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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16


    Issue 16 Vol. 12

  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16









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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16



    August 23, 2013 Issue 16 Volume 12


    August 7-11 held adierent sort o sportingevent this year: eSportssThe International. Thisweeks Tech Attack recountsthe excitement o this videogame tournament.


    ROMANCEWhat is it about men thatcan bust a move? We all

    know dancing is a valuedskill, but why? AlexisAuckland shares her twocents on the matter.


    MUSICMel Guapo has taken usthrough interviews withlocal musicians. Now itsour chance at long last toknow him and absorb hispiece o important advice.


    ON THE CORNERWelcome back to school, college students! Boyd Street hopes you had a great summerand are ready or a kickin new school year. Some o us Normanites are looking orwardto having Campus Corner ull o energetic souls while others are dreading and avoidingBoyd Street like the plague. But do you know what? This OU ootball season is going torock and I cant wait to spend my weekends on Campus Corner with the Crimson andCream!


    EDITOR-IN-CHIEf Kelli Smith

    ART DIRECTORKelli Smith


    Ashley Roy

    pHOTOgRApHYMark Doescher

    Carey Flack

    CONTRIBUTORSAlexis Auckland

    Chase CookMel Guapo

    Shelby Simpson


    pUBlISHERJoe Wilhite

    Boyd Street MaazineP.O. Box 721494

    Norman, Oklahoma 73070

    Copyright Boyd Street Magazine

    Phone: (405) 321-2400E-mail: [email protected]

    Any articles, artwork or graphicscreated by Boyd Street Maazineor its contributors are sole property oBoyd Street Maazine and cannotbe reproduced or any reason withoutpermission. Any opinions expressed in

    Boyd Street are not necessarily that oBoyd Street management.



    ON THE CORNERWouldnt it be awesome toy to L.A. and buy the latestashions or cheap? Thankullyit doesnt require a planeticket. Hop over to DaintyHooligan on Campus Cornerand get L.A.s latest close tohome.


    Kelli SmithEditor-in-Chie


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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16



    This past weekend, rom August 7-11, I spent almost all o mytime glued to the couch. I was watching sports but it wasntyour typical sport.

    I was watching The International, a $2.8 million tournament orthe video game Defense of the Ancients 2 (DotA 2). This weekendwas the main event, so the fnal eight teams slugged it out overgrueling 10-12-hour days o competitive gaming in Seattle.

    The winning team was crowned (and walked away with $1.4million) and the tournament was over. Now Im trying to fgure outwhat to do with my spare time now that I dont have game atergame oDotA 2to watch. Thats a weird space or me becauseI mostly hate eSports. The players can be jerks, commentatorsare oten unproessional and I cant keep up with the ast play ohigh-level gamers. But The International, Valve and the eSportscommunity have come together and put on one o the mostproessional and well-designed tournaments in e Sports history.

    One o the challenges in video game tournaments is gettingpeople to watch other people play. Video games are meant tobe played! It goes against the very nature o gaming. But gameslike DotA 2and Starcraft 2can be incredibly exciting to watch when proessionals are doing things average players only dream o.

    DotA 2is a multiplayer game that eatures 100+ heroes who duke it out on the same map, tr ying to destroy the opposing teams towers andtheir throne, the main building. I the throne goes down, then the game is over and the team who destroyed it is the winner.

    There are three lanes the heroes can charge down to fght and each team will be accompanied by waves o non-player characters calledcreeps. Neutral creeps can be ound in the jungle as well. These creeps charge down the lane and fght other creeps or heroes, whomeverthey run into frst. When creeps die, they give money and experience, which heroes can use to level up and buy items, making the herostronger.

    Thats the core experience oDotA 2. The exciting part is when opposing heroes run into each other. Each hero has our dierent abilitiesand watching fve-on-fve battles as the colorul abilities go o is incredibly exciting. This is where the pros do their best work, dodging spells,throwing out counter abilities and putting their hero in the per ect position to do the most damage. It requires quick reexes a nd incredibleoresight to play DotA 2at the proessional level.

    The International put the right tools in place to make it exciting or the ans to watch. The game is ree (only cosmetic items cost money) andanyone can watch the tournament or ree as well in the game client. This game client allows ans to pick their avorite announcer (usuallyone announcer per language o English, Chinese, Russian and others). Picking the announcer puts the camera in the announcers controland spectators can watch and listen to them call the game. Either that, or Spectators can control the camera themselves or ollow a playerscamera so they can watch how they make incredible plays. Valve gives the player plenty o agency, allowing them to make the decisionson how they wish to watch the game something not possible in the TV worlds o bas ketball and ootball.

    On top o an excellent spectating system, The International was one o the most proessional gaming tournaments Ive watched. Gamerscan be a bit weird and DotA 2players are no exception. Having your commentators and reporters as gamers can sometimes lead toawkward moments or weird bouts o humor. While that did happen at The International, it was relatively rare. The analysis was top-notch,the personalities were great and the interviews (save or a ew) were inormative.

