business, art & technology (bat) year 7 and · pdf file1 business, art & technology...

1 BUSINESS, ART & TECHNOLOGY (BAT) YEAR 7 AND YEAR 8 SYLLABUS 1.0 RATIONALE In 2008, The Ministry of Education (MoE) Brunei Darussalam introduced a new education system known as the National Education System for the 21 st Century or Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad ke-21 (SPN21). The SPN21 education system is committed to providing the country’s younger generation with education that will prepare them for future roles as capable, creative and thinking citizens who would uphold the local social values inherent in the national philosophy which adopted the Malay Islamic Monarchy or Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) concept. This will enable all learners to reach their full potential equipping them with relevant 21 st Century skills to survive challenges of globalisation. The Ministry view quality education as main provider of quality manpower as students will spend their adult lives in a multi-tasking, multi-faceted, technology-driven, diverse and vibrant world, and hence they must be equipped to meet the challenges globally. The SPN21 curriculum sets out to provide a holistic education to produce well rounded individuals which aims at maximising the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, social and physical potentials of every individual. This can be achieved by developing students thinking skills and equipping them with life-long learning skills necessary in an ever-changing world. The emphasis of developing thinking skills amongst our youth was pointed out in His Majesty’s Titah; “A system of education serves not only to produce educated individuals, but more importantly, it must be capable of a generation of thinkers. Being educated is not a sufficient assurance in itself; but an educated generation of thinkers - these are the people who will shape the nation's future. That is the outcome we anticipate from this system of education.” (Titah at 17 th Teacher’s Day Celebration, 23 September 2007)

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Page 1: BUSINESS, ART & TECHNOLOGY (BAT) YEAR 7 AND · PDF file1 BUSINESS, ART & TECHNOLOGY (BAT) YEAR 7 AND YEAR 8 SYLLABUS 1.0 RATIONALE In 2008, The Ministry of Education (MoE) Brunei Darussalam




In 2008, The Ministry of Education (MoE) Brunei Darussalam introduced a new

education system known as the National Education System for the 21st Century or

Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad ke-21 (SPN21). The SPN21 education system is

committed to providing the country’s younger generation with education that will

prepare them for future roles as capable, creative and thinking citizens who would

uphold the local social values inherent in the national philosophy which adopted

the Malay Islamic Monarchy or Melayu Islam Beraja (MIB) concept. This will

enable all learners to reach their full potential equipping them with relevant 21st

Century skills to survive challenges of globalisation. The Ministry view quality

education as main provider of quality manpower as students will spend their adult

lives in a multi-tasking, multi-faceted, technology-driven, diverse and vibrant world,

and hence they must be equipped to meet the challenges globally.

The SPN21 curriculum sets out to provide a holistic education to produce well

rounded individuals which aims at maximising the intellectual, spiritual, emotional,

social and physical potentials of every individual. This can be achieved by

developing students thinking skills and equipping them with life-long learning skills

necessary in an ever-changing world. The emphasis of developing thinking skills

amongst our youth was pointed out in His Majesty’s Titah;

“A system of education serves not only to produce educated individuals, but

more importantly, it must be capable of a generation of thinkers. Being

educated is not a sufficient assurance in itself; but an educated generation of

thinkers - these are the people who will shape the nation's future. That is the

outcome we anticipate from this system of education.”

(Titah at 17th Teacher’s Day Celebration, 23 September 2007)

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Business, Art & Technology (BAT) is a new subject which will provide these skills.

It will be introduced in January 2012 at Year 7 and consequently to Year 8 in 2013

as part of the new SPN21 secondary curriculum for ALL students. BAT aims to

enhance students’ knowledge and skills through authentic project-based activities

as preparation for students living and working in a technological society. It is

interdisciplinary in the way in which it provides a means of applying, reinforcing or

extending concepts generated in other subjects. The subject provides students

with foundation skills in entrepreneurship, technology and creativity used as living

skills before specialisation in Year 9 to Year 10/11. Figure 1 shows the

progression of learning in terms of subjects related to creativity and technology

from preschool to Year 10/11.



