asian achievers awards

British Asians Turning Adversity into Opportunity A s i a n A c h i e v e r s A w a r d s 2010 30th September 2010 Presents the 10th Asian Achievers Awards Alpha Care Homes CARE YOU CAN DEPEND ON Sponsored Charity Sponsors Media Partner

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Asian Achievers Awards, AAA


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Presents the 10th Asian Achievers Awards

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The Royal Airforce values every individual’s unique contribution, irrespective of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or social background

My job means that I’m responsible for everyone’s health on the base.

My wife agrees with me on this, living on an RAF base is like staying with extended family.

People around us are warm, friendly and constantly looking after us.

I love what I do.

I also have to do a lot of study and research which is very important for my career.

Royal Air Force, Senior Medical Officer

By joining the RAF as a medical officer, I am able to do both.

Outside of work, I have a few hobbies. Beating my little brother at cricket is one of them.

My family have always encouraged me to put education first. I wanted to do interesting things.

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 3

I want to congratulate everyone involved in the Asian Achievers Awards on reachingyour tenth year. I think it's a fantastic milestone for these awards which have becomea very important way of recognising the tremendous contribution of so many BritishAsians to our country. So thank you to all the organisers and supporters who work sohard to make these awards such a great success.

Of course, the biggest congratulations this evening go to all those whose effortsare being recognised tonight. In every field, from business to sport, from culture tocommunity service, men and women whose hard work and outstanding achieve-ments help make Britain the place it is today.

Tonight's theme - turning adversity into opportunity through resilience,sacrifice and determination - says so much about the strength and character thatso many people here have shown. It also epitomises the challenge we face as anentire country as we get to grips with the deficit and work to get our economy backon track. Our success hinges on the society we build and the contributions that ourpeople make to that society. And I hope the contributions being celebrated tonightcan be an inspiration not just to other British Asians, but to people in every commu-nity across Britain.

I hope you all have a great night.

Rt Hon David Cameron, MPPrime Minister


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I am greatly honoured to be the Chief Guest at this year’s Asian Achievers Awards.That this is the 10th year of this important event, is a notable achievement in

itself, and another opportunity to celebrate the wealth of talent in the Asian commu-nity and your numerous success stories.

The very significant contribution that the Asian community makes to British soci-ety at all levels and in all areas of life has long been clear, but it is important to recog-nise and mark the successes to continue to inspire others to strive to achieve, regard-less of circumstances.

There are high achievers from the Asian community in all walks of life, whetherit is in business, the professions, the arts, media or sport. Talent combined with dedi-cation and commitment to achieving the goals to which they aspire has helped ensurea thriving and diverse environment in these and many other areas.

The theme of this year’s event - Turning Adversity into Opportunity’ – celebratesthis drive and determination, and also recognises that success and achievement cancome despite difficult circumstances.

Stories of achievement are not just about those who are successful in the tradi-tional sense. There are many who are not recognised but who struggle against theodds to make a life for themselves and their families, making the most of opportuni-ties that arise and who move forward often against the odds.

In the justice sector I know that there are many challenges, but also many, manytalented and dedicated people from all communities who are working to ensure a fair-er society. A society with a strong, fair and trusted justice system is the platform onwhich the hard work and dedication of everyone in this country regardless of back-ground or any other irrelevant factors, can flourish.

I would like to congratulate all of this year’s winners and nominees, as well asthe organisers and all those here to support tonight’s event. You have a great deal tobe proud of and I wish you a very enjoyable evening and another fantastic year ahead.

Rt Hon Lord Tom McNallyMinister of State, Ministry of Justice

Chief Guest

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 7

Since its inception, the Asian Achievers Awardshas attained an emblematic distinction ofexcellence. I am truly excited as 2010 marks

its first decade and, hopefully, many more decadesto come.

The other day the Governor of the Bank ofEngland and other big-wigs from the financial worldat the Trades Union Conference in Manchesteraccepted their share of responsibility for global eco-nomic meltdown. It is true that every country has toput its house in order, to control the treasury deficitand stimulate the recovery we seek. Economic poli-cies, especially the spending cuts, are a sign of polit-ical determination to act within the financial con-straints. The consequences are impacting on Asianeconomic activity, as they are everywhere else.

Nevertheless, I feel Asian-owned businesses,thanks to prudent management, are weatheringthese difficult times reasonably well. I am alsoinformed that compared to the national average, theAsians pro-rata is better situated. It speaks volumesabout our business acumen. It is probably becauseof family networks and an enduring entrepreneurialtradition that Asian balance sheets owe their relativestrength! It would appear very few Asian businesseshave succumbed to the economic downturn.

Speaking to a gathering of bankers, the formerChief Executive (European Operation) of the Bank ofBaroda, Mr S S Mundra, said there were many whohad left Indian banks, lured by high street banks. Butwith the economic slump hitting the country hard,these lost customers were returning to Indian banks.The worst of times for some are becoming the bestof times for others. This is not something new. In theearly 1990s, Indian banks lent £1.5bn to the Britishbusinesses and thereby helped them to withstandthe crisis of that period.

We believe that in every adversity there is anopportunity. If we look back to the past 10 years,British Asians have attained a higher profile in allwalks of life, especially in the professions. As wemove into the 21st century, Asian business endeav-our is likely to attain a luminous trajectory of growthand achievement.

Asian communities have extended their sup-port to the needy and the worthy. Similarly we, theAsian Business Publications Limited (ABPL), havegiven support to charities over the years through theAsian Achievers Awards functions.

Last year we raised £55,000 for the St Luke'sHospice. The year before we raised about a quartermillion pound for Food For Life Vrindavan, a charityworking towards safeguarding the future of childrenin slums through education and shelter in India. This

year's fund-raising is for Oxfam, which has beenworking in India since 1951.It has been responding toemergencies, supporting and building local organisa-tions, working on education and healthcare, as wellas helping people make a living.

Oxfam has been working with Asian Voice &Gujarat Samachar to highlight issues of poverty incountries such as India, and to raise awareness ofOxfam’s continuing work. Oxfam is also helping proj-ects in India in the fields of education and healthcareand help many children to change their lives. UnlessOxfam receives more money to fund the schools,they will be closed, with all the loss this will repre-sent to the children concerned. Please contributegenerously to Oxfam.

As our Chief Guest this year, we are honouredto have Rt Hon Lord McNally, Minister for State ofJustice. Prior to being appointed Minister of State forJustice he was a member of the Select Committeeon Industry and Trade and a spokesman on educa-tion.

Last year we were privileged to have BaronessShriti Vadera as the Chief Guest. Others who haveattended this function down the years includedpeers, members of parliament, businessmen andsenior professionals. Tony Blair, Jack Straw, DavidBlunkett, Patricia Hewitt, Ruth Kelly, Valerie Amos,Peter Hain, Eddie George, Yvette Cooper, and WillieWhitelaw were high on this list of dignitaries.

Last but least, we could not have played or con-tinue to play our role without the support of our won-derfully loyal readers, advertisers, sponsors and wellwishers. Amongst the ABPL team, my colleaguesGeorge, Rupanjana, Nikhil and Rovin deserve specialthanks, along with other members of the team whohave striven hard to make this event a success.

I hope you enjoy today's event and the souvenir. Many thanks for your presence.

Best Wishes

CB PatelPublisher/EditorAsian Voice & Gujarat Samachar

Opportunity in adversity

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 9

The last decade has seen the AAA awards go from strength to strength, andit is wonderful to see the enormous talent within the Asian community prop-erly showcased. It’s absolutely right that we stop and celebrate the pioneeringspirit and dedication at the heart of these awards. Both should be an inspira-tion to us all, and I’d like to say a huge congratulations to all of this year’s win-ners.

The 2010 theme – turning adversity into opportunity – brings into thespotlight the personal plights of men and women who have confronted greatdifficulty with equally great resolve. Their success exemplifies the determina-tion that so-often characterises the Asian community, and it is a credit toBritish society as a whole.

This event captures the huge contribution that the Asian communitymakes to all walks of life in Britain. Young people, both from within that com-munity and outside of it, will be able to draw hope and encouragement fromthese achievements.

So good luck with the event – I hope you all have a fantastic time!

Rt Hon Nick Clegg, MPDeputy Prime Minister

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London prides itself on being one of the most diverse, tolerant andmulticultural cities in the world. London’s diversity is vital to its eco-nomic success and, as Mayor, I take pride in the dynamism of itsmulti-faceted communities.

India, historically, has a strong relationship with London andIndian communities make a huge contribution to this city, withinevery sphere of influence from politics, the economy, arts and cul-ture, business and enterprise to food and fashion.

The contribution of Indian communities to the economy is vast.Indian owned businesses in the capital generate over £14.4 billionand represent five per cent of London’s economy. The commitmentof Asians to this city never fails to impress me.

As well as the economic sector, Indian communities add aunique and important dimension to the cultural vibrancy of London,hosting events, live music, films, dance and other celebrationsthroughout the year.

The Indian community is going from strength to strength andcan only achieve greater things as new generations of Asians maketheir mark. I would like to wish all your nominees and winners thebest of luck and congratulations.

Boris JohnsonMayor of London

Now in its 10th year, the Asian Achievers Awards ongoing endeav-our to recognise and drive excellence has been invaluable. I regular-ly meet British Asians whose entrepreneurial spirit and determina-tion has improved the lives of people both nationally and internation-ally.

British Asians continue to make huge contributions to numer-ous fields in the UK. Their hard work and drive have enabled themto turn adversity into opportunity. The Asian Achievers Awards, nom-inated by the public, serves to highlight not only the prominence ofBritish Asians in British society, but also to provide role models toinspire young British Asians to excel.

I would like to congratulate Asian Voice and the GujaratSamachar for their dedication to recognising outstanding BritishAsians, and particularly CB Patel for founding the awards in 2000. Iwould also like to congratulate all those nominated for the awardsand wish them all the best in their inspirational endeavours.

Rt Hon Keith Vaz, MPChair, Home Affairs Select Committee



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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar12

CelebratingAsian Success

It has been my privilege to be asked to Chair the Judges Panel forthe 10th Asian Achievers Awards. The Judges Panel devoted manylong hours adjudicating the awards and we were both delighted

and impressed at the quality of the nominees and their achievements.This year the judging panel who whist appreciating excellence

in the Asian community have also taken into account the contribu-tions that Asians are making to British society in general and not justto the Asian community. I am confident that this will be reflected inthe judging panels choice of winners.

Whilst tonight certain individuals will take home awards to markachievements, it is important to note that regrettably in each catego-ry we are only able to choose one winner. However, that should notdetract from the achievements of all the nominees to whom on behalfof the judging panel I offer our congratulations.

It is a matter of pride when one looks at tonight's nominees,winners and indeed guests to see how well the Asian community hasdone in the United Kingdom and has over the last few years managedto integrate itself into British society yet at the same time maintainingtheir cultural identity and diversity.

Those who are honoured today should serve as role models notonly to the young members of the Asian community but to youngpeople generally especially as we battle through difficult economictimes.

As always I am sure the Asian Achievers Awards will be a mostenjoyable evening and I urge you to support tonight's charity OXFAM.

Best Wishes

Naynesh Desai

Naynesh Desai

Naynesh Desai has beenpractising as solicitor forthe last 25 years and iscurrently in the process ofopening a new practise inMayfair.

He is also a directorof Mission Sports ManagementLimited in partnership with Sir Ian Bothamwho represent a number of high profilecricketers including Kevin Pietersen and anumber of other athletes. Naynesh has rep-resented a number of lead ing cricketersthroughout the world including WasimAkram, Virendra Sehwag, Sir Ian Botham,Sunil Gavaskar, Mohammed Azharuddin,Devon Malcolm and Mark Ramprakash.

Naynesh is also involved with thecelebrity cricket club The Bunbury’s andchairs their Annual Dinner.

The Bunbury have raised over 14 mil-lion which has helped charities likeLeukaemia Research Fund, The EnglishSchools Cricket Association and TheCrossroads Clinics.

Judges Mark Ramprakash, Naynesh Desai, Jeffrey Archer, Usha Teji & Mihir Bose deciding on finalists

AAA Chair of Judges Panel

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 13

CelebratingAsian Success

Jeffrey Archer

Jeffrey Archer was born in London, broughtup in Somerset, the son of a printer, andeducated at Wellington School, andBrasenose College, Oxford, where hegained an athletics blue, was President ofthe University Athletics Club, and went on torun the 100 yards in 9.6 seconds for GreatBritain in 1966. After leaving Oxford he waselected to the Greater London Council, andthree years later at the age of 29, hebecame Member of Parliament for Louth.

Aged 34, he sat down to write his first novelNot a Penny More, Not a Penny Less.

Jeffrey Archer was Deputy Chairmanof the Conservative Party from September1985 until November 1986. In 1991, he wasco-ordinator for the Campaign for KurdishRelief, and he is also an amateur auctioneer,having raised more than £12 million in thelast 10 years. Jeffrey Archer was made aLife Peer in the Queen's Birthday HonoursList of 1992.

Usha Teji

Usha Teji is a barrister, Member of Lincoln'sInn and a member of chambers at 1 PumpCourt, Temple. Usha's area of practice isfamily law and in particular issues concern-ing child abuse, women's right, humanrights and mental health.

She has an extensive experience inprivate and public law proceedings.

She has supported a number ofgroups and charities, involved with socialissues.

Usha is also the Chairman of a publiccompany in Turkey, producing tractors andother farm machinery.

She is an enthusiastic supporter ofcricket, at both national and internationalleveI and has been a devoted fitness enthu-siast and attends the gym, time permitting.

