bullying resource & info pack november 2009. index top ten websitethe best of the anti bullying...


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Index Top Ten Website The best of the anti bullying website on the Internet

Additional Resources Some great additional resources e.g. the Bullying Presentations site has some excellent PowerPoints that could make the basis for an entire session

Introduction The aims of this months pack and some extra resources to consider

Icebreakers Fun stuff to start the session

Bullying Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 What is bullying? The psychological and neurological reasons

Types of Bullying A brief outline of the types of bullying that occur

The Bullying Circle What happens to young people when someone gets bullied

Combating Bullying Page 1 Page 2 Ideas for strong anti bullying programmes

Anti Bullying Strategies Be SMART and take the SHINE pledge – why not try making up your own anti bullying acronyms?

Don’t be a Bystander How to actively engage young people who think bullying is ‘not my problem’

Bullying Guidance for Young People From the ‘One More Way to be a Bully’ pack, excellent guidance for young people – why not print out and display in your centre, or use as a basis for your own guidelines?

Offline & Online Activity Index Find all the fun stuff here: quizzes, puzzles, activities and ideas. Don’t miss the ‘Millionaire’ quiz, which would make a great template for your own ‘Millionaire’ style quizzes

Top Ten WebsitesTo make websites clickable, press F5 to view as slideshow and make links live

The Anti Bullying Alliance have a range of resources, including a briefing pack on cyberbullying for download that includes research, tips and a poster

The Anti Bullying Week website has free posters for download Beat Bullying offers a range of lesson plans and runs the Cybermentors programme which

encourages young people to act as peer counsellors Beyond Bullying are running a competition to make a music video to accompany an anti

bullying song – you can see some winning entries on myspace At Bullying UK you can create your own posters, get in The Zone and more National Anti Bullying Week has a good range of links to websites and resources Anti Bullying Network offers hints and tips and the ‘pick a pal’ feature Direct.Gov has advice and information about dealing with bullying Act Against Bullying is running the Cyberkind campaign as part of their World Kindness

Campaign Stop Bullying Now tackles the issues through cartoon webisodes and games


Additional Resources Teachers.TV video on strategies for tackling bullying Kidscape offer downloads, ideas on assertiveness and policy guidelines NSPCC have Childline leaflets for download plus other resources Think U Know has resources for training children and young people in Internet safety Digizen cyberbullying guidance and adaptable classroom resources Kidsmart has games, information and simple tips for keeping safe online Kent.TV has a number of anti bullying videos Childnet International is an umbrella site with a wide range of resources Bullying Presentations in PowerPoint format designed for different audiences (some

PPTs have US spelling) BBC Newsround Guide to Bullying 4Children have recently released their Safe from Bullying: Training Resources for

download Need2Know has a Bullying section on their excellent information & advice site Young Anti Bullying Alliance has 50 ideas including an anti bullying charter


Introduction ECM OUTCOMES: Stay Safe, Be Healthy, Enjoy & Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution (ECM

survey information available here

CURRICULUM CHAPTERS: 2 (Bullying), 3 (Citizenship), 4 (Community Involvement), 12 (Inclusive Practice), 16 (Mental Health), 19 (Peer Education), 20 (Personal Safety)

This month’s pack is themed to tie in with Anti-Bullying Week 2009 (16 – 20 November). This pack contains links to useful websites and resources, examines some key issues and provides activities and session ideas around the anti bullying theme. You may also find that past packs have useful resources that can be used in this context. It’s also worth looking at the relevant curriculum chapters, the HealthAware ‘Safe & Well’ activities (p175-9) and The Really Useful Guide to Citizenship & Safety (section 1). You will shortly receive a copy of the excellent ‘One More Way to be a Bully’ resource pack, produced by Ashford Youth Forum – ask your AYO for yours. You can also check out the video on Kent TV.

The theme this year is ‘Stay Safe in Cyberspace’ with a focus on cyberbullying: the use of mobile phones and the internet to deliberately upset someone else.  Research has found that more than a third of 12–15-year-olds have faced some form of cyberbullying.

A key message for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is that modern technologies remain a positive and productive part of the lives of children and young people and they can be used safely and constructively – as youth work professionals we need to effectively manage the risk of communication technologies whilst embracing the many opportunities for engagement that they bring.

Finally, Anti Bullying Week helps us to reinforce the message that bullying of any kind is neither acceptable nor inevitable.



