angelique s do something project

Angelique's presentation Protecting children online

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Post on 24-Dec-2014




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internet safety


Page 1: Angelique s Do Something Project

Angelique's presentation

Protecting children online

Page 2: Angelique s Do Something Project

Did you know?

 Did you know that 79% of teens state that they aren't careful enough when giving out information about them selfs. Did you know that 64% of teens say that they do things on-line that they wouldn't want their parents to know  about.

Page 3: Angelique s Do Something Project

why I chose my DQ

 I chose this driving question because I am always  on the Internet. I also chose this driving  question because kids and teens are also on the computer and they might talk to people they might not know. Thoughs people might even lie about their age. You never know what could happen when you talk  to some one you don't even know. 

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Words I learned

  1.  World Wide Web: A world wide collection of websites that can be connected to one address.    2. Electronic mail ( E- Mail ) : Messages sent and stored in a computers memory.   3. Internet: A group of many,many computers all around the world.   4. downloding:  Copying a certian file from another computer to yours.   

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     5. homepage: The first thing you see when you go on  a website. A homepage will often tell you what you can find on that website. 

Words I learned

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What I did to help solve the problem.Whay I did to solve the problem is make flyers and posters about the issue. that is what I did to help solve the problem.

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How can you help

 You can help by following these three rules. 

 1. Don't give your phone number, address,password to any body on the Internet. 

 2.  show an adult any message you might get from another person that upsets you in any way or  any reason. 

 3. Don't tell any one privite stuff about you or your family.