Mark Ramprakash

Mark Ramprakash was born in Bushey,Hertfordshire, and is of Indian and Englishdescent. His father, born in the Caribbean,was an Indian from Guyana and his motherwas English. He attended Gayton HighSchool (now Harrow High School), and thenHarrow Weald Sixth Form College. His firstlocal club was Bessborough Cricket Club inHeadstone Lane where he showed earlypromise as a fast bowler before concentrat-ing on his batting.

In 2006, Ramprakash and Karen Hardywon the BBC's Strictly Come Dancing.

He is an avid supporter of the ArsenalFootball Club and plays for the Arsenal Ex-Pros and Celebrities side. On 9 March 2008,Ramprakash appeared on the CBBC showHider in the House, setting up dad IanSmeeton, with Ian's wife Wendy, two chil-dren Will and Pippa, and their friend Dougyin Cambridge. He completed all his chal-lenges.

Mihir Bose

Mihir Bose is an award winning journalistand author. He is currently working onrange of projects including a weekly “BigSports Interview” for the London EveningStandard, a book on the power of modernsport and other projects for radio and tele-vision covering social and historical issuesas well as sport. Until recently he was theBBC’s first Sports Editor. His major scoopsincluded revealing the cost of the Olympics,the Premier League plans for the 39th

game and Joe Calzaghe’s decision to retire. He has won several awards: business

columnist of the year, the sports newsreporter of the year, the sports story of theyear and the Silver Jubilee Literary awardfor his History of Indian Cricket. He wasconsulted by government ministers in therun-up to London’s successful bid for the2012 Olympic Games and served on theBudd Committee which provided the basisfor the new UK gambling legislation.


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The Finalists

Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010

Sponsored by


Prof S Homer Vanniasinkam

Prof Homer-Vanniasinkam is a consultantVascular Surgeon at The General Infirmaryin Leeds, Director of Research andEducation at Northwick Park Institute forMedical Research, honorary Chair ofSurgery at UCL and Clinical Sub-Dean ofLeeds Medical School. She has been the chair of many bodiesincluding, Chair of Clinical andExperimental Vascular Research,University of Bradford, Chair in

Translational Vascular Medicine, Bradford,Chair of the UK Nanomedicine Network.

She is also actively involved manyalso has an ongoing global programme ofmedical under-and post-graduate teachingand mission work, with a particularemphasis in SE Asia - she regularly trav-els to India and Sri Lanka to operate onpatients on a voluntary basis and sharesher skills and knowledge with colleagues.

Vijay Goel

Vijay Goel is Sr. Partner in Singhania & Cofor more than 12 years. He advises clientson matter relating to corporate law, lawsrelated to joint venture and foreign collab-orations, and expertises in real estatetransactions. He has worked withAmerican and Indian companies for theirlisting on AIM. He is the founder of Indo-European Business Forum where in whicha number of House of Lords, Member ofParliament and Member of European

Parliaments are involved. Vijay was award-ed National Law Day award fromHonarable President of India Smt PratibhaPatil. He was awarded the AsianLeadership award in Europe 2009. He isSpecial Advisor to the CommonwealthBusiness Council, He is an advisor toLoomba trust as well.He is also on boardof The Rajasthani Foundation.

Dr Nora Vyas

Dr Nora Vyas is a visiting lecturer and post-doctoral researcher. She achieved her PhDin Psychiatry and Cognitive Neurosciencefrom University of London. Her researchfocused on investigating the influence ofgenes on cognitive functioning in childrenand adolescents with schizophrenia andtheir biological relatives. She has receivedinternational recognition for her work inschizophrenia. She has been recipient ofnumerous awards early in her academic

career including the Young ResearcherAward (2008) and Young Scientist Award(2009). She has recently been awarded theprestigious Fulbright Distinguished ScholarAward (2010-2011) by the US-UK FulbrightCommission and awarded membership ofContinental Who's Who 2010-2011. She haspublished her work widely in journals suchas the British Journal of Psychiatry, Journalof Nuclear Medicine, Biological Psychiatryand Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics.

Dr Sandeep Mane

Dr Sandeep Mane is a doctor, consultant inadvanced reproductive medicine and sur-gery. He is trained in the UK for the last 12years. He started the professional service inIndia in 2008 called 'Origin InternationalFertility centre'. His project aims to help suf-fering infertile couples who are dreaming ofhaving a baby. The centre providesadvanced treatment available in the world ata very competitive price. He has conductedalmost 1000 operations in the first 2 years,

serving patients from around the world.Dr Mane has been awarded the Best

project award for the year in 2008- 2009and Best director Award for the year 2009-2010. He was invited to perform demonstra-tion surgery from the origin centre to theBritish society for gynaecological endoscopyconference 2010 and was the only Indian torepresent an India Fertility centre at theworlds first fertility show held at london in2009.

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The Finalists

Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010


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Jasuben Mistry

Jasuben Mistry is the Secretary for ShreePrajapati Association (UK) and she inspiresmembers of SPA(UK), a registered Charity with13 branches, to give Sewa. The branches reg-ularly organise charitable projects and eventswhich allow its members to give back to soci-ety. SPA (UK) organised its first ever large scaleproject in 2001 for Gujarat earth quake reliefand raised large sum of money with whichthey assisted to build an Orphanage for 50children and a community hall. SPA (UK) is

the first organisation which has donated amobile Eye operating unit to The Rotary EyeInstitute in Gujarat. She has played a key rolein inspiring SPA (UK) members to raise fundfor Tsunami Appeal in conjunction with SEWAinternational. She also played a key role as anInternational Secretary when the firstInternational Prajapat Conference was held in2006 in Gujarat. She has also volunteered forHindu Council of Brent, Hindu Forum ofBritain, BT and St. Luke Hospices.

Shashi Kiran GossainShashi Kiran Gossain, an award winningpharmacist & a cosmetic scientist has pio-neered a premium range of cosmeceuti-cals that are scientifically designed toaddress the problems of Asian skin, egHyper pigmentation, Scarring, Stretchmarks amongst others. Pharmaclinix prod-ucts are actively promoted by leading aes-thetic dermatologists, with over 500 pro-fessional cosmetic dermatologists endors-ing the exclusive & effective range.

Pharmaclinix is now sold across 20 coun-tries, in over 10,000 retail outlets, includ-ing India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia & SouthAfrica. Shashi runs a “one stop Health &Beauty” clinic in Kensington; but throughher tireless efforts & participations in exhi-bitions throughout the world, she hasmade a real difference not only to theaverage housewives, but also severalBollywood actresses & Members of theSaudi & Qatar Royal Families.

Pavani Reddy

Pavani Reddy is a Solicitor and is theManaging Partner of the firm Zaiwalla & Cosince 2005 and specialises in internationalarbitration, commercial dispute resolutionand litigation. She has acted on variousissues for clients including some Fortune500 companies. Pavani handles high valuecommercial cases in the London High Court,Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court ofEngland and Wales. She has recently beenacting on behalf of the Consensus Business

Group and R20 (Vincent and RobertTchenguiz) in various Company Litigationmatters, including the highly publicised caseof Imerman v Tchenguiz, surrounding theuse of confidential documents, before theCourt of Appeal. Pavani is a member of vari-ous associations including IMA (IndianMaritime Association), a supporting memberof the LMAA (London Maritime ArbitratorsAssociation) and IBA (International BarAssociation).

Shalina Alabaksh

Shalina Alabaksh has inspired, mentoredand supported individuals and membersof her own community working in theretail sector. Shalina studied textiles atLeeds University and quickly realised hernatural flair for retail and staff training.One of her greatest achievements wasimplementing a retail training and qualifi-cation programme for Selfridges. At thesame time, Shalina developed a communi-ty project, sponsored by Deloitte Touche,

helping disadvantaged young people fromethnic minorities in Lewisham. As a directresult of the programme, 70% of thoseyoung people found employment. Justthree years ago, Shalina decided to buildupon the contacts she had developed over15 years in the industry and set up herown successful retail consultancy,Alabaksh Limited.

The FinalistsSponsored by


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Congratulation to all the winners of the 10th

Asian Achievers Awards

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The Finalists

Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010

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Ashpal Kaur Bhogal

Ashpal Kaur Bhogal is a student & EnglandHockey Player. She is 15 years old fromLeeds and has a natural flare for Hockey.She is the first Asian/Sikh to representEngland at any age group which is a greatachievement. Ashpal started playing hock-ey at the age of 6 for the under 10-11 agegroup. She played regional hockey since12. She is also excellent in studies and isan A* student- grade 3 merit in playing

flute and Grade 3 distinction in playing theIndian Vaja.

She comes from family of Hockeyenthusiast. Her family has 5 UgandanInternational hockey players including hergrandfather Surjit Singh Bhogal, her fatherBobby Bhogal who has representedYorkshire and Middlesex and recently gotselected as England Master 2010.

Zesh Rehman

Zesh Rehman is a British Asian Pakistani foot-ball defender who plays for Bradford City. Hewas the first British Asian to start a PremierLeague match and is the first to have played inall four divisions of professional football inEngland. He also plays for Pakistani Nationalfootball team and was the first PakistaniInternational footballer to play professional foot-ball in England. He started career in Fulhamand made 21 league appearances.During histime at Fulham he had loan spells at Brighton &

Hove Albion and Norwich City. The third trans-fer of his career involved him moving toBradford on a free transfer in June 2009. So farRehman has made eight appearances for thePakistan national team and has participated inthe World Cup 2010 qualifiers. Outside of foot-ball he is known for being an ambassador forKick It Out, the Asian Football Network and theShow Racism The Red Card campaign. In addi-tion to this he has appeared on BBC Radio1Xtra and writes a blog for Setanta Sports.

Michael Chopra

Michael Chopra is a 26 year old Englishfootballer. He plays as a striker for FootballLeague Championship from Cardiff city.He played for New Castle Youth and alsoplayed for Sunderland. He has spent loanspells at Watford, Nottingham Forest andBarnsley and represented Englandunder15-21 levels. In 2006, he made newsfor scoring the fastest goal by a substitutein Premier League history as he had been

in the pitch for only 10 seconds after com-ing on as a substitute. He was the firstplayer of Indian parentage to play andscore in the Premier league. In 2006,Chopra joined Cardiff City for £500,000after turning down a new one-year con-tract at Newcastle in favour of guaranteedfirst-team football.

Ravi Bopara

Ravinder Singh ("Ravi") Bopara (born 4May 1985, Forest Gate, Newham, London)is an English cricketer who plays for Essexand England. He is the second Sikh to playcricket for England, after Monty Panesar.He was first called up to the England ODIteam in 2007, before a difficult Test debutin Sri Lanka saw him dropped in early2008 after a string of three ducks. Heregained his place for a Test against theWest Indies in the winter of 2008-09,

however, and scored a century batting atnumber three. Bopara held on to the num-ber three position for the May 2009 homeTest series against the West Indies, scor-ing a century in both tests, and wasnamed in the preliminary 2009 Ashessquad- Bopara has also enjoyed success inthe Indian Premier League, where he playsfor the Kings XI Punjab.

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Cllr Filly K MaravalaCllr Maravala was born in the former BritishColony of Aden. He came to the UK in 1967 justbefore the independence of Aden and havebeen here ever since. He started his politicallife in Redbridge in 1994. In 1999-2000 hebecame the first Asian and Zoroastrian Mayorof Redbridge and with that the first Zoroastrian

Mayor in London. In the recent local electionsin May, he achieved the highest amount ofvotes as a local Ward Councillor in the historyof Redbridge.

Cllr Maravala currently Chairs the Housingand Adult Social Services Scrutiny Committeewith a combined budget of over £100 million.

Ranjanben D Manek MBE

Ranjanben Dhirendrakumar Manek MBE is aremarkable individual who strives to help oth-ers wherever she can in the community. Shehas worked as a foster carer for children andvulnerable adults over the last 22 years. In1999 she took the initiative to set up a daycare centre in Coventry for elderly Asianwomen after identifying a need among her

own community. In 2003 Ranjanben wasawarded the ‘Pride of Coventry &Warwickshire Community Awards’, and in2007 she was awarded the prestigious hon-our of MBE by the Queen for her contributionto society. She later moved to London and setup the ‘Om Shakti Day Centre’ with the sup

Sanjay Jagatia

Sanjay Jagatia has been a community activist,campaigner, volunteer and fundraiser for over25 years (since the age of 16). He has beenactively involved in the community through var-ious leadership roles and instrumental inadvancing the social, cultural and religious inter-ests of the Hindu Community living in the UK.His dedication to community work has resulted

in increased awareness and recognition of cul-turally sensitive issues among different Cultures,Governments and Service Providers on a Local,National and International level. Over the past10 years, Sanjay Jagatia has been involved infundraising activities that have raised over £10Million Pounds for various Charity Appeals &Good Causes in the UK and across the World.

Darshan Lal KalhanDarshan Lal Kalhan is the President of IndianOverseas Congress (London) UK, which hehelped to form in 1969 and Chairman ofPravasi Bharti Welfare Association UK(Registered in Delhi).

He had arrived in Britain's at the age of24. In 1956 racial discrimination was a seriousproblem. He volunteered to help people whocame from India by showing them how to fill

forms and write letters. Today we have astrong leadership and adequately representedethnic candidates in councils and Houses ofParliament because of the involvement of pio-neers like Mr Kalhan. He played a key role byjoining IWA as a life member and help inorganising workers, explaining their rights,dealing with their complaints and participat-ing in conferences.

Maneck A Dalal OBEManeck Dalal was educated at CambridgeUniversity and called to the bar in London in1945. He rapidly progressed in the fields ofbusiness and diplomacy. When he was only29, he started Air India in the UK in 1948 andbecame the airline’s first Regional Director. In1973 he became the Indian Government’sAdviser for Tourism and Civil Aviation. He hasbeen Patron and Chairman for many organisa-

tions. Mr Maneck Dalal succeeded Lord Menuhin asChairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan UK short-ly after it was established in the UK in 1972. Inrecognition of his outstanding achievements,be was made an Officer of the British Empire.This was conferred by Her Majesty The Queenin 1997.