KEEP IT A SECRET Ask each member of the group to write down something that they’re not very proud of on a piece of

paper, then fold the paper over securely. Make it clear that these secrets won’t be revealed. Now ask members of the group to pass their paper to the person opposite them. Now pass the paper

to someone sitting 3 people on their right. Now ask the group how they feel with someone holding this information – emotions like scared, angry,

ashamed, insecure. Point out that people who are being bullied often experience these emotions. Now pass round a rubbish bin and get everyone to throw their piece of paper away. You are going to

start the session with a clean slate. Point out that we all make poor decisions sometimes but we are all capable of making better ones.


Designate one end of the room ‘agree’ and the other ‘disagree’ then read the following statements (feel free to add more of your own to extend the activity)

Bullying is usually the victims fault Bullies are usually insecure Bullying only happens to certain people There are many different kinds of bullying Bullying is accidental The best people to stop bullying are adults



After each statement, ask young people why they’ve made the choices they have. To extend the activity further, allow young people to stand anywhere along the continuum between agree & disagree then ask them to explain why they’ve made the choice they have.


Give each young person a piece of paper and ask them to write down 1 or 2 ideas for stopping bullying

Now ask everyone to screw up their piece of paper into a ball and encourage the group to have a snowball fight.

After a few minutes stop the activity and ask each young person to pick up a ‘snowball’ and open it. Encourage young people to try and pick a paper that isn’t theirs.

Read out the suggestions and discuss them in the group.

To extend this activity, use these thoughts as the basis for the ‘Stamp It Out’ activity.

See previous packs for icebreaker ideas and links.

You can also find ideas in the curriculum document and the Vanessa Rogers’ books.BACK TO INDEX

What is Bullying?


The Government defines bullying as ‘behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally’. Bullying behaviour can include name calling, offensive comments, physical intimidation, sending offensive or inappropriate texts and spreading hurtful rumours.

Bullying can damage a young person’s sense of self esteem and self confidence and cause lasting damage. Bullies, too, can experience emotional harm – research shows that many young people who bully were bullied themselves. Bullying can also have an impact on families, teachers and other adults involved with a young person.


Dan Olweus has identified a set of common bullying characteristics:

They have a strong need to dominate and subdue other students and to get their own way

Are impulsive and are easily angered

Are often defiant and aggressive toward adults, including parents and teachers

Show little empathy toward students who are victimized

If they are boys, they are physically stronger than boys in general

He has also debunked the myths that bullies are unpopular and insecure, a view borne out by neuroscience. Many bullies have above average self esteem.


What is Bullying


A study conducted at the University of Chicago suggests that the brain’s natural impulse for empathy is disrupted in the brain of a bully, leading to increased aggression. The brains of bullies and non bullies showed striking differences in the way that information was processed http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/12/the-brain-of-a-bully/ Bullying behaviour is often triggered when a bully feels stress or anxiety and neuroscience supports the idea that interventions can lead to improved social behaviors in the school setting if they are designed to mimic the brain’s process in developing a reinforced practice.


It’s important to remember that not all bullies are the same, and have different motivations for bullying: Some bullies simply want power and domination over others

Some bullies are seeking to interact with others but do so inappropriately as they often lack good adult role models.

Some bullies are seeking attention that they don’t get from their parents/carers

Bullies are sometimes jealous of their victims

Many bullies are being bullied themselves

Some young people are so worried about being bullied that they become bullies rather than let it happen to them


What is Bullying?


Dr Olweus has also identified some victim behaviours: Are cautious, sensitive, quiet, withdrawn and shy

Are often anxious, insecure, unhappy and have low self-esteem

Are depressed and engage in suicidal ideation much more often than their peers

Often do not have a single good friend and relate better to adults than to peers

If they are boys, they may be physically weaker than their peers

However, it’s important to remember that there is no hierarchy of bullying and that no one ‘deserves’ to be bullied.

The profile of a bully indicates that if parents don't spend adequate time with their children, they may compensate for that attention by "extortion."  They may seek it aggressively and gratify themselves with power and domination over children weaker than themselves.  Adults should review what messages they are giving with regard to anger control and fighting.  The profile of a victim indicates that children who are very isolated need to be specially monitored for the possibility of bullying.  They should be taught skills to socialize with others and to dodge a conflict with humour.


