice ber own golde*timepiece by lottery. Would tha • * • •tkmen pleaao bay ohaneai at $1 spieeefAU tUl* WM ptcoiooa Bofiwiise. fibawas a little rascal, wbo utilised ber goodlooks and glib tongue to get dollars froat•asooplible men. Ihre* innute* ol lbsoffloe which abo now iavaded ware adam-ant to her assault. But if chuoeft tkakshe iDlerrapted a duoavioaof BasttllSage's disposiUoii.

I will Wet #10," iaid one, " tkat Uiiagirlca&wbecdleBagoout ut MuawiBoae;.And she Bball hare naif tb* stakes if Hw

rina. He Is sn old fool ia the bands ofptetty ancl andaoions artist.11

••I'llMl yonwbat III do," was tbareply • " You shall riak your nooer oatbo girl, I will put (be s ine amount oatbe beggar dowL there In the street,1*pointing to the man against Trinityfence. "If he feta from Sage Biotacents tbao sbe does dollars, then I win {if the contrary, I lose. I t t a a g o f O nof his clerks is an intimate friend olmine, and from him we will art m Mattaccount of wbat happens,"

The beggar in Utters was fint swt i s .Sage gaud at bim critially and Midi"II yon arc «s badly off a y o a s a y , 70aought to be ia bed. I will send a eletkwitb you to Roo-ereh Hospital, with Morder to charge tue neceHaty eapsosMLo me, and I don't doubt that yon cat

Cnred." There was no more tbe mat*ter with Ibe man tbaa be wished to pro*sono intact, aad he withdrew hartilv.Ihe girl aeit tried. Slid did ber trema-

speaking, tier shy glancing, and hercovert flattering as skillfully as the oouUIn about aisteeu seconds.

l a e n tue millionaire interrupted ber.Let mo see, young woman," be said ;

" what was yonr errand the but time 70acamo around here f Ob, yes. X remem-ber. You bad beeo accidentally left be-hind in tbe departure of jour family lorChicago, and yon wanted to borrowmoney enough to bay % ticket to fellowtbem. Ah, you're a fraud. Bnt 111 dowmetUiug for yon, I'll pay the fee foryonr entrance to tbe Home for Fallen

fitlfi, sn.ll tbiak you ougfattogoineM."And I tnink," the girl exploded, "tbal

you ongbt to go to tbo devil, yon olddrain p."

What Ihe two beggars conld get fromSage was HO difficult to appraise tbat tbabet was declared oil—OUcajo inter*Ocean.

Mjas^ti of ,n<iiuKiiIt would \te more truo

HAL—In the good olddays, when " snaticty " didn't depend ofttbe height of a man's shirt collar ot tbavwclty of cloth inhiapanta or tbe drawlin his articnlfltioa, there w u somethingstately and commanding in tbe mannerof lifting tbe bat when the Iiuiy gave tba

ul for recognition. I t was combined,with a bow which had to bewelleseonted,in order to make tho otber effectual. Itwas a sure index to a gentleman, for I

kncw a vulgnr man to acquire thoart o! Ufling liis hat gracefully. Bolt thissecrna to buve been obliterated by tbacoming generation ia panle. Tbe thingnow is to grab tbe rim of tbe hat in frontwith tbe Bamd celerity you would grabfor a sent in a street car. Having olulob-cd tlie right spotyou jerk Ibe hat downus if yon were trying tD hide yonr face—and a muu who will take ofl bis hat inthis way ought to bide hii face—thenyou rub tlio hut up and down your front*very quickly na if yon are trying to allayirritation. When ttieliatgtiita toiUplaoe.you grin like a monkey ; one grin is allHint the custom requires. By this titnaHie Inrlv 1ms riasBt-d and if shn is a wmni-{ t is iicr tarn tu ifriu.

to say, they ecparate »a oil from wtfter,na children from oM people without

Freuch novelty ia the. way ol elegant bvc or hatred ia the nutter, eaco seek-dress trimmings. ! ing hia lite.

The greatest good Hint enmes to nman fro in u womim's Hocicty is that hahas to think of snnieboity beside him*self, lomobody to whom be is bound tobe constantly attentive anil respecting

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TBEIEQNEBATha Dovtr Frinting Compaq

Saturday, Kov. 7,

Txxnxcnoin.rc-ftlcitvd nnvurnurof NVw V«rk mi I\>y u jAuviilii.v "* alwul 1'i.uoJ i«ei>r Iraport, tin-JlfjtiiMii-iiu niiniiru^. Tin-1cnti... JiowtviT, rurrj tbf l.cin.hilure of tl

Hi-imtur tn Biii-.-c.-a Senator Millnr. Tin- JluiIJI.U- i-it|ituriil Virginia, l.ut tin* Kcjiiilil

ami iittH-r Stati'ii.In New Ji-rm-.v tlic KfimWifaiis n n n r n l

miirkul'lc nuiun in iliflt-Toi-t |.j.rtt. of tliu Si

r:i]>f Muy ami Husitirilmi, ami lout cimWiiMI.-M'i.. Tliis utll niiikc tin- uest Sihotutv i:t io h f<ir tli* lEt-puMicum, i«>U:ui11 In J(iiio)u«l.vcar,unilnstLpM.!irnlv<']<-tiui-iiilii-ri> ivili voli- for H Viii lcl .Sl;iti-» Nt-m

gain lurtiir H.'iiulilunui*.Tin. ni.xt I-^i-laliir.' vi l l In- iitmpn

Ailiititli—.1.1m .1- riiinliii-r.il1t..r(...u-J.itiii U*. Id.^.n , tl) .i tur l i . iL- lon-M' in. I I . Curt.T. tH , i j i i i i i -•• 1I' i i ro. lM.-K. N. Ht-rriru.'. l< 1:Va,»- M^>v—l«.-c-i.L H. Hiitm**. It. jjiiin.. *fiiinln-Hiiml—l^iiiuT. Xii-lir.N. U .KHM-X- Kn-il. S. Kinii, It - I1

HIXUH-' Win. 'liriiikirlmli'lV .'...'.'.''"'.'. 1liiiiit.riii.il—(!"n- II. U'-irur, H ^iin 1j[,.r,.,.r_(;,.,,, II. Vun.l.-ri.ilt, I> 1Wi.Wir^fs —ltiitii.'l V. Vhntf, 1». jjiiiri... I1

M.illlliiplllli-Tlin-. (1. Cliiittlr, U 1'Al.i.ri — .Pi.-, t \ Voini^liliii.il, I! 1'

1'.twViii—Jukll W.":riKK.'. 'it ••.'•'.•..'.'•'.'.K.il.-ui-Wvutt W. Miller, Itft.iii.r»ii~].i»M A.Thmiii-um. It 1HJW.-J.—.1. Awmi MiUnili . J> V

Wam-i.-Jitriii'"V^lu""'. I)'.'.'.!'.'..'.'..'.'.'. 1

J. S. II,. kwilli, I), KUt'.lMiKS

V' ii!"'! iin i

ni.ii.i. n>.. L. limim-wrr. "Ii.II».M. ,1. Ali'iitl, -It.

. l .C.Tii

M lJ. F.'IVuM Ma n t , i , « . .Mm Mar

] ' , A. AiiiiHlriinz, Ml. It. li. ViiIt. M. linker, H, MIIMII. II. Jcweii, *U. •W.M.Ttiru

i AIT. M. \ \ , FniiiV K.A. I1. Ilililrctli, I>.

(-rum:]it.AMi.UilMiTi ll.mli-.. *lt.


1, It.mm. -It. -lit!

ilm N.ir-. ... _Srwiml Will*,iuhC1. Draki', *

(KTAK.'o. U.Kmitli, "I

• H .II. M. IJor.-iX. W. 1'nrkiKilwlH l.Mev, IL R.J.KHm-itmlir, It. uJului l l . P'-ut, P.ic.A. K. K. Martin. *lt. J. 1). Wliittakrr, "]{,Win. Hiirrimui, *U

Jnliu Viltfrlfiiti, T

H.N.Kuy.'D.It. It. Nc-viiKinr. I:l'tiilii>Tinnultv, 1).It. A. 1',-li.uM. It.

HVI*.1 Htiill>iM<)th. ii%. Wm. SL liu?iT. J. McIluiiHtif. th- TLIIH. I,. Tin'JIIIIN. r\ N'ooiiau, 1).Jiilrn C. Kiwmi, -1).K'lwanl Leiiimn. I), B .

ffi'Iiulilfran*, U; DcniMTtiU, lit*.•KUI .T-U-I ;' Hum,,* JWIIIII.VII.

In Hit; r'imt Aiuwtulily UlMriv* tlv« tamo-c-rutH tbcjuyht 111 Jit :i Hiniitl jiiiiuit InMr. Eil. A. ijuuvlr, of Mcrri-iotm,*M« tvi 1ft? wu * Mniil Dili lnTmir ukn MJolm Aiorwooi], ol MmilW].-, ami tried lhuxj^riiiHiiI. TLui-liiiuiirtd thcmit^K-fli.irnlilw-y w,n worth In Morris, but tlm Keimli

tailH Of tllQ lltlicr tllH*llHili|IH KltC llltt tO•nuki'ii uii.l Mr. Norwood wiw cli(,t,:.l l»yliumlpwine majiiritj'. Cliutlmni lotrnsliip,pitniculiir, K)IOWHI litr ntcmlfiu*t Hi-pattnnm.lt. A itraitar i^itcl tliruli^l. tlic <ttrid liy riruulur ViHiiifflilooii Ntirrcd up IIKi^ul.lJHiim, UII,I dcmlitliu* iliil mm],

JSorwotnl i* iilurality, 17li.


HMjmau J- ftcwniJ WiHitlmdvulk over iu liU funytus for * rU P i-ftrrliiil tlio umwlljf I>ciii

i y•ulMlantinl tuo.idrity while bin opponent JohiT. I.aur(>inf ran "<i poorly ID li« own towt)i!|> «f It.nliury thai lie mtuu i ITV iii'nr lo».injf It. CtmitiilcriiiB the liulit vote polledtattjorilie* fur Mr. Will- were l,ir«.. II»OBfsiwcinlly.lohig Lundnoracly. l ic lunii fiAll the tuwnnliijw «»-cpt Tciuaiiuoc iodic«l«

l l l iWill.. Lawrcore.

miBoon (on


Mr. Will.'i.lumlify, r-1.


Tto D.-wocrat. it the Ollirallnr «f tl.elpnrty mmi' ucur t-uffcriiiK » ti^avy itetwt,Oho ittjiiiWiran. nmi iB<kpen<|i>ntit ofMaudoliili, (iiicli a. voted, thrtrir tlicjr I >H I lots iE, £ . Putter, the naminec of ibn Natluupmty, wlia wniild hare l*f>n «]»rt«d l»yoDda ijucntiun, hail it not Iron for tlic timiiltlyth« CUv««t peoivle wbo itFrired tbo ikreat olEl iuO. Drake, blitlcmt llw.ruiurat(t>wh«n«am« lo the final charge. Kaodoluh'. tnajoit.v for rotter wan DO gnmtor 1t«n tbc conbilled mnjoritlKH »r Wunhlnxtan, Mcadliaaiami l'BKKui« fur Drake. TIic fallowing are ipluralitb. ua uuar M we can olitain them;

Vrake. 1'nttrr.IUUilO]ji]i ijfcl

Urnke'n plurality, <U.

Tbe Hupublkan and UreenliKk frlendnalE. E. flitter uiMlf a apliniJid H«l.t fur kmaud uavo Liui a rowing Majority In Uandoipltuwiudilp. Without tbe o p e editor* of adoliur uf nioDcy. anil tbroujth food wilt alona,tlioy uiaUo a rmmiDg effort for him on the^uk-t, liriuHiui «nt all the vote TrttWn reach*Bd tiling up a majority of l»» out «f « 7%ot«n piat. o* vfaich 73 were proaibltionTotcri, wnrar than thrown away in a nliUaenIdea at daiOK *oai« Rood. The Rtntowern completely iiur]irl>w<l hy the raoree•ml at they hw« nottiinn but a lot of Inaap-%h\t* HMfeMing to lead tbe fa.tlifll In thintuwnxliip, were unable la dn ativthing at alltoHtcm ttifiMirrcul against Drake, wbo onlTecclv«d IS) Tote* In the tuwnablp. HadGhpntt-r done what wait i»romia*J KliiDrake would b a n warn-d Un rxtnwitie*thli winter In «ime Cbfutf-r gtwrty In*tew]of In the AMtmblT ctiamber. Mr. Pi>tt>r.iowtver, wbo had uo tliouRlit of an election,can (f rtnlnlj feel complimented liy the bear;Tolo lie received in Kandoliiii. The follnwingis • Kiimtuar*; of the Totca pollvd ia the 4i«*r-

K. I>. C. D. a I>, Total.E. E. Potter- . . . am lffl UK.C. Drake . . . . 33 ffl r.l

Hcdwlcd^.r*!' 1 '''l 7

m KTTotter over Hrale, 281, Totlvr aver brake

nud Mourt>, 210.Tbu town-hip-, from wbicb the full rote lua

feeen suctrtalaed are a* fullowa:liurtwrj—Lawrence, l l«; Will*, H; \>M-

» w , fl.«t. Olive-WlllB, I37i I>awr-n«,»; Vi


fe,Kk—«j-Wtll., 93S; L.wrtn«, J-

Boontou-WIlli, 196 i Lawrenoe, 7*J; Vaa-•Will", « ; Lawrence, 38; Van-

{ Potler, 107; Moan,

w Piatrkt: Drake,136; Potter, 21; HsorR, 18. JfortbemDUtrkt—Drake, S3; Putter, IK; Moore, 7.

Fa»Mic-Drake, M; Potter. IS; Moon, 3.MndbaB-Drake, 1W; lt>tter, 75; Moore,


Moni*-<i*»slc,Wl • Norwood, BM; Chap-

Jut la tunaCompound Tar Coa«b Sjrnp, beat ! • tie

Market, made oat; »t tbe Bruk D m BUire.

Ttir iullowiuj; ufti'r vluiliuii hiutxfrom tbuI-Lilikileliihiit J'rens am tiuud reuditiu:

Tilt r^ult In N«»- Vurk leuvee tl.c 8t«H-dcbiiKiljlc, fiuil tlicrr Hill lie uu iajjjurtaut

liefurc lto# tu iiid iu Mttliutr tin ptwi-Tllfl

II tin

t.Ieclion f.,r

M n i e <l».v wit

1,-t will 1«BTI> S,-w Turk 8iirrullli<lril wllli

Kew York 'liu

uii i m h a

tbM't (hill tlll-Hadilli- U slit:Virginia.

tli' fiM-l llial tliu retu

ow citizen*, urn! till II. l-el uii mil l

nun humetliiiiK. IH ULI.V wlio lunt

II Williuui M. TwTurk

' tlw rrltt

Tin- Kiiliil Soi i i l i tHxiT.VHtiilthuliou of purl111.' ^luiJIll Ol" l " l i t t ( l l l l

Tlif I.H' m i i i l h l i u n

B i u i r - l h f Ur«t -inc-t- n

AM n e «nlil yi'HtiTdii.i

ilUI "till—i*oliij in tin

mi wiy »(,MiIHII tu W I I I

Pitting CabtM«M fur th« Viator .In lln' umial viiy nf ki'<i>it>L' (.'ablia

w\ «l«-v lu liiul with «uii

voi.l i

l )i l i n k «xirul.k-}.

tlie.L A lon^ Jiit. ttin't . l .r | i l nmv I"'tiunlIIN ilnk' imt nn a i-iiril uu- dry and SKIJ.I.V

no ilnoKcr that wnt.r roolittom of the pit win l»ost-m-e limt ti.-r (if rubtii>]ieH wer

In i|, tli.' HUiiiHlx-iiiK wt «o deep (bu


iflllfi t tiur

i'il rn ilie


A it ll.lilli'd.

MHH Ai __ Ii. lluitrtliiuiti, daiiuliHT ot Ktv.». W. IVonrilliiiii). lit ill'1 ^ninlii'l'*' 1'n-^Jvti-miu rlmrrli, v L i w IHMU-H nt liluir IJulf. 1


«i'<'l«x:k in

nil-)- jirrnr-li.il iti tin.' .MI'lmri'li Incl Siibliiitli liulie in im .'scrll.-nt K)...liiinii.Idi.-tiiici arnldmlilcit nuil liftcn l" himlii>Cfi«tliniiit'li J.i'-'Tii ral lifur^i- II. MrCIi-I


t>'it I b n

tik. Ii.if. ul[e'ii<l>

.1 !.<.„ tin- ] , I -I . , I« . i «r u i u f

fl.-iu-l Ihr nuiii . l i lV M.,111,1 | , . M . ' l .rrl.-rt). « ' . . l . - i , I fr inS lilt- ]»illiiij< ft 'j l l l .i n u l T f i i m l l vi'tr <!u' IIr,.iililim»H 1,nv« f l ( I'.V tii^ini! M1.U a lmi, i . . i i ( , . ItIlliit 1(O. kilMil.V !.l»llMji,l 1- Iltililltfllliiiitiii' ;iml fiiiiirj n« ii Hr«.iiK l[i-i>ul»]irn

i-'.lv'fii<i|i rtiiy ii-,i,w'il off vjll irllv,

••Mv]ili.V^irl;in Hti<l 1U v f r , .ut i.f order, JYf.im-i*li iiiiicour. sk in .VHHI.W.

ml'l not liru.tlv voliiil.'il KlIUUII dry lim

.i-k Itlmifl Hilicrat'ur.-il w e . " .Mrn. Ailolu'llii<u. JiTiT KscliaiiKi- Hi., Itnil'ulo, N. 1'.

TICUITT nwi.Mftrllly, till- ..VllIIJJIlNt, I>xpi>(-Ii tt> Vlaii

Jiiliili.lmrii lii'lnrt'loii({.f'lii.K. Mr Davit olmt u wlntc e y u l mAl.rJl.VrA ll]


iir.-wdii.vr II«I>.• of Hi,- llt-otiii-rlimii] ol __i i* Uciiif iii'^itiiKt'il nt WiiHliiunliuf" lillKi-i-iiiiliiu,; «|on.' hn« ticrlM.iHi|.«lnir!-. wliuli it i. l»etldv«

' a tvuwunef lns imi- "tinnWit i t!rr> I i.kc c

"Wrl l , 1 aiit•f tlilltEi'Uil » illinuclit tlici

Ami itiH'urr (hiil an hnnibKe.! mnre for.ifii.MaJ..f(i

i<H<lc uud Jin i f t l l l u i t * a »li uud <in tiiMHlni

I °A luNif tiu-i/kt'lledVU I 1

• - un.l tljiuk iLull' I,luo.i.v. linti';ircr In the nild,i. Ha - nfF.iut tl.-frnld ,«,ii- I'r.'-l.vr ii-li. Him b<-

i KM

iiwi.T OIII;B, II living tin: rootiuii. A tfiird tier WUH )>]RV.CI1 OU tliobut njH*er«cd, witli t!it* rotittt upv,n

All tin- H«ft limulri nuri' ]>ut Bt the top. 8tUH iitid tii-twei'ti tlio utmii, l.'uviuj,'n.'lii mil, llii' PnrtVi VIM tliruwti UJKIUiruw. liurviitii the rontH tlitet i,r four imlu |iulliii|[ tin- culibiiKUM, tlw root* wori!i.ett up with tln:tn, uuil uut out oft'. A <»'ring (if l.«.nnl" Vfl« lui.l uit tbii i>it,

rain. Iu tbu Hpriutf tliew CBIIIHK1

n the bt'l ronilitlun; tli« «uK ben.la Inout. ntii vorn- of tbo vflhliH.'ev lud

II. Tht fit »-«H tilled with nlrctcdbajitn, with ttif iuti'utiou of keeping (bum (u,

[irii^. The wiiim plun hm h n n trl

Ni'ijjhlinritiK turinertt huve udoptcditml continue lo line it ID pri'i'emn-'u to u

1 uiftltml.—AiBvTittiD AgrieulturUt :

JohnU U i K u ; TMTI.

K. Dudiunt, a |ir<iiulneul 1HWV*>Ibur ', hwt Jii»t heanl or bixBfator ul

A liipHi- ul ncurly tliirt.v year*, l u IKT*)

It'ft the old liomo in New rfeprouutowiIluutenlon County, and taking tho two •Urn, ttie only roembpr* of the family liviat home, weut lo Indiana. After they bm»r-ttlfd In the llooiler State tbeir IrieuditheKunt loHHiiiutoftbem. Tfat-y oould uu

am whether thty were dead or all re.« On?" «K« • letter came vkfim% tbat '

father ami one lister had died some time tiiuud that tb» other -Jnt«r waa d.vinf. 1

who Mid that (lie woman coil Id not talk BIH!wat •Hiking rapidly, but tbat he bad mailHlffA ti> IWiil <iut that nliu bad u brother

ijittburg, H. J. IIU .inter, Mr. J>IIUI', Lad in. fi'ltttlren where Kbe livrd, WNdniKid uutl w«n worth about |7,UM>. Th

letter wtkBd him to low no time in com

after hur and tbe property. Al,v unp«]iei!ted to Mr. DUNIOIiucfl Kivon up all liojie of eve

leurtiliiK auytbiiK from tUcac n a n i k n of hinil , .