Besides enhancing students’ knowledge, BAT also aimed at developing

techniques and skills like collaboration, communication and independent learning

and promoting positive behavioural change focusing on process rather than

product. It also aims on developing skills in problem identification, problem

definition, testing and developing alternative solutions, and presenting reports and

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portfolios. This will prepare them for lifelong learning and their future after

schooling years.

BAT uses Project-based Learning (PBL) approach to integrate varieties of

knowledge and skills which will help our students to be better prepared to meet the

uncertainties and challenges of the future with regard to social, economic,

ecological, scientific and technological changes, both locally and globally.

Through authentic real problem experiences, students have the opportunity to

synthesise knowledge, experiment with a variety of solutions so remain excited

about learning and develop holistically. Therefore, BAT demands a tremendous

shift in the way it is delivered in schools. Not only has there been a change in the

way the subject itself is conceptualized, but the curriculum demands a different

philosophy and approach to the process of teaching and learning.

1.1 AIM The main aim of Business, Art & Technology (BAT) is to provide learning

opportunities for students to develop entrepreneurial, artistic and technological

awareness, literacy, and capacity for lifelong learning required to live and work

effectively in the challenging world of globalisation. It will integrate all the learning

areas but focuses mainly on Social Sciences and Humanities, Art and Culture and


Business, Art & Technology (BAT) will:

• develop students’ personal attributes (spiritual, mental, physical and

aesthetics values, leadership, entrepreneurship, morale);

• develop students with fundamental knowledge and skill through

entrepreneurial, artistic and technological activities and develop their

positive values and attitudes through project-based learning activities;

• develop students generic skills in research, analysis, leadership, team-

building, communication, critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving

through hands-on experiences;

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• not only make cognitive and skills development as the main focus but

other aspects of a holistic education such as the inculcation of spiritual,

moral, social, cultural attitudes and values, as well as physical

development are also emphasised through authentic activities;

• encourage students to participate in collaboration, cooperation, and high

levels of interpersonal skills, as well as the ability to act in ethically and

morally responsible ways.

2.0 GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES The knowledge, skills, attitudes and values students should have acquired by the

end of the course are stated in the general learning outcomes. The general

learning outcomes outlines what schools are required to teach and the learning

experiences students should be provided in the Business, Art & Technology (BAT)

curriculum. These outcomes are also used by schools as benchmarks or criteria

for assessing students’ achievements via a wide range of assessment modes.

BAT will use a Project-based Learning (PBL) approach which is organised in a

modular/thematic format. PBL is a systematic teaching approach which ensures all

students are actively involved in the learning process through inquiry based and

authentic activities. Through working in groups, students’ will enhance their ability

to collaborate, self and peer reflection and evaluate their own work and processes

as well as that of their peers.

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2.1 Dimension


The conceptual framework for Business, Art & Technology (BAT) as shown in

Figure 2 focuses on three dimensions which are:

• Knowledge acquisition and application

• 21st Century Skills

Thinking and problem solving skills

Entrepreneurial skills

Artistic and design skills

Practical Skills

ICT Skills

• Attitudes and values

The general learning outcomes in the first two dimensions can be assessed. The

third dimension, attitudes and values, is not directly assessed. It is an integral part

of the teaching and learning process in which students will achieve through

effective, meaningful activities implemented in the classroom.

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2.1.1 KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION AND APPLICATION Knowledge acquisition and application focuses on how students access/obtain,

create/design, process and deliver key concepts and information in various forms

in order to fulfil a range of needs, situations and purposes and cultivate an attitude

of open-mindedness to diverse sources of information and evaluate as well as

filter information that is useful.

Therefore, by the end of Year 8, students should be able to:

• apply key concepts and knowledge of, artistic & design, entrepreneurship

and technology in an integrated manner to attain specified goals and solve

problems encountered in project-based learning activities; and

• identify opportunities, generate innovative ideas and manage resources .

2.1.2 21st CENTURY SKILLS Business, Art & Technology (B.A.T.) identifies these five skills required by students

to meet the challenges of 21st Century:

i. Thinking and Problem Solving skills; This aims to help students develop thinking skills as a deliberate skill which

generate a critical scanning of the situation before they make decisions.

