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VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1885. NO. 9 TEE IRON EMA • « * T 3iTDBF4T IT lUDmrFnitmGMNir PVBI.UBEI8 in PBOPBIETOIM. 01M to Blukwdl BUM WII lowla tki lufcul Hum iuk. TERMS OF HUBfiCRIPTIOM [NVABIA- BLV IN *UVA»CE ^-;-THE PLACE TO BUY1-Q A i.AKGK STOCK OK SLEIGHS* SLEIGHS ffil* J lit 1 7S t 25 « If, s M 4 H aW# i *.<U I Ju I M I XI 1 Ml r MI ICKI » Ml I 211 Ii •/•'. 1 Ml 4 *i 6 mi t Wi Hi io i , HI I 001 «&i II I B> ml il nol si onl « ati •run. Ti»*. " " !! IOo44-n I 2MM.| »MM.| tiM(M.| I TK. < «0|*7 I I isril* ii noitli' "" s no 11) oo 11 oo » oo] 14 (M»l 12 no S i s i s i " JOSEPH EBEACH & SON'S, it Nil as onl ST itn HP «*'! H J «. J J»M..| ROCKA WA Y, N. J. •UOMTiai tDDKtt »B ISTIUi nrm IBaitm PUun, r% r,n. n. W!> riPECU EItAf, PRACrtT MRT IN THK flonipr <>r HlicfcWBtl mrt nn»iw« AM. DOVER. N. J. . 8. JOLLEY, Proprietor flow. .D4 0wrl«e« to Ut. ICABLON riT*II, ' tTTOKNF.t AT 14W, •MTM It CSUOKtf MD «OTA« tTltlO, iBoa u mamm, DUVEIt. N. | o. Ill I'ltWIItTU. E. H. DOVEB, H. J. isji.nm or ouen uo MIHEUALH, BURTIH or m n L. W. THURBER, or tvBiic KCBOOW MOMUa IXIONTI. OFFICE AT H. H DOVER, N. J. froal 1MI sH«vma AND HMR CUTTINC SAT.OON. SUSSEX STREET. December 10th. 1884. We bare been fltliag tlie itore witt< Obriatmiis goodn Hiitl flud tbiugs prottv *«ll crowded together nnd as n nut urn flnlt iliiall dhpnoe of c great nr<n- K>df at i Rt*ut ncrifleo W* fasve mrksd pri'il* n e * Hit r>* if cend rant (4.0(W vunh). U<> <• wear In *ll nrvtn. ull kimla, sitl . iv* NOTICE. THI OOUMVT nociXCTOn -ill h* HorriilMr*. MIb* Sl»rif> oltoe. m TWTftflDtf or RACK W i l l dirlflR t>fllo4 bnnrt. CENTS. %} CENTS. f^f 1 ^* CENTS. 25 CEKT8. tnnmu SUSSEX St QROCER. «*U MUlMn kU«p«t«tlooftrtMpl>( Ml fttid oouploM Mack, of GROCERIES ! -ASD- PROVISIONS ROCKAWAY, N. Jf TBJti DOVJttfl LUMBER CO. otfen to bnildon tbe boat opportunituB in the puruhano of LUMUE1 of every grade anddawriptloo iiK'luilibK LOW PRICES nuil the Krm. dvut f h i bomber Worked to Order by •MbioerT at the pliuw wk«n> it in (mruhuwtd, greatly lanwuiufi tli onit of building by the great i l l O tk l (, gy fi y g t BAviag in muunal laiKir. Oitr •took always isoladea Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings and LUMBER of era? description, and eMpecia) pairs in> iakei to giv« BattsiMtioB inevery particular O U PMMt WB. H, Uwur, Ho«> uJl TNM 6CH. no.' l»("s- G.r-./B brown, gnea, blu«, gurnet, (flam ur 'nek af 6 C'B. u vard. a c. KORICK. REDUCTIONS! REDUCTIONS! AMOS H. VAN HORN lias thia day made Deduction* In Every Department prevloui. to Inking ncconnt of stock. Jolt lot of Ki-«m:irk<'1 cn;i'H—w« |nu- I»n«ed (be balitdce of lot in bi'"Hi) an*) ny. Fine line »( Kaswuo Circulars ind ewmnrlielii Idliluck. Bli>(>1e F.acv Qou^h fur I be HoliJ.js. Bnyrna Bagi at twerpii^- rcilociionn. lu%ntiu lUrivt ntQOeeuta. W. S. BABBITT'S SON, Morrlstown, X. i. In Chtncery •! Ntw Jersey. To 2oM(.h C. L<n»berr* and t^ftli Ltntberr? b * »i^, «n>l W.ili.tn L-Lluaberr; mil H.rali Uwbeitl, I." wife. he Onnrt of Chan- l b^iluy n| Jnhn N. l ll DONALDSON'S INSTANTANEOUS PORTRAITS satir OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Cvaimtw «Ml Siiflttr, ••• ffBond !• nukrr't n.whnlWtoii.ii. Ut mrollk«OFBtnl fciho*! dia« MdR^ KEAB THE O4NAL BASIS. BUSINESS! BUSINESS! HauteferBaton. >ltteSnr Jf ne; 764 * W ••QAD ITREET, NEWARK, N. j . itrnjuu. oU-,.U popular r&cti* »l tmi'ion. Called BulDflH BJmtor, ud iptalnM of PeoniaBAip, free. VUlton wilcome. . . «LT.MOLtt, Mltll^, L.L.TUCKEB.IieittMT. M virtu* «' «Dorder cf the it dil«'limof la » ctnie wjierel Mati*rrr (• eorofilniiMBl, tnii TOO iivvdiiwii 1', y^ sit w|nirtd fo tuiviT| iaiatat «B or before tbe «imciilb <Ujr of brnar? neit or the uld t>iil will be tikeo •• The MM t>H1 ti'fllftl to rot-eeloHc two mnrt. nude »nrt eiecu'eil liy Barber* Lin»- torrr %ed John Liwbein, ih« Ur>t dated »rn lSih, 1M0, inn |i*e» to Anton B. IHrli*ll,ttKlb; hin iMl|»rii tn cnmr l«in»ni. "lif trcond nf which bcirini; ilnie Afiill Ut, tnt.'ttid *nn Joicph *',. Unauerry mdWilliam jjiDsberry trs mBuoii^KnnvQtft ptcaitifl Ton tielrs MU* Df tbe u <t Batbar. LiBIberry .reuci), inil »o« Ltth Linabrrrir l>pi*R «M« of JoM-plifl. LluibHrt. Mil )DU Sirafa LIP*. tarry Utni wibof Villiia L.LimberH,»'T tin rone iBtmtt ta ike t»enttie« tu atid OAKIEL B, HARVEY. Sf"!iti(orofCorapJii!)*ot. Otttd Dee. Ifl'ti, IBM. 3-7w •eketuiowo, M. J. HORSE SHOES, lorn not Um, To> •!«! Tof Cilti, Bom Bhoti, B.itt.*e. •LIIOH •Ml til olber Wldtrr nd hi) 0ood( lo mj HRI. OEOROE B. YOORIIIBi, " >»« NKKIU HorrtMaWB, I UII 11L A rnlAI*. II iUlulJ •Mi»y rtubt twty i Bead Hi eentu f lulJiwtli Vlp }«a to not* •Mi»y rtubt twty ilttn iBjlfiinp *IFB in tbl* mrM. All. of either MI. •HOOMI) tmm flr.1 hnnt. T l b d d I l N t f b f h nlclrti iiMr* 5-lj ONR b ldTW j K Thcor.l afodrptTenimnt rrmn lMt to 1*1. Hon. John 8. Wi«e, M. C. from V»., • » » ; '• \Vl10- BW' CldW tll l i BWN'I CrlMdW «nemv. «tll nn iowm••4)1 h* hH md tie •»•!•.•' per month paid good retposilbic isenlii. THE Hk^BV°BILL PUB. CO., B-flw Norwirh, Cono. MASON:-:AND:-:BUILDEfl. DUVKBiN.J. aiu(n'««TM«t«r wii/mavruia hratilwJ. Btona a«4 BHek Wort, Plwterlng and Jobhlna: nrnnptlT atteciUd to. OHar* Ml M nj oSlce onlawi Bl., iav CMal STATIONERY FANCY GOODS, CQHFECTIOHEHY, SEOARS. PICTURE FRAMES (MADS TO ORDER.) Agent tor the Mmton A Huntlln mid Estey OrgaiiN, rnirt the MfttluiNhek rUirn. Hecond.ht»id PUmw at bar- ns. I have «1NO a stock of Itarnej V Roller Skater, the most perfect and sty I Mi rink Nknte lu market. NOTICE. ENtateor Harriet LlndOey, deceatied. P TJRStJAMr to the order of ttis- itiiT'icut or tht Ot.ODtT nr M irris. ITIH.III »II tli- ifiTeDieentbtUT "f Df-cem >. r. A i> oni-llniii. Hidii i'(gilt imodrco UK' tiplcr Smr. n'l'i^r- in beret; f(i*en to »ll ti-ouu- linviiiR i^tlma •Ktlnat tbe rilate ot H.rrkt I.ioJ-hy, UU ol tbe Coontf el Morris, A••ct'iwwJ. tn indent the ••me, onderoAtbor iftirmHtlon, io Uie nuti- senber, on or MTon me tevenioenili d*y ni HtptomWr tost, belBc ntne nifmihit from itif iDft to brlDg lo and eituuit Inn or her cliltn, under otth or •Brmsttoti, wHbin \he time *a "Imltcil, will be former burred ot bin nr tier ction tbsrelor •f*lnU the Administrator, D«t«4 tbe teTentennth dmnt Df<*rmbrr j, D. 1B84. EDW&tlD H. BAhCE, AtlfiiiMiilrsliir, 310« FonOr.m.N.J. J. B. PALMER, BEEMER A PALMER will continue tin bmdneM at the eld lUnd, •till «ndu«iur to heap a utrgfl ••lumnent ol *oo&» In bl*lloeof trade, oonitatlng of COAL AND WOOD! ScnntoB an<l U h ^ h or aJl •!»••: BJHBl DiuintM.*CMI for buckBtuUhintf. Cord wood •wed and iplit rekdy to% me ftlvan oo liauJ Flag Stones ? Curbing, Ordon tf>eofve.a mnd contncti tkken fnr laj- .jf aidewkU, ami actttog curb, am) »ll otUer *(.rk Mqnlnog BlntBtone will ba promptl.T ftttctnlad to. MkSONS'MATERULS! Hard and Pali Brlca, Lime, Cement, C»l- eiiwd Pltvter, H»tr, fire ami Frmit Brfeh, FinClij. ilrdenwiU promptly flllod i l l • Steam Circular Saw Mill. tor hard wood lumber cot to any *lt* *v<\ wutih )f«iri*ir *{*»ft «in /i»n./. won) tor Mle. Wf Imve an acciimulHtion of Indies Pine French Kid and nurncoa Kid Button Boots on the A & B last I lint ivn JUT determined to close nut Ucfore xpriiij; trade opens. l^iidicK Mcuriiif; the abuve widths can save 40 per cent- by c«lliiif; im us at once »nd m-ikin<£ their selections. EEAGAN&CO, OPP. D. I.. & W. DEPOT. DOVER, IV. J. Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite, aTtrttle Tup. (S piecet,) (inly MO. Solid Walnut Wood Top Buito, •IT. I Aah Btdroom 8ult«i, $16. imibil Bedroom Suite. 118. '«rl«r Unite. Walnut Frame, In B»w Silk. 7 pieeei, Stuffed BMH.185. 'arlor Salt*. Walnut Frame, in Hail- Cloth, $15. Bed Lounge, in Carpet, #• Ooo 1 Bed Loungei. $4.60. Walnut Bt.diteaJ, $4 SO. Walnut Extemion Table $4 6 ilnut Wardrobe, $10. irbln Top Centre Table 93.50. Good Cane Beat Rocker, $1.80 Good Cane Scat Chair. 80 et$. Wood Chair, IS ott. Velvet Carpet, per yard, $1.85 drBrofwlt, - " 1.10 Tapeitrr Cerpst.'per yard, $8 eenta. Three-ply Carpet, per yard $1 Extra Super Infrain, all wool, per yard, 68 ote. Cheap Incraia, per yard, $6e. 0U Cloth, per yard, IS ott. Hair •ettreea, $10. Mixed Mittren. 18. Bed8priD(,$l.«0. BESIDE AN IMXES8K STOCK or Ml Paintings, Stoves, Ranges, Folding Cribs, Cradles, Sideboards, What-Jfots, Chiffoniers, Writing Desks, Clocks, Book Cases, Ac, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. tjr/EEKLY PAYMENTS" "SKENTf GOODS DELIVERED FREE IN ANY PART OF THE STATE. AMOS H. VAN HORN, 73 MARKET STREET, Newark, N. J. COURT HOUSE.) TWO LITTLI MIT. Two little teal weut paltering l>y, Vtnp. moI Tbejr wuudcrotl oft' to <L«' BUUU.V Nky, iimw! little MckM. veil wrinkk'il uutl worn, Move me tu lour*, h lib their mciuuriiiH bunt ,'crljnck to Mitt IOVR linv loft, AffHiti I'll ha\t tliOHOilour little lci>t I'attPitiigh;,! r.nf«'till 1 mo4'tlhdu tlic date of tlic lirst Amcrieim conferi'iiei I t oiiii IK'III in Pljihiiltilpl.ja iu Jnu< 1773 nml wi> findbv iboUHIIUII'B llici WM'L'I.IGO rai-ruLcrH in hoeirtv ; 180 i New York ; JWJ in 1'iiiJiiileJpliiu ; 2W) i. Neu' 3urtw} : Ouuiu Munliiml umf lOOin Virgiuiu. 1'lie KncielicH continued |< [iniKpcr until 1784, llmnfib tlir pr.-atlj"r: wert' not ni'diijijc-j] uuii tbe IMWbi-rs ivcn iU'l.v (leiimuJitig I lie S;ICCI their li,iiid:i, This vear (1784 ided fm- hV ing ;i[>.it t Ki p;il diuiiB Cokf, LL. 1). U'h<<iu It :h .if Eu^'ti li| ] THE METHODIST EPI8C0PA CHURCH. THE nrccsw WHICH UI ATTXHSIP TBS WttRI OF TMK CHVICH-A BIITO&T OF H1TI0DIIK » DOVES AKD YICWTY CENTENNIAL PEBMnN rHE\t'Hl;D BV TUE EV. J. 11. DANIELS IN THK KKCl-l HEIHODI-T , EPIHC PAI, fiUtmcll, DuVElt. K. J.. KVSUM, t>KV. 2 8 . 1 8 S i AKDBKPEATEU TEXT;—"Hilbrrlo lulh (lie Limi bclne "—I Siiuuet, vii, 12. Vh<!ii tli<! fi'clik> iiLliniiiinliitlioi] E'i (-fdMHl witn tn's ileutti, Hiiindct hiirpot-d to tlie re^tuicv, left nt iliis e.irlv perioj urk. which Inul !)(><>» IM|J iilii l k I b.Ythel'iiilistineH, uml kcii htm Ni'von mouths, WIIH HUIIL li tsiflel. It ilMDot, lirr . . . . . : UHcquonci! of t\»} fviitfnl jii'ij;tiu<n BaiiKl)iniesh,lii:tii'8tt'Jui Kiij.itl) ii (or twenty year*. At tliu «*pira iRuiii. Tlin luiis KWIWIU of nntiouul Im ililltinti WJIH. to H'llUO f'XU'llt, ilI)IH'[l\ AN tllU ll'HISC-nf I-I-.:!'] llUlIf,]!,.,! » <• L u n l , " mid Siiiiuii'l n'/.'-l upon ifli, i-Mii'iht |uil>liciii;ini[i>stu, cspu •' -in nr nloliiiv, uitt^l on Itn' )ic iui"iis :iliicii']|Uclil, iiuil [Himii.ii'il if ilu' ilionci'ii Tut* mix'* Z|u>lt, nnil utth ( 11)8 !l> ItilTf liOl>ll HOIUR of H.c judpi in-ill pimer itx tbo ry i igaiti y ll I'l'fll'MI. l nf tlioir uilli •urn^e und talents; hut 8-,IUJIH:I to Hit lofiy fllullun of juiifje, fton is |iruptiuti<! fiiiDt', his wi<« ilin|jtiiiHutioi if jtiHlice, his in,,) iotr^pMity, iiml hi ictitwt us mrenlorer of HIP trim letigiun nil* g*>¥i*l L D(UCIiL loid tllH fiilllKlutitil if itiat jironperilj wbieli Riaiimtlly vie mttd Israel ID the iioaitiim it ututinici iu tbe du,?a of David uud Lii» mccfsetrfs Tee uiua'criDij o f t\te HeNrews a MlZ[ieh tin Hit! innugumtioti of Buuiuc iroiuJ ilit'Ptiilisiiucn. mid tin*"' "IIII«1» itil up iiRiiiiiBl Ismet." Samvol otlvre* iulciiiu ol» atior, nm] imp'orcil tlio ira •ili;.te pro <<ctii)u of JelioFiili, With < DIIHIIICII iid>, expnanvc vuviiy o «'!> (• umillation, partly of the iibitlon u irenl.v, Hie jipnple pournl wntor oi B Rrunml; ihcy untreated Mamne ns known iusupplipution to God fur ••Hi. It wna at the momeut thiit ho wns t>f- rinir tip npnoriflcfl nodsnfjluiiiinp Ihii •rj that tlie Pbil.Nttne lmH hurst tbena. Hfi wan ouswered UT (I thattiler, oa unprecedented ilieaumeuoD ia thut ctirasloat thul nn of the year. Joseph ns mytt thai ere won ol«o tin i-ar>hq<inlie. A fearful ftui burnt upon Ihe PhiliMiutu, tin t'taenlt worrcl nRBinst them. "Tin i'glir*t ntvc His voiev tn Ilie heaven ii1slnt(3« nml cools offlro" The old HI) MRS. J. P. WITHERIDGE, PORT ORAM. Pi. J. nwat be anfencM ia tht Una of l lino Mir ehrcklHt rtcehN). Xrn sot •liewtivre Tar Ibe aEwve, whea yon n n MI* mane? bv boviGR o l r a e . iooii w,H.J. THE PBOFK1ETUBB OF TUE Pieman Business College, •m, 707, 70B, 711 Ic 713 BROAD ST., KEW1M, Ihe Lriilinff Commercial Hclioal of America. T PE RK SEP aatntttlPi <\? ftttmf. AtL THE GOHMERCnLSTUDIEf. KUh D t t f a d Oli H. BKILDIKO. F . A. r«.l.«T, JR. V. r. Prfmlram Krrhngt anil Soefc ifoanl. SKELDINQ A FARLEY, 81 KK* IT., II. Y. ..^ _ lUkiBK bnilneti, ln- elDditigttie pnrcliMa ami sale of upwnn],)f<irc»»liotonin«rRin»i. Coupon* nud dlridcnda eollecu-4 for partir. out sf town. Web«Te tnr MJfflnit-«lB»»ilnti|tiii»<'«ttiifiit bDDdi.tb>t will ?MA tht'bolder w t a p^r ciBl. intriTft. Correapondcnt* in W••htn|{- tnn, Pbiladelphla, Ualllmore, Ito.Kin nod lie Bat«rb7penniHloi UBcaLmrUBink, N.V old mBof I-raol were "iRiinlly defeatcti il did not ret-mit lli«ir strencih acaiu iring lueaJmiitiBtrnlinn of tbopropbet dRe. EiactW at Hie spot wbere twenly ran before they bail obtained Ilipii irratT.ctor.Vi ntlouc van »et up, wtiicli n^retniitned us » mrinnml of Hamut-rf itituph, uml guve to the plnca its mi me •Ebeucrrr, "Hie rtonn uf help," nml its bun become a common nunm for l i e iicea wbcro r h i t i t is w l i d . vo clmscn tbo t n t only u » lcfit.iiiK recognition of GoJ in ito wonderful bis- ti 'loeena witli vbioli H<* liim or»wiie<l ethnJht £pi"copfllObi)rcb Anrivg tlie first cetitury of ii« orgnniaeil il {national work, anil tbo ngenci. ... whlcli lie lms lic^n<iea IIIH blnm-ing, nnd IbMiigli wbicb tbis BOeci'is bns been secured. In tbo >eir 1720 JOTID Wc^Iev nod h brntber CUerien saw inwnrd anil out' ward h'llioess to be a doctrine of tbe Dib'o; thpy followeil ufler it nnd ei- liorted ntlitm to do tbe fi^mr. In 1737 ibev unw tbiH holitiCHs coroe^liv ftiitti. In 1738 lliej HUV tbcv mufit be justified liefon< Ibuv nretnmliflctl. But still buli- nesa was Iboir nim.ninl God tbfii thrust tbcm "nt to Mtsp n liol.v people. Tlie 1739 is cmisiiW'ii Ilif l»c(-ii]otug of MKlb.Nli»». In1791, nr JS3 vrars niter the npenitiR of ll,. Hist clmpH, Mr. ii-y Ml a I ll o bfn.1 of 650 llincmnt Pmicliers un<l 140 000 ccnimniiir.int'- ixc'iiiminp : "TUo bost of nil is, God la willing." 00 Ific 10th "i AnzwA. 1760, a vo^sol vtleii in NewYork, Uimngborne ncrons tbn ocean from IrHunil » Kndof emi AtnoDK Ibeae, in tliemTntcrinns ce of Qml, wpre two bumble pn trliosc tumes wen destined tn lite an lone ni tine stintl enilnrf, nnd hose ioflueoco for ROOJ HIIOUM ettend tocnuDtless boats of liumnnitt yet uti- born. They were Philip Erobnrr, tlie first c'ass )o»doratid Licul Preacher on lio Anaprica" continent, aud Barbara Hick, I he germ from «bich h&n sprniiR tMldt Kpirl Obonhrf tlie United SMI OP. Philip Emonrj benrd Jobo Wesley prencli in 1753 and was converted ou Ciiri^tnaHtla.v of tliatyear. Oiil.v a few of those nhneame tn (bis country wilh biti wero WesiefanB. After their arrival ia New York, WiHi the ex ecption of Embury anil three or four ntlien, they all lo»t their sense of tbe fearofOod. liarhara Heck wiw nnmng those wl>o bad con tin tie J to enjojr n GOD gcinnsness of tlis Divine favor, nnd it waiat ber earnest solicitation IhntKm- bar? prejohed his first sermoo in 1766. This von in liin own bouse, located on what in now V*t\ Place. He \xa\ five Imaren, Mw. Herk *nd four nlliers. After preaching to tliem be formed them into a class, Happy company of six 1 Nncleoua of tbc future Mellt- $ of a continent I It wna not IOUK wfie Embury's honse Wme too aiaall to uccotntnodafc tbe iacrcmiug cuugregntioD, nnd a larger routn <K»H pfocared. Tliis also wan exchanged man lor one more commodious nnd n rigging loft on William street Tented in 1767. Hitrc Embury andi Welili flf tue British army prencbeil tiiree timps gweek tn crowded nssetn- Hies. Webb preached in tiis nnifortu ilU his Hword lyinR oa tlio desk Mure 1 It fill b nccesMarv to DILO.W.McDAVIT DENTIST, (OVB& BBEESE'S BOOK STORE,) ud tin- *A-l>i! p . In Kif. c, A-bttr «liaB, li b Gprcc. BIII WIIPH tlipa in 1844. it r 39 Aiiuunl Ji,i;ms, Smi •is Ifiliullli, |i .'r. 1781. i Tl-uiiiiis Cuke null IHIS. Tlm- 'l7 io (18^5) HT ii.>»riy itOD.IIItti AMIUU) O. HK ,,\ J ;1T , u,d i>d St.i iiiK, W. 1.171.350 >s,wiili 7 hu it:i«UonlnM<f ilivinifm hi'fvltl church. Wlio,, ',]„. Hont\mu r,\!,l; eui-i'scniwuiiiii^it.'iltlitusrcc^Hininii 18 I'.V tin; nrffiiiiizition of tin- McH-mii E|iiB(-..|iiil (ilinruli, Si.nlli, W( . Vf.ro h witli 24 uniifprvtivos, G BUIKHW 3 Ti»2 i-iiTL-liiifr, 8 017 Tfwj.il prctirlu'wniul (' nilf our ineml)iirKlii|i hv tiie \livi« yvt l i y o n r i-uotipi-iiilivti |)mv«r, Infi oy llui b!cssiuKs of O«l, , V(i m^.n :ru-anl innew canquonta, no tlmt 100 uara alter PliiUp Eoihurv iiruncbuil his tlr*l Hunuoa in NViv Xwk. in ltMG, ««J iliiif! Ihe MissiiMiConftTciien iu Oi'nn'uiy atui hHia, 6Q Con- . 0 Uithopy, 7,115 true'iuL' ft .483 lcin.il pivaclturs, 0211,^59 nininl],.^ p boiii that in- b. j lieveilf did I Dt u preach, they Wowlil pull down uud mo I' Ilie cuuure^atioa. rouuOcd l>y rufliaut, for sucli they lookct' to lit', iiud sUL'h they Wtirf. They in fiiriufnl mo tliut I was uot to preach then nit night. -So I ptrciiivo, K(;ntli;untn, id I. 'This luakua M-VUII tluii'H thut i have uuuiu tu you iutliu uuiw of Miihlcr mid jour Jti<l£<\ in a i»c,ic nier, und'with a|»t 'iL-VL'oicl i.-.- --....- nl v,,nr liluod, mid l utlitt IIK. jiidgy. .igiic, Mr. OiV' t lo Y..n o kill liiui; hut LuVmu uit-d him out of .v.nir l»v\ li;,;..,] 1,1,11..1. Ih.- m:lll. ln.n' biinK him, uml tiv:itcd bi efnlly nn.l criiull.T, <titli;;tiri» un whieh ho rmle; lb-n v kcticfifi ou HIju^tvf, ttntl wit it u , nm) H»II1 tint L-n-iV* namiv at :lic ujdi to tlie hiii li-r, 1638. I'IJIU'C'I U':: K-i>. Jam I.IJJUIJU I iuii. uflcn lirunl lij'li H.l^. Willj j.iil.- III,,.- uey ffii ILKT. {10y. es Ayi a. a»u \rw\ii -iL'iiiili r..l. 1 s colic Ou LI) L'ill-8 I' cjtcij :i-«, Wi im(JH ami ( i.l rt-rfji i'11-i U|| unnc-J cti"i uud puid over i' 27tli tif Di^i'iu- gu.Vi-nleriiiiy) i ho tu OaO, auiJ (liu UHluy C. Huilyi!., t'euiDK ; ull uble, d douutioua'wfi'u mttlv nfior tliu Loftho Nnur - ivu,:.rk,,l^ ii'Mot 1 iriiiK to >f thL'l>L tho bre - yo it Vlly nf 1 IOJ11 uhiiidn-av. <1 eat,i4G,2S3. \\ o diiSLMir Un 1 Hr<i Ii veins «r tint liistury (if I in; jft Episcopal Oimrcli, iiinl prij-ctit f h Si iniTd^u^Yai'll'i.^.i^p/, 1 br h 8,143 mi-- Viiiv. iw | M. Tl». pt-opl, mser Mtrmnns, h j pnilutig ii R.'rm uiohiding il, udd I'M'ii ;i tiiinl text ii!> i'Ciiiirsc. II.. Hiis nut always |>i-it<liTi. tucurtnin ijiiiirtorlv iinvliiig on tli.. liuidf-raCiiviiit, IIIMVUI iiitciTupioil liy •Vfnil vtiiius num. win) tli'dnrrl tlifv did nnt buljfvo ill I lie Uhri^tian iviiciun H*' priJposPd to tlium Unit if they wuttlii idlmv IH'M t!,-nnpun.v t't ^'.itln'i- aroiiiiil Ihoin unil pniy fur tlictn for thirty tiiin- iil«'.«, aud l"liim> WIIH pnidncetl tin nlmtiyo iuii rcli^iuii, |K> tvonld n^rci) tu jjiv* 1 it up himself. They uskml him, if tht; nr> niupiiiiii'ut was Hfirooil to, would In! ro- uoiicoChrtHtiutiity buloie thn CDiif-ri'fti- tinn? L'is itiiNwer mis "tJciitk-aii'ri I will most Kilfuinly du HO. 'l'ht>u it is si bji^aiu, Aiuctj." |»iiiUuij (it poiviT." Juwcpli H. J>or>hitis, now a m< it* J'tiiliuluijjliia Cunri'rt'uue, i - I llii'ii dullefl tlie ultcDlinn oflho utin- ;amci "«,.,. EHi,ou. Tlien came Wtlli.m Kivciilioii tt»thin nwfiil contnet. Manv M ' Burrows, m the Spring df 1840, au, riH^hirtiCil palp, otliorx trcnililed will, wivi;.! rh» uliiircli Iwu ycirs. He dfu p . . ,T 1 4tl ' 1 f 'tlll'lllj 1U1.I UlC I.UllLtn n H.t** .luun'MnM l.yMr.U^.-ia, which "untin- :,l munv iv.-i ks. Tint Lord owned tlio IIIKI; iiml lil. ^fd th,' ctfrjrt ,iud rnuny »'« w-.-,v lidded I') tlie cliurcli. A piu- JUS work nf tjod iudeo I ! Mr. RoKLTd utium-d tolnhur \\jtli much fiucciHS itil Ciiu.Vri'uw in Spring «f ISag, cud .•u Km: Jaiu.-H M. 'i'uttlo WUH vmit to o chtirfh !m<, n;uiuiu.Ml a jiarii, cmn« iH'ral Kiitistueiluti ti> tin* pcuple. In :Hlthr Centennial of Motliixlimii wna ,ilj>iTveil, mid Mr. I'uttlo fJolIccMed ci-u- iid moui'.v uuiouiiiiut? to $77, lesa iiiid to lU'V. D. W. lijrtineH For tin;. (.jt/wun-B. Air. TuUlcuni] Ara- Slf) oaeb ; aeveu pcr- i* ih (|iivo Sa ; two giive i;l ; and nix gave £0i! Sli ; tw n H;'utt &z . 85; It-iilucv Wiu f.illo illtu r. Tuttlo. lii 1 ; liittl u powiii- of wit iiud cunldliu Let-iily fiiiiCiiHtiu ; ii Itiug timu and inti- unite friend utver liuanl him toy a fnul- isli tiling. William E. IVnv rime, I think, iu J«M!f Kin, M. E. Klliwn iu 18iJ ; puch, us 1.1 tlio c.iv.t .if MY. WiuiiitN, speut onu .yt-iii-. Mr. i J i.-ir,v i-iNtill liviny umi is in tliu efl"L'iive ranliw, ant] bfl.mgs )o tbn New J.-r-i-y CmilVrcDcf. Jlr. Ellison lu'diii IRS2. l'^t IWPIVO .years lit> WIM u 'ri'siilui^ iiMfir, uml wdife s-rvin^ iu lii^ oJlico IM> prn:icbt-,l u Harmon in Juvi;r. (iu tlj(t I'.iiukl^ of tlic Lust rii?: 1 !! JT (Silvi'f, Ihat ni.idt) u pmfuuud iuipf's- ion, am! ia .vet dintitmtlj' rt^uiomberi'd yy iniui.v \vln> h.'.trd him. " His preadi- n^ «aa nut n-itii enticing nordsof man's wisdom, hut in iiouiouctmtioii of tlio icmber of .ud still . 0.940 | iuiom froio tin. th{Uit!. 1884) inl of the ch. Tin: | ff Ilio Aniuiiuiu dolnirnt i.itliBl £uutncnic:iIOoiir«,v l il 1B81. Tim lOih iu iath «r tin n ccli-bniip tlio CMI Melliinlisi E|.iscn)iii iji'ul hud its iiiciMitii.i to th •v lieh il c. i«» or tU« Houthi-ni Ch.ireliiu Ma 1882 appoiutod n cotniidttL-cD tn d™l with tlxi matter, rtii.1. ufcout the mime "'nu', tliu B.ii:ii] o( Ui»!iop»u pl>«iiitL'.l a unniinittcc of ^ Hiroftlii'irowu uumlier—u illijept. Tbcso uuiutiiiLtPCH prepared und IPPHK'1 thL> pi,,,, of l(»O a/ltiluiffL- Ce(J •UliiHl Cutih'reuco. M.illm.Usts all ovc II; eiminry lmr« Ml a _Bn-at Intercut ii 'In; cuinHi nirnibi>rslii|, Ihpro voprc li'UioiIiht, f"Tf^ri( k 4i|iiil C h u r r l i , \ 7^7 t,i iilint KpiKfupiti I'liiirch, Kim tli W'ibil ... Jin Slctliiili-t Kiiin(>o|i:il Chnrcli 3U1,(H \Iiicun MtalifHlUt Kiiiteuiml Ziou nw.Mo:t r-.tii Alotulof. 3,738,345 tliia mcnihcnhip of Methodism HII lint Itmniiuir-m ja onlnumliereil n tt 3 to 1, «iinp{y by llef-hiNlisiic Pro- •t'MuDtJHin, nod tlie negri'mition or ull H;ipli8t«, .Presb.vtfriuns, uml Episco- combined nbout equulu the uuoi- t»cr of McMmdiBtB iu tlie country. iBm hna l>een gloriously suc- ._ New Jursav, 'I'LoflrstMetlii) ist House of wotahip erected in tliif 'iitu wiis located in Orceovich town i|i, Gloucester couDty, 11ml the date of B erection Riven is 1770. In 1774 ho miutitoH givo 11 report of 257 mem era for N. J. In 1782 thcro worn two ircuiK fonr preaclierH and 1,028 mem era. In 1796, seven circuits, ttnrtccn renoliiTH mill 2.S50 members. In ISfJti iu N>'w Jei.ffiv ('unferenuf! wu» formt-d »d ttnmbemi 95 travriwi;, 127 IIWJII riiiieliPM, 18.200 tuemlipis. Tin; mis- ifitKit'V contrtlmttotw 1u11ni1ntr.no $1 HT.W. In 1856 IkeorlBtDiiLNii*tani'V ittfcrfiiico wuHdiviilt-diiDfi Hut Newark mferepcB WHS foiraeil. Tlio two cnii- rt'uct's met together iu 1837 for tlw i\ time 11a Due body. Reports for 1857 ow 23i traveling, 242 local prouehorri, 0.021 mnnilieia and missionary Collcc >a 810.7tlG.O6. Tliu upgregiite nuui 'i'Hof tii« t\vy L'ouferuncpH, uccordiDD <• ininutcn of 1884 nrc3Si IravuIiiiK? 112 local preachers iiud 78.190 inuiubur* uclmlinp; probutiiinerp, TLIIM 1ms Unit rouilcrfully I>lc3seil our cliuich uud rowocil it with sticcesii in our own tnte. I desire now britfly to Irnce, BO nr us I nm nhle, the nppoinimoLt of irt-ncliers to tliis purliculur tlt-ld o[ labor, I tlio confurcucK jear 171M, K^v. Ati- iiig Unen nnd TIIKDHIH Hiuith writ uliitnet} on tvlctt wits Nu>ue,tl)c(] Fhtn dera Circuit, which iucudtd Hmsvx and puns of ctiverul ollmr counties of New Jersey. Offeu wasftblacksmith nml a bnivti pjuncur. Full of fitiiliutiiii^m, und tender henrttd ns be was count genus, lifter liis conversion neiip|joiutedpr.i,V(T 1 in bis own Uons-e, und the |>'eo- p'ii wuru melted iiovu undvr bispravurs, eilitirtiiHoiis, ami singiitp. His motto us, " Work ! vork ! work I this woild in- pluco fur rest." He dit'll in Hie II yutir uf fiis age. TlioniiiB ^tnitli iw cimverteii incurly life, uml til most 1 tbe net of committing suicide. H<> bad caught up 1 bo r»|)e, taken Imid 00 tlio Udder, uud put bis foot on tlie round of it, when he thought " It is un awta! thing to die, you had hetler pruy flrst." 4c dropped the rope, foil ou Ins knees, md con tinned proving till hu fuimd •nor with dot). Ia Ms 181 li Titir lie bcRun to preach. Io bis 224 ycur be joined tlii! PiiiUiclpuiu ConfertucL>, uml tho nest year with Owen was cent to tbe Flanders Circuit. Smith BI.VB, <• I n (ruvoliDg round that district or country wn pnt>»eil through the town of Dover. Bemttifally Biluuted, the sceucry (IDC, Hie Burroimdiuff JJUJD rising ouu above another, the distant moimtainsarrnncei) in graceful order, exhibiting tn tho world ttieir earthly grandeur, tbe witniDtn, skill and power ot nutare'n QoJ, There wn in tbe town n notea iron factory, owncu by a Tew gentlemen, who neitljer feared Ood nor regarded tnno. IQtheir cm- ploy men t WPW Hfivernl lumdiod men, tnoatly foreign ITS, uml they of the l,:i sort. I sniil to my oollnuguc : W think yc of Dover V He nml ho into! >d in visit tlmt phtcf wiih .(w-Gou, I raid. 'Sir, I will lu> j ( m r Bt-cor I'llepinD lieing forme.il, Ihepffurt « niuie, but pi-nveil nuaiU'ccsHful. Dnribs mr visiW to tho place, I oiiluineil I)D old liouac, where 1 prcnchwl onn Hurmmi tn few elderly IrnJinB, wbtre the iittnck y m u « u u , , plural their minds hud changed uud ly d tlmt Jesus Chrixt WIIH the Son Hucliwuii TimmaHHmith. A mun who pnnch«i wu.li UIH ntmcmt brt^ity and tho utmost power. He liad crtat physical vigor, was stout loctirpn- lency, holow tlie ordinary beiijlit, ewet, iimlutUhnmtiretu mien, fustiiliuiiHly neut in lireis, Piceedingly soeiiiblenmoogbis intimata friends and prniiclird alwavH witb ititciiseexcitement,ajoviaBtbiuogli bis twenty minute, di-omirse like ii wnr iteed in n cbiiVRe. A qnurter of a ccn ury pusscit, dining tbr> lust few Tenisof m. !.•»!. .» ..I ..™ ..._U i ._ .>. 1 .. . 1 wliie.li, a < tlho , •% Herviecs 1 y him. It finally rect ii chnpe'. 'Bnrlni t l t ft A rect ii c first lo fl ncearv to UoeY wns'tlit- Jb tlit t ft. Aflftcon Jubnstreet 1708 l h wim mailc on the life of llr HiiviuB K»V«D tiptill hopes of Duvpr, left it, aud orossinc a iiigh uul tuweriuH mountain, the top ot wtiicli overlooked tlic pluina or Uovtr, I beheld it tifur uff) und wept. On entering tlie elefi of 11 f(j;ir lost 1 should b(! a ruiuiiil inn lint tiii;lit- forever. I UTines'tod tin VfimdM tfl RtVi! lip tllfl Wiloltf (iffirit L inils DL'XI iu tho pulpit, lulidolity uui Cln'i.stiunity mi! fairly ill is«m\ mid iimv IK' (iudol' Abmham, l^iurund ,T;ieol .ii-^vi-livliivl Itlini c l l - 1 on nil t i n olth-ial uu'iiilii.'iH ofthc eliiurli nnd a) who emilil pray in faith, to IMIIH- up tn Ilu.' ht-lp of (lie Tjord iicrninst the migltty. UK. lint, Imlupg we kni'hliHl 1 iic'livcw Ilifin a ehargf! uml that was: liit'tlircii .you art: not lo t.HVr one. jmrn-r for Hi ci'sijti of tbi'so gentleman. If yo do that player will be lust; but tii'nd your petitions to thr. thro mi of n ri1 that Ood miy conviiit Ilieui of Ilit' (M-| of their way, us ho 1K1I Saul of 'JMr- his wu.y fo DitraiiEODs. This l»pi.rT umlL'istoitd, I cried, let us prny. At Unit lument I reckon tltero wcro twenty atfbt'8 drawn to mirk tlio liuii'. If I vw suw n. timtiiif pniyer it WHS thui Iglit. The wtiulu cungriiRutioti was n» u»! month uuH one hrttith. Tdt? fuu». dutionsof thuhniiNft denied lo tvmnlili-. 1 link) my walcu nnd prorluimed tho Fivii minutes of tbe time mv ! Tfu minute t>f the time mv gout! ! Pfti'.Mi tuinntvs of tlie limn mv nr .' uml down nitue u KJUI «C Tiintiit tho floor. An.) WHS there mitn slimit? It wns liltr Ihe tumbling down of the •f Juriclio. " T w e n t y iniDiitrai of Itie tune uio f;ouc 1' aud down cuuio the •com!. "Twentv-fivo minute^ of the 1110 tun gone t" nnd the third geuffu nu took liiaBoat. After the thirty min- ute* Iiml expired two wore 011 the flwr ind otiH ou 11Bi>nt. The oon(>r<!giiliiiii w»a Heated and quiet, The tui-n were iked to state whether any chungo uad been wrought iu their miuJa und u* iminy of tbom us ci^iil NtuuJ, miise, iln- wcn< fewaoii p c i are uml irregular, Hutna- i f 10 ' 7 b QD in the Winter of 1820 or '27 tbere. H a Hiibscripiiim gotten un by Hoc i'liomns Lov.ll, from Oi-ohnwlckn, N. J., for tho purpose of erecting u otiurcli in Vover, tint not being able to succeed, there it ended. In those 6a$a the iltinotuiDntion WHO eousidereil uew-fniiKlrfl and Methodista iiilijectcd to ritliciilo nndeven the (i.>rs*-pulinn of tbow or this oomtnnnity vlio hut seldom attended Divine services, ml when they did) so, only fur tbe rmr- iiiRR of deriding and inmiltioR tho-ie who nul thn moral courage to espouse the muse of Mntliodism. Muny Mniiea are ahl of drflt^nltW nf thu ij».) (boy I,:,-] 0 coniend with, tho cnm-eicnco.Krareil nd ignorant rabble Bcunctiiiift even gn~ uiiKofur us to pelt them with ntnuea ui] rotten I'^ua. Upon thcuiitlioril.v of Mr. Henry G. Uounellit is stntcil that on out! occasion, while tho pitstor na^pn- KiiRCfl IQ PfJiyor, nt Muses Dotv's, snme uf those iu attend a nee tuult iulvnntnco of liis devout post m e uml smoared tlie buck 1 his cotit with tir. The first rcgnlnr prenching iu Dover ran nbout theyear 1834. thephtcn bfin^ hrn incorparuted iu the Newton Circuit, Rev. Jiimer •id hud fur bis ai Aiulrcn?. These ' MoruiHoly. ever. prcnchiiiR in tho t Ton Diokei upr •io chinr, •v. Uromnclt FeniuR io the old nend- ?t, now the reai- dtmeu of Mr. V. O. Hiu Soon after tlmt period Dover was con- nected wttii Bockuwnv and Millbinok itnd wnB in clinrgo of Vincent Sliephnrd. and he wug succeeded hy We-tlcy Hml- son, eucli rerauinitip; io charge one yw. Shortly before this tlie cbnrcli was built at Millbrook anil Dover remntDt-tl without u church uutil the Rev. James O. Bn|{un wu iippoiuted to Millbrook i D i th 1838 Th h |{ p ii Hi Dovur, iu th.i iiibjcctof church be i t i r 1838. Thru the diuK was revived; uud, b i b y i n g uu buy in place of worship, only u poor old B If,,- i iDt of a chine d wept. g tins re ck, I Imwuil lieforu the Lord, thi l l i l rock, I ed their moral throne of His low, Lunl of heaven mliti i pnyinR. OF ilt | lcr ! l o.tilb, m-nd unto ill b Hi fre the . 'O F ilt | lcr ! b d was leaded iu 1708 anil pnrrhoaed two jenra later. Achapel soon rose upnn ihe Mint und Embury dedicated it Oct. 80,1768. In ivoyean more, or 2770, tbero two more churches, ime in Marjl the ntlier St. QenrRo's tu fbilidcl] Mr. Wesley sent iiver " Miss.nwu 10 help the infant Hocietii'R which were Htni^titinR fnr nn nti^tence. Riplmnl day WR» extremely cold. I rode tip "to 11 >:tn)w:>t)am) Jswffh l^iin-C'T >.v 2"$>. MIv-Jw*!)^- »ij j;jy jrinii ni ihiitiBm up- PntnctH Aslmrr and Richard Wright pointed. Tbegentleman met meat (he I in 1771. Tbomis Bankin and OeorRe door, saying : *Iam Botry tD seeyon.' 1 Bbidford ID 1778. Tbli briDgiQito tbe Tbat in; comiog hud BOenraged his thi-tn thy sun, they will be;ir HimHn-. ever, in tin? hitler part O1D.?P. 17i>9. n Routk'tniiil I'rtim tliu pl;it*n invileii me. In prmch in hit hoi!-.!:, und Iuppoiiiled Ihe ' i. I5!h. 1SDD. Tiiu wLMilmrtlial more pressing ou the minds of tbcf pic. Mr. Ropera thought beat to touke n tslronc effort for the projt-cl ; accord DRIV he drew up a mtbsciiptiuQ, com tnencetl oirciilatmg, though andcr qniti ptonm.y prospfefs. But fln.Jiag tUapea ptenuxioun to IIRTC a cbnrcli, nnd sub Hoiibi-Tftllc, apublic meeting was culled <mthe UUi of Ja\y. 183*. fnr tb< purposi: of cIcctiuR a Boiird of Trnstcoi to take eliarfie of ami carry into tBl-e the project; when (no f.tHinvinj-puwm; locted a Board of Trustees D..vid Siofonl. Aurou l>.<ty, H-arv 4J II.J.iniesMcU.ivit.uiKlFroderiekU. Uiilrviiiplu. Thi-eudiiyii Inter. July 17tb tbtlJoaiil metand l\xM outhi!*,izL>o[tli clmivli34i41 ft. with 20 ft. piwiH, and oi July 2!1IIIUJOI iifiaiu, and appointed buildiut; committee, toeoutrnet inimpilia tely for the biiihliup. Committee. D. SanforJ, A. Doty, und Jos. MeD.ivit. Oo JnlyBUt commiitfu meLuud enn- tr.iele.l with Jutncs Spiring. Esq., tv ,ln all tlio work, tiud ull the. tuuieriais, am) finish thn bouse, all hat punting, fnrSMOO. IMr. Searing was ptvwut nnil liMpned lo ilie preaching of tlii- SCTIIJOU], Tbe work imraeiliiitcly cum meuci'il uTttl was rapiilly f-n^nrded, und mi Ati£. 22il the curlier htuue was laiti, Jin-' a ocrinon pn'jcboil on the iiccnsim bTRur. .Tjiiu's Ayres, then stationed IL Nuwark. An escebent discourse to a largo Miaros(nvtnh)p uaH'teuce. Ah tbe enraer stone the work pi •aincinftfTEIIiiiOD. "Tlien carae'wVliLiin id --.,, Ml died April 17,1804. His mental powers weru Miltd wtliur tlmti biilliunt, uml hi» fier- ujrjijh weie compact, instructive asA use- ful. Be WIIH u man o[ even temper, a lover of pence, iiud a promoter of har- mony. lu 184Hand 184it Jacob Port, Mill of tbu Nuwnrli Ciinfeitiuee and uouetutiou- edut• L'if.ivpttc*, wns pccscUi'.t in charge. In IHBOWin. William*Christine, who, tbiiufih reported ileud in the History of Murm Omiiity, is htill au t'lTuctive mem- ber of tbu NuwJuinov Oontenmce, ainl iHitalu.Ufd nt Turns ltiver. Hi« entry of maiTiupti-H upon tliu record is some- times iuturesliug aud umuaiug, but not ulnnys eunipltmuutiiry to the purlieu Io]851aiidlB52 Kdwartl M. Giiffith servcil in tht: paslumte, uud he departed this Jifo duniigthe prfseut conforencu your. Anfisecillcutman uud a faithful minister of Jtsiis ChriHt. J. OBdnu Winner, now Btationcd iu PusiiBic, Npeiit tbo following year—1853— n Dover, uu<l was vury pojinhir nnjoug ill cLissiis. uud Hiiiued manr fHenda imoitH L h<> lUfiubLTs uf tbfi Preshyteriuu :iimivli inthotown. Then, iu 1864 and 1855. the cbureh wna fnvorod with tho ry of Abrnhaw M. Palmer. 'us nnd tbeeiry luis been blieged u nddilionitl yeur of his pastoral work, ntu Inter ilule. Garret Van born wpout two yeora iu cbsirBt' of the ehnrcb, but has since left the denomination und bneoroe n olf-rgy- mi in Hie Piv>ti>stji»t "EpiaootM) Church In 1858 »ud 1869 Htney W. Hillinrd is sfiitinit. .i here. He wna n man of mark. Fnitiiful, laborious, useful, pru- dent, upright aud cunsislent. He was ndecd a model Christian citizen, intel- ligent, Brtfcli/ii) ati<} tearless io hie lay- ally to God and tbe ri Khl. Ei Kht yean lie was a Presidium Elder and sertcd twice us nmember of tbn QeDaral Con- ereuct 1 . In I860 und 1861 John Scarlet was the preacher in charge. He ia yet living, enjoying a Kreen old age, remarkable for bis deep * pi ritual itr uDd cheerful bnbit. In1862t J»ba Hanlon, a highly gifted young miuittter, waa Appointed by tho liisboj) iu Dover, but for some canse fnik-'J to till tho appointmoBt, and that year it wna supplied by E. A. Hill, who baa since seen service iu the Salvation Array, nnil now resides at Yonktrs, New York, tdougli reported "deceased" in the History uf Morris County. Hanlon, the attractive, instructive und impressive, sympathizing, HUBIBI nud devout, died January 4ih, 1675. His stay on earth wan short, but hn lived well. He died "iijnifi, *'Eternity u near. Eternity! Ettrnity 1" Dining tbe neit nine years MuHin Hcrr, Joh a Vf. Henm and Charles S. Coit n>.xu the prencbcrs in tlie line o[ BUC- eessioo, each remuining in cbnrge three years. Mr. Hen is now in the anper- Mituerary runts nod engaged ia tnercaa* ile life. Mr. Scran is effective nnd itatioued at Spriugfltki, N, J., and Mr. 3olt is atNcivton. During the second ,'e-ir nf Mr. Cult's pastorate, in1870, the lociety decided to build a now church itlifjefl Unit would cost ahout $40,0l». A ot on Bluckwell 81. wns secured. It was id*) deemed bent to first erect a chapel and afterward build a cliurcli na soon as tbr ciicumstuucea of the society would admit of it. At that time a yqting man of ferret! iiity, devotional spirit, exemplary con- duct and highly esteemed in the com- munity ; it twin of more than ardioarr intelligence, itntl who wns full of *elf- 8;icrifice, and winteredgratnitoasly much monin! service to the society, entered bio protest acaiimt thn Hcuming doparturo rom tho olil-fusbionod simplicity of Mdliodism, ii nd the world-loving and 'seeking tendency of tbe church. i. This was John VV. Hearing. He, ou n visit in Central New Tor)rt found u di'iiuminution in whose faith aud hn won greatly delighted, and bring uniblu to fccurc atleatiou to his ctnim for a stricter adherence lo the nles nud regitlatfonti as Inid dotf n in tbo U»ok of Dhciplicc in his own cliurcli. he Hcvcrvd his ennnectioa with the Mi'lbmlist EpiHcapnl Cliurcli and iden- titled himsL'lf with tbe Free Methodist*, und was the nucleus around which Rrew un the dcnominUion of that cumo in our city. Aud there, it stands a stone me- moriul of protest nRninst ttic worltllioeas and ettnivaguuL-eof theMetbodUt Epia- copul Obnrcb of that day. Of «uch pro> st im Denwsit.y exists to day. In 1872 Tbonins Walters succeeded Mr. Coit. Through great discourage- mcot connected with tbo failure of tlia new church enterprise hestraggled for a ainglo year. The corner stone was laid ou Sop! cm tier 11th, Vr. K L. Dnstimlt prencliing tbo sermon. Tbe liim of $4,000 wua Hub^cribed, but a Urge part of it w:ts never collected. Tbn work continued one month that Fall nnd dis- continued because, epizootic nppenred oiig the hordes, and the tuusond were ible to procure tennis to bring them 'criuls. Mr. Wulturo died July ?lii, 1879. He was a man of wnrra and genial itnn\ ami lienen aplensant rotnpunioti. He «ns remnrkahle for bnmility, eveo* iie*s of apiiit, nnd frredum from pride, —d envy, andje-ilotiRy, and ccusotioua- ...ss, iinil fii'lfirtb ambitinn. I had the plen^nre of bin peraonnl friendship tod itli him duritiK bla ln<t Sunday on .., nndoctiiifiied bin pulpit that daj. both niorninf; and evening. _ ih R D.miels wus appointed to D ivt-r in 1873 and remnined two jenrs. Of tlmt, incumbent it is not proper that tlie present pastor or tbo Second Chureb, fmnlii spcuk I>Dthis occasion. Nn mtia. KIWOHT. c-.m mor<> fully uod truthfully ir fiiitbf nllv present tho ncttiul condition if tbo chnrcli for those two yenrs t h i s IP. It woiiM be difficult to find a moil Vi?rmiT*ipcl oc iiR^rQSfl&d coniTi^Qy it believers than weie thu mRinufira ol Dover Church in tlio Spring ot 1BT8, OK roomno*.