•tttM If &• fta|,Joliii Klnrxted. IT. id Ing at Broukdalr, wiri<iuxl.v mid perhitpn fntally bitteu by

IM (liif[H ou Hnntla.v ttileruoon. He attemnleili doctor liiw for Mime diM-iue which he h

Im.l lor xfiuic time, when b« flew at bim, blliugttirousb tlw leltiiand, lUakinican Ufly

wl. He at once went to Dr. Reeve, Ibemad dog doctor, ut I'omptoB, wbo haa IM

u t» ouri- dog blti'H, und en makingXHOiiualloB fsinil it to bn a werinna nne ilid it wai Un ehaaee. lo one thiit lie w*intreLOvw. Mr. Kt^rated wai reported

beinKinaeritiealcoiidltioii at laat aocuuand bli family am tteart-btofcanowt bla rai*-f-rtuue. Tlie dog baa purer tikowm any ayBip-

of befnK tuid beron until Sunday even-ing, sort tl i»tl>wgat ha nat t have been ul

> tlie afternoon, which, with bUilikne-UM-.I biinadinxi. The animal <Ii»d foi

A I tV lltrMUM to JMNliw.The KnftlUb fa>fai«n of wearing wool

n the .treat LM been adopted bj New Yorfcladici (bis Autumn. With tke anpeamiiec otbeM ftcotch and Kngliib cMlamea kaa nat-urally followed Ncoteh pebble jewnlrj.alway*I lavor among EoglUU women, *a& jMttk-Urly t'ffertive when worn win. ricb-kue*l

rbuj;fa Mriaee clolhi. Tbe new Scotch b

l Mnr»etWo, Itof vcilUale Meat«h |wbblei of d«

Arable rolura, aet In UaraKliona, fliwh withihe kuiface of the trinket and JMwvded bj

Ibreadi. Thia beautiful mmtawtty, with aniootfa, polinbed •nrfaM and

vetoing! of Rllrer, it equally effective on neckpin*, ruff button-, bael l . i and ala^w.emphatically tbe eormt thing for walklnc

a«dm«ralBgdn«Ma; In a word* the new altraotlou In jewelry for day wei>ad leadiuf Jewelen pmdiet for it • lottg

A WU1 Ttai W U T M IAiuripuawlllbujuitbeen nade in 1'hi•burit. Tbe waker in aa old uHor and anIbority on tbe prefcfaturlo tinea of thUujjunity. HltuwlC • variotit; andof cMriMitie* be lua now added to blalet-lion hie u»t will and tc.UOrcnt. Iloroy-

hau4etl and ndwirium, he ha* accuMHlatc• little of Ibla world'a IreMnrea andlanati

My anslona that it be dl»pMed or a. heF.HUC8. lie lad Ibe dMNaenl draws io doeurn, leaving all hJafooda aud chattel*

wire. Tbtu waiBoBinK all tbe children,irt« aoiis and aii danghMra, lit tnA tbe

paper to then for their •ppiaral, but with tbe4)ualifyinf tvnark Ibat tbeae wbo did not lib*It could go and buat bouM elaewbere.ourw. thej .11 bbartlly Meautowed in hUllapoaition of tbe property, a«d w t IM can

: aaaored that there will U M *

Mr. KobeH Aj.rt, of rcicrabnrg, warleutia,,drew «fiou «IUa d l'hd d

a p o n d a laatj and tnutferred 10,400 yonag care

motfaer »«od. He haa beea la tbli baat jean, •«« bat W M ponda eoanwlMlItitaa. Whea the araUr «M drawa frsm• flrat pond Md tbe 10,100 ytwBf carp tabei, HUM of tbe odkinal Bamuer that were put

fb*ryeare ago were cxpoae*1. Their weurbtronld sveraare auoat t»a |WWHU a nlaae,h ; were aa fae a lot of fiab aa me woold

» • — • " • ! > — f Frtaa tto-^t.Tab • fcomt bair and double It, luaviug a

loop. lftlWBotfcu be M«D lay the loonit, elow ta tba *gm, and tbe tooto Willi oat H tbe bair to w.Udnwa. lfthetr-

rlUtiac object eMiot be Mm, raw* Lac IU of•ye aa high M poaaible ana pta** Ibe loop

tmt M yon can, clftae the eye and iwll thetail Moand a. lew ttm«,dn« oat tbe bair,aad the anbtUae*) wnleb eaaaed *o Dueb pailwiU be ran to cota* with iL Ttda net bod ia

rtxtlced uj as-maker* and olber worker* in

W b j U U IWhy will oar friend, ran the riik cf bpeon-

fclind by vearini ecanaw* pa the; eaa procure the meat pU th.i haa jet been Hade, l.y calling on

C. Kortek, the well knowa aUtioner, aada pair of 1* Mara'a ipaetaelet. Don't

•w Ttt Waitparlor SUv,, double or afncle beat.r,

[naro, round, high «r tow, plain or fancy,'t fail to give ua a eaii. Frieea luwor

a t « r . A l k t

i 1H1.

Brick DMit Mm*. A nHabla place u *oj

D n n aad, MadMaM.

• ft'lii. xwiv unit lijwlv'Jc.... . _.ill thv IHiijIMltlr.-u...' i.VliiMVCIl 1.) l:i

!.i:i,iJ '?B'!i*"pi'i.|lildl|dl'iirm.vl|m"v ui«V bii!'• fr'nitie'* i-U-ni'il fmnpiiiij ur.niu.l "

Mr. t'vms Wdllo. «•!„, riTi-iiHv li-ll out u.'l.i'Miiu't Irif.' mid <.|imr> M.-iir'l>ii'iildiii.'

ll.l'l SuKi . - th iTuunlM' llu • „ , , . ! , - I v =!,,„injf l ljeit bmi iU uii , mid I l i i u r uf (»nA.r,v » l

I'DUIKI wit l i ii l iu l l i t tlirinij-li bin fitiilt [1

I In:1..UJ.' I

r.l I.' Uiri llii,til

iii.il, Win. MIIHL.. . .Clmtliaiii W , N. V., HltiL-lit ll«tii<Uii. iunl i iHtr l iu lIK: thoUKht. lie inuw ilo»K*"t lln' tilllir. Ill, t'uilllll tlriKbt Inn w)iutlioii_v luiit iwuiili w)iik' lm w n i l u (

l H i . . .The liMiiM o f tin- l'rctibf n

fHinhUouv me | ut tljt Im.elli NiiicliiiLillx.- «It TIKVII

l | H l ' l n k l'k1 l t i

It liiH iUK notill bn

a l n k l t t f r Twhsrt 1 lint is—tn 1 ho

un the. evemntiH ol tivcDilnr. l.ikr il,,. |,,iiiiin Kiii.l It v-iiK ho, ii

r J Ink'- il fd

^ lat tlit'ir


Tlie two trumiiM wlia littiko into Sim, MinUn>'» ]ii»t Wb.£ weir ,'u:iuM nt Nr«1i.n'ruiiulit bni'k to htunltcjit: liir id'-iitifit'i '

Mf^ri^»niH\ViSK^Vrr:Sh!riVwn'iHliip l> u iiujurily uv<* tli<- It.niuciiiti,I'nibiliition enti<l[di.lL>« oittt. Tlm 1-n

~ " Ulit« . I INI .V I I , Hyr.moil Ttte iUKHel CII.X ri'jn.

'Uiflui-nipK tin

u ataki jjot undero w i i t l

,{iu« Tu ruk, tr Afler'io itotdui

jimt iu liu «a« crawliuu out Irou muler, tinla.t tine, No. 7, en we HVOMKDU t i e other trael

id xlrui* biai. l i e lived ouly a few winin. Just at thii wrritiotf 1 am tmt prepureilMS bow tuucb trutti there i« iu tbc *Wrj>Uuti of the uruia ut tlm luiu-iuulu ut I

..uud IKJUM broke on Weiluoduy uioruiiuud the iron b t w a li»d to H|uiiu out doori

[lUlftukrUii, uuttl they got it ttai-it..Itniib II uliucn IIUH muT> d irom South St.o-

Lditor Ktevh L»« moved out vf thvtiane-uiiiit uunVr l.iiuKer-o -tort' iulu btjuarttTa un tlm tlmt fluoi* of tlm new

Tlii« urwHJti u tittle .tule but I keptuu it fur tlie taut twu ut cbn-u vu'kt.

uuwill lm ihuik full ui re tuwill «mi twre. U. J.


I'tipfimt snow m|iiall of tinim iHxt r'riil.y eveuioic.

JIIIIWH Mcifle was fiouie viwater worltd last week.

Ihntiia- Oliver returned borne from Lira,Mftud ln»l RatntiUy where be bid been emIIOVMI ax ciuebman fliiriDC tlie p««t mimnier

Km, l lnnphrej Iliekti hiiibcen reHtminpilo unr room with • very »*even> tilekneiw fmbe past week.

Jobu TtioDJi* Wnblisr. HOB of Wm. W«h1u>r,Btarled tn attend • anhoal la l>..vnr on "•arinarnlti i la^.

Il ia outtrHly too tbintbut we p*or tpondenift or wimrf *• — ~~—.-'** —. »*.. *—.uit|rin(t aamn falrd


Well, never mind; let it'«iekM>, «e h,Ibe biuiXHtK we want at home.

II ia ittiile becoming t« torn* wople tiUirrowiwuicbodyitlw'alocal newtipapcrnvtir'wnek. but it ia a vcr.v aeldom oeoummt ' L

t o n ever «!«• or hf»m ol aueb |

r r — publialiiMl lu (ho itemtbe town or village In wMch tkev l i v e t

Sv buy one or more aht»ciirN in putiliuam in pti

a highly

The lot of tliebaiuevifeU Indeed a very ban]» . l _»__*. 1..^ t~. _ . a t ft. _ * • t i




hauaBVirele indeed n veK out*. Bhe ha-to »cnei

u wbieh way *h« cann tbe meagre »llowauntli Then bino

euiln ne«t «n tbe meagre »llowaure aUottbur each montli. Then bnino mmea ber bunband, and |« nnthr it Mill a little hiirder, litllimwa hi* hat iu oii« luruer «.f hrr kitchen,• laroat lie IIMLKH uiioua i-biiir, and lfaruw>ii>lKHit«iiir •boen|n aorae other iwrt of "d i c i l i - , all cnotrlbuliuK to

uioro ltlitueitK wl tlEthat

tin) wore latliueitiK awl ft(tlE«vaiina toNu wowler ibe no often ejaflltaie-." wornaa's work In never done."

Hcuni William tioakini, Tnumu EHii i«ulm Ktetaarils, iwiter known as " VefrjJack," ot •• Jubn Tublijr," have rRtunicd trorn(tie water work*. They were all down there'•""tog;, and tbmucU the change of noupftnira_ JUirattort, tliey v e n tbrownout ofem-

ploj menl.8*m»ie Hicfaardi bad bit foot aevBrel

bruised by the nucfaumy at Ht. ~nine la*t weef-

Mlcbael KTondar •f

A lady r

• happy tnu on

week to toiT&i liaatuiiul la CMUI*, wboalouttwoiuoMlu&rior, Kbefelt*

Mvg to return tbo key of her houae. anc" 1 - . - * . . - r|heTL..,_

whichrauuuTed'ta'iMt'ceiry"little, w»»toft

T h e a § t e t preached ty ant Mator. BeyJovhaa Mead, laat Muadav •Mraiaa* waa, "Iye then be ruwnwUhCbrlat,aMk: tbow tblncawhich are abom, «hem Chrixt altMlh on the

bt l d f ( t d Mt flli

lh*•abject preaehetl ty ant Baator, Kev.ibuMead, laat Mtindav taoratnV « * *

»t— ' a^*.'*!, ^i_^ — _—... v.~-v_ —H

jtbt land of (tod. Met your affenllouaIhinga aba»t>, ant on thlD|[a of earth." nle«t WM espounded wonderfully, amB«odle>a tot ua to aay it waa a good M(tribe eUr»<!ltr«f Mr. Mmd'api«aet..-_.nowrx fat and vida. Iu tUv *««ui»)t bo tobk

lor fal* tett, "I* Ibe yaauu «•«> Abaaln*afe1"Tbta dUeonr-e WM specially to tljounjt BWD of our villue or whom there waia goia MaeaaJglaaje. Th* y«uiK men ntaitwud latent* Inlcmt by nlTit.it tbeir whe

•ntion to ihe speaker, wbo elucidated tl

. __„ |a bia coBdnaion boWmS&JT5*mm}* >«»"P «**"* temptery a * awa to Uewarp f the teanpteraadiMbrla^s attdaswerUt tb«Um giveof any into«|ea(jng bevaraM rea»b tlie lips.Whenever ymt want to llateat to a good «r

ym ahoald not fall to bear Mr. llead-W1 i t

Vt> rxlebd oar eonsTatalstlona t* A. 1rtlej. It )• a tint pirl. Mr. V, ban Ii

. J M Rbwnt nniihed itail II liMita rerv Bfat.Mr. Obadi.1. Apgar Ulk. wn.e «f goinu

W e t ia tbe Kprina;, and there take up w mil

B verr nUlk. aun.e «i g

there take up w

p hurt very bad l i e nleant or horns*

t9 David Ad Wh

e fafTM- kicked l>nvld in (bo (neeing bin aenwleM. It fa a grout wondr

id Apgar wap hurt very bad l ie ntliay. While bitching up a leant or horns* oneI- tbe fafTM- kicked l>nvld in (bo (nee,

i bi l It f t ddid not pat his o je to t i , Ho iciw tiicknl

up uncouM'ionBind WM brought to hla *

It it aMr. Jw. Conover liiu breij

nill. and b u put In a

a and v u brouj(lit to hl, but ia now eou valenlnc

* now rammctire tlielr operitu> m* 111* nnl«ol Io

lbhiiuieni.verlintiliue Mi

atiellcr, wlilrh wnrka very niceh. It WUKbought of Wm. Martlet * tkmt. ITi.y Luvu•eat oul quite a lew tbtu fall.

The coereMwotlmt tif 1'urt Onm lull* "pamrkin wpinlntiif m imnml.. I mu I— ^- tbliplacp wplKliiuf[inp»un<ln.

n pbrfcian, retired from [i ran ice,having hnd^nWerf in Iiln lum.lM liy an Fn.-India mlMionarr tbe Immth of a limple TCI)table rfineav for tbw ipeedy and pt-riuaiirture of t'oninmnllon. "irourl.fli*! f^rrVithmaanilall tbmat mirt Laug AUVctUm*.no a pnaiurc and radiral cum for Wcrvoui

Ability and all Xervnun Complniut*. aftervinii lealed it* wondrrful ciimlivu tinwcr*tfaouMDiU of vawn, IIH- felt it liln duty tn•kn II konwn to hin mi fieri up fellnM-n. A>-il«I by tbi, motive Mid n .k-AJKin n-lievcman #aferinj;, I will ncuil free nf cliar^e,all who deilnt It, till* reciiir. in Uoniiiti,-nrh or EnRli.h, w.tli lull din-ctirm. f..r.•liaiing ami naing. Hnit lij- mail by «d

re»ins with tbutip nmil 11 a thU i l x ! WL N v t m >4»

nit l j manmil 11 a thU iiB k ? U h

«d-. W.N V

e»ins with tbutip, nmil 11 a thU iialx!. W.Novtm >4»FaWrV> Bmek?UoMiheatcr, N.V.

Dr. D. B. nand'n r*inwlle» for cllldren

tn now for uh< at KiHg-orc'i Corner Drug

in \cv<>ti a fr

J.ihnSlil l-i '

Niillliira.lc 1

liir lor.Mi*.

i- lm•V llii ItiilH lime «.rIll-tr- ;

'i rjuLVII

>f nur yimtiK ivPiwlittvuitt. iu t<hi rifiinl tn New V.irk Hut.-ll.viiirtliL'liiR-rs. On., iiipitrt

II ainriU Contitv. Un V-IIH uli-rc; la.l T.ICSIIIIV w|i,.|, Anmii Miniuii' ulimi: mi-1 ttmk ln\a uii. Tl i t WfMHII tllt.l With lil lt linlill

-L hHiuVU hi' Vl>tl'« tll<'l)[-llltiikit.

Niinlii-rii Uihliii't thi-rI'll (I h(']ll-|l wIlliM, IMlipninnlh

•nnTi;t i,* Muinc titlk

hf.'.Miu witii M'illifnii'jiKliimli.rn UM tLi' liUt.-r

Tlien- nri- r.lill - . i , , , . . ;


Tli.."roi'li'ti'){IIiu!llIw1|nl'rcpun.tioiiH It.i- it ha

Tin' .-Jiliililll.iii 1111,1 l.ii-iun. Kin-nruh.i iuutivi-of ln.hu, in MM: L

e I, I11H Fridity inul Siilnr.lui l U li '

ii-fiu im.l J.,1,


• , ,ii

™S.i „,i-ligiun IIUK l« tt-iiiiik' In

idity inult.i Ilie Uru

i l i

. VnnilfiluKtf, ol nrrcnvillo,!'. Wik-kle, IJIC fee l

h t h l t


. .. .ihur Iji'tna killed.A ilitt.Toiict of opinion «iL-ms tu urov

iMiix-iiftilh},' the a lilii.l of I,,:,,-! S,,ii Ii. 1we belicvu tin; ni^jurily fi.viw liia uvi|iil(.nn\Kt \bv, vimimitiiiii'LA. l i e imw livix wliis mutber, wlin li;in miirod to Hot-kuwuyHie Mimntlli.pr ronil.

II. K. KtirKli* &. Irror^t1 Hi'fitifld b ivi tl••(Jiitrm-t j'ur i lie aiiisoti work ui' the iilenIiii-torj-.

fottiuuHter C'har]«H 3. Vvx hu rnuorntlit* nuw niUtU'iH HIM! buft » nvw oiliiiii lor tuulilit Ixiimflt. It iitonu tu be iiilmin-4 foown like our* uutl liu ci-rtninlv deMrrnin-dit tor KtittiiiK silcb u 1JUUIUIIIII« uud t(tsiiiint onv, Tbe cirnulur uiviuc u doHciou(ili;i»BH TOIIOWH; It in myvn fc«t bHid tint t'wt IUHK aLd U cundu or UHII (KU>Hkef. Iu tiio wul«r U tlm UUIHTUI dulivci

winiluw. Abiiveiuowuikrf•ml Delivery " iu n.iscil l.r

tor II ucy, »On e

,ui»|», tta'., vrovUnil willi V.*tli aide ol tlm wicket ur« :U N

mut-iiuul liuim to lie used un delTiiry ur«! yraxiMt will, oimime.ii

IUHH uiiil are lettered on rbt> 1»«

WNvrUaicu'vui/loi'k li»x^<!'r<>f'r!iu"li']!!ii(lu«s, until l>ux 1H-IIIB iiruvia«4 with v. Vi»ilock uuil three Hut MHil kuyu. Ti> tlio lett ••l.u lock bvKw uro W No. / c , , i | lK,»r« « •

I.L- loit ,if tho ujlici- M » Dtuliuu tuiitiiiniUn. '2 eull Iwitu utnkiujl » lotul ul 180

1 br»e».t T b v ut, ull hui.-Uoiud). N'll. It IH ut tbc "(^ui't-u Auuv"Tlio (ouulerin uc«tlv pimelltd und uraiwldo With l> auclf IV li.clic, wide, ifclo

.1 delivery wiud..w ia » panel ML....The Mimicpj IJC curui

wiili tli« vmtoil iiilltae |irt»cins a cu

'ut dropa for lettura uudi« heavily wuuUtuI mA wiilinBlfin nt each uud tin; ulltae |irt»cins a cumiilito apjteoruucc. It ii ul modern muko au<U a cn-iiit tu tliu tuwu aud a IIIK oontra»t ttuonldvut!. tji'lES B41IK.

the ]ir.iliallllliea arc that likn nit wbicb hnvs been aiirvnved thruiillutco dunnu tbe iiiui 25 v.-ar

tlirnugli with, ffmicb In theImrdly ea]>eat our villnKe to he

ruiicbra, it

need hardly papeat nur -Hinge lobo anythi.ninre than It i . riir tlm »n>a<.tit. We buvo i«!mllla atnnitfiiK Idle, both nI whli-b wouldrunuliift If we b.d a railroad. l h n ooltofttutury and the L'aloduniitn 1'aper Wi.rk,Tlm furmi'T wlwn runutai; fnH titnn fniploiatwut US baud* and paid out a 1arKe uuniwages every week. The lit I tor during flic 1time of tbo Into Daniui Coglilan wug tic-itlIe a uiornout f>*uapt tar ri-palni. It arruve employuauT** *" •* |'>*".J. *>..anknb *.c i .«.ami hrouith't a Ii

'llOpMI[ilace where evi-ry bouiclriM trutni> wlio pa«KdtbrotiKb our vllluice found • pl»t*> tu imi« tbuitilihl and a munlof vlctuuls in Hie niornluicfor It « M alway. a rule wttb the pro|>ricl<durltiK hla life riumto let no liion pasi, htltior hungry or pi-utiileM if lip knuw it, mi

iud on one ocei*»iou we remtiuher nim-ninvn piiiHwtl tbe ulfrht 111 ere tduetlicr. l>m:1IB wiutt'r (toori O4tkn %vt« kept linritlitii vtinunlly, for UIIM Ilko nrwly HII paper nii'lwux krpt runningDiKlit uud day. Unlibo olimill otuudfl -.lle.it mid d ^ n . i ! now. Fo

e*n alter the war tlieru «UM nrouably notrtter paying uiauutuvlnry iu tho Btme tiiu

TheKden raprr Work*, uuw belnn rim It-jeDlHmoDd Mills l'apor Co., o f « Mum

St., Now York, wbieh ban bwn inakjiprepHratiuns alntre July to (Jose lor pxlensjirepiura. Owing to tbrir tauny nTtlet* IIB>not l ien able te do M> jet, •Ithonsb itpoHiilvelr an-erted tiow that it will cluse inoiiti aa tbe mock on hand in procpia nf m»ufttcture ii worked up. TUere in a Urge amou*.or now iiiacbiuer.v now »u hnnd lucre, wliitlwill be plncBd in |H>Bumii J.i.'. u« toon n« Hi-cloep. Amonv it Is a tow Kounlriuicr tunetiiiits, m new KKHIUU water wlicel. The beuinjt CUKIOM wliicti areniiw dilre.n by wurwi

iirntogejd ao they can lie driven by Wit_ je |£d«tiraf. HtUhtfi-K of (Hiu{h»i» WJd 11couti iettodo the lurgcr |i*rt uf tho repaint

-jtide wbich when completed will make thnne of the Urgent niitia i t toe country en

i the nanutuclunj ia linaue imper.ElPttinn ptts«ed nil1 very i(iiiet1y iu tliii dis-

trict of JUuovtr dud contrary lo thce xpeclu-Ion of nil t i e UepubllcuiiB tunic out» iiheadbereinHD old anylsu that a thicr will e

thief lir-i, which wm very aiitlv illiistratiat tUo i«.ll* IKW. K SVIS laTftt bill wIroned inrly In Ihe mitrnitiK inVnnl by

«.U Leinrlv iu t

»f Itauiiwr*1(» ld


jrd auth nut the JHJIIH bcrt',

ly but cmld ilii.

p'ord aud Frwbolder W. U. Vrfemaii.Ibe three principal workcm 'Wn cxuKined fueui clowl:.cover uo evidence of tbeir hiwliUkoy aud tolls of ervcniMuk» n.wllfa which to corrupt the pooDemocrats. I'erhaim tlity Incutwhen they reutl Ihe uamcH niuii(>dand gat Blear of them.

r innoecutir nmrc

tn the lilH.F.W.

marktil Uieelefti.miuS

l ^ p , m 4aiHaiiat;i t JIBU 4uu uuLUU \f Ht1(IUrl imy:be voutnuit to l>ut OJI the fitiwdaliuu fur .Mr.r'reil. Muti'a new Ijoii.t) a lit] bejiitn ilksiuj;ho cellar ttua ve«k.

Mr. J. J. JoneH bus moTfd to Stanhope.Tbo farmers aru mil ntur done liui.kiii«

A lire broke nut in tbo cant wins nf tinore*l Iloiioe lM!twccn 7 und H oVIock oiI'eitufwlay BiomiuK, hut il w u (IJHfuvercty Jainea t \ Force lu time to n.vr Iha Ituild-i«. A hutr beur Inlt-r tbo itliolo liuiblmuuuld huvu been laid iu n«ticn. Thn (lm i*tp]Mj»cd to fauve cuuubt lruiii n defect I vt'iu. It wnftlutttinntv iliat Mr. Slumi wu« ntm Luke omweini t tint uctlur lor W newittutfr. Tbc wind WIIH li!o»iujquiteHtrouu

, tin- «.iithw(Kt. How mutl. dm


.Kt. Hable In

l l

Honrr H U U R .llitr of tmt jtmuB ue|>irauli> fur tcte-« hotiorn IIIIH piin-lmml Ilm m w ^ i i r v

.... -J I'll l» IIUll U tilkiU){ ll-K-atltIM iU tl'lt-'riiiilij-. Wo Hre cerlaiuly wiikmn up tn tin

imp.™ ul' \mi\n ovrr imioclo. Tlmt'.latit, Tomi)( ii<>ntl<-uicu; <nt have a aupf<^

iiiidiiut'e of muKfie here at t i l . lll>uaunt,t im n ni-ni'rul thine " work" Kora nln-ml otuniin." \V«i nm.t th-twiid on vou In «btn wliicb fa ln-.t. It ('urluliily ri(|ui]liu* to inatiin* tlifi fleetrir •• lioan.":iu« «Uinn Hmnluv uinlit pruvontcd mnny of

ir rnutiu iM'npIi> from at tend' ' • '..tOr.il, , . Ker. Mr. Mead V

airt-Hftly for .voinin cciilli'iupn. Heto a pretty "ill hnn»c, tlnni«}i tuere

iltt have becu muiiy njore If it had not

en.I otnt.ow


yA tinn iwwirtnieiit for wtilditiff and birtL-

at tke. UrwV. Oni« Hor«.