Students have an increase capacity to generate ideas and be able to

explore and acquire knowledge by themselves. They would also acquire

greater confidence and self-esteem, therefore, more active participation in

the class room activities. It would improve students’ listening and

communication skills, teacher-student and peer interactions and social

values as well as bring about better concentration.

ii. Entrepreneurial skills; This aims to help instil entrepreneurial awareness and values. These are

carried out through projects and activities which are part of their daily lives

which will develop their competency in decision-making, working in teams

and collaboration, creativity, communication, business and marketing skills.

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iii. Artistic and Design Skills This aims to develop skills, knowledge and values through the construction

of experience, practice and increasing maturity in an active learning

environment. Through these experiences students develop awareness of

technology in design, a sense of appreciation of function and aesthetics and

use problem solving and creative thinking skills to create unique, appealing

and expressive product.

iv. Practical Skills This aims to develop necessary procedural and manipulative skills for

working with materials, tools and equipments through a work habit of a safe

and healthy environment. The students would demonstrate self-

management by working systematically, persistent with task, evaluating and

improving own performance.

v. ICT Skills This aims to develop ICT skills for creativity and communication in learning

confidently and selectively. Students will be able to acquire skills in ICT

application tools and understand how to use them in appropriate situation

and task. Through the use of ICT, students would retrieve, analyse,

process, present and exchange information and use technology efficiently

and effectively in solving problems and increasing productivity.

Therefore, by the end of Year 8, students should be able to:

• collect, process and analyse information necessary for strategic

planning and development;

• apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in evaluating issues and

making decisions;

• demonstrate self management by working systematically and persistent

with task;

• develop a sound knowledge and understanding of basic business and

enterprise skills;

• demonstrate skills when using specific tools and materials;

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• develop communication through basic drawing skills;

• demonstrate effective communication, team-building and interpersonal

skills; and

• use computer software and apply ICT skills in projects.

2.1.3 ATTITUDES AND VALUES The development of attitudes and values are essential for students to

cultivate an interest and love for acquiring and applying knowledge and

skills, and a culture of lifelong learning. Through the projects and activities,

students would show leadership qualities, show cooperation as a team and

work collaboratively, show confidence and perseverance to find things out,

interest and curiosity in exploring their environment and question what they

find, be able to work independently and show resourcefulness when facing


Therefore, by the end of Year 8, students should be able to:

• be socially responsible and caring, and show respect for other people’s

work and ideas;

• present ideas with confidence;

• show commitment on one’s own and when collaborating with others;

• show leadership when decisions have to be made;

• show perseverance when facing difficult task(s); and

• be reflective and self-motivated lifelong learners to meet the demands

of the rapidly changing world.

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3.0 STUDENT LEARNING EXPERIENCES The active involvement of students in their learning is essential in Business,

Art and Technology (BAT) curriculum as emphasis is placed on Project-based

Learning (PBL). Learning experiences are activities and/or tasks, conducted

within appropriate contexts, which contribute to student learning. The learning

experiences provided to students should focus on general learning outcomes

which encompass elements of all three dimensions to equip students with the

21st Century skills (Thinking and problem solving skills, Entrepreneurial skills,

Artistic and design skills, Practical skills and ICT skills).

The BAT learning experiences that students need to acquire are to:

• apply concepts and knowledge in an integrated manner to attain

specified goals and solve problems encountered in project based


• develop critical thinking and problem solving skills while engaging in

project work;

• analyse and interpret the data collected, taking into account the issue

of validity and fair reliable tests;

• reflect on how their ideas and skills have changed as a result of the

activities conducted;

• exhibit open-mindedness and respect for evidence in investigative


• communicate their ideas and work collaboratively and cooperatively as

a team when engaging in tasks;

• self-assess their own and their peer’s work, and take part in deciding

how to improve it;

• develop skills in using various tools, equipment and materials/ media in

developing products; and

• undergo basic business activities to help instil entrepreneurial

awareness and values.