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Page 1: B V(i REDUCTIONS!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1885. NO. 9 TEE IRON EMA •«*T 3iTDBF4T




0 1 M to Blukwdl BUM WII low la tkilufcul Hum iuk.





ffil*J lit1 7St 25« If,

s M4 H

aW# i *.<UI JuI MI XI1 Mlr MIICKI

» MlI 211Ii •/•'.1 M l

4 * i6 mit Wi• Hi

io i, • HI I 001 l» «&i I II B> ml il nol si onl «



Ti»*.• "• "• !!


I 2 M M . | » M M . | t iM(M.| I TK.

|» < «0|*7I I isril* ii noitli' ""s no 11) oo 11 oo» oo] 14 (M»l 12 no

S i s i s i " JOSEPH E BEACH & SON'S,i t Nil as onl ST itn HP «*'!

H J «. J • J»M..| ROCK A WA Y, N. J.•UOMTiai tDDKtt »B ISTIUinrm IB aitm PU un,

r% r,n. n.

W!> riPECU



flonipr <>r HlicfcWBtl mrt nn»iw« AM.

DOVER. N. J.. 8. JOLLEY, Proprietor

flow. .D4 0wrl«e« to Ut.

ICABLON r i T * I I ,

' tTTOKNF.t AT 14W,

•MTM It CSUOKtf MD «OTA« tTltlO,

iBoa u mamm,DUVEIt. N.

| o. Ill I'ltWIItTU. E. H.

DOVEB, H. J.isj i .nm or ouen u o MIHEUALH,

BURTIH or m n




DOVER, N. J.froal




December 10th. 1884.

We bare been fltliag tlie itore witt<

Obriatmiis goodn Hiitl flud tbiugs prottv

*«ll crowded together nnd as n nut urn

flnlt iliiall dhpnoe of c great nr<n-

K>df at i Rt*ut ncrifleo

W* fasve mrksd pri'il* ne* Hit r>*

if cend • rant (4.0(W vunh). U<> <•

wear In *ll nrv tn . ull kimla, sitl . iv*


HorriilMr*. M Ib* Sl»rif> oltoe. mTWTftflDtf or RACK W i l l

dirlflR t>fllo4 bnnrt.




t n n m uSUSSEX St QROCER.

«*U MUlMn kU «p«t«tloo ftr tMpl>( Mlfttid oouploM Mack, of




TBJti DOVJttfl LUMBER CO.otfen to bnildon tbe boat opportunituB in the puruhano of LUMUE1of every grade and dawriptloo iiK'luilibK LOW PRICES nuil the Krm.dvut f h i

bomber Worked to Orderby •MbioerT at the pliuw wk«n> it in (mruhuwtd, greatly lanwuiufi tli

onit of building by the great i l l Otk l

( , gy fiy g t BAviag in muunal laiKir. Oitr

•took always isoladea

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of era? description, and eMpecia) pairs in> iakei

to giv« BattsiMtioB in every particularO U P M M tWB. H, Uwur, Ho«> uJl TNM

6 C H . no.' l»("s- G.r-./B i»

brown, gnea , blu«, gurnet, (flam ur

'nek af 6 C'B. u vard.

a c. KORICK.


AMOS H. VAN HORNlias thia day made Deduction* In Every Department

prevloui. to Inking ncconnt of stock.

Jolt lot of Ki-«m:irk<'1 cn;i'H—w« |nu-

I»n«ed (be balitdce of lot in bi'"Hi) an*)


Fine line »( Kaswuo Circulars ind

ewmnrlielii Id liluck.

Bli>(>1e F.acv Qou^h fur I be HoliJ.js.

Bnyrna Bagi at twerpii^- rcilociionn.

lu%ntiu lUrivt ntQOeeuta.

W. S. BABBITT'S SON,Morrlstown, X. i.

In Chtncery • ! Ntw Jersey.To 2oM(.h C. L<n»berr* and t^ftli Ltntberr?

b * » i^ , «n>l W.ili.tn L-Lluaberr; mil H.raliUwbei t l , I ." wife.

he Onnrt of Chan-l b^iluy n|

Jnhn N.l l l




Cvaimtw «Ml Siiflttr,••• ffBond !• nukrr ' t n.whnlWtoii.ii. Ut

mrollk«OFBtnl fciho*! dia« MdR^KEAB THE O4NAL BASIS.


Haute fer Baton. >l tte Snr Jf ne;

764 * W ••QAD ITREET,

NEWARK, N. j .

itrnjuu. oU-,.U popular r&cti* »l tmi'ion.Called BulDflH BJmtor, u d iptalnM

of PeoniaBAip, free. VUlton wilcome.. . «LT.MOLtt, Mlt l l^ ,


M virtu* «' «D order cf the

it dil«'limof la » ctnie wjierelMati*rrr (• eorofilniiMBl, tnii TOO

iivvdiiwii 1', y ^ sit w|nirtd fo tuiviT|

iaiatat «B or before tbe «imciilb <Ujr ofbrnar? neit or the uld t>iil will be tikeo ••

The MM t>H1 ti'fllftl to rot-eeloHc two mnrt.nude »nrt eiecu'eil liy Barber* Lin»-

torrr %ed John Liwbein, ih« Ur>t dated»rn lSih, 1M0, inn |i*e» to Anton B.

IHrli*ll,ttKlb; hin iMl|»rii tn cnmr l«in»ni."lif trcond nf which bcirini; ilnie Afiill Ut,

tnt.'ttid *nn Joicph *',. Unauerry md WilliamjjiDsberry trs mBuoii KnnvQtft ptcaitifl Ton• tielrs M U* Df tbe u <t Batbar. LiBIberry

.reuci), inil »o« Ltth Linabrrrir l>pi*R «M«of JoM-plifl. LluibHrt. Mil )DU Sirafa LIP*.tarry Utni wibof Villiia L.LimberH,»'T

tin rone iBtmtt ta ike t»enttie« tu atid

OAKIEL B, HARVEY.Sf"!iti(orofCorapJii!)*ot.

Otttd Dee. Ifl'ti, IBM. 3-7w•eketuiowo, M. J.

HORSE SHOES,lorn not Um, To> •!«! Tof Cilti, Bom

Bhoti, B.itt.*e.•LIIOH

•Ml til olber Wldtrr n d h i ) 0ood( lo mj HRI.OEOROE B. YOORIIIBi,

" > » « NKKIUHorrtMaWB,

I UII 11LA rnlAI*.II iUlulJ•Mi»y rtubt twty i

Bead Hi eentu f

lulJiwtli Vlp }«a to not*•Mi»y rtubt twty ilttn iBjlfiinp *IFB in tbl*mrM. All. of either MI. •HOOMI) tmm flr.1hnnt. T l b d d I l N t f b fh nlclrti iiMr*


ONRb l d T Wj K Thcor.lafodrptTenimnt rrmn lMt to 1*1. Hon.John 8. Wi«e, M. C. from V»., • » » ; '• \Vl10-

B W ' C l d W tll l iB W N ' I CrlMdW «nemv. «tll nniowm ••4)1 h* hH m d tie •»•!•.•'per month paid good retposilbic isenlii.

THE Hk^BV°BILL PUB. CO.,B-flw Norwirh, Cono.

MASON:-:AND:-:BUILDEfl.DUVKBiN.J. aiu(n'««TM«t«r wii/mavruiahratilwJ. Btona a«4 BHek Wort, Plwterlngand Jobhlna: nrnnptlT atteciUd to. OHar*Ml M n j oSlce on lawi Bl., i a v CMal





Agent tor the Mmton A

Huntlln mid Estey OrgaiiN,

rnirt the MfttluiNhek rUirn.

Hecond.ht»id PUmw at bar-

ns. I have «1NO a stock

of Itarnej V Roller Skater,

the most perfect and sty I Mi

rink Nknte lu market.

NOTICE.ENtateor Harriet LlndOey,


PTJRStJAMr to the order of ttis- itiiT'icutor th t Ot.ODtT nr M irris. ITIH.III »II tli-

ifiTeDieentbtUT "f Df-cem >. r. A i> oni-llniii.Hidii i'(gilt imodrco UK' tiplcr Smr. n'l'i^r-in beret; f(i*en to »ll ti-ouu- linviiiR i^tlma•Ktlnat tbe rilate ot H.rrkt I.ioJ-hy, UU oltbe Coontf el Morris, A••ct'iwwJ. tn indent the••me, onderoAtbor iftirmHtlon, io Uie nuti-senber, on or MTon me tevenioenili d*y niHtptomWr tost, belBc ntne nifmihit from itif

iDft to brlDg lo and eituuit Inn or her cliltn,under otth or •Brmsttoti, wHbin \he time *a"Imltcil, will be former burred ot bin nr tierction tbsrelor •f*lnU the Administrator,D«t«4 tbe teTentennth dm nt Df<*rmbrr j , D.

1B84. EDW&tlD H. BAhCE,AtlfiiiMiilrsliir,

310« FonOr.m.N.J.


will continue tin bmdneM at the eld lUnd,•till «ndu«iur to heap a utrgfl ••lumnent ol*oo&» In bl*lloeof trade, oonitatlng of

COAL AND WOOD!ScnntoB an<l U h ^ h or aJl •!»••: BJH Bl

DiuintM.* C M I for buckBtuUhintf. Cord wood•wed and iplit rekdy to% me ftlvan oo liauJ

Flag Stones ? Curbing,Ordon tf>eofve.a mnd contncti tkken fnr laj-

. jf aidewkU, ami actttog curb, am) »ll otUer*(.rk Mqnlnog BlntBtone will ba promptl.Tftttctnlad to.

MkSONS'MATERULS!Hard and Pali Brlca, Lime, Cement, C»l-

eiiwd Pltvter, H»tr, fire ami FrmitBrfeh, Fin Clij. ilrdenwiU b«

promptly flllod i l l •


Saw Mill.tor hard wood lumber cot to any *lt* *v<\

wutih )f«iri*ir *{*»ft «in /i»n./.won) tor Mle.

Wf Imve an acciimulHtionof Indies Pine French Kidand nurncoa Kid ButtonBoots on the A & B last I lintivn JUT determined to closenut Ucfore xpriiij; trade opens.l iidicK Mcuriiif; the abuvewidths can save 40 per cent-by c«lliiif; im us at once »ndm-ikin<£ their selections.



Solid Walnut Bedroom Suite,aTtrttle Tup. (S piecet,) (inlyMO.

Solid Walnut Wood Top Buito,•IT. I

Aah Btdroom 8ult«i, $16.imibil Bedroom Suite. 118.

'«rl«r Unite. Walnut Frame,In B»w Silk. 7 pieeei, StuffedB M H . 1 8 5 .

'arlor Salt*. Walnut Frame,in Hail- Cloth, $15.

Bed Lounge, in Carpet, #•Ooo 1 Bed Loungei. $4.60.Walnut Bt.diteaJ, $4 SO.Walnut Extemion Table $4 6

ilnut Wardrobe, $10.irbln Top Centre Table 93.50.

Good Cane Beat Rocker, $1.80

Good Cane Scat Chair. 80 et$.

Wood Chair, IS ott.

Velvet Carpet, per yard, $1.85

drBrofwlt, - " 1.10

Tapeitrr Cerpst.'per yard, $8


Three-ply Carpet, per yard $1

Extra Super Infrain, all wool,

per yard, 68 ote.

Cheap Incraia, per yard, $6e.

0U Cloth, per yard, IS ott.

Hair •ettreea, $10.

Mixed Mittren. 18.



Ml Paintings, Stoves,Ranges, Folding Cribs,

Cradles, Sideboards,What-Jfots, Chiffoniers,

Writing Desks, Clocks,Book Cases, Ac,





Newark, N. J.COURT HOUSE.)


Two little teal weut paltering l>y,Vtnp. mo I

Tbejr wuudcrotl oft' to <L«' BUUU.V Nky,

iimw!little MckM. veil wrinkk'il uutl worn,

Move me tu lour*, h lib their mciuuriiiH bunt

,'crljnck to Mitt IOVR linv loft,

AffHiti I'll ha\t tliOHOilour little lci>tI'attPitiigh;,!

r.nf«'till 1 mo4'tlhdu tlic

date of tlic lirst Amcrieim conferi'iieiI t oiiii IK'III in Pljihiiltilpl.ja iu Jnu<1773 nml wi> findbv ibo UHIIUII'B lliciWM'L'I.IGO rai-ruLcrH in hoeirtv ; 180 iNew York ; JWJ in 1'iiiJiiileJpliiu ; 2W) i.Neu' 3urtw} : Ouuiu Munliiml umf lOOinVirgiuiu. 1'lie KncielicH continued |<[iniKpcr until 1784, llmnfib tlir pr.-atlj"r:wert' not ni'diijijc-j] uuii tbe IMWbi-rs ivcn

iU'l.v (leiimuJitig I lie S;ICCItheir li,iiid:i, This vear (1784

ided fm- hV

ing ;i[>.it t

Ki p;ildiuiiB Cokf, LL . 1).

U'h<<iu It

:h .if Eu^'ti

l i | ]






H E I H O D I - T , EPIHC PAI, f i U t m c l l ,

DuVElt. K. J.. KVSUM, t>KV.


TEXT;—"Hilbrrlo lulh (lie Limi bclne"—I Siiuuet, vii, 12.

Vh<!ii tli<! fi'clik> iiLliniiiinliitlioi]E'i (-fdMHl witn tn's ileutti, Hiiindct

hiirpot-d to tlie re^tuicv,left nt iliis e.irlv perioj

urk. which Inul !)(><>» IM|Ji i l i i l kI b.Ythel'iiilistineH, uml kcii

htm Ni'von mouths, WIIH HUIIL litsiflel. It ilM Dot, lirr . . . . . :

UHcquonci! of t\»} fviitfnl jii'ij;tiu<nBaiiKl)iniesh,lii:tii '8tt'Jui Kiij.itl)ii (or twenty year*. At tliu «*pira

iRuiii. Tlin luiis KWIWIU of nntiouul Imililltinti WJIH. to H'llUO f'XU'llt, ilI)IH'[l\AN tllU ll'HISC-nf I-I-.:!'] llUlIf,]!,.,! »<• Lun l , " mid Siiiiuii'l n ' / . ' - l uponifli, i-Mii'iht |uil>liciii;ini[i>stu, cspu•' -in nr nloliiiv, uitt^l on Itn' )iciui"iis :iliicii']|Uclil, iiuil [Himii.ii'il

if ilu' ilionci'iiTut* m i x ' *Z|u>lt, nnil u t t h

( 11)8 !l> ItilTf liOl>llHOIUR of H.c judpi

in-ill pimer itx tboryi


yll I'l'fll'MI.

l nf tlioir uilli•urn^e und talents; hut 8-,IUJIH:Ito Hit lofiy fllullun of juiifje, fton

is |iruptiuti<! fiiiDt', his wi<« ilin|jtiiiHutioiif jtiHlice, his in,,) iotr^pMity, iiml hiictitwt us m renlorer of HIP trim letigiun

nil* g*>¥i*lLD(UCIiL loid tllH fiilllKlutitilif itiat jironperilj wbieli Riaiimtlly viemttd Israel ID the iioaitiim i t ututiniciiu tbe du,?a of David uud Lii» mccfsetrfs

Tee uiua'criDij of t\te HeNrews a

MlZ[ieh tin Hit! innugumtioti of BuuiuciroiuJ ilit'Ptiilisiiucn. mid tin*"' "IIII«1»itil up iiRiiiiiBl Ismet." Samvol otlvre*iulciiiu ol» at ior , nm] imp'orcil tlio ira

•ili;.te pro <<ctii)u of JelioFiili, With <DIIHIIICII iid>, expnanvc vuviiy o«'!> (• umillation, partly of the iibitlonu irenl.v, Hie jipnple pournl wntor oi

B Rrunml; ihcy untreated Mamne

ns known iu supplipution to God fur

••Hi .