A l a c Use al tbe llrick Drug Btorc.

W-mvn /nnniv '"^T'"' "'' " 3 t f o M l t o * l l ' p I l i

1,;.H ri'.-iKiii'd. ' >Vi) i-i-nturo t j reiufttk'rcv

-rr1icli..ii b,i ihe lircmi-n. The h** o ilim IIII.I ilitiiuijit! u. furniture ID nliout *1,UU1inn! is m*iiri?il_

«-Hlkinjt «u the IL, L. fc W. Hiiilroiid . .Uunl'iii^tdii tu td« bmm< ui I'urt <:»ldfn, f

1 " -Tuek iiml iinttuatly killed111 u.

(.nir^fl (,iu.v, o f flninc*. wa« huiitinn n «HjiflicttHtiiwii ou Montliiy. IIIH L-UU WOIluil Kimtlmid hi! lutiibil it In ufr i .nulwijiHluiiNloverlbBiUu«|, . . Jurt tb,n Ibo amil t;n utt liiiu Hliaittrci! (Jruj1* Uuud.

TiiniiKi^Hmisrd, u firfiinui on ilm !>., LW. idiilrimd, ruiiui:iK (roin Hiiriiiiloii to I'Muriiiv. vt,H hilled lit the (..tliritturcoiiTu

it lo oil Iliuuimi'J « « " ' « • trolu.ni

u i i ai lie W

! l l i di li

•!lc<l in


uc v an iiimnn tnilu mrt time, l lcl iv^l Uc«r tlie1 In

Hill, cif HlairMowntoiHIM mini K nnt lv trouhlnd vith i.,,<.«Ihlcvifi. di ufatmi-iitlyfelinarduiMlii.-ardis ehifkoi «iH>pt uuil tiikliiK bix K'w u l out lo «lv<. tlic Intruder n warm r,tiiiD. Sccln- wlitil ho nupjirwril lo lmitifiti of u tunu li« lltvit, mill finiml Himv.-Hliyjitiiin Hint bi< lm d lii I led hm &\K n,,,


h.'irriiiK iiiii".''l!JiI,-'|£ "»'Vhi!**Ct• ri-"imrf'ut t

WV) •liV'ar'reH^r S ' l i u ' l ll" " ' " " ' V * " *it juiil nt lliu Wiirwiik uuil Vn'ii'iMi VI'IHI-V*.

W.I.> Trimmer tad Purni

tare Upholiter#r,STItEKT, DOVER, N .J .

Hilr HflllraBien mmlo tn onler nn.l ol<l mtttiweitnntlu nvtr. VTinAnw itbtdca intdeiliutiff. Order* r<ir ill khul» uf u| liolntwiticaiiy mil promptly nicotitui]. Carriage trlming ID all |l« br.u.'li'... IVic^. mouorata

Iu tli* P»

E. H. All.-n,K I V l

Mulid I .C. K. .lubim

Tu ul'lmuT

, N..T., Nov. Oth, m\tiny Klrw,I'll >lnlb';U'*Wiii. *IiilhiiiiiV,

urtuu, W. KiJiiiimii'yi-r,u, t'laru Wlgtitlu*.uy of llmalinvolfltlLT* eaj "Kiiodtttf ofttilHlmt.G. C. HINCH»AN. P. M.

tlnflkawar. N.

In- ri>Hiiti<ri(-n orMr. l.~.|. <Kliii-MM.Vv>K(><:. M, Annwnnn, Hiifi» Sl.aw, of Hnl.okeinil Ella Aj«T»,of Mimhopu.

U1KI).IIAHUV—At Tnnlm. (I.-tobcr 17lb, 1'ntrlr

" irry, 0Kpd HM yeiirn.

ULACKSMITIIIVO.T!ic "iilmcrlbftr 1ms owned • new blao

•fmilli niui|) DI Mt. ritjflBifi, ahdlH i>tep»rtu .lo IIDiHFHHOKlNO an,) .ll kiixU utg

Lnl ttlicksnulliiiiR. A Irl4l la rr«prcirull•liL'itf.l. AARON J . f l l L t .Ul. ricnant, HUT. Gtli, 1B35. i


, iinw iirrptroi! io ilo t c n i n i . ID all>nvnclit». PHttci wantiiir; ctrrlaaeH. tarlii<r anvtliinir In tlm line or tuovini;, rt



FARM FOR SALE.Tbu rJiihocriber rfTL-ri Tnr »a)o » Wirron

Jwiity Pnrm roninlnin({ 13S acrcif, mo.ll<lllaMtf tnnri, nitnatvil ab«at21 ratio» ft o n tUt>., I.. A W. n, It. htiti"n at fftotiftirtnvn '

I - anil IJ n.il.-fn.m tbn LnlilRliand HmU,River il. U htdiju nearTieniin. Tli-inj Hvti hiiriitml i)n!t»ra uf tliolonoy iiiiij r -

40-tf sH,M. ;>.

Dover, H.

Froclamatlin by the Govern*.-,

Nrw Jerwy, nn the uIng of tlm twenty-nilnvofnclolrar.

» t w « B » > a a i The pure and Iliaatriiiiiwo of Clcneral UvCleltas, li(» rtitUoauWmliitnry und civil earner, ia part ol thetory n f ihu nation. Tlio BM»t rwlJier wbotfimiiEnd tho Army of the POIOBM, with ilncl.ievM ilio ipHBnitlriPBt vivtnrj- oi Autlelamaad made tH>«MbTe ul) Ita ruture slorien, willever llvti lu tl"' Rr*|cfnl reineniTiranc" ol alirnvd jw-ople. Iu timi the grenlent tuiUts.rRcnittn wan coinl.iu.-il with n (tenth and tniinu churoutor (lint ninde him nt oven the id<>t liiinienaudWlori-d by nil with vlintn h;.mi.' iiicoriUwt. MiF.ttf« K M saidtd t>y Inloftiest nnplrntiinin «f u pure patriotism nodnol.lf fhristiao liiunbooO.

Thft peonlo i>t Now Seney uro nwciallv In-iUl>ti-utn Um d<r bin nblo ailioiuktrailuti u'Oi.vcrnor uf th« 8tuto, mill wi«h toiltn-vi-r*bmior tn lii»miiuory that tfacir heurlfelt wr-

IIIIC or tlin Stale ttidoubclinirc,ldpslr« (i> lionortln; di'Hd liy uJ Uiilitnr.v reoorl, mill ImVu oldvreLttiim *li»U Itc tatiKU an uay mce

_. , . . . _ . . , of Mi tim-Nwd tamlly, I havl.o coantyn] to tlnin, by letter, Ihe deo|

mw mid nyiii|i.ith,v of Ibe Execailte nni

deem it iiroiwr to aet apart the day of tb

lier(-fi>r<> I, IKKIU Abbett, (Ion runr of thett: ot Nf* Jcmey, it.) lietiby direct tlmt nilfiulilic buiIiliiiKa Iwilruptnl lu Tiioiiniluit,Ha»pl»n^l »t lu.Il . .u , l , tlu, t,tHvr--

lim >atinuuMUntil Vivur thf> unualUailrnitiB liir nix niuntb- and all reKliuijHiti.liui, coiiirn lie draped for tbe

IMI, HIM! tlmt on tho duj of Ibr fnucral HM»ior a*ueri.Vr> >n1ute OP fired, and tbat all

public i-ltkTe In- clnted.ulmi fiiruenll.v rei[iirt*t our eitiMDi to de-

nt Imni nil wot I illy emniofnieuiH ami devotetun day | U tipprmirialc rtllKtoui wrtlccit andNIIFU <luuiiinitrntiiiiia uf torrow und rvapectaa

~ " ii»K to tho ciccnaiuii aud ibe nieuuryunlnou*. detut.ven noiler in.r band » d priry Hal at

Treutnu, thin tweaty-nlutb day orOctober, A. Ii. IMS.

L t o s AII ii Err,

Uoreraor.I C . Finn- 8ecrrtary.

The Best Newspaper in Americaby far the Most R f a b f

AgwU wanted everywhere to urn

neney in distributing tt>» Sun'* Pfi-

miumt, ' ' ''

The most interesting and tdwitft*

S«ous offer* e m mad* by mt N m s .


No Subscriber ignored QrfwgWctaL

SomethinD; for all.


Booka, tba S H | FaafU* itwaWfc-m U Ua trade, a a l M aot •»!•»>• vt rwU ,umy,»«



DBE88 00098.

All W H I I I M M 4toa4i tor Fall n l H l.»»rW*ar ia Ca*kaMica> TrlcM Ctatbi • •<Pt«la >M Faacr r i » « l Salllan ia lae•««• (all •*•*•• a>l UacK. Aiw a l i u •>Hllk Haia llearictfai • •< Jcrwr t l . la. .k lane U M I H H M « I I » M I I far CalMrn'i


la PrlBli, taaarlca.iiladutail, kc: line

a««rtai«at Bt lowest prices.


A cMiplelff l ine mi Laiict' , NIHC»> mm*

ChllalmM'i I IMC in C«ll*aj, Bal»rlgf«B • • • !

I.UIr, nil c*l»rt • • « Mack. Aliv La*llc«%

MlflM* am4 CMUrett'ft Vlmml Un>w. ! « • •



airachM. B » n a aaa Turner Be* Takl«Oaaiaihi; Kapklai, Taareli, Mtmctul aa«kreara CaMaa a>< , L l m CraaM., Bleach-ed mm* Brawii ajkcctlaia, Itc.

Bleached, Brawn and Calared Caataariaaaeli, all Waal BcarlM. Blue aae OniiPlaaaeh, Twilled aad Plala; Opera flaa-


latin »nd Oro ftrtla Kibbou, all ihadM

ani numben. Alto a line of oh«p Satin

llbboni far fancy work, *o.


1 Urge UMrtnunt of Und»r»*ar for

Ladloi, »«Btl«m«n, K i w u and Chlldron.


Wo h « « a larfo itook of WotioM, in-olndiog Imbroldery « lk . Orookot Cot-ton, HMnme Cord. iM oolcn, fc«., to.


Ladies' Grain Button and Luce

Shoes lrouiin.25 to *l.i>0.

Ladten' Cloth Top Kid Shoes ia

Button, Lace and Congress from

«1.2S to $1.75.

Ladles' Pebble and Straight Goat

Button iloot«at #2 «2.5O, #3.

Ladle*' Kid Button Uootx in the

Spanish Arch and Common Sen§e

Htjltnat «3,«3.25,«I2.5U, $3, #3.51).

Ladies' Freneli Kid Button Rootm

in the Spanish Areh and fasldon-

able styles; also the llrwid Sole

Common Sentse style, at $3.05, #4,


We have these shoes in nil widths

and sizes.

MEN'S SHOES.Men's Lace Sheen warranted

solid 91.75 to f 1.90.Xen'n Cair Shoes in Button, Luce

and Congress, #2.50 to tifil.Men's Fine Calf Shoes, made by

Haiim * Son, in Button, Lnce midCongress, tn three styles of toe;also with broad soles and lowheels, at #4, $4.75, $5, $5.25.

These are perfect flttlng and verystylish and durable shoes, and arefully equal to most custom workat twice the above prices.

BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SHOES.A complete stock of Boys' and

Youths' Dress and Siliocl Shoes inButton, Lace and Congress Irom91.00 to «3.50 per pair.


MittH' Sheet In Criin, Pebble andStraight Goit, tizet II ta 2, from 91.35to St.75 per piir.

BOOTS and SHOES.Misses* auosa.

In Amerioan and French KidCommon Sense and taaoioa-able styles, all widths, sizea11 to 2, from $1.76 to $8.80per pair.

Children's Shoes in Oal£Grain, Pebble Ooat aad Sid.spring heels and heeled, from25c. to $1.60 per pair.

A large assortment of HeavyBoots for winter wear for Men,Boys and Youths. If you wanta first-class hand-madj bootbuy the "Lester" boot, everypair warranted. Our fall stockis now complete and we areprepared to furnish everythingin foot wear for Ladies, Gen-tlemen, Misses aad Childrenat the lowest prices.

In this department we havea full line of Builders' Hard-ware, Kails, Spikes, fro.

AMMUNITION.Powder, Shot, Cats, Shilliaaf Priam.

FISHING TACKLE.A complete Assortment,

MINING XATSRX4U.Wrought Iron Pipe and fit-

tings, Blasting Powder, Fuse,Blasting Caps, Illuminatingand Lubricating Oils, Ao,Also Coal Hods, Coal Sieves,

Coal Scoops, Corn Basket*,Wooden Measures, FodderCutters and everything foundin a complete hardware stook.

, The Shorn Lamb.The wind is said to tie "tern

percd to the shorn lamb."Same believe this to be _

while others regard it and kin.dred sentiments as the "taffy"which the prosperous deal outas consolation for the less for-tunate in the battle of life.

Our own experience is thatbe lamb who ventures outsemi-dress when the windblowing, is apt to get his shareof the chilling blast.

But be this as it may, therecan be no two opinions aboutthe fact that our prices forMen's and Boy's Clothing aretempered to the necessities qthose whose means leadthern t(economize. And if you are ev.er so rich, is it sensible to payfrom S3. to $5- a suit more else-where than we ask for the samearticle? This looks well enoughin an advertisement, you say.

Yes, but the printed state-ment does not express the factwith one half the force that ourgoods and prices do.

If you will favor us with apall, we know we can demon-strate to you, every statementwe make.

MCGREGOR & co . ,czoxarxsa,

860 tt 853 Broad St.,

SEPT. 30lh. 1885.

We have just pur-chased n line of LA-D I E S ' MUSLINUNDERWEAR ofa number of differentstyles which we haveplaced on sale in ournew department antwhich will be sold bylady clerks. In a fewdays we will havea complete line 01IHFAJTT'S WEAR.Our carpets this fal

are unusually hand-some in patterns andcolors, and in reinnants of carpets weare making large con-cessions in prices

W. S. BABBjTT'S SON,Korrhtown, Ji. i.


•till maintains hitd

ion for ktcplpg fulltockaat


PROVISIONS»ribil»,ticr>ie>; aim

nun, mo, «um. m mcannimak.

«Aa«nfUmn« 1>ov., an U M M to «U aa4HMAIM my loodi. Po^ur prlow iiiao. UICBWIIUB tte naohof IbMe wboM mwii. aro tlmll^,

aaanrBM MaottnMt Mnnol "-


3 \ 1 . \ E ^ , nODES, BMSKErS, WfllPfl,

te., late'y (•onluin.,1 in the litnu-u Ktinp oc-

by tlio unbecribtr. Ttac.v CUD bo men

'ecMi-cco on Hcrgen Bt,

Alarmi ilmiWo lieator. A sooil ulior atnvr.

ANOTHER MOTE.We expect to occupy our new store,

opposite the post-office, in about 30 DAYS,and preparatory to our moving we willoffer great bargains to all who wish topurchase in our line of goods, such usStaple nnd Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries,Provisions, Ladies', Gents'and Children'sShoes, Crockery, Carpets, Oil Cloths, «%c.GOODS MARKED WAY DOWN THROUGH-


CT I ALL I» 4>D I,I.O« I T TUB aUKCUim. , * ,

JOHN A. LTON,novw, ar. w.

J. HAIRHOUSE,A chalet and well telteUd Use t l new attraction





7111 JU l a s u n u ,

«•'"> Kewtark.



' " • ! - . »OIfFB« t SOS, . . . . . . . l i ^ f t t R

Page 3: C. W. THURBER, POTIB, V. AMO Ucc»HsS He we. do VA the ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-11-07.… · 8tat«,THIBTV PEB CENT. BELOW any houo 100 Solid

THEIBONEEAftmturday. Hov. 7.186ft.

at tbe Port Ofioe at Dover, V.

Board of Freeholder, next Wednesday.Csawwu Couaoil next Monday evening.Tb* urat mo« nf the teaton in tills vicluil

fell taat Friday oveoiug.Ur. F. E. Urav and wife, of Greene, V. Y.

are vUitiug at O. W. LaulTbe president Las designated TbiiMda

» J V , Sttth, u Tliankigidnt Day.Sec the new advertisement ol

tbe teatjaler, on tbe opposite page.Tbe ore shipments «t Mt. Hope have in

ereaaed to fifteen car loads per duy.A ucsftUy of *50 flue is lUUe to be Imposed

apm Nay person gunning on Bauday.Edward ^unveil suddenly dropped dead

while at work near Iron I* last Saturday.Cart Crue, of Baakingridge, wni relieved

a gold watok at Barnntu'a thow, iu ttorrlilavs .

Herman *Y Co. display an elegantW-Uflfc eviaoea the artistic work of Mr. A.Back.

It ia aaid tho young aaan Drake baa hard.1jret recovered f row tbo friglit bo got on el*tkuday.

A fonatta vi.it will be given K«v. O«o.A4aa»a at the fort Morris parsonage nextThursday.

About 1.1MI0 feet nf rubber boae belongingthe Morriatuwa fire department fa In bai

Cbw. Trowbridge, living on tbo Mt. freetorn road, lost two children from diphtheria1u ttn daya.

Mr. John T. hawtewt, of Boxbur.r, itwry evident, waa never designed to ulilncIke political arena,

P. C. Oueriu nud Howry Day. of Morris-town, ate making a visit of levcral intmtbsto tbe Pacific .lope.f Tbe aanalty for catching bliwtk bm* from•aw till next Juno in fStt for eattb one taughtair bad ID posse SS'OII.

Itockaw&y towMhtp uwvaM Wm.ll. Van.dtriwof, or tf retiuvittfl, the bounty allowedft* killing m buwks.

Tbe Vaunt Olive tnlnc now bai a twent;fbot vela of Iron, ami the Ciiinpauy an•tog It witb a full foroe.

Torbert Post, G. A. R., or Morrlstown, soanlime age |>iu*ed » resolution requesting Mr.WerU to defend Baw W*de.

Tbcre arc quite a number of oity iporti• t gtookkolrc and Now Koiindland. Ouinjiorteri nliinidmt In Hint dectIon.

A large mid pitas in I Halloween party wnigiven by litst Anuht Richards at h«t home onKmx itret't last ftiturday evening.

Tfco union Love Feast at tbo Kccond M. EChurch last &abhuth atti-rnoon wn» a largelyattended and very Impressive service.

Tbe eomiug Easter will fall on the 25lh ofApril. Tbti has not occurred before tin1734, and will not happen agalD until 1W3.

The Civil Justiceship tn wnicH "Jack"Hogen wat elected In Hew York city or.T.iesday is worth •6,000 a year tor «x years.

ETOB Ihe kelp of the pemocrotlo Aid Se-elety, tho I'roblbilloniHts, waa not •ufflcleurta assist the Democracy to carry tbe Legisla-ture.

The (booting Mfl«m opeuct) tli(s week andtlie Republican hunters &\A sonic very suepeaslul gunning fur Quaylo in tbe First 1>U(riot.

Tho anniiul opening iluy cxcr<tise» of DtemNetnlnnry wore held ou Wednesday. Ail-d w i worn umde by BlaUous Merrill uudM illalleu.' A white winter iwll.li raised in tho jrantaftFltev. W, W. Hallowaj, Jr,, HioaHtirL'ilii:inebea In efreuafennoii and weighs twonty-

Tbu'l'hDmoa Irou Compnuy blow In i80 ,1 at Its furnace ut tfokrutUtiua, l»»toendsiy, On Tuesday nfleruiMia tho Vi

ron Compiiuy roumeit oiwrntlonn in furnaort>, 8, »t Vopluy, nfter % iauK lilleun*.John If. Mai>m, tboprobibitinn onuttldiii

for tho Aeaombly, lives In Wo*l.ltiKton lowisblp, where be got jmt 25 votus. Thin h nnlinott wild Ouniorrutlu IOWOBIIII* nnd i>r»v<rhat we have milil, thnt IMituerut* dourauto mauy voU» for toiuiwrau™.Tbo Mornn County Machine nml Iron Ci

iiilHw-il n lut ot mncbinory »nd pumps toIvor mint iu Meaicu Inst wcrk, luuhtiliuKnek valve nnd cain for a t'ornisli pump,

weighing 4,700 poun.h, which Wns prnlinblytlie largest valvo over sent to (bat country.

We bear with regret that Dr. Wisuiua,«(SutCBuUDOa. la ranflued (<i lnu IK-II by illuuHK.Ihe Doctor recently rccovtrod from mi at-twk ot iiiflauimaUtm of the liuwctn. lie iauow RuRt'Ung from ulcBrutlon of tlio intcx-

Dr. Oondict, of Dover, alien (In htm.mblbllliin VQIBI] ver.o ttirown

iwny in Iliif* AsRtmililv DiHlrlct to have eludediMtus E. Potler, (i loiiipcraupo nitm io priii

iplo aud practice, to rlic Lcglnlaluro. Tliciiotcs helped elect KliuH t . Priikc, wbo inmt. TIIPM crnnliH ulwnys <I« tbin^H in thU

T)|e naae ol the Aawrlwn Swede* Iron Cova. Jennings Is on tlieealendwrof 11™ No««mk n term of ttw H. J. £«pnuu« Vourt, wttcbhagan tfafa week,

Tke pteaent fall wtll bo meworablo on «'-•BUt of ita heavy ralnfull. tJotuWr lirouttlil\%i tnebea, aad the Nrat Bight ol Morenbcr

fA «MSlloD vKil, towbkfa all an Invited,

will be given SCT. Paal KH»tle*', m the #|U«e« or David KMaon, oeu d

d lH«v. DP, Hrlator, whan nlloged immoralitywakeue4Mehaure«|o In the Newark Con-

o iwwntly, has beea making poUtleal

U II- Trimmer, of Middle VatlW. 8e*ly, Of Sew Vort, have leased Uud atPart Murray, Warna county, awl will ewetaereaaiery thereon atoaoe.

Wo. Van Pjke, near Flandew, haa had ttnvariolflhl. It la anpnoscd be came In contactwith the dlsMM wfalta t.klng a Hhort ride ontflaflalbwIiaBttuhope. lie f. wuoverinjr.. Tbe nuMionary annlvertarj *t the Dover

Presbyterian Bnaday School wai Mot hcM !•*!ftnday cvnUgi in eoaneqvwweof the ratn,

Wehadglrno qpallhnpea of ever soeius|ibMter get out of tbe Deuwratle wire, butitaoellaiiteitfDncowityhaHofcctediiltepubii-A«D Senator we are Imbued with frcub pouniRu.