Types of Bullying

Specific types of bullying include:

bullying related to race, religion or culture

bullying related to SEN or disabilities

bullying related to appearance or health conditions

bullying related to sexual orientation

bullying of young carers, looked-after children or otherwise related to home circumstances

sexist or sexual bullying.

Bullying usually takes place in three main ways:

Face to face (usually physical e.g. fighting & mental e.g. name calling, taunting)

Indirect (usually mental e.g. rumours and gossip)

Cyberbullying (texting, SNS)


The Bullying Circle

The Victim

THE BULLYStarts the bullying

THE HENCHMANActive participant but doesn’t start it

PASSIVE BULLYSupports but doesn’t take part

POSSIBLE BULLYEnjoys it but doesn’tshow support

BYSTANDER‘Nothing to do with me’

POSSIBLE DEFENDERDoesn’t like it but doesn’ttake a stand

DEFENDERDislikes bullying and triesactively to stop it


Combating Bullying

One way to combat bullying is to take an ‘all project intervention stance’. This type of programme has resulted in greater reporting of incidents and a significant improvement in the ‘social climate’ with a marked reduction in the number of opportunities and rewards for bullying. This type of anti bullying programme depends on:

1. The creation of an environment characterised by warmth, active engagement and positive interest from adults.

2. Firm boundaries delineating acceptable and unacceptable behaviour

3. Consistent application of non-punitive sanctions for unacceptable behaviour

4. Adults who act as authorities and good role models

Young people who are being bullied need to remember that they don’t have the problem – the bully does. Good strategies to stand strong against bullying include:

Spend time with friends – bullies rarely pick on people who are in a group

Tell the bully calmly to stop and then walk away

Tell an adult you can trust – this isn’t telling tales as you have a right to be safe and secure and, even if the problem has stopped, tell an adult in case it starts again. It helps to practice what you want to say beforehand

If you find it difficult to talk about bullying, why not write about your experiences – you could even set up a blog or a Facebook profile and ‘name and shame’ the bully by detailing what happens when (but make sure an adult knows about this)

Ask your parents/carer to visit your school/youth project

If you have no one to talk to or don’t want to talk to anyone you know, then call CHILDLINE 0800 1111


Combating Bullying


Don’t try to deal with the problem on your own – it’s OK to ask for help

Don’t hit the bullies – you might get accused of being a bully yourself

Don’t exaggerate - always tell the truth about what’s happened to you

Don’t believe the lies that bullies tell about you

Don’t hide things from your friends and family – secrecy is the bullies biggest weapon against you


Stop and think about why you’re doing what you’re doing

Think about the pain your bullying causes others – do you really want to hurt or upset other people

It’s not big to make others feel small

Bullying won’t make you real friends

Ask for help to stop bullying – talk to a trusted adult about ways you can change your behaviourBACK TO INDEX

Anti Bullying Strategies

SMART (for younger young people)

S = SAFE stay safe online by not giving personal information to people you don’t trust

M = MEETING don’t meet anyone offline without letting your parents/carers/best friend know – and try and make sure they’re present if you do meet someone

A = ACCEPTING make sure that you only accept emails, texts, attachments, pictures and IM messages from people you know

R = RELIABLE remember that not all the information you get online is reliable

T = TELL if something online makes you feel uncomfortable, then tell a parent/carer or another adult you trust

Or try the SHINE pledge:

S = STAND UP to put downs

H = HELP those who are being bullied

I = INFORM adults when I need to

N = NEVER use my computer or mobile to hurt anyone

E = ENCOURAGE my friends to speak out against bullying too BACK TO INDEX

Don’t be a Bystander

There are two kinds of bystanders:

HURTFUL bystanders who may instigate bullying, encourage bullying when it has started, join in the bullying or contribute to bullying by doing nothing and passively accepting what is happening.

HELPFUL bystanders can directly intervene by doing something directly to stop the bullying or get help to stop it when it’s started.


