top 10 amazing titanic facts

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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The name Titanic originates from Greek


The builders of the Titanic were searching for a name

that meant huge to justify the size of the ship. So

they chose the word Titan from Greek mythology.

Titans were the ancient god and were thought to be


People Died on the Titanic Before it was


Workers did not have safe working conditions. Due

to this six people died and 246 injured on the ship

itself during the construction of the Titanic. Another

worker was killed right before the ship’s launch.

The Titanic was the Largest Ship Afloat

The White Star wanted to boast to its passengers

that they had built the biggest ship in the world. To

give some extra features to the first class, Titanic

became heavy and could claim the title of the largest

ship afloat at the time.

The Titanic was not Environmentally Friendly

Titanic was the most polluting ship of its time. To

steer the giant ship through the water, steam power

was used as power source delivering over 40,000

horsepower. The Titanic used over 600 tons of coal

each day and 100 tons of ash had to be jettisoned

into the sea.

The RMS in RMS Titanic stands for Royal Mail


Titanic was not only commissioned to be a

passenger liner but it also carried mail. The RMS in

Titanic’s official name, RMS Titanic stood for Royal

Mail Ship. The Titanic was under contract with the

Royal Mail Service and the United States Post

Office and the mail room on the ship could handle

60,000 pieces of mail each day.

The Number of Lifeboats on the Titanic were not


With a capacity to hold 64 life boats and each boat

capable of holding 65 people, 3500 people could

have be saved which is the maximum capacity of

the Titanic. However on the fateful day, there were

only 20 lifeboats in total.

More people could have been saved

On the night of accident, another ship SS Californian

warned the Titanic of pack ice and cautioned the

Titanic to stop for the night via the wireless

communication system. However to boast about the

ship’s construction, Titanic’s wireless operator

criticized the Californian for being too cautious.

Titanic Wreck Was Found After 70 Years

In September of 1985 the wreck of the Titanic was

finally found by a team of French and American

explorers. It confirmed that Titanic was broken into

two before drowning. The team also showed that

the Titanic had sunk more than 13 miles from the

coordinates provided by the wireless operators on

the ship

Titanic Was Not Sailing With Valuables

Titanic was rumoured to be carrying huge amount

of gold. However the most expensive item was only

a $100,000 painting .

Titanic’s cargo only carried everyday things like food,

furniture, and some automobiles.

People Still Have Sentiments For Titanic

Being boasted as the unsinkable ship, people were

surprised after the tragic sinking of the ship. Even

today people are still fascinated to the Titanic and

its facts. The famous movie Titanic, directed by

James Cameron and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, is

possibly the most well known of the many stories

and movies relating to the great liner.

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