HvJ< tl. h. fruden, of tbi* place. A»«!Ms»ntPrivate Heeretary to Preaideet Cleveland,-atai bowe ttfon ft visit U*t Honttny. 11Ufrieadi were iileased t« aeo him looking anVeil.

| t is believed tbat a rpgie h* iht n"me n f

paveaport, now «u«»ed ta lbe Newlun jail,lathe tktef who alole tbe lortm of Mr. t'lin*.Hardta at tV»ter, lie was wre»tmt fur horseMealing la iurae>,

Hev. Martin Hen- bai brtro Teuioveil inmtlm post oMoc at Meobantenvltle, in lltinler-4m WMWty, That'a what tho reverend gon-tlaaMagota for being a rascal, The rascalsMast be turned out

At «lll ta SMII by • card la auotlwr columnMartM amltb, ef tbe Park Hotel, bin taken" aUnmae as an auctioneer. " Bnrt.'~IMViMHT U ftutae* aud bad grcaV uuteen iatUalineoflHiBiiKM.

" Vaele Billy" Marl at t, baggege mastertoe lUcktttftown mall train, was readiug abvlMn board in New York hut week. Wbeobe had got through he fonad tliat a thief had

d with bis witch.gl.te Pish Commissioner WriCbl ia

l h rlliiMttfni wHh blackaMcklnffth iflau Of tke large moulh varletj andk h ; l : h j i l e r a ( » a d y ? o

fi W e tally-ho o«cuni(nnB from L»fco nuMax to Bp'arla neil Somnwr will be iqamfer Ut. E. M. Collver, wto auant several y

' ^ e KewToT i L l d hriJtp |h«tbe hlorklMMlSMWU d « Kwrong and mi.V 8t>t wuio of »•tvouble, 'fhn legal -«u#«n for Mark tia*| inVew leney la from »"y >st *» Mov. 1-t. "-

Th» W M I W B cnaf arrertod for tiie steaVIng of tbe bones of Me«». Nnuiilirfa1" a»d8atWB otsWMlB Valley, turns wit to be s.bnrgiar uawed Peacock recently releasedfrom tfce Jail of Nort romnton coonty. !'«.

A t n n p wld a «nu to John Colb«tb.«Hackettatown, the other day. ilr. II. ISandetMB.of <'b«ster, irom wnom it bud been•toko, traced tbe Buo and recovewd it, anUBlkfllh \» OOt the (fl M he (Sayo jbe tranp.

<fbe fr«l pkj^HhiaRpa "Mask silk aprolarge and square, well covering thn frobreadth af the gown, but moro prettily triw-Wcd tb*n tbe7 asodfa bp of old, wben migrsid^tber, ware then, is now f .sawaabi*,

TH> OT» toi«.*Re « « r the High Bri.lffeBrwebforihoBonlhof October was as fallows. ThreUKh W Pbtll|p-I.ttr« and point.

a * m W t l l toCh««« l f l l_,_ .08 tons. Liwcitu

Chaiter,7UflBtous.ThB honorary members of the Dug Asiooia

thin BtOnuge will wake a targi-t excutwlonto Mxwrlatairti on TbaoVHtfvmg Dny, inJnfca fllll Engineer Association, of Orw¥1U ftlsn asakea target P«P«ral"n & »u*

Ura, Klllgore, ol the Huul«r<lon Po«oemm* Xwmktn tbuudemtmek with tbo• • » • ol tba election In Ui» cuunty. Hnn4 M imwK*pnl»lican! It " e_"M

l n < !™Vims »««* *»*• b « i n • t""*"16 " "WMagtk««1dibellbarka.

Hr. E*. A. Qnaylo wn« net elected to fluAs^mhlv.tmribeSew T»rk World eonwleitlie aDonrntn witk an elaborate obitnarjootiee N M P U M by an old portrait of MeClellnn which bears a slight wseiuWi"""Mr. quiyle at too present tine.

D., L. It W, stock is uu to l/ZLluud SCentral lo 451.

Tbe iuUcriiitiowt In iho Oraut mouumcfund amount tu fffi.tm.W.

Tim Atlonlic aud Fordt* i«Jwder compgnleiare buth runuiug tbpir works'ou fuli time.

Taa P»t«MOH P«a« «uyB thnt Senator JohnW. Origice will be tun B 0 J t president of the*• J. fienate,

Mr. Hugh Hartley, one ot tie moat blgb»«I*cled eillzeui of Washington towusliidied ou Monday.

T1ie.diiv'« election dcve?op<.d tbe fact tbSenator Bemill U a great deal biSKCi \aitliuti Leuu Abbett.

Tbe Uiiiutwrats will not rudisUiol the AatnUi district,, of New Jersey, as they bail

hoped lobe able to do.

report* a spleudld time at Mew- Ork-the engineer's convention.

i t i* >aU tlut Mr. A. B. yk.erumi, of tillrroucurj Uejiuriuieut, cnuie home to vg(• ho itu aKeiiHlvfl pnrtUau 1

It 10 aaid Uru. Killfion- issued a,rm cx\WVIH of the ftenawrat lait week. Vowondeiiuutcrduu vouuty weiit UipublWn.

" geueml hen) that Hon. Wni. Walter Hiolpfill IHI the uext U. (4. fe»»t»t ftuiu Ho\

Oa elecliouday thcueuben of tbe Emmibvcle tiluij niudu utour to pimii>tun I'laioe

and Little Full.. Tu.T bail dinner at 1'ouip-

elarRn majority of HepuMican Senutotwho bold over another year will mahu it UDXto JiDuwiiula for ttmu Abbett io reach 1I1U. K. Senate.

Fred. Mast, ol Lake llupiitcnnn, in recovoilug. J. J.Huiiwltnan lias sold out h\* bn,new nt tiureimuuau to tak( t'linrge ol Mi

rin CouiilyTueuluy,

The HUDUut meeting of thn MiOuildren'a Hoiue will Im boldNov.lOIh,atWA,K.,l« (U« I.;ing, HorrtHtowu.

Onrret h. J-ir„),„.. o f WLilehall,>r»wu from his w«g«n liy m ej.iriti-d 3

enlt, on Friilny aveuliiR l»nt, neiir Montvillo,IUII ltiM left arm WAS bmlly fruclured.

Iriiendont aiserts that I.WIO piews of chowitiiKUm wtira Hokl la Ki>*ton ilutlits tti'liiVn-rThe glrU xbould have bim iirrcatud i»r libel.

.'Vernl MorriRtown horaei are on eibiblliuiibohoraD KIIUW in Ntiw Turk. lii'itlnoU

Prey's uiuro '•Brllettnook seeoml ^rleo iuilntcri. llu ban refused au

i . HarHe.v Klutf «aiiKltt 11 alekorei B-olalilnKnr inmtnlH, in liiOmmln, tit Hudil'Diidny, 2ttib. II hut tiitd tu »* nil.b wHgliiiiK hnlf u pniiinl, nml buddeath whilu the miulUli was Mlill ntivo wheney were eniigbt flloiig (be nhorc.—Mlifiihnitllc,The latest implication of centrifusfil fmittilry pmelico inn imicbiuu fur ncparntiter frnm butter. Tlw lattet 1* tiiken M\I\\VItrannlnr fonn frnui tlio churn "ml \\h1 muslia ling williiu n swiftly rcvnltinuISPI, ui]i\ OJU water is i^ntia oul, lu:tvlng'

lUtter drj.

Hlsliop roitcr, of the M. K Chureh, willlids ovrr Ilio Deit scaslda of tho Howarkferenoo, in J m r y C'M.T I llisliop llnrf t

iver the N«w York Uonfcreiicti, in New >wfe•Uy, and llltihop Audrows over I lie Niw York

tot Conference, in Uwhlyu- All nill mwt

The nest iDAetlutfaf Ihn Ramtrtlph Town-hip Sunday School Agaodutioti will Im liuldu tbe Mine Mill rresu.vterJuu Vhnnh, Mciu-

y evening. Kov. Iflib. Bnnjwt, "Tbo ro-llnnot tlin friniily to tbo Hnnrfiiy Kehnnl."IO osercfH'a will be preceded oy u concert

I socrod aOiulo,Frank. Moscr, ana of the umrt ftapulnt *te-

tho Morris and Gunrx M.Jlronii,irouiih bin clone ntlontiou tn business, biw

n iiTotnotctl to full liiiariid nf a throttUitho lioontoii bruiioh of the Dulnwtirc,

l nckKwaimii and Western «)ni)mnil.~l'.hiIllpH;

btirg llenioeral.1 ii eomioal to vltueM tho night of thei-run Uemocmt. Wm. A. Dudd, bi-iug rim!; of liia parly by «H iinpoi tat Ion' frpni I'cuo-i-.iiiia who banlly kunwa the KepcrnpHy

MortiM t.ouutj:. Hr. llmltt w u u DcutttcTutof proniinPDce and influence before thlt youugsnob hud cut hi* ryo teeth.

:aVlng of Iho recent prescntndan theix Regt»ter Hay* t M.>rthal trolley mf at a

inner realilem of Kewtcm, where, he baai,V Mends. ll |s bravery wus shown hue

t one Ifniff, wbeu he eutt-red 11 burning dtwjtore aod threw oi|t eo^busUbkf, when anexplosion ffns greatly feared,

A fire broke ont in Horrletown au Mundurbt In a dwelling ou WeitUn) avenue, owni-itJim. It. Voorhees uud r^nteil by (I. W.

iurunee anO tbo CrpitvUnciit tl)d JJ<«»1•ork Iu putting it out, The l«*a li about

»n bnlbliug noil •500 on furniture,man named Jookscm, living on Mtno Hill,•ported to bnvo CDUO homo drunk tli«

tber day, <Rhun be nbunud bin fiimtly ami;u threiitcuod to kill them. llu broke tbeile, and nearly nil the duties iu the bouno,

n«A Ihn family wrtO nlilignn to flw for Volp.Tbcre IN still need for the whipping post.

Dr. J. W. Cosad, a deniiit and prominentf»rn of Jersey City, tiled of piiralyuls yen-ilny roomiiiB. lie nan n veil known sum'-* rcHiilctit of Mt- Tilbor. w l w Uu uwneil

one of lliq B^it heauttful coltnues on tbe' Dr. Caisd >ad taken tho highest <le-

nmaanty> A wife and one daughterhim'. '

The onslaiigut pf tho sucking kl't* of tb(!nUu party'tm c.i)n>uj«n«ci) agJi.iuet tbj.Wn). M. Vud<), wlio boq more brains

nml itood «iiso than tlio whole puck uf th^toliimnl. If « few more Iletnocrnta wliQiKbtaalir, I»H.lll d(4 bad |MMsm»od h«'femirage Ll|ns V. priikc waultl not be

Li bine Iheiu to-dny.The dude w(th tbo lungrnt ueuk bt now «"'ml by uh compnnloB* for Us utattty to wear€lB |Mlityleofi»taanln««ilUrs*ilh««ii-rt. A enlliir aud cull' Bnle«.ui<m dl.pls.vcd

collars 2* iucbca bigb recently uud said thutll,ey were ileslincd to be extremely popular

iitt winti II that ciwo tho Itnpccunea willthtir cuffs for collars,

peciiil train, corryinu Mif i

and tt wet*

Bcitfoner and_. _ . . W.mnil,tw>vaB'iiuiito11 t n « |"- | i o i i r

uiiiiulrs, "u t


W t t n A » AMDUMEsm.

Ifannger Si-ita Itaebool in tbe MorrereuiuRS n week fo

The two-mile •*W. Emzrj, of MoBell, of Dover, hatin tiic Dover riuk 117lii.

Wlieu CtittDillerlasttfnmc «f(h thiID to 3 game wi

rink, giving tbree

rUtown, and John K. 8.>p« anaugeil to come off

Td i N

gamIt bu't likely that Daduwn.

Bmovillcs he auid "thom lurd pill li> HWBD (jot the 10 io 0 pili

The perloti

' i Ve* <>i iUeOuUtujttiawbnii.{u, guitar iind

iu tin' Duver riuk on Weilffunii-d u dri)«liHiil luauKetatoru by whuui (heir tflorIu tin H[]

Tlio Duv.r l'ob> Clul* has e.l.-ctod FHurrk I'rci.Icut, Fred. Muyl>prry BucrolIUII Treu-utor uml Ally \Vbit>i C«i-t

Tliey liiive ebn1 lenses iu bind fnirn Hotvillc, Moitcliiti. JIiHTiKlowii iitnl Clie*

iiilD for tlie ylu^-ci'i will \w. ulitaitiud *.iuTlie ureiit Drown-Uarlin;j Uomliiiiutiun

be tile attmcliuu at tlie Dover rink to-11

—8:itnrJii>—nviuhiK- I) irii'lucW WillM. l>rown In " lfuni|it> l)uiii|ity,"MiMi itnoakItarliiig, Ilio UL-knunlr<t){<-iI rhii'iipiun lixlyikateroftlio world, andliitblIi>:MlduJiitien.if L»iiunHhir<i, Htmbml, tho cliiM VuuulUt injliurflutcr nud li^btiiiiiK eInuj);i-»

A great made-uu leiiin ployed in Pnirr^nnrcHtontuy njruiimt Iho I.ittln KulU dub. Itrcuru«!U.tv.l old I'aWrMm bull v'.nyr* nml iu-claileif HuCoruiic-k, K el Icy uud WIUIIIIUHDU.of thcCliip4t;i)8, Nnltin, nf (tie I'Jtilitilol|>liIJIH.

illwtiiie, i,l tbii Now Yorltx, t'ur.•<•!!, <,] Ibt-uHtmw, CuDguu, of tlie NuwiirliH, nnd Kyunid WcOuckeii, of tli(! ll^verrt. Tliey bent

Ibu 1,11tic VullHcliil'hy H »"'(in- nf 11 lull.Tlio nlociitlcitiiirv Olilnrtiiiiiiiionl by Mr«,n3KMImi1<:rtiurH>ul,Hi thr l'r.'^iylerlnnliureli n» Tm'Mlny evohlu^. greatly |>l<-11»«.lVur.vilooaHdfciiuo wlikU bid (jntlicixtl l«

bear lux. Two whtctiau. wwc cnlvuluted furml ii) tlicii] Mr«,

Hlirllmt )>r»ve<l tlio vc-r-iillHt.v of lu-r tnlcnt.

11!it (Ins iiiioi'niiHHiciiiN ln'twt'Cd tin1 rfiulinHHrtirc pldiiHtintlr illlnd with pUno rciiilifimis<y Misif. M. %<m; ilcrllo tJ:.Ho und Ur^ciis

Thepeculparty profcgd u siEllas C. Drake, tlplauleil I

Cfliid nniurul hatred ftruuuj; m»u v-bo baa sup-

: ol' part,

politics in tiiiitMfliou. 1'bej lout upim liluu ui-«tnrt wliu. uitbouKh very fresh io tbetie«l OMUU, U «ujo>*tu|{ tbe tew*rj.a of

their life-long IUI-OIB IU lbe cauw of Uciuo

craey. Heeamcto the front only lint yea> laid out at, cviiA as n wedtie one of tu« oltltrusted loailcia uf tbo j.arty for the ,

ibly nouluutiou. In t!ie LirgialMturepuwid u» ibu lumltT oltbR untcrrmcilin 1

ngbolilH ot Morris vheru tbe mnaa groIt and the uieiuorv i>f Auilrew Jticltnonruntlj- VDtaliiiK-il', nud it molded In tbeHtK ut (h« old iou(Ier«. He gut tin' inllu

wuiilcd the Hunter |KWit nlll™. llita 1iu poliikw viMii luiil Itin on ili« sLelf nndiiitruiliutil lo tlio (iftlre utid ill ctuolnnieirecent (.U!ivi>rt fn.m llu- ilroi-nhiiek fulfil.Miwao nnle aim In i>oliti"i wiirt I" c«t «uuie

tenth in rii(i< d eri. il fur lilooil buder tbim.

Unit thi-.v

tlmt whi-ii

uld t»vc tlwlt nhe voulliful Prak

•i.-tit td tube nd h ; i t in tlio nn-

l p^vent (liein from n<-nllnrw. Tkev hexni»ki> it iiDiiuuatlou

•Dl-iitt tlif etillili

he K..pnli!iu:u[.

o it. AH U bct((>r [diiii the itcpublicnUH ugroedo SIII>[KII[ l'ntlor, the itidi'|ipiuloiit Nntimia!

'1'iii! old HHOIIOUM of tln> (,'lie.tvrC prnfi'isM-d to lie grcittly pleiiHRil.in (iif-ir wiir jiuiut, and vuwed tbutbjiive ot'tln: Duck trilit^ should dieof lhi> jxililititl n|>Kl:trt. IJU tiiii-

lid nut cxcteillifly: liny Itctlnvedwmilf] mil mi over hventy-llvu mid soiuuit dtwUiVnlif W«ot niiyUjlt>««1 nil. Hutsi' i-Mrlmii-hpuih <l old niii riurs Uiinkcl ut: erliienl iMoinrnt nud InHt Iliiur oppnr-liiy. Tlioy liiid not tliK pliirb of

They put .

lu> ilou

jurity i

i i r

ill thei l,i i^Thi-

n fn tin! cni! 3 tu 10, the

h tbemill Hint us

sioco Dnviu C'hnndti-r 11wbk<b is one oi lbe bet

•lit Infill

) of theltriimtu

II hie utrcmt in lunex

llu yp yDover on Tuesdny fur tlicir t'ovcttul rcvoii(iiI ml K«I IHt very mnlly. Their luiilriy win


ilea mid ii> tin;

l him rcifully. iinil r ilit>

•v llii'J trirtl ltiab»ii 1it'wim liuuiimT^d vi'ry lmi-il. This Ntnleoiltairs riUbr.r ilixeiiiiniffcd tl'c HOHCVIIIC ininlii, unit tbeyiielped tlieir i1i«HBtn>n« dofodbiiiK vlth their orriirs. (July Iwn of tinhirers Mtrnck uut, tin letH Hum thirteen iHburn goiu^oiit oil llk'fl, whiih were tuaiiihi>n» bill, llynn nnd Kclley 4_>nc<b went outuurtiniMiutliiH wnymid tlio Ho,eM ill'l flimio very pretty work in tliln illnc-loa. >ulwilliNtniuliiiu Die eolil, utipii-iiMunt

titj- t oix. T\

illy liil for

•bilo not on

in the lldd, HInkin-

ilnyol'iholiiitti.iiij* wnsudujinililo. Kci

iUM tlTHt-vllVM. UII>1 tlVC HwiVUlltrets KIDRICH nil' lii» dfllvery,ild pitcii WIIB clinrgi'd aguinnl

. MiHlmVcn'* tuipport uclitiiil tlio b»i* very iluu imleod ; he did not Imvn a sfu-iuMwdbnil nnd his throwing to wound) .to litciiriint mid eburp Hut till ullein[i!*!iiil bitNCs wrre triiHtmtiil. tlixtwold ill

lr»t, ltvmi ut H. ul. Vatican lit tlifr<l midte nt Hhurt, liroii^ht tliti liiMuld work Mto iicriccliun HH it ioiild be, mxl (lie imt-hml no clumcL'H for work, (n tlio tlwt

iiK n very <>n« double piny wim iiiidc Inn., ttl,ite and (i.-dwol.l. i'lii- Uonnvlihs

;drd lined to Muiro i\ run, tiul cuuUl mil we-it, and the giime ended Win » for

Ihe H.wfVillon lirMlu,ht i l

i of » , To* u uire, nnd be proved a llnt-cluns mini fi>r tL<PHitiou. Tiny will biudly attvihtile tlifl-IWl IhU time to Ilio umpire. Vollowlug I

sas.i.vlleim, 8.1 . . .hlm, r. f. . . .lhvv.a. f. . . .

a la i4 tl

1 S!1 II II D II IIU II II 0 0 0

« 21 c B ii 21 ir

known nlx.nl the <J»UHO of tbu pnilor'tilioti. In reply U, Ibr -n^.r-ti,.,iKi,,.li-

reelly nimlu tlmt In; ftiimild expluiti !iia po-i.ion mure fully. Mr. Whitelit-dil «uid tlu.t the

be fin-Is 1111 Ihu jtitit of tliusi- utnkluH themuhm, tluirt iu I i milting Unit tliey wcr« HIHUK«H tMitHtgh iiifiimifil In cmtfer with IlieI'rt'Mliytitry iu rcgnrJ t«th« mntlcr. fiunity,inwpver, Mfxsrs. |>un](fu •••» tiimib wereipt-niuteil na ruOt-Kittfutu iliePrnNlt.vte.r.v, nml

IOUI IVinptoii riuhm iu April, im, »u<l HOUIIufter bin wltv dleil, leaving four »uin}l chil-dren. Mv soon nfter 1>W.-HIHO engaged to nn-nlhnrlnd.v, ami t(ii»Uwiiil lo ln.ve lwon tlieboKiutiiui| of the trouble. In rrpl j to do the

"InUtruc.Hr. Whli.-bo.ci, tbat yo* ««reRnRiifiuil ion VOUOII lady two nionibs nftetyour wife's drolh)" Mr. WblkWad U relinttwl to tiave MLUI ;

11 Tliut ii a lie. It was seven tuonlba afterthnt. 1 will u y Hiix,however) I am th«fifth pa.tnr, auil all t>ut one Ims lc-ft Iu troublei»t «otne kind. I don't want lo nay aoylhfuguukiud, but 1 am determined tn leave hew."

_...iF.nu.e. H.lutes, p. A lot . . . . 0 if: H K m ' J d « ;v

,i, l » t*p . . . . «lf«itor, M (I

lei, •; «

. . . ridge.'l. >,'.'.'! 0Vmiuruir, 0. f. . . . . «'«!UitU-,r.f ti

; » i) 0 21 •£ 1 1 4J 1 1

0 0 i) 2 a

21 fi 3 3 lit H IT

Itnii'k out—itnviT 3 ; Kiini>tlll« [. I'lmiiwlllii-4 !h«ndt«r ti. Mencken U, Wllrtiu'1-1"''*IIHIIHI! 1, Ktiimcv I), llanrx »« tiullK-OH'ihoii !l, Uii'tVs S, Kuiirnrv * . Total baitfry•urs—I>uvi:r * i Woonvillo in.

A JroWbittenlst locukt*.Many p*u[ilo aroutiil bret) know Bov. C.

k, Jr. (II * recent prubtliitlon upt^ch Inilucketutowu be tleclnri'il that during Hie,

it of votci fn favor «f Ho 1'rohit'iloryudtiieiK iu (tUio, lbe |i«lillelnns lteenm«iijlit'-i'tJ t*t Ibc uuopcctrilly Inrpe vole

thut iber iuiicd crdcrs to stop ttio daunt, itailuui result at D P- U the count 1 topped at

mil every I'reeluet, city nml country,Hid tlmt tn tUts day uuthinjc l»t«-t tl.au « 1'.