It wna at the momeut thiit ho wns t>f-rinir tip n pnoriflcfl nod snfjluiiiinp Ihii

•rj that tlie Pbil.Nttne lmH hursttbena. Hfi wan ouswered UT(I thattiler, oa unprecedented

ilieaumeuoD ia thut ctirasloat thulnn of the year. Joseph ns mytt thai

ere won ol«o tin i-ar>hq<inlie. A fearfulftui burnt upon Ihe PhiliMiutu, tint'taenlt worrcl nRBinst them. "Tini'glir*t ntvc His voiev tn Ilie heavenii1slnt(3« nml cools offlro" The old



nwat be anfencM ia tht Una of

l lino Mir ehrcklHt rtcehN). Xrn sot g»•liewtivre Tar Ibe aEwve, whea yon n n M I *mane? bv boviGR olrae.



Pieman Business College,•m, 707, 70B, 711 Ic 713 BROAD ST.,


Ihe Lriilinff Commercial Hclioal of America.



aatntttlPi <\? ftttmf.A t L THE GOHMERCnLSTUDIEf .K U h D t t f a d O l i

H. BKILDIKO. F . A. r«.l.«T, JR .

V. r . Prfmlram Krrhngt anil

Soefc ifoanl.


81 K K * IT., II. Y.

. . ^ „ _ lUkiBK bnilneti, ln-elDditigttie pnrcliMa ami sale of

upwnn],)f<irc»»liotonin«rRin»i. Coupon* nuddlridcnda eollecu-4 for partir. out sf town.

Web«Te tnr MJf flnit-«lB»»i lnti|tiii»<'«ttiifiitbDDdi.tb>t will ?MA tht'bolder w t a p^rciBl. intriTft. Correapondcnt* in W ••htn|{-tnn, Pbiladelphla, Ualllmore, Ito.Kin nod lie

Bat«rb7penniHloi UBcaLmrUBink, N.V

oldm B o f I-raol were "iRiinlly defeatcti

il did not ret-mit lli«ir strencih acaiuiring lueaJmiitiBtrnlinn of tbopropbetdRe.EiactW at Hie spot wbere twenly

ran before they bail obtained IlipiiirratT.ctor.Vi n tlouc van »et up, wtiicli

n^retniitned us » mrinnml of Hamut-rfitituph, uml guve to the plnca its mi me•Ebeucrrr, "Hie rtonn uf help," nml

its bun become a common nunm for l ieiicea wbcro rh i t i t is w l i d

. vo clmscn tbo t n t only u » lcfit.iiiKrecognition of GoJ in ito wonderful bis-t i 'loeena witli vbioli H<* liim or»wiie<l

ethnJht £pi"copfllObi)rcb Anrivgtlie first cetitury of ii« orgnniaeil il{national work, anil tbo ngenci. . . .whlcli lie lms lic^n<iea IIIH blnm-ing, nndIbMiigli wbicb tbis BOeci'is bns beensecured.

In tbo >eir 1720 JOTID Wc^Iev nodh brntber CUerien saw inwnrd anil out'

ward h'llioess to be a doctrine of tbeDib'o; thpy followeil ufler it nnd ei-liorted ntlitm to do tbe fi^mr. In 1737ibev unw tbiH holitiCHs coroe^liv ftiitti.In 1738 lliej HUV tbcv mufit be justifiedliefon< Ibuv nre tnmliflctl. But still buli-nesa was Iboir nim.ninl God tbfii thrusttbcm "nt to Mtsp n liol.v people. Tlie

1739 is cmisiiW'ii Ilif l»c(-ii]otug ofMKlb.Nli»». In 1791, nr JS3 vrars niterthe npenitiR of ll,. Hist clmpH, Mr.

ii-y Ml a I ll o bfn.1 of 650 llincmntPmicliers un<l 140 000 ccnimniiir.int'-ixc'iiiminp : "TUo bost of nil is, God

la willing."

00 Ific 10th "i AnzwA. 1760, a vo^solvtleii in New York, Uimngborne ncrons

tbn ocean from IrHunil » Knd of emiAtnoDK Ibeae, in tliemTntcrinnsce of Qml, wpre two bumble

p n trliosc tumes wen destined tnlite an lone ni tine stintl enilnrf, nnd

hose ioflueoco for ROOJ HIIOUM ettendtocnuDtless boats of liumnnitt yet uti-born. They were Philip Erobnrr, tliefirst c'ass )o»doratid Licul Preacher onlio Anaprica" continent, aud Barbara

Hick, I he germ from «bich h&n sprniiRt M l d t K p i r l Obonhrf tlie

United SMI OP. Philip Emonrj benrdJobo Wesley prencli in 1753 and wasconverted ou Ciiri^tnaHtla.v of tliatyear.Oiil.v a few of those nhneame tn (biscountry wilh biti wero WesiefanB. Aftertheir arrival ia New York, WiHi the execption of Embury anil three or fourntlien, they all lo»t their sense of tbefearofOod. liarhara Heck wiw nnmngthose wl>o bad con tin tie J to enjojr n GODgcinnsness of tlis Divine favor, nnd itwaiat ber earnest solicitation IhntKm-bar? prejohed his first sermoo in 1766.This von in liin own bouse, located onwhat in now V*t\ Place. He \xa\ fiveImaren, Mw. Herk *nd four nlliers.After preaching to tliem be formedthem into a class, Happy companyof six 1 Nncleoua of tbc future Mellt-

$ of a continent I I t wna not IOUKwfie Embury's honse W m e too

aiaall to uccotntnodafc tbe iacrcmiugcuugregntioD, nnd a larger routn <K»Hpfocared. Tliis also wan exchangedman lor one more commodious nnd nrigging loft on William streetTented in 1767. Hitrc Embury a n d iWelili flf tue British army prencbeiltiiree timps g week tn crowded nssetn-Hies. Webb preached in tiis nnifortu

ilU his Hword lyinR oa tlio desk Mure

1 I t fill b nccesMarv to



ud tin-


p. In Kif.c, A-bttr«liaB, li


Gprcc . BIIIWIIPH tlipain 1844. it r39 Aiiuunl

Ji,i;ms, Smi•is Ifiliullli,


.'r. 1781. iTl-uiiiiis Cuke null

IHIS. Tlm-'l7

io (18^5) H Tii.>»riy itOD.IIItti



,,\ J ; 1 T

, u,di>d St.iiiiK, W.

1.171.350>s,wiili 7

h uit:i«UonlnM<f ilivinifm hi'fvltl

church. Wlio,, ',]„. Hont\mu r,\!,l;eui-i'scniwuiiiii^it.'iltlitusrcc^Hininii 18I'.V tin; nrffiiiiizition of tin- McH-miiE|iiB(-..|iiil (ilinruli, Si.nlli, W ( . Vf.ro hwitli 24 uniifprvtivos, G BUIKHW 3 Ti»2i-iiTL-liiifr, 8 017 Tfwj.il prctirlu'wniul ('

nilf our ineml)iirKlii|i hv tiie \livi«yvt l i yonr i-uotipi-iiilivti |)mv«r, Infioy llui b!cssiuKs of O « l , ,V(i m^.n

:ru-anl in new canquonta, no tlmt 100uara alter PliiUp Eoihurv iiruncbuil his

tlr*l Hunuoa in NViv Xwk. in ltMG, ««Jiliiif! Ihe MissiiMiConftTciien iuOi'nn'uiy atui hHia, 6Q Con-

. 0 Uithopy, 7,115 true'iuL'ft .483 lcin.il pivaclturs, 0211, 59 nininl],.^


that in- b.jlieveilf did I Dtu preach, they Wowlil pull down

uud mo I' Ilie cuuure^atioa.

rouuOcd l>y rufliaut, for sucli they lookct'to lit', iiud sUL'h they Wtirf. They infiiriufnl mo tliut I was uot to preach then

nit night. -So I ptrciiivo, K(;ntli;untn,id I. 'This luakua M-VUII tluii'H thut i

have uuuiu tu you iu tliu uuiw ofMiihlcr mid jour Jti<l£<\ in a i»c,ic

nier, und'with a|»t'iL-VL'oicl i.-.- --....-

n l v,,nr liluod, midl

utlitt IIK. jiidgy.

.igiic, Mr. OiV'

t lo Y..no kill liiui; hut LuVmu

uit-d him out of .v.nir l»v\li;,;..,] 1,1,11 ..1. Ih.- m:lll. ln.n'

biinK him, uml tiv:itcd biefnlly nn.l criiull.T, <titli;;tiri»

un whieh ho rmle; lb-n vkcticfifi ou H Iju^tvf, ttntl wit it u, nm) H»II1 tint L-n-iV* namiv

at :lic ujdito tlie hiiili-r, 1638.I'IJIU'C'I U'::K-i>. JamI.IJJUIJU Iiuii. uflcn

lirunl lij'liH . l ^ . W i l l j

j . i i l .- III,,.-

u ey ffiiILKT.

{10 y.

es Ayia. a»u

\rw\ii-iL'iiiilir..l. 1

s colicO u LI)

L'ill-8 I'

cjtcij:i-«, Wiim (JHami (

i.l rt-rfjii'11-i U | |


cti"i uud puid overi' 27tli tif Di^i'iu-gu.Vi-nleriiiiy) i hotu OaO, auiJ (liu

UHluy C. Huilyi!.,

t'euiDK ; ull uble,

d douutioua'wfi'umttlv nfior tliu

Loftho Nnur- ivu,:.rk,,l^


iriiiK to>f thL'l>L

tho bre

- yoit

Vlly nf 1

IOJ11 uhiiidn-av. <1

eat,i4G,2S3. \\o diiSLMir Un1 Hr<i Ii

veins «r tint liistury (if I in; j f tEpiscopal Oimrcli, iiinl prij-ctit f h

S i iniTd^u^Yai'll'i.^.i^p/,1

b rh 8,143 mi--V i i i v . i w

| M . Tl». pt-opl,mser Mtrmnns, hj pnilutig ii R.'rm

uiohiding il, udd I'M'ii ;i tiiinl text ii!>i'Ciiiirsc. II.. Hiis nut always |>i-it<liTi.tucurtnin ijiiiirtorlv iinvliiig on tli..liuidf-raCiiviiit, IIIMVUI iiitciTupioil liy•Vfnil vtiiius num. win) tli'dnrrl tlifv

did nnt buljfvo ill I lie Uhri^tian iviiciunH*' priJposPd to tlium Unit if they wuttliiidlmv IH'M t!,-nnpun.v t't ^'.itln'i- aroiiiiilIhoin unil pniy fur tlictn for thirty tiiin-iil«'.«, aud l"liim> WIIH pnidncetl tin nlmtiyo

iuii rcli^iuii, |K> tvonld n^rci) tu jjiv*1 itup himself. They uskml him, if tht; nr>niupiiiiii'ut was Hfirooil to, would In! ro-uoiicoChrtHtiutiity buloie thn CDiif-ri'fti-tinn? L'is itiiNwer mis "tJciitk-aii'ri Iwill most Kilfuinly du HO. 'l'ht>u it is sibji^aiu, Aiuctj."

|»iiiUuij (it poiviT."Juwcpli H. J>or>hitis, now a m<it* J'tiiliuluijjliia Cunri'rt'uue, i

- I llii'ii dullefl tlie ultcDlinn oflho utin- ;amci "«,.,. EHi,ou. Tlien came Wtlli.mKivciilioii tt» thin nwfiil contnet. Manv M ' Burrows, m the Spring df 1840, au,riH^hirtiCil palp, otliorx trcnililed will, wivi;.! rh» uliiircli Iwu ycirs. He dfup . . , T 1 4 t l ' 1 f ' t l l l ' l l l j 1U1.I U l C I.UllLtn n H.t**

.luun'MnM l.y Mr.U^.-ia, which "untin-:,l munv iv.-i ks. Tint Lord owned tlioIIIKI; iiml lil. fd th,' ctfrjrt ,iud rnuny»'« w-.-,v lidded I') tlie cliurcli. A piu-JUS work nf tjod iudeo I ! Mr. RoKLTdutium-d to lnhur \\jtli much fiucciHSitil Ciiu.Vri'uw in Spring «f ISag, cud.•u Km: Jaiu.-H M. 'i'uttlo WUH vmit too chtirfh !m<, n;uiuiu.Ml a jiarii, cmn«iH'ral Kiitistueiluti ti> tin* pcuple. In:Hlthr Centennial of Motliixlimii wna

,ilj>iTveil, mid Mr. I'uttlo fJolIccMed ci-u-iid moui'.v uuiouiiiiut? to $77, lesaiiiid to lU'V. D. W. lijrtineH Fortin;. (.jt/wun-B. Air. TuUlcuni] Ara-

Slf) oaeb ; aeveu pcr-i*ih (|iivo Sa ; two giivei;l ; and nix gave £0i!Sli ; tw

n H;'utt &z. 85;

It-iilucv Wiu f.illoilltu

r. Tuttlo.

lii 1 ; liittl u powiii- of wit iiud cunldliuLet-iily fiiiiCiiHtiu ; ii Itiug timu and inti-unite friend utver liuanl him toy a fnul-isli tiling.

William E. IVnv rime, I think, iuJ«M!f Kin, M. E. Klliwn iu 18iJ ; puch,us 1.1 tlio c.iv.t .if MY. WiuiiitN, speut onu.yt-iii-. Mr. iJi.-ir,v i-iNtill liviny umi is intliu efl"L'iive ranliw, ant] bfl.mgs )o tbnNew J.-r-i-y CmilVrcDcf. Jlr. Ellisonlu'diii IRS2. l'^t IWPIVO .years lit> WIM u'ri'siilui^ iiMfir, uml wdife s-rvin^ iulii^ oJlico IM> prn:icbt-,l u Harmon inJuvi;r. (iu tlj(t I'.iiukl^ of tlic Lust rii?:1!!JT (Silvi'f, Ihat ni.idt) u pmfuuud iuipf's-ion, am! ia .vet dintitmtlj' rt^uiomberi'dyy iniui.v \vln> h.'.trd him. " His preadi-n^ «aa nut n-itii enticing nordsof man's

wisdom, hut in iiouiouctmtioii of tlio

icmber of.ud still

. 0.940 |

iuiom froio tin.th{Uit!. 1884)inl of thech. Tin: |ff Ilio Aniuiiuiu dolnirnt

i.itliBl £uutncnic:iIOoiir«,vl i l 1B81. Tim

lOih iu ia th «r tinn ccli-bniip tlio CMI

Melliinlisi E|.iscn)iiiiji'ul hud its iiiciMitii.i

to th•v liehil c .

i«» or tU« Houthi-ni Ch.ireliiu Ma1882 appoiutod n cotniidttL-cD tn d™lwith tlxi matter, rtii.1. ufcout the mime"'nu', tliu B.ii:ii] o( Ui»!iop»upl>«iiitL'.l a unniinittcc of Hiroftlii'irowu uumlier—uillijept. Tbcso uuiutiiiLtPCH prepared undIPPHK'1 thL> pi,,,, of l(»O a/ltiluiffL- Ce(J•UliiHl Cutih'reuco. M.illm.Usts all ovcII; eiminry lmr« Ml a _Bn-at Intercut ii

'In; cuinHi nirnibi>rslii|, Ihpro voprc

li'UioiIiht, f"Tf ri(k4i|iiil Churrli, \ 7^7 t,iiilint KpiKfupiti I'liiirch, Kim tli W'ibil

. . . Jin Slctliiili-t Kiiin(>o|i:il Chnrcli 3U1,(H\ I i i cun MtalifHlUt Kiiiteuiml Ziou


r-.tiiAlotulof. 3,738,345

tliia mcnihcnhip of Methodism HIIlint Itmniiuir-m ja onlnumliereil n

tt 3 to 1, «iinp{y by llef-hiNlisiic Pro-•t'MuDtJHin, nod tlie negri'mition or ullH;ipli8t«, .Presb.vtfriuns, uml Episco-

combined nbout equulu the uuoi-t»cr of McMmdiBtB iu tlie country.

iBm hna l>een gloriously suc-._ New Jursav, 'I'LoflrstMetlii)

ist House of wotahip erected in tliif'iitu wiis located in Orceovich towni|i, Gloucester couDty, 11ml the date of

B erection n« Riven is 1770. In 1774ho miutitoH givo 11 report of 257 memera for N. J. In 1782 thcro worn twoircuiK fonr preaclierH and 1,028 memera. In 1796, seven circuits, ttnrtccnrenoliiTH mill 2.S50 members. In ISfJtiiu N>'w Jei.ffiv ('unferenuf! wu» formt-d»d ttnmbemi 95 travriwi;, 127 IIWJIIriiiieliPM, 18.200 tuemlipis. Tin; mis-ifitKit'V contrtlmttotw 1u11ni1ntr.no $1 •HT.W. In 1856 IkeorlBtDiiLNii*tani'V

ittfcrfiiico wuHdiviilt-diiDfi Hut NewarkmferepcB WHS foiraeil. Tlio two cnii-rt'uct's met together iu 1837 for tlwi\ time 11a Due body. Reports for 1857ow 23i traveling, 242 local prouehorri,

0.021 mnnilieia and missionary Collcc>a 810.7tlG.O6. Tliu upgregiite nuui'i'H of tii« t\vy L'ouferuncpH, uccordiDD<• ininutcn of 1884 nrc3Si IravuIiiiK?

112 local preachers iiud 78.190 inuiubur*uclmlinp; probutiiinerp, TLIIM 1ms Unitrouilcrfully I>lc3seil our cliuich uudrowocil it with sticcesii in our owntnte.

I desire now britfly to Irnce, BOnr us I nm nhle, the nppoinimoLt ofirt-ncliers to tliis purliculur tlt-ld o[ labor,I tlio confurcucK jear 171M, K^v. Ati-iiig Unen nnd TIIKDHIH Hiuith writuliitnet} on tvlctt wits Nu>ue,tl)c(] Fhtn

dera Circuit, which iucudtd Hmsvx andpuns of ctiverul ollmr counties of NewJersey. Offeu was ft blacksmith nml abnivti pjuncur. Full of fitiiliutiiii^m, und

tender henrttd ns be was count genus,lifter liis conversion neiip|joiutedpr.i,V(T

1 in bis own Uons-e, und the |>'eo-p'ii wuru melted iiovu undvr bispravurs,eilitirtiiHoiis, ami singiitp. His motto

us, " Work ! vork ! work I this woildin- pluco fur rest." He dit'll in Hie

II yutir uf fiis age. TlioniiiB ^tnitliiw cimverteii in curly life, uml til most1 tbe net of committing suicide. H<>

bad caught up 1 bo r»|)e, taken Imid 00tlio Udder, uud put bis foot on tlie roundof it, when he thought " It is un awta!thing to die, you had hetler pruy flrst."4c dropped the rope, foil ou Ins knees,md con tinned proving till hu fuimd•nor with dot). Ia Ms 181 li Titir lie

bcRun to preach. Io bis 224 ycur bejoined tlii! PiiiUiclpuiu ConfertucL>, umltho nest year with Owen was cent to tbeFlanders Circuit. Smith BI.VB, <• I n(ruvoliDg round that district or countrywn pnt>»eil through the town of Dover.Bemttifally Biluuted, the sceucry (IDC,Hie Burroimdiuff JJUJD rising ouu aboveanother, the distant moimtainsarrnncei)in graceful order, exhibiting tn tho worldttieir earthly grandeur, tbe witniDtn, skilland power ot nutare'n QoJ, There wnin tbe town n notea iron factory, owncuby a Tew gentlemen, who neitljer fearedOod nor regarded tnno. IQ their cm-ploy men t WPW Hfivernl lumdiod men,tnoatly foreign ITS, uml they of the l,:isort. I sniil to my oollnuguc : • Wthink yc of Dover V He nml ho into!>d in visit tlmt phtcf wiih .(w-Gou,I raid. 'Sir, I will lu> j ( m r Bt-corI'llepinD lieing forme.il, Ihepffurt «niuie, but pi-nveil nuaiU'ccsHful. Dnribsmr visiW to tho place, I oiiluineil I)D oldliouac, where 1 prcnchwl onn Hurmmi tn

few elderly IrnJinB, wbtre the iittnck

y m u « u u , ,plural their minds hud changed uud l y

d tlmt Jesus Chrixt WIIH the SonHucliwuii TimmaHHmith. A

mun who pnnch«i wu.li UIH ntmcmtbrt^ity and tho utmost power. He liadcrtat physical vigor, was stout loctirpn-lency, holow tlie ordinary beiijlit, ewet,iimlutUhnmtiretu mien, fustiiliuiiHly neutin lireis, Piceedingly soeiiiblenmoogbisintimata friends and prniiclird alwavHwitb ititciiseexcitement,ajoviaBtbiuoglibis twenty minute, di-omirse like ii wnriteed in n cbiiVRe. A qnurter of a ccnury pusscit, dining tbr> lust few Tenisof

m. ! . • » ! . .» ..I ..™ . . ._U i ._ .> . 1 .. . 1wliie.li, a <tlho ,

•% He rv i ecs 1

yhim. I t finallyrect ii chnpe'. 'Bnrlni

t l t ft Arect ii c

first lo fl

n c e a r v toUoeY wns'tlit-


t ft. A flftcon Jubnstreet1708 l h

wim mailc on the life of llrHiiviuB K»V«D tip till hopes of Duvpr,left it, aud orossinc a iiigh uul tuweriuH

mountain, the top ot wtiicli overlookedtlic pluina or Uovtr, I beheld it tifur uff)und wept. On entering tlie elefi of 11

f(j;ir lost 1 should b(! a ruiuiiil innlint tiii;lit- forever. I UTines'tod tinVfimdM tfl RtVi! lip tllfl Wiloltf (iffirit Linils DL'XI iu tho pulpit, lulidolity uui

Cln'i.stiunity mi! fairly ill is«m\ mid iimvIK' (iudol ' Abmham, l ^ iu rund ,T;ieol. i i-^vi-l ivli ivl I t l i n i c l l - 1 on nil t inolth-ial uu'iiilii.'iH of thc eliiurli nnd a)who emilil pray in faith, to IMIIH- up tnIlu.' ht-lp of (lie Tjord iicrninst the migltty.

UK. lint, Imlupg we kni'hliHl 1 iic'livcwIlifin a ehargf! uml that was: liit'tlircii.you art: not lo t.HVr one. jmrn-r for Hi

ci'sijti of tbi'so gentleman. If yodo that player will be lus t ; but tii'ndyour petitions to thr. thro mi of n r i 1

that Ood miy conviiit Ilieui of Ilit' (M-|of their way, us ho 1K1I Saul of 'JMr-

his wu.y fo DitraiiEODs. This l»pi.rTumlL'istoitd, I cried, let us prny. At Unitlument I reckon tltero wcro twentyatfbt'8 drawn to mirk tlio liuii'. If Ivw suw n. timtiiif pniyer it WHS thuiIglit. The wtiulu cungriiRutioti was n»u»! month uuH one hrttith. Tdt? fuu».

dutionsof thuhniiNft denied lo tvmnlili-.1 link) my walcu nnd prorluimed tho

Fivii minutes of tbe time mv! Tfu minute t>f the time mv

gout! ! Pfti'.Mi tuinntvs of tlie limn mvnr .' uml down nitue u KJUI «C Tiintiittho floor. An.) WHS there mit n slimit?

It wns liltr Ihe tumbling down of the•f Juriclio. "Twenty iniDiitrai of

Itie tune uio f;ouc 1' aud down cuuio the•com!. "Twentv-fivo minute^ of the1110 tun gone t" nnd the third geuffunu took liiaBoat. After the thirty min-

ute* Iiml expired two wore 011 the flwrind otiH ou 11 Bi>nt. The oon(>r<!giiliiiii

w»a Heated and quiet, The tui-n wereiked to state whether any chungo uad

been wrought iu their miuJa und u*iminy of tbom us ci^iil NtuuJ, miise, iln-

w c n < f e w a o i i p c iare uml irregular, Hutna-i f 1 0 ' 7 bQD in the Winter of 1820 or '27 tbere.

H a Hiibscripiiim gotten un by Hoci'liomns Lov.ll, from Oi-ohnwlckn, N. J.,for tho purpose of erecting u otiurcli inVover, tint not being able to succeed,there it ended.

In those 6a$a the iltinotuiDntion WHOeousidereil uew-fniiKlrfl and Methodista

iiilijectcd to ritliciilo nnd even the(i.>rs*-pulinn of tbow or this oomtnnnityvlio hut seldom attended Divine services,ml when they did) so, only fur tbe rmr-iiiRR of deriding and inmiltioR tho-ie whonul thn moral courage to espouse themuse of Mntliodism. Muny Mniiea areahl of drflt^nltW nf thu ij».) (boy I,:,-]

0 coniend with, tho cnm-eicnco.Krareilnd ignorant rabble Bcunctiiiift even gn~uiiKofur us to pelt them with ntnueaui] rotten I'^ua. Upon thcuiitlioril.v of

Mr. Henry G. Uounellit is stntcil that onout! occasion, while tho pitstor na^pn-KiiRCfl IQ PfJiyor, nt Muses Dotv's, snmeuf those iu attend a nee tuult iulvnntnco ofliis devout post me uml smoared tlie buck1 his cotit with t i r .

The first rcgnlnr prenching iu Doverran nbout the year 1834. the phtcn bfin^hrn incorparuted iu the Newton Circuit,

Rev. Jiimer•id hud fur bis ai

Aiulrcn?. These 'MoruiHoly. ever.prcnchiiiR in tho t

T on Diokei

upr •io chin r,•v. Uromnclt

FeniuR io the old nend-?t, now the reai-

dtmeu of Mr. V. O. Hiu

Soon after tlmt period Dover was con-nected wttii Bockuwnv and Millbinokitnd wnB in clinrgo of Vincent Sliephnrd.and he wug succeeded hy We-tlcy Hml-son, eucli rerauinitip; io charge one yw.

Shortly before this tlie cbnrcli wasbuilt at Millbrook anil Dover remntDt-tlwithout u church uutil the Rev. JamesO. Bn|{un wu iippoiuted to Millbrook

i D i th 1838 Th h|{ p

ii Hi Dovur, iu th.iiiibjcctof churchbe i t i

r 1838. Thru thediuK was revived;

uud, b ib y i n g uu buy inplace of worship, only u poor old B

If,,- i iDt of a chine

d wept. g tins r eck, I Imwuil lieforu the Lord,

t h i l l i lrock, Ied their moralthrone of His low,Lunl of heaven

mlitiipnyinR. O F i l t | l c r !

l o.tilb, m-nd untoill b Hi

f r e the. 'O F i l t | l c r !b d

was leaded iu 1708 anil pnrrhoaed twojenra later. A chapel soon rose upnnihe Mint und Embury dedicated it Oct.80,1768.

In ivoyean more, or 2770, tberotwo more churches, ime in Marjlthe ntlier St. QenrRo's tu fbilidcl]Mr. Wesley sent iiver " Miss.nwu10 help the infant Hocietii'R which wereHtni^titinR fnr nn nti^tence. Riplmnl day WR» extremely cold. I rode tip "to11 >:tn)w:>t)am) Jswffh l^iin-C'T >.v 2"$>. MIv-Jw*!)^- »ij j;jy jrinii ni ihiitiBm up-PntnctH Aslmrr and Richard Wright pointed. Tbe gentleman met meat (he Iin 1771. Tbomis Bankin and OeorRe door, saying : *Iam Botry tD seeyon.'1Bbidford ID 1778. Tbli briDgiQito tbe Tbat in; comiog hud BO enraged his

thi-tn thy sun, they will be;ir Him Hn-.ever, in tin? hitler part O1D.?P. 17i>9. nRoutk'tniiil I'rtim tliu pl;it*n invileii me. Inprmch in hit hoi!-.!:, und Iuppoiiiled Ihe

' i. I5!h. 1SDD. Tiiu wLMilmrtlial

more pressing ou the minds of tbcfpic. Mr. Ropera thought beat to touken tslronc effort for the projt-cl ; accord

DRIV he drew up a mtbsciiptiuQ, comtnencetl oirciilatmg, though andcr qnitiptonm.y prospfefs. But fln.Jiag tUapeaptenuxioun to IIRTC a cbnrcli, nnd sub

Hoiibi-Tftllc, a public meeting wasculled <m the UUi of Ja\y. 183*. fnr tb<purposi: of cIcctiuR a Boiird of Trnstcoito take eliarfie of ami carry into tBl-ethe project; when (no f.tHinvinj-puwm;

locted a Board of TrusteesD..vid Siofonl. Aurou l>.<ty, H-arv 4J

II.J.iniesMcU.ivit.uiKlFroderiekU.Uiilrviiiplu. Thi-eudiiyii Inter. July 17tbtbtlJoaiil metand l\xM outhi!*,izL>o[tliclmivli34i41 ft. with 20 ft. piwiH, and oiJuly 2!1IIIUJOI iifiaiu, and appointedbuildiut; committee, to eoutrnet inimpiliately for the biiihliup. Committee.D. SanforJ, A. Doty, und Jos. MeD.ivit.

Oo JnlyBUt commiitfu meL uud enn-tr.iele.l with Jutncs Spiring. Esq., tv,ln all tlio work, tiud ull the. tuuieriais,am) finish thn bouse, all hat punting,fnrSMOO. IMr. Searing was ptvwutnnil liMpned lo ilie preaching of tlii-SCTIIJOU], Tbe work imraeiliiitcly cummeuci'il uTttl was rapiilly f-n^nrded, undmi Ati£. 22il the curlier htuue was laiti,Jin-' a ocrinon pn'jcboil on the iiccnsimbTRur. .Tjiiu's Ayres, then stationed ILNuwark. An escebent discourse to alargo Mia ros(nvtnh)p uaH'teuce. Ah

tbe enraer stone the work pi

•aincinftfTEIIiiiOD. "Tlien carae'wVliLiinid

- - . , , M l diedApril 17,1804. His mental powers weruMiltd wtliur tlmti biilliunt, uml hi» fier-ujrjijh weie compact, instructive asA use-ful. Be WIIH u man o[ even temper, alover of pence, iiud a promoter of har-mony.

lu 184H and 184it Jacob Port, Mill oftbu Nuwnrli Ciinfeitiuee and uouetutiou-edut• L'if.ivpttc*, wns pccscUi'.t in charge.

In IHBOWin. William*Christine, who,tbiiufih reported ileud in the History ofMurm Omiiity, is htill au t'lTuctive mem-ber of tbu Nuw Juinov Oontenmce, ainliHitalu.Ufd nt Turns ltiver. Hi« entryof maiTiupti-H upon tliu record is some-times iuturesliug aud umuaiug, but notulnnys eunipltmuutiiry to the purlieu

Io]851aiidlB52 Kdwartl M. Giiffithservcil in tht: paslumte, uud he departedthis Jifo duniigthe prfseut conforencuyour. An fisecillcut man uud a faithfulminister of Jtsiis ChriHt.

J. OBdnu Winner, now Btationcd iuPusiiBic, Npeiit tbo following year—1853—n Dover, uu<l was vury pojinhir nnjougill cLissiis. uud Hiiiued manr fHendaimoitH Lh<> lUfiubLTs uf tbfi Preshyteriuu:iimivli in tho town. Then, iu 1864 and1855. the cbureh wna fnvorod with tho

ry of Abrnhaw M. Palmer. H«'us nnd tbeeiry luis been bliegedu nddilionitl yeur of his pastoral

work, ntu Inter ilule.

Garret Van born wpout two yeora iucbsirBt' of the ehnrcb, but has since leftthe denomination und bneoroe n olf-rgy-

mi in Hie Piv>ti>stji»t "EpiaootM) ChurchIn 1858 »ud 1869 Htney W. Hillinrdis sfiitinit. .i here. He wna n man of

mark. Fnitiiful, laborious, useful, pru-dent, upright aud cunsislent. He wasndecd a model Christian citizen, intel-

ligent, Brtfcli/ii) ati<} tearless io hie lay-ally to God and tbe riKhl. EiKht yeanlie was a Presidium Elder and sertcdtwice us n member of tbn QeDaral Con-ereuct1.

In I860 und 1861 John Scarlet was thepreacher in charge. He ia yet living,enjoying a Kreen old age, remarkablefor bis deep * pi ritual itr uDd cheerfulbnbit. In 1862 tJ»ba Hanlon, a highlygifted young miuittter, waa Appointed bytho liisboj) iu Dover, but for some cansefnik-'J to till tho appointmoBt, and thatyear it wna supplied by E. A. Hill, whobaa since seen service iu the SalvationArray, nnil now resides at Yonktrs, NewYork, tdougli reported "deceased" inthe History uf Morris County. Hanlon,the attractive, instructive und impressive,sympathizing, HUBIBI nud devout, diedJanuary 4ih, 1675. His stay on earthwan short, but hn lived well. He died"iijnifi, *'Eternity u near. Eternity!Ettrnity 1"

Dining tbe neit nine years MuHinHcrr, Joh a Vf. Henm and Charles S. Coitn>.xu the prencbcrs in tlie line o[ BUC-

eessioo, each remuining in cbnrge threeyears. Mr. Hen is now in the anper-Mituerary runts nod engaged ia tnercaa*ile life. Mr. Scran is effective nnditatioued at Spriugfltki, N, J . , and Mr.3olt is atNcivton. During the second,'e-ir nf Mr. Cult's pastorate, in 1870, thelociety decided to build a now churchitlifjefl Unit would cost ahout $40,0l». Aot on Bluckwell 81. wns secured. It was

id*) deemed bent to first erect a chapeland afterward build a cliurcli na soon astbr ciicumstuucea of the society wouldadmit of it.