‘It’s not my problem’ and they don’t want to draw attention to themselves

They think they can’t stop the bully or may become another victim

They don’t like the victim or feel they ‘deserve’ to be bullied

They fear retribution or just don’t know what to do

They think telling adults will make it worse


Let young people know you will support them when they speak up

Discuss ways they can intervene

Provide examples of how helpful bystanders have made a differenceBACK TO INDEX

Bullying Guidance for Young PeopleFrom the ‘One More Way To Be A Bully’ pack


Try to stay calm and confident

Be firm and clear – look them in the eye and tell them to stop

Get away from the situation as quickly as possible

Tell an adult what has happened as soon as possible


Tell a teacher or trusted adult at school/youth project/home

Practice what you’re going to say and get a friend to come with you for support

Don’t be afraid to speak up

If you have access to a peer support programme – use it. Or call Childline 0800 1111.

Don’t blame yourself


Be clear about what has happened, where it happened and how often it has happened

Be clear about who was involved and who saw what happened

Be clear about what you’ve already done about itBACK TO INDEX

Offline Activities & Online Activities IndexClick the link to go straight to the activity sheet or website

Discussion Points

Anti Bullying Double Puzzle and Answers

Are You Bully Aware? and Answers

Bullying Myth Buster Quiz and Answers

Set Your Goals


Draw a Bully

Case Study – Holly Grogan Case Study Rosimeiri Boxall Case Studies Guidance Notes

Am I Being Bullied?

Scenarios & Role Play Cards

Agony Aunt dilemmas – what would you do? (replies)

Design a CYBERSAFE comic

Other session ideas

Evaluation sheets for younger and older groups & ideas for evaluation

Who Wants to be a Millionaire anti bullying quiz (scroll down the page, then click on link) – why not use the template to build your own quiz?

Take Need2Know’s Cyberbullying Quiz

Play the Bullybusters game

Watch the webisodes then play the Stop Bullying Now games

Design an anti bullying poster and submit to the gallery or print and display!

Take the Teen Life Check and set some life goals

CBBC bullying dilemmas – what would you do?

Play the Quiz Busters anti bullying game

Celebrate difference and fight bullying by baking a Kidscape Bake

Are you a responsible digital citizen? Play the Digizen cyberbullying game and find out

Discussion Points Ask the group why they think bullying happens – are there any particular circumstances that might

encourage bullying? How can we work to get rid of those circumstances?

Who is affected by bullying? Use the bullying circle diagram to show how bullying affects everyone who witnesses it. Are there any other people who would be affected?

What rules do you think your centre should have in place to combat bullying? Young people may already be familiar with working agreements from school – would the same agreements apply to your project? Encourage the group to embrace concepts like active listening, respecting each other’s opinions, confidentiality and other appropriate behaviour. You could also refer to the Young ABA 50 Ideas pdf which includes and anti bullying charter.

How many of the group use SNS (Social Networking Sites)? What sites do they use? Have they ever encountered cyberbullying – nasty comments on their wall or whilst online gaming, for example? Try mind mapping words that the group (or groups – you could do this activity in smaller groups that then feedback) feel relate to cyberbullying – the different types, where they happen, who is involved, the feelings of the bully and the victim. Try and come up with a definition and some ways that cyberbullying happens – these could be displayed around your centre during anti-bullying week, or as a reminder in your computer suite.

What are the effects of cyberbullying? Introduce ideas like the fact that victims can’t escape even at home or on holidays, not wanting to use the Internet even for good reasons like communication and sharing their experience, low self esteem and self confidence and how any kind of bullying can have serious consequences such as self harm or even suicide.


Bullying Double PuzzleAll puzzles in this pack are made using Discovery Puzzle Maker http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com

This can happen by text or on Facebook, for example

Another word for hitting

Bullying people without physical violence is called ____ bullying

This kind of bullying includes name calling and gossip

Bullying someone because of their sexual preference

Spreading nasty ones of these is a form of bullying

Social _____ can come as a result of being bullied

This helps the bully as no one knows what’s happening

It’s best to do this with an adult if you’re being bullied

Getting this from friends and family is a great way to combat bullying

Now copy the letters in the numbered squares to spell out whatwe need to do to bullying:


Bullying Double Puzzle Answers This can happen by text or on Facebook, for example CYBERBULLYING Another word for hitting PUNCHING Bullying people without physical violence is called ____ bullying MENTAL This kind of bullying includes name calling and gossip VERBAL Bullying someone because of their sexual preference HOMOPHOBIC Spreading nasty ones of these is a form of bullying RUMOURS Social _____ can come as a result of being bullied EXCLUSION This helps the bully as no one knows what’s happening SILENCE It’s best to do this with an adult if you’re being bullied TALK Getting this from friends and family is a great way to combat bullying SUPPORT Now copy the letters in the numbered squares to spell out what we need to do to bullying: STAMP IT