,b»abreu henrd frnm *ny |in>clnct, n» tont vete. Of emiMo uu nauo pottau wouldexpi-etbtl io ttelliivH fbti &Y»im1 story Ibat

a counting of tlio vote Iu such n great StateOhio could 1M- inddcnty «tup|>ed at such a

lain knur and A|.L uf the thousand, of elce-tkrauHldah h" trtlilaaj tnaomnlt porjurj

liDstniil'HiiutK'o to holp tbo tbing alllioiitli moo wlio beard Ihu speech wrote toilio Sli.rninn and Qoveruor-clect r'oraker,otli nf whom, in thulr iw«wer«, show that

revoreuil grulieinnn did not Ieil U:otruth. Judge Foruker sa j i ;

••runt me In nay thnt tbu stale TO cut wUok11 »ay i« IM'IIIK »m (!« to tlio e*!irt that tin*nhiliilfon vote in Ohio wit- iii|i|trei»ed two.•rftiiiii), cr miyoliipr time, i* aunlmolutrKtkbunil ViOioiit nuv lomiitnlion ^hfttGverfact, mid i:«rtiiluly uot wnrlb) oi men «h»unnitelo Ira lnmliug u itrent nturiil move-ut I am uot siirpriwil, liowever. tliatIT Miiiuld tiiiiku Hi'eh utiitemeut^, fiir uurptirlt-iwe in Obi" »itu Tlili"! iwrty I'ruhibi-mi'lH lino liecti »|icli Hi- to (inch IIH thut

Iwy V twrt aaltuuwd in way or .In, uijttblag.

Hthe two pol.il.couiluctur, oi'l " r*rMi«by" Myers,

ouarse «f»"«l"*1"-«r. Itonjamin Biro b:n purcl.i«ed tho Ww.

(,. ConcIJ«U fonuof thlrty-llvo acres, adjoin-in* the MuCurdy pliw, Math* l'laiiii. Mr.8lw intonil" oonalrooOiia a public drive-waytbtouah tUo f«vm, whlsh olw odjoin» hla res-idence, by tbo UHC of wblth tho publiu mnyaroid thoprtsent Decewsry .Hive along therailroad we»l of Morrt* I'lttlu* depot.

Tbe Po»t Office Department ha< issued n»odinedrirculitrcil inrfrtictioui'to nottRna.

C4.nFcn.iop |b,a a p « ^ dUverj arrricaDew circular include

eUverj ,ostal *.nl. anil

. ia tlie nutler entitle*) toMCISI delivery if properly stamped, tlisiting the cypress w m ^ ^ ^ *

According lo tlie laws of Ihls Slate thoowncra of land cannot violate tbo Kam- ' —jCunj farmors cuntest tbe constitutiofthis law snd insist tlial-iiM gj»o»

or shoot it at any time '«* »•» 'bem-deddeil, h«#ever. that thu _ .,lonas to tho BUte, and Uod owners tikegreat risk in illegall* UlUnB I**0-


iit.V:tvn, wc>re fcilkil i|i cliaft No. ti, nl tbu1 Yurie Aqueduct wnikx, nt Wliilstnu'aion ot nlitilc utur uuu d'l-liinV Intt **iin-lUimiitiK jti*1 i " tlit'.v titnl bPHiiu workr eiiiins. Kd'iiuu run a drilliu« macliino

wd Kelley ffns bis aetpor. After the drillia>I fionu lulo 111* r<H-k t>f the W'Utli beading*b«re they were at work, sliout Im iiiul"-, a.blast BUilileiily went oft" »ud stouen nnd frjiR-

ulicir were flymg lliniuub the air.Thu heavy nathio" «an Inirl«d over updrtKerunn uiid crunbi-d bN bend. He died \u?dtnntly. Krflpjr»fn»klt »" the'bend wilh 4

u. I!u Hvt'il only leu miiiulufl. At the in,nest it wus lnirnfd tluit the cspltnlaa WII»iiutteil by 11 (inriTWgo tu IUI ulil Ijn'.e \\n\ W Mlonnlit to ti:ive 1»'un uHilodnil at the iirujnf

..nil-. Tins verdiftof Hie J"ry wiu tbst tipwen's rtenthn ven CHUIPII by tbo uvflufutnl

u of lbe cnrtriili!" by he|ii|; struck liydrill and that mihudy wns toblntntt.

Until were uunmrrleil men 11 nil both were «i-....inteed miner* Keenan Iwlng from C.ial-dull*, I'u. They had worked in the fwrticduci

i! Aupunt Int. Tlma. Kelley » • • tlin<a(-ph Kellry, ni I'urt Oram, au't wnainan of fiood vtinraetcr nud V'S^'f1. | | j . reuiaius were Isrought hopo

eatlaaJyforwinterwind*. liny "ilois"wei»tber atripnd--. y

m& W*t, at Berry fc Co.'i,iofllwl'aillnrk,

thntyI Tttftt

a can buy all kinds of smoked meats,Blired to order, ut Woadbnll'i Qrooery. •• •

SytupcfKiilRore*.~ — » » 0 —

«i« Fterlda OnagN.JnAtroBBivedatWoodhull'a.

t<>il i

llu- Duck tribe In-tnMiislitp HIVH iM»!"> biul tt. liu -

volcf'ir II rejoin liemul. Only one i.

attf «.imr»g« at nil.

]nt thnm Inl»-rnn< th


Mondoy. iu liompauy witb Wm. Cinnier.man whn worked for him. Alinut one oVloulin tbe ftfteruoon Mr. Hiilcs hod ruu 11 ral>MIn aground Uog bole and WUB prnreediui; t<dig it oul. He hsd laid bin gun down beeldihim, and hta dag ran agalutt it,or olne toutiliCftbe trigger In sumo wny, dlslui-Liri^c tin; (;U!so tliat it went ur, nml Ilia

tered the »Ult oi Mr. Bliien, iit-harae en

ij: the bt»rtit killing him instantly.i and gave tbe news to il;c «ci(;hborn

when they readied tbo ploeo tbev luuud tlmttLe clotbing of Stiles hud taken tire fnm

iddinfi, nud wetc jmi-tii.ll}- Immnl on'.

singed otfi

in! nnJ I'll ouemiie. (.'uroner Uon;.'lu«bo WQBUutilltd, virileil tin

ini|iiiry delenuiuLd Hint umle

Tut; diicesscd w n nf Win. 1iuthiri loi

'2(i yenr* at nj,'u nnd wn

Tbofollowiuj! jun>r« we iuqufst: Ditviil A.

mini three miles from Duver, used tocentre uf ininiiii: imiuatrv, but tome time ng(

1j:i«iite»n went to the ting* mid Rockh»ji»ed hilo <.-nftulttul<iuU:(u<ic, Tlio pthere though aro ol tbe entcrpiUing sort thatwon't may down, aud it WBH not long before

1 unto induce tliey made b liliera!


n.lKc, Imian Oovt.it, ,lt>l.u W, Ilii

Wri)>W, JolmB, lllr.iifbimlnin

Thu wit W i n . F . I ' l u t i i t

u t v i l l i l i i n i , l i oentitled tlmt lie wentluvifUHlmiiil.. luirrclled ,,<]

K» witlilhi-in. Tln'.v ran it niliiiil in hiirniw und liolb luiil lli.ur unti* downu jtroutid, tftlk'H L-ultiiiK a Hllek uud 1-uii,'in the holo; nuildeiily Ctnuier liennl

rupnrtof a tiuu anil turningtn-niind tmw M<limiiig diinii Htilr'B vi'nt ; " he liiilbued 1took huld ui l i im; be |ml hU liurub tinlicht iinil Miiiil, "Ob , my (ln'i "-nml told1 tell Kailie (bis wife) Hint I,e biveil lur:id unt livt> w e * lv.it luiimUf uUvrlu- vint." Cnuner thru r;ili 11 hfmrl di.-.|[iurr 11'Id Ira W. Hnllmtt ofilm iieeiilenl itml tient mt to \w\mv mnl ulnnned '.hr nfij:\ilniipliiiu Cootfiui, Jus. Mno.ilio.v, Wui. II. Klil10 yimns UIUQ'N fatht-f. nnd l i i nn Wun"])nui)«>'l tn the cull uud lie tin 11 rcHinicilie liiidyniidfiiiimltlitM'luiliiii^


UL'K.'d iint ,.( In

ufhytupntliy Tt

l l d l

untii-ti h'ivt" Utliul i'vi'r,V ouo oTttiiui! oUctuooiuU vtmU mi oUftT uf t,w\W kiml, m»mldenl.v urew fi-arful tlmt they mlgbt

| l i ( U n l U H

lnni-}.iKt that -ilikli will i-ttVir dinner*. Tills yoimK Htnd llie.ni nl! nrimnd liy the

liii! of thrni. |whnt Ihcv nnIm.l 1,POM tb.-

ciHlVi! tlI H [ . I ' tu

v-MS til'Ili.-itl—f 1.3H

o Ih't'ii it ittMid <l

l,i» tiinu nnd tvunl

ploiiinywliild' -U'-It

lie ]i.ilhiei.l |i!lliv tlronlih.l Hi:>m m. mnr,..

A Well Known Fr«aeh«rHcv.J. ]). WliiH-iiciid, funnci-ly uf i'ump-

ton, iml recenttj- VUMIW of (be Mmiu AVCUHU


mocilni: o\W\\ (lit Sulli't

(I1, hat

iii(;o to i

niijite tin Moudny- cA t

ion tli ul tl<i

l>i>\i>py ti) tilt' puntur IVIIH lo.-tt liy a vote ofto loul uud it wns decided h.y n vote of 7:1 ti

tWodeli'iiitliM tobrinijthi) wultc:a llrenliyti.'r.v. A diniimlty uroai

frum tl.e fuel tlmt no one i-miM bn fu.xud win

summto thii l'ri'uh.vtciy wliei l l k l h

it too little

th ttersiuHion-

>yreiik«f ilabn T. IThnt Wtn- H lludd h

if «uy IK-iuiHtut inCiiCKtcv.

Tbiit John T. fiiiwrum-e bn« foutiiiuii never knows bow |Hi]iulnr i

f W

Thut Kil. F. TolteuM Aji.itti'tnir rink islu-ed.

ihe irop of old maids iu P'-vor- will l>,. u lur^oinc.

Tlmt ibo intercut in tin1 proposed now wiilnrworks iu tbiMplni-i)*i>t no( us fjieiilns it *lmuld"MI.

Thnt Mtii.Ihmn in en titled tn tint nest Dcm-mrulk AHH'iubly niunitiiitioii in tliU ilUltiotmd thut Jos. C. Luck, Jr., U a ium*iMu wuu

I'hiil tliir.e oyuttri will W uWfu In twoM'.Mi'% i\t vliivculi fcatiyals tliu winter.

Thut un old KiihliunttKtKlH a nh-nv i'or n poetuttlop iu Ntw JcrHny.

1'bnt llnuilniiih towiii-)i1|t l)eiiii>uralB dn notiirk well i)tthp|mllitMnlt'itBthoynrt'ijreiisi'd.1'1'itt n mnttiU Itetween puin ti'inin rejito-

3lltins thn Vrotrcllou* nud Vigilnntn wouldraw a orowd to the riirtc.That the tktvers will ho tbu buso h.tll chaui-

ninus of North Jerwy nrxt yenr.'I'faat an OBlprjiriaiag rasnufuelitrfr lias

tknu tin (.aatrsot to coastraet lira. Urowu'swiulcr arctics before snow Hies.

That tbe eligible bachelors of Dover areIUe • l i j t t l Iu thu truterulty.

Tbat tbe ERA'S holiday number will beatall its predecessor!.

•titluu ul tlierls nud Orange will beheld

next Wuduesdnyd«y. Tho fcdUwlns will Lc, tbo order uforrlsM:

Wo.iiii-f«ilHv-7j:H)T. M— Soroion by Rev. J.If. WIlHi-li.ii.]. of Hint Oraotfo.

ThiirB<lty~ll) A. M.-Urvi)H»nnI exercise-,«l by Biiv. Tlnn". Varliir, «r Himtitni . Hull-(it-11 Thn I'rutuiw! <^ tlio I|oly Hpittt."10;ap—'* Liiira of Ihe Mjiirit*H Operation,"

R.-v. A. Kr.imau, I), p . , of MorrUtowu. Dla-

11:10-" CouBtuut oxprrtuttow ftf a apirltnalbnrveit the )<r»i.pr altitude,1' Uev. W. | \Wbhtitker, of Urnngii. Uiocuniikin.

11:30—"lion ta rcueb thnnnn-oburch goinii<teuicut in city and country," Hev. Huberttllfiuiiu. It. IL, of Mudi»ou. |li«cue»lon.Intermiisfou.

l:l.r> f. H . - " Devotional e»ra|ie», tod byH v. K, W. atoddnrd, D- l» . of Suounaunna.

uniter tho powe of the

-" Every Kelievcr a Wllueiw (or Curiat,"licv. W. W. Dnilowny. Jr., of Dover. Ula-

a;)0-'(1 features of atiooii prayoy. T. V. Wlilie, 1). V, f HUftftimt.«:!W-.'-TUe ne«d of vlo

liundic*, nnd bow to


Nbip be-oilisx it,'

Rev. 11. L\ Majtlc, ». V., of, lieaauut UrtiVC.D i l Adjouruinant ut 4:90,' '

decidedlystronger tliiiu It bm t»ern. th«O}{b ther« is nochunga iu urlcea from tlw <tuotivtiou of •!**.llfi, and fir. for>*(!}. 1 nml a X ami Ilrny•V.r e Standard UhiK" brnudn. It U ntiilnUUl>at tb»*e fiTictA will unt bo chaajjeillarlns tbu remainder of Iho yoaribut uulock* are tufJ)!^ kwa.vt anil dciurindu iu*erc»#ft it is uot ta Im cijtrcted tbal tvtn tbemust tiliiliiiitSimple Irou-iunkcr will Utnljuo

neplvd IIU ntlviUce \\\ prlpa», aud we nbull.tbeMirtiitnol l» b»vu t» w o r d it ItcforeIIR. Thn TlionutB Iron Coinpnny lias justown iu i u ci^hlh fiirnm^.'imd tc-rainrow

will blow In tiic niiiib, nud it I. lnruely «oltla.l. Tim (llen.lnu nUo I•kt «ml Kvvrrnilr them

kct is mow 4>!ieoura»iii({ thnir. We hear from VI'PHI

[he dumand butt f>U<>u offit Umer, nr

worked nrl'ltsthi«

yrn tuurkeU thnt

B, tlmujifi not lU tu.rkct, thr

•Hcnrce.iyso (inniiuirien for lnr <

motiiilM ol ii-oa fur next jeiii'B delivery, I)litinkers will not yet noinii priee",

firs at Bibtnua.of the, Glcndnn |ra

i|uuy at tho Hnntt init)e, ttpanHilKThisi,w:m d««troycil by lireanil 13 o'clock la«t Sntnnlny ui»bt. The lire

tbo bill in


•ut wlillP Ilio un^iuoor 1

Mil 1#y u ulijfbt cj •s. TLoMtrnycd.

tchincry hpjeitt e


i to

) innido, ami a hoiuit Hide. '

rory lii'Avy llioboiit was not

a uien at wwere I tie boilers itriurnl.

Qil.tuiuiugt ut|d |llH"if I'liiplnymrDt h>,

- . .. i-UK'ou IIOUBB is n<ciimpictcil In 11 few duyi

(111 nuiin \ie Jiut In '

AU Ktnia at ftnlgn fra lunf tlienaw ctttpit, Biie.li na Ualalim, Currant*,

i, Evaporated Cullfomii. Apricots, PiKHj

Ditt««, etc., iiru now Iu «tocik ut Wnodbuil's.

Duy your SL-USHAM at t]. li KfirickV A fullino'olwaya on Wnd and each'pairwnrrankd-.

caeaper tuan ever at .tbe llrfck Drujt Store.

Two Tmmi IhWN OkatMit Mmtf,for 3S ota. per frame at Wondnull's.


Kliot him; it wnH 1IffofiH frnm nit!did nut touch (lie

ve . ln .n i Kh f r lo f f I .In

ijclo faclis broken for the buildings receutlieercmoBial whicli atteudeii tbievent of digging tbe foumintkini

wii8 ut ita bclgbt m* the cdUor ol tbe ISnJort,*c& lu that locality on Thursday, aud belelied with wonie ourioitity and a world ofiilcr while five and twenty Htalwurl la.en Hhuvoicd, keeping time to tlio w»"k

wliirfallr. I'aiaier.oue of tlio unuersof theaclnry, niouutcd ou a boulder, evoked ironniniet. To tbo tuue of '•Vfah till tin

UIIIHIH Hull by," clouds of dirt flew bi^h iilie uir i us tbe pluyer tuui'ii bin struin tiWatk tur the Night Is t'iniiiug" tiicluiifclei

f tlio men Htrnined like the thaw* of THAIIM•Itou Uu l.luw " T|»im put your SUoul.lrr t(hu Wlx-.-l," cn-ry utaulluiiiidowti liiKMhovil,ruhlidi! tbi! wheel uronc of the cartn nud Ufi•wu 1ln;)iit tun team* were lmlpi'il. nliilt

Iliu fiih'iuii tunes of "Out of tho Depthx'1

lliiiile.l through tbe uir. Kvt-ryllilng vim ilcnictu iminlc. mid when Ibo cor out pluyer noiluiurrily forth tlin tunes of the uriuj IHIKICCMI]" lWk and UOHUH"!!!!) wen dropped v*»rki.u.l DKidc a Imlt furtlu-lrdiniitrriuiH. HoJentiii'liiiry dinted the fact thut Hr. IMtmei- nildsto Iliu L-xptrttit'KM u* tt wheoluiuii the iieeoiii-]jli-.lilin--iit of I'umct pluyinfi, nud clioei'H thom>u n( (heir lulmr witb a choico Helreliuil nfstir*, "from grave lo guy, from lively lo

The late Vsjor Wood.The .lirtri.n-8 of tbu t'ulHiii* Coiujtouy I

iupivd tlif <"ollowtun uicuuti'itil.Major WllUnni J. tt'.ioil i IM lit 1'ifl J

IIPIICO in U1*1 d ry of Hartford, on Hu*i«Uctolier2*>, ltx&. Vw ueurly eijibteen T<.be bai liccu iirntulnentlr ^oiiuccied with tlcmnpsmy. Hi> wux dvcted vice iireflirlent mionceneniltho. dece


ii]nii(iccr Auveujber in. Mil', Mt;asc of Mr, Edwitnl R. Wutkiuson !

•as mnile iireslileut ui.ii treiwitcr, Mitrcli#i, which pofilioiin lie butt t\aa: jiolil.In his death thi» ooinpiitivlnie lost auofik

rnniwitnlnliilitT nml of miliriiif cnerc> ailcvotiun ID | I * nli'iiim To lil* t'nrcMiii't n

re cxecutlvii nullity may l>e attnbmrgely tlii; projfrcen UVtl growtii ufito In

Pt'irhi,; tlm lnf.t ,vmr of hi«life,n«hirt benl

irrcnl cnuttiuc " i d liiiiH-fiiluf'sa uud «•i,hv:iyfi niisj.nM to l*i ur hin full ^hi.rc of Im

bunluQH and r^uuiiKJliililiiH. lf<> cmI<|ii:iliti>>H -.1 ini,i,| m.il lie.in wbidie

ni»tii"i>cH.'liii'l iiin i«MH will l"".'d,'."|>lyfL-iiily IJJ- tlii-f coiupiwy but hy tin' COTt y

Tiii'"i.«' "ill e

a lilV of Niiilitul lio 11 it m l retiii t

. . . . triiMtnoH o n t i e (.'uiitici'lienl 'i'rmtl mi.

•iTHiileut nf IhiH compnuyt enter till

'• Do s ho do tlmt often I" the edito sked

lid three fret how !

m ttuw i don'« ! the miirah wn pninliiij; lovu1

can't tell waiiim

good tKiiu v.(int aK Ivy tlie j H

hi- pulk-d it lunurd biro ; lmili d.^n rnn uttm bnlc nnd one ran towmil tlie yiiutlin time it went oR.

Tho ryl.leniiii KIIOWIII;; tin.! !be nbw««|nmdy iicKiiti'iilai, tin- (HIT n-ndivi'iilut in ucciiiilniicc. willi tlie TaelH.

•tMkuf U t UkM with l a u ,Sinrs tbo advent of cool weiit'jier tho ^i«b,

pouds throughout the $kito w^tli bluuk bus .The basa are cniylU kt (Irceuwoml Liikn.lu co«t <^«iitk«r a* many an 3tK> Itliitk l>ann,from three to eight iucben IUIIR, umy be

innported In nn ordinary milk eim wilhontmntie nf wnter, if nn air piiinii in freijiw^tlyid to aeriilo Ihu WHUT. A HIIVIII lumji of1 at tretiucnt |iitcn*t*l»J« very lituiflcinl int\\nz thn WHler, A perforated ftiilt eitu U

afliuetltnesUsed witb HUCCCBM iu ncrnllng HiewuU-r, ami bnaworn the purpooo \wy HOIIwhen a shallow vitHtnt is nwnl fcir |runri]iurliug»he fl»li. Ttio wnter Is raland lu thu fruit eanand flowed la rain liack Into tliti ti utiHpnrtlng

I , carrying witb It buuitrodti »1 liiltehubblci, wlilvb are vury tcfniahiu^ to the tlth,Tho siunll haw arc very »eutca nlvngMwre ut

ml. and It la dlfttmm to olitain u tmidru.lins day, several succigdre bnuls til' Ibo butt

[ofteni»iHtBT(itb.<iutoato>mi;ji»tt«h. Tbetnost snecewsful uiannor olstookiuj,- points in

procure u doscn bulf-poutul (lull, wliieh will•pawn faring tlio nuccccitlUK fprlng mid pro-duce hundreds of thousands (lf jouti^ lums.Hevcral poudn iu Morris Comity will receive

supply tlii« week-

fWl>Msl4Mt afSenior Janes V. Vonngblood, ot Monk

wanly, is alreaily spoken of as » ciiuilldntofor Ihe Pmldeney of Ilio Slate Setnte tlii>winter, If tbn offloo In to eomo to tMn end of,:hc State. Fur many years tho llcpublirau^if Morris have lie'tpwi {o uiiiiuiain niftxlupreuacy in t lw bwly, but tbi^ fit have:iiit reeeiveil utiy reM^pitiou, Meunlor (litrd-icr 'fls clfi^t'-^ president Ibc tii»t year ofih n«mtn( terra, und Mr. Yoiintihloud, whotan been au able aud efHcicnl Senator for five

inr«, "liould be dtniiluily limuii'vtl tu tlie liwtyear of bis second term. Although wn amgenerally represented in tbe tfc-nate by aRepnbli«»B, Morrln county unit never k n n

-rej with tbo rnnMi'iiuy, wliilo Wi*M*'i.<K-tn than bonorod tv, ie.o iu Munxr*. lluck,iWl Uohairt, and may bii Nlutiliirly buii-iu Ihe noar futu.ro tliroiiuti Mr. IIHUKII,

Wflio bus three yc^rnyvt to aorvc. Thti clatinsof Marrii eounly tn thi. direction urn ter-tuiuiy worthy of fair and JUKI coDaideratiun.

"llegoli, In- dinn loot thiit old linrii that.vii.v every iliiy. und in it ken more ritekct Ilimi

SHI. TJ hurltt roekftt him il' ho mis eli.sei«i»iij{li."— Kcnniey Ileeord.