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Abhishek Varma

Abhishek Varma, founder of Best For YouIn Europe LTD started his career in thetravel industry seven years ago as a free-lance tour escort for leading Indian TourOperators; for nearly five years. He han-dled hundreds of leisure Groups from Indiawithin Europe as well as Far East.

His Tour Leading experience and hislove for travel in general led him to openhis own Travel company, and put into con-tribution all his “practical” knowledge and

experience acquired whilst on tour to offerthe best to his clients without compromis-ing on quality. As a result, Best For You InEurope got incorporated in November2008 and got a very positive responsefrom the Indian Market with notableaccomplishments in not even a year.Today, Best For You In Europe countsamongst the best Incoming Travel compa-nies for Europe and expanded its opera-tion with its new Mumbai office.

Sujan Shah

Sujan is the founder and ManagingDirector of Carrier Bag Shop, the UK'slargest online supplier of carrier bags andpackaging. He is also a Partner andDirector at AsianD8, the largest online dat-ing and singles events company for UKbased South Asians. Carrier Bag shop wasfounded in 2005 and over the past 5 yearshas grown from a turnover of £150,000in it's first year, to an annual turnover ofover£2.2 million in this financial year.

Asian D8 was found in 2003 andwas running a handful of singles events inLondon for Hindu, Sikh and Muslim com-munities. Sujan was responsible forincreasing the reach of the companynationwide and internationally. In 2010,the company has expanded to New Yorkwith various singles events and the launchof an online dating website for USA basedresidents.

Jason and Dennis Singh Digwa

Jason and Dennis Singh areDirectors of RGB, Hifi & VideoLtd. Since taking over RGB fromCEO Mr Peter Digwa, the broth-ers Kirpan (Dennis) and Satpal(Jason) have taken the businessto a greater height. Their newflagship showroom was openedby the Mayor of Redbridge andthe Mayor of London, BorisJohnson.

With a turnover of over £20 million, they have majorplans to grow the businessorganically. Winner of manyIndustry Awards and are nowamongst the largest retailers ofAudio visual Equipment in UK.They deal with all the majorbrands including Sony,Panasonic and Philips.

Riz Navsarka

Riz Navsarka is the Managing Director ofMesmerEyez cosmetics (Navsarka Ltd). It isthe UK's leading and the worlds most inno-vative cosmetic coloured contact lens com-pany. As a teenager Riz grew up in one ofthe most deprived areas of the U.K,Hillflields in Coventry. Starting at the age of20 whilst studying he turned the £200gained from a university loan, into to amulti-million pound business in less than 5years. The company has grown drastical-

ly,175% whilst in a recession. MesmerEyezis available across the UK and around theworld with distributors from Beijing toIceland. It has revolutionised the cosmeticsindustry by bringing coloured contact lensto the mass cosmetic market with innova-tive designs, daily disposables and theworlds largest range of colours. Worn inLondon Fashion Week and seen in Vogueand Grazia, MesmerEyez has become abrand synonymous with eye colour change.

Jason Singh DigwaDennis Singh Digwa

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ureAnjali Bulley

Anjali Bulley is the Managing Editor of V&APublishing at the Victoria and Albert Museum,previously Senior Editor at the National PortraitGallery, London. V&A Publishing is one of theworld's leading Museum publishers, with anoutstanding reputation among experts andacademics and the commercial market, partic-ularly the fashion list, which is one of the mar-ket leaders. Anjali is responsible for imple-menting the publishing list through the com-missioning and project management of exhibi-

tion catalogues, general books and education-al publications to complement the V&A'sworld renowned programme of art, photogra-phy and collection exhibitions. Anjali's rolealso includes initiating and developing newtitles, managing external picture researchers,designers and editors, as well as managingthe in-house editorial team. Her recent keyachievements include British Asian Style:Fashion and Textiles and Maharaja: TheSplendour of India's Royal Courts.

Rajini Vaidyanathan

31 year old Rajini Vaidyanathan is a corre-spondent for BBC news across Radio, TVand Online. She has covered some of thebiggest stories in recent years. In2008/2009 she was based inWashington as a correspondent for BBCnews covering the 2008 Presidential elec-tion, the inauguration, the financial crisis,and was even live on the red carpet inHollywood at the Oscars. Rajini has alsospent several years as a reporter in

Westminster, covering the recent generalelection, as well as party conferences, theBlair/Brown handover, the expenses crisisand cash for honours. She has also report-ed from other parts of the world includingJerusalem, India , Romania and Brussels.In 2007 she won a Young Journalist oftheYear award for her interviews with highprofile politicians including Gordon Brown,David Cameron, Tony Blair and Al Gore.

Burjor J Avari

Burjor Avari born in India and brought upin Kenya. His career within the school sys-tem spanned from 1962 to 1987, first inKenya and then in Britain. He developedinnovative schemes for multicultural edu-cation in the various institutions where hetaught; and in 1988 he was appointed asPrincipal Lecturer in Multicultural Studiesat the Manchester Polytechnic (nowManchester Metropolitan University).Burjor has a passionate belief in the value

of Multicultural Education. At theUniversity he has organised and run anevening programme of lectures inMulticultural Studies for members of thepublic in Manchester for 22 years. He alsoworked with the Greater ManchesterPolice in race relations training for a num-ber of years. He was awarded an MBE forhis work in 1987. Burjor is also a historian.

Mark Sumariwalla

Mark Sumariwalla or Mark Summers is arenowned casting director, dance expert andchoreography agent in the UK. In the last 5years his clients include celebrities like thelate Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston,Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Beyonce, Shakira,Justin Timberlake and many others. He hasstarred in tv shows like Move like MichaelJackson and Britain's top missing model. Hewas honoured by Paul Cartney by makinghim a friend of the Liverpool Institute of

Performing Arts. Mark was the EuropeanCasting Director for MJ's This Is It tour afterpreviously working with Michael on TheBrits. He began his career as an aspiringactor, training at stage school before movinginto casting for advertisements, musicvideos, films and theatre in both Britain andAmerica. Mark's impressive roll-call of actors,dancers and models can be seen in filmssuch as East is East, adverts for a wholerange of famous brands, and music videos.

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Anil Sehgal

Rickie Sehgal is Managing Director ofTransputec Computers plc, which celebrat-ed its 25th anniversary in 2009.

He is General Secretary of The BritishAsian Conservative Link which aims toen-courage greater participation amongst theAsian community in the Conservative Party.

He also fulfils the roles of VicePresident, South East and Chairman of theGovernance Committee for the HinduForum of Britain and through Hindu Aid has

been involved with Oxfam and the TsunamiAppeal.

Personally and through Transputec,Rickie has demonstrated his communitycommitment with involvement with theNargis Dutt Cancer Charity, Help A VillageEmerge New, Heart & Stroke ResearchCampaign, the Northwick Park Institute forMedical Research and Transputec’s involve-ment in the "Modern ApprenticeshipProgram" providing work experience.

Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia

Wembley-based motor industry entrepreneur,Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia of Euro Car Parts,started as a teenager in a "one-man business".Sukhpal Singh Ahluwalia has built Euro CarParts Ltd into the UK's largest independent dis-tributor of replacement car parts. Early in thiscareer, he identified that the UK's 30,000 cargarages needed immediate access to a widerange of car parts for the huge array of vehicleson the road, allowing repairs to be completedthe same day, sometimes even while the car

owner waited. As a result Euro Car Parts wasborn and since then Sukhpal Singh Ahluwaliahas built a formidable international supply chaindistribution and 80 plus branches marketingoperation which meets all of these needs. ECPis the largest supplier of parts for all makes ofcar and light commercial vehicles. They nowemploy over 3000 people, the turn over willexceed 300 million this year and they have alsoopened a 400,000 sq ft national distributioncentre in Tamworth creating over 600 jobs.

Sanjiv Mehta

Sanjiv Mehta, is the proud owner of the400 year old brand, The East IndiaCompany. Sanjiv upon graduating fromSydenham College, Mumbai University infinance and completing a diploma coursein Gemmology in the United States; hejoined the family diamond trading busi-ness upon his return. Sanjiv’s ambitionextended beyond just the jewellery busi-ness, and over the years he built an inter-national trading business across a range

of products, including metals, petrochemi-cals, FMCG, coffee and tea – which ulti-mately led him to a professional introduc-tion to The East India Company. Over thelast 6 years Sanjiv has worked to positionThe East India Company as a global luxu-ry brand, building a brand identity and acore team to launch the company’s strate-gies, the first of which is a Fine Foodscompany, with its flagship store in ConduitStreet, Mayfair.

Subir Patel

Subir Patel managing director of SGPContracts founded the company in 1984.He has overseen the growth of the compa-ny from its earliest origins of small commer-cial and residential projects to major presti-gious commercial, residential and publiclyfunded schemes including Schools, CareHomes and Hotel projects.

The company’s versatile approach,reputation for delivering complete construc-tion solutions and working in partnership

with clients and supply chain has been thefoundation for its successful growth.

SGP’s most recent involvement in thesuccessful completion of the largest Hindutemple in Europe Shri Santan HinduMandir Wembley has provided further evi-dence of the diversity of projects theyundertake and their commitment to qualityand reduction of costs.

Subir is married with 3 children andlive in Surrey.

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iceAliya Rashid

Aliya Rashid began her career as a law lectur-er at South Bank University and then joinedthe CPS in 1998 where she currently works asa Crown Advocate. She is currently one of the Specialists in theWest Midlands on Domestic Violence and hasbeen a spokesperson on behalf of the CPS atevents and conferences held in understanding'Honour Crimes and Forced Marriages'.

Despite being a busy professional andmother of two, Aliya has found time to write,

and has published a book entitled 'The NobleWoman' which offers young woman guidanceon how to practice their religion in modernday society. She also has her own album ofIslamic songs (Nasheeds) which she wroteand composed herself.

Aliya appears monthly on Sky's Noor TVand has her own show called 'Noori Thoughts'where she lectures on issues affectingwomen such as hijaab, parenting, domesticviolence and marriage.

Zaheer Ahmad

Zaheer Ahmad is the President of NationalAssociation of Muslim Police (NAMP) and aBritish Transport Police (BTP). He has dedicat-ed his entire adult life to helping othersthrough full time job or voluntary positions.He has worked hard to improve communityand race relations between police and theMuslim communities and also the wider BMEcommunities. In 2005, he was commendedfor being the top performing officer inLondon. He is the founder of BTP Association

of Muslim Police and was its first electedchair. He was appointed MBE by Her Majestythe Queen in 2010 for services to policingand invited to a meeting with AmbassadorAdil Akhmetiv, personal representative to theoffice of democratic institutions and Humanrights in 2010 to discuss European strategyon combating in tolerance and discriminationagainst Muslims. Zaheer regularly advises theHome Office and Association of Chief PoliceOfficers on Muslim-Police relations.

Aswin Rana

Gujarati born Aswin, 54, has served in manytheatres of operation during his highly dec-orated 37 year career in the Royal Air Force(RAF). Of note, he was the project officer forthe first joint RAF/Indian Air Force militaryexercise for 40 years and has been the driv-ing force behind charity work in Agra, Kabuland around the the UK.

He recently served in Afghanistan,where his outstanding work was recognisedwith a commendation from the Commander

International Security Assistance Force(ISAF), General McChrystal, for his immensecontribution to Headquarters ISAF.

Aswin is currently serving on56(Reserve) Test and Evaluation Squadronat Waddington and continues his work asthe RAF’s representative supporting theHindu Chaplain to the Armed Forces.Although due to retire from the Service nextyear, he will continue his work promoting allfaiths within the Armed Forces.

Bala Mahendran

Bala Mahendran has been the Chief Executiveat Basildon District Council since January 2005.Having graduated in mechanical engineering,Bala has held various senior positions in a num-ber of Local authorities. Under his leadership,Basildon has embarked on an ambitious regen-eration programme which includes the develop-ment of a multi-million pound heritage centrenear Pitsea and the construction of a £38 mil-lion sporting complex with ambitions to be thebest leisure facility in the Eastern region. As

Chairman of the Basildon Community SafetyPartnership, Bala has helped oversee a 37%reduction in local crime over 5 years. Bala hascreated Business partnership agreement withChina and is currently initiating an equivalentventure in India. Bala was appointed to advisethe Treasury’s ‘Financial Inclusion Taskforce’,and has previously worked on the BertelsmannFoundation’s "Cities of Tomorrow" project - aninternational initiative tackling issues affectingyoung people.

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Arun Panchariya

Arun Panchariya is President and BoardMember at Euram Bank Asia Ltd. – a com-pany registered with DIFC and regulatedby DFSA, Dubai (UAE). He is also a direc-tor and Fund Manager of India FocusCardinal Fund, a broad based fund regis-tered with FSC, Mauritius and is activelymanaging the fund. Mr. Panchariya hasalso worked as Managing Director of PanAsia Advisors Ltd. U.K., the FSA regulatedinvestment banking firm and Vintage FZE,

Dubai (UAE) – a multi product tradingcompany. Mr. Panchariya now has over fif-teen years of experience including tenyears of experience in financial servicesthat includes private equity and retailbanking across different geographic loca-tions and deal sizes. He is also experi-enced in trading of direct equities, com-modities, futures, derivatives and otherfinancial and money market instruments.