Are You Bully Aware?1. Which one of these is bullying:

a) a one off fight b) falling out with your best friend c) constant name calling

2. You’re a bully if:

a) you enjoy watching someone being bullied b) you join in with name calling c) you like having power over people

3. Someone is spreading malicious rumours and gossip about you. Do you:

a) get angry and start a fight b) get upset and cry c) do nothing, but tell an adult what’s happening

4. A new kid joins your youth centre – they’re overweight and are wearing old trainers. Some of the others start name calling. Do you:

a) join in – it’s only a bit of fun b) ignore it – they’ll stop when they get bored c) tell the others to stop it

5. Cyberbullying is:

a) sending abusive text messages b) excluding someone from an online group c) posting rude comments about someone online

6. If you see someone being bullied, what do you do?

a) ignore it – it’s not my problem b) give the bully a thumbs up – then hopefully they won’t bully you c) go and get help


Are You Bully Aware? Answers1. c) constant name calling – bullying is a repeated action, not a one off

2. a,b,c) all of these are bullying behaviours

3. c) tell an adult – if you fight back or let the bully see you cry you only make the situation worse

4. c) It’s best to stop any kind of bullying behaviour as soon as it starts – and joining in makes you a bully

5. a,b,c) all of these are associated with cyberbullying

6. c) never tackle a bully on your own, or give them any encouragement – go and get an adult to help you stop the bully


Bullying Myth Buster QuizTRUE FALSE

Girls bully more than boys False

Bullies tend to target young people with physical differences False

Bullies are insecure and have low self esteem False

Most bullying is physical False

Being in a group increases the risk of bullying False

Bullying toughens you up False

Bullies grow out of it when they leave school false

You need to fight back so the bully leaves you alone False

Talking to an adult just makes it worse False


Bullying Myth Buster Quiz Answers• Girls bully more than boys

FALSE boys bully more than girls but both sexes can be bullies• Bullies tend to target young people with physical differences

FALSE bullies target anybody and everybody• Bullies are insecure and have low self esteem

FALSE bullies are often popular and have high self esteem• Most bullying is physical

FALSE the majority of bullying is verbal: name calling, spreading rumours and malicious gossip• Being in a group increases the risk of bullying

FALSE bullies are put off by groups, they prefer to bully one person not many• Bullying toughens you up

FALSE in fact bullying can cause lasting psychological damage leading to self harm and even suicide

• Bullies grow out of it when they leave schoolFALSE most bullies become more violent and may become involved in violence related crime

• You need to fight back so the bully leaves you aloneFALSE fighting back only escalates the problem

• Talking to an adult just makes it worseFALSE talking to an adult is the best thing you can do – they can advice you as to when bullying crosses over into criminal behaviour, for example


Set Your Goals

Tick the options below that are realistic goals for you – use the space at the bottom to add some specific goals for yourself

My goals are to:

Tell someone I know, not bottle it all up

Stay away from bullies or stay in a group

Keep a record of what’s happened including copies of emails and texts

Take up a new activity that will make me feel happier and more confident

Build my own support network of trusted family & friends

To be a helpful bystander if I see someone being bullied

Talk to Childline 0800 1111 if there’s no one I can trust


STAMP It Out! Give everyone a blank sheet of A4 paper and ask them to write ‘STAMP IT OUT’ at the top

Now ask everyone to draw round their bare foot

Ask each young person to write a strong anti bullying message on the sole of their foot

Then get them to write each of the letters S T A M P on each of the toes

Explain that each letter is going to stand for a good piece of anti bullying advice e.g. T = TALK to an adult so that STAMP will stand for some straightforward and easy to remember anti bullying rules

Each ‘Stamp It Out’ poster can be further decorated by shading, collage etc.

Display the posters as part of anti bullying week at your centre.

Discussion point: ask young people to evaluate the slogans and STAMP rules – which ones are most effective? Which 5 STAMP rules would they take to make a definitive ‘STAMP It Out’ poster for permanent display?


Use the blank face to draw what you think a bully looks like then share it!