    There also was zero display oDotA 2s nasty side. The DotA community (dating back to the old Warcraft 3 mod) gets a bad rap or havingplayers who are HUGE jerks. It is a game that takes 30-45 minutes to play, and one p layer can ruin the experience or e veryone by either

    being a troll or having a bad game. Players get rus trated easily and use colorul language oten. It is defnitely a game kids should not playonline.

    At the tournament, though, the proessional players were excellent. They lost and won with grace and displayed great sportsmanship.Valves tournament is the next step in eSports. It gave ans plenty o choices on how they wanted to watch the games, the prize p ool createdexcitement and the tournament organizers made sure players kept it clean. The ocus was on the game and the big plays.

    Thats the way it should be. I cant wait until next year.

    Chase Cook

    The International: eSports Hits the Grand Stage

    Tech Attack


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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16



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    I youve been paying attention, and Im certain that you have, then you know that over the summer Ive conducted a series o interviewswith local songwriters. Ive asked obtuse philosophical questions about Art and Lie. Ive tried to stay out o the way as much as possible,quoting them at length and allowing their own words to do the talking because I believe that philosophical questions and answers are akind o Rorschach test or the soul.

    But sometimes its necessary to turn the mirror on onesel, because me knowing about you means you knowing about me and vice versa.So this week Im turning the mirror on mysel because you need to know who it is thats asking the questions, or else what good are thequestions anyway? And, believe me, the questions are good.

    When I was growing up, I was what you would probably call a stra nge child. (Thats okay with me because I would probably have calledyou a strange child as well.) I had one odd personality trait that my ather in particular could never quite understand. It began around theourth grade when I was becoming increasingly aware o my superior humanoid intelligence. It went something akin to this: Whatever Iliked best, I always used last.

    For example, i I had a plate o ood and on that ood were the items a) macaroni and cheese, b ) meatloa, c) steamed broccoli and d)corn on the cob, I would eat those items in the ollowing order: frst the corn on the cob (which I liked the least); second, the steamedbroccoli; third, the macaroni and cheese; and lastly, the meatloa (which I liked the most).

    You may disagree with me about the merits o steamed broccoli versus that o corn on the cob, but that is neither here nor there. Whatsimportant is the rationale. The idea was that I wanted to save the best or last so that I could enjoy it the most. I wanted to go out on abang. I didnt want to spoil the joys o the meatloa by returning to the tedium o the corn on the cob (not to mention the discomort causedwhen stuck between the teeth).

    Another maniestation o this philosophy is best described through the shirt model. Par exemple, i I had our shirts, I would wear the shirt Iliked the most the least, I would wear the shirt I liked the second-most the most, I would wear the shirt I liked the least the second-most, andthe shirt I liked third-most I would wear the third-most.

    Why would I do this?

    The rationale was that I wanted the avorite shirt to be something special, and so it would remain untouched in my closet. In one instance,I never actually wore the shirt that I loved the most.

    My advice to the next generation is this: dont make the s ame mistakes Ive made. Wear your avorite shirt. Wear it every day. Or else itwill be your second-avorite shirt that comes to defne you. Let it get dirty. But let your avorite shirt be the shirt that defnes you.

    Mel Guapo

    Knowing Me, Knowing YouAdvice for a Young Kid of Today or Tomorrow. Whatever.

    Music On the ScenThe Montlouies

    OConnes louies Too fuzzys


  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16



    Dainty Hooligan on Campus Corner is a ninja. I never noticed it until I was pretend-jogging. Slowing rom a pathetic stumble to a crawl, I got blindsided by an aqua Angiedress. Trendy-stealthy it is.

    Ater living in London, Sydney and other ashion-orward cities, I was shocked at what

    Dainty stocks. This is style you just dont see in these parts, and most items are under$40. Think mellow glam, ultra eminine, irty. Right now they have the sot pinks, mintsand lavenders that are blanketing the runways. Chion and lace steal the show, and did Imention mega-aordable pricing?

    The owner, Jessica Issler, born and raised in Caliornia, still resides in Anaheim. Hermother, however, lives in Tulsa. During a mom visit, Jessica decided she wanted to opena store smack dab in Oklahoma. Hence came the birth o Dainty Hooligan in Norman.There are also locations in Newport Beach, Tulsa and Austin, and o course you can goonline at to fnd ashion treasures not available in stores.

    Dainty Hooligan supplies the latest and greatest because Jessica is a genius shopper bornwith a wicked ashion eye. She knows whats getting ready to trend. She literally drives toL.A. rom Anaheim every Monday and Tuesday, goes shopping or the Norman store, thenboxes up the goodies, which arrive on Campus Corner every Friday morning. (Keep thatin mind ladies Friday.)

    Its straight rom the L.A. market to Norman. It hasnt even been unwrapped. Thats whythe prices are so low. Since Jessica lives there, shes not worried about upcharging. Shedoes everything hersel, says Angela, the store manager.

    Angela can call Jessica at the drop o a hat and rattle o a list o what the Norman store

    needs crimson items or ootball season or long autumn skirts. This isnt cookie-cutter stu.This is the owner going personal shopping in L.A. or Normanites.