— — » > •Botud br a rlaags

An liuiiest young vuter—uno who wan mcvcil1>T linn convictliiu* ot right—infonulid us uu

Hiluy that ho eon Id nut do vise thiin voU:the rmlilbilion eamlidulo. Hi. Lu(>\v hed throwing his vote away, und hu km-w

t'-int iioui it toinpcruuco sluudpolut K. K.or WIIH fur priilerablo to K. t \ Itrnkt. butilormeil IIH Hint he was buund hy 11 pletl^e

t ) vntii I'or nuly prutiibltiou nomtuein. V 'eV.IJJ; fit*' ititr>'i)iinu|ui'iKit nuutlicr hnrchave eiilcmi iulo this foolUU eotu|wot. Anyfr I miiihl ubtnin a froiilbltion mmiiuulioiuinl tliry wuuld. be bovud hi v«tP tat uivu>'ven tlioiisli his vote might couipiiM Iho ult'ctimiDfii nonil tutuperauco tnuu wlio tntgbtlnuiHMi tuvmuutltfr ticket. Mdu mast imvn ui

us Aiueiiciiu iiltlicm who would bind tlie.ilvultiit i-y such a pledge u this, which ran lientid tn proveut them from «onsorvluKl.iil>ln- Knt,<l by assisliug lu the rleutluimfUtiiii) nii'ii who might be placed iu ortko wereHii'.V In'o to vote tor them. A man who willtiiuij tiitnnelf ta uttythlajt fur tho wikun:ii]|i! L:IH uu ideii »f thu rights and prlvili»t iiuAmeriouu cititcn, aud weliemiltn (HeillliM Hill tukoiidvautuKunrliiitcnt«, n* Uw.Vdiilun TiiL'Hdiiy hist tooluittjiiHt mcliuni:ima O. Diuku to public poNltlon.

The Mt Icaiutnne wmilil hnvu uu uoeuratc iilen oftk- vnrty itwltMi*, auA tlttir gnucritlr, hit tins only to look iutn tbe ndjuiiiiiiKEtreaHiouul Hlstrlct, whiek ineluileiUy IVeiiMM ratio oouutles uf BUHIW», Wn»-mid Hunttnlon. A tow yean ago l|i

H. IIiirrlM, tho young dnrlibtf gf tbe putty, wasbe ncliiwwle.ljiu, u*triet lender and w;:lci'teil, tu Ombres*. Ifut his Dcmocrui•<iimlitiu'utHHiidili<nly foufld out that he HI[uiliy of corrupt polltlsul practices and (Hidiiin on tbo Hhclf. Thun "NCIK." 1'iilinuc tn thu front Iimt year. Ag' iodnuttaf

(hu l)fiiiocnu\V oliarged aipjiunt blithtu^ Itiiitwns l)iMl, Hut it wus Presidentialy u r , uiid tliey swallowed a great d«nl ul inrt.furlUu Hiikeoftlte nneiiint nuinoof Ut-uiui--riicy. Hut tbia year tboy nre guliig fur hf:n,AW\ Un-y liavu J«»t wlptitt out l'idcooh's cnu-ilitlilo for Soniltur in old Huntorduti. TimttipiK-t fl.iid about pidcouk by OcuiocriitR iuiiii-oimiBii of ibo Dj(bt were simply trlKhtflil,ftixl iliuHtrnto wliat nausenus pills Douiocrutriwill Hwutlow ill"1" a pinch ml her than bo de-te:ilcd. They ur& uow fulrly on tlie war pathnmlvow that they will tiko PlduwkV souljiWIHII Im eoiueH up fora re-olovtiou toCou-tfrf!»s next yoar.

* • sWUiriHl BalU.From time to time avaay relics are 4ug up

in tho neighborhood where atirriag soenefvi'ntpnnrlfd during tb* Mruggtofor Uueily,md on October H, Wllllaai |>hlppa and

Wlllium fiayre* while -t wnrk vear SprlagBrook la the •eUhborheoa ot Chatham, dugup it cuvalrj ««ord, that from its enerustathnVy ruxt and dirt had evidently remained von-«rf>»led from view foe years; a, liberal applica-tion ul kerosene, enabled the letters V. g, Il i , l o bedlimrned, and from tlio light ofhUUiry ltm»y beroseindni ihn weapon Ve<loured to a Iroopct ia " Wglftt Horae llarryW"

nuud. The battle of HprlngBelU occurredJune £}, 1TH.I, anA the bridge on tlio VautballKond WHM Kiinnlcd by IJM'S korse, wbo «f|erI»II oliHtiintte re«istau«o were driven back,•flvmil triHipersheing killed and wounded;four of Ibo Utter wen brought to Cuuilit'ttTnvtrn. itml died ID tb« ban ncurby, andwero buried in tbo direct in! of the Hill Dam,it l» probably to one of tbese nameless hcrwHtlio aitbH belonged, and It now lound lonu

A t'i'llij rillc

>n minimi of (|,.,.p und

uxiKitiilcut nftlR' llu

Onreitui'iiH will nil lieenlvfi'i'l tln< ifiv.-it fimhli-liMiieil in tlin dentil ntUli.jur W. J. Wi.ml,ir.;>.iil il the r nn r.imimli.v. M.•umpuiiy.* > l ' " ' ' ' H ' w l l l ' u > L l 1 "

ipt»l»li'xy«n by ihu

fudrfen Bosth.

I1'rid it,

v nf M,l. Ili.n

eviinit)^ ul lnll illeil


'ojs no "maybe" abmts H. It citherii'tno. An4thtl«shariobHbelorwfawe

p;Wttt« life b mack, mon a Matter of grave•uipiulou tkan this inaianatlon, lies likea tblof when bo even intimates such athing. Ho oinnot pto4««e a single witnesstlut dare say hehas aeea Olbsoa drink any-' Inic fntoKieating la nearly taa years, much

>s Ittlng drunk. ^ the aatfarj w* canprove, that on morn than, « B aofiaahui iu tbe

mt year |Airra»a]s, Tlllyer, one of theinoatbed aeavengera wbo imagine that nluiper ia run fur the awpose uf callingII dirty luMuea, ha> been at beastly drank

Complaints liave again been inmlo toliartlcslu ltd* county swindkilliy travel I IIJ;

wbo uaveaold them n]iMt;ie]eM utau esorliitant price, aud thrown in n lottle olrainwater, nit nn eye-wash. St-rvcu ymi 1 t|;litlor not patronising borne merchantn, who jiuyt ui-» bftv, and incud the profitH nf ilmir Iii^i,-neiis among your aelclibow. ^OLU^IJI U nu<ra

ion than for syl^e^irii^ to riu theintti-lruH•liit In •j.h'olafly Rlt^rc, nnd, (msuniiiij- tlie lute,

n, vtVteWii. to Matt na | tbrut^l, thaititry qnd sell «yeiglasui!i4 »t nuy lurso

cun ijot.tl.M to 4ir>, nut-oiiliu^ tunnd liufraltt.v «t tlu-lr <itn-

toncrs. Uur borne deulcrn wilinell jiwt u»KOIHI RlatuMS for one-third the money, uudgive you tic nrivUejjo orexuhnugitti; them if

r tlctnt fit. They duu't wear high «ilkhuts, or lona wbinki:rs, hut they Kiiarantcitheir ifooilo, nud remiiin nmintu you In inakutb«ir guurniilf good. Don't patrtmtzoit tanker*,—Sutmrx Ucsiitvr. J

.„.. ., l__.T, ..bich Is Katus IhAviniailaof Jfew icrijey, is oi>cr«lrd i» tbe fol-

circlurs'to (breo or four pcopla in a towtt, KCttiit;;futth Iho advantuefg their instrument tin*

ill atlierit, and aBerlng to wud iheredpfout ot ttittr «m;\\Viv w e of tlicir Ittitlorgans on receipt of only ft and a pruitiinu

tlie or^an will he nhown to ull theirfrteniln. Tfae victim i>end» *t ami receives \,y

ill a teuTOut mouth jiltee. Manypcoplobavc hcen victimised'in thi.4 mmmcr.

—^Ui i. " "

A ^ ucker bai opened a uow stor nIbo Ucrry haildliui with it fine stock oj tan.l i ' flkitierj-, seifnr*, tabuwit, H>IU

lii« remains havfl mnnldercd >Mudisun Engle.

a »B to create the profound. from tbe sight of an intox-


Foekst Basks.finest stock ever kept tn Dover, at the I turned out.

ilrick Urnit N'T*.

Iu puhllo plaei b l h i

weut staggering along our public streets, aodbclnro bu could reavh a plann of concealment

' MKnl nit tbe want features ^ hU \tesot.JomlitioB, When, iuob. dirty people as

theAG throw »ton*i ^bej night to move ont uf\uejtaBiio houses they are now living in.

Tlw War I* Wvrha,Dr. » . W. Wentworth went over into Koi-

bury towmhipoti anelMtionwrinHtrip. Thelit was tbat tbete were three voles for tho

prohibition online, one of wnlcu waacactby adruuken man. As • rule Deawcratio town-shir* like KoKbnry iln not throw away many

' - on th« prohibition Bovcmont. Evon^urchmemberelemfltitoftbe Democracy

wilt Uftim fn»t to the oU hard-iiliell i,icWtIn tlmy ory oat tr» Republican, MtQperuuGu

to yoto IM they Br jf( {n (lie p o t u - lIK1-) <?f \l)Bia f$\ |nrow away their vole*

1,0 elect, the pcnocraUo ttcket. There wembtlcxmuore Hepublkaas ttirew away their'* ou the profeifamon ticket in Bandulphitahi)i ihuutUe whole number ofDciuo.HIII HiGeountywhodhlM. Catch'Squirek nud tho Democrat* of Roxbury (brow-awny their votes 00 prohibition I Not

in udi.• » • »»

Th. OnUni fluv •attlaff.mottinjt" In progress at tbo Jsckaopiwlu in Dell's Grove, McCuinnviUc,

huvu beeu very liirgely attended. ' Tkc (MlwiB-u Ice uf ten cents Vftpt, a fi «r «il\a ttnm oatnlny frnm entotlu^ bat it wan full iievir-dcnit. lilifi me^*ht«# will be continued ovur

\i,u u>uittK K»W*tn, -wVth a very ROCHI lmulred >lngcrs In atlnndiinre. A fp-eiUeapeutcil on Hatunlny ovtniujt, n« It

-•ii giTen out tbat a terraon will liepreached un tbe «BTOQ M*1S. BCV. Mr. HuB,Hiiyn Peler Jnokwin'* honM must go up, am)lit- U tti>)ii){ well. Tho door rrcoipts ou Suu-ilny lunt nutimntcd to f JO,

J i» . Salaai Ts*li With riggtrs.Sir. Jan. Dnland, of Su^casiuini^ put kiitt-

•rlf on record In the n^eiKauwetft by tUacrtioti' Uin't t,tiQ fteaKwralio towmhipet

liaU tbe low f>t tax of any townnhlpty tUu cAiintj-, uut \U* Jchej isaa »h»wn thatthe tax iu tbu ltcp«bltvun township of Mornsb ouly tlM While Iho tax in Dnnn^ratiu

innro. 11 tntinticnam tough things fur a Demo-crnt to bundle, Jim, especially with butteredflnuer*. You Hhotlhl go down tbera nml bnveU10 Ucnttldinnrv nj«ral- i{ Wr-rrii invn

Vsw Crop « . 0.at J. K Woodhulfa Gnva

T'J tho ten cent slse of Wrinhl'a ex tnct i tlllKon'a Comer Drag mure.

"t htit fuajiin, (WM. C.

l'i-tii working tti Mr. Hryniit'H difllllery ui'iuS\H'i"iWUM«n. Sum" hnvo rrporttsil Unit, hiilcilth WAM eint^nl I>J* (Ixccssivu I1HC nl ||.|llui'

bin »f In!i)yiurfl li;i«l nbHttiliicil fmui It mnwU'lmt. HR tind HiilVcreil Hvo prcvt(iiiMut(|icl<ii1!JI- si'i'WJiil only two ur ilire- wi>t>iii Iwfijtf liirilinilb, nml Ihu worU whleli ho did uiiduiildcilljiiiUed in brining •>•' 'Im III. lie WIIH olili^i10 bit iilmiit tlio tin- t'OiiHidmibiy and beiut! iu11 N<(io|)iiiK ixiNtmi! whi>u nt wni-); ivmld PIItocii»»" tluinltiK-Ii- Uin fuinial took i>in iliu M. I:. Ciiiiiih, y\i, frecdum, ui



en 11


d i d

ThsOle M nnuiiu[icucdowm'.itys

imiini; Iulrtof 1111tl^pIISrill

>.v t h o «>wiiiistul.l"


una tawi.lor r

JU KUf« \

etu 11«i- onA 'will

ilibit*, iiiiidlvumlier IHI,

cr>- Ukfly \,UillHt trt'H|>ll

it liini niiiv li"'•' (Who lino the'irtlii




d b c


illy i)f *.*i. It ia mt lawful for ownei'H to'vitiitu the (,'iniir law* «m their own land*. Thoisu-putiully «IBI> ,,f f 16 for tukiujt KIIIIHI wit

ntrn|i or other il.-vie.et'X(M'pt tliat Inken alivttcinntiliciiuriHiMCH or liy muiulii'ia uf HOV•s for Iho pn.tuoliun of K a me fur thu pinioof kropiuy, uver Wtutuc. Suuiluy »kuul

Ing in prubiUitcd.

yi»1 thret tlio large jil


VlMhuf.I>uHtif the nt^lit of Sundiiy—prnhnl.ly

•ly hour un Hoodny lunruiug-BOIIIU taunt ol u lirltk through <> K1ni» BIIOW windows of M.nrc, ftlmtti-iiiijj n pnua VUIIK

i'ho pi^tu t-Ur&Vi'u wii^ A )tnil ofiriek mia |iii-l evidently ion i0 frnmbuilding liirtbcr , ; , , llhi kw,ll Kt.

I l is lu-licveil tn tmvn he-en ilono wttli

fur tl i" «f r,

tho tii-iirvdutui-ti prol«il»l,V liocumtui; frlj{litiif tlin mmeliief w u dinw with tills. |n t l tnt .Tlie nlylit wntehmtin na.ya ho Imiinl iiothiiiftI (lie. ociHirmice, nnd It in naUl tinit llnrriH'H jowt-iry Htoro Hliowrd ii

t in heated tb;it tho,'ill ho detected uu

;i«-al who did tbo dapunched lie he dcmi

Thfevei wbo W«» road of twetti.TbievcH wlio went mlept nt th» humnesHisilud tbn funn y,ril of Cbillinu Ook, neareuTillc, nnnie tim« darinn Tncmlity uigntot

l»« week. Ont of five hives of bucii they•fllected two and removed them to a safe* stanv« from 1U« Ivouse, when they wireplucrd ovor a bole made in thn grouud inwhich was lighted owtebes, tuadr of twistednloth rovercdwltli aiilplmr. After destroyingibo bees they took the blvci still fartheriw»y, broke (hctn to pieces and cleaned thorn

of their contemn, ono hundred pounds oflionfy In all. Tn fwcllllate tho carrying o f Itsway a bnw now fourteen qaart aittk pailthat bad I wen lift outsldu ou a twuvfa, wn«

nfiscnlod iiud lirongbt Iulo usc.-Uoontontilulietln.

-*+-iA Chaasa fsr m TaeUry.

A New Vork piirty cnKOKed in tho manii-tetiiro or cliHilrcH'x carrimrep, %elocipedCM,IIKOIIH nnd Mich goodM, van in Dover yee-si'tluy lonklns for u *iln fnr n fu«tnry, boioffnxioiM to reiunvc lii« business from tb« cityi "filer to dirtHIn moro room, ltn repreHenti

thnt he, niailu UWllO hahyi d l ht ye r, nnd ling b

tir m om1,l,.yee»l !

toj p1msy ,,11 tho yciiriitneteu 1>T ftiiver

ftnit would like tn locnto ticro. Anyone in-!«ti'd iu xueh thiuji-4 eim obtain informa-

tion as tc the parly upon sptdicntlim to thisotUcr.

TM B^Dii i Mttfl.Tliln depnrtment of tli« PLihidi.lpblft Woekty

Prens is dei-otwl vxclusivbty tu in format tonid open •UncUJitttoii ol sulijuntii of intercut ta

woiuftu, nml covers thu entire field of prno-licnl hoiuobold work, lioino eutturo rttid ou-tertfiininent. It ]„ ultracting much oitcn-

1. Iu connection with lliis dupartmcntTreits "Bern tho uinRDiflcmit lM»k - Hreat

Truth* by Great Anlhont," tbo book ami tlinWeekly Prcwi fur ono ynur hiiiag scut for(1.7.1. The puldlnkcrs' prici. nf the hook aloue

00. Bond tor prcmiiitn II

cIn order to Introdueo tho 8wick Pianos,

litlUlrem latent H<«d und KemllnK Orsatti,iu every nelithborlmod, w« otfet tucm ftt« ofdealers' and »R*nt«' conimissiauB. Write forcirculars and full narticulnrs BUd. seuare agreat uarguin< Uuy Irom the manufacturer,

rbo not oily claims to, but does sell directi the people, than mvioa the suvontl profit*alA to tbo jobber, wholcsojer, roteilor and

agent. Call ujwu or mldresn, A. H.Bwicic St. Co., Stanhope, Sussex Co., & A

Mention tbi* paper.

Tbe Council of Ailu^nJntration, Now Jerseydepartment, of taa ttrtind Army Of tbe Kupub-li iiijDt jostcrdny at Trentou. The time of

diiiK the uext nnoiial niectinK ot tfao UeImeutwustlxcJ irrrtlio nrcDnd Thuredny

nf Kebruarr, 186*1. Tlio iiict!tlii)twi!l 1« holdit Trenton anil probubly iu tlie MuMtuiu'lWilc. CVmmittoes we.ro iilf" "ppointcd to drawip rcHolutioiio of reKret touching Ihe dun Unif tho lute General* ««nit awl McClKllnn.

Tho rettolntfopt Will be reported nt the nextDepartment nifetiiij..

His Bpproneb issilveruunrttr. l'


mt-nt three (*ul p

Kytmtkeafi.iirU:on cout fur him.

I11«IPS uud four pen-. U? » quick niove-o exeliim^d for thet ebatigo in clnlmeil

Tim tUin-tiiiti]|tn>rncli <i|ic

thnt pain l.y iicln« tlmt XX Cntnj.bur Crenm

Hew Crap H, 0. Holutat,nt J. P. Woddlinil'H Groct^ty.

i tlie tinker tn \U> up)ie



JOS. YORK'S B E D FUONT.the. Ikfot und inuot roiuiilute nlorwrijillnn oi bouwi furniHliiiiff Ittn. rtiiind hi any attire, imd lien'

l l

*v«ry it l t o

t Km ld

ees, ( , na I sliitll n(-ll nt gs

j t Km luvtM pnee1y reduced prices.





KILLGORES CORNER DRUG STORE!• lk> place «• i* far «»»•»• a>4 Ohmatsli.


KILLGORES CORNER DRUG][STORE!• tkc place <• I* tor ileaar-Mise* PaUti.

KILMJ0BE8 COBNEB DBUO STOBEIt tot mace » • • tor Ulan • •< Pmti.

KILLGORE'S CORNER DRUG STOREIt Ibc ptmc* t * gm r i mm* ClcarettcH.

KILLGOUES COBXEB DBUO STOBE<h« KUce to • • tor nrrrtblm aoallv mtft I

Caaalri D m Star*.• a Snt-cUM










Look out for "EMORY'S"new advertisement in thisspace next week.



pleated to maka the nnnonDcemeot tbat his business lion ttrovej a flatterinaTHUeceBo, wliioh ia lnrgotr duo to the FRESH STOCKS ALWAYS

PRESENTED, fair prices, and careful business melltods.He will continue to oflor as usual Tull linos of

FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS,with tbe best specialties in every department. Bu isoffeiing

'ILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR,lich never occda B recommendation beyond n "iDglc trial, and ranks the hlch-

est in the market. In

TEAS AND COFFEES,is offering articles tint never disappoint tha tnstc, and is doing just now •

large tmao in a very

SUPERIOR GRADE OF HAMS,lich nro sol.l by tlio alioo or uiy size to suit tho tiarchnsor. Amng other mm.illios »re thB kwt in nil Wml» ot FOPBIBU «n.l Domestic Froito, IWed Fnlta.

o l d Monla uml Finb, Bottled l'icklcs »o i cvorjtUiiig else iu Uu lino oi fir.ilan Qruccrics RDil Proviaions.



Page 4: C. W. THURBER, POTIB, V. AMO Ucc»HsS He we. do VA the ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/1885-11-07.… · 8tat«,THIBTV PEB CENT. BELOW any houo 100 Solid

Utat I came ou.} bueiHiso I laucled j o icailiugtuo, having probably nvtu iaa

Hianjll . 1 hikw you fruiu tbo bunk Ul>ova.1'my excuse tUe ui.NtaU-, aud ullow IIHJ to

An Impudent Puppy.o i n K i t t y ? " imtcrliig the r j ii where her two

tiploycd, thei * bit of faiicy.

work."Irual lydon ' tkuoiara, looking n].i fron

tad sO tin try.

s u of Ktuy iSlie ui'l"'11"

lfo, Mid ijiiuir iii thetaken to au ,il/rlionso cicept nt ni^lil."

*' I tnw litr ubout two lioorj ago on Iiiway to the orcliiwd." n-miirkuJ t'tnrm.ii"She unfit him WHS «ni«K to teed the [HBud would Mlenvnid Ink; n lt-usou iu milk-ing."

" I wisli I could find litr ," tciuoAelire. Carrinutwu. " I urn certain tluci t ler Judge IJOIMII or Lit son will rill tliiafternoou, nuil it is prnpirtliuiKittjMhoul

tiliu tliJ nut upjicar ou their

"Sliewillnlioekll.0 judge l»y her liny-dt'DjKli niimiiiTS, HIHI is tu hid suii, 1 hurdlythink Li! will jMrticuliirl.v admire lur.fiuesn't fimcy fiitiwlu (society. Vvn heard,

Tueu't li« n JitlJo wild ut ci>Ufgt\ it <'A little too fond of wlmt U ci»l led fun—nolhin^ more tliut I Li.Ytt *vti" hcuril, ILis a cliiver j'niinK inaii,wili lie wealthy, amie, ii(.-st ID liia fmbur, tlie tuttst match iu theniih'ltborhood—tlioiii,'11! "^ J'01* *ay,don't fljipL-ur to tiirii luirtiuiiliLi-ly fur ladies'•society. 1 ftwcicit ho looitcd rulli

wilit-(.iii.«K tu tirtt slatt'iy ills* Abbolt, I,,,. »|jBi,|!y ],clover ana Imuiinouioat. shu in. Aui *•-••tie ill list fcuow llwl all the jjlrJj tiro tryingto secure him, which iiatunlly luakus liiuieby of tiicaj."