Draw A Bully

Draw A Bully Guidance Notes Ask the group what they think a bully looks like

Hand out the ‘draw a bully’ sheets and get everyone to draw their idea of a bully

Meanwhile draw a picture on a flip chart that represents someone who used to bully you

Get everyone to compare their pictures – are there are similarities, differences? Do these images really represent an archetypal bully?

Ask the group whether they think you can identify a bully by the way they look or whether bullying is really about behaviour rather than physical characteristics.

Ask each young person to come forward and write a bullying behaviour on the flip chart, building up a mind map of what bullying is


Case Study – Holly GroganThe parents of a 15-year-old public schoolgirl who jumped 30ft to her death from a road bridge blamed her suicide on the “huge pressure” and “modern complexities” of social networking websites.Holly Grogan died last week after she fell on to a busy dual carriageway and was hit by passing traffic.She had endured a torrent of abuse posted on her Facebook page, it was disclosed yesterday. Friends said that she had been a victim of cyber-bullying.“Holly struggled to cope with the huge pressures placed upon her by the modern complexities of ‘friendship groups’ and social networking. Every responsible parent will empathise with our constant battle to instill self-belief and confidence in our children.”Holly was found under Pirton Lane Bridge, in Churchdown, near Gloucester, about 11 o’clock on Wednesday evening. She was pronounced dead at the scene.One of her friends said that some girls would “gang up” on Holly, and that others posted a series of abusive messages on her Facebook page.The friend also said that Holly was forced to move schools after the bullying became unbearable. She said: “Holly was nice and had the biggest smile in the world. She always did well at school but the other girls used to pick on her.“She didn’t have any confidence, that was the problem. Girls used to gang up on her and call her names and she didn’t have anything to say back. She just froze up. Girls used to bully her on Facebook and leave comments on her wall calling her names. They’ve probably all deleted them now. I heard that the girls who bullied her at her old school told their friends at her new school to bully her as well, and so it just kept on and on. Apparently there was a girl at her school yesterday who was running around crying because she used to bully her, but she should have

thought about that at the time. I heard that she planned to do this and left a letter for her parents at home. I can’t believe it really.”


Case Study – Rosimeiri Boxall

A vicar’s daughter plunged to her death from a third-floor window in a desperate attempt to escape an attack by two teenage girls, the Old Bailey was told.

Rosimeiri Boxall, 19, fell from the window after being tormented by the girls, who were aged 13 and 17, the jury heard. The younger girl called Boxall a “whore” and a “f***ing bitch” as she laying dying on the floor outside a home for homeless teenagers in Blackheath, southeast London, it was claimed.

The court was told that the two girls had been drinking vodka during a prolonged day of abuse of Rosie, who responded passively and indicated that she did not want to fight. "In once incident, Kemi sprayed air-freshener in Rosie’s face, punched her around the head and slapped the back of her head. She then grabbed her hair and tried to pull her off the bed. One of those assaults was filmed less than 30 minutes before Rosie fell to her death. It is apparent from the footage that

Rosie made no attempt to defend herself during the assault. Rosie fell to her death having, in fear of further violence at the hands of the defendants, clambered out of a third-floor window. Rosie leapt to her death from the kitchen window of Kemi’s flat to escape from a prolonged period of physical and verbal abuse.” Ms Boxall was found lying on the ground under the kitchen window. Mr Smart continued: “Outside, she [the 13-year-old] continued to verbally abuse Rosie, calling her a whore and f****** bitch as she lay dying on the ground.” The girl had picked up Miss Boxall’s mobile phone as she lay injured and, after throwing it back down, said, “Serves you right, bitch”, the jury was told. BACK TO ACTIVITIES INDEX

Case Studies – Guidance NotesHolly Grogan’s experiences are not unusual – at least a quarter of young people have had some experience of being cyberbullied. To quote one young person from recent DCSF research "you can have 60 people bullying you on the internet, but in real life there wouldn’t be 60 people beating you up“.

Discuss Holly & Rosimeiri’s case studies with young people – try and identify: How they were being bullied

Why they were being bullied

Typical bullying behaviours

What both girls might have done to make the situation better

What we can learn from cases like Holly and Rosimeiri?

These case studies may be used in conjunction with any of the other activities in this pack


Discuss the following scenarios in a group or use them as the basis of a roleplay – Am I being bullied each time? What do you think? How would you feel?

My best friend keeps telling me I need to wear deodorant – this makes me feel embarrassed and upset. Am I being bullied?

Am I Being Bullied?

