understanding social media for wboc

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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A brief overview on 4 key social media websites: Youtube, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. What they are, why they are relevant and how to get started.


© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Understanding Social Media

Kathy Hokunson Regional Sales Manager, Site-Seeker, Inc. \\

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

•  Founded in 2003

•  Corporate Office in New Hartford NY • Satellite offices in Bloomfield CT & Boston MA

•  Employee 15 in CNY, CT & MA

•  Full Service Internet Marketing Agency • Search Engine Optimization Services • Pay-Per-Click Management Services • Social Media Implementation and Mgmt • Web Design, Development, Applications & Testing •  Analytics

Who are we?

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Bluff forges a better way to market online By: Traci Gregory 12/12/08 10:13 AM NEW HARTFORD - Internet marketing is about more than adding a few keywords to a Web site to make it pop up in a Google search, according to Brian Bluff, president and CEO of Site-Seeker, Inc. . . .

New Hartford, NY (December, 2008) The Fast Track 50 is a list compiled annually to recognize Central New York’s 50 fastest growing companies. This is Site-Seeker, Inc.’s second year in the top five of this list. For 2007 the company was bestowed the honor of second place, solidifying its role as a model for success in Central New York business.

New Hartford, NY (November, 2008) Site-Seeker, Inc., provider of internet marketing and search engine marketing solutions, has been named one of Central New York’s Economic Champions for 2008, by the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce.

Fast Track 50 of CNY

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

The premise of social media marke1ng 

and PR is engaging the consumer in 

conversa1on in a way that provides 

mutual benefit. 

From: Marke+ng Sherpa 2009 Social Media and PR Benchmark Guide 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Why is Social Media Important? 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

13 hours :  The amount of video uploaded to YouTube every minute 

412.3 years:   The amount of +me it would take to watch every video on YouTube 

100,000,000:   The amount YouTube videos watched every day 

1382%:   The monthly growth rate of twiFer users January – February 2009 

3,000,000:   The average number of tweets on twiFer.com every day 

5,000,000,000: The number of mins. spent on facebook every day 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Social Media is: 1.  Public Rela?ons 2.  Customer Service 

3.  Loyalty Building 4.  Collabora?on 

5.  Networking 6.  Customer Acquisi?on 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Ultimately it is ALL about gaining . . .



© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Establishing Credibility with Social Media

Become the Expert

Create Accounts (Name Claim)

Grow Networks

Create Content

Distribute Content

Participate in Discussion

Lead Discussion

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

How to Distribute Your Blog Email Campaign



Other Blogs

Social Bookmarking Sites


Other (links)…

Blog Posts

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Social Media Sites 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Top Insights:

1)  The 35-54 year old demo is growing fastest, with a 276.4% growth rate in over the approximate 6 months since we last produced this report

2) The 55+ demo is not far behind with a 194.3% growth rate

3) The 25-34 year population on Facebook is doubling every 6 months

4) There are more females (55.7%) than males (42.2%) on Facebook – 2.2% are of unknown gender.

5) The largest demographic concentration remains the college crowd of 18-24 year olds (40.8%) which is down from (53.8%) six months ago.

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Who uses Linkedin & Why?

• Business professionals • LinkedIn promotes:

• business intelligence • business development • creation of business relationships • conversation

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Your Linkedin Profile 

• Create your account  • Build your online profile ‐ Completely 

• Summarize your exper+se 

• Build your community 

• Request Recommenda+ons 

• Give Recommenda+ons 

• Integrate blog • Upload presenta+ons • Join and engage in relevant groups 

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Promo1ng Linkedin • Let people know and promote your profile 

Kathy Hokunson Sales Manager Site-Seeker, Inc. \\ Phone: (860) 844-0560 Cell: (860) 982-8636 Fax: (860) 844-8161  www.site-seeker.com Read my blog: www.site-seeker.com/kathysblog follow me on: Linkedin and  Twitter  @katiehoke

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Twi$er is a free social networking and  

micro‐blogging service that enables its users to send and read 

other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text‐based 

posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the user's profile page 

and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them  

(known as followers).

From: Wikipedia

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com


„What‘s the latest news (about that company)?“

•  PR / Corporate communications

• Demonstrate expertise by sharing knowledge

Business Uses



„Fresh bread just out of oven now“


• Data Push and Automated Interaction with Customers / Customer Systems

Business Uses


„What are you missing?“


Business Uses

•  Channel for new form of promotion

• Organise / Promote Events


„What has your attention?“�

(„What are you doing?“)

• Monitoring & Customer Service

•  Market research

•  Emotional bond�B2C, B2E, E2E

Business Uses


Types of Twitter Communication

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

We asked a question . . . .

We got an answer . . .

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

We wanted people to know . . .

And it worked !

TRAFFIC: 195 Clicks

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Twitter Resources & Tools









© 2010 Site-Seeker, Inc. www.site-seeker.com

Understanding Social Media Kathy Hokunson Regional Sales Manager, Site-Seeker, Inc. \\ kathyhokunson@site-seeker.com

Thank You!

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