Raj K Aggarwal OBE

Raj has been the Managing Director of RKAggarwal Group (RKA) since 1983. TheGroup encompasses the pharmacy business-es; the online operation of branded per-fumery and cosmetics, Escentual; theClarins Gold Salon and Commercial PropertySector. He was in Senior Management withBoots until 1983, managing large BootsStores throughout the country. Raj is a BoardMember of National Pharmacy Associationand Community Pharmacy Wales and

Chairman of the South East Region. He is theWelsh Assembly Government appointedadvisor on various health and pharmaceuti-cal committees. Currently Charman ofKidney Wales Foundation and FormerChairman of Asian Society of Wales andPresident of the Overseas StudentsAssociation. Director and Board Member ofCardiff Business Club. Awarded an OBE in2007 for services to pharmacy, charity andthe Asian community in Wales.

Dr Vijay Patel and Dr Bhikhu PatelIn 1975 after graduating in

Pharmacy Dr Vijay Patel opened hisfirst retail pharmacy in Leigh-on-Sea,Essex. Business boomed and spurredthe growth of a chain of outlets. Thenin the early 1980’s his brother, DrBhikhu Patel, joined forces with himand together they founded WaymadeHealthcare in 1984, a companywhose core business remains the sup-ply of prescription medicines to retail

pharmacies, hospitals and doctorsacross the UK. In 2003 they found-ed Amdipharm and has acquiredproducts from a number of multi-national pharmaceutical companies,and now owns branded products inmore than 100 countries. Outside ofwork the brothers pursue their philan-thropic interests primarily through theShanta Foundation, established inhonour of their mother Shantaben.

Hemang Shah

Hemang Shah is the Director of Star tours,which was co-established in 1997 with hisfather Girish Shah. He transformed his familybusiness in to a large internationally renownedcompany. Due to its friendly and trustworthyservice Star Tours offers different services forthe Asian travellers covering many destina-tions worldwide, especially for elderly over-seas passengers who are looked after through-out their holiday by an experienced tour man-ager speaking their native languages. The

company also was the first UK Company tointroduce its caravan kitchen system, to enableits passengers to have authentic Indian vegmeals whilst abroad. The Star tours this yearhas decided to donate £1 on every bookingto Pratham, India's largest educational NGOwith a mission to erase illiteracy amongst 100million under privileged children. Previouslythe company has donated money to variouscharities. Last year it donated generously tothe BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir.

Dr Vijay Patel Dr Bhikhu Patel

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CelebratingAsian Success

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CelebratingAsian Success

Hailing from the oldest documented family inIndia to have developed a residential project,Bhanu Choudhrie has built an impressive busi-

ness on the back of his familial reputation. “My greatgrand father started out in the real estate business in1927. It was a housing project, which is still namedafter him - the Banarasidas Real Estate, and our fami-ly’s business interests just grew from there.”

Today, Bhanu is popularly known as the founderand Executive Director of the private equity group C&CAlpha Group which he formed in the guise of C&CSons in 2002. The organisation has come a long wayover the course of the last eight years, growing bothorganically and also via very focused strategic mergersand acquisitions.

The sheer number of achievements and the sizeof his business would lead one to believe that Bhanu ismuch older than his thirty two years. But for those peo-ple who haven’t met him, this wine may be young, butBhanu has hit the ground running.

His businesses lie in a diverse range ofindustries, ranging from aviation, real estate,hospitality and healthcare. Although he isnow focused on these sectors, a hugeamount of his time is devoted to seek-ing out new avenues for investmentand growth. And for Bhanu, justone of these new avenues is in hisrecent appointment as chair of theBusiness Advisory Board forCommonwealth Games England, where hewill be working to rally support and securefunds to support England’s participation in Delhi.

Upon meeting Bhanu, he had just arrived froman overseas trip and had read every newspaper aboardthe flight, except the ones in French and German.Although Bhanu’s business interests require him tospend a lot of time travelling, this is exclusively for workpurposes only, something that he says “can’t behelped”! This well-read man realises the importance ofkeeping on top of current affairs and how pertinent upto date information is to his businesses, especially inthese ever-changing and turbulent times.

Couple this with his excellent attention to detailand you have a true team leader. Having an outstand-ing team of senior management and colleagues is notenough for this Boston University graduate, student ofInternational Business and Marketing.

His smiling face showed a hint of concern whenhe spoke about the current economic conditions in UKand the World at large. He said, “Well, I think the toughtimes are not yet over. It’s very difficult to witness whatis happening in Europe, USA and here in the UK andaccurately predict the outcomes of this new age of pru-dence and austerity. This year is going to feel long and

uncertain.” But he seemed very bullish on the new gov-ernment and said that the new talent and the veryyoung and enterprising people within this coalition aregoing to bring about a lot of change. Although he fore-warns that people will need to tighten their belts as wenegotiate our way through the tough times for anothertwo or three years. “If we can do this, then the futurelooks very good” Bhanu says optimistically.

Bhanu is very bullish about the huge growthpotential of India. Reminising about his childhood mem-ories of home, he is amazed and proud at the paradigmchange he sees in his country of birth today. He is par-ticularly proud of how well-informed Indians havebecome. He says that given the awareness amongstthe Indian population today in contrast to their grand-parents’ generation, it is important for companies tar-geting the huge potential market there to alwaysassume that the Indian market presents a very well-informed consumer. Be it the latest clothes, shoes,electronics or perfumes, no company can afford to

ignore the demand presented by the knowledge-able Indian market.

Talking on Asian Voice and GujaratSamachar, he says, “I think its a great

service to be able to read about yourcommunity back home, about peo-ple, about success stories and

about “lessons learned”. Whenyou live outside of your country of ori-

gin for a long time, you can lose touch.This publication helps to bridge that divide.

It helps you to stay in touch with your roots;something which I believe is very important. You

have to read what is close to your heart and yourcommunity. You can read the local national newspa-pers for news about UK and global affairs, but to readabout India when articles are written with the interestsof the Asian community at their heart means that newsis presented in a really immediate and personal way.That is what Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar andthese publications do and I think it is hugely beneficialand commendable.”

Finally, when we ask him the rather personal butinevitable question about how he feels being a success-ful Indian in Britain, he says “The family has managedto come out of India over the last 90 years and haveblossomed into a very successful global business. Andthat is how we like to project ourselves. We are Indian.I was born in India, I am a Brit and I am proud aboutbeing a part of this wonderful country which I consid-er to be my home, but am still an Indian and we willalways maintain a strong affiliation with India and con-tinue to have business interest within India. But we area global brand and a global business with global inter-est!”

Global brand, Global business with Global interest

Asian Voice and

Gujarat Samachar helps

to bridge that divide...You

have to read what is close

to your heart and your


Bhanu Choudhrie

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar34

CelebratingAsian Success

INDIA - predicted to join by Goldman Sach US$ 1tnGDP Club by 2011 crossed the mark by 2008 and isnow gearing to touch US$ 2tn by 2015. India today is

8.5%+ growth economy and 2nd most preferred invest-ment destination by Foreign Institutions [FIIs] havingIndustrial Production growth at 13.8%; reflected in high-er tax collections of 20%+ ; domestic savings of 34% andinvestments of 32%. It is unfortunate that NRIs, per se areskeptical about Indian investments and continue to pre-fer rupee and foreign bank deposits on account of secu-rity and liquidity ignoring wealth creation opportunities ofother options.

India's growth story has dual advantages of hugeinfrastructure spending estimated at US$ 1tn over next5 years and galloping consumer demand creating excel-lent investment opportunities over medium to long termproviding 50% to100% more gains which are brieflymentioned herein.I. FMP in lieu of NRE/NRO deposit : For Rupee, invest-ments better alternative is found in Fixed Maturity Plans(FMPs) of Mutual Funds which offer better post tax yieldin the range of 6% to 6.5%+ per year being fully repatri-able if made from NRE account wherein income isassured and the maturity of 3 to 18 months is fixed.FMPs are safe being invested in Bank & Corporatedeposits, Government Securities, Bonds etc.II. Bank Bonds replace forex deposits: Whereas FCNR3 year deposits in US$, GBP and Euro offer quite lowyields presently of 1.95% in US$; 2.50% in GBP and2.40% in Euro, these are preferred for security and liq-uidity. Better yields can be availed on bonds of verysame Banks with extended term of 3 to 4 years withsecurity and reasonable liquidity with almost 50% to100% more interest income as reflected in State Bank ofIndia Oct-14 present annual yield 3.37%; Bank of IndiaSept.15 – 4.13%; EXIM Bank Feb.15 – 4.23% and lead-ing Corporates like Reliance June 16 -4.79% and TataPower Aug.17 -5.93% . Even Off Shore Units of Govt . Bank deposits offer muchbetter returns of $3.10%; GBP & Euro 2.75% for 1 yr.deposits.III. Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs):FCCBs issued by Indian corporates are optionally con-vertible bonds issued before 5 years or so due for matu-rity in next 2 years. Bonds issued at par say US$100,000 are mostly 0 coupon offering no interest beingrepaid at annualized premium of say 4% or so. The

investor has option of conver-sion into equity / ADRs or toavail repayment of predeter-mined maturity value.Xllent annual returns can bereaped of 27% in globally2nd ranked CD manufacturerMoser Baer; and 24% inWorld's 3rd largest windpower giant both due toname a few.IV. Equity Mutual Funds:While the Bombay StockExchange (BSE) Index hasmoved up by 450% over last9 years since September 2001, the DOW has lost (-)2.65% and the FTSE has lost (-) 7% over the same peri-od. With Indian companies profits growing consistentlyat 15%+ investment in equity schemes are poised togrow by 25%+ too. The chart herein shows f IndianMutual Funds vis a vis performance of BSE, FTSE &DOW JONES of three years displaying out performingstrength of Indian Mutual Funds as per below table.V. Equity Linked Notes (ELNs): are Structured Notes areinvestment instruments wherein the underlined securitiescan be equities being Indian American DepositoryReceipts (ADRs) or other securities providing fixed inter-est for days when the price is above predeterminedstrike rate of say 65% and repayment of principal uponmaturity. In eventuality of prices being less than the strikerate investor is required to take delivery of the security atdiscounted 65% price.

ELNs are favoured by investors looking for assuredreturn who are comfortable with Indian equities.,Recently UBS’s ELN on ICICI Bank, Infosys & TataMotors offered 19% coupon over 24 months with strikeof 70% while Rabobank’s ELN on Reliance Ind.& ICICIBank yielded 22% coupon over 18 months with strike of65% in US$.

It is the time that NRIs recognize the strength ofIndian economy – the dancing elephant which has notonly set the rhythm but also has started decoupling fromthe global economy on the strength of 85% + of grow-ing domestic demand and huge consumer demand ofan emerging educated and affording middle class.

For more information log on to website or contact us on 0091 281 245 3367.

■ Rajesh H Dhruva, Chartered Accountant

NRIs - Investment Opportunities

Rajesh H Dhruva

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official TV Media partner

official Caterers Sponsored Charity

Event Managed by

SponSorS AAA 2010

Eco friendly Goodybagsponsored byCarrier Bag

Drink Courtesy

Asian Voice

Gujarat Samachar

AAA 2009 Careers in Pharmacy Careers in Accountancy

BritishGujaratisTrials &


Khanna Peena Gaanaaur Naachna

British Gujarati 2008

British Punjabis

Bank of Baroda GoldenJubilee

Vaisakhi 2009

Medical Tourism 2010

Lions club special

Property watchHealth CareFBI 2010

Diwali 2009

Wedding & Fashion

Political and Public LifeSouvenir

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CelebratingAsian Success

UK Higher Education is at the crossroads.With reduction in public funding, shortageof university places, talks of a graduate tax

and overall, the fiercely competitive jobs market,the idyllic university life will increasingly become aluxury for a few. For most others, competing for thebest jobs will mean looking at course optionsoffered by the Private Sector Institutions.

Dr Dak Patel, the Principal of City of Londonbased London School of Accountancy andManagement (popularly known as LondonSAM),says that the Private Colleges offer great value andright options for the worried students and their par-ents. Particularly the Asianparents, who accordhighest priority toChildren’s education,would find this reas-suring: Instead ofhaving to travelthousands of milesto the overseascampuses of Britishuniversities, it isindeed desirable to

find university courses nearer home.Talking for LondonSAM, the college, a popular

choice for Professional Courses, offers a range ofUndergraduate Courses in Accounting and Finance,Business Management and Computing Science,from the University of Staffordshire, as well as aMaster of Business Administration (MBA), validatedby the University of Wales. There are other cours-es, in areas as diverse as Hospitality and Tourism,Healthcare and Multimedia Programming, are inthe pipeline. These courses together give the stu-dents a wide range of choice for a professionalcareer, studying in the City of London and paying afee not more than what is required to be paid at thePublic Universities.

The college has come a long way from itshumble roots. Started in 2004 and owned and runby a prominent British Asian, Dr Dak Patel, the col-lege has more than 4000 students and three cam-puses (and a fourth in the making) in the City. Thekey strengths for the college has always been itsgreat tutors, as well as its focus on practical,employable skills, innovative course formats (ACCAand CIMA qualified students can gain coursewaivers through credit transfer and can completethe MBA programme only by covering three mod-ules and a dissertation, for example) and its studentcentric culture.

Many Asian students have completed theirstudies at LondonSAM and started their profes-sional lives successfully. Dr Patel expects thisto accelerate with the shifts in the BritishEducation arena, which is all but shiftingthe preference in favour of the Private

Colleges. While LondonSAM hasdone very well in markets likeSouth and South East Asia,and West Africa, the col-lege wants to expand itspresence in the UK aboveall else, and would seek tostart campuses in other

major UK cities soon.When asked if he had a

particular message to give toBritish Asian students, Dr Patel says

: "If you got an university place thisyear, good luck, make the most of theopportunity! Graduate with more than2:1, as this will be critical in tomorrow’sjob market. Those who did not get aplace, do not wait for an year to startagain: look at private colleges and getstarted in the path of success.”