Each time I walk into the youth centre, a group of kids look at me and giggle and whisper to each other – am I being bullied?

I can’t control my movements very well and when I get excited by hands jerk up. A group of kids were mimicking me at the football match. Am I being bullied?

My parents have just split up and someone texted everyone I know about it. Now I’m getting nasty texts all the time calling me a loser. Am I being bullied?


Bullying Dilemmas - ScenariosYou can use the following situations for discussion and/or roleplay – print out scenarios and glue to card

You’re walking home and a gang set on you and demand your new trainers/mobile/bagWHAT DO YOU DO?

You receive a really unpleasant and upsetting text messageWHAT DO YOU DO?

You check your Facebook profile and find lots of nasty messages on your wallWHAT DO YOU DO?

You receive a series of phone calls where no one speaks or you hear laughter. The number is withheld.WHAT DO YOU DO?

You hear a rumour going around about your best friend that you know isn’t true.WHAT DO YOU DO?

You see someone being bullied in the street.WHAT DO YOU DO?

Someone that you don’t like is being called names.WHAT DO YOU DO?

You’re playing an online game and somebody starts sending you threatening messages.WHAT DO YOU DO?


Agony Aunt – What Would You Do?These are real problems sent to agony aunts – discuss them in your group and work out what your advice would be – then find out what the agony aunt replied

Dear Virginia,

For the past few summers, we've

gone on holiday with the same

friends and their three children.

But my son, who's eight, has

confided in me that the other

children tease and bully him. Our

friends have just written,

suggesting several destinations

for next year, but I don't want to

go if my son's unhappy. My

husband says that he's got to

get over it, since the rest of us

have a good time. What do you


Dear Virginia,I've recently learnt that my 11-

year-old daughter sent a vile

email to a boy at her school. The

boy's mother says my daughter

used foul language and wrote

that she'd like to kill him slowly

and painfully, after he stopped

'going out' with another girl. My

daughter is charming and I know

she didn't mean this, but on

email, everything can get

twisted. She wrote this email

with a friend, but doesn't seem

to understand how out of order

it was. How can I explain?


Agony Aunt repliesVirginia Ironsides replied:

Has your husband got any idea at all of how absolutely horrible, frightening and miserable it is, being teased and bullied by another child when you're about eight years old? The bully in question is probably used to a rumbustious teasing and knockabout life, having been brought up in a gang of three. Or perhaps the boy feels excluded by the other two and takes out his own feelings of inferiority on other vulnerable children. Your son has been brave enough to pluck up courage to confide in you how he feels. He looks to you, his parents, to protect him from a fortnight filled with dread and sleeplessness. Of course, no doubt there are moments when he can muck in, but moments, too, when he's just putting on a brave face and moments of genuine fear and panic. If your husband wants to go on holiday with this insensitive bunch, then he's welcome. But you and your son must go somewhere safe and happy where you can both enjoy yourselves properly. http://tinyurl.com/ironsidesdilemma1

It goes without saying that you must ban your daughter from using the internet at all – for at least six months, unless it will affect her school work, of course. And then you should supervise it. But the next thing you must do is to contact the parents of the other girl who was in on all this, and ask if you can meet to discuss the situation. Let's hope that they're as worried as you are. If they're not, then you'll have an idea of what the values are in this other girl's family. As far as your daughter goes, tell her that if she were a little bit older she could face a jail sentence for these unfounded threats and lies. I would go so far as to threaten to tell the police yourself – you wouldn't have to, but threatening will put her into a bit of a panic. Tell her, too, that boyfriends drop girlfriends and girlfriends drop boyfriends all over the world on an hourly basis. What he did was nothing unusual. You may think that I'm making rather a fuss about what is actually just a schoolgirl prank. But you'll never get your daughter to face up to how dangerous and cruel her actions are unless you show her that you take them very seriously indeed. http://tinyurl.com/ironsidesdilemma2


Design a CYBERSAFE Comicwith thanks to Beat Bullying

First, download templates and widgets here, then visit the Cybermentors website to understand the cybermentors concept.

Give everybody a template and 4 widgets (for group work, multiply accordingly). You can also download the competition template and enter your best widget - winning designs will become ‘live widgets’ on the Cybermentors website!