At that time a yqting man of ferret!iiity, devotional spirit, exemplary con-

duct and highly esteemed in the com-munity ; it twin of more than ardioarrintelligence, itntl who wns full of *elf-8;icrifice, and winteredgratnitoasly muchmonin! service to the society, entered bioprotest acaiimt thn Hcuming doparturorom tho olil-fusbionod simplicity of

Mdliodism, ii nd the world-loving and'seeking tendency of tbe church.i. This was John VV. Hearing.

He, ou n visit in Central New Tor)rtfound u di'iiuminution in whose faith aud

hn won greatly delighted, andbring uniblu to fccurc atleatiou to hisctnim for a stricter adherence lo thenles nud regitlatfonti as Inid dotf n in tbo

U»ok of Dhciplicc in his own cliurcli.he Hcvcrvd his ennnectioa with theMi'lbmlist EpiHcapnl Cliurcli and iden-titled himsL'lf with tbe Free Methodist*,und was the nucleus around which Rrewun the dcnominUion of that cumo in ourcity. Aud there, it stands a stone me-moriul of protest nRninst ttic worltllioeasand ettnivaguuL-eof theMetbodUt Epia-copul Obnrcb of that day. Of «uch pro>

st im Denwsit.y exists to day.In 1872 Tbonins Walters succeeded

Mr. Coit. Through great discourage-mcot connected with tbo failure of tlianew church enterprise he straggled fora ainglo year. The corner stone was laidou Sop! cm tier 11th, Vr. K L. Dnstimltprencliing tbo sermon. Tbe liim of$4,000 wua Hub^cribed, but a Urge partof it w:ts never collected. Tbn workcontinued one month that Fall nnd dis-continued because, epizootic nppenred

oiig the hordes, and the tuusond wereible to procure tennis to bring them'criuls. Mr. Wulturo died July ?lii,

1879. He was a man of wnrra and genialitnn\ ami lienen a plensant rotnpunioti.

He «ns remnrkahle for bnmility, eveo*iie*s of apiiit, nnd frredum from pride,—d envy, and je-ilotiRy, and ccusotioua-...ss, iinil fii'lfirtb ambitinn. I had theplen^nre of bin peraonnl friendship tod

itli him duritiK bla ln<t Sunday on.., nnd octiiifiied bin pulpit that da j .

both niorninf; and evening.

_ ih R D.miels wus appointed toD ivt-r in 1873 and remnined two jenrs.Of tlmt, incumbent it is not proper thattlie present pastor or tbo Second Chureb,fmnlii spcuk I>D this occasion. Nn mtia.KIWOHT. c-.m mor<> fully uod truthfullyir fiiitbf nllv present tho ncttiul conditionif tbo chnrcli for those two yenrs t h i sIP. It woiiM be difficult to find a moilVi?rmiT*ipcl oc iiR rQSfl&d coniTi Qy i t

believers than weie thu mRinufira olDover Church in tlio Spring ot 1BT8,

OK room no*.

Page 2: B V(i REDUCTIONS!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1885. NO. 9 TEE IRON EMA •«*T 3iTDBF4T


England, though «outiuu*lly railing at| protective nations, that is, nations that re-

The Dover P r i n t i n g Company, f a., to adjust their tarm to suit Engird,FcBLi»nEnt-A9ii)I>BiiPJiiEToiih. , i u [rtct collects morn from customs tutu IDV

_. . ..-T^-—'A - jof tbe European couutriea ahe continuallyi atiuR.'B for being protective- For example,here in a table constructed from tbe Britiib

<»')<-1 Kin l i H

UK. lUYS'S SERVITUDE.TULTC was a Dtnioeratii: love tomt

Kowark ou Thursday ui«bt of 1 ist wee«uder tbe tiuhvict!) of tbo *W* VMKDem I/O rat iu Club. *l which tbo (.rineiiRiie«tn were Oov. Abbott onrt Thus. Kuy*the Utter of Mewtou. Sus*e. couuty.(cupoiidiiij! to tbe toast, "Our I'nsiil''elect," Mr. K.}« u iJ :

• i . } - . - . J r

lilt- l l i l l l . l - III II Il-W l i . ' l l l l f l l *

lu i iw ic . m i ' i l i l liiivi- lit-cii - I . i ' .r .

Mr. Kiiyt ddubtlcsii judges

by Ibe rt-conl of tlit> jmxt qu«

iury. At utiout tlif beiiiuiiiui

tie was out.' of iliose who i

.'it l< ilic> In-

Book," tbe pounds converted intodollars, Rbowing tlio iio.inlatiou and theatuouul of import* ilulicu in tbo varioieouutrioH in quunlion:


7 1 1

bf first four of tliene are rook probativeuutriuu. Frightful (jiauipk-a of uoccligbt-ueut. Tbfjitll have larger |topulttiontin KiiKlaud,l)Ul nonevt ibem ]wy BOIUUCLilutieri, not tv«n down-trodden lluiwia.

Tlie percentage of duties levied in Free-lwU'at Britain is a* follows :

eat masse He

! of that period•onipoiif ' ' the

birnibk' iroi.x fOUEly, » dNow tbe way

rfounder nt LiifuYtt

tai l his future befo

that Mr. Kay« Ian btt-u UH.liivt.-tl under

HepubliL-Mu dobiinntiou i* e< me tiling t r i s t -

ful to touleiiijilate. Li-uviiiBhisim-L-bauiuil

beginnings lie entered t lo profi-Hbiou of tbe

low nud LBS since widnreJ bravely the tuan-

Bok-s whirl, lIi.pnb1ii.Tkii nik- biw heon forg-

iug about bin UIUIM. Tbo I'rottotive policy

which oiiHlaveil t i e nmsm-n uiaJu tbe oervi-

|udt> of Mr. Kays n vrry buny one uuri en-

cumbered him with u constantly ^rowiii^

lon.1 of Khfki.]R-R lnn.l (jr< at CUOUKII to

tsautic nuy fruil mortal liku Mr. Kuyn to

gi-unii ticu.iiUiit. He Iric.i to rid Lminelf

ot some of tbii lend by pulling it iuto bun-

inthH riiUrjiriheh, but the obnoxious (irotiT-

tivi' policy of tlu> lli'i'iiblifiui jiariy ouly

caucul it to prow tlie more, until it in now

curroutly believed that but few men in

Northern NY* JerM-y ftr^ fttterw) with wore

buliioL thiiii Mr. Knj-K. The ilmiBcoii in

irliicb. bo incnrct'rutt'H bimstlf U worth a

ffoud dcul of liiird i'jihh to LIQ NiLrt>T but Mi.

Knys tTiacntly doesn't bfliew in yil.Kd

misi'-ry, acd ei(/tis to bo one of lln1 fnsc at id

mitrniuuielt'J "um^oH" who lire uot bur-

deui'd with tieavy bank HCCOUUU nml " nicli

liku." So bd lifts uj . his voit'e io |irofoiim

gratitude ovir thu jirospect of a rbauge Ibo

Will prt-'Vfut "t l ie great iunsnes" from IIUHS

in^ Ibrou^b tho torturrs of tlio kind of

Bcrvitude which ho Law endured JUHUR tlio

latttlwenty-fivo years. With a im.an of joy

he he mills tliu return of tbo glotiou* doys

H ttir

-at.' nf...


. flir W

r it. Tiir

ilrrnl oud

1 Mr. HiMkor. i.f ('aiurti

mlitrul, u:\* lihli-iii il 1•ntinn. Tbe vntf jiluc

n'lin«Llii,u t iny i-t^lililtnuw.il Tlii'j vulftl

.'Viilr II llenk lortbeK.-v-tor wilt U]>,,<>M-I1 l>y Ml

i-ouuil Unit 1hrrt< Wii« nou«ti<>u was il.-f.nUd, Ilieicfim-ti to rciimuittcr.

-I II,,- I(,.IIH< r.quiirn tbil ftil- m o t i o n if i l l i i iuvcthi.*r provirfus tlml rtiuu^!

i the MU mill ,m t1«»< .v,,rki»K >>»til t> I'. MTlio i-liiiil ni'J'clcr Vutiili'i'Iml), WII1L-1I niHcvrri'ly tmrncd, dkdlnBt K»lurilii,v.Cicori-f Ilurrlx tuthn of builil>uK ulml) tm-

in sinrf, to lie iiH'Jtl fur Inil^e inirposcn.A IKTW ntluciied to uti iniiny cwit ru

(.u.vM.indii.v, Ihrowiug Hie driver, Ikoijim^.ii). i»ui el' mif i)l Hie (-bartf. lit: rtuiiiiuil iu tliisPOhiliou ami m.iUiiKctl lo htu)> tin•iiw ;il'I.T ln> huil !.-ii tienili- a liltKk. Lubli-A.ieuiiHidiTaiil.vbi-iimi'11 .iliuiil tin' body h[>niiiiK in con I ne 1 willi the liurnu'n IIWIH,

1.L1M) tou» u( i(f will be gittlii'n-il b(^ie i

A 1..-V in tlit oilk mill l.n.U.! u pant- of tjb»1,0 nil..-!- ibiv, Tin- forou.iui Hot Lri,,,; utilj Dh.l out wlio ilid it, fined e»cb \my (HOII

Uft.v in number) 25 ut*. i m h fur tbe uffi ue<\Tli.' I)., h. A. W. 11. It. Co, wilt cut aiuie. uf

Democratic freedom, wbeu » man nrktilfor fifty cents H day, paid twenty ceutu ajiml for cnlim ami Hiibniattil nliuast entirelyou fried jiiuklnil perl.

IEWBPAPEB HOT.To read tbe Hiuketthtown Gu/ette ot 1

week one would suppone that the oj>eritt<of thi' iron works at Oxford had roally cl<eil down tlie tonotirn iu order tc injure Ioperatives aiij would tiol utarl tip R|jiuulMf they mild compel tliem to work furruiuoui wages. Tlm is n mnuplo of tbo rotwith wbicb uiiiuy of the Democratic lie.p e n tbrouglout tbo country are filled attbe present time. Home of them even goW far aa to ssaert tbut tbe dosing of ifurnaces and factories Is it political nnieut dcHignfil to puutati people for votingthe Democratic ticket. They pursue a Jiol-i c j of opposition to the operators, contrilute ta (be tmucew of a party which rceutly by a four-uftba veto in Cou-grcufl put tbtiimielvei on record us op

i to tbe ideipinte protection of mflcuf natures and then bUme the owners, whilitho present market In prostrated, becaua.they bttTen't oonflJenc-o enough in tbe Do-niwracy to rim Ibeir concerns for theply of tbe niirket of the future. Theyt o think the owners have no interest In thematter at al l ; that they do uot uaro if thencapital in unrein narrative, aQd if their maofainery rusUkway in idleness.

The muiututurer id just ai much inter-ested aa the worklrjgman. He lives uponthe intern* of hie capital anil in unionst U t it ihouU bo retuiiDentive rathor thanidle. Tbe Torkinginui, too, thrive* beatwhen the employer i i moit proiperoas. Higot* the highest wtget when the employerBet. the hishMt prieM for hi- goodii, itbe lowest wage* tnd leaat work in periodslike tbete when the prices of all nianufwtared goods ia at tba lowest mark. Thebent wages the worker ever received in tbiicountry i u when tbe Democratic party w uM> w«Ji that IIMK WM no danger if its u -eoodeney. Hioce it began to elect majoritiea in Congress, to vote for reduction! ofthe tariff and to eleot free tndo iipeakers,tbe condition of the workingruin hu deprtvcUted oomtpondingly. To offset the n»t-ural »ei|iience of these events the Demo-cratic ptpon are trying to oaks the pnbliibelieve thai tnumfactarers are willing tothrow away their capital in order to punlthworkingmen. It is all nenRpaper rot.

In anj attempt »mnctioned by the lava andcustomi of civilization which the Irish peo-ple may mike to leoim Belt-governmentthey would h»»« the sympathy of the bulkof tbe American public, and doubtlew thesubstantial aid of many. Thin would be so-oordedthembeeauM American UUeve in•eif-govminuDl ai a principle md are boa-tile to monarchy in any form. But tba peo-ple of this country bare only feelings of ab-boreuce and detestation for mica cowardlyBod tnurderouH assaults with dynamite aswere made in tbe the cily of London on Sat-urday bit, wsultlog in the maiming of eveiwomen and children. And such work willdo an incalculable amount of harm to thecause or Irish independence. TLa dynami-t e n might blow up a thousand building* InEngland anii yet the accomplishment oftbeir abject would be u far away as ever,for a great power like England cannot becoerced in that way. Tbe projectors ofIrish independence mnat pnnn« a conrwtbat will msk« them friend*, but shouldthii policy become general it would onlymake enemies at mmny who are disposed tobe friendly to tbeir cause. We are glad tobelieve that tbiaipMies of agiUtion is notcountenanced by the intelligent and uprightpeople of that w e , but is only the work of» few who are represented la this countryb j such men M O'DODOVW Rossa, whothrive and fatten off the faardeuniDgs ofpeople whoaeteftl for their native country isnot tempered by intelligent aocvlctiooa. Nopatriotic, intelligent Irishman, wanla lo BO-eonUw emancipaiion of this conntry bytbe tndiicriniinate murder of women andchildren. Booh in one would rather throwhimself In the breach of bononble warfareand take the consequence*. He in tbe bestfriend of Irehnd wbD trie* to {'romote herlasting good la the ways countenanced byhonorable m«n of all nations.

English futoBces continue to go oat ofblati It is loudly denied that this in tbetewnlt of England'i f ree tnde policy, a de-nial which n»y contain not a little tnth.Protection is reducing England's iron out-put—we IDHQ l ie protection which ourtariff affords to the American workmanftsaloat English pauper Ubor. Shall weabollah thi* tariff tbat English furnaoea tn.ybe reUghted f—Proteeuonist.

The emploTecaof Engbuid are not doinga jutt or vim thing when they put np inmills, factoriea and atom placards reading"No Irish Employed." The perpetrators ofthe dynamite outrage* cannot be more thina few in munher and to ostracise a wholepeople for tfatir sins is not consistent withjustice or common sense.

If tb« Bontlieniers En OODRNM txmtina*F " - tb« average Deix• Uuii^ that 1*6 ii • ' bigger

than the original Jeflersoo.

After all, fw lliniiitv.r WcUh onue said inOHptecb on lauding st Liverpool, "Vigentlemen adjust jour tariff to suit yo\intereHtHBud #e uiay, perhaps, bopanlonedfor adjustirg ours to suit our interests.And Mr. WL-IBB *BB right.—Philadelphia


Skilled workmen aro BltnoM HunniuiQunly

iu favor of a protcctivo Uriff, b j l occaaiou

»Uy, whou tki'y cftunot gut m high ws^en as

they liko, tbey HO lur forgot thenjsolv<'H ax

to aKMert that (be bvuefita of n jcb a Uriff go

entirely to tlie tinnloyers—and tho enemies

of protective tariff's seldom if ever full t<

(uioourftfjo tbJH notion. In this connection

the followinH proportion, recently nwdo by

the Ttt-'iiton potters to their Btrlkitg

liloyeti, ia full of intoriiBt:

S;,K:;::r::i,sri.•i.rtlina ID uti.v .-I11.1.K"- t lmt irmy b e Ilien•!.(!.•,• i,, Knii l^l i (iiittcr'x wuut'i* o r 111AiHrikB.li tariff.

i t in nmrcelj' necessary to add tUt tbeworkmen rcjeuted tbo proposition, as wUIHO the irouworkeni wust of tbe AlleghenyuiounlainH if their employers were to tuakiii similar proportion to them on tbe list 0Juntin^it. Thu Now York Herald, uoticinKtbiu propoiiiticn of tbe Trenton pott em, myi" it ia alumni lo attempt to control wages bya nioftBiiro like tbe Uriff," Possibly; butA proposition like the one meuliouHl hrffectuttl method of closing tbe moutbs of(be hypooriU who aiMert that nr>ne of thebttut&ta of a protective tariff go to tbs work-Inguien, It is no wonder tbat tbe jugglingHerald takes no Block in inch a proposition,u it deprives it of ft vftst amount of its stockiu trade.—American Mnnf*eturer.

I C t T U TlaJT TALK.The pncUcal diinoutratlons of tbe ben»

11U of the protective system are the thingswhich knock Ibe wind out of frea tradesophistries. The New York Times, in anewsartide on the life of Tbos. fiarbnr,of the well know firm ot linen thread n aifHcturen eaye that "in 1HU4 the high tariff

on thread induced tbe firm to bring psrt oftheir mills to America, and tbe; located atI'dttrson. Their modest mill baa sinceiprcad cut into three of the largestbiiiMintp ID New Jersey, and in these threemills thi>y employ l,J>0<>h4tde and turn outthree-fourths of all the linen thread produo-

This duple fact<rill have more weight with sensible peopbtbuu njany COIUBWB of editorials in theTimes going to show the theoretical beau-ties of free trade. The thoughtful will

that these l,f.00 operatives are thesupport of at least 1,000 families, or aboutr>,(Mio persons, tbU these r.,000 furnitih amarket for New Jerasy farmers, and spendtheir earnings with New Jersey merchants,tailors, shoe makers, etc. It ia Mi argumentthat knocks ont thewfree trader In the Brat

There are US, 138 women actually engagedin England in tn* bard work of making

. There aw also Ml fenud* blacksmiths in England, all of whom swing faeavyhammers and wtuilly do men's work, Thisla one of the conditions of free trad* whicha few knave* and t lot of fool* are endeav-oring to establish In thi. coantry,

Thou. A. Heiidrtcks is trying to nake theoountry understand that there's nothingmean about him eioept his record.

The number of Democrats who • » hank-ering to save the coontry in a cabinet oapaeityi* absolutely frightful.

"•"]"''l.v. ri'u

Un Tl i i i o ib

HI ml ti) t IJP I

A bill n-iiH I

tin; Hotim-, 11 Mil t o g iiujilliji lo tin' ili-ec<-»<-<l bu

. inov(ki-<l n louj; ilirn-i

iiiiuci'il jirnYiilmjr tlmt ID HI•lent jinjuTit to juibliuli t b

TU.-UHTHimll.ul^ML,'' Witil TlL< U,>>

ml tlie cmii]itni]lcriu iterforminii sueliri-li-veneo tti 1«; fitven Iu tin- l'liporthi-IiiT-^rpnt I'lrciiliitinn nnd the olilex

MET WWII.i>iil, tin- imi If i WUDROI k n u r k n l

IKIUU: iiiul nil riulit iifiiihi. Mi- HII.VK liii bendifrlh ii little tetiilei- JIIMI nbove our enr vtin bililut' Hit-ink him, but rtiiituliir un it"M-iii llii-ri' U nut u umrk on laiM btiid, IIIKI yetb r t . l l a f f tin- top of» but enr VII bin liun,] tin- l u i k nf bin lit'Hil Htl'Ilfk HU lh<!

K' M. k K. Divi il ]t>'i)ftit A

lu tho tfeimU on Hnudny, Mr. Y..uuKl>1oodittwlueeil n liill providing (hut the ruilrnadtkfR sliiill t« paid <|iiart«rlv iuntnud of no

tiuully. and tli i t when a rallrowl puyi it* fulltux uuilir tli* new litw. It utmll uot forfeilKM ri|;bt lonouvurtlmilifft'wm-*bftvi-en tb*nid uml HKV rut« iu cimt. the tu-t or Ihe par-liuiiUr itnaiiniinH'Ut in m-t tinide by the i-ourt«

A bill nii.kii,K flvo j* r ttuL the legitl rait

Mr, Cwbrun intrwluinl ii bill rwi[Uiriiii[ uik iwii-iiiint vine of tli* fioardH of Edui-utiiirnr Hluulur IHHIIUS te aditpt or vliaiife tlie textliook» iii nrluxiln »»d forbidding ebntige« fufiveypim. tbert-rtftir, under » penalty of no

•** than V*>, nor more tlmu «HK>, to be col-.•ftI'd nf i-iirli iK'ruon effect iuR HIII'II cbiml to he MUMI for by nny lalfaytr before

f tbo 1'eiir

rt'i'luililorn io townnhiiw to paj tlielr MMMIasi-n l.v working nn the rotitbt.A bill wax liitnxlufcl to clothe Xi.liulilk- with tli( imnrr* nf C'timniUnionci(eeiln. The lollowlu^ lillla ncm iuiroduei'tly MurrUuieinben:^|). lilt, Mr. Joiikiui, MakPH it legul furde-

•ndniii in uny action*, by leave of the Courtor Jiidiie, tn pleadiuawwurtotbe replication[>r imbxeiiueut plr.diuu ot tlie plaintiff, «•

several mutter* At he ahall think nf c-y tor the dt-fearc, provuiinn tlie vosi* beIgt'il ia the KUicRiuful party.

lo?>K by t'orpuratioui duf daily, and allow*iteroit nf five per «i-nt. ]ier W€*k an «h«mmiut or nil wngra du<; fortuort tbnntwenty-[]*• iluyn.

Hn. Ui. Mr. Drake, Hakes It unlawful forllnnnln of rreelicildem,Town«hip Cinwnittre*,lluiirdiifif AMcruini, «tr. tto make contract*ir Ihd building ui briilnoK, or any buildinghittev.r, or for juiblie improvement*, withny fnrpuriitlun iirflmit.» which any menilN>rif tlic itforeHnld boili(.-Hl)HiiiiK.

No. 141. Mr. Will*, Aniru.lx tLr net for thei-1-.irvatlini .if Huh n-lutlv,. | o win*. Hubmu.

Tueaday a«lo|itfd a nubMi-lit' fof thu rnilrouj tax tmtitliu tlie {iruvUioQindhaN » new section. <it tlie chiiiMr ]ierniittln|>ni]iaulen tu uimiuler

i* of tlifindniout.

l bill

tlio RjK-rial eip«culia

!<•* nmt KIUIC In uudir the |>reseat njutublriw-. Menutor Younfiblooa neeured ttuotberuriduieut, mukini: thr unitary of the Com-im.luu.T-. MerctMty $l,M» in.tend of ttSVO.e watited it rtiltiKd to «l,!iO0.In the Iloiine the Committee on Labor andidaitriei reptirted advprsdy on Mr. Drake'*

iill< making it uoliwful for County Boards taiw work tn firm* with Which any nt th«refhnidpn i« Miiin*«t<Ml. The report WM

The fipiimto runenrrvut reaolutiun proTiJiDR>r u cotDinltten mi taint ion tif otbrr thanlilroari prnjierty *•»• titkeli U|i aud ft nurd.Pebato iu Ibe A-wmUy ,,n WednciHUj

loiuing ou the vptcriin txwilution broughtout tbo Ileiiuhllcau stnMiptn in detiate. It I*

>t jirubntile that <iv<n the trmuirty of Mr.Usptnati, oriluilnon, will uttempt anothrrintent which will Invulve the ronolns ol the

It i - frstifjtim to BOUM that the Iriihelcrgy and the best men of that raosu* da>BBWOU^ the dynamiUrs with MM votee.

ni; ta lken uf tbe Uuuw, Mr. C'hapmiinU the anlv oue who has preteniiioii* in

that direction, unleaa ft i* Mr. 8fl**onr andCn*ptnanltM!k*»Ilfi»cn*tiia. Wbatevwhemay M ; ha* aa a i rof dultMM tb»t c u n o t b«

>M,illl>.U ; •ffij'tH III JllilUIHIH.UIlt H] I,

H IUHI Wi;fl.' : beDi'llt" ]>liid t<i mei). Tin pxpeiiHttH lor Jiiuuiii-y only In

<k lo tie udili'it toi l .

cur^e ToiidV bali.v w u Imrieil from t

1C. Chnri'h, lit Ktunliniii-, un Momlnv mmOn Tur»ih.v ou«> of Mr. Trtiiinicr'x IIMII

miuKiil .Tnc!cil> Mlker, uf Hufkrit^town, v

tirid^i1 uml HtrlkiiiK into tbv fri>/'kii ^ron

tlin |iiek gliniiTil miH vent lulu lilt* lun

lioot nnd uhm.-t tliron^I.hU foi.l, iii!tkiiiK

e M.iry goini; iimnudHVilnrndiiy inn.

tlmt li iii up. 1 ieri>iuer, of liai'kt'ttrii

out wllh sin ni ln>r mini in u wntdii o

lu Allumiii'liy nil Tiientliiy inntiiiii

lo di'iitb. It vim ii]irelt,v c

uii iK

... ifWhitiuore-Mdieew WUH the menof killiuii a cut lnil(iii(iinK t(i JIM. I'urlei'.

lAztu; u ilmi);l.tfV of John Scott, diedIUMOII, Mr:sK.. thiw week. The hotly |* tonni;;ht [<> Iluoiilou for interment.Truttiiij; im the iee hint CIIIIImenctil.Tlm Wilson ultiiclicd li.v JiitrlicH from Ni

Vork State nlii>-li liiiil betin ilxeil <>y Wluliuti" IH liUHiuiau hud found it« way into til« nt I'.tt-r Mcrti». Mcrtin tbo(iKht tolihiKhe voiilil fnntoii It t o n tree with ..

....In mid lurl.. The officer mtikiii], the at-tachment watched bin clmnw, jirocurml >

" tln< loch snd took tbi- wiigouoffli

__ _ , _ Milner in reimiriiiK the I'owervilhmill iirepurutorv to 11M startlug.

1',,-UiMHtrr Hi.pkiiiK will so»u ]>li(Ce u nm!i ilin otHiic for mixdireded mid udvortlitecptte», ,i.r the I.enctlt of tlm j.iil.He.

Ver.v liltlu work U hciuu doue on tbe cuuitii tliis vicinity thin wu«m.

Tbe traiuji murkul In high thfuc mid night*

Mo me niiM'biuviiuB >(iii|it! IIKU *|>IU II toriUld put limiebc. in the em), then Jilaccil it (ii:hr now of n fulbiw who was Kiei>|>itn;'» O I ",1 the Htum the olli.revoning. The malche.K-rre net DfTiuiil tbe Mcepcr iiwukcunl. The•Hi'ct prmlneed ertuled eunsidcrahlc iimus

Mr. N. H. VanDuyiit', tearhcr at tho lorn

•ehnol, hiiH bevu in ill lieultli for tlie pu

It i* -tutcl tbut tho OHUBI Compuu.v ebnrf

I tin- mte ill ten ceiitn pel tim fur all Ice eln their properly.

'Hit- llvcvv tniBiueni. 1. dull.

'I'hu mercury rcuiMtercil zero on Thuwdii

Very few peoiiht liuve applied for relict thisdulerkmoiu town. Hut It in conjectured

tbut there n>i|{lit be iomi found herciilmutiwho feel biiekward ubout asklnj; fur relief,but yet wdiild feel uniteftil for nil occux

•e ..mill it he li.nl.

•TIXHOPIli V4> IHIVP frc nil cut l.v reml |rtt<

bnl himlly eold «-IIUIIKII lor tluit. The I.nurd i- thul lie died iu miepileptient, iit'iilij; to the iloetora. lie was • hi-olher of JoinItvreniei-, otic ol' our firemen, ami 1 uud"t.iul leavi'H u wile uiut funnly.

Thiro inou.iil.ini |o ticiUniFut here jiIKIW k-twrcu Mi--*luKn'H upplicutiouIhtnnn uud i> prill.uii t«i lli« Le^lnlulure (butIHIU clrciilntlon tojmt the Van Murrfp peoplihilo Noimt Olive Tuwmhlji iustcad uf UHXbury, a» now.

it i* wild tbut Mr. I'urker, ol Htiinlioiif, lutend* to iriiunforiii bin ]>liu<e into n ulutiugrink.

At u piii'lnb meeiiin; nf tlie Presb.vU-iiCturub tif Stiniho]ie three Triixtm^H «••>li>eti>il fur three yeui-H ou Tucudiiy I'veuiiij

Tho lndieH of tin- Pr4knlivteriaii t-burvh uBolnis tn hold ii ieitliful Feb. 18tb.

1 MT Mr. (1. W. W. I'orU-r, «>n i>f ltev. 3,I'urter, lute piinlui* tif Hie l'resby tcrian eburohat Htuulii ])(-. hiiM 1 b.r hl» imitU'H at Ufiiycttu Toilette to take part In tliotiiim-ntciiii.-ut ixi-n-iHiK of tbut iuHtllntinu

Uov. l>r. It.i.inl.u.in, pmlor of the 8tsulio|w'rei'liytcrlitn t'huri-li, LUK nut bin Homo C'ul-i'Ht! Siiricii in mieeemfiil u])crntioii. Ouu tnuytudy ut home nil the itwnliiK of all the.I'IKHIIH in vi'i-y couijiact HIIHJH! in thi* aiTiein,d It aiv.H OIK. n taato for nolid miuiint

tnluku theplueo of the tronhy litcruturo BOpDpniar with nor growing buyn und jwhite it Ktorfu thi- niind wilh ustiful kmtwl-i'i]j;e whii-h don't take up tnuvh room, In euyto curry sround with one, and always hnmlyto have in tho hrnine, or iu oue'« head.

We had quite a mio* storm Wedueudajforcnwti,

1'ccplf up thli wai have gut their ice houneitilled with good ice now.

Tulkinji alxiut lc« romiuds me that Mi-aM'illmnnu and TlWdura Lunger wrtv ou«kntiii)[ un the pond iu front uf Tteo. Burl'theolhriilay. Mix- Wilhnnniiwiu.n tbolcul.Them in a trruehnromt spring hole newly Infiont of Mr. Durt'a houiu und Mil* WilliDanab(-edli>Hs of Mr. liiiuifrr'tt warning triwl toskate over it uud tlie ice broke and let her Inthe water. Mr. Lunger diced in after he*nd if Mm. lturt hid lint keen them full Inami hurried to their rescue with a i>la»kwhich ln<]ipened to he handy the clwiwen *rethere, would have, been Iwo funeral* at SouthBtimliop*. As it wM th> involuntary lmlhdid wot *wm to hurt the young foikn, whowent to Hr. Then. Burt'H Imu-e, exchangedtlieir tret clothe* for dr.r orJ(i» from the wardrobe-.of Mr. and Un. Dnrt, and went nn tbeirwuy home rejuiuing that they were lu uoworwpli^hi. 1>

mmvmisn.Kr.A. C.ElotoD, thertatiunagent at New

ftmuttlnnd, h u been transferred to M'ortcn-dykt<. Mr. Martin fills hi* place.

Mr. llotrell Pnat !• alowly rweavtringan injury received from a kick of a 1Home weeks nines.

dik-kcn thiovcn, 1HHII>-JHIIC cutteraimoku linune visitant are ngalu on tlslrraids.

Mr. Jolin K. Korgirsun, or Cherry Hidge,linn eitnl* out lor a t*uth snniversaryiliutc to tske place- on tbe 30th inst.

Ki(|lit reprctentatlvea Irani tbe lower dis-trict uf New Fotindlond were *umnianuil toWlteir Iwlorc the utand jury lust week.

The ice harvest for this section has beenttathmtt

on ice ia nUe of tbe vporlii not takenin by Ibe Hummer boarders.

Prof. AUIOH Chainiwrialn has a daiibodl twite a wp*kat the hotel. Mr. V. ha~n

Ukmnip «u old Iraile In which hnt few caiiexcel him u a it rue tor.

The weather aud Prof. Miller1* iluglngtthocl Mem* to be at w.rfare. The weather

Chlekcn pax bat bp«ti the rags atnoDg Ih.aihlren at New KouudUnd.H n . Anna N. Widner, daninler o r Henry

Bitnta, £ M | . . died of roniumption aftrr aalm.f Mid M-vrrp HIDCU on the Zhid.

Rtwkhulm ha* had two fatal cases of dlpfa-l&»n.—children or Mr. J ane* M. Lewin, theserchaat.

A voutiR man, Ja t iea Holly, «* Btockltolin,•hilr carrying m heavy piece of woodIke ire, flipped and thr ntlek fell Dplipad and fractured hi* nkiill. Theinjury* re-reived may pro'

Mi David r Margarum, • well to do farm-irofBtockholm, and a prominent citlEen of4»BMK t'tmutT, wan killed Instantly on T I M -

day uC laat »t-«k while fulling trro. . Hitson bad fallen a t m that ltxlgei) atffNikst an

her ^uil while Mr. U. wa« cuttiDg tbe tree, wlJt-h flip otbi-r had lodged, Iho tnw fell

upon hi to wilh nuch forre «« to break hi*neck and back, llln BOO, a | ed about «ft#*n.ei tr icatei lhin fromthc iallen t rw, and i

the mad t o u r dlttance and bailod * Hr.WiillkmR who waa psaaliiK with a teaM, andWilh his amintani-e W M taken home, * dltsnofof two or three nil Ice,

Hi* mother, Mm. Lucy Marganm, diiittout three weeks ago t t an advanced age.He liaa two h r o t h m living—Noah H. ,Stockholm, and Theodore, cuh t e r of theFarmer*' Bank at Itwkeriown, N. J—andtwoilst«n»—Mrs. S.T. L»s«r , of Warwick.K. 1'., a i d Mrt. Rev, D.niel E. Frambes, ofMe H. R C^hnreh. Ills wile, a daughter ofMr. H. M. Waliarr, of Oiik Bidge. and fiveb.li.r*o nurvivc him. Mr. H. wa* about fifty

four year*of age. Tbe funeral *rrTierii wereId at the tfildctiea nn Friday afternoon.ul ld> rcmi>ln>) were inUrrt-it ut tbv Oiik

Ki«iKr wmetriy. C. P. J.