Private education takes the lead

Dr Dak Patel

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CelebratingAsian Success

Iponder as I start to write this article about turningAdversity into Opportunity. After all, I have worked inthe financial sector for 31 years and having survived

the recent unprecedented times, I should be able totalk about the businesses that are taking advantage ofthe downturn.

However, after encountering a young girl whoasked for my advice, I was left feeling deeply disturbedas I uncovered another form of adversity, one that is ofour own making. As an Asian woman I look back onmy career and my personal experiences and the chal-lenges I encountered. It took me some 25 years toreach the position of a Director in the banking worldand a similar time to win the praise from my extendedfamily of my achievements. I have and will try to con-tinue to support bothworlds as a corporateleader and that of a daugh-ter-in-law.

However, what is therole of the future female inour society? Our daughtersare coming back withdegrees; they are enteringoccupations that we neverdreamt of. They have thepassion and determinationto reach the pinnacle oftheir careers. They certainlyare making their mark andin most circumstances leav-ing their brothers behind.

Knowing how hard it is to achieve success in avery male, white dominated world, it gives me greatpleasure to see how well our children especially ourdaughters are doing. It’s for this reason I am proud ofour sponsorship of the Asian Women of AchievementAwards which discovers new talent each year.However, why then do I still have numerous youngladies seeking advice from me on how to balance theircareer with their home life? How to explain to theirmother-in-laws the challenges they face each day atwork, the long hours that are required in order to com-pete with their white male colleagues if they want toearn the salaries of those they wish to replace.

Why is it that our girls have to make these diffi-cult choices, why is it that in this modern world wherewe have pushed our children onto further educationand yet when they achieve the highest accolades and

walk shoulder to shoulder with our sons, we thanbegrudge this new balance in status? Surely we shouldreflect upon our own adversities when we were youngourselves, trying to live our dreams. I too wanted to goto University and maybe if I had, I would have brokenmy glass ceilings quicker. However, as these opportuni-ties were forbidden to me, does that mean I shouldmake the next generation suffer and enforce myregrets on to them? What does that say about thefemale form and our thinking?

These experiences are influencing many girls toremain single as they pursue their career so they canfocus on one aspect of their lives. Unfortunately soonthese groups of females reach the age of 40 and thenstart having fears of being alone and not finding a part-ner. The thought of having made the wrong choicesoon sets’s situations like this that make me sadthat we have encountered so many adversities sincereaching these shores, and have astounded many in

our achievements anddetermination to succeed.However, now we face ourbiggest personal challenge– the challenge of ‘chang-ing of time’ we need toface the fact that bringingup our children in thiswestern world will dissolveour culture, this isinevitable and part of natu-ral evolution. However, justlike we have adapted ourskills in the past we toonow need to adapt and

understand the challenges faced by our children. Nowis the time to support them in their careers as daugh-ters or daughter-in-laws but at the same time have thewisdom of our fathers to act as the banister that guideour children up the stairs, reminding them to pay thesame attention to their personal life as well as theircareers so one is not sacrificed over the other.

We are all facing some form of adversity in ourdaily lives but our Asian DNA is such we will survive. Ifwe can learn from our previous generation who hadthe courage to venture far afield into worlds unknownthen we too should help bridge the gap between theWestern and Eastern cultures if we want to hang ontoour children.

Adversity is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Ifwe are able to ride over it or even turn it into a reallyexciting opportunity, I feel confident the benefits aremore far reaching than you and I would have ever imag-ined.

■ Kamel HothiAsian Markets Director,Lloyds Banking Group

Turning ADVERSITY into OPPORTUNITY....An Asian woman’s point of view

Kamel Hothi

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CelebratingAsian Success

The Royal Air Force like other UK organisationsand businesses, benefits significantly from thecontributions made by members of the Asian

community that serve with pride in HerMajesties Armed Forces and con-tribute to the defence of the UnitedKingdom.

The RAF has a long and distin-guished history of serving Asiansincluding WW II Fighter Pilot Sqn LdrPujji DFC as well as many others overthe years. The Sqn Ldr recentlyattended the Chattri Memorial Serviceat Brighton. (More information The RAF today continuesthis tradition with Asians contributingat every level working in operations,engineering, logistics, medicine, andsport.

Not to long ago, Flight LieutenantSohail Khan was been awarded aQueen's Commendation for ValuableService for his relief efforts in Pakistan,following the earthquake in Kashmir in October 2005.Flt Lt Khan (now Squadron Leader) and his team wereinvolved in supporting the movement of UN aid, usingthree RAF Chinook heavy lift helicopters. He is current-ly on a Ministry of Defence Staff tour in London.

Squadron Leader Dheeraj Bhasin joined the RAFas a pilot in 1990

and qualified tofly Jaguars. Hecompleted oper-ational toursin the MiddleEast and theBalkans. Helater receiveda UKCommanderJ o i n t

Operations Commendation forDistinguished Service in the Middle East Theatre ofOperations. Dheeraj continues to fly as a militaryreserve officer and is a member of a UK MountainRescue Team.

Squadron Leader Balvinder Jessel joined the RAFin 1979 and is currently an executive engineering offi-cer at RAF Benson.. Also know as the 'curry king' of hisstation, he has raised money for cancer research byputting together Indian cookery demonstrations. Overthe past 14 years, he has raised over £150,000 throughcooking and other sponsored events. Squadron Leader

Jessel recently represented the RAF at theCommonwealth War graves Commission Dedication

Service at Brighton Chattri, commemoratingthe 1.5 million Indian soldiers who fought forthe British Empire in First World War.

Flight Sergeant Balbir Singh Flora, MBE– affectionately known as Bali is in LogisticSupport and has been serving with the RAFfor over 33 years. He has always foundtime to support his local community backhome as well being a diversity championfor the RAF. Bali was awarded an MBE inthe Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2004, aswell as the Meritorious Service Medal inthe 2008 New Year Honours list.

RAF Medical Officer SquadronLeader Rakesh Patel,is the SeniorMedical Officer at RAF Odiham. He iscurrently preparing to go away toAfghanistan in January. He has alsofound the time to complete his MRCGP

membership exams with distinction as well asthe Intermediate Commanders Staff Course at theDefence Academy.

The RAF has it own British Asian sports heroes,starting with Flight Sergeant Mohammed Khan MBE.FS Khan joined the Royal Air Force in 1986 as PhysicalTraining Instructor. He went on to become Europeanchampion and World silver medallist in 1993. He is cur-rently a RAF careers advisor in Birmingham.

Wing Commander Pravin Patel has worked aspart of the RAF’s AirTraffic ControlServices and the UK’sAir SurveillanceSystem for 33 years.He is also a keenHockey player forthe RAF veteran’steam and also amember of theEastcote HockeyTeam that won the2009 UK Men’sVintage Plate.

The mem-bers of theArmed Forcesfrom all commu-nities continueto defend the

United Kingdom. Their sac-rifices, resilience and determined efforts continue.

The sacrifices, resilience anddetermined efforts continue

FSgt Balibir Singh Flora

Sqn Ldr Balvinder Jessel

Sqn Ldr Dheeraj Bhasin

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CelebratingAsian Success

Vivek Singh is the Executive Chef of CinnamonClub and Cinnamon Kitchen, renowned restau-rants in London. He spoke to Asian Voice and

Gujarat Samachar about growing up, becoming afamous chef and ingredients of a successful Asian life.

1. Tell us something about your childhood, grow-ing up and the India link?

I grew up in a coal mining community in Asansol,200 km from Calcutta in West Bengal. My father wasa mining engineer and as a result most of my childhoodwas spent in small towns in Bengal, Orissa and Bihar.

After having finished my schooling in Orissa, Imoved to Delhi to do my Hotel Management for threeyears. I then worked for another two years in Delhi, twomore in Mumbai, two years in Calcutta at the OberoiGrand, and then in Rajvilas Jaipur for another two yearsbefore moving to London to set up The Cinnamon Clubin 2001.

Having lived, worked and travelled in both big andsmall towns in India, it has given me an insight intounderstanding different mind-sets and thinking; aninstinct that has helped me immensely in overcomingdifference of view-points and cultures.

2. How did you come to the UKand how do you like being one ofthe renowned British Asians?

My move to the UK was achance event when I met IqbalWahhab at Rajvilas in 2000. Hewas attending a friend’s weddingsoon after Bill Clinton’s stay atRajvilas, and mentioned his desireto set up an Indian restaurant in theUK that would change and challengepeople’s perception of Indian restau-rants. We mostly talked about food andwhat things could be rather thanwhat they were.

At around that time Iwas also looking topush the boundarieswith Indian food, try-ing to create a bitmore ‘elbow-room’and space for cre-ativity, innovationand experimen-tation. It was a

meeting of minds of sorts, one thing led to another andended up moving to London to open The CinnamonClub.

I don’t think of myself as a renowned British Asianthough!

3. This year’s theme for AAA is: “British Asians,Turning adversity into opportunity throughResilience, Sacrifice and Determination." as anIndian in the UK did you ever feel it is difficult toestablish yourself?

On the contrary I found it rather straight forwardto establish myself. Partly due to the fantastic supportand encouragement I had from Iqbal, our supportersand clients alike and mostly because of our ethos ofpursuing excellence and challenging preconceptions. Ihave been very lucky to find that the British public areopen-minded and supportive enough to give our exper-iments a chance.

4. I have been to The Cinnamon Club restaurantand I know the food is excellent. I am also awareyou believe in moderation. Tell us how is yourcuisine different from other top Indian chefs?

I do believe in modernising. I’ve always main-tained that innovation today forms the basis of traditiontomorrow, and that constant evolution is the only wayto survive in this day and age. My cuisine combinesthe very best of Indian techniques and spicing with thevery best local seasonal produce but the beauty isthat it is always changing! I never stand still with mydishes, no matter how good or successful they are.Anyone can copy what I did yesterday but it is uponme to keep coming up with new ideas!

5. Do you believe being a chef, that needscontinuous persuasion and modification and

challenge, is a lot of sacrifice involved to makesuch a brilliant career?

I do. It is a rather hard career - one thattakes a lot of hard-work, difficult condi-

tions and sacrifice (mostly fromthe family!) but the rewardsare just as fantastic.

I am proud to seethat Asian chefs are mak-ing such a mark andhave had such a posi-tive impact on foodworld-wide and assuch have becomegreat ambassa-dors.

■ Rupanjana Dutta

Adversity, opportunity, resilience, sacrifice– essential ingredients of Asian Life

Vivek Singh

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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar Asian Achievers Awards 2010 45

CelebratingAsian Success

6. Was becoming a chef always your dream?Food was always a passion but becoming a chef

was more of a chance. A fantastic one at that.

7. How would you justify/explain the theme ofour awards ceremony through your personalexperience?

Adversity, opportunity, resilience, sacrifice – allvery essential ingredients of Asian Life, so very appar-ent of you to use this as the theme for this year’sawards.

Often people see the success and fail to see thehard graft behind it. I still remember the days when weopened The Cinnamon Club in 2001 when the entirekitchen team went without a clear day off for over 6months! My wife Archana was pregnant with Eshaan(now 8) and would come to the restaurant to see meon Sundays because I would be working for thebrunch. I was back at work in two days after she gavebirth… Iqbal Wahhab, our founder worked almost 20hours a day for so long, he lost his sense of smell for afew weeks! It all seems like a lifetime ago now but allvery real.

What made the difference was the single mindedobjective of doing things our way.

8. If you were to describe yourself in one sen-tence, what would that be?

Evolved. Modern. Indian.

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Our hearty congratulations

to all the Shortlisted and Winners

of AAA 2010

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Asian Achievers Awards 2010 Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar46

CelebratingAsian Success

Congratulations to all winners !from



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CelebratingAsian Success

The British Asian community provides a vital con-tribution to the legal profession. The LawSociety's most recent statistics show that 6,859

practising solicitors in England and Wales are ofAsian origin. While, compared to past statistics, this isan important improvement on the past, the Societyand its stakeholders are seeking ways to make thesolicitors profession even more diverse.

There is a wealth of untapped talent that theprofession can utilise. If we succeed, the results willbe of benefit to the legal profession, the communityat large and Britain's economy.

The legal profession, including solicitors, did formany years remain a largely closed profession, domi-nated by white, male lawyers. We have seen changesto the make-up of that profession over the years,resulting in more women and more lawyers from eth-nic minority backgrounds making successful careersin law.

The Law Society represents all solicitors, and wework closely with the Society of Asian Lawyers toensure the way forward for the solicitors’ professionis inclusive and able to utilise the best talent, while atthe same time reflecting society as a whole in itssocial make-up. Other organisations, such as theAssociation of Muslim Lawyers, Association of AsianWomen Lawyers and the Society of BangladeshiSolicitors, also play a major role in harnessing thecontribution of many Asian lawyers.

The profession has come a long way with thecurrent crop of Asian lawyers providing inspiration forthe next generation. In 2008, Saimo Chahal of lawfirm Bindmans LLP won the Law Society ExcellenceAwards Solicitor of the Year accolade.

That same year, the Barrister of the Year awardwent to Parosha Chandran, for her work in relation toimmigration law, human rights and public law.

Saimo and Parosha are an inspiration to alllawyers. Yet they are not the only British Asians pro-viding exceptional legal services. In May this year theSociety of Asian Lawyers recognised the contributionmade by the rich talent of British Asian legal minds intheir annual awards. The winners worked in a rangeof specialist areas, from human rights to corporatelaw.

Earlier this year, the first ever CEO of Asian ori-gin of a City law firm, Sunil Gadhia, stepped downfrom that role at Stephenson Harwood to becomechairman of the Asian Business Association

The thousands of solicitors of Asian origin, likeall solicitors, are playing essential roles in our courts,businesses, and our day to day lives.

Where do we go

from here?