TUese c*jiun,rks were «Uavly


Fall and Winter Clothing

And tlieii iihloice, which nlie

'• tt>t»ii, »ir, ami B<> litmiu ; »iu(futuiuiuiu lifi-iH^K «Raiit."cliiiilicrf DID bank iulo tlio inv

y (olluwiuj; witli tt nuUJucd iimuiiiiuu.. Hut hitdUdily 1m i1

(.liiirjj biirk, au^l at tin1 name Jiit aud staiugtjt sjund MHQ:«

car. I t wiis ii low, lionrsc,uritiur, wliicb HI'L-UIUII to ewtl

ii Afri ., 1

looking iimuiul.In i.u iiiHtnut In

pain, aiut si,,, .si.,

Kitty, i

s gliiimiius tiirouyh hlmggywe-r^d froiu a Ihicfcul ut w»dtnl t-nuii? hlowly Um-urd litr, tim

tnrtli w

lft, nftci

liitly blropic-, Her l

l i


iKiiomliiioihly ilwlWn tu follow Ilid f lfelt jmrtilyz>.-dI uudu*.

hk™lyi>nw»rd, now low.litu tiijliftiiifc'it. and

i l tthfierinK&inLt-uil, ll»ing, ilercc-ly mid tiu ihecuiitrc ufth

SmUouly ii voic••Uuu'lbc ufiai.ll TUwvaway your ted

shawl! Now rim—run to tha

Thw II shim i in1'-' <J( help ut hnud iher. tihe tops off tbe ligUt Kctirlutdiawl whiolt liml nit.-not.->(l tliu nttoithe bull, and rail ni fast us her tremblinglimb*, would curry her.

How Him got over llic lilgU fouoo ahanovci knew. Indued, alia knew nothingdistinctly until tlie (jtmtlewan whom

Jlothing of the wel lknoufacturers, Messrs. Cohn, Ball & Co., at 50c.on the dollar, and unhesitatingly say thatnever before ia the history of the retail cloth-ing trade •were such values offered.Men's Durable Overcoats at $3.50 ; worth S10.All-Wool Fall Overcoat at $4.50; worth $12.Beaver Overcoats in blue, black and brown

at $7; worth $15.Men's Durable Suits. $5; worth $10.Mixed Cassimere Suits at $8; worth $15.Men's Plaid and Check Suits at SIO; worth $20.Men's Fine Corkscrew Suits at $14; worth 525.English Broad-wale Diagonal Suits at $15;

worth $28.Men's Pants at $1.25, $1.50 and $3.50; worth

$2.50, $3.50 and $4.50.Boys' and Children's Suits at 81.80, 82, S3, $• and

S5; worth S3. S*.5O, S6, S8 and $10.un.l muvluoi jemrmir Uul ivli.t «c adnrl l io «rt lu la . UEJIEailEETHE U1SHESB:

A. H. KINO A Co.,<i»; and ii'»f» ltllOADWAY,

Between Heecker »iid Houston £ts., New York.OI'ES EVENINGS UKTIL HO'OLOCK. BATCHWA^ UNTIL 11 O'CLOCK

Hgeiiiiiiio jiiLiicli-iiiiilttrmarried off two ( l ^ ^ b l

Curriami i


mt'.ht^fs lnul fuilcd. to uuiku tkt iijlirt'^ion uu t-itlwr JuJ(,-n llolton*bclii.d btllioiiglit bt-rsclf of jit

Kitty, Lilhui'to, iiH tlio youny.'htiiiit, envefiiHr i.i-i>l in the Viiii--.t-roi.illKiiutiuie v,iiL-ro was Kiltyi

Kitty, liBviug llllui]fortlie |»igH, biiollcdd i b

wliliio uml the orchard,.0,1 ttio fruit, am

Olio tiiecial!}- liiie i>t-acli fur her Mlitr. Illthitj jiohitioi) her cyu wits caught by a lowHue of gi'Lx'ii willowK, liorduriiigtht! slupiii(ttenclow* beymul the orehnrd.

"It look* us tUwigSi it slreum were tlicre,"ebe thought; "nml I tin SD hive water,daro any it id lovely UIIJE-I1 tlitsu wilierCome, ltollu/'cnllitig tun iitllu ball-grownterrier, "yon nvft I will (jo ou uu exr>WuigcsiicJitiuu togi-ttwr."

Jtolla, afli'r sunic coaling, rntlicr sulkilycbeyed, lli> wusnii ugly, little, crookod-leg, lialry-iiiuzilcil jiii)), whicii Kitty haden bur val at. tlm fur of tlia•Tsnut-r for nfet. Ytt IfulU, JCB|ILU all Ibe|icltiii(,', did nut taki> to bis* jiroily youngtaiatraati, but jicihihtLiI in eviuciog u tl<jBided iirefttcnce lur tliu bum »ud kitcbeu,

Kilty i#tut not ilihiitnioiuli'd iu her «ipe»kfttiou. Slie found [i uioitr, blinllow Btrean

h Tikii 'ij l ' ff iiiul luurujuriiiAf pluf

Ofutly bi itntli iho willows, l»ctweeu IliickeU

id litos«ou\i»iyv buuli, ami took•eited hcroc!/

Of first L t r Lai, aud t l eu her•UKkiiigi, wid allowed tlie cool ripple*d u c » »bo»t bet virile feet. Then Ut« be-DAffld iutertattd In wntchiugllfe on t l o tutfuce of the water, a a l whenMlisfltid with tUiB, rtsuiuoil Ler iboei t u l•tockiugt, Mid lay baclc ou tlio cool tiut,JrwmUy tciwttUo^ unaViilict of poetry. A• t n y Buubeaai t l iut td on her l i u p gbrown liair, aud tlie CJCB tliftt lookej upIbrougii the waviug foliage were M deeplybltt» and clear an \h« tuuuj sky o verb eft r j .Pity that tliero « u uo «tra? wliat to g u *ujwu Iho picture.

fluddtuly, Kitty awoke to U10 factU

l&g ftbout tlio lusliea, mud h*4 now •loin.eff aa tho track ol aotno nceut, [icneptiUtonly to liiit owu keen olftctorieg,

Kitty lift.J up her voice, wiJ e« l ia J«hetBwetl, clear, girlinh tone!;

"UolU! UoU»!"In uiswer, Itere was prewotly i nuUiB|

uuid tlio eidcr-liunliei, uid forthnot tho culprit Boll**, buta very bandaoswjouag UUD, etju.ppbd with • gun u d b in tbag-

Kitty eprujg up. Eacb itmedtor u I t .•Uut «t tUo other, then theftKeftiUylifting iiiacap, nUd;

"M»yl inquire, miu, what youWitiitue?"

" Want with jowf repeated ilii , in n f .

"Yes; Iwwcraning Iho fleld yonder,• t e n I heard JW MU u e l ' 1 be replied,ttttl) a slighUjr dauoH «xpruuonabout hispout l »nd tjm.

" I called joal " n l d Kitty,aantly-

" \ e B ; jouculledllolfa, Tery dirtiiicU*ind ciriiiatly/rc^liiidko, bitiug tlieBer of hisinuuHUthtj, "aud I, at CUIIObeyed the SUIUIUUIIH, ami mu at your eer-Vlce. U>< wauiois Uulnud, or Koll*, w l•m fmuillarly eulkd,"

£itty nurveyed him from he»d to foot"Oh,"eaiil piie, cool I/, " I t wan * mi»*

tfcko on your part: It wan iiot you, but Idaother puppy I waa tailing. Hi* name im•ko Kulht."

"Indeed 1 where ia he?" inquired tb*Mi, looJ(iuf[ arouuii with » f{rv«t Cl-

^ interest."IJa'i rutt Kway fcaia me.""t wonder «t liim. m /jut, J

don't see bov be could Late doue it,1

U , lookiog at Kilty, BUd alowly atrokii*

She <IKW herself up w.Uiagteat tMump-Utm ot diguity.

" If you will try, air, you will ftndbow UMb be do.c,1- «Md olie, loftily.

" And If I dou't waut to try."" Then tlio other puppy must make yoft.

B e n lie u, just iu time. Here, ttoilM,food Jog: At, »t him, sir I "

And Kilt; cUjipEd ber whit« bauda t ** M o d tri«d to wliiBlle. w abe Lad

aeeu her papa do, to theaf tljo gcuUeuati.

great a

But imtead of gallantly ruibing to tb»lUack,atcommaodorhl» juiatrew, Btriektd at to tUe straiiget nitli ettniagantdeiiionBtntioni of delight.

"Oil, Laknowpyou.' " uid Kitty, 0OB>tttnpttioiuly, "aud to you didn't run.11

"VCT. UolU kuowB liia friendu. Inbet, h^'ainynamenake—auUonorconftrredBpoi* me by the admiring partiality offariucrHawu."

" Ht btkiugg to me, now, and I mean ID•Iwuige hit &k»e," said Ehty, potiUTeJy.

" P r t j doD't I Ton have no idta of bow•uuficallf it wauded M t « tbe field. Ifancied K>m« wood-nymph—or dryad—ww

g Belonga to yon n&v, A M *Happy dogl" And he Hooped u d

iiaU«dBoUa'ih«ail.Kitty tornad afaarpl/." A n y o a g o i i i f aw«jr, air, ortball IP"

d U dworU I

ending tbf fflncfl, t l rew hi ill-ntlti

IH near ViUcre ulio h a i suukthushe bod fouud lipr-..lf i» Mfntj*.

Oli/'Bdid Kitty, lialf wbliiiig, " I a i n•ogUd you oamot That awful crealure

ild bavc killedI (ortmii.ti.-ly lienrd lain bellowing, and,iciiibti-iug yon, cnuio jitst iu tiun

keep him oft."'Werui ' tyou afrnlil?"Oil, iw! I utietl. wlniu » Uoy, to htto<o miiniulK f'

I)nt you sun 1 cnu bo of u a r u use ta youUKIII 'tbcoUicrpiipiiy.* Wben b

roue. Donoried me iu my hour of" itlie replied, Milling faintly, aa eh»

dried licr t'M*- " ltnt I've had euougU o(him. I'll K've 1'im uway, aud get a betterand bigger Uofc' to aceimipany too oa my

i, if liny are to he *» daugoroua attllWOKE."

OK enough?" inquired the gen-tleoiaii. " M l tako tlio very bent of c a n of

" Oli, 1 don't itiow you jot, you leeliU tuk pAl1*," •*!!« nnswetcd, deramelj."Car ta iu ly- l i j ail we mis ask papal

Mill Im, eitijurly.Kitty blushed, villi ft i t ro rg iadinnlion

" I 'm suing now," HIM H8id, riniiig."Won't you i>er«iit mu to m>o you fc*f«.

TLtrv limy I i wild cuttk about, tosay nothing of suttken and owls."

ull, Iwe ftrc iiL'ur l•itiiiig nu thiutUc OCCIIH

Licl I tiEtl

Uic bu't oti

nk you limy uoinu, tbonio now. I cnu BCO |>Apa,

jiiniKa, rumling; anil tbura,I, in my im^Uut of »)>|ileirml for tUu pif-n. If yi

d, I'd feud tleiuto Mm Haw

w, aud c

" I HJISH onjny it of nil tl.inga," be aa.acrU-J.

Lifting Iho basket, lie carried it for lierio tho uty where Blie amn«ed bemblitmsiug the fruit, fliie by ouo, t o tho c

" Bo you tuke mi iiitur«nt iu thoeo janiiualti 7" rcmurked lier coniiiauiou, u beftood curiously looking on.

" I fuvl w>rrv for tlu-ni—they MO SO uglyaud ditty. Kutim! Kcium to LRTB treaUithem uu justly, poor tilings, iuintkiug UICD•o inferior t o other animal*, lint then,Dio little OUCH, with tlieir |>iuk uoties »udJuuuj tjEn, iio look HO uliuuuy aud w kBoceut."

8ho tcfiticil Homo npiilts to the little omt u d looked ttiouRlilful.

' " fhey remind me of a pieturo wbiebt»w la te ly- Cirui?, minonndet. by a berd o•wine, iuto which alie bad tnwmfotuied lie*admirers. Aud you would u«mr bareitnagiued bow much expression there waain tbe way tbut tliey wriyglud ftud grovelid• t ber iect."

" I sec that picture uow, at leaat ithing like i t ," the geutlcimui remarked,locking from Kitty Io tbo |>tga.

ktii ugaiu Kitty rapt«l»Ml t o henidf,"Wbat »u fuifiudditt p u p p ; ! " u aha drop-ped more apple* iuto thu uly.

Aud thin waa tbo upectiule which greetedDie liorriacd gaze of Mn. CurriiiKtoo aa»lio tttupptid ou the piazza wlieru ber biu>baud *a» rmdiUB, aud looktd BCIOM tiwlawn Io tbe orcLurd, Tliu tfa-table <ready, uud HIIO was expecting Kitty.

"Mercy ou m«l" shB gaKpetl. "Why,U t . Carmntan , only Ittokt 'i'ljoTe i t M -Autily Kitty, wilb JudKe Boltou'aftedingi the pigs! "

Mr, Carriugtou chuckled."Well, my dear, 1 doiTl ie« Ike bat

, if they like i t . Tkn»gli Where elie couldive picked biiu up I ctu't itnagioe."Ueauwbiie, Kilty mid licr oorapaaioijitmre.y crossed ILt) orchard aud tlie lawn." Sow 111 Introduce you to papa," aha

id. "Only I dou't kuow jonr l u t m" Ob, |)erliAjw he knows it and will intro-

duce me to you. UeauMuie, call me any.tiiug you like."

So KiUy walkod uira^bt up to her fatber,and putting her baud on bin shoulder, t*id

'veh«dau«*fi i l fright. I waacbascd by a ragiiw mat] bull, and my pup.

>, Holla, t an away from me, mud another,witb tbe very u u e uatue, sated me, MI're brouKbt him Louio with me," nod.ding iu au introductory uiaiiuer to«ranl Uifl

it.El i?" said pap*, looking np( and,

catching the eipreuiiou of tUv two facesbefore biui, bu fell iuto the humor, a:lie rote, aaid, with nwnre of hi* baud to-ward tbe wailiuic tta-Uble, "Very Well,my dear, we'll feed Liiti."

So l l r . Vohwd lioltou t«t down to tbetable with tue family, uml with «aaW'Uee of that uuplutwut couatraiut whichU».€arnng toubadr« iuarked i i ibM inter,

ith Uiiw A-hloLt, aud, dtiij.itf.heifetation at Kilty, the meal pawed off moatagreeably.

Of course tbi« wan not Mr. Boltou'a Ualfiait to the Carrjogtomt—of coune tliereWere f r^ueu t auU«<iueul call*, witU -M

iilen, iu all of wbieb he /ulfllkU hiapromises of taking tho very best care ofKitty; and when, a t length, i o asked, theprivilege of taking cam of ber tlirougb.life, alie did not say liim ua.y.

Lately, when Ur. lloliou wag boastingtbat bi t wife bad ucceptod biiu ou tbiierjr Brat interview, by refcrriug him to

paii», Kitty ioolttd ft , aud uid;" You were au iiupudautuuppy tliat day,

BoUa, u#youart!NUU."

Bappyialia who hai Imnwd UiU otutblog—to do the plain duty or tht mottent,q s i U d cheerfully, watUver it mrj

O d n o a f U a worU Injnoai a d f b M you to r*naail>«( F«%UnfU&osaitofkanldghlattnu- — ' " *•'• •Nsfcar-Sv - i

«• i-iiicts HIM WILL A

This is the Iron Era said to hive a large circulation andinfluence in your town. We are strongly solicited to adver-tise in it. and as we are vary anxious to get your trade wewill give it a fair trial. We want you to understand that wearc selling tlie best of goads only, at lower prices than anyother house in New York. We have enly one price and gvar-

W e h a v e p u r c h a s e d t h e e n t i r e s t o c k o f "tee satisfaction, or return the money. Oar stock comeritetl o t h i n g o f t h e w e l l - k n o w n w h o l e s a l e m a n - t f •"-I- "' •- " " ' - " " "— f " - * " - —everything you can think of in Men'* and Cgy*' Cl«tkin| Mi

Hats, up to the very finest; but medium Brie* s«ed» receiveour greatnt attention, we recommend especially cur $2.50and S3.5O BOYS' SUITS, our 312 and SIS MEN'S SUITS andOVERCOATS and cur SI 45 OEMY HATS. Then Hate aresold all over NEW YORK at $2.

.• hrhtij ii to our sfore and you telll be mil fMild JOT the trouble. It


4HK BKI.MMl K»CK|.|.E-\T




mythic f,

}MIJ IlliVil if out sture in the I'nttnl Stake, ami tio comnvtion

London & Liverpool Clothing Go.86 and 88 BOWERY, cor. Hester Si

Between Grand and Canal Sts., NEW YORK.

Tlif •ulweribrr, enrvivlus executor of tlieof John CiattT, dicnutif, will offr l«rtl Tljcmua' etura, iti Dralii'Hf'iirti Uorriu

nuiity, Ktw Juwi'y, o» 8ATUHDAV, Kxv,! la , 18SE, belWcoii tht Imiir. nf 12 aud 0clock, a t a P M.. tUo fa.liQV.-iii;; teul ««i*tc,niiiJ^amKlduBc-ribHl cs toJIuWH. viz.:

rnriw'r In lamU of DavniJ. Culver, and niim

ifcuty-lLtiroliiiiuw mm ludutyiin'i; linl.fl tu a;iircwiti tlio road Icidiiig frnni O^rniau V»l-

en chaiun autl Irn links ic a cumcr in ifiuliili' vt Haul m u l : tlii'ucc (HI "outL ei«ttiy-tit JcyrccB neat tliirtr-lwocliniiiH toftntcini

. A corutr ; tti»>n«ia (4) north wrtwa (U-;rucfl ciat tweutjwiyli! diuiiiH &ml <!tg!i!v

^vciiiy-l MO acri-'B of hn<l. strict lucaMire.Ko. a. &ef;iusing MautuDrt ptauUi) ID tlio

nut cdjco or Utu road Icwiiutf from Dratieti*ttimi t» u td Cratfira. boinu *'«o eornor t<>Jobn II. SltirriH' vtoo.\ kn, and men lltst nurtii

HK link* lun ituiie pi a u ted tor acntucr tu ait uouteiej Iu Julin i,Crult;r; MITUUIJ, nLmtiia Jiuo uoflli tiftlitj-til fcia<l & UnU ^I^KV^'B

neat tneuVfliDJim tuutmikn oiiil ul^n^i cor-ner ta.TtituiA.Crnttrlualiaoiif Davkl Vo-u^;third, «!on([ bU line hu'lili lift cut il^ri-i-HBest l*u cU.U* anil Qvu liuhn t<> a ttaiiu unititoo«« enner tu John S. Blian>«' ivmil lut i

irlli, along hUtioo north u'clitv^ i^lil uml u,lf di'gret-i t'4«| Iwiititv-aud ctiniun mid invu-

iy liniiii to ibc* I IAO*? of 11utiluiiiiii?, contiiiuirj^


It havinff come to our knowledge that Xanouat * MolUr

have adopted & beer bottle exactly like oar's as to shape and

nearly to ai to color, and at tbe same pattern of atosper, we

have decided to protect our customers from this deceptive

trick, by changiv •; cur style of bottle, Hereafter the bottles

which we send ut with the fameua Joe. ichUts Company's

Beer, -will be of a very U(ht green color, with a new and very

convenient screw stopper. Customers will do well to notice

this caieMly. that an inferior beer may not to palmed offupon them for Sohlita beer.

eet'iliDglj' low pvwm tlmt llio i; tirno »ru giving nwny w r y

of th» IK-S! nuil nioHt fti




Englitk trtaMatt,


wt hkp|il!i;il ai'o HurpriM'il, B"<I at tinmntli b n m l r t * nT .lollius wumiiii>n>lilc C'llDCKt'ltt.




*T 4Oo. AND 50c.

O U R C O F F E E S A T 2 5 c . P E R P O U N Dnake n drlioious ilrinlr.. Wo mipplr our oni'oiriGra »|lli Ornmilutetl SiiRnr at 48c,

per seven pounds, avi oitra C ut 40c, Wt> ulso rct-eive cvory woak IU? heat

ttcah from tlio orenmery.

ua a call awl by cuuviuccd that «o can i!o bottc* \>y jou lor 1bmuuej' tuittD tiny otif* else ID tuwp.


DOVE1R. IV. ».




, Oor.BlackweUasdMorrliEts.,

former!; ncmmled Iw Wlilllock * Lo»ii, •nilit Buw KiAl ui ibo« uw

£!*>••> • • « well wlwtnl ilschIo hia patn>ni,*a!Ubtu for ths Mwan.biith


tor HEX, sanuui OBILDBIS, ««i

Piece Goodm,

atewerj dMcri|>tlun, liotb fonlgn and i]olnefi<ti^fttHlnUluaki


t l «ry Modcnle pricM.

Gfiils'-:-Fnriisili£-:-Goo3sID abnodan** and at way dawn price.


ol tbe latent itjiei for the KMon. The plla wlU be well rewtnled by eismiiruD

tbt prioei before parofaMlni; elie*when mi




1CA fc Ten tln*A Ktreel, N*w»fk. R. J rail Mrsnram»o<--. sept lat. Moel tbnroneih ln«ttuc'loahmln(H tlnMe* *Sp»dal Dept'a of WtHlnft.

Sbor(-U«im. T>rr<rni]nK. (hnnaii, Entflieand Cnrrrtpnu<leiic«. Collctie BminwaKuw CaWomt" and •pecimeni rf lvnna

VUltnr* welcome. C, T. XltLEn,L L. TCCKCR.ScerfUif.

Notice of Settlement.

WM. T. RAE & Co.707 BROAD S t . ,





MW A UvataiBMlvairvIeillrwiMi



Used by all League






A tstgc stmV ol SHEET UtISIO ro

A««mt far Iti Mmthmfeik Pl»»».the ItaHa * IIMBU« »m<


I have three large

lots for sale on Ban-

dolph Avenue.

I have five lots

for sale on Blackwell

street, near the river

n lliat the...tike ia htrthfof the •otucribcr, Ei»cittor or fliaiPalmer. .Iccea-d, will Iw mirlited anby tli* Surroftatr. ami rrpnrted for luiltcmiiiil- tbcOrnliuna'tfanrtof thn Ciinnlv rf Hnr-

. on MOSDAT. tlie fourth ilnv nrjotioar;it . WILLIiM a. WRIGHT.

Dnwr, K. J

„„ bridge.

Notice of Settlement.

Ton'Veo'd, will be an.litf'l *nd «ieieJ 1>Ylin Burrotaic, anil rrtnirl'ie O r p h u t ' Contt ot Xbtn MoB<kf tbe fourth il»y


Notice el Settlement.Noti n tb»l

will bBca-Ii, d r c » w .b j the fturroitatP, anfl p ^to tlif Orphsinit' Cnnrt of lh« Onnnt" « ' Vnrisifcwflaw tV»*"lrti*i ' '"f "f Orccniinr ne

FRED. tt. AKa.cn, Dow, K, JSrttri fcpt. Mth, 1MB. 4

I have fifty-eight

lots for sale on Penn

Avenue, 1st, 2d, 3d,

4th, 5th and 6th Sts.

I will sell any or all

of the above cheap for

cash; half mortgage

or all mortgage, and

give all the time re

quired. Apply to


W. H. LAMBERT. A«*«t.


BEEMER e\ PALMERwill cnntinitn me bmlnem *l tbe old alam

' ilcavor ta kovp a lirge t,ttt,irtmva% uin tj|s l.uti ut trado, oojinlsuoj of

COAL AND WOODcranton sn<! Lulu^U of t i l ticca; «Ufl Hui now* 0P:<1 fcr blackHrallliitic. Cord •ioiid

ta Ml strtctlr r«S|iMie»l>le prkcai>l* w*rr*Ht«sl at rr»rcMHl««li


Is the best blasting pow-der in the imirket.

Is 25 per cent, strongerthan any known explosive.