IbM rnU at Uw Frlses.At B. lisdaWj** imh. Ca.

•(• out >>( I'MIIIU tbie wiutc

iiiing to u

111 bin.

tlicirict i.ei it) Un,

W. S. OOLLABB,Carritf e Trimmer and Furnl

ture Uphol»t«r«r,HOIUUB STltEEl', DO^B, M. J.

H»ir Hittra..ei made tu order and old mat.

at D*r*r.N. JDo«L-r,N. )., Jau.iMlk, 1865.

V. AIIIT, Miirv Mnoiiey,Mr-. June Iliviuil, .1. W-M.ickl.iwlleul.t-o HunWH, Wi.r.ih O'HrilU-,Au.1r.-w Kremlin, Win. 'IViiLnie Hi l lDm id (liirdiii>r, llitliaul Itoemuy,Mmy A. .l.iHepli. Muriu Wtl.b,

To olilain any (inheabuve letter* «ay "a<ltrlinej" and fc'ivo dato of title list.

Q. 0 . HINOmUM. P. M.

»rYuv»ttni or Small Profits appreciated,M . Quality and workuiaii»bi]> of tLc best.My thmkt for llbenl pttrtmago in tbe tiaat.Orders by telegraph messenger or telepkosa

it tended to,JOHN JOKEs, Undertaker,

Bookaway, N. J'

ritr, tblnkinjf tlie |iulnta of iutert-llielrtlei'iiiii.vcolililllimil

The wcuthei- IIHK been esttemnly eold Ihpant week; plenty of ice, wliirli liiisetiableithe people to lill their icu bailws, and it ill HI

ill true lovers oskutini:.

iiilen uuinlirr of xkiiteiii may bo well Mtlie re-i-rviiir every evcoiim. I think, how-

r.T, none nre tin a pal }>•! wilL the win lief 'The Silver SkuteB."Two ot our JOIIDK |>eo|)le lad a ictf uaiiw <wru|Ht frnm drowuing la«t Friday nftri

utmn. Mi*» Carrie William-, lb« e'tlniabltluuj,hler of tbo proprietor of Ibe Manwlon

ilid Mr. Tbeoilora LiiDger, the hero)brother of Mr. O. II. Limner, utorted out I•kate to 1'ort Murrlit by way of tbo canal

mhed Ihe l'ort they started fohome. They we» ukutinic totte.tW nud juat

they roachfMl thn ehuunci miller the neeoudhriilgi> on the tow.|iuth they In mod to u«ler the bridge, but as they wort) uhout tui-riiKH the, nhnnnei tbn ten Wsan to hrenk. 1ituntly MI.H Willlnmn tumcil to go hark aiIhpy twin-, whlln Mr. LuiiRer turned in thenpponito tllrectiuu. Tbo Ice gave way uuderMinn W. and «he went ilowu, coining lu au in-ilanttotliemirftKienf the wHtur, stm«gliiit{rivleiitly. Mr. h. tried to rcaeh ker, hut wn°not sueeesiful In his effortH. Hn *aw her go* iwn tlie second time, wncn, without a m-

id'sdulilwrallon, he uprunit into tho wntiid netted hold of l icranhc name tothesu

fire aRnin, entirely esbauated mill life nearlyRstinrt. MIHH W., US IIHUAI, maintained hergrout presence of mind and did not tnkc faohlof Mr. L , but tried to krop ber«oir up hrMating hold of the tw. Thii, with her m -t-uer's knowledge of swlmmlni, enable * *to kerp At the surface nutlV a uolili, .,Un. limit, who hurt wltB<>t>Mil the weoo fromher window, reached them and helped themout. The parent* and friends of UieyoiIndy wcrAueurly overcome ou bearinic an ~cmiut of the accident from the lip* of thevoting people themwlrea. Mr. I*, ahnuld, and! think doM receive the prt.lt* of all for thi.dcrtlofberuiRni.

Miss May Scripture, thn encieut assistof the tkmth Mtanhope public school, wasrerlpicnt of a iurpriiw parly lust Vritlay eiing, given her by her many friends tiHmld'i Lake, Ml. Olive and vicinity. It WMa perfect MirpriM to her. I understand theyoung people enjoyed themselvei greatly.


n u ortunra AJTD IUUT,WU. WALT.

Tbe following correipondpiice It Mlf-ei-plauatory:

PjfcTXRfOIfi li. tin tltiD* 3S, 1885.How. WM. W. PHKLM :

Hu»m SIR—A meeting of operative*, en-gaged in the -ilk trade, o? tlie Cll v of Patcr-aoD.WMbeldin Wuolley's Hall ..a th. "

•'That a committee of tkree be appointed lo_jt In conjunction with the offifem to com-municate with Congressman 1'belp* na thesubject, and to call another tneetlniTat whichtb« reault shall beMportad."

I am refjnetted a* aeontarv to reapectfulkinform yon of the same, and U\ ask vonr con-sideration and advice. We dnlre'to knowif we, a* eittien operative*, twnld tbrouibyour aaafrtanee obtain a hesring before tbiWay. and Meaua Comtulttre nf the llnuae oCongmai to nake known our wants I We donot wl*b to antagonise the manufacturers Intheir movement for a specillo tariff-ratherwould we asauit—but we would like to knowtbat the hill will meet the requirement* of itrade. The change In tbe Uriff from Hit in Mlpercent, which took place la 1§8J, has beenvrry di*attr«n* t*> us as ojwrativen, havingbeen reducoa !• wages from it$ to «u prriwnt. larn«l v Iu oouaeijUeuMi uf (but lWe •arnettly dealre a reply at your

v l eaF*I aa, sir.

Yours Iteipeetfully,JOHN TvLUKwtK

Y. B. IfahilUhoitldcotnebeforrthflloWill you kindly avprliw u> uf It f J.

Hoi s t or BKI-RKBEIIT&TIVEH. IT. s.W . D. C, Jsn. 3S, 18W

N fruuwLaiT, Es», Secntarr, tic.:.urn 8 i«: 1 acknowledge witb the pronipl-

aess it* importance demandi, your favor «fthe 2M init, tolling me that the Oberstives aremovlnjt to SMurc recognitios aad ovnsidontion oftbrir views iu the propoteal aubBtitn-tion of -peclne for ad valorem duties on .ilkproduct*. Tbe movement intamt* no great-fy. The operatives have at least an equal in-terest witb the Banufaetarcrs in aeeiiiiug tliebest leirislaUon. « . l t k two .hunld slwaystw

It ssen* to be clear at ttls lite hViirofaenwdod session, wa cannot expect to tweom-

Ihlagin tkt-Congrf*s. lr tbi-Wn>i_„ » Committee could find lime tu con-sider and propose any tiwuauro, It In u morule#rtatntv that the Huuse could not ri-aeh it toact upon it. Hut there In no reason whv Ibebody you represent ihould relai Its cff.irt- hiaronso and organise public opinion In therUht dinctlon? Aud if you tbiuk it wouldaid. at tlm iiwient time, to hive an lutrrvie'wilh the vtays aud Means t'limtuitlee, whilI kuow how ttusy thcr ure, aud how loth togive any audience, 1 think I kuow enough nftlie character uf Ilin mun wlm caniiHine it, lapromi»e yim tbat they wnuhl cbcerfiilljr pom-pone utber biMinna l» give an Interview l»workininnen. They sea miny delegations elthose who employ labor,—loo few uf thosewho labor.

But, iriny fipluioninofvalne, I witwo migKentious i

That IhP Interview ahouM ho bo«tpon«il tothe nest lesaion, when something practicalcould come frum it in the Moti.ei and Uat inIhe lurantime the greatest tBortu ibould bemade by Ihe operative* to Hod Nme measurewhich tlie luaaufrictunnabonltl *l«o endow.A riiMignwment I*tween the mtnufautureMand employe* in regard to tku usscHment ofdutletonillk fulirlc., wonldofitwir, prohi-blv ikleat any action of Congrew un tbe sub-ject whatever. Hence tk« nece»aity that Ihe•nanufactan-rHiihould not only be annlttbem-•rlvei, hut Hbauld have tbe practical oo-oper-atioii uf their workmen.

Wbrnettr any step is taken here affectingIhe dniy on silk, I will, M POOH M I am aw ureif il, promptly apprise your committee of theact. I need not tell you how anki.ui* 1 u t u lotuder service totboie whom you rt'|irenent.

1 an, genUFmen,tour frieml aud KeiirewuliitiTr,

WM.WAI.TEII 1'IIBLII,Tn-tuonow evening at H o'clock the t'Ak oil-

«t lvc. wiinn»\\2j|j>lli<-rnie.-tl,11t.i Wool-

. " » , l l K * ! l 1 " "Uun _thought wi«* to n|>]ily

•vitif been withdrawn.Since the aliovi- letter was received anotheru been sent by Mr. Pbelj* 1O tkcitttu?

r»i MU mt at WiS-ey'a Hall, i rw in . -SP , 0A, i-u , (Unrur.-,iu the above L-uirt-aiHifnA.Jrr. J i,(i. mt-uiiuaill be open 'o all silk oncralivc., tbe r«ntrit-un tu American ciliienithip whlcli II wonh h t wi t l t tbe timt meciins

b j HtiitluK. iu) uuiiuiinrmltlmt Itic WuVHUiid Mi'iW th I W il


I W i H i k ojMrntlviH• Sittunbiy tnoriiini;. M

MAHUIKU.IlKOWN-HAZLBV-AI Millbrook, on the

IHthWt., liy Kev. Win. 'licthowny, Titos.Itmwii anil Kliza J. Idizlcv, tiotli of MineHill,

[lltlFKKN'-t'A)ll'HKI,L-~.liiiiiiiiry 27th, bKcv. 1(. .lolnitt, Uhurli> I). Uritfcn and Au-nil- K. ( iiimibell, bulb »f Dover.

.Uu. 2Uh, T»o»Aand Marv K. Todcinbtceu IIU.VH,

) | | ,SI»S-l i i Diit-er.Juiiiinrv^lh. Alleid V.ibuiKhti-r ol Jubii ti. II ml'El In M. OIIIHIIiictjd M iiiiiiitlio iitul 211 iln>-. Fuueial fixthe IIUMHO mi Sulnnhiv, ut 4 ••. M.

c»(»n iH-At llk-knrr Hill, JiimiiirvAlice I'm,ij-lt, iiyeil 10.'ji'iiln.

HAY FOR SALE.. Jiiive IIMdiix ol 1.IIW MKAH0H 1IA

whUlt I ntlVr lor Hiilc from »7 t.i «ll) pr

COW FOR SALK.A ilrxt-cli^s Cow; 110 better in the com

try ; tlirce-iiunricm Alil.riicv ; in cumiuu t!vVOIII^ olil, .iml U comhm In 'uDoul ttio fnt »Vi-brimr.v. Will be cold l.n want ot twe. Ajjtiod oiijiDitiiiilly ti> uH 11 rually excellentr,,u-. Apiily tu Mil IIAKI. H. NAI IV.

NLIII .liiikiiiH A en.'* m o » , Mine Hill

r i b r , Eitcutor of Jaiutil, will bu umhted an« lUtolc, aud r c p l f tlt

l j l l ioOrpliun Courtriu, on MONDAY, tli


Notiet of SettlaiMiit.Koike IN lierotiy given tliat tbe tccon:

of tlio nubscriber, Encutor of JamBance, tkuea^<l, will bu audited an« sUtby tlsc Surrngste, and reporied for lettloment• ••• l J Conntv ef Mor

dfty of April ui!nl WAI EBP.

Ht«phuit*burg, N.DaW Jan. 2O.b, IMS- ff-l

Notioe of fiettlement.Notice is hereby given that Ibe accounts

the SKbienber, Adclnimrator cf WillisBateon, dee'd, w'll bo mulited and slated b;(he MarruRale, aud retr ied for 4wUlemenl tithe Orphans'CflnrioFilH! Conntj of Morrliou Houdsy tbe liitti «la> .if April nmt.

JOHN K. WILLS.Stanhope, N.

Dated Ku, «i th, lN5. 0-»w


Comity rour jwirs ol.l; utoct, Arnblau amKentucky Mtwenger; nver K bands higlrotor black, with white *tar in foreheadoutln and kiud In nvory irxpcet; owuer ho uae for her. In^utm of!• 1* JKNKlN8*Co. , Mine HI


Newt tfld CoRfMtlontry Slort,

B«CCU«Balf t , N . 4,

baa alwuyi ou Imuil nil tbe weekly aud rtai

^•aa» *wm «au inJ H'HIHB Aimu. i m | | I V •CainOVBTRKH by the tliuuKanrt, hundred or quart.PartieN in waul uf any tbiug tu his line *tiuu1dHire h i * a call,


PERSONAL PROPERTYTat> BulMcribrm, Kx ecu torn of the I Hit w

of Wilhani Wright, late of tho Coantv of8iM.ex, decea*«d, mill sell nt Pul.lU ttalo atth« l.lo ri-.ideiK-r of aald di^censed, enc-Iialfmile north of Ntuuliiipe, X. ,1., nn FlilDAVr'e.b. H|b, im>, couiiiieiicinK o t 1 ( i o'tiloek A.M.( the persutml pru|K.-rty of miitl ileeciwe.i,ronalitiuK in purt of hnnwH, watc<»ii>, haruesn,•leighs, tiled*, plow*, hurmwa, torki., KIIOVDIH,boci. fcc, thrualiing miuhine complete inguod order, cinuhtr HHW and be neb, fnnniniimill, Gown, faogn, eliiekcnn, sheep, grnin, rye,ran, o«U., liny, wrnstalkn aud n large varietyof llouachold ami Kltctien Furuitiire of evnrkiutl; t<Ml-room -nil., ptauo in good ordermil » lar«e aaiurtiuent of uMul articles not

imcrated. Hale iiusil'im'okiand condition* DJ kuowa on day ol sale


Dpholstery Goods.W. & J. SLOANE4BE 0HEBUK1TB1IB1ST1B1 STOCK AT




K-.fJ.w IhMes Ms*. a«4 ptjt t.p •akvrt naticc, «r materials ISIBUMI,TABI.R tOVRRi W ALL rTVLBS.

BKOADH AY ft 19th ST.

JltW TOatK CtTT.








G £ 0 . RIGHJLBBS <ft CO.,

•\ tbia ilupatlmoiit ve carr; > lull line ul DOMES-TIC DRY Q0OD8, i

Bleached and Browa Sheetlajs, 4 4 ,

5-4, 6.4, 8-4, 10-4.

Denims. Titkinfs, INMIufi, Ac.

{Bh,ch,J, llnno,UKiI CiAoreil.)

Starlet FlanneN,Open "Shaker "Canton "PlaidDress "

BI.AXrKl.T0.A large awortment of WHITE,

GltEY and NUARLET BIANKETSit very low price*.

KNIT GOODS.We SUM II complete ttoek of lime soorfi, mdmlhg

" Coil," Bmt u l Ufa.



GLOYESANDMinENS.Men's, Youths'and Boys'Buck

Gloves, Mittens and Gaunt-lets, and Men's DrivingGloves at very low prices.


Builden* Hardware,

Mechanics' Tools,

Cut Nails and Spikes,

Table and Pocket Cutlery,

Coal Hods and Sieves,

Corn Shellers,

Fodder Cutters.


Steam Fittings,

Mining and Sporting Powder

High Explosive Powder,

Blasting Caps,


Tool and Drill Steel,

Iron, Shovels, &c.








SHOES!P i n * oole a law of o u priow ia tkia deptrtwkl.

Men', bill double wle ri.ud.rd uum fiilnad

Boot t»M

Hcn'i r»p Boki KooU, *.U

Man'! DQDbb Hole aul T « Boob, S.T5

LntorV bat bud-iided lo ibb Mia u 4 Uf

kipbooU I.«0

Boy.'b««tdoablenlaudlapboota S.00

Voolb.1 •• " « » •• IM



$8.00, $2.25, $8.60, $2.66.$876, $3.00, $3.60, $4.60,

$476, $6.00.


LADIES' SHOES.Ladles' Giaio Bnltoa Bboe. »1.60 (o ll.Cl

Lidita' Vine Kid Button HIIKI ID Dfanith Atcb

m l CammoB HaaiagtjlM, M.00

Iddiea' Pebble Goat Ballon gboea, S.00

Ladin- Oaraooa Kid Bollon gboaa ia gfaalaa

Aicb and Common Baua Bljlea, M.M, M, t»M

Lndiea' FretoU Ki BallonBboea M.M, WM

RUBBERS.Theae goodi ate very lov now, and «a mt» prepare

lo offer then at »erj attmetln prtoea.lieu'.Pure QauBool., elhathlokball, . 1 . . . . M M

•on'.BiblwB«>la,dalllDldi,at I U

Boj.1 " " " " J.00

Hen1. Buekb Aietioa at 1.W

Udiea'Bibbnaat M

HiHea' " " M

Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods-



is selling his entire stock of WINTERGARMENTS at cost. If you are in

want of anything in the aboveline now is your chance.



J. A. Lyon.PreptralorMoonruBHl iavenloir la H*«o n i l i n oar Urge itnck «« prapaM to pa

tli. kaif. rlKbc ID atd dip tUa prtca nglnand Uh on aar

Dririini, Ntwmsrketi,Rutslsn Clnultrs,

Child's MsvMseks,Shawl!, ROM Iliskitt ,

Quilts, FUsstls,

Ltdita', 0 « B U ' and Ohlldrm'sVndtrtrtar, VtlrehUd's Ouh-merit. D m * Hoods, Ribbou,LSOM sad Ul r u e y Motloni,Hoilery, O.rp«U, OU Olothi,* o . , t o . AUrj»rtookofBnokOIOTM indKitUiiiwiUkeioldat gnat bargain*. iath*r t h ueunr fh«n OTW. Atnmtnd-oui OsiiKbttr will b* mid* enth» prie* of th* romtlolngHOUDAT OOODB for the ntxtSO DATS. In deotrtmanta of


CROCKERY, SHOES, l e .H.,lc*wJllbeiii».letoco«pct(iwlthth«HraMlJpveri! •tlcntlon is Invited to anr GDKATI,OH1NO OUT HUE! Cone snd 1

V,v tuna bDilnenl j , *.Uovu, N. J., ha. IStk, 1BH5.

FOR SALE.A IHIIIIaerr «•« Vmrnty Ue»*.

Store la leinawnr, M. J.

Established •:• 1865.sood ilsDd sod proQtsttle bniiDMi forladv or limlled capital. 4 good DrtaiHR bniloeM h u tltobcen established la

Eoinectlon with the itor*.Good stjd ssliiractorr rcatoii IQI a«lUna;

rill lio Riven io th» fmrebaier.

A. H. BUM>ai.

New Jersey Real EstateM*i:7MM0ADSrREET,

HEWAMt. M. t.

rinu, m o m Luna, laoni IKDvon, aoDnni • » » , kc..««,




oounlrj propntT loi cit/ propert;


BONO ANI» MURTCIAUB.UanM . . loaauKin. I.J.



TIFFANY ft ALLENk... lonHd a bnaeli «f IMt iitouin r»t



Nstles of Sittlsmat

Mtow^dnM. nil te uUM .Td ."id

•nradllaT DnUKha.it.UDUVFHIUiOVZI.

Dale. Dec l lU. im. It,

EEIP1 SPt wui HUrn

A iltl for fnicnl Ironwork. Hut ba ,Komi waaber Mid Iroiur. Apply bj letter erpenqnto


U.UM1L anOUaKIUnljoalaUaavef

STORE FOR RENT.Th« .tow 1» tb* M * BrUt Block, eorwr

of Blacktvel und Harris Hts. now oMnnl«d

XICHABDB k l.'o,BmiJJ,


Wool Blankets and Comfortables.DOUBliB AMD SINGLE SHAWLS,







Terr Best Flour at the lowest marbt price.Fine Salt $1.75 Per Sack.

COARSE SALT 50c. Per Bushel.


JAMES S. MEL1CKM y i i v-r- i





POINTS.3d--Lowe$i Prices4th-Largest Stock


G. H. BABBITT <k Co.uumi)UuiaBiiin,ioni>,mRaionuiini



Page 3: B V(i REDUCTIONS!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1885. NO. 9 TEE IRON EMA •«*T 3iTDBF4T

TBEIMOJTEMASaturday, Jan. 31, 1885.

Next Monday ta Caadlebtos, or "ground

hoc day."

A patent for a railway has keen. granted

C. Tons, of Media-it.

The ta« deafen have braced up aad bava

harvested aa excellent orop.

Chatham township wilt again Tele on tbe

license question thtt Spring.

A roller skate may be a nice abate, but an

In akato ia aot a rotter abate.

Tbe tad witk tke

you" complaint I* ntUl at large.

Mrs. David Morrow, of MorrlstowB, baa

bad her hip dislocated by a fall,

Cba>. Liim has resigned as postmaster ol

Chatkaaa 1B faver of Hudem MtnUu.

Marti* Blwabard, of Bkwnilngdale, died

on tbe 23d inat. at tke great age of 98.

A dollar, worth me, according Wanreatlytuned catalogue, fa the stiver dollar of 1*4.

We appreciate tbe favor of a LegislativeManual e«tended us t y Assemblyman Drake.

Mr. Taas. Uickseo, of Morriatown, illedbcr lee boose witb iee brought from He ran ton.Pa.

Th* U, g, Hotel, Boonten, will contiaue au-ataer year nadei the •uaagenut of Mr. V.Com.

Allen « MMlRgtoajoftartlwCbeaierkraneb•i tb«ir buaiaee* for sale. See notice elae-wkere.

II baa resurrected falnieeir wilb theprophecy of a great tornado on March 1Mbandaiat.

An celivae nf tbe son may be seen with a•naked glees Merck 14, from 11:87, A. H., to3:13 P. M.

Prof. Paree'e class ID dotation meets at thetasldeace mt Mr. Joacpb Harvey, Inmia, Tues-dayanit,

Messrs. Smith at Eekbart, tbe susena, are£ buildingtweboueea fortbeauelves onBlob-| arde avenue.

Job« Maaeaker, veteran of the Mttlcan war

Tnis is aaid to be thejoar for tho "seven-teen year locuats"

There waa trouble tbi- latter wart of lastweek between tbe ice-kouae owners anil tbeirworkmen at Lake Hopfttconfr. Tlie mea weregetting #1 a day aud struck for $1.85, whichtbe employers had to give, aa the ice lad t

• It wan reported they kadeeatteHew Turk for Italians, but uoue ar-


A donation vlait wae tendered tke RevPierce Bogen on Thursday evening, at tUresidence of Mrs. Wn. S. Spencer, BerkshireValley. Although tbe attendance waa not aagnat aa in former jears yet thoae who at-tended enjoyed a uleaaont tine and expressedtheir gratification by duaatiug the handsome•aaofive.

A petition ia being circulated for slgnaturcarkicb »eka tbe Legislature to trauafcr tke

locality of Port Morria from Buabnrjto Mt,Olive township, i t would be a matter uf

to moat of tbe people of PortMorris, bat under the new lav tilling railroadproperty would deprive ftoxbury of a nowsun In taxes.

A bill before tbe Legislature concerningroads, provides that It shall be the duly ufoverseers to have their roado graveled or

sfiulred with broken •tone *o that tbt-j maybe permanently improved. When gravel oratone is sot aecetaible, town committees must

ie Rt the expense of the town'•hip, provided such espense aball not exceed

five percent, of the whole amount of rood tax~ in tbe township lu the tear.


One of the aoldiera whose unute heara u w.uvplaoe on Kandolph'H KoU of Houor *

Corporal Win, Harriauu Case, of Co. I, 1!V. J. Valuator*, who wa* wounded at ibattle of »pottflylvania, Va.t In Boy, 18Hia injuries were not at first considered MOUB, and soou after be wrote to his relati'some intelligent account* of tbat aotlon ahia eiperif Oue«, which are still preserved nare of Interest M showing what mauy <r<called to eudute iu thoae trying day*. Frona letter whicliue wrote tohls slater ouFrldiMay Mill, wo Citraet the following:

regiment belongs tu tbe 1st Brina<-'"•t, BtU Corpe. Our Brlffode iaou

Gen. Torbert,


ION MOM PI.EAB.i J.BnutMB, A,,f,l'tMvitl^>rge W.

AppVee. Tbe appellee, Ueo. W.

Bowera, bad brought anit iaJuMlce Court Ini'b.tbani towuabip, claiming that ¥*> *till re

><n«d dm Lim for aervlcea in preparing


Taw Ball of the A. O. H., in St. Mary's Hall,| latt evening, la laported a very enjoyable and

~ il event.

A Priorr of tbe Order of Bt. Btnadivt U• prapoted at Denville, when ft nligtou hotweI la alntady eatablUbMl.

Both tbe Edlaon and Bell oowpanlea are

d r i j to Introduce tbe electric s.of lighting In Morristown.

W m Emmelt, recently of Morriatown. baabeen aasMUted i e e m a r y of tke AvericaaLagatbnat Conitaatinople.

• o r . Mr. Ballaid ef tke StateAlllaace will preach la tke PresbyterianC h a n t en Sabbath fcomlag,

T h e n will be an unusual number of changesU Dover this Spring, betbin plaeeeof m i -denee H d buafnew locations.

The little girl ef Peter VanaVrhoef af T a rIwtowi , neat Baonfan, baa died trem theb i r o , whleb she received last week.

The pretty and Miaibfe wonted hoods to« a o h worn by aekonl girla and young ladiestbla whiter ought never lo go out ol fashion.

Tbe Peterson Press alludes ta our own

Caronkte as a u*nne.per II bad iiever seenbefore. " J o s h " will proceed to " s e e " the

; Mr. E. K. Potter eondMta • well attendednight aehool at Port Oran. Friend Potter iaat laatutMsiag fcla span time to good |»r-

• Claud B. Lawilp, of tlia county, who waasent to Mate Pries* two rears ago em m nine

: years' ten ten oe, for horse stsaliag, haa Wenpardoned.

B A T . N. Van Sant, pastor of *!<• New

' PrevideneeM.C.Chareh has been s» Ul liela unable to eoaduet tbe revival aervleaa In

; hlaebarcb.

Tbe bog cholera to raging threagboat aonwI aeetloaa of New Jersey, and the h l low whoy,I ocettpieB four aeata la a railway car la be COM- ''- i U d[ Tb« marriagn of the irnpreaslhle Daalel F.I Beatty la aanMneed, hut being out of hod-•• awes JMt wow he wUI not be aaablea tai as a "big ad."j

plans fur tlie Cut hollo Church ut Morris Plains,• f which tke Uuv. Janes J. Brenuan is paator.He recovered that atauuul, but the caw waaappealed. On reviewing the testimony tbeCourt gave judgment in favor of Father ilren-iHli. defendant below. A. W. Cutler furppl't-Ouy Jilutcn Jor appl'ce.Andrew and Kltaok Philhuwvr, Ap|il'ti, and

oliu Pace, appl'ee. UR until May term.Lewii H. Freeman, Appl't. and Barr M,

Cannon, appl'ce. DUmlaMd.

Pranoia J. llcyur, appl't, and J. WealeyBammia, and Kbbard Howdett who MM toitbe use aud heueUt of S. Wesley Samiuia,nnkl'ee. To be triad Ibe intMoiiday iu Feb-ruary.

Cornelius Miller, appl't, and James 8. Conn-ley, appl'ee. Off ou coat Ity Appt't.

A, W. Ceoper, appl't and Luther Bkcllen-get, apple*. Off tor tbe term.

Sarah Hamilton and Tnomu 11 unlit on.a w l ' U Mid j . Henry Jobuauu, applVe. Off~or tbe term.

Julio H. tittotber and Oeorge Uuuibor, ap-pellants, and Ang. W. Tkcifer and Wni. lierk-er, Jr., appl'eu. Settled.

Holton, Appl'l, aod Amanda O.Vail,avp'lee. Amanda Vail brought auit iiJutllce Court against Holton, alleging thatlloltun's eow bad trespasned nn bur pasturebud and claimed damages, tike recovered ajudgment below, but tbe case being appealed' t waa tried on Tuesday. Judgment rennrved.Ueorge T. Werts fnr appl't; W. W. <"»tli«ifortppl'ea.

Peter Kimbat, appellant, aud Jacob Kiui-ual, appellee. Plaintiff (who was appellee)was uoa salted.

•UfNIHE CIIUBT.Judgment In the salt or Axtell amiluntiebanla wss randeroit lu fa<Tke salt of Angleron

Gen. Brooks, aod the whota Cor™ by Mv(leu. Sedgwick. We crossed the Buppuliainock about a mile below Fr«leiHfk»hui(sortie of tbe pipers sny three oi1 four t(nit that hi uot so) in boats early on We

. ilny morning. Tbere was one brigudo tofu*; 1 tJiiiik j( WM llorttcUV Tfae Belwt>ru rather tnkcu by auniriM), but a ftbeni advanced, tred a volley iu thhoutf, wouudiuu several, and t'iion rat

i sain iliMlnnoe, We imaicdbt«ly .. .a strong Use nf pk'krti und tlirn proteed-

. _ to luy the briducw auroiia. Wnlueuluuiitbt it wait our Inrn to go out ou liitweThere wna but twncdUiiianicnuftbQ 1Mb wi'H.OU post tliflt nigbt and tbn reM ol US laid nuour urns wit bio supporting dlatunuu. Vlu keep awako all night. Long Uifnnlight ou Tliutrday worn log ^',.1. 1>(bought there were M>roe iodieutloun oftuck and we wtre ordered in l(n<% andwe atood till da.vlijiht. Hut the K«bt< dniaBu their nii|H-itr»ne<>. Thnt dav we went ti' ' it and relieved thaee «-hn kind lieen oni

hi. The Bib's picket liu<iwan ulwnialle frum oum. uud we Imu jin-t got to

our post when, M|uiultiini'«iia miih tho tint r.>port of a gun from thr r^hel lint), u dull caincWllllKfUiC p»St,fllaf UliKHdljT (IDO tif'dUr (iiiVS,lint an tliey niadt uo further dumuiistrntlai]we iiiuduaed tu let it puac. We took off out

...- —r>i« »drawn up iu Hi

HL>1W, nnd our Ir

•' t>f thiin," aiid quiet.rf

r.lwU while they wnMi-• night

n plain niKlit of thv1 wcut in tlie frteBi>witu"pixi

ley i l

WliJ . ,vur whole uorpa t'uaw«iuii of tbe . it v, and t

poctrd. MVuuwliile HuokerVgiiUBVore lliuuAeiiaii UWHJ up ou our right. MiiuittU.v ulgln

Angleig Rwill be tried February 8tb.

CIRDVIT COLBT.Intheauttof Erantns Hyler and Mar^rrt

A. Hyler vs. Frcderk-h Taylor, Judgment waarendered for plaintiff.

Tbe sutta of Julia Wood v». Hetty li. Beatty, and Brine P. Walling vs. Gpu. W. Udtesaad L'oo H. Howell will be tried Feb. 4th,

Bute of Kew Jersey va. John E. Boas, ct.el*. OS.

Joba H. Bcbaridt vs. Maria Ibe tried February Sth.

Vranola O. Blebnrda vn. Kdwatd Hanilfrs.To be tried February flth.

•KOICTMMTS.Tbe Grand Jury catuc in Thursday at 11:90,

aud presrotBd eighteen indict we nln. Auioufitbfn waa one against Uanlel Walling, of NewVeraoa Tor rape on Phebe 8. Evans, a girl ofb

•iuii of tbe tit V, and on Bun day moruliiB lit-totkud the rvduiilit* iu the, rcur uf thut n l iw ,m d uur brigade « m ordered to t1 - ' *'- * —><»rt the lat M«.#adin*'tU Hutti

down in a r<al a«d tbe hieraiHS and camiiittar iiiU\ :.._ _ .—fcteui, iilnylng tbe vcrv iniaclifcf with tlioiu.A whole brigade lluully advanced to wherotbey could fire right in tu us, aud wt> were muitelled to fall bsr \ lo UM n a r of tlie battory.n'hilu eieruting tbla iimvcmcut tln*v poureda volley iutv UN, and one otthu btt.T« iV'il closeLy me, ahut ttiuuuli thu beuil. Tiiu Latt.rv,wblch baii three borpcs and one man M1W,now l ed us, and our attention waa divided bo-twitt'it wnlnliiiiK that-ucniy auduur own RBI-lubt IM».VS In rear oi the city, Mho were slowlybut lureLy uiakiiitf Iheir wuy up tbr hill a milla Htoiui of Icadeuliail uud sbclf. Thu nunmiltwas dually reached. Them our division WUHordered to the right. We stopped a t a Huehouse on tho ontskirta of tbo city, took thegnrdrn feuoe and ptc |icii to make our coffefnud ulttr relreibing oureelv«a witb a cup t.nuft'ce uud a Lard tack Ul an-bed up the hill,Wo found «urea«bluK the • — ~ ' ~Wo louiitl ourea«biuK tbe tap a ufcc Itviieouuli y Inatuiid of a hollow ou till, oilier aide'JboHiibs bad wldfdtly br*nwtrongly >'forccil and uow made auother ntnul. TinN. J. Ui-giuient srst advanced ou (he Hghtilts ruud to where tbo Hob- wore concealed iDa dense vine Wood. Thn Sri Ml back and the

j: Vraaa the way the Morriatawa p»p*ra\ vrglng the m ralliMd oeheaw It doea aat• laoh a* If tbe> ewbeertptloa list ia a«ariag the

'' t h e Xyaek M. E. Oh«reh,U whiehthanei; Vow«rk CaaiaranM will bo held, vaneelod

•Meg BU*4>ng debt Uat Bndaj aad paMWy

; Jnatlaea of the FVMM t t i u t u reoalfa[ MpVaaafMliob'aForaM aad other law booki

pabliaaed by the hale, the Mil, Howe lfl,;. baiaf n-ported adfrraaly.\ Than la w «ae eeneeellag the had newa\ B*T Wagor—the eel* weather ban destroyedf Ike ffwach eraf. ! • muaf ea*ea the eoateatai eftlwtaaiarefreMnMbd.I Mra.AUeo GtMHja d M at HUkory Hill,I aww Mt. Hope, M Baaday laat, at the great

age of 10> year*. Hh* wst aonbUew the ald-

•at ptno* la Morria eoauty.