The Law Society wantsto ensure the solicitors’profession has thebest people within it.That means makingour profession moreaccessible to a muchwider pool of talent.While we all need torecognise that theglobal recession hasresulted in feweropportunities for any-one looking to make acareer for themselvesin the legal profession,

the Society is working to make the solicitors professionand the legal sector more accessible.

The Law Society's Diversity and Inclusion Charteris the flagship diversity initiative of the legal profession.Initiated by the Society of Asian Lawyers and led by theLaw Society, this profession-wide initiative is a develop-ing initiative through which its signatories will worktogether to develop, share and adopt best practice.

The Charter is a public commitment by providersof legal services, regardless of practice size, to developand implement best practice in equality, diversity andinclusion - as employers, as providers of legal services,as purchasers of goods and services and in their widerroles in society.

The signatories to this Charter believe that a com-mitment to diversity and inclusion is essential to reflectthe society we serve today. It makes business sensebecause it helps us to attract and retain the best talent,it enables us to understand and meet clients' needsmore effectively and so provide a better quality service.

Beyond the Charter, the Law Society is also work-ing with the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC)to make the judiciary more diverse. The central prem-ise of this is to give the judiciary access to a wider tal-ent source when selecting members of the judiciary.

Of course, for the Asian community to flourisheven further and achieve even greater success in thelegal profession, the Society alone cannot achievethese aims. As the Charter and the JAC illustrate, acommitment from the broader legal profession, busi-ness and industry is required.

I am confident that the rich contribution lawyersof Asian origin give to our sector will continue to grow.

British Asians flourish and achievegreater success in legal profession

Linda Lee is President of the Law Society

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Meeting Karen David at a London cafe was likea ray of sunlight on a gloomy rainy day. Witha brilliant career in music, work with leg-

endary A R Rahman and roles in Mamma Mia originaland the Scorpion King 2, Karen is at the best of suc-cess.

Bubbly and brimming with positivism, first timeever she discusses about herself as a woman, who hassuccessfully turned adversity into opportunity throughresilience, sacrifice and determination in an exclusiveinterview with us.

Born in Shillong, do you have any memories ofthe city, of India at all?

KD: My mom is half Chinese and half Indian, mydad is an Indian. We moved to Canada when I wasone year old. So I do not have any actual memory ofShillong, but I would love to go back there. I keep shut-tling between Mumbai and Chennai for work and it issort of a bitter sweet feeling when I go back.

Do you think as a Canadian Indian or now aBritish Indian woman, it has been difficult to

establish yourself?

KD: Growing up was interesting. Asyou know I am from a mixed background.So I am a bit of this and bit of that. Myname is not very Chinese or Indian, it isvery Welsh or very Jewish. Obviouslywhen I was small, I used to be pickedon for being different.

My parents were very openminded. My whole family arebankers. Usually Asians parents donot want you to be actor or musi-cians. My family loves drama,music, dance but they probably didnot get a chance to do all this. Mygreat uncle on dad's side worked atthe Gemini studio.

In Canada every weekend Iwould go to see some concerts ormusical performance.

My parents could see that Iloved music and acting and they tilldate encourage me to do what Ilove.They taught me to work hard. It wasa very useful ethic. They would ask me todo well in academics and if I did not, my

acting and music lesson would stop. So Ieventually learnt to work hard to achieve

something. It made me a homework girl, muchmore proactive.

They taught me to have a good attitude andaccept constructive criticism and work hard towardsachieving a dream. I am glad that I faced rejections inauditions. I learnt to pick up from a failure and workharder on the short falls. I learnt to believe neverexchange for long term goals against short term. Momand dad have always taught me and my sister to be

■ Rupanjana Dutta

Karen David: Don't just dream, but live it!

Karen David

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quietly ambitious, be humble. Probably it is an Asianthing.

I have also been always taught by wonderfulteachers. I thoroughly believe there is nothing you can'tdo.You are the person who stands on your way to suc-cess. You are bound to face challenges, and so did I.But one has to work through them.

I was so happy when Archie Panjabi won anEmmy. I was glad to see a person from our communitydoing so well. Yes, there are people who think unlessyou are a blond and blue eyed person you can't make itin Hollywood. But there are people out there for whomtalent matters!

I have got this far in my career not because I am abrown girl. I do not look at myself like that and I knowas much of chances as anybody else does. Moreover Ihave always believed if one door closes another opens.It is having the undying faith in your dreams. You haveto live it.

How does it feel to work in films?

KD: Well if you are acting you can play someoneelse. It is fun. It's wonderful to do something complete-ly different or live through different characters.

How was working with A R Rahman?

KD: It's so inspiring. It's like walking on a tightrope, blindfolded. You can fall over any time and have to

walk over the other side, feeling through your senses.And when you open your eyes you are at the other end.He tabs your inner creativity, that you yourself were notaware of. He tunes you into a complete different place.

Do you think as a woman a lot of sacrifice isinvolved in making such a brilliant career?

KD: Any relation involves compromises.Eventually you are balancing a social life with your per-sonal. I never made such compromises for anyone. Iwas always a career girl. Now that I am in a relationwith a wonderful man, I have learnt that you have tomake compromises.

But I also think, women instinctively make sacri-fices for children and the right one. Women are proba-bly more tuned to give up things easily or jugglebetween family and career.

Do you want to work in Bollywood?

KD: I would love to do. I have done crossovermovies. So I have a feel of what it would be like. But Iam waiting for the right movie.

If you had to describe 'the Karen David' in oneline, how would you do so?

KD: A girl next door who happens to have a fewdreams which she is too stubborn to give up!

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Britain’s strong Indian community has made itspresence felt in a very large way across allaspects. Be it business, art and culture, educa-

tion, medical services and so on, the Indian communi-ty in Britain has contributed to each one in a grandfashion. The fascinating thing about all this is that thetradition has been followed in the same manner by thenew generation of British Asians who are taking this tomuch greater heights.

Among other things, India’s bollywood film indus-try has made a strong influence on Britain and has alsoplayed a great role in bringing India-UK closer. LadyKishwar Desai tells us how this has happened.

What king of an influence do you think theIndian film industry has on Britain?

The Indian film industry has not really been ableto influence or engage British film makers or the Britishfilm audience in any significant way for many years --but it is slowly making its presence felt among filmgoers and film makers here, both British and Asian. Afew Indian films have been fairly successful--but theIndian film industry still needs to make a significantbreakthrough.

With regards to the British Asians, can refer-ences from bollywood be seen in their lives?

British Asians are obviously very fond ofBollywood --it is their way of connecting back with thehome country, its food, music and fashion. And soBollywood has a huge influence in our lives here whenwe want to go 'desi', as then all our terms of referenceare taken from Bollywood! I think you notice this influ-ence most when you attend an Indian wedding here,especially when you see the kind of clothes worn.

Does this strengthen India-UK relations? If yes,then how?

Cinema always strengthens bonds ---but as I said,we still need to do much more. Naturally, when wehave film festivals such as London's Asian Film Festival,Tongues on Fire, which I chair--we do find that non-Asians and Asians both find a common platform onwhich to meet. The language of cinema is universal--and by watching films which emerge from Asia andspecifically India, greater understanding is createdespecially among those who may not be familiar withIndian culture, music or fashion. Indian cinema is a pot-pourri of experiences and the overall masala leaves alasting taste!

Tell us about yourassociation withTongues on Fire?

I have been theChair of Tongues onFire, London's AsianFilm Festival since lastyear (2009) --and thespecific brief in the lastyear has been to raisethe profile of the festival and make it more mainstream.This has been great fun to do --and I think we managedit very successfully as at this year's festival we had allfour Bachchans attending, we moved it to centralLondon and even rebranded the festival . The festivaldid really well, probably the best ever --it was wellattended, and got a wonderful press!

What is the role of Tongues on Fire in bringingIndian films closer to Britain?

Where I believe Tongues on Fire is making a realdifference is through the kind of films we are bringingto the UK--and also through the master classes whichwe conduct. The master classes are a wonderful wayto understand how Indian cinema is created, and howit is different from Western cinema. Through theseclasses we can demonstrate that Indian cinema is acompletely different genre and needs to be properlyunderstood and respected in the Western world. Earlierthis year we had Shyam Benegal conduct a masterclass in direction and Abhishek Bachchan give a simi-lar class on how an Indian actor prepares. Both got anoverwhelming response --with many non-Asiansattending.

Finally, what more do you think can be done inorder to bring Indian films, not necessarily bolly-wood, closer to Britain?

I think we need to bring films from all over Indiamore regularly into British cinemas--and also bring theirdirectors, producers, actors, musicians and singers, i.e.,all the technicians who never appear on screen. This iswhat we are trying to do through London's Asian FilmFestival. I personally am really keen that more lan-guages are represented everytime we showcase ourfestival, but also I am very keen to bring the peoplebehind the films into the limelight --and so hopefully,next year in March we will have a whole array of veryinteresting films and cinema personalities. It is thisrange of activity which will ultimately impress andengage not only the British audience, but also, moreand more, the British film makers. Hopefully this willalso lead to more Indo-UK film collaborations.

■ Spriha Srivastava

British Asians and the Anglo-Bollywood relation

Kishwar Desai

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The economic climate of Britain might be alarmingfor all the retailers and businesses, but SkillsmartRetail firmly believes in the saying 'opportunities

in adversity'. With the feel of the London market for thelast 8 years, and two years by the National SkillsAcademy for Retail, they know what exactly a busi-ness- small or large can offer to a community. Speakingto Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, Jane Rexworthy,Head of the National Skills Academy for Retail said,"There are some commonalities thatare peculiar to a particular kind ofbusiness. Of course it is important toknow what your client is looking for,what your community wants. Most ofthe ethnic businesses or small andmedium sized businesses (SMEs) arefamily run. The second and third gen-erations of the ethnic communitieseither don't want to get involved insuch family businesses, or even ifthey do, they might have lost perspec-tives. Also if it's a corner shop or achain of shops, the surroundingschange, people move in, move out,their requirements differ. But that isnot a hindrance. What we do is, try toprovide them with a perspective. TheBritish Asians are very sharp and weact as the bridge between them andtheir customers."

Skillsmart Retail is the SectorSkills Council for Retail. Part-fundedby Government and led by retailers,they aim to be the recognised author-ity on retailers’ skills needs and priori-ties. Their mission is to drive a stepchange in skills levels in retail by: mak-ing a compelling case for the formalrecognition of retail skills, uniting retailers to simplifyand improve access to the skills system, improving thequality of new recruits into the retail sector and raisingthe skills levels of the existing workforce in retail oper-ations.

The National Skills Academy for Retail providesaccess to consistent, high quality training for retail busi-nesses, their employees and future workforce, deliv-ered through a network of quality-marked retail skillsshops.

Retail is the largest private sector employer in theUK with 291,000 businesses, three million employeesand an annual turnover of £265 billion. The NationalSkills Academy for Retail plays a key role in driving for-ward skills and qualifications for current and future

employees within this vast sector. Consisting of a network of retail skills shops in

shopping centres and high streets across the UK - aswell as a number of virtual skills shops - the NationalSkills Academy for Retail offers a host of services toboth learners and retailers.

Asking about what particular problems the BritishAsian SMEs tend to face and their remedies, Jane said,"It is not always about problems. There are some

strengths and some weaknesses thatmake the Asian businesses what theyare. The Asian businesses are veryhard working and they are ready tomake sacrifices and compromises toachieve their goals. But there are someproblems that are very peculiar to cer-tain types of businesses and somecommunities. Say problems of under-age selling of alcohol or cigarettes inthe corner shops, or staff requirements-like needing people to be around in ashop in the early hours such as 3am,or language barriers or even dealingwith customers on one to one basisand familiarity issues or the localityproblems. We try to help out all theretailers or even learners in the possi-ble available ways."

About their presence in the UK,Jane added, "It is not necessary foryour readers, who are from the retailbackground to travel far far away toseek our help or guidance. We cantrain them even on their owndoorsteps. The M25 has 30,000 ethnicshops in and around it. We have retailskills shops near and around them. Wehave staff with different language abili-

ties and they can train one in their own language ifrequired. We also have scholarship programmes andwe offer online training. If a retailer needs any sort ofhelp, we are out there to extend assistance in all possi-ble ways."

Skillsmart Retail and the National Skills Academyfor Retail have a number of free scholarships to thenew Mary Portas guide to successful retailing, open toreaders of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar. Held incentral London from January 25th-27th, the scholar-ships are worth over £1000 and include accommoda-tion, breakfast and lunch as well as three full days oftraining to help independent retailers boost their prof-its. For more information and to apply go to

National Skills Academy for Retail - urning adversity into opportunity through

services and courses for Asian retailers

Jane Rexworthy

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CelebratingAsian Success

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When I sat down to think about the theme ofBritish Asians turning adversity into opportu-nity, a number of examples sprang to mind.

Those wanting to keep the enlightening HareKrishna temple in Watford gathering 10,000 people tomarch in central London to convince the authorities togrant planning permission. The Trustees of theSwaminarayan Temple in Neasden, being refused per-mission to build a temple in Harrow, had the determi-nation to keep on looking for an alternative site. Yearslater, hundreds of volunteers brought to life 2,000tonnes of carved marble to create the glitteringNeasden Temple – the largest Hindu temple in the UK.

In my own experience of creating spaces for thecommunity, we at the Sangat Centre in Harrow spentyears securing planning permission and funding tooverhaul our dilapidated Centre. We had nearly givenup all hope of ever renovating the Sangat Centre andwere on the verge of giving the building to CharityCommission, when a grant of £100,000 was awardedto us by the English Partnership. Sadly it proved toogood to be true, as our planning permission applicationwas denied for political reasons. Following a period ofstruggle and strain during which we appealed againstthe decision and eventually did secure planning permis-sion, we lost the grant as we had failed to progress theproject sufficiently within the one year deadline.

