review #4 nationalism. john quincy adams election of 1824 – 4 candidates – national republicans...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Voting rights… Land ownership and democracy  eliminated Land requirement  Universal White manhood Suffrage (21 yrs old)  increased voter turnout to 80% expansion of democracy  Universal white manhood suffrage expands democracy  Nominating committees also start which allows for more participation.  Anti-Masons introduce Nominating Conventions King Caucus  Where the people vote for the people who vote for the people who vote for the Pres.  Democracy was becoming cool & elitists not so much Alexis de Tocqueville  French “Democracy in America”  Comes over and sees how we do democracy and writes book.  Brings global attention to American Democracy


Review #4


John Quincy Adams

•John Quincy Adams Election of 1824 – 4 candidates – National Republicans Andrew Jackson – TN wins most pop. & EV John Q. Adams – MA William Crawford – GA Henry Clay KY But no majority Election goes to House between top 3 candidates (12th Amend.) Crawford has stroke Clay as Speaker of the House gets to decide election Elects Adams & Adams names Clay as Sec. of State (Pres. platform


•Corrupt Bargain Jackson resigns from Senate-spends next 4 years campaigning

Voting rights…•Land ownership and democracy

eliminated Land requirement Universal White manhood Suffrage (21 yrs old) increased voter turnout to 80% - 1840

•expansion of democracy Universal white manhood suffrage expands democracy Nominating committees also start which allows for more participation. Anti-Masons introduce Nominating Conventions - 1831

•King Caucus Where the people vote for the people who vote for the people who vote for the Pres. Democracy was becoming cool & elitists not so much

 •Alexis de Tocqueville

French “Democracy in America” Comes over and sees how we do democracy and writes book. Brings global attention to American Democracy

A. Jackson•Jacksonian Democrats (common man) Whigs (Pro-Business) fought over Nat’l Bank,  •Jacksonian Democrats claimed what principles

nullification, Jackson against, Jeffersonian democracy, states’ rights, pro-wealthy, strong central government only to help the country

•King Andrew I cartoon Whigs emerged from Nat’l Republicans (Good Feelings) as against King Andrew

•Jackson advocated which states rights, nullification, Indian rights, rotation of civil government jobs, federal

improvement must effect all states to use Fed. $$

•Jackson did all of the following Moved Indians, Killed Bank, Force Bill (use troops to ensure acts of Congress are followed), ends nullification crisis

•Spoils system–what was it? Jackson insisted best way to avoid corruption


•Whig party ideals Old Federalists Pro-Business & wealthy Internal Improvements (Clay’s American system) Strong Central Gov’t

•In New England who were Whigs wealthy merchants, businessmen

A.J. Problems…•Tariff of Abominations – 1828

signed by Adams pressured by NE wool nearly resulted in Southern succession

•Nullification Crisis – pairing with speakers on, why Calhoun wanted to nullify, Jackson’s handling of, why crisis began – Pairings:

Andrew Jackson – against nullification (TN) John C. Calhoun, VP – for nullification (SC) Henry Clay – Great Compromiser – Compromise of 1833 – lowered Tariff annually until it reached 1816 level

•Calhoun’s theory SC leads way rest of South will follow didn’t happen

•Daniel Webster (MA) - Robert Hayne (SC) debate Senate debate over States Rights vs. National Rights

•Clay’s Compromise tariff Compromise of 1833 lowered Tariff annually until it reached 1816 level

A.J. more issues…•Peggy Eaton

wife of Sec. War John Eaton liked by Jackson but shunned by Cabinet members wives (including

Calhoun’s) because she had been a bar maid led Jackson to reorganize his cabinet & shift favor from Calhoun to Van

Buren who was pro-Eaton Calhoun went back to SC and later led movement for pro states rights, pro

slavery and pro secession

•Specie Circular signed by Jackson, 1835 Land must be purchased in Specie to stop land speculation (responsible for Panic of 1819

Era of the Common Man•Bank War– 2nd Bank of the US-why destroy?

Helped only elite – How destroy?

Put Gov’t $$ in Pet Banks •Why did Jackson want to destroy?

It only helped the elite Jackson lost $$ in Panic of 1819

•Greatest immediate effect of getting rid of Bank Credit was easier to get from pet banks that were competeing with

each other and the National bank more credit speculations banks issues notes beginning of RR speculation

Era of the Common Man•Pet Banks

Individual banks that aided the Democrats

•Causes of Panic of 1837 Demise of 2nd Bank Land speculation land on credit

•Independent Treasury System 1836-Van Buren Gov’t Piggy Bank Going to operate similar to the National Bank and take in investments Another government bank not supposed to be political and it is supposed to look out for the interests of

everybody pay bills

•Frontier of 1830-40 – which not part of? Lexington (KY), Cincinnati, Denver, New Orleans, St. Louis

•Importance of 1840 election Between W.H. Harrison & Van Buren (blamed for Panic 1837) *Beginning of string of War Heroes, 1st modern campaign

1830 - REFORMS (education, women, abolition, prison)•Education reform

who -Horrace Mann what Standardization of education, McGruff Readers (A-Adam, B-Bible, D-Democracy) teacher ed., where MA

•Second Great Awakening how Tent meetings (fields), deists (Intellectual) disagreed with the Second GA Said it was too emotional and breaking away from traditional religion Charles Finney (major speaker) social issues of new religions appealed to poor class [Mormons, Millerites (7th Day Adventists), Shakers-

celibate ones]

