utc children’s center · utc children’s center. ... thanks for everyone's patience while...

Post on 25-Apr-2018






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April 2017 Lead Coordinator: Cindy

Hornsby, Coordinator:

Toya Cobb

UTCCC@ Battle Site

Pre K: Anna Wright, Joey


Preschool: Hilda Lindsey,

Jean Walston

Older Toddlers: Amy Black-

burn, Caitlin “Katie” Powers

Young Toddlers: Ann May-

er, Danesha Jones, Ben


Infants: Debbie Mirra,

Cathy Douglas

UTCCC @ Brown Site

Pre K Upstairs: Shawn Win-

ters, Takita Hill

Pre K Downstairs: Jennifer

Hunt, Ashlyn Ferguson

Preschool 2: Leah Herren,

Katie Griffin

Preschool 1:Tashina Kelsie,

Toddlers 2: Kathy Lindsey,

Courtney Stowe

Toddlers 1: Charlotte Hu-

bert, DeNeisha Stewart,

Taylor Pelchat , Alexandria

Infants: Christine Galvan,

Sharonda Stiggers

UTC Children’s Center

Hello Parents

I am getting lots of positive feedback on our new payment system. I am so happy it is finally in and

working. The parents I have spoken with have been thrilled they can now use their credit cards (to

get the points) or check cards. It is a fast, easy method of paying.

I know we have had a few times where the system was VERY slow at drop off or pick-up. This was

an upgrade completed totally by the Procare company. It caused many problems with the speed at

the times of signing in and out. Procare says they have this all taken care of at this point and hope

not to have any other issues in this area.

Thanks for everyone's patience while we transferred over to this new program/system.

If you have any questions please let me know.


Page 2

Coordinators’ Corner

Mrs. Leah Herron, Preschool 2

By: Toya Cobb

Ms. Leah began working at the Children’s Center as a part-time assistant in PreKUP in 2013.

Since then, she has received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University and

has become the lead teacher in the Preschool 2 classroom. Leah has plans to continue her

education by pursuing a Master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Leah has the most pleasant spirit and a contagious smile. It is always a pleasure to watch

her in action in her classroom. When I asked Mrs. Leah what she enjoys most about teach-

ing, she said “I have found something I admire in all the children I’ve had in my class. They

each have different ways of learning, playing, and handling problems and I’ve learned so

much from teaching them.”

When Mrs. Leah is away from the Center, she enjoys spending time with her husband, Ja-

son. Together, they enjoy cooking and watching movies. She also enjoys quality time with

her family, a talented family that sings! One cool fact about Mrs. Leah that would surprise

many is that she auditioned for American Idol! WOW! What a super star!

Mrs. Leah, we are so thankful that you are on our team. We appreciate your kind heart and

the positive energy to bring to us each day! And now that the world knows you can sing, get

ready for a song or two! J

Hello Parents,

Welcome Spring! For the month of April infants will be talking

about rain, planting a garden, and working on some self-help

skills. We will start out growing our seeds indoors while the weather is still a lit-

tle cool then transplant them outside for some rain and sunshine. We will dis-

cuss how rain helps our plants grow and why we need it. Finally we will talk

about some self-help skills that will help us as we grow.

Please remember to wear socks or the blue shoe

covers in the room. Please remember to wash your hands

and your child’s hands. Please make sure all of your

child’s items are labeled.

Thank you for all you do you are WONDERFUL par-


Ms. Cathy and Ms. Debbie

Dear Parents,

We had so much fun with our Wind and Kite units. Thank you to all the parents who

could make it to our Kite Fly. Even without wind it was lots of fun for out toddlers. This

month we are starting to learn about growing things. Dirt, water, pots, gloves, shovels,

rakes, plants, roots, leaves, flowers and seeds will all be included in the next four weeks.

We have a small list of items that will help our garden grow and expand this spring and

summer. Please look at our list and see if there is anything that you have laying around

that we can use.

Empty 1-2 -4 gallon plant pots

Plants that love partial shade or full shade

Herbs (no mint)

Drought resistant flowers

Child sized gardening gloves

Child sized garden tools (metal or plastic)

We are missing Ms. Toni but we are confident we will have some qualified applicants for

the open position soon. In the meantime we have several student workers that are famil-

iar and great with the children.

Thank you and have a great April!

Ms. Ann, Mr. Ben and Ms. Danesha

Young Toddlers


UTC Children’s Center at Battle

For the

month of

April, we

will be dis-



The Older


will explore the

changing outdoor


Weather permitting,

we will take walks

to observe the

changes in weather

and the changes in

nature, especially

the changing trees.