Wa won t*Make«)a*ea«eforwUeh "Um." Fmaetow la Jailed,ftbel* «harg«e< with ataaltof a draw worth|1» Iroai a lady in MarrkMWa.

A W i iat* haaUoadta tboBoontoa poetooaee ta rw4ve •NtritaMtM lor the JohnHillM*wrtHalFaad. CoitrMmtora tan dropla either peaalaa or patlage slaaana.

Taw paceji, "Two Little Feet," whleh UfMhUabeal eat oar t n t page. In a gen whkh•MMbM tke Wart M « aurfca Ibe pactle gmluaof MIM Canto A. Bnaoe, af thU mlaee.

Joha Boblavaa, a forawr realdent of Dover,MlwenkMWBthfwalhMt ikUajMrtioa, diedla Kanaaa m tha Hh (art. wUle atj a vWt tathat (Hat* ta laok after at

Contractor J. J. Vnolsad la halMiBR a «wt-tag« aad aa toa ba*Mo at Lafcfi H&tmUtowg UtDr. Vaf l . - f K«w T*rk Tba location la OIOM ,

\ «o the oMiea hana* Liadiag, m » Cheataat

i-tatI Bar. Ut. Crawford, reeawtl* of Moatnlak,i aow»| Kew Bnuwlck. Uaatd to havo r.-I ea4T««aaaUt*thaal*rrM>waM E.Charch.I• aaihiwt to lh« a

l of the Bltha* aad Ua

BlaattMpafcrlaattAMtriuinvaatioa. Itto nwralT a hind of blotting paper, coatedwith M eikltalva antatare, eat law Mripa,roltadiaUewtrUte ram a « l « n d l i b gwa-1powder.

TawTraatMi ofMt TahvrMe] aavMtlaglaat week aad l ied the time for UM aatteaa»» maatfag. wUekwlDhe f r M l a g JHkto Aag. 9Mk. TV aaw TahwM.h will be

l d J U t h

The Baiinlak Towadilp Madaf ftekoal la-aoetatloa will nMethj tW MUlbroek charekthis (Friday) evening. Mr. J. D. Doty and

V i k ' T h t k d dp

fct aaceeHfal toaeUag."t v whs gave a parfom-

awe hi Dwvorwith hlsehfldrn aoata tiawaajw, haa howa arwatd In Maw fork tor par-

aattUag Bit eaiWiwa to glvn prrfenwaoaa iatkal ritr, l«e public performaare of tK 1. -en•ftkelraiahaiaiaVMlalUaoltaeUw.

At taw r*f[«lar aatniaBifaUoa at Arena1 4 N w r f c A M B t i

daneveawge* leal week, tkeatoatbers anr-prUed Pr. A. B. Car*enter, P. *., by Bteoeat-ingkrai wtth a bsa«tiinl • -H.C.J«kinamad«tb«ni.

Tba prwapeet »f the i-treJwtkw ef tbeeleetrio Hgkt toMofriatown ia geod, abeutTtO Uaj»* baling already been wnged . To•atabuaa\tbeHgbtB%eMtt will be aeeaasirr*> fbrm a ateck oMnpaay with $90,000 capital.Of which tbe Bdfaon company willtabe e*e-tblri.

Tbe liberty wata a* Obats>a», whteb kaa•toad tba blaaU fvr more than twenty Win-tone, b u baon Mt laws, balag coMtdentwaufo. The pole waa erected la 1MB, andWM abort 115 feet high. ItwaaawtloaedttnTfa»$ll.W| ttc proeeeds U to aaed tor tbetonalt of tto street lamps.

Prol. Coob, asttoroaalt of Wa »parua>eatM tntwapwiof boga, aaya it took fit pwmda• f eom awal ta make a ponad af pork; 4

p«rk7»d « l J 0 ( « » d s ofatoUed

g T M ^ t o w M t o a f m n J e f i m h . Ttoeear.

iMcreMKUj ftate frr atock ratacra.

jjjjn T, QuarUa. anjmtneai,

Wadaeadaj* H * V

the Tatll Conmiaals*. dtei oalWadaeadaj* ?

at Malaga, froai wkiok aawt aaek foreign areto aklpvedtotUa oonntrr. He waa Van a

about twenty-one yet

O«car Wkltaaoro, for the murder of WealeySoraian,

I.Uiie PntHlsco, obtaining goods underfab» preteseea.

Adelbert GaUewsy, Msault on Michael Km-gen, of Dover.

Tbomae Ward, fur bnrglary-Kobert Blehirda' bonaa ia Hover.

Ntlaoi Kow« retracted hla larmcr plea ofnot (ullty, and plead guilty to an assaultJee. M. Headly, of Haaover tawnahiv.

ASMS Klmhal retracted bia plea ul aotgulllr and pleaded guilty to bigamy. Pined110 and easts.

Miehari Underbill retracted his plea ofaat guilty, and alcad guilty to keeping adiawderly lionse in MonUtown. Pined $10

nd toft*.

Tbe caae of Michael Edwards, diaorderlyboaae, and Isaac Ra.iti. colored, far assaultoa John Mnrphy, and ike eaM of JohnTlwwy, disorderly aouse, were all « t dowi

for Monday.The eaae of Peter Hill, larceucy, stealing

eblekena In Waabiegtem lownaklp, was netdown lor Tuesday, Jca. Hlaekmau waa un-signed by tke Court aa Counsel,

Tbe trial of tan murder rate was set downtor February Mb, m n > e t to tbe order of tbe ICourt.—Banner.

a dense ttlne Wood. Tim Sil M l back and th10th was ordered up. When near the wood*- o uustning knaiMacks aud went in risbt

er the Hd. aud then over a brush Jenre intotbowuotii. We hadnotfiet Ur before theyopened cu IIH. We hutted uud returned tliefire. Then tbe 3d eawu lip ajlaiu with a Penii-sjlvsnlaivRliucut mil for a time the ronrnluiu-ket i-.v, with tbv ibarp t-nwk of our KiitloldnHca, won den ion in jt. 1 S»VL- the Hslrnati or Wballa, when 1 oauicbt one m,v»t,lf ami vonsMcr-ot tnjsoK out. We don't ytnv ball bciv litee uiifd tu up in Jurxuy. Tliero when Weauffit ahal lwn wrrn in. Whun we eattibuubero«e uroont. 'llie bnllwent tlirou.hiy havermiok, breaklug my hard tueki and itiitilfl of nioUiwcfl; then through luy ovcr-

cont. pants uud ilraw»», aud alter liittlviiuiea «iir«rt t ruck ou (bo tliiffb, kwttklug oS \he,bark a liltle and brutsiufi miino, It tlropjiedilowu in my atitckiuti.

Unt 1 luunt go to bed."Tbree days later, Hay I(t1h, Corporal CBM

wrote to bin mother from camp near Fredir-inkaburg tbat be won gt l t log tieaHy aoundaguiu and expected to «o ou duty that wn>k.He rejulued hU regime ut, iwrtiolpiiing in allitn campaih-nH till May 13th, 1KM, when he waa

nded at Hpnttxylvauia. In rejtjmul ta thisho wrote bin mother n letter from Carver Ho,)iititl, Wfl»hiim(oii, D . C , M»j- IHth, from j

BOLUBI A I D B O I X U B T t l f >

HnlhTrtknthitf rinU urr iiniltipl.vinK no Tuattbflt II ti nlmoHt iui|)os4ihlr to kte]i truck ofthe entertsiimucnt* wbiuli tuki* tiliu>i> at tinpopular places of umuu.'tutiit. The origin nl

>ller akatiiLaj dat^a many vi'fti'f batk1c. baviogbeen Introduced ut l'urU lu the year l*ltt byM. PuuiB»f tit the Forte Si. Murtlit Theatre,where a pas de deux was executed ou rollerakatea. No uttetufit tit tbut time waa made

lopulttrltfi the uew luvetitiou. lo the feart, tbe ballet in tlio opera of " Lc Prophet*:"

by Mr-yerbrtr, were mounted ou wheels or


A cDrrcxpimdent links a timely aiuUuiputant que.tinn conceruiug tbe lav governintbe relations of laudlords and tenantsWliethettteiMit.Kntitigrootmhythetuoinb,i b l i d i h

gybliged to sive up the premises o

not being not (fled on Juuunry 11

April 1,

!lel>ruted skutiu); HCRUOhich tbr (•oinponcli l

clussca of thet the ion of

illerakiitci. Iuthiof " Lu Pro|i]iek>" twritten and! rlmrmt*loldii'ru uud Hullurri, in[Hiiiulutiuu of Hiilluuil uppuur u:ibe aluKe river, ami Mknte a w a r tnation. I'ufortuualuly smiie uf tbe ukuteifouud it aoaner than they txpected, by brinn-ittg up in UUP of tbe boscn on n levnl with the

. The akuton of thnt jH-riixI wore very»y m coiutmroil wltli tlunti' uow iu use.

Tbf jiivot piiucipltt litxl out at tbat time beenadopted, uud tUD skutcrH ami daiicum found

witliuut Kluokf htie *[«:c(i.s«l» lurfje riuku w«n; ojHiied withiklttrnhlc nuecens over tt'iijeum ti£Q. In

Huaaia nud Poland, where 11 would bo t bo unlit•kilting w.ii.bl bi> nlmiiHt univcKiit, very little

doncl i j the native pupuintinii. Iu »liuo«tcry large irlty oi thin tountry, large Huk*

lay ot rnpitnl. In New York uo II'SH than s i iira in oi«ratiin], rupallc of iicvoinmodutlii)!1S.O00 iH'upli'. The L'oMiiKipolitan, I on ft ted at

ojulwnr nail Vorlyilrnl slrnet, JH Dtie of Hu-nt appoiiitcil nud cimv of IICI-CHH iu 11"' <-ity

irt iiniier the tiiuii«tieiuent of Col. M. H.limn. The miwli- iimlrr the cHrcclitiii ofr. Jo.vi!i', ii* a ieiitiut'ni' lint uitrrnouu uudcninK proKruninie*.

Tbe iitiicttfu! IOIIUK IIIIU* I tin fair mile IT (leacoutinue their enjoyable crnlutlmiH with uu-llmiui«bed zuul ul Hie Dover rink. In fuel

riuk scriiiii to liu botiii i|iiiirtem nvrr.vling lor the bent eliu . of people, aud (he

list of devotee* 1o tliint jKi.tiuji^ in WingI nuiirueutdl by ucw lenniern. YOUUJI uud,1 are enrolled iu their miiltH, mul onlyw cvenluKH •liule A well known |mifenHi<iimlutlitmun, who hu« piobubly wen more ihiiureentoru y«ura u.vrulid nlmhl.v about tliu

w r t o fab tint lemin. A nmultcrof attrav-

HIM have been offered sineo our Inst. Thet WHS ou r'riday ei-fiil«Kl wlim I'ruf,

>rnes, of Itoutou, uxccuttil tunny dlllluultits and pleaneil a liirn* invliemc. Ou Muu-y aud Tueidoy evtiiliijc* Hid 1'imt Hnilliern,Pnicraun, wero the uperfuUiitit, ami were

i|Miclally uuiewnrlliy btieiiune nf thnir bill-sing fcata.

It U Mid Ibut llu; cbmiccB of the rink ut

uvii.v itre ooiiiitHbiitmianled, becuuHUHOyol ibi* ruHir* of tljat place arc t>n)llt<iu

the rollerdli'M uf Dovitr thnt it in feari'd>y IOUII! not uo prevailed u{>uu tu prutronitu

;ntiog by tUc aontb will uot berequired to give up poHnasiun of preuiliiearented uuloaa atl irre months' notice waa

•eil previoiuto Juu. 1,1885, or a •iiline-ijUGut notice is given previous to March 1,


Fit/--nil<I 4 flo^ou'ft vuliulde I-Pgislutive Mauual we I'xtnmt tiw following :

( E AT n Vllt Niilll.UOIJ.SensiUir YomiKuIuoil o u Ixirii ut Morrln-

8th, l&iO, uud is u Inwycr by i-iifcaKiuN. He•a* admitted to thn bar ut thr Jim* term of

lue Supreme Court, lKtH.aud »«ou after en-tered into partnership with Mr. Heiirj- C.Pitney, midor the firm uum>' of Pitney if

igliloud, which UHHiu'ialiuii. while it non-<1, waa onf of the letuliutf llrtus of Tlie

profeasioQ. In 1H83, tin' co-part

waa AUaolv, p

ml Mr. VuuiiiEl.lood uo

the uet kut act, paaaed luM, pjear, Tbi» uct, in ccrtniu tiwe» •* modifiedthe law aa to require tbiee mouths' notice tiu,ui*, if t i e notice called upon the leu nut t<

~ ' tbe let duy of Aprilmy time l>of«rI tbe CUUIUWUL' . .„

but tuUduca uot cbau^e the rule tbut eudi:untiilv (cuncy it (icd't k b tbatuol in

iitmhle o tilth'n tin- tlr»t

of April next auoc»'Ci1iii(( th'ft Hilent ui tu wlmt uuliri inBiiflititiH nilertlii'Irnt day or April uuvccudliig thd i.-tliuR-tliut

i , ifaporiioii af tcniuit has pncwil Ihc flnt(luy of April next succci'ilingbiNlL-lthi^cuuliI

ot tlirrentier ha <liH)i«aarHM<d nt any time>uo nioiitli'g notlrc ! Tbe iu-1 IK '>]II II tu

thin cuiirtlruetiuu, Mud if it be I lie right uiie,anil wu think it U, su.li u tciiiint, anItcton^IIM

HfHiim; u>if)H ]ie rciuovnl t»un niniith'H no-i-p at IIIIT time. The uvl IN liudly drawn audliuul<l I... aniendod.

Tho following ure t l,o comniou i>Huuip'L->«nvi'rningonltliary rune* nfituury:1. IfaH'iumt liiiH»i-ltii'ii.>iii vt-rlml leuw

f«r a (lelfnifo term, u« wiy imi- or flvo yean,<-IIB?.V OU.1H ut (Ui> '•nd of Kii.1i term with-n.y nnli.:e to i|uit l>y the 1utnlli>rd, nnd ifI'uant Imlrifl >ivi-r lie call bo dtKnasM-HM'doutiiniutiuu nflfi tlio expiratinn nf bii

practW.1 hiw by hiiunclf iu Morris-town. He Ht-rvt-il u> eounml tu tho Kunrduf Clioecu r'n-eLoldui-a of Morris County,Jroui Mav. 1W», ta Miiy, 1W3. HD W«H elcnt-cd to tlio Asseiuiily iu 1874. by 2W uinjnrity,

In IS75b.vDWiuaj<irii.v. Iu lfWO hu «u»id to thti tSmute, over Stiukk, D^in,linggsn. (Ineithiii'k, liy a inn.forlty ul

k'nU'it, and iti 1KNU wan rc-ulectnl by ucity nl 472. uwr tiuUuau, Hem. haft

Charea Mannert.

u((eu(uiii tu tn»iiiiilti-i'# ijorltyof euiij;MgiitliiiiH mljjhttliflr liumiiM-H ; ml add to Thi>

f ti Iwbil wlic

and fblut.,-

The Fir,l l

Judici I,iiuu(ie

DUtrirt i-<

mini; uy X-

'here have been two puucral rpldiiiuiCM ini-n thin wlulw—wiltl* oud roller akulex.« funiiltcH hava egrautii t-iffit-r.'hut rolk-r skating U bvriiiiiiiig very IK>I>U-In Now .ler-tey is ahovu by tho tccordx ofSecretary ot State. During tbu |iust week

iunibrrufnrti«l(>Hof nDHDiliiliniior nkntingik onmjinnlpM were illeil. Among Ihom

bv tbe KOHCVIIIH Kink Cuinpauv, of K. Tim capital it $10,0Dt| und Hie chnrttfor tift.v .venrt.

New . lurwygirl is charged with liaviug•luled liereujiuncnii'iit rin^ fom pnir af roller

tun. Slio iiit<l«iulit«tJlv <le«fiv<<l a lurqurlie In Which to uiMiiiKiiUl. lu i.rlt.Hlic skated ut Ilio roller rink,

Suottat down on tlie floor;BLe didn't say a aluglc word—

Kbe doeiu't akalc no more,(room drills are tho Intest novelty nt skat-rliika.

Tbe proprietor of a Newton skaliug rink b uon'ereu the use or the satnu to tbe churciica ofthe place for Utn-Htn. It lr under .tow! thatone ehan-h h*» accepted aud that the vtbrrswill probably do so.

A new roller xkute ban been in veil tod. In-stead uf the wh^el revolving on un ordinary

fortiil uud Ibctiintu i

.Viiur, Lin term cun oulv bo determined by thluudluru giving him a three mouth'* uotu-o to<jiiit.

.'I. If a tiaaut hold* ni-cr on a ivnio )IJ thi t h t bithou with

iiinitldrd, KIR law'iniiiliiM (i L<outluimiii:« foriiuoibor your, on tbimunit! tenni ui the old;nac ur nuroemeul. flm ai'i-eptunnr of rviU thn old tenon ia u iniitiiiuauenby the Inn.ird of the leu«O for iiunt her your.4. A uotii-L- U> i[iill Iiy this limdlonl, tuiupleith a uumliliou " or lo ]>ny more rei!t,"niiiii

m tin' amount of rent, IK uot » good notle.The notice to quit miiMt Im iinntiii<lill(inu1.

T>. /. leuunt can renrnvu from tho ln-emlmmy f iturt's or etructnren put Hie re for biniwn u*(i In trude tit anytime lii'fiu

plrution of his kasc , hut uo't afterward. It'he li'avi-H them unrcuiuvi'd after term I unt Ion

of bk ii'a*e tbey become Lie Inudlonl'x,lot KU <•<*<* uud Uite tlu-i


gbearing around the axle, it r



which we extrwtt

acxionato bnar'* I dupnoae you are very ucxlona tofrom me iluoc the hard fluliting that h isgiiiug on in Virginia. Well, doit ban „very j{nod totnii; lor while tnatiy of my com.radcM have hcea numbered with Ibe nileiiidead 1 hnvv only bren wonnded. I part lei-pateil In ihree dnamraUrehargfii anutnat theRnlwl wnrka, but tke third time I received fl. . . . . ». - • tlBrmafter Ihodaaountitd.„« » .« . . . • . »» . . Tl>- *>-" -*"= * 'passMl tbrongk wiyLwa«t with *u*h _ . . .down, and our bova being comnelled to fullback 1 w u lelt there. Ttov fell r * k to tliecover o f tbn woods, from where they kept upan laueesaut Ure ou the Keba for Ibe apace of81 bnun, dnriu* wlilob time 1 lay in a pool ofnrad and wutcr eipoeed to a shower of bullsfrom tbico ulreeltoas, wb»e ibe Rent wereArlnginiuivdlately over my bead, l laeemsai-must a miracle tbat 1 ever lived through aacba abower ot lead aa bailed around me far •day and night. One struck U s bottom of•ho*., penetrating thruvgh one tklekneaa „.leather; auothcr atrackon the ground under•nvnead.HlUagmyf " ' • - • - - •

iog me wilb mud* f d a w d nnt rise up, for tbatwonid In all nrobahtlity have been certaindeath. Tb« battle w a . on Tbursday, Mth.

Ahwrt M a t o M s O a t M r a l a t Mr. Phal i*Ia the debate an tbe Keagan bill tn Coa-

(Maa, Mr. Pbelps Bade • masterly argumentagaiaat the nnjnst and absorb provfofona ot\the act. In tbe eoaraeof his atgtuneitt, la re-• ly to n teeurt aUered hr Begaa daring thedthato, Mr. l ^ e l n * in orator M Illnatrate bi i|K>ial. M d a the atateateat that ha and biifrhmda had altered M M heavy Inaaea bytheir Investment In tbe stock of a Texas rail-road which they bad built, but which had;proved of great value to Ike people of Texas.'On tbe baais of this aUtemwnt, it aeenin Uhave be*n aaanued that Mr. Phelpa bad losta great part of hla ftrteiae, aad momm v»ryataptd atatcatenta to that caTed have been olr-eiaUMd ia the papers ol the State. We havea* apMdal knowledge of Mr. Phelpa' afftira,a w is the aUBetloa af the aaaount of hla prop-erty or of hla losses one that we have anyright ta dlaeauM, bat aaioetheae abaurd state-tnealn have been made, It la only proper toobwrve that U s published tpeeoh abowa (hatthen waa no foandalloa whatever for theeenelnalea that baa been eo hastily drawn.We tamgie* that ear Covjr/vaaanan'a naauceaare not materially aaTented, aad tbat be willeoatiaae to maintain aad Imprave hla boantt-fnl eaUte at Teaaeeh. and be able » be tbeliberal promoter of the beat Interests of hU*«labborhoi»d that he haa been so W.a;. -Rackeaaack Ktpwhllcnn. _

An eiecntorhkd MOW to invest, and tbeMart ordered it tn be pat at taterett for t in

; benefit of an annuitant. Thu waa d o » , bnton the loan being sailed In by dfreettoa of th«esart, tbe execntor, after p a j n g oertaiaaharea M t «f H (tba aanaltaot had died), de-posited thebaUacc ia the Mechanic.' NationalH u h , of Sawark, which failed, « d thnhea*.

ISeUrWafthefi ind anod the aiesBtar, claim-tag that he wee liable for the money, thoygoUN bank bad supped payment; b«t the j w e ndefeated. The eaac (Cox va. fioome) w u car-ried ta the O n r t of Error* and Appeals of

I New Jersey, whore the dteree waa aArased.The ChfefJostfeei (Beaskyt, In tho opiaJoe,aaid t " The t tec at or had put Ibe money ina solvent bank, making the deposit Is theaaaae ol ' Benjamin Koome, eaUte of Haaa*1C.Jar«b«s,' and it U plain that the depoaitwasnotathUriak . The geweral doctrine, uatated by Judge Btory, is tbat a trustee U tokeep the trntt property aa a prudent mankeeps his nwa. Therefore, if be abonid de-posit money with a banker la good credit, toremit It to a proper plate by a bill drawn bypereon ia-dne «redll, and the barter or t trdrawee of the blU abonid boeome bankrupt,he would not be reaponaibk.''

A~QmF£mH.The Delaware, I^ekawanta and Westernalbwad is reportad to have had the least

Bomber ot aeddcata during the year 1(84, nfaayro«d of comparative length la tbe Hate,lnaddltioa to this II eaa be justly aaid to be

MBg the moat relublei f not the leader gfa l the rest ! • reepeet o l makmg ita aehednlet ine for paaseager trains. When lelaya *»ooew they are usaallj chargeable to fog wthe river or to faUan upon the part of *oa•eedag llnee to meet thnmgh train*.

. . kfna.1.Three panada tor avaento; thirteen pewnda

(or It. At K- Lindaley'a Son fc Co.

DM nntt at tow Pnm.At B. Lindaley'a 8en * Ce.

Kurly Friday uoroing the R«bs fell back, »ud1 crawled out and got my wound rtrrnMrdand walkMl toFredcrlokaburg,alwut 13mlles,and rude In *n inur wagon lirVeltti Plata,about the eano diatanco, and I cense up thePot OBI ac b e n . They have verv poor neeam-wodatlooa bore. Tlitre la but one thlug thatsuita me. nnd tbat i . the victuals. We have

Cty to «al and goml enounh. • • • • •r, mother, dnu't cry or worry about nte.

but UeM Oud, wko has done all taiuga welLI hope I niuy get a furlough uitno of thesedays t o conw bone awhile, us many are go-lig."

The furlough eunc lu time, kut it waa a re-lease from earth, andtbehotiiehe went to waabeyond Ita confines, He diet) In tke hoapitalon June Sd aad wna brought te Bwccaauann

TW S a n c N af ttl V4g>.e wasted to start a crusade aicainsttbe

& would sever be at et less for hetaouwhich to b**e arguments. VThen they aretot earning the execration ofthepulilic bykilling afceep they are frishtcning people outoftbclrwitaby their bydrnphclrfc ralda. UnaBight recently one of these rabid animals ap-peared ia the vlciDfty of alioe If ill. At JohnMeweomb'a place he killed one dog and hurtanother. At Mr. Bray's be wondedabother,and then proceeded to break tke jaw of a dogbelonging to Mr. Trevarrow. The dog ofIgnaU Sehanr was also bitten, and near hisplace tbe w i t morning waa found tbe deadbody of a larte dog, which la anvimted to hivebseu tbeonewhicb did tbe injury thrnnghtbenight. It Is said that eleven dogs which werebitten havn been killed, and It Is further reported (bat« dog lit that BetgbborlwwdaiMo,went mad, broke loose and has notbeen heard

A eow belonging to Charles Farmer, of|Chatbam, blttrn by tbe mad dog that appear-ed In thit ptaue a few weeks ago, went madlast week «ud bad to be killed. Several other!dogs iu tbe place that eaana la c n t a e t Withthe rabid aMmal aUo show sjmptoma or go-ing mad; they arc kept closely tied, however,a id not allowed to ran at large. The safest•Mtuod w o i l d be to make way witb all ofthem. Tbe Township Committee has since is-sued a proclamation ordering tbe destructionof all doc* ranniag at large la tbe township.


I tT .aTr .Sernwiaa ln 'PUld .

w. John I. Morrow, formerly of tlie firstM. E. Cbnrcb, Dover, waa sent Uat aprlngto the D*vU Memorial Church, at Ea«t Kew-ark. Of bii work there the Kearney Beeordsays: Themenbenol the church, coutiaat.lag their pnaeBt condition wllli tbat of a yearago, find abundant cause fur thanklulbeas.At that time they were compelled lo Itavctheir ehnrek building, Itbaving been declaredunsafe, nn* naove to tbe old EpbMsopalChanh wblrb bad been providentially placedat their diapoaal. In April, when the presentpastor, Bev, J. I. Morrow, caue among them,ke found m rataer Ol^oumj.J band of wor-ahippen endeamring to ruise the neeeaaaryfunds for repairing tbe church. Me at oncetook hold and as the result of bia labors, themembers have tke satnifMtiaa of "wing thechurch repaired, and tbe debt incurred in ef-fecting thii remit nearly wiped out. Forthrea weebi past revival imiee* have beenheld, eoaunwiiclng with tlie week of prnver,snd a number kavebeen converted anri other*ure being led to seek salvation..

Mrs. 8. Trewartha haa just reoclTed a largeatock ofWhtU Urapes, Se«Nll*« Java Orsrgw,Bonannas and other frnlta, which she in sell-ins; cheap. A gorgeous »up[>ly of candlesalwajn tn band at Kew York prices, 8healan keen* tbe Candy Ram'* Congh DropiItble.Ir'fcj't J«/)«n.t«iO"*'Jvaf'>. ' * • (hem• trial.

iniall roller* iuclooed in n liuahlng- Huthollonnnd liuHUlngareof ntme bBnlcnoiI uteol,md will Unt a lung titnr. ily tills niiuplo dc-

v k e fikliuu U ulniftHt entirely overcome, andthe akato runa ncrreetly, aaiootlily and fareaalrr than with the ordinary wbe^l. Whiletbe wheels are uut cxpeusivc, they wilt out-lart any other make. The only part liable towear out arc the little rollers on tbe wheel,and thcae caa be replaced for a trlfln. Themost eoatly part h the ateel kuauing, and tblsIs practically evfrlnaliug.

Hiker aad {itnmer, who are said to be re-narkably proficient ua acrobatic abaters, willbe Ibe special attractions at tlw Dover rinbfor Friday and Hatnrday rveuiuga of tbiaweek.

I N «ftth«tBf a t l a t e KapetseagTbe largest Ice gatherere at tba Lako are

Tbos. Bnuly * Bro,, of H«rgen Point, N, J.Contractor .?. J. Vrcelanil, ur tbln plane, iibulidlag two large ioe housoii for them. OneM W*70 feet and tbe other IWiW feet, nndboth urn 32 tect In depth. While these n nbe ing« " "

large n . . . . .the olty before warm wnather. In tbla pilithey bnve uln-ady put alwut two acres of tinetee, and the Unit of the week tent Ibe nnshlptnuut of five car loads below. They nowemploy ntmnt twenty-five men nnd have nnelevator worked hy hones for tranal«rithe ice from the lake to tbo pile. Tbeypreetiug » t t e i m engine fnr tko aame use whentbe buildings are completed and exp«et toincrease their working 1on>o to fitly iTho work |a done with the beat m whan lealappliances aad so eyatrmatioally that it issaid to be » very Interesting thing to watchIts progreaa. The iee liouaea are situatednear Molan'a Point, along tbe line of Ibe Lake

Railroad, and it is Wllevcd thatthese advantage* will cause tbe ice businessat Lake ltnputcting to grow to largo diain

is In tbe future.

BMth i f O m e l l u Dslaasy.Cornelius Oilnuey, fur inuuy years n nullmiwn uiinlnK noiitrnctnr iif Morris ommly,

dic-d at hf« baiue, ue:ir Minn Hill, at llliW:lock lwit Ksturilay mtmiiuK. lie hn,\ been

alck for quite a long time from A eomnlkntiimof (lineimcd, wfalch we mukratuiid llniilly re-

' ' hi puratyala of tho brain, l lf waa 4:1ycuru ot ugi: Slid u liutivu of Irelund, butpanic to tbfa ronnlrjr wlirn .juitu young nndhud rt'Hklcu hereIIINIIII Ibirty yearn, l i e wu*always engaged in tlw Imntui'sh of iniutneand at time* fand worked tbo (ioldcu Comer, |llrlaut. Maker, Oxford, High llri<lg« amWaterloo mines. He lu.l ul«o at oim Him-1roulract is tliu Dicki-mm, He wan lute Hi-gent, upriijlit and iniliiMrioUR, with man.,Irlcuds and no enemifH, and ulwajn exerted

Influence fnr good In a quiet nnd uuo«ten-iounwuT. Ho lived up to tbe numiiire uf

bis capicity In all good work*, aud nwnti uouldbetter tbe |mrt ullntted tu him in

life. His uVatk will IM £ .u . rally regretted,for it bna removed from thin ooniuiunltyvaiaedannuftefulcitUon. At the beginningor bia niauboml tils cleiir iwrceiitioun and iu-teltigeat eaavtetioa* led him Ui bo A Repnb-lutnn, ami ho ulwuys took a ilccp intercut iuthe. ijuratinu nt the tnHff, whleli lie studied"loroughiy. Although never swklnK oftr jiromiueui'v iu politic, ho uevrrthd*nntnliuli'il muub io the success ot the pali many caiapuigus and tc (ho last rt>njuln

tluvnttMl friend t o it* prinol|iU-a. A aailfeuture ol bis death la thut he leaven a wife,

u children, iiu agtd mulher, und nn nKudw, nil of whom depended upou biaIlk funeral took place from St.

Mary'aCbunhatalaianVii laokou Tneadimorning, »ud waa largely attended.


i. JeukiiiH wus horn i<t rutiiHiiiii|iiii, l'a.,November 7th, 1KW, nml 1* n roiiiiK.loriit-law.Wlien a yenroid he ii'moved with IIIH jiuri'iilatu Iloiiiitmi, wlierd lie MKN ri'«iili-«. He i>ru<{.r.M.l ,.t Yulo ('ull.'Kl' in IL- .!IIH»..C1N7U,andt nilied luw with I'urkeri Kensbcy, Newark,nd UIMI for unuie time nt Cituii.l.iu Lnw

Hclinnl. He wna mltiiittt'fl to |>riutii'i- ut tltuN.ivemi.er t»rm, i m . H«-H|K-DI U feu inoiitliin Kurii|ir, utter which ho n|wn<:il un at}],-.,; nM.iriintuwn, wliore lie ntlll pruvtii'i'H IIIH profeRHiiin. IIR was Jimmiil Uletk of tlie HtutiKcnut.- in 1H71, 1K72, t m uud 1«T*. Ho limbeen eomiHel kir tliti It.uird nf CIIOMCII Vnn-hi'hlorn nt Morna Vitality. 11 •• h »t-rv>uti '•Ihhd tiiiii ill tliu House, aud lust .vein lie wioi in. inbcr uf t i e Cotumlttwii on HHIIUH ami[liHiu'iimo.HRvfMtoriofLuwB.uniiriiMtirilMtlH.

]HX{-IlRiikina, Hep., 1.TU1; Ititlfiml, Ori-ni-ba<l*. lLfl; Hull, Pmliibitlou, 1*.

IHS1-Jenkins, Hep., 1,WU; HulCnd, ill ten-hui'k, 101; Katun, Prohibition,™.

of a it.Tiim, tu wiiit until tlti- flixt liun in brsun.ftud tlieD ruin tlie verse by tin' ooDfnuioii oftlie rittiug. Aitiilu. iluriuE ttic latter jmrt oftbe lasf V?TAP the olntti-rlu^ of linnks into thepen- r null J befnre tlio I'loso of tlie aolig in am-iaiiN iuterfereuicuiili all d^votiounleffiict,usul especially mi wheu that opfor t imi i r >»ai'izcil for the [mttiiiK on of ivrajin, niliberu.([p. \ o oue would do tl.li- ilurinj! the chmos•entuiiee^ of jira.ver; why nlinulit it be rlnne

Ari-d*. .vcn, tbinsnniUof Clirl«tlaBpeo|tletbai)tliuujjlitlswly mar the ariuy-\vor»hi]) iu TliehUuctiiiir.v.-Mini.'ll.-nild.