•Unitarianism Believed in a moral authority Not necessarily with the Diety of Jesus Deists in church (intellectuals in NE) Kids – transcendentalists

•Utopians Brook Farm and Oneida = perfectionism

1830 - REFORMS (education, women, abolition, prison)

•Early 1800s feminists and their goals/Women of 19th century supported what = legal rights (own property)

 •Which movement were most antebellum women involved in?

pacifism, temperance, women’s suffrage, workers’ rights, immigrants

•Seneca Falls Convention 1848-started in abolitionist mvmt. – “Women & Men” Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton started Women’s movement Declaration of Sentiments

•Legal status of women in early 1800s Did not have a legal status

•Struggle for right to vote started with abolitionist

 •If you ever see a quote from Lucretia Mott

Think women’s rights, Seneca Falls dealing with abolitionist & voting rights, suffrage

1830 - REFORMS (education, women, abolition, prison)

•American Colonization Society Manumission – send to Africa started Liberia

•Abolitionism = wide feminist support goals abolish slavery why broke into factions? Rise

of middle & upper class

•Gag Rule Late 1830s no talk of abolition in Congress J. Q. Adams eliminates

•William Lloyd Garrison leading white abolitionist 1830s called for immediate & uncompensated

emancipation of slaves view from blacks point of view - Liberator

•Frederick Douglass escaped slave abolitionist speaker

 •Dorothea Dix – what reform wanted?

Care for insane & prison reform •Reformers incorrectly paired with their reform

D. Dix insane H.B. Stowe abolition, L. Mott women’s rights, Brigham Young abolition

1830 - REFORMS (education, women, abolition, prison)

•Cult of domesticity (woman’s sphere) 1830s –moving into new sphere (keeper of home, decorator…)

•home as refuge v. workplace change not like Slater’s shop (pix kids playing & parents at table) home is a break from the workplace and as refuge

•antebellum cities places of business

Art•American art

= nationalism Pro-America

•Hudson River School of Art what painted landscapes, people

•Antebellum art was expressionism dark colors, existentialism literature,

Romanticism literature & art, or pragmatism practicality?

Literature•James Fenimore Cooper

1st to use frontier in writing – Last of Mohicans  •Cooper’s writing had

= American characters

•list of writers – Who was the poet laureate living King of all poets? Wheatley, Thoreau, Emerson, Poe, Whitman?

 •Authors paired with works

Melville – Moby Dick, Billy Budd Whitman – Leaves of Grass Poe – Raven / House of Usher Cooper - Last of Mohicans Hawthorne – Scarlet Letter Thoreau – Walden / Civil Disobedience Emerson – American Scholar

•Nationalistic movement of literature American themes / ideas

Transcendentalist•Emerson = transcendentalist

effect – Encourage Arts to celebrate America •Transcendentalists

inspired by nature group of ideas in literature as a protest against the general state of culture in

particular the state of intellectualism. Believed that spirituality that transcends the physical and empirical and is

realized through a person’s intellect. define Intellect mvmt , beliefs, who the main people Thoreau, Emerson, not a movement for teaching lower class not a social mvmt

•Thoreau and Civil Disobedience passive protests (don’t pay taxes to protest war)

South/Slavery•Why didn’t South have diversified economy?

making good $$ on cotton no laboring class Slaves not allowed in factories could lead to independence

•J.D.B. DeBow = wrote about South needed to industrialize H. Helper not the only one saying this

•Slaves in coming to America lost? Freedom, culture, language, religion

 •How did free blacks gain their freedom

bought it, given, heroic act

•Slaves from VA sold to southwest AL, LA, MS why-cotton – get high price

 •How did cotton gin effect South

needed more slaves –


Cotton Gin

•Who was South’s major trading partner before Civil War British

•Slave trade increased in U.S. b/c = cotton market increased Not b/c they were easier to buy

•Nature of slavery – its effects on blacks denial of freedoms effect on whites lazy (Hinton Helper) enslave people

•Slave owners 25% owned large plantations rare, most owned 0 slaves

 •Price of slaves

1860-$1800 male teen $100 baby and effect of price encouraged to marry & “be happy”

South/Slavery•Nature of slave family

extended family dependence •Were slaves a good investment?

No – Sharecroppers usually better

•Hinton Helper – The Impending Crisis of the South Slavery ruined economy

 •Southern justification for slavery = apologists

History, Religious (Cain) Jesus never said not to Naturally inferior Wage slaves worse off

South/Slavery•Why condone slavery

it was their way of life - necessary

•How did slaves increase in number after end of foreign trade reproduction

•Ways slaves resisted Rebellion (rare) Run away, passive

•Importance of negro spirituals kept comfort – “happy slaves?”

 •Nat Turner

Led a successful rebellion (killed whites) Hanged with a bunch (30 convicted and 18 hanged) Virgina


•Before Civil War most white males in South were tenants, yeoman, plantation owners, factory workers

 •What is a yeoman?

Subsistent farmer, owns land

• __ 1___the Clermont sailed ___1807_____•___2__end to foreign importation of slaves __1808___•___7__Force Bill __1833____•___6__The Liberator 1st published __1831___•___8__ Seneca Falls Convention ___1848___•___4__SC Exposition & Protest nullification issued __1828__•___3__Tariff of Abominations _1828___•___5__Nat Turner’s Revolt __1831____

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