Next, decide on the scenario: Where is the comic based? School, work, youth centre, street What does the area look like? Clean, full of rubbish, a corridor, underpass, park What personality and emotion do your widgets have? Happy, sad, bully, victim, bystander What are your widgets called and what’s their story? What’s the cyberbullying situation? Suggestions could include:

Receiving hoax calls or nasty texts Horrible messages or pictures on an SNS profile Meeting someone inappropriate offline

Write dialogue in speech bubblesGive advice and support appropriate to the cyberbullying situation depicted (see suggested

guidelines)Finally, put all the scenarios together to form your CYBERSAFE comic! BACK TO


CYBERSAFE GuidelinesWith thanks to Cybermentors

Tell someone you trust that you are being cyberbullied Report any cyberbullying, whether it’s targeted at you or not Never respond/retaliate as this can make things worse. It may be difficult not to, but try to ignore it Block the cyberbullies from contacting you Save any offensive emails/texts as this can be used to trace them if necessary Tell your parents/carers that you are being cyberbullied - if they don’t know, they can’t help you If you are continuously cyberbullied, consider changing your user I.D. Don’t let anyone know your password - even friends Think very carefully about any information you post online e.g. your home address Register on Cybermentors to gain support from your peers Don’t allow these tips to hinder your enjoyment- but allow them to enhance your online experience.

Have fun!!


Other Session Ideas Leave a stack of blank postcards and a box in a prominent place in your centre. Ask young people

to write down any information on the cards that might help to stop bullying in your centre – this could be incidents that have happened and ideas to stop them happening again, information about bullying hotspots or general ideas for making the centre a bully free zone. At the end of the week, empty the box and read out the suggestions. Ask young people at the centre how they suggest you can all act on the information.

Ask young people to bring in examples of bullying – these could be in books, the local paper, news items or moments in films. Ask why they think these represent bullying and how the situation is resolved/could be resolved

Find a large branch and secure it in a pot. Cut out a stack of paper leaves and encourage young people to write anti bullying advice or messages of support on them and then attach them to the branch.

Produce a graffiti anti bullying wall

Decide on a slogan and print anti bullying T-shirts

Make a circle around the centre with everyone holding hands. Chant anti bullying slogans in the circle to show you stand together against bullying (idea from KYCC)

Document all your activities over anti bullying week - take photos, make videos, start a blog or a Facebook group – upload videos to youtube or Kent.TV and use your photos and record of the week to produce an anti bullying newsletter that you can send to adults who can help to put your good ideas into practice.


What do I want to say about:

Was exciting/boring/interesting/pointless/useful/hard/easy/different...

Was good because.....

Made me think about...

The worst bit was...

The best bit...

Would be even better in the future if...

Thanks to Practice.ie http://practice.ie

Session name: centre/project:


Evaluation SheetName of centre/Project: __________________________________ Your name: ____________________________________

Description of the activity:

What did you do?:

What did you want to get out of it?:

What did you get out of it?:

Did you learn anything new?: Did you make any new friends/contacts?:

Any criticisms, comments and suggestions?:

Would you get involved again? YES NO RATE IT!


Other Ideas for Evaluation Talking stick/sink plunger/cuddly toy/any object you like – the point is that, during a group

evaluation, whoever is holding the ‘talking object’ has their say without interruption – a good way to encourage a degree of participation from reluctant talkers.

Post it evaluation – write the name of the activity on a flip chart and give each young person a post it. Ask them to write a comment or draw a picture to represent their feelings about the activity, then stick them to the flip chart.

Set up a twitter account and encourage young people to text in their 140 character evaluations, or use a Facebook group if you’ve set one up, to discuss and evaluate your anti bullying week activities

Target evaluation – draw a target on flip chart paper, labelling the bullseye ‘great/brilliant/fantastic’ and the other rings with degrees to ‘boring/rubbish’ on the outer ring. Ask your evaluation questions and ask young people to mark their responses on the target.

Use the ‘agree/disagree’ icebreaker as an evaluation

Ask young people to draw a map of the activity from start to finish – this could resemble a road, railway tracks, flight – ask young people to use their imagination to honestly depict how they’ve felt about the ‘journey’ of being involved

Work with young people to design and create generic evaluation sheets and store them on your hard drive for other activities

Build an ‘Evalu-O-Meter’ with a sliding scale to rate/slate activities – see http://practice.ie/blogs/heather/ideas-and-examples-creative-evaluation-kids