the earthquake

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • The Earthquake Three friends go skiing and then there is an earthquake all of the sudden.

    Tess Eubank


  • Powerful earthquake strikes off Chile, triggers tsunami

    Wed April 2, 2014 at 9:35 AM (CNN News)

    A mighty 8.2-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern Chile late Tuesday,

    triggering small landslides, cutting power and generating a tsunami. Four men and one woman died --

    two who suffered heart attacks and three, who were crushed, said Interior Minister Rodrigo Penailillo.

    About 300 prisoners escaped from the northern port city of Iquique in the immediate aftermath, he

    said. The quake struck about 8:46 p.m. local time, some 60 miles northwest of Iquique. It had a depth of

    12.5 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Chile's National Emergency Office asked coastal residents to


    "The fact is, we will know the extent of the damage as time goes by and when we inspect the

    areas in the light of day," Chile's President Michelle Bachelet said early Wednesday. "The country has

    faced these first emergency hours very well."

    "Many people are fearful after experiencing the powerful earthquake in 2010, so they

    immediately fled for higher ground when they heard the tsunami warning," said Fabrizio Guzman, World

    Vision emergency communications manager in Chile.

    "There have been multiple aftershocks and communications have been cut off in many of the

    affected areas. So people are waiting in the dark hills not knowing what is to come, and hoping they will

    be able to return to their homes safely."

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued several tsunami warnings, but canceled all of them

    by early Wednesday. Tsunami watches, which initially extended as far north as Mexico's Pacific coast,

    were called off as well. Tsunami waves of more than 6 feet generated by the earthquake washed ashore

    on the coast of Pisagua, according to Victor Sardino, with the center. Iquique, with a population of more

    than 200,000, saw 7-foot waves. An earthquake of the scale that struck Tuesday night is capable of

    wreaking tremendous havoc. Therefore, if the initial reports stand, Chile may have dodged a major

    catastrophe. Landslides damaged roads in some regions. Power and phone outages were reported in

    others. Chile is on the so-called "Ring of Fire," an arc of volcanoes and fault lines circling the Pacific Basic

    that is prone to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. On March 16, a 6.7-magnitude earthquake

    struck 37 miles west-northwest of Iquique. A 6.1-magnitude hit the same area a week later. About 500

    people were killed when an 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile on February 27, 2010. That quake

    triggered a tsunami that toppled buildings, particularly in the Maule region along the coast. According to

    researchers, the earthquake was violent enough to move the Chilean city of Concepcion at least 10 feet

    westward and Santiago about 11 inches to the west-southwest. This was big but a bigger one waits,

    scientist says 'No hazards' to U.S. coastline. The U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center worked Tuesday

    to determine the level of danger for Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California, as well as Canada's

    British Columbia.

  • One beautiful day in Colorado, Liam, Clair, and Brian were having an awesome day at skiing. The

    snow was perfect, since they got over 24 inches of snow overnight. There was fresh powder


    It was the right temperature for skiing, too! First, Liam did a back flip on his skis! Brian was

    struggling still, but Claire was doing fine.

    This has been the best day ever, Liam, said excitingly. I did a back flip ON my skis!

    Maybe for you, Brian said sadly. I cant even get up a hill.

    Im doing just fine, said Clair happily. I dont like back flips and I can get up a hill just fine.

    After a moment of skiing, they stopped for a minute or two to take a break and get a drink of

    water out of their backpacks.

    Wow, said Clair, did we just go down part of the mountain without stopping?

    Yep, said Liam.

    That was fun and exciting!

    Hey guys, guess what, said Brian sounding very excited, I finally got up my first hill and I am

    so proud of myself!

    Congratulations, said Liam sounding very proud of his friend.

    I think that Ive caught my breath, Claire said, lets go ahead and ski down the rest of the


    Yea, Brian and Liam said.

    As they were skiing down the rest of the mountain, they were racing each other.

    Yes, said Brian sounding as if he was had just won the Olympics, I won! I won! I won! Whoop!


    Ha, ha, very funny, Brian, said Liam.

    Lets go again!

    As they were riding up the chairlift, they were hanging out like normal friends.

    Hey guys, what you want to do when we get up there? said Claire.

    I dont know, said Liam, I guess ski down the mountain.

    When they finally got to the top, everything changed.

  • Hey, guys, asked Claire questioningly, did you feel that?

    Feel what?

    It happened again.


    What is that? said Brian sounding very scared.

    That I think its an earthquake! replied Liam.

    What causes an earthquake? asked Claire.

    Well, the earth has sections of the crust that are called tectonic plates. When the plates rub or

    slide past each other, it makes an earthquake.

    Ohhhhhhhh, said Claire.

    We are all going to DIE, said Brian in panic.

    No, we arent, said Claire, right?

    You are right, Claire, said Liam proudly. We just have to ski down the mountain as fast as we

    can and get to shelter.

    Like a race?

    Yes, just like a race.

    Well, see you guys down there, said Brian as he rushed down the mountain.


    Lets go.

    They eventually got down in time, but there was still an earthquake happening. Liam, the

    youngest of the three, had a plan.

    We have to get to shelter and fast, said Liam.

    Lets go to the restaurant down there, said Claire.

    Can we please hurry up, said Brian worried.

    When they got to the restaurant, there were hundreds of scared and worried people. They

    could not find a spot.

  • Guys, I have two plans, said Liam sounding like a leader as if he was. Plan A is to go and crawl

    under a table or the bar wherever we can so if the ceiling does fall, we wont get crushed by it. Plan B is

    to just to stand here and let the ceiling fall on us if it actually does.

    I think that plan A sounds a lot better than plan B because I am too young to die right now,

    said Brian.

    They all agreed to do plan A and crawled under a table for protection. Once the earthquake was

    over, they crawled out and each took a deep breath and thought about how scary it was to be in the


    I never want to go through that again, exclaimed Claire.

    Me either! said Brian.

    The three friends left the restaurant and went back to having fun on the mountain.

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