We will also be

learning about dif-

ferent animals

(birds, rabbits,

chicks) that we see

in spring. The Older

Toddlers will also

have a chance to

plant their own

flower seeds and

watch them grow.

The weather is

changing so please

remember to check

your child’s bag to

make sure they

have an appropriate

change of clothing.

Thank you for your


Ms. Amy and Ms.



Thank you for

taking time out of

your busy sched-

ule to attend our


Conferences. Your

continuing sup-

port and dedica-

tion to our class-

room and school

is very much ap-


Feel free to

email me at hil-


m or you may call

or text 605-4488

any time there are

questions or con-

cerns that need to

be addressed.

April Themes

are Insects, Spi-

ders, Earth Day

and Birds!

Closed Friday,

April 14.

Ms. Hilda and

Ms. Jean

Dear Parents,

Spring is official-

ly here! Remem-

ber to change out

the winter clothes

in your child’s con-

tainer. Also, chil-

dren should not

bring personal

toys to school. We

encourage you to

send a book to

read or music to

share with the


Older Toddlers Page 4

UTC Children’s Center at Battle

Dear Parents,

Thank you for another great month! We had a lot of fun with Dr. Seuss,

magnets, and butterflies. In April we’ll be connecting our butterfly studies to

flowers, gardens, and plants. If you happen to have any extra seeds lying

around, we’d be happy to take them :)

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or quibbles, feel free to

let us know!

Thank you, Anna and Joey


UTC Children’s Center at Battle

Spring is here and with it comes se-

vere weather. We have plans in

place and practice regularly with

the children how and where to go in

the event of severe weather. If we

are sheltering in place when you are

dropping off or picking up please be

aware that we will want you to shel-

ter with us until such time as the

threat has passed. We want every-

one to be as safe as possible! Each

classroom has maps that indicate

where your child’s class shelters.

Toddler 1

Hello Toddler One Parents,

Happy April! We are so excited to see warmer weather and welcome new friends.

We welcome Smith Adams and Vivian Boyd to our classroom from Infants. Both of

them are eager to begin the Toddler-One adventure. Bailey Pou and Caroline Nich-

ols will leave Toddler-One for Toddler-Two this month. We wish them well and

will miss them greatly!

During the month of April, we will get busy with our hands as we plant a small in-

door garden, hold a mud-day, and have visits from some special pets. We plan to

experience nature through lots of sensory play and nature exploration outside.

Please remember to dress your children appropriately for the cool spring morning

and for the much warmer afternoons.

Lastly, if you would like to have a parent conference, please remember to sign up

for an available time listed on the sign-up sheet located outside the classroom door.

If the times listed do not meet your scheduling needs, please let us know, so that

we can make arrangements to accommodate you and your family.

As always, please let us know if you have any concerns. We are very thank-

ful for the opportunity to partner with you and your family. Happy Spring!

Mrs. Charlotte, Ms. Alexandria, Ms. DeNeisha, and Ms. Taylor

UTC Children’s Center at Brown


Greetings Infant Par-

ents, We are so excited

that spring has sprung

and this month we will be

talking about weath-

er! Last month we cele-

brated as our eldest in-

fants, Smith and Vivian

were promoted to the

Toddler 1 (T1) class. We

will surely miss them, but

we are thankful that we

will have the opportunity

to watch them both blos-

som during their time

here at the Center. This

month we welcome our

newest friend to the room

– we are pleased to make

your acquaintance Vin-

cent! As a friendly reminder,

please either wear only

socks or shoe covers

when you enter the room.

Secondly, please be sure

to wash your hands and

your child's hands with

soap and water upon arri-

val. Lastly, please make

sure to label each of your

child’s food items. Fol-

lowing these few simple

steps goes a long way in

helping us to keep the

room as clean as possible

for your precious little

ones. Important dates within

the month of April: Sat-

urday, April 1st – April

Fools’ Day; Friday, April

14th – the Center will be

closed in observance of

the spring holiday. They say April showers

bring May flowers so we

look forward to all the

beautiful blossoms we

will see as the stormy

weather passes. We wish

you and your family a fun

and happy spring season! Warm Regards, ~ Ms. Christine and Ms.


PreSchool 1

Toddler 2 Hello Parents. April showers bring in May flowers. The cold weather should be behind us now. We are

so excited about the upcoming season. Spring has finally arrived!

We enjoyed our lesson themes from last month. Now it’s time to move on to our themes for April.

