rise to the challenge and shine at the priest house hotel...

Post on 16-May-2018






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Emperor TimesRise to the Challenge and Shine at the Priest House Hotel ~ FREE ~

Are you ready to shine...?Ready for the team to huddle together...

Penguin Launch: Family Sunday Lunch

The Priest House enjoyed a Sunday

Lunch for our launch with our hotel

'family' on Sunday 8th February. We

were pleased with the turn out as we

had representation from all depart-

ments - THANK YOU! The sunflower de-

partmental growing competition was

launch and everyone let with a Rise &

Shine cupcake!

What's it all about?

Gwyn opened the lunch with a short

presentation about the 'Rise to the

challenge and shine' project. This is

part of a 3 year plan across Hand

Picked to drive a cultural change

around service and sales!

"Amazing day": Avalanche of fun

This is what some of the team


"We had a wonderful meal and it was

nice to engage with the team on a so-

cial level" said Lesley Gresswell, Head

Housekeeper. She went on to say "I am

excited to be able to work with my

team and make the Rise and Shine

project live within my department".

Also, Shelly Edwards, Financial Con-

troller was heard to say "we will put ev-

erything into this project to make it

work. I am really looking forward to

growing my sunflower and hopefully

winning for the accounts team!".

"Having recently joined the hotel team,

I am overwhelmed about how warmly I

have been welcomed; it makes me feel

sunny inside". Laura Harris has recently

joined the team in the Revenue Office

and attended the launch lunch as her

first social occasion with the team. "I

felt motivated and inspired to provide

the best service I can, and excited for

further training".

"It makes me feel sunny inside"

"Something that hit me was the mes-

sage about your attitude when arriving

to work and how this directly impacts

on the mood of the team. Arriving posi-

tively, makes the shit positive". Suzie

Needham, Senior Food and Beverage


"As part of the hero's team, I am very

much looking forward to leading peo-

ple on their sales culture journey" Dan

Redfern, Reception Manager.

Shane Harris, Maintenance, "It was

good. I loved the animation and it

made me feel appreciated".

"I love penguins" said Tina Harris,

Housekeeping, "therefore I loved the

theme and I really enjoyed the launch


Nathan, Casual Food and Beverage As-

sistant thought "it was a fantastic ex-

perience because it made me feel part

of a team all working towards the same


Gwyn, General Manager, delivering

the vision

Penguins check in at the Priest House Hotel

2 Emperor Times

Which department would you like to work in for a day?

Pick your top three options:

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

What is it?

Throughout 2015, you will have the op-

portunity to swap departments for the

day. We will be asking for your choice

of top three preferred departments to

work in.


"You get great satisfaction when

cleaning a room to a high standard

where guests feel at home and in-

dulged with the added benefit of

not need a gym membership!"


"You should come and spend time

with Reception to broaden your

product knowledge, as Reception

have to know the answer to various

different questions on a day to day

basis about the whole of the hotel,

not just one set department"

Food and Beverage:

"Food and Beverage is a core de-

partment to any hospitality busi-

ness. You will be able to show your

passion and be hands on with the



"No job too big, no job too small,

Maintenance is on the ball".

Sales & Revenue:

"Working in sales and revenue will

give you a core understanding of

our business, the booking journey

of all of our customers and how we

manage all of our clients. You will

get to experience being part of a sol-

id, understanding and fun team.

You'll also get to learn lots about

who our clients are, and what they

like about The Priest House".


"Working in Accounts will give you a

solid understanding of our budgets,

what we are allowed to spend, and

percentage reductions against

sales. How you get paid, and also

the main responsibilities of the fi-

nance office within our business"

Be part of a happy team

Are you ready to shine...?

Get ready to 'Be our Guest'...coming soon...

Which department?

Be me...

3Emperor Times

... to a sketch...

Why Penguins?

At the Priest House, we have continued

to use the penguin as our mascot and

inspiration behind the theme for many


Penguins stick together as a family as

we wish to team at the Priest House to


They are also highly adaptable. The

team will need to be adaptable to en-

sure that the guest's expectations are

exceeded and we are able to anticipate

their needs.

Penguins are also one of the most

beloved animals in the world and high-

ly socialable; the Priest House down to

a 'T'!

At a meeting of the Guiding Team, an

idea was born...

Communication to the team in a fun

and bright way...

This has been created by the staff en-

trance to be that ray of sunshine as the

team members enter the hotel. The

task was given to Shane Harris in Main-

tenance to create our special sunflower

spectacle. Drawn freehand from a sim-

ple sketch, the sunflower began to

grow and blossom into full bloom!

It has the bright yellow petals with cur-

rent information showing. Also in the

centre is a countdown to the next excit-

ing session to be run.

To one side is an information space

with the structure of the project per-

manently on show for reference.

From an idea...

... add some paint... ... to THE FINISHED ARTICLE!

he Sunlower Wall

4 Emperor Times

The Housekeeping team on National Apple Day! We will continue events like

this to enhance the guest experience and encourage interdepartmental


Mapping the Guest Experience

"Together we are going to build a picture of a guests journey"

How to shine

"The key to the story"

Be Sunny

"Exploring what it means to be sunny"

Be Ready

"Exploring what you need to help you prepare for your shit"

Be Confident

"Helping you develop more confidence"

Be Interested

"Viewing each interaction with a guest as a long term relationship rather than a single transaction"

Be Flexible

"Identifying the times we say no to guests and how to turn it into a yes"

Things to come...

The Sunflower notice board

Purple penguins

Training dates

Social activities

Daily challenges

Weekly mantra

Team members children sunflower cre-

ation competition

DON'T MISS OUT... are you ready to


Are you ready to shine...?

Something to think about...

he Future...

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. he most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time" (homas Edison)

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