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3.1 PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH In planning the BAT curriculum, implementation strategies is subject to vary

be based on students’ ability, teachers’ expertise, the availability of school

facilities and resources, and the timetable in schools.

Schools are encouraged to develop their own projects and resources

according to the needs, interests and abilities of their students where feasible.

BAT teachers within each school are encouraged to collaborate in developing

these projects. This collaboration is not limited to within schools but also

schools with in each cluster and beyond.

The BAT curriculum is designed in such a way that it can be offered with the

existing facilities in schools. Schools with special rooms can choose to use the

available facilities for the practical activities. It is also recommended that:

• Team/Pair teaching

o Helps compliment the teachers skills (e.g. Home Economics

teacher with Commerical Studies teacher)

o Assist in supervision for safety reasons (number of students in

workshops for practical activities)

• Block Time tabling

o to enable them to use classrooms and specialised rooms

together (ICT labs/ HomeEco rooms / D&T workshops/ Art


o enable pair/ team teaching and that the 4 periods allocated are



3.2.1 BAT Teachers To promote meaningful learning experiences, it is essential that teachers

provide opportunities for students to effectively build and equip students with

the 21st Century skills (Thinking and problem solving skills, Entrepreneurial

skills, Artistic and design skills, Practical Skills and ICT skills).

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This can be achieved when teachers:

• find out students’ current ideas and experiences and use them as a

starting point to build more effective ideas;

• adopt approaches based on students’ interest, abilities and should

have element of fun to motivate students;

• engage students in active learning process by stimulating their thinking

and creativity through inquiry-oriented based and project-based activities;

• create opportunities for students to participate actively and to work


• provide students with the autonomy of making sense of the new

experience by encouraging them to reflect on their ideas and on their ways

of thinking;

• provide students with access to alternative ideas to their own and

connecting them to scientific ones; and

• monitor students’ progress and reflect on the effectiveness of the

learning experiences provided.

3.2.2 BAT Coordinators BAT Coordinators roles are to:

• monitor the implementation of BAT;

• act as a bridge between School administrators and also the departments

within MoE such as the Curriculum Development Department (CDD) and

Department of School;

• ensure the BAT teachers in schools collaborate in developing projects

and assessment;

• support and assist teachers in obtaining resources (e.g. funding,

flexible timetabling to support pair/team teaching and specialised rooms,

organising school visits, inviting guest speakers and so forth);

• ensure all assessments are conducted in a fair manner and assist BAT

teachers in developing a report for school administrators, relevant

departments in MoE and parents; and

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• identify the needs of the school and BAT teachers in terms of

resources and training to be reported to the relevant departments in the


3.2.3 School Administrators School administrators are required to support BAT teachers and coordinators

in the implementation of BAT curriculum by;


• supporting and assisting in obtaining resources (e.g. funding, flexible

timetabling to support pair/team teaching and specialised rooms,

assistance from non-BAT teachers, organising school visits, inviting guest


• ensuring all assessments are conducted;

• assisting them in producing reports for relevant departments in MoE

and parents;

• promote collaboration amongst BAT teachers within schools in

developing projects; and

• promote cooperation with other schools to offer professional exchange of

information and best practices.

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Learning Focus

Learning outcomes Students should be able to:


• identify opportunities, generate innovative ideas and manage resources for business development

• identify the needs of users and customers • collect and analyse product information • apply marketing mix concepts • manage financial records and resources used • produce a simple business proposal


• apply basic skills based on elements of arts and principles of design in nature and human / man-made forms

• apply ability in visual arts • apply art knowledge and skills • experiment with wide variety of materials / media and

processes • construct and design a presentation incorporating

multimedia elements.


• recognise the importance of using tools and materials correctly and equipment in a safe, healthy and ecological friendly environment

• Select and apply materials, techniques and technologies during project work that are appropriate

• Design and create formatted documents or reports effectively and suitably using a word-processing tool.

• Use a software suite in an integrated and effective manner.

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4.2 21ST CENTURY SKILLS The areas covered are included in the table below.