A Varrow Isoape from Dsath-Mr. HIJIJITI T. Suiith, of;lnt tlrni <jf Kmitli A.

upon ii hiiililiti): v


mt leu ivt-l frntii tii

SI. V. » .t.-n.ir.l Mi

loied U> e

In the Good Old Days.Mr Jan, O-ltrilbv. mi in ti-f I i^iul <>lil gi-irniiiii who liven ji'ltlir Hi-mbOiikx, w\U nit iinl.l.'iil of Hi; i; I niil .IIIVK. now HI> Trili'iiHy .iimteii. In tbe c-umpaiyn of l«:.li li

ui', iiixl MiJDII*, HIP riii)>ii'li told tlic meol Mi<- Donnirr

rlijtvii'lt-nn tbut hrili.- purtv

, in un I'ani.'Ht

.I'd Die

Tlie «

Oltrc, J'c.ju" W I M

KN tf llai>iitonF Ji'ltVunoik, Hankaway a

H hum nt Unikn

d tbo Ktthf rcra are piling »i of ice ont dnnn lor shipment lo

Thin ia, tbe very time «uen eggs are norththe moit, wfaen tea* want Io lay M much ormore tbau they dn al any fltbtT time, anawhen they are not allowed to do an by moatpoultry dealera. Polka think tbere ia w greatmystery about makiujt hens lay in Winter.There is none; anybody can do i t ; that la,Ihe hens will luy if you Ut them. They beari good deal oi cold iu thn sunshine, wud evenfreesc their combs ana toes, end y«t will »ot•top laying altogether if the; «uu uteepwarm. Now da not begin to plan aettlug upa afore in tbe ken iwiute, or Introducing ste*mpipes. Artlnelsl beat ia uut poisonous ]ter-kapi*, but Tery nearly no to rblokcnti. Theya n warm tbtwaelveis and nrad only tu becrowded ou thrir rooata, wilb the roosts allan one level. Tbn celtlnK of tbn maitlngroom should h* only u few feet above tliufawl'H bewls, and provided with veutitntlonfrom the bottom, if {Htulble. (live them closequarters, wit li un drafts of cold air, aud cleanout under the rooHts every morning, not ex-

__ Sundajn. Tho «omba will then red-den up, aud eggs will he plenty ou \t*m foodtbau usual. It must nnt be corn, nowovi

or only a m

iuke them too fut to lay well If tbny ileenwano.-Colonel Weld, In American Agricul-turist for January.

A Mineal fM iMmna,

Mr. David J. Dnnean, a farmer resident ofMadison, kasa mlraeuloua escape from deathbv drowning last week, ID Colorado, where beis now residing. While troMiug n stream onthe ioe he unconsciously stepped into a hole,and h*fotv he became aware nf the f u t h.tfound hiniM'll u prleuiwr aud rapidly beingborne down the atrram by the current.Luckily the ire hid froten -luring high waterand at lbo time of tbe accident bad loweredabout a foot, loavlajc that amount nf opaee forhim to keep bis kewl ahuve water. Ha wasaware of bis peril but WBB unablu to free him-self. The ice above bin was so thick tbatduring Wa rapid progreaa be waa unable tobreak ft and fnr m « tinw death starrd himtn the face. He was borne hy tbe current a

in«hlen»blc dintauoe from where the accidentir'uncd, when be saw a limtMifa tree which

had extended in tbe stream and froien In tbeI M . TO thla he secured a firm liold and withthe uie of 1ii» hnlfe Anally cut a. liol e largeenough to crawl through and tbua wan «ave<1from a frightful death,—Eagle.

Maw ftfMVw aUural »to»Uy.

L'omsDisaioner C. H. Dampy, In bin reportof tbe Mew Jtraey exhibit at tbe Xcw Orleans!

EspoaitioD, says: Tbe front of the New Jer-ae j eihliiit la aeparaterl from the main aialeliv aa omanteutal railing of ncroll work,palati-d while aoii oruMuenled witb blue audgold, wtileb (a tbe ease with all our railing, <pavilion*, cornices, etc. Paeaing tbla railingwill be foiled aUtecn case* oonUining thevolkclion of tbe mate (leologlcal Survey,

ver 1,000 *neci»ena prepared by Prof. Oeo.I. Cook, and arranged in thta Mhil.lt by Mr.

Fred. A, Canfioid, of Dover. The apeelmcnaof minerals and orcn I R grcalt-r In varietytkan thoae of any State iu tbe building, aniltire anpplctneatpil by aercral valuable maps.8am]>lesofthe building atones or tbe Buteaiw ucxt shown, witb their faces differently

Imlt Agalut n i i a n w m . I

We noticed latt wpektue drtention of Wm.'•I. It f i l ter , of Psittiippaoy, ut Oraugc, on sim-pluion of being a b o m thief. He wua |>M*in|(through that city before daylight with abDrs* which he had bought, wheu the policearreMcd him and puL htm iu tlie a tut ion bouM\A brlel detention would not have cauwd

lphtiot, but hU rant, wan nnt reported tothe Police JmxtUeH, and be van kept iu a celltill the middle of the aftcrnoou. Under tbeoelireumataueua he b u brougut suit iu tbe

Stickle and Officer Daniel Uorafive hundred dollar* daroagen.

County, N. J.. April (llh, IWItl. l le lx afuand ii.' HIHO engaged lu milling and mi~ ^ He is » dlreet dexcf Uillint of tlie

Willi family of yunkcM, who rnine to Ibixmtry in 1IU0. His grviit-Kreut-Krituiifutbcr,

Dr. .lubu Willx. Hiirvori'd ami laid out tinrPhilmleliihiii fm- WilliiiHi I'enn. Minow occupies* oue of theold liotm •teiidi-

HH.I »lno tiwus tho fttln>r. Tbe nri>(iiiii] il 1<" t]icM'|>rojH'riicimri« nc»rly two hundred

n olil, and were execiitod on purelinieut.l l iey l(r« trcanurt>d ax viiluablo ln-irl.toniH »ttie fiimily. Mr, Will* own* utiout live tliou-

•en of laud, principally in Morris andMlUfMix (Kiuntiei). l ie wan fdueutrd iu tliepublic (.ciiiMiIn uud at C'licstrr Ius([(u(c, N. ,f.

Ill- (lie old HVteiu of v<itluK, hu w»« M...1-tir of bin towu—rttr.mgly lknioerulle—loryearn, aud up to tbu time tbc nyatein wax

eljuujje.l. He hus belli all inipflrtiiul tomi-HliitiuflkeH, nml Im* UIWII.VH III-CII •> lri»IiiiK

man lu bl« eoUJiOUUlly. Hu hua beenoxeeiitiu-of mauyvaliiubUt m»tos. l ie ran nliend ofbU tiekct intweh towimhlp of IIIM district.

lKSl—Wtaver, K»n.,l,lW); (i»r«hu>r, Ihiu.,1,088; Wentwortb, Pro., l«0,

mi—Will*, Kcp , J ,Wi ; Young, Or'nh'k,m ; R i u i t h , I>ro.,SI7.

ELIAH CHA1ILES I1RAKC.The Thlrrt legislative L)i«lrirl ia r,,,n,M,Keil

of tlio uiwnxhlpg of Cheater, Menilham, Pus>taie, Ilitndolph nnd WuMhiuKtuii.

Hr. Drake wits buru iu Clienter, UurrUCounty, N. .1, Dccoinber llith, 1 ^ ' . mul l» agpucral merchant, lit) was eleuted TownshipClerk lu 187", 1877 und 1H7K, nml re Binned tbul

•n fu 1H70, whfii he went t« KuiiHiia, hutirned home tha eitinc year, tie VHS fleetedicinlxtr of tbo Towimliin C'otumlllcv in

1H80, auil wnH made TicaHuriT nf tlml btiily.inlWU, lloC)un(U»MllK>WHHi>leol('d AxHiKnar

of the I'lionliy.

tt.)ni* |iM]iti<»l

ck f,.r Ki'V.-tily-liviI t

FroUcUBg Gams and Fun

An niniext ell'ort Mill lit' i lc ttiirt vear I




• = ooCOo -





iH»i) lbn iutrt

II lionculagn of it, for this will

[t may not pay to endeavor to ciimhat niltlwIuWbiHHlaiuvanted and publiahttd ubmitthose connected with tbla paper, but in jim-lice tu our employees wa will aay that thereIs no truth whatever in tho stutcoiunt thut auPtnployec nf this |iaiior has received a Mackeye In u nght, or ullicrwiso. Even were ittrue we cannot aee why tke paper should be" " nMpoofilMo; bat it appear* thai thndoings of even " late employees" »n> alto tatie laid at our door. The story is ai untruth-ful as toe one that tho editor of this paperIhrrateaed the arrest of a cltlten for ex*Ing bin riglits at tbe polls. Even when thefalsity of thn statement wan shown to one oftbe parties responsible for it, he had neitherthe honor or manliiien to make the corroe-

Mr. Chaa. G. flrinen. whow aniiiiuintanrp in1 tu wide am hit dUpoalfian h ^ « U , Mng'h-•Irons of placing faia feet under hit own tableand enjujing tbo felioltten of donienllc lite,haa taken unto hinnelf a partner. Tbe bridefi Mm. Annie E. Canpbeii, of niackwellstreet. They went married on Tuesday audare now enjoying a wedding tour. We do notwlftk to lie the lant wbo will |murin theircoa-gratalatioUB upon '• Ibe Senator," and wewish for hlmaelf aud wife an abundance of nilthe jays tn tie ulrtained la tbe realm of .lo-


Biiik S n c nan .At this old eatmliliahod and well-knm

store may always be found a good stock ofDrngn, Medicines, Paints, Uilt, Olsna, Tcr-


T a r . : p w u d i for 3S aenU; thliseeafar II. AtK. Uadalej'sHonfcto.

ud SttirMSnKI^KE^^&l luuig iujit inIrat^lM drug rtore, by W. H. Oondale,

ftaa Trait M Law Mats.AtE. Lindolej'a Boa k. Co.

wns forcibly ejected tho other night fron tbcstoreof i leo . Kit-bard* t Co., ami injured.The author forgot to say that the man wanterribly drunk aw* Ugly, and that tbe em-ployee* wore farced to ejnet him or |icrba|w•anVr uupimtaant couseiiuunrCa. The En«does not believe tuat a person behuving him-self would be rjeotcil from any rtore in tbfetflwn. W F have mi dusin to pulilixh nmlic-ion* and falne atorion about thoae who wayuot agree with ua, political I v or otherwise.

TUflrudAmyThe following ritraela Irom thn order of

lepartmeat Commander Netia« are of Inter-t to the comrades nf the flraud Army of tho

Now Jersey impartmnut: "Tbe EighteenthAununl Kncanpment of thla Department willconvene at Tiviiton, February ijtb, at 11

k. Nemlierfoftbeeneampmcntarero-quoated to lw prearut promptly at tbat hour,an an effort will be made to get through witbtbn buainufM of tbc encampment in one day.Port Commander* arc again requested tn for-ward to the AaaUUnt Adjutant General thenumber from their rdtpfxitlve poatn who willattend the camp n n ; BO that arrange men tamay be made for all. Eflbrtt are being ramieto make tbe camp fire entertaining by speech,

g and atory. <l»v. Abbett anil l»mt Cotn-tider»-iB-Chlct Vandervoart and llcatb,

will be prtHflut. Mn. Jennie H. Atwood, No.NW <lravc street, Jcney Ultr. N. .1., informsn»e that sbe bus been appointed I'rovlilonalI'rcxidont, Deportment New Jewey, Womnn'aKetief Corpn, and tltot all commuuieatiautdirected tu her in relation to tbc nnlur. Ibeforming of relief corps, fcc, will reoeivniniinciliaKiatteulion."

Tim lhtpartment lost 141 members duringthe poat quarter and jaioedSSS, making n netjtalu at 191 commdea. Two new poata wetemustered at Elmer arid Tforktown.

aeenuiit of u pel

of last

Weekly l i a s Bapart.The Engineering Hud Mining Jou

Saturday <my:

AMBRICAM I'm.—The market is firm hatquiet, with a fuir buaineaa doing. We quote$1S@»18.M for Nn. 1 Foundry; «17fg|17.nO forNo. a i and •lffcft«17 for Clnty Vorge, .taudardbruuii*, lli5c-ir»ter tMitmr^, Ui-^iur.r nlir tfc) 'very quiet,with r'oreJKn nouiiuallj «|aoteJ * lo . 'Wn quote Bpieg'lHwn ftO lor .%p«r cent,«M for 30 per cent, ind «W for 11) to 12 per

nf Chester township.

1HKU-X«>lgulmiir, Dem., 1,«!>1; lluwell, Itep.,W; Flurtcy, Ur'nh'k, IM.lHHI-Dmke, l^m. , 1,712; Oslmm, Pro.,

HI; Carty, Or'nb'k, 1ST.; acatUring, lit.

* Bola-Xeai** 'rand.

Wrrej[retto notiee that our count TtemporarlCB, tbn Chronicle and Bugle, _ ._duping their readers by the publication ortho ndvertivsment of tbe KutU-ilge PublUhlnaCo., off ring a reward of #90 to the |wr*outelling the longest verae In the Old TcMauwut

wudfng twenty etrnt* witu the inforuiuThettrtn recelvoe thouaaudnof aaflwera

and cenalderaliln looae eliaDKO. TUm tln>ymd the dupes a little publication allowing

Iliatufew who w e n l int with I tie an s WONbad the KU divided among them. You n.nflardly ailerd to aell your read em, bretbreifor the value of the litlln book you ruceivfar tlw publieation ol the "ad,"

»••! tin- 9II»'

i tin- U-j.'f»liitnrnividu for mum ileliulte metliml of ]in

in«-« t.i |Kilh-i> iniiKiHtriilf-. jiiatiei>o (if tli•f, ic.ird.TH nml jndKe« nt tlie distrlf•tn, mill |>rnvliliii^ n ]nniallv <il•f£i for nl»<[(nie ofKiitim IIIKI flxb !u\v«. Aii«(li''will be Im Ilic iirotn'Htm nf jifirli. piloi

ud will aimm for tb.'ao «]>,•! May, when they tiro Hj

.Inrin Mn , A].ril

rather gkippatl in hia Hew field.Hrv. Joint A. Hli«ii]1tiril. lull' nf Hi. MiirvV,

leeutlv.i ability into tho work ..fii( w h<F-i>:irli tli.it iifW.Kichii;u«,(it rn^riiiir.Tlicyt'iii-

)v«n»iifjiilMtj)ti<nii>ut,Juitt mililwlipd, rfiowatliit Dm mriiitM>rili<- llr»t ciizlit IIHHIIIIK of

i, y(,ir.vere*U,Hl,1,i1.l thut 11... reeeij-t^ofii lixt tmir in»iitliH,Hin<v tin! bfHlimitut nt'

hlx |iiiMlur»te, WITV (11,511 .Ki. TlitMi'eei]itrinrluir hold iiinimntcil in * I,: I.J: U2. I'lie JUTH-

ill <lil>t oftlm piiriiili in W.7MK bn( tliey havenoiimpi'ttiPHtii i1l«|inxe of whidi will re-uce It to*l,HMI, nml tbU they elj.^t U> pny

l.y.luly lntwr be|oK.

lbs att Hops Talr.

The fmr of the oaiiun-untiou i>< HI. Heniaril'n:iniieh. Mt. Ilapp, i-imie In a Mitee?HHfnl tiT-iihiatkm la«t Hitluriby iilffiit. It U llion^it

tbat tlio iirotli* will amnuiib to betwmi «-ViOami fnmi dollurs, which in vcrv ^ratifying

siilcriiijt Dm tiim-ji, *]n the voting for limiloiiruu gold liM'ket mid eliain UUM Miifti-le

Dali.y wuu the MiioccKfltul e:iii.li.lntp, veoelv-Ing IS; vct.K. Tim utbt'r rntiiliilnlin veicivcd

MU* Ilnldeu, 111; Mh< K\\ih* I,i//i'Mnrniv, M. Anm run* was vole.lt.i Mr•Wutl IL>I votuH, to 18 fui

gthe n

muliI, Iflt);l.le ineerMi'lu

Lei i lib tin, who re.Mntlhew Itoiirki-.


Hiva made graat reductions in their prices tn

Overcoats!To those who are in need of an

Overcoat this is a grand opportun-ity to get one far below its value.


Ooml mauners art not learned from urhi-trury teaching so much as ai-iiuireJ humlialill. Tlioy (irow upon UH by ustt. Wo musthe eourlcuuD, ugi«calile, civil, kind, g«nllu-

U mid womanly atbuuv.uudtliDii it willlieeume a kind of lecond nature tu be M>

everywht.o. A counie, rough maimor ittbum* i

gs a habit, of roughne«(. wbkli w«

f Iintuit lay off, If m try, wLeustrangers The most agrwaljle ppoplu « cliave. nyer known in company am tho«e. tlutt

-n perfectly agreeable at borne, Home iwt< Rchool for all tbn lieot tblugN, eujweiallyr goml maunors.

Whon nervoua Wakefulnr§« enancs nt u<|(litune wbm thre i d i t l h t

ncs nt u|(litia a desire to uleep, hut on

uliar «tutii of mind .Vt will uol come, lafatUtlao of pure mttin a

safe mid efficient wporifle. It 1H obwrved intbcue eonditiona that apcrson only bread.enhalf-way, and tbat tho axjuen fn tbo lanss iskept <!>hiiunt<Ht. A pbyalelsn rt'eummi'niU nfull re*pirotion am tho lient remedy lor thinkind ol wakefulnem, wbkb la produced tnqueully l y the comlitlon of tlie atmonphrru well sa aUte of the mind.

Imbues. Itaal F*r lal«.

The junior pitrtner «f our lirm ih'tdrliiR to

of hi* fniuily, He oH'i>r lor snle tbo Cliesltrirnni'li <if imr «tave find Iiu IIIIHIUP^. eoiiwi-t-

ing (.rto«l», xtoitk nml tbtnn H mid «<wd will.Alwttlnjn:al eat*to. KHtuhllahnd ID yunrH—mi einnrM-tition—audilolnx aguod Inuiiieiw.A vein of iron oroniuw iimlertlio proptirty.Kor Itu- duelug

»)tull nrirl

lotk i • oft'ercCH. Fur pm

AI.I.KN aV MoNlKimiN,Hover or CheHfer, X.J.

TaUatlaM and taster Cards.II. V. Km ick hud tht< lui t-nt slot L of Val.n-

tllieM and Kaaler Canln I-VOT MUiti in Hover.Ho 1» al«o ugent for the Unrney nu.l Ih^rHoller Nkntea-tbii liuhteHt antl m»Mt ouitilvui|juat<-.l. Tlmy arewhnowlrdur.1 <m Ilie beatrtmtf in tlie market.

llotridern in tu bnvn u now Mkntin link.An.l now OK<I?uHlmrg lm«((« Kku(lnK rink.Then; U talk of iiiitltntiun nn Oild FtilloWw

id^ln Hi!wIon.It In Mitlit tlint NewtnuiMwmiitnl^ vinitcl

by n •tiitnclimuiit oltlin Kulvatirn tinny.tli-o. HliepliiTiLiionrncckni'tuwu, killed «

hog Ijiitt wevk wlijtl) wejffliei) rmpmiui)*.

The wurkiiiH timn at thn Ncwtnti alioo file-tory hnn ken reilmeil to i:ij|ht liomtt |n rday.

Ciuiily Clerk IIounluml. orWiirrMiroiimy,, In in1 miwitli brulxiM mid Kt ruins recHvcriinakntiiiRriuk

ritil'WNIl^ll-ioiieiilly rei-olvi:il.

rrsunied work V.'eclne»il«y after lielue IdleBiuvc ChrlstiiiHu. Tim works Fniplny lfti iu«n.

IT hUl HIIM'fCtiMi (iGO. W.r of tbi> >\'!iMhli)^t(iii Stnr.lie cnimiili'red a ionrmili^-

PLERSON & Co.,Opp. the Bank, Dover, N. J.

Atlmmf S i * York i>iKuiIny »HI IIU-KIH are noiolpluy 1HK) Imrnl".y »HI II

the tt|ipl l t

iKuiioliiithiK for a

bu lk'att t t


VaaaniaOru«0«am.I t)«; iwmluu tiftho 2ii>w Jenwy Grand

l*>it][r< nf F. and A. M., tho foUowlng vcrcfleeted jirand officers for tbe venr A. L. 5KNH:(Irand HaattT, Joseph W. COIIKIIOII, of* Iran-bofl Lod((o, No. KB, Patenon; l>eputy (IrandHaater, Tln.nian W.Tilden, No. llKI; H. O. W.,Robert M. Moore, Ku. XI; J. < 1. W., Cliarlc*H. Mann, No. 1 * ; 0. Trens., Charles HeeliUil,So. B; 0. Seo'y, Joneiih II. llonjb, No. 76;Ifeputy U. Sec'y, Tboma* H. W. Uldpru.vTlie otbnr ofneern will ho ap]iolnted.

Dttth of Wm. • . ItaekhoiH.Just befnro goiug to prc™ wt learn that

Wm. II. Staohtouee, a mrrobnnt nnd hlj(lilyres]<ected resident or Ktauhopc, died al anuiu-ly hour this tnoruina. He ln«l lu«n ill fnrMimo time, and hU death will not caunc «nr-priM. His IOM ian great one In tin: ctmi-mnulty whem he lived, and where he wanrecognized as one of tho roost valued cititens.

A Mgttftl AesUrat.Tbe following telegram wa* n-ceivml IIT tlin

Eh* at 10 o'clock tliln mornltii;; Thu fustp Philaildphla & RiWiuK K. It.

it Grwnvilln han Junt ran into n co»1 trnlnJ

•u.l about fifty person

Tjuroil. They h g l

for doclora anil ambulances.

were wore or lewt lu-to Jcrimy Citj

Wajtod FetitUau.It in tu \n> ft-arcd the clerBJimn wlia for teii

ilattttr* a <lar ii[wn ti>oMP**iom nfllx-hag}*}*-with prayer, make more of aninipn*ainDi tin; Almighty than they iio upon the lcjj-ora. The meailx<rH i-oiinult tbn bill HIUH in

preference to religion, They ought to v»rj-V prop-ummn. opcw.iima.lly.—Trent/in T^w«.

LT part of "tlio lieutly Timtory at

i c n n>*i<?iuff Ju >VHl|iitfV rnicn*Jtl|(,- -• Jnty, HKUNCiitn thlrty-wvru feet iuhclKhth, wlioneciiniliitinil woltlit in l.:W01lm.Cau any other tnwuablp in Ihe Htnto bout it t

John Wilnon, tbn trump who thrjiw n stonotbrough the KUOW window nf Kinn'n rtmK

ntatv a t lleivldttrti van st-ntoni-eil to ciirbtiertmoutli* in Hiatc Primus for mnlicioua uiUchkif.

flenr«P lludd nltcrnpted to crons Un' mil-.j«nl track umir Illalrnlvwii ouMumlay IIM Utruiii wan up|irnAL<biuK, He wnit thrown out."ThiHWRKOD, wblvhwiiH badly damaged ami

nn nf bia boracii waa killed.

Mrs. Clnrfc Velver, of Port Cold en, met with.. very waiufiil accident rcrontly whirh willlirohalily cunt bt-r IhelOKH ofau mo. She WUH' iking a Arc with a poker aad Iiy aoiiii! nie«u«

in thu hut pukcr In lier eye.The llRlviilert; Cornet 11 mid IIIM been on-

gaaeilliytliuOlli Hej-imcut, Mutioual dutirditof Nnw Jcriwy, tn [lecompnny tlicm to Wimh-Inntnn, HD thn oeeanhm ov tbe iiiaiiKUration ofU»v. Chmaand, mid fnruiali .i.<iB|,^

The MtnppiDK of the Oxford Iron Workuhnacautuil u grtul dral of iiiitwry und suflnritig inthat plai'f. Thirty fuiiii1ic* liuvn iipiilk'if tr,theiowimliipaiithorlticK for relief and utl ic ih»v« «oi)(- - uvur Hie lilll to thu i.u.ir huiiKo.-

Mlan Netmn, n y«iiii,K wlilln woman, nfHiirM , Wnrrcn C'nnuty, IIAH Uiatiuiniiiihod lier-wif hy uinrryiiis a ni-Km. T|i« BUIIIIUC lmrtof Ihe tifTairb* that thi- brother and Hirier-in.law of tho bride werv )irfii>eiit im.l cave theireJinnent.

Win. K, flower*, a wett-to-ila farmer at IM«-wure Station. Wnrrttn eounty, i.tt<-mpte.i Bui-eido t l tonth in luyhv liuuHfnK, l ,at wa« r a -ined, llo Ginreniivil eoutritiou l»r wliitt bobad IIOUL1, lull noon alter out liU throut. Thudoctors, li«wfv«r,aucpc«ilri] in (.nviiiRliiH Uf*..

M M . «..rf,,r.l. wife oftho Cnahior of theKiiftm>K Hunk, HxtingtiMiPil a. aovd-nltetl fireiii thri horti'ft at an rurly lmiir hut Blomlnymottling. 8he used a e.mplti nf hand itrenn.lcHHIM! did not 111 ink worth wliilo tu uwaken l»,rliimhniia. Hie Hm waa eanwd l»v th« riim-l«>miu*iM nf n*crvnnt.

A trump who ,.lnatweeknr tluhount itfChm.dover, deliliumtely w t lire to the Imv

erroriKi'nu oilier iielKhhi,ri<•indjwt ill lim Ncwtmi jnil.

After terrorislI'lHIRilt II

Kfforto iwotkHiit OifDnt, lintii(tii«

utail tlie ironottiiwriV siini tln>npiTailoiM. Thoili>r»1il<i NivlU|[ i

.•utlitiK*«lV»-"i» 'miliVrir'n' nf rlerk'l.'. "iiiViTi'iiK*rHMikkeoiH'rn innl Uie like frum I.' tn 75 | H T•eiit. Slimy of tbo elerkw IIIIVD li-fl fur otiior

furnnTH of Stiltwnti'r, HIIBHCI i-nmitl l Tieii liy n tree whli-ii thisv w

rid fhKl week Mr IJiiTi

Three poundu far 2S oenta; thirteen pound*[for | 1 . At E. Lindaley's Son it Co.

iiiR«iiKridi.y"<;'fluM'wVek.' Mr!.. „.. . . . ,

(•inidltinii iiiwriiiUK. lfiivhl'K ntur^nrumTafanner «r Stm-kliolni, in tin' Name cmoty, wnnkfl!c<l in five unmet wity on the TunmJuy »«•-violin.

A Miinrt yoaiiB Alrek, elutmlne Sew Yorkus lii« plnrc tif reMtlcnrc, wn» immttil tillsplace liisl wiH-kaclliiiK »ewinK imiehino ul-iu-hmiMitH. l ie lelt Mid.Uml.y, tnkitic with

gmldfurort ' l

Jt ill ^^^^^^^T^^^

thewatcli, but in tloniu w, it U n-it nslte.l a ^ntkuiuu uf tlmt town tou fJII lilll which a f t D d p d

The Btaadud Roller Bkatea of the World.









Page 4: B V(i REDUCTIONS!test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1885/...VOL XV DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. 1885. NO. 9 TEE IRON EMA •«*T 3iTDBF4T

Tif" <*l*.l.!i.VH.l1 »ltit* yi»:,r *•'-•• ••-'iV.rtj h»nicr or.--'Urn Stm (•)>• miof timl :t:i;r .;•:

g a M n w l nhAtit

,.-i';ir- ,f i

-. rin« .11

i.,p...i .

* i \ in.

r-ur . ' i j ,it Iv.i - r t , . u . . l ,•">..«i7.iln i".. |v.lWitil Wl'.ir'i :iw • r » ; i i r i i ••> :

Tut <.-v.<-.>h*'A in •' i-1*71 «!*W -«--'.-ir.i. i-i -

-4i i l . l ,-:-J

I R fi.-.-.t.."

Li imi .in ••(• v



E. a YAS G1LDEK, - - Prop'f.

Oysters, Oysters,QUART. 100 or 1,000

Heals and Luachea

• :-*iNE «N0 POOL »00«S-:-


W s ciaiD S c i PUD!!



3.1 «u.i Qt-.riu






s v t E '


UNION HALL BUILDING.Blaokwell tftrent, Dovar,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of :iii' aioit and moat improved at riot, for^afi iQAE LIH.JIIC tni. prii*a.t6 \iniLiiip^a. -V ta^r^s

*a«untatiiit 'if dtuTsi, ubuap for uaab.



- Mil i.'.r,- S-Jll ,)..1M

- H.(i:j 1U.,;.-,

H.IT i i l .4i)

ll.ilH<t.M II.II

- 8-1.1 Il . ld. H.-.H U.2&



un.An Independent Newspaper of Ofem-

ocratic Principles, but not Controlled byUffFiCE-HATIoSAi c s i o s BAXS BCILD- i any Set of Pol iticians or Man> pulators;

CfG- ! Devoted toCollectingand Pyfaliihingaf]

- r w ~ » - y K T 1 ^% T - t r i e ^ 8 W S o f **e ^ a ' 'n **"* m o q t ' n t e r '


Legally• t of vat fniii-

esting Shape and with tho greatest pos.flra1 I aible PnjmptneM, Accuracy and Impar-: I tiality; and to the Promotion cf Demo-

' cratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs ofGLUBE, Capital *20,(W0,flfl0. | G o w r n m e n t ) Society and Induttry.


'• ' alllt _ lu . . . .

a ! TIN & JAPAN WARE,«'•» <™ - ™ . . . ™ I FRANKLIN OF PHILA

i-.s; Mr. ii-Fr-4- M.-tn*pnlpit.

FOP §*ufa/$ia

FOP t muralgia

FOP Rhtumsti$m

FOP Hkmumatitm

FOP Mkaumatitm

F»? Hhtmmatitm

FOP a tam$ Sac'-

FOP a Lama Bat

Far a Lam* Back

FOP a Lam* Bat*

9oct»p Thomas' Culottrit $il

Qoctot Thomas' £ciaetrie Oil

Doctor Thomas' £chetpit OH

Dact of Thomat' Ecloctric Oi'

FBCTTCJJTS. * c ,"* TIN BOOFTXO.J}; EAVES, TKOCGHS,*', ! LEADEBH, ami ill !fiuiln ofjuhbtusf ID mviine,

aiKheijt ircuiia paid for old Iran.

r load aaJ pewter taken in azcbaBft

aon mm,*. • - I- a. P. ii. P .H Iti.jM [.15 :t.W 3.27 j

i. u ...in j . . ,i !Cw!

* . • ! ! 1..5MI. i:t rt.fll

I.IS H.dH4 il rt.ni

4.14 H.4:l*.1H H .515-iKI T.DH5 * 1 i .afl.Itl 'l.ilSfl.:15 0 .HI7. Ill

S. 11

tb. 1870. 1-Iv



- i S D -


831 BROAD St.

NEWARK, 5. J.P k l C I M e . ana S I .


Dover, N. J..

J. E WiiOTTEN.G^n. SC*

i' wrNTEri [;sj:.)Vi'*'.-.n'j

nona than •wwrt1 m iing;, ()n\y a fewfawor 11 ilirt>ct, i'iirn.*ff.,rt lo sa»n lh« (••th* church ws* f i l l :OB ' " T i l l Sew Rirtir

thfl wcrk ' - r ' i . ' l «'"ilnttfT jvirt nf Ilfc-nrdi-t*') an'l fUrv l.t<lprahation. Thrtni;liIhn Urgp rpviwul n.t

innlit, hnt 'not 1 ^rifliffl-bf!)rfTfl of t!.f<Ih^ir (tjmpitlhy, refnIfat.ttfTf'l frMjrjflntiy 1ao'l ftt)*TTr 'J tnf ^.''melhoflx f.f wr.rk nn-t

r^iT.i-,1,'fli' . ' ,

• • • • l > l - .

iri'l if*" i'rr.iit l i - nr

.li'*r .1 nl.i— 1,

' <> . t l .

• vi-rA

f ' i , . r i *

• 1,] 1 , .

11 1.1..; f

i l

T lf t

•> • (

r l.1 '





Oil II .IIIV•" 1 ' :iii"»J• .<t ii'-.&ht•\ ••r-rtri'in j

..•„, 3.1.1n l •-,,••.,'iii.:ii rl.r* •,. n |,-)f|. I

^ •• - • . . J f . a !

a- f tk' '.r:i»H H ' i I » I V j

-r ci:thi!wi!||li'-t I(l;i(ritP

, Miv.; f.i>. \.-tli

m i i l . t ; « o ( J ' t ' | j r u j r 7 . w i n1

! , t l ^ U i s l . f,; .,-,11.-4 ; ;i,

. W m . H . MuR.-t fUi ( o t u k f t ( ! i t . i r ^ i . f ( « n f l M . in

i n f t . | . . ^ n t c h o i - c l i . l » ^ th*s I A ' I I f .rj f . i -p.tcliAr!

<, T l . ^ . I I . M-i . i t i . , I I. nl . l . - r i .

i n ' z n i ) r i i - m f •• m | l n m i < a ( ' l j

1. nt'tr'i/ id'T.*n nv,n!iiX ' [,'.,t, wii vJ from ti

ulif.t; F. -l^r, I-,


i r. r-1. Mr. M-.fln.!.* rni-i-rit. s.-iv..:n ffii- f.nirl.'ftn nrfljK.rt.-.J 1 rift c.iin "f fifff'

.[jiitonrr-i ; IMI 'l.irinKV piireii-i-ril U m I

Ji/j'iO. nm) n-(.;,ir*'.l .ind -!«r

•f.'l fffi j

Tin* ' p i n t nf Fi,'i. W H T I I - H U. C o l .

•il \<,f» t . . A f . - r . i , ii:llfl |<lli:l»llilH.II>l till.w'H J i m i(O 10 Af'i i 'Sy. i t i w i l l (Jju f l . iPiv.» Ili'f fi .slir'ri Tn Hi t

1" j.'r, 'w,-,i

KRCEN * p.nssiEr.i..

Driotr B*«) Bntioni.


. ,L . .li W, it'."tt. i

m I 1 in

l|i,-. l itic- t

, 1S77. Al.npr t f . r r.f tli

mf. I.f in-; .111.1 i(•-. -I...I1 li'' in

• •« • ( . » i i Ai"i- •:

i..',i 'fifth.