It was a serious blow, leaving us tired and dis-heartened. Indeed, a number of our committee mem-bers filled with anguish and frustration walked awaybecause there were just too many obstacles. Those ofus who remained soldiered on, resilient and deter-mined to secure the best future for our centre. It helpedthat we had a clear goal in mind and had secured thesupport of the community. When another opportunityarose, offering us 50 per cent of a grant if we were ableto raise the remaining £275,000 we jumped to it.Being a non-religious, politically not aliened to any onepolitical party and non-sectarian group fundraising atthis level was a mammoth task. It took over 18 monthsbut we did it, thanks to donations from the communi-ty. We were jubilant, but this was only the beginning.

From the initial planning stages to the buildingworks of the new centre there were so many hurdles Icouldn’t possibly detail them all. So many individualscame together to give their time and resources, notleast those Centre employees who sacrificed theirsalaries until funding was secured. And our ongoingefforts came to fruition when, in June 2002, PrinceEdward and the Countess of Wessex opened the new

Sangat Centre. Now, we provide information, legaladvice, advocacy and tribunal representation for over2,500 people every year and the centre is used by var-ious community organisations for a range of activities.Yet the road is still by no means smooth. Two yearsago, we lost 75 per cent of our grant again as a resultof the London Council’s efforts to reduce administrativeburden. But we are still here, we are still determinedand we are still surviving.

That is the thing about adversity, it is not neces-sarily something you only experience once and thenyou are done. Adversity can be waiting around the cor-ner for you when you least expect it hence my sugges-tion to others is to see adversity as an opportunity – anopportunity to look at where you are and where youwant to be, to force yourself to think and to work outwhat you really want. Ultimately, adversity is a call toaction – how you react to it will tell you a lot about your-self.

■ Kanti Nagda

Adversity - an opportunity, a call to action

Kanti Nagda

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Being a British Asian is not easy, especiallybecause on one handyou are carrying the

baggage of your family whostill want to preserve theirheritage and customs and onthe other hand you want tobe a part of the rich Britishculture in which you havepretty much grown up. It is atough journey but yet theyoung generation of BritishAsians in this country havedone a great job in theirrespective fields.

Sometimes I wonder to myself that how does thepresent generation of British Asians who might havenever gone to India, know so much about the cultureand also have a strong opinion on many issues sur-rounding the country. But the answer lies within myquestion itself. Thanks to the attractive bollywoodindustry and the enthusiastic Indian media, those whowant to be aware, continue to be aware.

The larger than life bollywood industry has notonly influenced the thinking and ideologies of theyoung population but it has also kept them well-informed about the Indian set-up. For instance, a movelike Rajneeti went a long way in bringing to reality the

Indian political set up. Ankit,a 19 year old boy living inCardiff said, “I have neverbeen to India but havealways followed with keeninterest the diverse cultureand the rich heritage of thecountry. It is through the bol-lywood films that we cometo know what is the latesttrend and fashion and hiddenbeneath all that is the true sit-uation of the country.Slumdog Millionaire is a fan-tastic example of that.”

Apart from influencing Britain, bollywood has alsobeen an attractive place to work in. Katrina Kaif, bornand brought up in London, is now one of the top hero-ines in the industry. In fact only a couple of days backI read an article about a Miss England contestant AmyJackson who has now become a bollywood star. It isabsolutely amazing how the industry has been a cata-lyst in bringing India and UK closer. Art and culture, asanalysts say, are the biggest confidence building meas-ures and are instrumental in bringing two nations clos-er to each other.

However, apart from allthis, one of the biggest areaswhere bollywood has made astrong impact on the BritishAsians is marriages. Indianmarriages have always beenan occasion of grandeur andgaiety. The majestic imagesof marriages from KaranJohar films or SoorajBarjatiya films have totallyimpressed the Indian com-munity outside India. Shirley,a 26 year old girl living inLeeds says she wants to get married with a bollywoodtheme for her wedding. “I will make sure everything onmy wedding day comes from films and I would want towear a lehnga designed by Manish Malhotra. Hedesigns for Kareena Kapoor you know.”

Kavita Ramdya in herbook “Bollywood Weddings”says the same, although fromthe point of view of an Indian-American – “Bollywood hasemerged as an influence inthe way second-generationIndian-American Hindusplanned their weddings.They wore wedding lenghasstyled after modern-dayIndian clothes worn byBollywood film stars andstruck poses in their wedding

photos that were reminiscent of scenes in Bollywoodmovies. Bollywood represents modern-day Indian cul-ture for the second-generation Indian-American womenand men who don’t relate to the mainstream Americanwedding culture or the traditional wedding culture oftheir parents’ generation.”

Well, one can only say that for British Asians andfor all the young generationIndian living outside India,bollywood is a boon in theway that it brings them clos-er to the country through thecelluloid images of everyaspect of India that theymight have missed becauseof being in Britain. It has def-initely eased the burden onthe shoulders of the presentgeneration in keeping upwith both the worlds – BeingIndian and Being British.

■ Spriha Srivastava

Bollywood – Bringing India-UK closer?

Kavita Ramdya

Karan Johan

Kareena Kapoor

Ranbir Kapoor

Katrina Kaif

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Until recently, sport was not considered a seriousprofession among the British Asian community.In the last decade however a change has taken

place, sports popularity has risen with many youngpeople considering it as career option. Indeed some ofthe world's greatest sportsmen are Asians, some areeven British! To achieve their success and fame sportsmen and women make massive commitments and sac-rifices, overcoming innumerable adversities and chal-lenges, to turn them into opportunities. In recent years a new challenge has dawned; terrorism.

In 2009 a coach carrying the Sri Lankan cricketteam came under fire in Lahore. Gunmen killed sevenpeople and injured a further eight. As a result of thistragic attack, international cricket is, for the moment,not being played in Pakistan. News of the attackshocked and saddened cricket fans around the world.For British Asians it was a threat to both cricket and itsreputation.

Not In My Game was launched in 2010 to tacklethe subject of terrorism head on. The campaign set outto turn a tragic moment of adversity into an opportuni-ty for cricket fans around the world. For the supportersof the campaign, Not In My Game is an opportunity totake a stand and send out a clear message; terrorismhas no place in sport.

This summer special 20/20 style communitycricket tournaments have taken place up and down thecountry, allowing cricket fans to celebrate the gamethey love. At each match players have shown a remark-able determination to not allow sport to suffer at thehands of a minority; to ensure cricket continues to beplayed wherever and whenever possible.

In Canary Wharf over 150 people took part in oneof these landmark tournaments on 18thSeptember, playing throughout theday, seizing theiropportu-

nity to make a difference. The winners were theWanstead Royals who won the chance to see Pakistanplay England in a One Day International.

As a result of matches such as these, over a thou-sand people have already signed the Not In My Gamepledge to show their support, and the numbers grow daily.

The Not in My Game campaign is being led bySport for Life! and Radical Middle Way, two grassrootscharities who are bringing together cricket fans fromcommunities across the UK to overcome the threat ter-rorism poses to cricket.

Omar Bakari, spokesperson from Radical MiddleWay said: “The London cricket tournament was a fan-tastic event and it was great to see so many youngLondoners come together to play. But we urge all com-munities across the UK to get involved in the campaignthrough backing the pledge online and hosting theirown cricket match. Whether it’s a large scale tourna-ment, or a game with friends and family in the localpark or even back garden - it is important that we allunite to take a stand against terrorism in sport, andsend out a clear message that we will not let theactions of a few destroy our love of the game anddivide our communities.”

Raja Kahan, spokesperson from Sport for Life!said: “Sport for Life! is proud to deliver the Not In MyGame campaign. We are working with young people toharness their love of cricket and in turn help inspiretheir personal and academic development. We urgeeveryone to support the campaign so we canhelp safeguard cricket for futuregenerations.”

A challenge we must overcomeThe Not In My Game Campaign

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CelebratingAsian Success

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Winner - Jitesh Gadhia,

ABN Amro Bank���!#��"#����������"�Mr Naguib Kheraj, Barclays CapitalMr KB Shankar, HSBC South AsianBanking

�$"���""Winner -

Sir Gulam Noon MBE Noon PLC

���!#��"#����������"�Dr Kartar Lalvani of Vitabiotics Ltd Sir Anwar Pervez of Bestways Cash& Carry Thakrar Brothers, Tilda Rice LtdMr Kirit Pathak, Patak Spices Industry

�����Winner -

Alpesh PatelTradermind

���!#��"#����������"�Mr Avtar Lit, Sunrise Radio Mr Raj Kumar, Spectrum RadioMr Amit Roy, journalistMr Javed Hussain, Media ReachAdvertising & PR

!���""���"Winner - The late

Dr MadhusudanGandhi

���!#��"#����������"�Mr Naguib Kheraj, Barclays CapitalMr KB Shankar, HSBC South AsianBanking

���$"#!&Winner -

Ranjit BaxiJ&H Sales International Ltd���!#��"#����������"�Mr Kartar Lalvani of Vitabiotics Ltd Parween Warsi, S&A FoodsMr Mukesh Nakar, Chatham Printers

�!���Winner -

Rami Ranger Sea,Air and LandForwarding Ltd

���!#��"#����������"�Mr Bhikhu and Mr Vijay Patel,Waymade PlcMr Navin Engineer, ChemidexKaramjit Khera, Hyperama Cash & Carr


Winner - Gurinder ChadhaFilm Director

���!#��"#����������"�Mr Naguib Kheraj, Barclays CapitalMr KB Shankar, HSBC South AsianBanking


Winner - KantiNagda

Sangat Community Centre���!#��"#����������"�Mr Bhanubhai Mehta of Samanavaya ParivarMr Ram Gidoomal of the Inlaks Group Mr Ishwar Tailor of the GujaratHindu Society, Preston

$�������!%���Winner - Dr SushilWadhwani

���!#��"#����������"�Gurbux Singh, Former CRE ChairmanTarlok Singh Bagga, Semi-retiredcompany directorRaja Singham Jayadevam, Director ofthe Tamil Community HousingAssociation

�����Winners -

Dr Bela and Dr Ashi Arora

���!#��"#����������"�Usha Dhirajlal Pandya, Community workerSurekha Mehta, Community workerCouncillor Ansuya Sodha, FormerMayor of Barnet

�����!���!%���"Winner -

Sergeant GurpalVirdi

���!#��"#����������"�Sergeant Ramesh Kumar Salim Ismail Kholwadia MBE,Officer of HM Customs and ExcisePC Taruna Mistry

��$#�Winner -

The Dhoti Boyz, Dance and drama

artists���!#��"#����������"�Master Kishan Sheth - PoetMin Patel - Young Cricketer

� �!#"Winner - NasserHussain, FormerEngland CricketCaptain

���!#��"#����������"�Ronni Irani - CricketerArvind Parmar - Tennis player Priti Trivedi - Senior Administrator, Scottish Premier League

� �!#"WINNER - VikramSolanki, Cricketer

���!#��"#����������"�Chunilal Jobanputra -WorldWheelchair Bowls Game ChampionFauja Singh - Record holder inMarathon running (90 year plus category)Ajit Medtia - Polo Player

�!#���$�#$!�WINNER -Viram Jasani

Asian Music Circuit���!#��"#����������"�Manish Patel - Author Shanti Panchal - ArtistChandu Matani - Founder Member,Shruti Arts


WINNER - Farhad Ahmed

MBE, Special ConstableMetropolitan Police

���!#��"#����������"�PC Mahesh Nandha - PartnershipConstable, Harrow police stationManjit Singh - Fire fighter, LondonFire ServiceBhimji Vekaria has been a police con-stable at Harrow Police Station

����$��#&��!%���WINNER -

APS Chawla - Chairman, MKC trust

���!#��"#����������"�Pravin Amin - Community CampaignerRati Shah - President, Brent IndianAssociationRamesh Vala - Community Campaigner

�#!� !���$!"

WINNER - Karan Bilimoria,CEO & Founder -

Cobra Beer���!#��"#����������"�Mayank B Patel - Founder & CEO,Currencies Direct LtdNainesh Patel - Founder, Farsan Ltd Ashok Jivraj Rabheru - CEO of Genisys Group and Subsidiaries

�$"���""WINNER - Ashok Patel

Chairman and jointManaging Director,

Travelpack Marketing & Leisure

���!#��"#����������"�Jayendra Ravjibhai Patel - SherwoodAgencies LtdFiroz Kassam - Founder, Firoka GroupSir Mohammed Anwar Pervez OBE -Founder, Bestway (Holdings) Ltd


WINNER - Kartar Lalvani

Founder & CEO - Vitabiotics���!#��"#����������"�Vijay and Bhikhu Patel - Founders, Waymade Healthcare PlcBharat Shah - Managing Director, Sigma Pharmaceuticals Plc.

�����WINNER - Trupti Patel,Pharmacist

���!#��"#����������"�Shobha Tailor - Founder, ShobhaCatering LtdJyoti Taglani - Founder, Joshiv BeautyRitu Sethi - Solicitor and Proprietor,The Sethi Partnership

������WINNER - KB Shankar,Head of South

Asian Banking, HSBC���!#��"#����������"�Vinay Pattni - Area BusinessManager, Abbey National BusinessDr KC Chakrabarty - ChiefExecutive, UK Operations, Bank of Baroda

� �!#Winner -

Amir Khan, Boxer

���!#��"#����������"�Arvind Parmar - Tennis PlayerAman Dosanj - FootballerAjmal Shahzad - Cricketer

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���������WINNER - Mihir Bose,Author &Journalist

���!#��"#����������"�Sanjay Suri - JournalistVijay Dutt- JournalistJaved Husain - Founder & CreativeDirector, Media Reach Advertising

A Look back......