    Ive seen similar designs around the metro but not at similar pricing:Dresses - rarely over $39.50Belts - $12-$18Earrings - $5-$9Nail polish - NYX $2.50 (Wahhhh?)Bandeaus - $5High-Waisted Shorts - $30

    Its not only the prices that make the dierence. The clothes are high quality. They have thatrich eel and secure ft that you know will last.

    Jessica ew me out to L.A. to give me a lesson on superior chion, threading and abric-care techniques. Shes all about quality. There are always those stores that dont care. Thisisnt one o them. Jessica is passionate, says Angela.

    The sta is ultra riendly and helpul ta boot. Turns out, they love their job. Its obviousbecause Angela keeps pausing during our interview to chat with a customer, handing hervarious accessories to make a canary maxi dress pop.

    Everyone here is so amazing. Theyre not just workers. They truly like and respect eachother. We seem like a little amily, says Angela. A dainty amily.

    Dainty Hooligan is the perect place to buy that wow actor date night outft. Its as closeas you can get to a designer squinting over a sewing machine in your bedroom, biting othe fnal thread with his/her teeth and handing you a silky, cutting-edge creation. I youwant to look hot and not break the bank, hit it up.

    Shelby Simpson

    L.A.s Latest Arrives Every Friday

    On the Corner


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    On the ScenNew York pizzaJoes TaernaChimys

    OConnes pee Deados Bue Bonnet Bar

    Dainty Hooligan582 Buchanan Ave

    Norman, OK 73069

  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16



    Last weekend at Lake Texoma, three riends and I did a late night boating expedition toHighport Bar. Theyve opened a new dock bar below Highport called The Island Bar. Itsliterally on the dock, so it rocks with the waves and the pounding o the dancers. It can getpretty pumping.

    As my crew got in the mix, werealized what appeared to be abangin dance party was actually a

    hybrid retirement home celebrationand random 21st b-day kicko.Every type was there. Every agewas present and everyone wasdancing. I was born wearing anice, tight pair o dancing pants.I I hear music, I have aboutthree minutes beore some majorthrowback moves bust out, so ocourse I got right in the mix.

    Mid-pelvic thrust, my riend decided it was his turn to get some. His engine was revvedhard. A ew minutes deep into a showcase o both his dance moves, he stumbled up tome and slurred, I just got hit on by our separate women due to my tight skills. He wasntexaggerating. I witnessed their advances.

    Men, heres a little secret: WOMEN LOVE A GUY WHO DANCES! That doesnt meanyou can be spastically obeat and well still want to have your baby. You just need a bito swag, or at least ake the swag by swaying inadvertently and using the good ol eyecontact/smile combo to let us know youre not just on the dance oor tr ying to avoidpassing out.

    Will Smith as Hitch in the movie o the samename said it best:Hitch - If she asks you to dance, you cant sayno.Kevin James - Thats the one thing Im notworried about.Then Kevin proceeds to show off some ridicmoves to Ushers Yeah. Hitch stares at himblankly. About three seconds in, Hitch cuts themusic.Hitch Dont you ever do that again, you hearme? This is where you live. Right here [star ts a

    small side-to-side step, head bobbin softly to the beat]. You live right here. This is home.Elbows, six inches from the waist, 90-degree angle. Dont you bite your lip! No needto make the pizza. They have food there. Women relate dancing to sex. Even a greatdancer can lose it with one of these [does an MC Hammer spin move].

    I dont know i everyone relates dancing to sex, but girls defnitely want a man with danceenthusiasm. Its sexy/hot/confdent. Maybe it does display rhythm and smoothness wedlike to see put into play elsewhere. Its just hot when a guy is willing to cut loose on thedance oor. I simply cant stress enough

    what dancing will do or a mans dating lie.I you want to pick up a chick, dont standon the wall. Break out, son! Strive to pull ahammy or something. Slide. Pop. Kickballchange. Freak. Whatevs. I dont care iyoure doing the Clogged Ketchup Bottle,Dealing Cards, or tying an imaginary stringto your hip that you pull with the beat. Somehottie will eventually smile at you, and whenshe does, electric slide in her direction.

    Alexis Auckland

    You Can Do It. Put Your Back Into It.


    1. A toprock is performed in whichstyle of dancing?a. Breakdancing

    b. Tapc. Belly dancing

    d. Flamenco

    2. Which famous tap dancer andactor was originally casted as thetin man in The Wizard of OZandappeared in the lms Breakfast atTiffanys and Broadway Melody?

    3. Which 20th century ballerinawas later edible?

    4. With the aid of the followinglm characters, name the dance

    lm:a. Tony Manero

    b. Alexandra Owensc. Ren McCormackd. Baby Houseman

    e. Ozonef. Torrance Shipman

    g. Elgin

    5. Who sang the following dancesongs?

    a. The Safety Danceb. I Cant Dance

    c. Dancing With Myselfd. You Should Be Dancing

    e. Rhythm Is A Dancerf. Dancing With Mr. D.

    Dance MoveTrivia





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  • 7/27/2019 Boyd Street Magazine Issue 16







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