Learning Focus

This covers:

Thinking Skills

Generation of Ideas

• CoRT 1 to broaden one’s perceptions beyond the obvious one. Thus,

improve students’ quality of thinking;

making decisions and solving problem effectively;

able to use the imaginative skill to develop new and original ideas or things.

• CoRT 1 comprises of 7 tools:

PMI: Plus, Minus, Interesting

CAF: Consider All Factors

C&S: Consequence & Sequel

AGO: Aims, Goals, Objectives

FIP: First Important Priorities

APC: Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices

OPV: Other People’s Views

• Each of the CoRT techniques can be used individually for particular purposes:

Exploration CAF, OPV, APC

Action APC, FIP, AGO

Evaluation PMI, C & S, FIP

Team Building

• Practicing effective collaboration with team members

• Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members

• Teaching the team self-regulation strategies

• Improving communication

• Making the workplace more enjoyable

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Entrepreneurial Skills

Communication and Collaboration

• Negotiation skills and interpersonal skills

• Presentation skills- communicate with a range or targeted audience

• Self management o working systematically and persistent with task

Marketing Skills

• Elements of marketing mix (4Ps)

o Product o Promotion o Price o Place

Developing Business Plan

• Practical and systematic approach to identify, plan and propose a business prototype

Artistic and Design Skills

Elements of art

• Elements of arts covers: - Lines - Textures - Colours - Shapes

- Spaces - Forms

Identify each concept, example: Art element: texture concept: things in nature have different textures – smooth, bumpy, scratchy, etc

Principles of design

• Principles of design covers - Contrast - Balance - Emphasis - Rhythm

- Pattern - Transition - Unity

Identify each concept, example:

Design principle: balance Radial balance has lines shapes or colours that shoot out from critical point

Common tools & techniques

• Tools include: - Pencils - Brushes - Pens - Crayons

- Water Colours - Scissors - Glue - other medias

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Practical Skills


• Safe practices in handling and using a variety of tools and equipment

• Safety issues within the working environment which includes dress & clothing, work attitude, work environment, use and storage of tools, equipment/materials)

• Hygiene and safe practices in selecting, storing, handling and preparing food


• Materials include: - Resistant Materials (Wood, Metal and Plastics) - Textiles - Food items

Tools & process • Tools and machines and their appropriate uses

ICT Skills


• This will cover: - Viruses - Firewall

- Plagiarism - Backup data

Word Processing

• Open, create, edit, format, save and close document • Print and preview documents • Insert picture • Spell check


• Open, create, edit, format, save and close workbook • Enter and format text, number • Border, shading, fill colour • Insert, rename, delete worksheet • Print and preview worksheet • Calculation, formula, functions, charts, sorting • Recognize cell address.


• Open, create, edit, format, save and close presentation • Enter and format text and slides • Insert object (sounds, animation, image, etc) • Slide transition • Hyperlinks

File organization • Save, rename, delete files • Copy / cut, paste to different folder • Search files

Internet / Research

• Basic features of internet browser Interface • Use different search engine • Searching skills – image/ video/ sound • Cut / copy / paste from website onto other applications.

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5.0 ASSESSMENT Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Teachers

must be sensitive and constructive in giving feedback and detailed reporting

of students’ achievement to stimulate students’ motivation. School and

teachers are empowered to conduct quality continuous assessment on

students’ attainment.

Business, Art & Technology (BAT) will use portfolio assessment which

provides a collection of students’ work that can be used to appraise students’

performance over time. The work of the students can act as a;

i. ‘learning portfolio’ or ‘process portfolio’, which documents

student’s learning over time by showing all the documents and

reflections of work prepared by a student;

ii. ‘showcase portfolio’ or ‘presentation portfolio’, which students

can use to show best work rather than all of a student’s work ;and

iii. ‘credential portfolio’ or ‘assessment portfolio’, which shows

student work that is representative of variety of particular tasks

which will be assessed by their teacher or used for final

assessment and entrant to courses.

For assessment purposes, students are required to complete at least TWO projects in a year. These projects would be used identify the strengths

and improve the weaknesses of the students. The best work would be use to

showcase within the school or represent the schools in exhibitions. Students’

portfolio may also be used to channel them to programmes once they enter

Year 9 onwards.