1. Gardening

2. Caterpillars and butterflies

3. Insects

4. Fruit and Vegetables

5. Weather

We would like to welcome Julia Helland and her family, Edward and

Ana Paula, as well as Caroline Nichols, and Baily Pou. As an added

treat, we are celebrating Julia’s birthday which was March 24, 2017. We are saying goodbye to

Anderson Bull and Adalyn Turner. We will miss them but know they are having a blast in their new


Reminder: Please remember to wash your hands, as well as your child’s hands upon entering the class-


Also make sure to have weather appropriate outfits in your child’s bag.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can assist you in any way.

Ms. Kathy and Ms. Courtney

Dear Preschool 1 Parents,

April has arrived!! Spring is in full swing!!! Last month the children had fun learning

about Dr. Seuss, opposite, and spring.

Our unit for April will be rainbows, bugs, birds, and flowers.

Preschool 1 would like to welcome Adayln and Anderson to our classroom. While Cole

and Luca move to Preschool 2 to continue to grow and learn new things.

The Children’s Center will be Closed April 14.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will start April 10-13. The sign-ups list will be available


Thank you for your continuing support to our classroom and school.


Please remember to wash your hands and your child hands upon entering the classroom.

Please send weather appropriate clothes for your child every day. We are required to go

outside for an hour daily, as long the temperature is above freezing

and there is not any type of hazardous condition (i.e. lightning).

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!

Thanks, Ms. Tashina

UTC Children’s Center at Brown

Dear PreK Up Families,

Welcome to spring! We

have so much to do

this April. Our lessons

will include bugs,

plants, and gardening.

We just finished learn-

ing about butterflies

and were able to see

our own caterpillars

evolve into butterflies

before we released

them. The children re-

ally enjoyed seeing the


We are welcoming sev-

en new students to our

class this month. Six

are coming up from

Ms. Leah’s room, and

another friend is coming

from out of town. We are

so excited to have these

new friends!

This month we will begin

our UTC P.E. classes a

few times a week for sev-

eral weeks. This is a fun

time when the college

students come play

games with the kids, and

it’s wonderful for gross

motor skill development

as well. We will continue

to have our regular relat-

ed arts on days that we

don’t have these classes.

On our current wish list

are children’s magazines;

any artsy trimmings you

don’t need such as but-

tons, ribbons, fabric

scraps and such; an

older computer which

still works (yes, I know

I’m pushing it here) that

you don’t need any-

more. Our computer

has bit the dust.

You are such supportive

families and we appre-

ciate all you do for our

class! As always, if you

ever have a question or

concern please don’t

hesitate to contact us.


Ms. Shawn and Ms.


Pre K Upstairs

UTC Children’s Center at Brown

PreSchool 2

Dear Preschool 2 Parents,

Spring is here! I love the change in seasons especially since that means warmer

weather and more time outside. In April we will look at the Weather, Flowers, and Gar-


We say good bye and good luck to Beth, Carson, Charlee, Dottie, Gio, Josie, Starla,

and Stallings as they move up to Pre-K. We are excited for them but will miss them! We

want to welcome Luca, Cole, and their families to Preschool 2.

We have Dr. McNulty’s students coming to do P.E. class with us so our Tuesday and

Thursday daily schedule will be changing a little on the days they are here. Because of

this if you want to send some sunscreen for your child please let Katie or I know so we

can place the sunscreen out of the children’s reach (they cannot be in their mesh bags).

Just a reminder- Please make sure that your child has a full set (shirt, pants, under-

wear, and socks) of weather appropriate change of clothes in their bags, in case of acci-


*Also please make sure you let us know if your child will not be at school that day,

this helps us not to over purchase lunches. Thank you for your help in this!

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Mrs. Leah and Ms. Katie

Wednesday, April 12th

at 10:00 am, to tie in

with our bird theme. If

anyone would like to

help, please let me

know. I am collecting

egg cartons to use on

this day, so if you have

any empty egg cartons

you can spare they will

be greatly appreciated.

Also, we will be CLOSED

on Friday, April 14th.

Parent-teacher confer-

ences are coming up this

month, as well. I will

Dear Pre-K Downstairs


Happy spring! We

want to welcome two

new friends to our class!

Beth and Josie will be

moving up from pre-

school 2. We’re so excit-

ed to have them joining

us! Please help us to

make them feel wel-

come in our class.

We will be learning

about spring, birds, and

bugs this month. We will

have an egg hunt on

provide more infor-

mation on this as the

day approaches.

As always, please let us

know if you have any

questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Ms. Ashlyn and Ms. Jen-


Pre K Downstairs

Volunteer opportunities for Parents:

We could use the help of a strong back and a truck to haul off some large items to be trashed or recycled.

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