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CelebratingAsian Success

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Editor/Publisher: CB Patel

Associate Editor: Rupanjana Dutta

Managing Editor: Jyotsna Shah

Executive Editor: Kokila Patel

News Editor: Kamal Rao

Special Project Co-ordinator: Nikhil Gor

Advertising Managers: Alka Shah, Kishor Parmar

Business Development Managers: Urja Patel, L George

Advertising Sales Executive: Rovin John George, Erien Dubash

Chief Financial Officer: Surendra Patel

Accounts Executive: Akshay Desai

Graphics Design: Harish Dahya, Ajay Kumar

Customer Service: Saroj Patel

Asian Business Publications LtdKarma Yoga Houes

12 Hoxton Market (Off Coronet Street)

London N1 6HW

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Tel: 020 7749 4085 Fax: 020 7749 4081

Special Edition - November 2010

Festival of light


Diwali is a month away. The New Year is knocking at thedoor waiting to bring in colours and light to our liveswith fervour of joy and ever lasting happiness. AsianVoice and Gujarat Samachar as every year will bepublishing the ‘Diwali Special’ Magazine for our fabulousand supportive readers like yourself. If you think you would like to contribute to our uniqueDiwali issue, why don't you write on either of thefollowing topics:1. One of your favourite childhood Diwali memories or2. A particular charity you made in cash or kind to theneedy or3. Your first Diwali in the UK and how you spent it

Please note that your articles must note be more than650 words and should be emailed to Aveditorial alongwith your full name and contact details [email protected]. Last day of entry is Sunday24th October 2010.

- Asian Voice

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Winner - Rajan SehgalFounder,

Skylord TravelPlc

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Jamal Hirani - CEO & Founder,Tiffinbites Pankaj Vekria - Founder, LAN 2 LAN


Winner - Raghav, Singer

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Dr Nanda Kumara - ExecutiveDirector, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Lisa Aziz - TV PresenterJaved Husain - Founder & JointManaging Director, Media Reach Advertising agency

�(&��))"&%)Winner - AmarpalSingh Gupta,

Founder, DuncanLewis & Co Solictors

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Dr Sadru Kheraj - GP & SeniorPartner, Herne Hill Group PracticePrakash Patel - Senior Partner,Magwells SolicitorsAnuj Chande - Partner, GrantThornton UK LLP

&$$+%"*.��(,"��Winner -

Dr Shiv Pande,Community Campaigner

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Vilasgauri Dhanani - Social Worker Shahida Parveen Jamal - SocialWorkerNalini Mandalia - Social & HealthServices Officer, West End DayServices Centre Leicester


Winner - TarunaMistry,

Police Constable,Metropolitan

Police�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Anil Patani - Assistant ChiefConstable, West Midlands PoliceBalihar Singh - Senior Police Officer, Greater Manchester Police Force

�&$�%Winner -

Kamleshben Patel,Founder & SeniorAdviser, AnasadMilan Kendra

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Smita Oza - Corporate Lawyer,Hilton Group Plc.Afsana Shukur - Head, EthnicMinority Employment Unit,Department for Work and PensionsTrupti Patel, Acting AssistantDirector, Salford council


Winner - Manubhai Ramji, Founder, KingsKitchens Plc.

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Chirag Shah - Founder, TradingPartnersMayank Patel - Co-founder,Currencies Direct LtdLord Diljit Rana MBE - Founder &Chief Executive, Andras House Ltd


"%�%��Winner -

Vijay Acharya,Director, IndianPrivate Banking,Credit Suisse

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)�Sunil Patel - Co-founder, RAInsurance Brokers Ltd Rajesh Patel - Founder, RJ InsuranceBrokersTiku Patel - Managing Director,Barclays Premier Banking

The Editor’s Choice award was presented to 14-year-oldShabnam Kanchwala. Since the age of 9, Shabnam dis-played an acumen for Fashion designing. She securedadmission at India’s prestigious JD Institute of FashionDesign in Mumbai for a creative course. She came out

with flying colours and the institute gave her an awardfor outstanding performance and creative excellence inprojects and assignments presented during her course ofcreative fabric designing, fashion illustration and fash-ion embroidery in the academic year 2004-2005.


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Winner - Viresh Chandra(Partner – V Tech)



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Jojar Dhinsa-Founder - Athlone groupLopa Patel - Founder – redhotcurry.comKal Kaur Rai - Fashion Designer


�-�(�Winner -

Manubhai Madhvani

Mahendra MehtaBobby GrewalHimatlal Jagani


Winner- Lakshmi Mittal

Chairman and CEO ArcelorMittal

Bharat Shah - Owner – Sigma Pharmaceuticals PLCGeorge Jatania - Founder Lornamead GroupCharan Gill - Founder Harlequin Group


Winner - Ram Sarup (R.S.) NanglaFounder- Brightsun Travel

Nadir Lalani - Founder 99p StoresSurjit Singh Pander - founder- HimalayanCarpet & Furniture LtdTavi Thevarajah - Owner- Carlton Leisure

��"*&()��-�(�Winter -

Andrew FlintoffCricketer

�+�#"���%��%"�&($���(,"��)Winner : CIIr. Navin ShahLeader of Harrow Counciland Labour councillor for

Kenton East�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)

Gurpal Virdi - Detective Sergeant Nita Jhanji Garrod - Police SergeantPirthipal Singh Kang - Principal Community Liaison


Winner - Dr Jatin PandyaMedical Professional

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)Dr Simon Singh - Freelance writer, ScienceJournalist and BroadcasterHarin Thaker - CEO Hypo Real Estate Bank Intl.Shami Chakrabati - Director - Liberty

��!"�,�$�%*"%��'&(*)Winner - Isa Guha


�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)Kamaljit Singh Aujila - Martial Arts ChampionMichael Chopra - FootballerHarpal Singh- Footballer


+#*+(�Winner - Sonia Deol BBC TV presenter

�!&(*#")*���%&$"%��)Raza Jaffrey - BBC TV presenterNitin Sawhney - MusicianAvatar Lit - Owner- Sunrise Radio

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Mr. D K kewalramani - Owner-Travelin StylePramod Thakkar- Founder Meera Nursing Home

Winner - Manish ShahPartner Sigma

Pharmaceuticals Plc��� "��!"����������!

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Winner - Nadir Lalani - Founder 99p Stores

�����$����"�������#��"&��� $���Winner: Viral Acharya -

Founder- Pratham USA andpratham UK

Raj Loomba - founder Shrimati pushpawati Loomba TrustShaunaka Rishi Das - Director-Oxford centre for Hindu StudiesVinod Kapashi - President Mahavir foundation

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Kantesh (Ken) Popat - Director Finance House LimitedRavi Gill - Founder London College of AccountancyArvind Halai - Founder GXI


Winner - Arvind Malhotra -Owner GapGuru

Shashi Gossain - Founder-PharmaclinixNikunj Shah - Founder Sugam Paneer

���"��������$����"Winner - Arjan Vekaria -

Founder Vascroft Contractors Ltd.

K.B Shankar - Head of South Asian Banking HSBCYogesh Mehta - MD Amertrans ShippingDr Mohan Kaul - Director/CEO CommonwealthBusiness council.

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Mira Trivedi - Gujarati Presenter BBCRakhi Sood - Performing ArtsAshish Joshi - Reporter-SKy news

Winner - Dr Avatar Lit -founder- Sunrise Radio

Winner - Manoj Ladwaand Vikas Pota -

Founders Saffron Chase

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Suresh Vagjiani - Director Sow & Reap LtdSuresh Kotecha - Director- Big Ben Properties Ltd.Jess Kaur - Founder PR VibeRaj Bakrania - Partner PR Vibe


Winner: Capt. Ashvini SharmaRegional Director AirIndia, UK

Jiva Odedra - CEO Leicestershire AsianBusiness associationReena Ramesh Shah - Veterinary SurgeonParm Sandhu - Chief Inspector MPS

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Winner: Hunisha Bharat Patel- Martial Arts

Monty Panesar - CricketerSajid mahmood - CricketerPrince Naseem Ahmed - Boxer

���������"������ Winner: Dr Usha Menon - Lecturer UCL, Head ofGynaecological cancer

research centre

Dipa Jethwa-Founder member of Taj Medical GroupManisha Tank - TV presenter – BBC worldCII Anjana Patel - Treasurer- Barclays Bank

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Winner - Jasuben Seghani - Shop Owner

Shahin Badar - Award winning Singer andSong WriterShashi Kiran Gossain - Owner MercsOnlyHoney kalaria - Actress, Singer andBusinesswoman

�����$����"�������#��"&��� $���Winner: Chandubhai KananiFounder member- LohanaCommunity of West London

Vijey Ratan - Social workerManubhai Makwana - Social ServiceGopalbhai Popat and Induben MehtaFounders Asian Foundation for Help

Puneet Arora - ChefRitu Sethi - Lawyer- sethi partnership solicitorsDr Satya Narayan Agarwal - Orthopaedic Surgeon

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Winner - Nat PuriPurico Group of Companies

Janak Ondhia - Founder Locum Express LtdKishor Patel - Owner- Nisa Local StoresPradeep Pandya-Founder–Baba Holidays Ltd

Winner : Dalip KumarFounder Travelin Style

Sanjay Vadera - Owner- Pre ScentShamir Shah - Founder and MD East India Tea House.Vikkas Puri - Owner Ace Communications

Owais Shah : CricketerSaima Hussain : Rugby Player and SportsDevelopment officerKiran Matharu : Golfer

��� "� � !�����"&���"������ Winner: Monty Panesar


Mrs Deepakben Patel - Professional GolferGita Jobanputra - Professional masseuse and Teacher of Complimentary TherapiesNilam Patel - Partner Wine Cellar Consolidations

���������"������ Winner: Shriti Vadera - Parliamentary Undersecretary of state for International Development

Bobby Grewal - Athlete for charitiesBhanumati Piparia - Charity & Social ServiceChandrakalaben Patel - Founder of Charitable trust

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Winner: Firoz Kassam -Entrepreneur – Hotels and B&B's

Dr Ramesh Gandhi - Fund raiserMahendra Jadeja - Charitable workMadat Ahamed - Social Welfare

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Winner: Rati ShahFund Raiser- Social Service

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Winner: Renu Patel - Performing Arts

Honey Kalaria - Stage PerformerMira Kakad - Fashion DesignerRavi Sharma - Presenter-Sunrise Radio


Winner: Naynesh Desai Solicitor

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Winner: Nishma GosraniConsultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers



Anuj Chande - Grant Thornton UK LLPRaj Joshi - Red Lion ChamberDr Akbar Ali Malik -Solicitor Supreme Court


Winner: Yogesh MehtaManaging Director ofAmertrans Shipping

�������������������Bemal Patel - PharmacistHasmukhbhai Patel - Director of Mukti TeaDolar Popat - Founder of TLC Group


Winner: Kuljinder S. Bahia,Director of Southall Travel


Rajesh Agrawal - Founder and CEO RationalFXDevin Chawda - Founder Y-Cam Solution LTD.Suraj Gokani - M.D. of Excel Currencies


Winner: Kamel HothiLloyds TSB

�������������������Manula Sood - Lord Mayor of LeicesterSangeeta Patel - M.D. of Post OfficesAnita Chopra - SolicitorSalima Mawji - Solicitor

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���������Winner: Dr Dak PatelDirector London SAM

�������������������Dr Reshma Ramesh Gandecha - PharmacistArun Patel - Chartered AccountantDr Satyanarayan Agarwal - Orthopaedic Surgeon

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Winner: Dr Rami RangerChairman of India,PAK,UK

Friendship Forum�������������������

Vinod Kapashi - Literary FugureBhadresh Trivedi - Hindu ChaplainGordhandas S Patel - Voluntary Services


����!���Winner: Maiyuran

Ratneswaran, Fencing

�������������������Shivam Shah - Guinness World Record holderRashmi Yadave - Marathon RunnerManjit Singh - Record Holder Guinness Book

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�������Winner: Ravi Sharma

Radio Ambassador India & UK

�������������������Jay Kumar - Bollywood Dance ChoreographerNikita Thakrar - Finest Dance ArtistsParesh Shah - Musician, Entertainer, Magician

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Winner: PC Mebs AhmedChaiman of Lancashire

Black Police Association

�������������������Supt Raj Kohli - MET PoliceDr. Kadaba S V DL - Consultant PathologistAjit Patel - Royal Guard

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Dr Monika KhannaParveen HassanHoney Kalaria

Uma A Mehta (w)


P.S. KangNaynesh DesaiSatish Parekh

Narendra Patel (w)


Jasvinder SinghBal

Ashish Amrit KotakChamanlal

Chaman (w)JeetsScreen Idolz


UNIFORMNatubhai Somabhai

PatelShilpa SolankiBhimji Vekaria

Capt Sandip Patel(w)


Cheryl DhillonZafar Siddque

Manjul K VasantMBE (w)



Madhurikaben R PatelChhotalal Maganlal

LimbachiaShree ChhotalalNarottambhai

ChauhanVraj Pankhania (w)



Kirit PatelThariq Mohammed

Anil ManeklalSolanki (w)

Koolesh Shah



Snahal PatelRishi Lakhani (w)

Nina KabraBhavisha Patel


Rajeev Bagga(w)Ashwin BhattShivam ShahSamit Patel

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Let noble thoughts come to us from every side �"��'���"�����'����%�

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Page 67: Asian Achievers Awards

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Providing you with professional, committed care.

Alpha Care Homes is delighted to be sponsoring this year’s

Asian Achievers AwardsAs a provider of care, we recognise the importance and the contribution that

every member of staff can make. Through a supportive and open culture we

have been able to help staff achieve their personal goals as well as

improving the standards of care for the residents they look after. As a

company, we recognise this commitment and would like to take this

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