] i v r ...1


ith char

rp flf-im («it iI • Finv. W i

• M7«. :tml w

.«f. K'1 >a

ntfli] in

nd. 77.1*. ir.f.,

of hng lnlKr-l .i . ,fnlt«Tnp^r*, all of nhinli Ciineftfl ii'iihiri^mrufi than A fpfllinff f>f fir-iT»rfnl jiit» forth«prt-,r nff-ndpr. Ai « r^nlf. i»f th*>revival iKUfflmrrh »ft»M r.i-il IHIIII IIJ«-pnnpln who rlnirftd t'mUmil (I.A r^ni. irimr*i«M, *nf) oltfin B* many Wfnt frrtmIhn nhnrch (W»r»«* gniriH on fntranr-c,and » h * n the bonrcnrnfi tliar flin wrvirr•hrmirl k K m tbe *frr-ft h>n] Ihc . -pp^rtrie* of a eonfrrefratii'm jnnt rli«rni.<isr-<t.

I l

n^RKMtlj, «**n rifil nnly hy the [-rmob-it h j tlifi montdrvml xnil mnst litwr•iipp*irtfm of (he ntmrcti. ^ rfi' Tiiiw.mralN tnr Ifteno\>-r 29: h, \Hi:\. A(bat mfftiofr th« Urjffst c»nirit>n".rall ehnreh int»rp*t«. th*n nnd nntw. rnovpttmtntftp« IMI takpn leokiix; lo tin- «-nUr^fmTit of fhi* liiuMiner, !'»*• notwon) wmmpnfcpn in fttrnr'if tlii1- nvitinriand wlifln it WBH put w.i» irwt Iff a vot

1 4 f l i l ! i l l l d i«f 1 .„...97 miilpfnrmhf rn hud rl(K>ir nnm<ra lo n Htn

'ntlvihfit ikrr

nil tit.flniuli Ili« ripw fllinrrii nnfnr "/.mi yfnr*. nm! tl.At HJP drnf.rnti'in Wfinkf anVrr mil an prriTlainn wn«mwlft toacAonnodntfltin w^ntu r.f manywlifi \ttffft tint (I'^lnnf* nnrl niiig**.Whfli thin prnpfrttilion wn» vntfl ilnwn

ami »r»RRn«t*"il, in pnrt, n r.lnn i»y whioliIt wia cWmftl pr«pti(!.li!ctfi rfli««* mfnipyan'l flriinh thr- nliapfl. Thit w.n r m i v Hwith »t!fjr R"1** • " ' ' pi'irrnl fn*rtr.

hfi left ihfl nlmrcli in ;i fcrvut re

lirorb'T'ioMit.In I M I Wm. f i Mnfy.rrf.pfk I

rri>M.<lt. fortn.il apiilin.ilii.fi LIVIUJ

He j-pmnioH three j m n . M.ir(Inn*: in (be «ii.T r.f rlinrrl» im(>n»nni r.in-itfTal/lB nt'incy wni rmward pajinR Hn- clinwli ilt-lit.h'fis-W'i) wnrh of (trni*:* ie rcp'irt

I I ! Ml. R<l.llliK F, ,

iudnfl:N(f.A Hiinrt

of M

j i l . i - l U.f..rcntn'lfs. Tu i


rim/: lift ff.ru lif- lefl I he HUftC.r

.LI cf rrl';'(ry on tlii* r

onctt »» M i

t! f'-rm

iiil it

1874, « fKr»mm. .Nfiirvanl," «n appvnprcncficr f«r a M

ing lirf'B cpf.kflii ti

Mn M,« It-zi : "GoWJM m.nlf )>j tlic

vrii it imi f'ir Ihrr-.[ [ < i w n t h <?

|i:rtpi| IIMI ruini-

A'. 1 tifi OoiiftTO1

am) »l,m*t tniriislikft tlmt 1,1 hlx

ri'tinniiinilr. 'lh« prc.frit pj^tti.r is 1I. I ^ M . - N .

It i proper I hut a lii-ief nmninl I

ft t\ntfi\tct ot (Jbri^vinn Hw^lr^ Ifli) r.liKiftnn B*!r?itws in the nl<l l'rftli»t«ri{tCfurtti. A HwMn rnimxlcr, F.11I11Hf;rnit, nil en (•nntltictfMl Um irrtiiifM nnNt >,<Wfl». tlir-riph .tiffHMiMHil nf ll.Hncdti 111*ipselFPS, find t\f f>*uettinit<>r their hifinh, liHilt th,: rlmrrti 1.

I. Tlifinl.nreti •

HIP Rdcifl.fform'Tt»;islorHit' enrtvn of thi'clfo ,\,,, t.i.l I l,.d rrrvwith lljo Hoeifty (i

Kf in thtl l (

r ln

lh.il.ml thr.

I««ITA morilh4 WM- tik«n or $nmnnntiiiKinnll U> 8.'i.»r)(l. Workfimiin«!d on tlif rlinjul 111 flic H;,•bd on tlic f(.|fo«pn« 14th diij "f JnhIt WM tfalimtrd, I>n. Htfn<i and Dnnngvf<nchin|r nit Ibc (weinion. An«f $13,400 Imd hpen nmdF! on ttic••K Rtid K,ftl» bad l-'w, )inifl up to thntHate. HuiMfirifdioriH utipit'l riri'l «ii[)I***-* to lw valid nmoiinlxl lo %'\,U7(\Ufif . i t tS.MI to »/'• |ir'.vid''l for tli-td S4S0U I I I ) i

"Wi l l910" morn ttmn WHU jmk»-d r»r.

Of Ihr •rr-ril t i c IKOK B I U IM :I bj tin; i>]vami

I of t te liny tin- coi-ifirttin d*)inl(j^jf rffcpi'

Tbfini WM bat iitin incident ttiat mnrredIhu (iiy'dcujdjBfi.r. Bon.11 (tarlip* wort«Ielermic»Hl to liatn tho choir aecnfiy thi•nllfrt and Ind MIR organ placed tln-rt>1'lie Trntlfoa had it nut in plncp, in Die

rear t in pnl^il, Imt «lirn th" • .;nttrmpt-[| tupln.vll.

1 tha flrnt lijmn. It wan dinnoi•red 'b» (WMlfel at»|ifi Imd licnn nut amino aiiMrifl erMllil bfl MTVN! fur Ilio tiiife* MirvifA. Tl.fi (.ffciidingpnrtiDi wrrr«HIV>T diwoverpd. After tlm ili'dicth« Trc*«iir«r ftirajixli'il llio fed In•Utftwtot, in print* d fnrin, nf oumryniM<l In Oirtw Micc«-*Mjvr nnslurMtm for«h« new eh .p«|.





Or«atcr l.bemllty than * •« prb , tbn MethodUl- of I).>v«r in Hiferpoce jour *>f lfiTnnml 1«7* in

Thrre W»M usually rolltc'ni for nilptirrxMe*. inolii'UtiK clmpH fiimi, «H(J-pert of tlic njltilntr.T.lirnevnUfit nlijrclA,Nriton and |ioor, W1.WI.7H; tlir |.anl'irnwoivittg Jin Baliir.v 81,0'HI ; t\ui\ fentj-tauniulsin cauli from frifintN (IWt. Altlio c low of Ilic year tltffp wero 248

ami "*if» urnhilioiifm, n ttit-l

t in i i *T«M'imr'iv|lnt<livtJr-.lif, 'uli'-lii-i HII-V >!,.»•,M id.-

JHPIVM nith Utc f n * M'tli..fliMnh-xli'.. f f p i f i N Cl.nfd.. IJy

my iiivil.'tl'in they wcr*-vism-il Wy tinl.ili- fia«f#.rO. O. H'-'Nlrntii, win. | . , r tl'.r,[,' tiitu- i»; sr..niifp'f.l willi llir- liiiltic.H'iip in New Y'.rk, itnrl nff(-i u-vcriinlTV.i'Wi del.) with tlic Ihcd iitlitifpait'.r, Mr. A. II. AtiKren, rhc iw » •m,,,Jo (,r i:t>iHc>piil Mtih'Hli-in. Tinrlmrcli »nx rlcilirutfl (in Hundnt, bee7tli, 1173. J'listor llffUlrom t<rc(tc)i'iIn Ilifi i-tt church in tint .m.rM,,,:

Ill-nl fctfO. lu Ulll Ull-MI'IMT, fiifttK.I

fnncfi prrnchcil anil ramid #ftyU- Id tb<iircuiTiK HCTviwii were lixlil n, ttii<< tnl<iric fliBhoi) JiirifH nml P*«ldr Hclalroi"|i'>k*-. i.r.'l u colUclion WHH tiikxn f<Ilr». Alifrrcr. amountingtr. «3(»O. Itwi

Uf., 'iiritiotirt-nnlifd i

tlmt r inif.fHtjlit nr. prnlmtitin, (.nf nf \\\r. tiunthcr

\m\iU. my nmu elder Sfm. Arid in tin-TTij/i-r fT.f-elinft at ototd of evening w'iri> ^«;vpnticn pcnilnntaviirent tlio all

On ttir 1th itiiy or J.inimrj, 1874, nt 0I'oli'ckr. «.. I pri'Hclicil in 1li«: Hwrili'Il.iinli, LaptiKcd ou« cliilil, n w i v ri^lit (irciialidriara AU(I twflro intnfunimLiTotiip, and thim 1ml I|m hnuvr <irKmiiiuK funinill/ III- Hwi-Jt,*. |f (4|,(MM Ejiiwo|ial Chnreh oflpott-w.

Wn |Mi«« fri.m tlican itrio" nf hlfitonninltrrnt with rtnotionn >,l nr-liluttr 1

<li«l. Hint we - h o nt.w li..-....... . r « nowidfiitiflt-d with the rlmrcli. nn-nrc

part of [lit- fnirrf-NHlnl rcmiltaKpincoiml Cliiircli, nil

Nio«t«fa dwf* tMforn t)u<oloM of UH<w i r tbanilcon ilcwnrdn «nil limlem i>.p«od U wldrMi lo wbicti tliej Ml forth

MrtlifnliKt Kpincoiml Cliiircli, nltrr onuhundrrd jr.ira of Mialfiir** nml blmrL"tu«con«lr]"Tfirlt Uifigrneipulhrdiiuli• lii«li, tind'T (lo<l"» bUwting, itiFannuo

Fl*«T—We n nit •rhnowirditi' tlir

I7.IW.«I frnm'lliTeimo wlT-n J o h ^ w i l r * / ^J.477.76 «j.. J C ( i r f , ,pf «K(., „ „ rmio«l from tl..'

IIR rrclorj at E|miirtti, mill wlifnhu i m w i l tii» (j»r» miDJ Umt lie

fldUHfiftii l« pnprnfpil on DDK of IIIPI |Hir-iit> HIP motto : " h not thin a hrunn

rUuftdovt of Am Jlr»r lint t»im,U<ri»nli" hislnry of rmr clutrcli in /^mrtic», in-oniK-rlion with tlir Frovi.lnire »r Oixl,•re any ; tlir IHviiH! ir;dicntiiitiM ur« iin-tni'itiiknhip, Itf>li-nxnl from tlir oiTjI

ilt((»rit.T <>r Ormt llritnin nnil from Umilt.TH nf nn cLclc«in»tir:iI f qtn1<1in(iT>n>nt

l>y the Ironty «( 178;t, ihe Unit«'c, Ht«tc«ternl II|H.D her (virrrr nf rnitni-n-i.•ikfitthm in Amtricit firyiin it* hittwryth* it'irvt iif Ihr tt«rtiiuiton. It waitullcd in tlio Iturnmni', uml lianli'iird

ti!o"umw,OIMnJi't" "Imid fmtVt'lm "i^i'lyrumtlnr tbn ilpfltiito (n-otj of jMuro

' t.l.cv I1.1J m

9 uml 1 il furl i , . i 1 .. . ,• .•!

o«Wiiu 1 lii

j tiiroiii -whoI Imd n

y (;u:ippof •

i l i cm iiml S - T M^i-<n<l rfi' u n i c d

tliB f l h . i « s n o d I iment Icfi ; nri-1, n.t

'fitf iuftiifitiCK•ittrilli Hro fniijD

iwNat. i

j .Ie l i e l...ecl.n

(it W.*alr,t..,JoM,

ft'TIf!. A 1.(1 ''VDITPilin-lf-i by I Iif: IjiHtltl milie C1pit.1l, wi i l i t l i" weight (iill duller upon him, it pnxlilUe linoit of nii'f'iiitK willi 11iiiuctiiiility the liiimJi'cmtof hin tf.c 11 t i le n-ffklr cl.im.

•S'i r//. A'l'-tht!

butdt. l;.vtln• f Mm ,,-.,.«

lum^lf aiR imrilon i. Th« fum<'MeIi".ii)lncn kooivif.,114 of ti

«>N. y. lirX) ('illv <f n n j m lc'd in liiin


IN thr best hlftNtln; pow-

tlrr in the market.

IH V) per cent, fctronger

Hi in any known explosive

IN not AM (tinferouH to

hunllft or transport.

IN plaitlc and

milt li letM fume*.

*4 low «N any other

Tha iisricu Tomtt f iriir f f j b.

OMce: 55 Llbarty St., N. Y.

Work*: Drakasville, N. J.

l i i

fiinic of oiir tird Pt<trii>fi*m i>( ourritimont wo took

.. _ An fiifmol f, .dr»M of tha O.-n»ra1 (JnahrsmtK nf 1664to I'rrnirient Liriculo will bring out tlipfacli* uf onr loyalty and piiiriotism al H

ntiluto. "With rinltdtion wn poin!in rci-fird of ntir rhi>fpli»*i »• linvinc•f t»'.'M tiiroi^lii.-d hy 'li.toyr'ty HU<tti« llrst of Ilii! dm retire to ciprni'

riiiiiisU-r", IIICJ priifleiw of mtpimrt In thfjvirnniflrtl in lli« dnj« (,f Wuftbinffloni tin; Jirtic'di* of BeligifiD tiLo ins uniriH Ifiyalty aa a duly and bat ©Id

gi*i;n to thf govt-rnmviit hermn-t <Jcilid support. In llil* fire»e»l sirugglir lite niitiiiti'" 'lf<>, ni'ioy thnnnnnitH <>iir uifmiicra, (100,000 wtiilm, 75.000

culdrrd tronfiR.! un<l • lufftn mimlmr of" MHIHII In arms

ifGodandliiiinar.il.Thry ha»i- nnlcd tfciif Orvotiun to theiri;ountrT with tlxir lilnod «n t-fory ImltlcfinM nf this lorrihlo war." I will IXTH\iTt<nfit\ in moclimioii nn fUract frumthf> frfiiilrnt'n reply: " Nnhly nanlninwnu UiU «.jvcni|pei)t Inn twin Ity ill Ih.

I •r.ald utter nothinir wbicl

O.i»,iili -i

iKHinit HOT, V«it will(nirlyt)4) luid tltut tbn nictlimliHt i^mtnfhii Cliitrrli, not If** tlcvulril I lino Hi

HI, in li* iU gn'niritl nnmlxTt 1 lir> mi"poilant f.f ml. It is vo fitolt in otnnit thr Mi'tliotiixt Church noiuit root

Niildirrnlnthr fitlii, tiKim Diirws ID HI'iiilttl nml fii'int pruTi-rs id licuven uuv. G,»l 1,1 CM tlio Mcihtnli-

Cliiuch I bleni nil tlxi clmrolitnl bndJ lu p(xl, who in Ihinu

rial ((iTotli an l\n> pkntebvH."There trn otlicr cauwH «((nnlly powerful willi nomv llml Imri'

tirrn prchrntrd. nncll Hi our prciilinr-iftitm of ura^p, tint HUM rnrrting ntid

i.'frB^i, hnt li->t Iwo^ryfipiwt iipf>e your timpaiiil |r l/orbmr.

• • • • • • — —A prplly J'liriiinti eoiSurn linn olosoirln clnMcrlng oror (}>« hcail, a fewu^er one" drtMpping nt tlm tiack. Tbil

n-ni.lly the work nf tlio frmmir,

f too


SIXTY-:-DAYS.i.fflir ir> rprlrtffl mr »t»«k I will offer for

u-it RO J»*• at crrat prirf* a la ig* laafirt-t of tbr folUwiiift articiea:






TAINT OTIU.-4IIK4 r.r .11, K I . . D . .

«f-1 turn the I.tRGKHT HTOrK of W.lll'»i"T» m I'wn.aiidCRflv ra'ler.i.ill h »« tin:

h.rK.ina. ' ' ' " n i * ^


OILT, WALSUr.ftc. I « i l l n » !trrjr Inw In oriW in rP,lnc* m*

r piint-iilllce.

ionvi.firprnp«nni* [i«i mraor^ii

wrli«n lun.lleil [or limit' .I.iain

MM Mr M. niaaclmr.l *iU ict

n Nn. 2. National L*ni.,n Bank £



fijf Men. HQJ* »a* CliiHren U pr»noqti"><l l>y

all pnrahaaan •alw/4«tQry u tn qnalifr,

workman*hlp anri prioei, S>*R inr

OTSBOOATSwhich h»v* hccD i

e poor th<**t;foit- • « bare

W« can tin it a* o

D any cloth ing hnu*

Bl«icatoau fty., »ta iJmaion fur . i t u -i c buml le . Honh-ugsn (Uina ttirt e r i a a d ite

» , n , B m f f m «, Owe* . Ii* i Tly.Etmira, X.mnt Ui.tri* aci B.i

l.ni Hjr»im*i »oJ Oi»et[ri, ooune;uai.i^liira^u lur L'uc» »n,l Hjctifl.jiit H.r HAt 10.10 A. V. DoTer AeeomMo-UlioiiAt !•<(» U. K u ^ a fipreaa.

l3O P, M. Kloiirt KiprtM. Oravta* HaMl rvu Uro**ttlo Water u*p.am


C»BriEST ASJD BEilT STOCK ia tb« St*t«.



taUenand maurala faratebed.

Hlnte HoofingWith hittUr facilities I am •nmbled tn put

3d SLATE RQOFM cheaper than evar aainfnone but the bent quality of alate

C»piUl 110,


Capital wlO.OOO.tWO


Cupital i5,fl0fl,000.

p^]|>lii:i. f a .

*M MNMT p» VavMtfLT, pr TMr



Ml flu.

ml Hr-r tilf I n ,

t.imr>iil t"ninri l*-iir^lii'' Ci.miinilripiMl fi.lilM.IHm.

Thfl London AMonncs CorpontlooodcD. capital V,V?),<m.

i n ImninaM Co.,

Fin Inmn&M Conpaa; foN*w Tort, capital g.VjO.Onrj.

i . . , . , 11,000,000


inn, l3.HiQ,0Df

GiPlTiL 600,OW

Freeman Wood,Ja.tic* r.t the P«u« tod Poliee

SMITH 4; ECKHART.(•n,:,-*-iKiri to tra C. Cooper.)


C I G A R S ! C I G A R S !





b*i Jilat receiveil an Imoirrj* •foul atf



ORAM, HAHCc'a Cfc» STIRE.CoQtrwta UkBn >Q>1 ni*t«ri»la rnrniab«l f<ir


whether of BtUCS ttt 3TONB.

Offlce on Mom* ttieat, neit (g tonne

Romsf T. 8 ir Jo as J. ECIBAST.

uit«e mat«rii*l and work ila*. TUT Hhsathing Felt alwaya o

Dtt«d Ocwber lath. 1880.

I cun gnar. i



CARRIAGE PAINTER,Shop on Clinton BL, Dover.

A t\ fli^.


•t and S| 1 nn»tfilli.'i

cli-»buf•••A bf



leca.v (Sm!cei»w:i to VoorhM* Brother*)

- KOKBUTOWSr.nr-nt. *I i lr,^, nr i«i bf . i -s tor « , len

W E GCABA.'kTEl. A l l LwOlE*

ocuri' an» saiit1. Witli cusli oriler re^f•.'•; besfle, acL-onipaiiicil with #3,

eawtb- r.nblu.t l l"

S£- if'be tfJQIJ by

R. Killgore, Agent, Dover.


D0?EE, 9.1.

. . . Dover Lumber Coa-\ J p»nv'* mill. Contract* t»liftn. atnl plint,ipteificauont md matanali or every kind fa-aiab»l rcr bttlldiuaa. Jobbing a ipeeiailj.




til«ta firni»h*<l froh

the butt qnirrte* bl d d i if d

. g M m i D . ^ r a c i i M

U- J*.

Ifad ,inftua fltk trala Ma.(.

L.:aveN*» Sor« t l4 .M p. | | (batoB ElHreiiio-junecting at Waterl<*» fur Aodover,N^wtQ'i ana BfanabTillf, au4 at PbiUiptbtue•itu Lehlfti Vkllai lUilron! and Ubicb ao<lajquanaon* B. It. lot liethleben.,AlieDtownt

J'to P. M., iv. -or t ipreit fur aamni

. . . jrrntown, Hum flii'oi, Denfii(tr>ekaway an.l DoTtr,

At Ai«( P. M. {HiekatUtnwn EipreMHtcIB^IC MilharnIHamm|t,C'liatban.>lUditM[nm«towD and ill ttatiom west to Baohttliwa.cnaaectiriK at Witerlorj with traioli'lotfranj Newton.A t * ' » P. jf. "4 t P , JI. Lrtfr Accc»miiif,(

^liktharn, UnrrUtowa mil D-,Tpr,*:«*P. M. Oawegoau I llaiT4l'i Ki.

k ( . r k ( i l e « p i D K r I t b ] ) iIron



man. Our CUSTOM Tltil'AKTMKNT i- h

f tbn Intrit #tj]p* nf |>IM><<II, tixtli IWii

ml rinmf-nti^. A ImI in t l .u liup Kill c,

inr« fveryboi\y that our aim M tn pTc «.i

iftwtina or mnnty rpfniiilft.l. I^mk .it m


n grt tliprn fr.r mmh jirtrrH



Freice, HOVM, Siajn and Orni-

menlil Painting md Piper

Hinging.Ttili ttrannli of mf bailnem will h* cirrled

on at Ihn old aland with p-nrnpiiiM* »n1 ilia. ,Pttoli, anrl willi bftl.tr fapitltlo* limn fvn h>- i l n

ffire. A a l b a f m j P»ir,ti am) Oil* at WIIOIR---\\w p-jr*i I an altla t-> dcfi


n I an altla t-> defv roiir^t.ti'.fi'* pan i l all iimr* rurnmo Mi <fvi

mi >b"p nnrt i r» fi)r Ih cm Ml i n tin 'p baat ntlarlila.

E. SIEBER,Car. Blaclitvall • • « EtMx


.aril. Thf Kar.l«u U Urm-, !„ « c.mrt'itilitUnl "II. - i t ) . r(.n.l.trnl.|r fruit. A loton.tifT«tn:«lrfi>I.MIilufl fi-i-t, will llkrwliio Imll>pt>Mil Of VPD.rl,«l.),ly. 1 Bl^offe, f o r ««l ,

A Good Horse, A Good Cow.

»flue HHIer, two union* ,nA t

i- Lir|i Stopk ol Harneti - : •

Kf A. TAYtOK, Hrii-h Mock, Itovtr.

"IFOR SAXRrp.U .<!«.

Itarticulnn apjil.T lo

ritEEMAN W00U.

n , Win,),,* Hhitl».«, W*ll Faocr. anil com*if iitici or all kinritor^.^lin.nalljkfpli nrat-diM itor". Don't tnrgtt


'•rner Pjirk • •« «*aili Street,


NOTIOE1.Estate of Stephen Strait,

deceased.PURHDAHT lo tba atdef at Ihe 8a

ot the OiotiU nr llnrrtv, aaiihtwrnit-flrtt (U* t.f Niifrmbff, a. f. one Itioo-

btrehj pciten to all p-ranm'davfoir claim!aiialn't Hie citato ot Birphin Htralt, latn r.the Conn I? of Morrlv, (t'-eeiPfel, lo rrcirtit tin••inp,.ird«r»ath or «fflrm»li(in. tn thf «Q|.

»Dri^ri1n" lMdne f"i'0 l l ' " ' " r " t ' ' " r " 1 r t i T ( l 1

Imtiil *lMt>ltnlnnr h-r «la'ini 'nnii'iT oail! 1Hifflrmallnn. wiililnUieij

t>atrd tba tweutr Hr*t Air nt N'.trTiber AD.1MI. CnillSTINA BTKAIT,





.ton throocb u, WattvrOan.Htroadabarii.own. fiitiRbamtoD, U«le, M»ralhon,CurI-

linn)i«anuiiiritb train forOreene.Oifnrd,NCII, BichUeld Hprtnn*, Utlca, * c . ~

.. -• rum thfuouli to Oawcirn DnlT»liKictiHdd Hjinngi (but m t to filuca) Hi


eltJ Heigh*)»w«/e ]

H o . H t i r l i D K ^ i i l l e , Befkelu.,i all atatlona -in Paa*aic and D*)it.<N. J. W-it L)o*E • •I. *n(l*:30anrU:$DP.

4. U A t t O M B . {)m»ri*Mnd«)i*,

DOVER TIME TABLE,Tralm arrf*e aod depart from Ibla tutlonriloilot

a. a. wur B A. • .

flackRtULownEip.7^11 i UnfT.

' jrAccon. 11:16

r Acoom. 6:W(tuftiln RipTeaa* A:U7

•tan Accnm. 8;IO

Ti*. BooitoD Bfueta.

ai) ftt.n Jfail* 8:1.

,. Ktpreaa 10:37

Dover Aecon. It:Eutoit Eipfeaa 3:Elmira Kipreaa* %:Eaalon Etprraa I:

!>o»« Arrom.Diwego Bip."


A.M. fM.l«.9fT 7-00Q.IT 8.53ft.07 1*7«»T ««


PHOTOGRAPHSTne*e Phetogntptif owa Heir *alu» to thir»rl ( ; , ,mrm o t » • n i e m wbich rtDder* ordln

rna>Mea fee> operator to caicb a t r a o tbH K biand h u p * . jprewion, whlcli W V l

' tfain a few ncnniji Tlie

•pratfall? Inlorua th« pnbjie ihat bo hT-

With eTerV raellftr, eonb(n"J wrtj, »'*^^rlctia?4i, he ia tiov rircpar^ij to ronlvih


Tli..e pi^tnrc. cannr.t U Me«|>4 f(," '; (1

TUe w.ll alK.wnr^nt.llonnf fhl.r.ubli.h

IMI • • n i n n k . /~ I.. ' "'"'."Oliail





•ABMHI1ED 1B7D * n h l 0 1 D ' l t ' "

t qnirrte* bjtn*l[ qamtitr or ear load, and lai<l, if d«-

d, br eipartencad workmen at lownH*.ii-lf



0KPK.X OVF.B W. II. FIAKEKH STOEC.A Urife rjijuut} af L&P WOOD for Mto.




<)UART, 100 OR 1.000—«—


klwaja bsa M band • full nock of th*

aboT« «bl«h ha M I Mil M cheap v the

ilMw^eiL l*artlM, ball., *<?., aupptlnd with

MJlking In hii lino at reJnerd (iri«*».


RKAL ESTATE!Tbv anUeriUr. AHrrlniilrslnr witti Ihe will

*DD*ied ol J.«pti lilinhf.. dcctiKfil. willanvnyicrrnftartotl)*- lii!;l.e»t l.i Ider nt

elculleil ibe FrankHn Hi.anc.io lheVi!L_Uanliiw N. J.. i t t«o >.*dwi. in th- »fitrnor SATCBDAY.aliTitnri 5I»t, 1S«, thi

:h*aply and promptly itan*. . . . .37t4nta Cuareb. BlMkwelJ, St.

THOS. JOHNSONuanaraetnrer and dealer I

Unanti, Iniiin• a i all work ID Mr He and Ofsnlto. Allof tlio beat oni'r »E.I pricra maonabU.




Wi. B, Po:;art • • PrseThe Pe^inl How* U out of tfc* flaral

tito aeeUtm u a ia ptaaaantlr located

hnadnd yartu fma the Central depot, ai

•boat two misatca walk frmn the D., L.

It ia • large roomy boiue and well fr

aiahetl tbroubont, Alw»j« open m



A wnll fanii«h«<l DAK and PTIOL So,

nected with the baoM. F.ir farther informi

tiaa a<Mmi« thn pmprietar. 35-1 y

SMOKE TUEPVOCIOABthi beit fire cent aigtr in the ma'ket Anrdpranrtb* trade •npplinl bj JOHS BARETT. B-o. ton. If jnu wint a good tnhartf>t imuklDK or clitwioi; aik yoar Jral«rOail ami Aiea L Bin), fnr tah at JatBei

Ulick'., DjytT, at 10 ti». p r ih.K. B.-An el»jranf oi(t»r lighter ia prevent

with ih* Br-t or'lcr for 1.000 cisara.

and lot in the TillageTiiwtislun ,,j BTfim a1

HM.j>u -Alr.cidf lard I-'lACkwiHiil. In IlipTimn.2onnt.TofttnM.-i. s j . , (

ir r.om htiniMdb-.Qt.Wici1 iiweillnir Ui'Oie> nmr itiat «-«• c

h. ISd.auirPMi

ml tarn.

2(1 in HIP H


Admjfil.tratar, Ac,


PAIPfTBH.'tf1 ?*""• "•"«">' to it" «™> o f « . . .Pnck, c»n wijl u< fbDBd al thp old .urn.SillJtrire'. Drax l u i c lor Hnoie. SKD

K f i l i ' 'Ji11"" °»i"i Oili




ruHin* SDI;EnI0B

SIC"LI1'.,?*'1"': *™. t l , in tl . i l hi;,), hrtneh. I «

.ill.f.plion «l ,»mnr I 10work e.n l,n . M n • • . R T l

c t n . nl criltnc. r,,r II>R fall ir.,PTlJ VI kmH. nr

nl Frjncl, Il

l I• fair (rial cf wy abilitv an.] will en-

a»or to ray mra-m to plMM mf cnalottiuri.

c ll .,1. arainVI kmH. nrwood. « . n « . w . i n , | , B l « kjncl, Il.*wo.,l. Oik, Bttm «ooj, *c .nlinK br«ntli I ,lti!l ilrlcll; innrln.

L j I r a i i a r m p l o r l l n l t r l r t o


SHERIFFS SALE.In f:!ia»n;ry of New J<TPFv-fWween Jsm

Ifttinrnni o'f Wiliam II. Nk-ltuN. rltcmnorninpUintkt, ami Emilv W. Wtbb kii'l JetWeLb. Jr., lar bttatiatid *«d Arin TardfdcrcDdanix. Fi. la. for t '. Fi f


rtn« or tlic ahore M.l-.l writ OIOmi bind*. 1 K)I»-| t i p o , e | n r M i

WEDNESDAY, (be l « h Jay o r Fr Unary s e n

* - riiN.u.uI'c.Uau in Ib.tracUnrpai

pari'cBnriiMurtwi, utmt^, »it(; nod l>fiDR in ib.<wDibip or Cucatcr. iu ihu Coantj it Marriiid Stale tit Sew tvnej, bounded *ud "

tt* or Itnd i

6 ty-lbretfit feel to

THI HOUIK UT begina *1 a >uV.s in tbiImo of Jaivc-i Tnrr'nK'i Uud. lootbeait oKltphen H. WooillioliV Unit *ix feet Iron thicomer ot uid Tor"'- • • - ••onib artj-ttiree km _ID • line or a new i i m i known ai Semi oar?itrwt • • the ytilafta of CUi'iter, ILeuce (ieontn ibfrtymtiiu md » b^rd>Rrei-aMal onebnndted and flliT Teel nlnn'i the Hue uf Midttreel; Ibenca (3f acnib fltv-ihne and A bill•tSre*B w«at l«n hamlred l t d ; .Unce (3orth tbirt.T-javcndesrtei w*at one bnodr<-d

aid arty te*t; theoae («) norih Sanil a half <U|*r««>i eaat Iwo hnndrthe beglnnfDft corner, containing ainodrwUha at as uta of Ian. more

T i t tlEosD LOT bralna at a itake in tbaliu« of J.m.a ToppiD?a land « d M n e r TEmily W. Wibb'a lot and ram thtnee ( l ,watb arty-three and a lialf <lcirnea *eat t*ubnndred and foar ami a half feet; (3) aoathificeDand • qnarter degrwi wwt two bun-red anil lortJ-Kfen left: (S) north HflT-

ihrfc digien «aat four bai(tr»4 feet; (4)»rtli lbirtj,pnrra denrcM « N I OUR fcondredid Kfi» fe«t lo ihebttr'Di.lDRCoriicr,B one a m U l | twcnt.v handi-Hlihe o. _land. Sieeptias sad re.ertiii, tbe wtdlbfllty feel from a atibt. ia the Brat menUoati

Infc on* hnmlred and flflj-tonr u d a half feeinm Ibf bfclunina corm-r, md rnnnlait From

Hence a rnnnn aoilli Ibirty-aeten <l«areer(ait one hnndrnl and filly feut, Ihe width ol•aid tireet u aroreiild. liins on the anuth-

it side of raid linp, It ta inileratn^d thai•bo*e reaenrilton la lor the pnrnoae onlypcnlDBa itrnet al iiojfutore tine and m

otuet pnrpuae whatetfr.

NOTICE.Estate of Matthias C. Welsh

deceased.>tfltSOAHT to tbe order ot tba Sarrontc

r ol tba County of Horni, mide on UM

eiRbl haodred and ci((blj-ronr, notice tl

..j»lt[5^^rfM!l^ahW«S(SWilia Connly of Momi, rteM»««J, to prevnt th*imn.nndpr mih or •fflnattiun, to tho mh-:nb«r. on nr before tie tnuntr-nevenlb day olipteubrrBnt, Ivin. nine innntht frnm (hel! l:?'" iAa rL1 w • • " •?•' »wi"«T «-B»«tlii||

uuriu in onBClLDIlr, CAJtftUQC MUIJU'.BLtCI.

83IITES' COHTK1CTOI8', WfilSO i»»•LiNcrACTuaEBS' a v n u w .




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