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Sample Year 7 Themes  











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APPENDIX 1:  Example of Business, Art & Technology (BAT) Year 7 Themes:  


TERM 1 2 3 4 TH



ENVIRONMENT: Pollution, Waste, Reuse & Recycle

Type - ‘List of environmental issues’: use Yahoo or Google as a research tool.



FESTIVALS A day or period set aside for celebration –

one of religious significance.



Create an appropriate project which tackles environmental issues. Create a product from

recycled materials


What would your destination and what is your idea of a


Tasks may include: Poster designs / light meals / Plan out the design of the Multi-purpose hall to suit the theme


Where are the issues that need addressing at our school

(In preparation for new academic year)  


May include: Volunteer work, collecting trash, visit a rubbish dump, a closer look at school environment

and the home, what rubbish is accumulated?

Visit a travel agents – ideas of venues to visit and why

Sample ‘Hari Raya’ cards – sample restaurant menu’s – layout designs/room plans for celebrating the actual day.

Closer look at our school, its environment and to identify areas where students feel there is a need for further enhancement /


Create a product from recycled materials:

Possible Project Ideas might include;

• Simple Mechanism design to pick-up litter; • Bags • Fabric Flower • Wall Hanging • Fabric slippers • Birdhouse; • Milk carton pen pot; • Media collage; • Mini vase; • Paper Mache Bowl; • Scrap wood sculptures; • Pop-up Birthday card.

Possible Project Ideas might include:

• Design a brochure to visit the country of your choice;

• Ideal food items from your country

of choice;

• Design and make simple items from textile materials / craft items from country of choice;

• Eye catching design to advertise your country of choice.

Possible Project Ideas might include:

• Celebration cards for ‘Hari Raya’;

• Planning room layout at home for the celebration day;

• Gifts – Jewellery (Enamelling) – key ring holder, textiles – special bag

• Make special cakes for preparing ‘Hari Raya celebration.

• Decorating clothes/accessories for Hari Raya – Beads and sequins on Baju Kurong and tudongs/shawls

Possible Project Ideas might include:

• Your classroom design and layout;

• Design and make curtains/table cloths for classroom; Memo Board

• Design suitable posters /

charts/ calendars / Bulletin board;

• New small flower garden / design a bird box for the garden;

• New menu for canteen – menu holder for tables in canteen area.

Here are some ideas can you think of any more for gifted and talented and special needs students.

Here are some ideas can you think of any more for gifted and talented and special needs students.

Here are some ideas can you think of any more for gifted and talented and special needs students.

Here are some ideas can you think of any more for gifted and talented and special needs students.

Throughout the course: Entrepreneurial Skills will form part and parcel of the course with the view to develop sound knowledge and understanding of basic business and enterprise skills. Plan and develop innovative ideas, to make decisions, ability to work in teams, communicate competently and develop presentation and marketing skills.

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Sample Term 1 Planning  







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TERM 1 Wk. 1

Orientation week with Form Teachers Orientation Week with Subject Teachers

Wk. 2-3

Introduction to BAT and Facilities

Tour of School Facilities: - Library, - ICT Lab, - Art Rooms, - Home Economics Rooms - D&T Rooms

Health and safety of facilities

Wk. 4-5

Mini Project E.g. Our School/ Our Classroom

Thinking Skills & Basic Entrepreneurial Activities (eg Brainstorming and mind-mapping)

Selection of group Group Presentation

Wk. 6-10

Project based activities Introduction to Theme: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Making (Storage for A4 Portfolio) Discuss / brainstorming on their

perception on the 3 R in groups. Identify recycle materials around the

school. Presentation from each group. Research – one /two materials that can be

recycle Ideas / planning for making Development and Making

Wk. 11 Evaluation and Testing

Presentation Marketablilty Peer Assessment Self Assessment


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Sample Theme 1 Project Overview 


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Goal: Identify 3 ways you can eliminate waste and protect your environment.

Essential Question(s): What exactly is waste? What do we mean by reduce, reuse and recycle? Can you give examples of waste products and identify those which you can reuse and recycle.