Is not as dan&<troug tohandle or transport.

Is plastic and producesmuch less fumes.

Is waterproof and

Is sold as low as any otherhigh explosive.

Ai Aimai ftrati Ink fffj b,

Ollioe: 55 Liberty St., N. V.Works: Drakesvllls. N. ) .


BALLOrdinwy Rubber Boot!•Itraye wear out Ont ontho ball, TliurAIPEtS






f.,,ly-•niur to JuluHi Iliirty-iiluiI I'lujllri all<stitiilnof | Inill'r JUlFjaUii JIHO'H lin<

[o.a.'lii 'Hiu'iiinu Htu Ktabn in ,' , i t a w ( i o « tour link* below *

itcv, n iok r i l for a In;'1, UDI

MdTui"miim1(«*tw\ «ix>rchaVithvcu lmka t» & itono onliiile c>Kcid; ifcouiJ. flj"ii(r liii lino coiBQti R llt.lt lletTBtH Cll»t L'lcTUtliirtv Imki lit a, Btouo on tlio viread ltidinK from Jacob Uaeltrola'i HiirJ. aloiig tniil rca'l'itiaoutli hcraDij'-roiir (tetincHWCMt

) a t Iocs tout pliDU'U In n*idratli Rtriy-iuvfii tkKwwa wrsti lUe jititoe ur ItcfjinninR, coniit* Mil tij;ljin linnitrmlttiH, atifiuK part uf tlie Jut tlJiitaoor


"' " r"'"iTm "rty'Loioofifa« to" Ju'uali "BHJtu J»col) Riec. fcini runs

v ' IM< ».MU .iiiitli fortf ilegrt'tH wchtvt^'ijii au l Fi'Vcul^ lluitA to a ti^ap ot i

north fnrty-Qv« dcgretB uaind tinhly-nint \\t\\w to a c)i<

iud twenty links to a heap of «d

•7iutfi llftv-ftvu (](>^n.('R wM t twu clial' '\-Kuka tti tlio pUfle ot bcglnmu

uij Ilit.u Korea and •( vcnt.v LnmRotuot Itml, utrtot ineaiure.

. C. Bcdliinitiff at a stone c o r c r In Jncoliiu & lino o( Abraham Dlcit'i^oa'd lai

-u()« flrnt nlnne tli» Uui> of Bifu HHU

..._ jliafm to K Ktaku aD<l stoiR-e; m'Coii

titivnty JinkH to a etalin and utown eonwr tiAi»lri'w lk\ 'a wuoil lot; third, *!ons In *nonli llttrt.v.nliaudnlwlf di'Krcuawort ....-chalm tna Htouo comer In Bud lino ; fourth,novtit i'iftL.t5-.hnu ftnt, a liHI ilcRTtBR uurt

plialiitjand Hcvi-iity-f|vn Iliikntii 1 fcionor ti. p.ckeriiiM1* litio; ttlt)>, aluugiilNliiiL'iliiriv-iiHi ilfgrcm en« tnrge c( '

Ding, ciiutaiuiUR tivl l pnrlDt iiH'aiu

Flag Stones i Curbing,G/d.w lHt,pjv^a and iMmtrapIp taheu Tor lar-

nijf Kitltivi.Us autl settiuR i-urbj tml nil citlie~*(.ri reqtiinuy Uijio (.tone will be |in>uip(i

MASONS' MATERIALS!etui iDd Fdle Brick, Lime, Cement, GtU

uinoj Platter, UMjr, nre .uil FrQDl

' prouipilr Hind.



Hill and Drill Phoephct*.nCBCS OA11DEV IHoetHATE, ID19andOb ih. li.Re, AINU FIELP L1U£ IO l u g e

aud amall qu.ullifDi.


ROCKAWAY, N J .Oily people JeairiDg tu pnend tbo Bummer

lODtbs jo tbe coootry will da well to tilt «n«le conotry will do well to ea.lt «n«tla bCKUtlful locatiun at Boukaw«y, thirtyran Ntn Y«»k City oa tli» line of tie* K w i ItaUroad

Dtbs jotlila bC

miles Ittorri{(«» stmtiuo,

Tlie lionio la well farDiitied with large andairy rnoaii.

ID front nf (he hon«utiMled )i«n. A larpe KHUIPD i« att••liii'li willBupplr tlie tulle witli Ml IkovfceUblei netiled Aim (jlerty cfpuf. . . . nwiled. All

mtki 'ptnu tli. *Hiltli HridKB I

Ml Iko ficnlicfpufoiollli

F^'liu Hiitii"IlriJKe~Brnrich" of tlio Central R.R. ruii> ttutaH dully to »IM1 (rora Lake Hup&t-cougi ffivitiff penplo an opportunity ot ipeinl-ttlB the tl»* »l tt.U l)p*Bll!|tl IBHP, QH6 of tUoDoeit ID Northern Ntir Jcrapv.

Vut lorthur iarnmiiitt'iii atlJres*,ff. fi. I-OLLaBD.Prop'r

Uataa Breadin


MLUU •uiJHruurBi'a MMH. >rr" *- NBir vuyt.Fw fab Bj All LEADUG Onon

For u i c bj fcUle^ilSug gropera.




Boy«,rail t dBoy«, roiilillp-iucd men anil TOOQB Iadi«i

trail t d lur * p.iccrmrn! mnrt lp Bnaini'ia Liteat COLEHAS COLLEGE, 703 I i I U BBO&D(4THEET, NEWTAKK, 8. J., iho largeit aadmost filial** »Elif'i> ID tliii ci'Buttj. Coane,fr»tndjcoml>in*-»Tlt<wy wtlh TncXiet, b r aj-kicm i>I l'-iinlncsu Tr*D«rciioD» a*afcr1 ant i lU 'DM, No vacation*. Batenlnir. Gnu]-iatc»a»-i-<tci)iaaitn*.(inna. Thc0.jJWeJoor-Faland Illaalratcil Cafaininc mailid on ap-ilioitioa. II. COLEMiN.PrittOfptJ.EZit A WHITE, PrMiJeni.



A full llaeof titcaboTO gandacM liw»J»U lomi a u j iloro U »nr WkfHeM.


«WMK St., Dover, H . l .m j fclwaji bo found many lljlngi yop need,


-:-STATIONEBY--.-OT t ? E * T KIND, Slant Buom and LairBlanka nr»ll rormi. BtjlogMphio f^* amiCaiep, PUCCIIB, P)ioto,-riph and AatngrapbAltinni*, Btratton'M C.-k-bmttd Violin «tr(aK»rUdl--s' aud Oentn' Pockrl K i U o , ntl I lie lend'in« Dmlij and Wtekly Pti.et«. Full I lota nfTobacco! and hug*rn, ami Itecraobatant eiodBciW Eipc* In Kttfct *«rUlv,


IART0II S « I T » ! - - Proprietor.

Tin fcotel !>•« Win newly fimi Sitedtbr«!i({h0Ut nnd !• in tfrnt-clnm condition farpemiaticnl And trnnnlKM cueata, with tr

and liar anjiniiftl wit t unrobing tbtrilut* ta t le nfflrt f t i

Livery, 8al« tnd Exchuige StableUKtUchol.vrWe » BMHIturnout canMIVBTIImlmdat t rrnwinnlilBiirirB, nrtiaracacBD be

b d for all kinds of dritloc or work.


0M>, HAMCeftCo.'t STORE,PORT ORAM. N. J.ftMB HMr fork loUTamol •« IAWKST

OLIVER S . FREEMAN.Ctrpanttr tnd Builder,

crmdiy of

Harrlvui(£ EiccIT. h. MM

ure.id coudillg:u will lie innJo liqn"

KPH F. 6-BATKH,l Ot d


AHii ti&t&Xi uNe* «ork,fct*lol Uurulaj Si .u jd

font ol UljrintoiiLur Ht.HUMM-iit AUUiUifUciUH UlUhlJAl, Juno l i t , Hti.

Ll^AV^ DiliiVV KOUKi*uA. jll. (EILHIUU i lmi TmiuJ.i

D mlii tiie Ikiumuii llrauuL at Unalur Uountou ; thu ULcatti Uraiioli at Duvo

ctiaauiiiit.HUd (JbtiMluf i tliu i4u>iiU!E liailroAii

m«Ytli«l>. l<L. & W*0**. K, »tUWi»al

tur U»uuuliaUlLUuk,Watci Ufcii.iitTouiUburH,'rJtDtoii Jiiuffliauituut Utiuaa aUioLtlBluMiujin, tiuatot, OunliiiJ, Syrfcome, Oaa'i){i>id uuiiitH uu the IikckitwuLiua aud fiiuoiiit-jiy »nd Unaware nLd HudiuL U»l)rua<l«iaunt J'iiilUjwbnra willi Laliigli Vality Hail-)»il Hiitl tunlgli litid HuMguvliauua Itailroatlr BotUiaheni, Mauoh UUnnk, Hbtdiiu, a,tsd

u Hall. . . mlCorL

. r u u i tlitongl. loViakiBtroudBburg, dumnton, Ormi itunil

•I 11DtiailltOll l!QUll(JU*~tlC ill ihiVGfur iWUiuuii, at Waterloo witli riij i d fur Andover, Mewton audftj „._

IIUUH; a t Uelawirt- witli lililrutovu Hjr,, %\tk'raulu&. fti tli iiloumaburK Diviiiou iurfittf-

KtnR«tou. WUkcftttutc, U&uviUv.KutUi-irlaud, A c faaaeugtirn taking thiifiuiu Nnw Xi>ik,s*»WnDi. andBooutoijluuocct a t WMIIIURIUL witli train fui

ialiurKHU-i polutH on \h» I * i ^ b ValleyLiliixli uiuE tiuuqiK-liaiuia liailrcadt; »tIpuburR witb Uttlvldorc Diviatotior Pa. K.riiuailierUiUOi Treii tun anii f lilUdnlpblt,«,«« A.K.BuUiLuiUdOim'go kwiug Buom Car*) Wator oap .Ht . _,ScrtvnU>u a&.i.fiuBUitoi.i OWFKI>I Itbacij

iVav'urly.Klmlra, ilmint Mortis ftiul Itutlaiu.Alsa ttjTuiiunv uud OBtfceo, cumiecilu "Uiuijlmuium lur Uifon auii IticlifltM Bprm

AtU.m A. 11. DururAocunmtottatlou,At 1(1,1" A. M. iluvir AciuuiiliodaUJU.At 1»IOU M. KHkluu t*jirti(i.At im V. a. Itlmit* kiyieea. Dt»*ltJ» I

witli Lack. * Bloctmlbnrjj

OFT I T vh'tuo nfet) nI I ur tliu Cfluot0.1. IBM, (lit) ailbEUtttm UuUlv aKM

f IA. I), 1H85,

M k I Il

Aduiiuiitralr, m\\\ itli atpubl

au D. -»ot|ev, n. tbo l i l l i Ot Ib b

j[ 13 and 5 'Muck In tliu aLunionn of BBIda.v.lliatiit to g»y at 2 o'clock P. M. tlie toloHliiK detcribtif lot* or paicoM or IMIHI aupri'iuliPH, situalu in (lie d>uuiy of Hurtl* amSwcofHtw Jer«P],

r i s tv Tiupr : -A certain tract ottwut, m\\\mt binliJliiffioriraintivoiucNti', BitnuTit in tictovntkip M Rwlnv(»v w»t nf Port Orai»GuppuHcd i(i ooQinin muiorgl vcliin ami it<3'

tainiuualiuutuiKi huuiliiil SU(J ninety RLTIH.' tug tlie s»lliu infinini-i',lesn ucrU'i! iuts MIII

. turtl io same, couvejtii to E[ilir»ini Lnnlley, dfc'J, by ikul rrom tViliiaui Jnlj^au.

cmborlHtti, 187B.L-)l:-TJ[i(jiTiilnl oiiolialr inlrrc

in e> bnilditif; lot sitaato an tlie wo»t H.>IOHQaflf'V Rtreeti in Dnvcr. wlticli tfm OOIIITL:*!ta B*W Enhniiu UuiUluy ami Ptn.l. H. U»\tW i bf (fi!<.'<l (mm TliomnB Dnvoy »ad wifa*tvd ApflL litti, ' ISi'i, iu<l Tfu(.rilt>'l in tlHorrii County Ittcord of Dted«, m Book A

90, Ac.__.i«»LOT:—Tho ornlivldcd oiie-ljnirinto

ci.tint.ic me* slid minorn!* IJIIIK ami lijrninlcr cerl'iu IIIKII, gliiiate jn the Tnwu'tiurnockaKay, dciH-stbod iu a deed from Mutliew HiKlrr tod Rllu to Euhcuim LiaiUtvy atK l e r Htnitb, ditol Marcti 33.1. lBtit, ami Tcurded iti llw l lut i . t Con.ilj Btoord ol Bacin Book KQ past) 190. ko.

ifonHH Lot ;-Tlia undivided 0Bf-ii»)l 1.tercat In » ecrtiin l io u w aud lut, iitu*t. inDnv^r, nn tlio ntt ilde of Bt'rgeu alreet, amiin part of the panic prrmlici conveys, u

SiUralm Llndrtev, iieDeaauii, ami Frank H(idiiey, by dtmi Fron J . fi. Ni-iKUbuur ami

wife, dated January 17th, IM0. »nd tvcorde.1in itin Morris County HucurdolD^Oatti "

*1ta May SJOlli, 1W0, «ud recurnil C<'uuty lltccrttof Dr«iU In I)i

.. . ^_n. lot Ao.and embracing |).itnMI,lamia conveyed to E|)t,raiai Li win I f Uv dcIron 8«mnel VanKoai, SnallT, dalud «ani8iii,ies'j.

In aua to tbit cciltiu lut cf l»t.ti (will, thtin:• t rv title* .tore)ntUlnKt]jM<iou] ,ilu»UMtin Knnkli siilinvf Bl»i>kwill (lrp|<t in tbn Toi

If I«:u' It. J,teul frimt ai

.„ land coniejcfl to F|>lifn'im Llnilalnv li;Htiuiit'1 Vao Ni'iiiMUwrifT* hyilf*crt ditud Mircl18lii, 1850, *ad Kuirilol in Iljuk HA ~

" 7.AI*.

if Dover, pan nr and ml Wtno»>'• bottl, lining t«eni>,f)ru

about otio hotidteil rent dotp,Ilin land coiiiejcfl to FiilirniH l V S M i i f T l ^

Pr. h . 110 80


Estate of William 8ch«er, de-ceatid.

UBSUAliT Io the <jrder of (lie Barro«at<ot luc County of Horrlf, made on liii

__ ctefntli day of October A. 1>. ouu thoaHud eiglit bandred u d cigbty-flto, notioeiihereby givea to ill p?r*ont hu lng cUiuiH»luit the eatate or Willitm Holtur. litetho Count; of Uorrii, dcte»»ed, t o prevent tld m e , uoder oaih or affirmation, to tbe ID«Gril>«rc. on ur before tbe DineteeaU. dayttDly nest, linlnfj nluBtnuntliafroiDtlwdaio•alii order; and anycreditor negleutluK to brtniiin and eiblbit bit or Lor c law, under oatb•IBrniatioo. wltbin the limt> ao limited, willfofnrer tmrrf d ol nil or ber Mtiou thttotoracalnit tbe S i t e ot on .

UANl£L HOLLCB,Eiecnlon.


Estate of James R. Par-sons, deceased.

iTJRBCANT to tlie order ol tlie ttniTDiri.or the Couuty of Xurrii, mi do ou tbi

.. it da> of October, A. P . nue ttaotuametvlit bttndred and ci«hiy-(!f*<, no\klrrobT iTfu to all per mm* lia»io« l

i c r J a l t F r

tvlit brrobT

p, lateJpOfiitd.fo protint t''i

... _, JlHrtnalioo, In Ihn lab-•oilbtr, on or Lefore tne nrtli day olSaif noi t . being niu« wootb« from tlierf»tt> of u i d order: and flpy nrvdU-ittp to btlon in andeilitblt Iii* or . . . .omWnath or aHrmaiion, within tbetlmoecUiuittJ, i*.ll be fiiTevtr tinned of tilaction thcrefir againfl tfie Epeplrii

DtUd ttieortb day of Ojlobtr 4. D.1B85.Mltt t GMM» rAUttOSS,

Eiecolrii,UHOm Dover, N . /


BEAL-f ESTATliThe •nbacrliier, Eiccntnr of Adam Rigor,

dewrnw-d, will sell wl white RU.H ill tins liotrnt Onmr 8rl:nT, In tlm VJllnin) nf l»rnkes-n i b , im BATUkDAY.Sov.7ib, tSSft, I * ' . "tltf boura ol 3 and J ii'cinck V. M. of *uld.]all tlio rent i Mat•' wliirwr Ad.uu Bijtor. ioea«ed, itlittl M'ttcd, nil unto IJJHIJ au»l hcik.iii the tnwn»lii|i ot I[uxtiUr.T, Countf of JMor-•, Statfl ,.f New Jtmcy. Said «i«l e«a1* »mtiflril nu tlie tinrth liy liind (if Culvinnikllp, on tbe r.wt tnr tnaduf Tlmrinn ¥,ivs (ittd Mr», niarr Itlf-ur, ou tbunuutli )iyU'l " t y H | I W H l l ' * t 3 r UI"1 m i ll>0 • t t '"1 ''J

ui! VUMHIRIH of a (jixid dwelling bonne, Imnid f t>w n.i«il nml a go^il Htonn milk boiu-c



Hot Air Furnaces,the latoat and oio*t Improved iyte*, f

tos publli; aud private UnUOiagi- A UrgeMiorimeut of etovta, cheap for OMB.



Freeman food I Co,FZRB

Insurance Agents.

omaa-untnuL vnoa auw »»«*DM.

DOTEB,W.J.M "•-"•--lull nwm>n«ui


j*» L*+ja . u ] vu^a HB* ™ •»• « »-- —---

t.tt iti thu l^Hltu&uo^f ana «... *_— «—itico. Highest pricee paid for old Iron.Copper lead t a d pewter taken In wfatHiftC * ' ! i ALEXANDEU WiaHTOK.

icstnb#ra4th.lH7D. 1-ltr

thii train ffou He*t U Wtfork, titeriuu

l^tobtfiUi tr

p r o n g ) n

ih L

i, WJOUIIL.' i taiiug

UooutouotAtrain So. 6.

" — P. 11 <EMU>U E V

train ffou He*


iuli Vullov lt*ilruei[ asliauHaB, U - r l t l lK anil IlsrrUli

j i>, M.WuttrO


H|ieci»lfor all lliu tuiinun: I)»ke iioiitvtuauK, Uiuli,'* L«tiL'V'«Houi)Uiu,WaH'rQ(ip, WiroUibtmii;etc.-, uouueuu at Uovut voili iram ituna anil Clititer: i t Wati-rlno 1<r.Neittuu nud fiiauvhvllli.-: at M tlwith Iraiu lor FluilljnbiirK, E u ui

f, 'U,, Uovor Kspreae for Sunnult,B^ruarOtvillc UMbaiiiiffriilii''*mtl H1 T '

>t<d bal%m*ri> lUtlroid^


, e a.t UilUru, UumiDit, CbftihHiiii Hadjaon,Uorriatowu and all «t«tioo>t vest tu Jfecketts-f.uvju,ui)uacvtlns at Waterloo witb train oriinloverand Newton.

*;t»»P.a. Oivejjjand ButfaloEi. IromNe*fork (aloipiug (lAi'H^tlttulicid) via. tAlorevn &Uoor.too thruunL tu Water Gap, Htroudsbnrg,

anil, Ilotuer, Hriacaes »nd Onircgo.AtUluali*,mtttnititl.Umli.lctOti>etielC

Norwicb.Blebfiold HprlORg, Otlc», Ac, Tbitrtin roca thruORli to O*wt>eo Buffulo an_Ilirtilli.hMprlnfl. (bat not to ftb*ca) SnodajT i l i w ' p . II. Dover Aceonnnodition foi

' *n ami Do»or.


B. (N. J . Weat Liue Hftllroad) T:», 10:10 A.*.ftt.<14.ftiftiriD:WV.Bi.

A. REA»ONER. 8np«rI«t«ft4Ntt.

DOVER i r a c TABUS.

DOFCT EtyroBB 0:MIi aokott Blown Kip.7:UlW t G $ * 819

P.M.• 13:1?


ufT lo Kiptoiu* 8:10aitOD Accntn. S : «•Via, Bw>Bt«a Branch.

ElmlriEiprewEaittnu EtpreMffateratt.8roo.(3«ODover Xspreaa *90H'kctletowttE*p.7:r


10.27 1.01 G.att cbciterift.n w r>7 a.ia ~ *10.07 VIM I.U7

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b H B » TOM, loot of Ut .Hr SI., S w b H T « .

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*J :S«J8U:»nct 7.40B.1II11.M

BockvrerDoverPort O mHopatcuog JunctionKvl1

, €.30 0 35 l.W l.«0 6.1M»9.ffli,m a.*» s.ai

. O.4«».W1,« l . : i 8.39

flertnin Valley.,


Bound BIODV.. •• t.HBliialwth " t.MNewark •• 1.41Trentun •* g.U

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CheaterHicater Fnmice

Oerman Tallfj

7.00 B.1B 10.4S 4.U « _7.05 8.W 10.51 4,18 6.C1T.IS 8.80 11.(3 4 . « fl.18

Jobtibc\iw*5a wat'ieiriarly •Uenilolf to.* Or-'on ten at tbe lirick Vraa Store or Sir. Wm.

— £-u.wNa*,ffBaBj

Trnlna leavo Konrll for Mfnmiiuk and Lakeopmcurrc»l fl;M. 8i3D. 1I;3» a. ».; and T;OTr.. For •J(aUtkmit0Osd<untR;68 ** *•Oonveyaacrt can hj» «w<siw*»4 i*. G"TO.V>

I'.hj tu ifiiUtura riiTnooieva 2toitnlalo,iod>t Flandf n to and from Bndd'i lake,E iKEonon.—Ooonertion u nada

t d f E t

•1UC AHOOUnOK Of raiLft&IIMlaV

.Freeman Wood M Co..tiittot of (to htM Hfl r«llw




and Marbltufing.



...1 cci.ll, 10 u ,u ulKb titsuk. I u>toylv. .aliMlacllou wberefw I ••• aUuf my wvrk can IM HCD »% mu* HIM..li»er.»> ol Etlllni,. Inr ll» UI irrf..tup in .11 two. or wood. Maple, VftlBl..iclfrcd, li-,.0.,,,1 O.a. Slim .Tliu paiollog branah I .b.ll .Iriollr

tnrt myaelr and employ the to.t of aa,k > Mr Irl.l ( | «.; .tl!|(i . »




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WHEEZING Svviite-s

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B M n o dual at aa Auhw cwa,

n'jnv- «>'#> T)t. T)ioi*a>' Etitciric Clt c «irpon. Ii fa> civrn iclnf 10 tUuiaMh,your haute. Th*« b UiiHj a «atk «t

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omcE IT w«. • . u m i nou,

DOTEII,», *.

n«K orrivc,01 Lonwic, m a u » ,n I

} ' EiiToir Oatmten. *t Blah Endue to i•jII.WOOTTWf.04ii .

: , 0, Q. BANOOCK, Otn. Pa*. * Tal i ig ' i