Lesson Objective: Understand that waste is anything discarded, rejected, surplused, abandoned or otherwise released into the environment in a manner (or quantity) that could have an impact on that environment.

Rationale: Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem:

Consider the following – REDUCE: To make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste. ‘Source reduction’, is reducing waste before you purchase it, or by purchasing products that are not wasteful in their packing or use. A key part of waste ‘reduction’ is ‘conservation’ – using natural resources wisely, and using less than usual in order to avoid waste. REUSE: You can ‘reuse’ materials in their original form instead of throwing them away, or pass those materials on to others who can use them! ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! RECYCLE: Recycling occurs when save and take reusable materials to places where they can be remade into either the same product or new products. Making new items from recycled ones also takes fewer energy and other resources than making products from brand new materials. This leads us onto the “Design Brief” : Create a product from recycled material/s.


• Introduction • General Analysis

To help further understand the environmental issues within the context of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle students will need to look no further than the home and school environment to identify waste material. Take your students for a walk around the school compound, can they identify environment problems? Feedback after walking around the school compound. Here is a list for Teachers which list items you should always recycle: Acid batteries, Aluminum cans, Building materials, Paint, Paper, Cardboard, Plastic Bags, Plastic bottles, Steel cans, Wood, Writing/copy paper, Newspapers, Magazines, Glass (particularly bottles and jars) Tires.

Students to make a list from around the school and at home to identify material which could be recycled. Use ICT to type out a list and individual or in groups to discuss findings.

• Research Brainstorming session from those materials identified which leads into ideas – feedback from students which may well lead into constructive ideas for making artifacts: i.e. Simple mechanism for litter pick-up, Scrap wood sculptures, Birdhouse, Wall hanging, Media collage, Paper Mache Bowl, Pop-up celebration cards, Bags etc…

From group feedback – students to identify the project they wish to investigate further – what products are on the market are recycled? Identify these products. Which direction and what materials do students wish to use to identify a suitable product?

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S A M P L E P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W • Identifying

Needs • Design Brief • Specification • Exploration of


Discuss with students the strategies they need to follow to start thinking about a product they wish to make. Having considered the recycle materials they intend to use they now need to thing about planning their work – sketch ideas and make suitable notes explain ideas. Modeling making to get proportions/sizes correct. Discuss within the group students ideas and get feedback from students. How to improve? Use other materials? Mix materials etc…

Students to now think about some simple ideas – use sketches and modeling and evaluate their ideas through group discussions.

• Realisation (Making)

• Evaluation of work

Having spent time on sketches and evaluating ideas they now need to consider the final idea and explain why this particular idea. This now leads into the making of the artifact. Careful planning in identifying the stages in the making will need to be discussed. Evaluation will be to be discussed at the completion of the products. Question will need to be answered: What were the problems you encountered? How did you overcome the problems? If you had more time would you change your idea / design? Etc…

Students now go into the making/ realization of their product. After completion – students feedback, presentation and consider the marketing processes and procedures.

Assessments Dependent upon teachers’ preferences.

Formative Assessments (During Project)

Quizzes/Tests Practice Presentations

Journal/Learning Log Notes

Preliminary Plans/Outlines/Prototypes Checklists

Rough Drafts Concept Maps

Online Tests/Exams Other:

Summative Assessments (End of Project)

Written Product(s), with rubric:

___________________________________________________ Other Product(s) or Performance(s), with


Oral Presentation, with rubric Peer Evaluation

Multiple Choice/Short Answer Test Self-Evaluation

Essay Test Other:

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S A M P L E P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W Resources Needed

On-site people, facilities: Teachers – specialist rooms should they be required.

Equipment: Dependent on materials identified. Possible areas of interest to undertake the project may well include DT Workshop, Art & Design areas, Food Areas, ICT.

Materials: Any type of recycle material

Community resources: Guest speaker from the community to identify environmental issues as seen throughout Brunei.

Reflection Methods

(Individual, Group, and/or Whole Class)

Journal/Learning Log Focus Group

Whole-Class Discussion Fishbowl Discussion

Survey Other: