receita frozen yogurt

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Receita Frozen Yogurt





    1 envelope de gelatina sem sabor xcara (ch) de gua 2 colheres (sopa) de suco de limo 3 claras xcara (ch) de adoante

    4 potes de iogurte natural desnatado


    2 xcara (ch) de framboesas ou amoras frescas ou congeladas 2 colheres (sopa) de suco de limo xcara (ch) de adoante prprio para forno e fogo

    Modo de preparo


    Em uma vasilha, coloque a gelatina e a gua. Misture e leve ao fogo em banho-maria at dissolver. Acrescente o suco de limo e reserve. Bata as claras em neve. Ponha o adoante e reserve. Misture o iogurte com a gelatina, junte-os s claras delicadamente, adicione a calda de framboesa

    ou amora e mexa bem. Coloque essa mistura em uma forma de alumnio, cubra e leve geladeira por 30 minutos. Retire e mexa, cubra novamente e leve ao congelador por 45 minutos.

  • 8/11/2019 Receita Frozen Yogurt


    Retire, misture o sorvete com um garfo, das laterais para o centro, e bata com batedor de arame. Leve ao congelador por mais 45 minutos.


    Cozinhe as framboesas (ou amoras), o limo e o adoante por 15 minutos, coe e reserve. Sirva em taas.

    Rendimento: 8 pores

    Frozen Yogurt


    Frozen yogurt de limo

    3/4 xcara (ch) de gua 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante (ou 1 xcara de ch de acar) 2 claras 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) 1 colher (sopa) de suco de limo

    Frozen yogurt de chocolate

    3/4 xcara (ch) de gua 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante (ou 1 xcara de ch de acar) 2 claras 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) 12 colheres (sopa) de chocolate meio amargo derretido

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    Frozen iogurte de maracuj e hortel

    3/4 xcara (ch) de suco concentrado de maracuj 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante (ou 1 xcara de ch de acar)

    2 claras 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) 1 colher (sopa) de suco de hortel

    Para a calda de maracuj

    1 xcara (ch) de acar 1 xcara (ch) de gua polpa de 2 maracujs 1 colher (sopa) de rum

    Para a calda de limo 1 xcara (ch) de acar 1 xcara (ch) de gua 1 limo cortado em rodelas 1 colher (sopa) de rum

    Para a calda de chocolate

    250 ml de leite 1 xcara de ch de acar refinado

    2 colheres (sopa) de glucose de milho 50 g de margarina 100 g de chocolate cobertura de leite 50 g de chocolate em p

    Para a calda de chocolate hidrogenado

    250 g de chocolate hidrogenado picado

    modo de preparo

    Frozen yogurt de limo

    Hidrate 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor em 1/4 xcara (ch) de gua e leve em banho-maria at que a gelatina dissolva. Reserve. Numa panela, coloque 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante(ou 1 xcara de ch de acar) e 2/4 xcara (ch) de gua.

    Leve ao fogo e cozinhe at a calda ficar em ponto de fio. Ao colocar um pouco da calda, entre o polegar e o indicador se forma um fio fino e firme ao separar os dedos.

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    Na batedeira, bata 2 claras em neve e junte a calda quente, mexendo sem parar. Acrescente agelatina reservada e continue batendo de 8 a 10 min at formar um suspiro firme. Misturedelicadamente 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) e 1 colher (sopa) de suco de limo.

    Coloque numa tigela e leve ao congelador at ficar firme (por cerca de 2 h), sem endurecer


    Frozen yogurt de chocolate

    Hidrate 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor em 1/4 xcara (ch) de gua e leve em banho-maria at que a gelatina dissolva. Reserve. Numa panela, coloque 1/2 xcara (ch) de adoante(ou 1 xcara de ch de acar) e 2/4 xcara (ch) de gua. Leve ao fogo e cozinhe at a calda ficarem ponto de fio. Ao colocar um pouco da calda, entre o polegar e o indicador se forma um fiofino e firme ao separar os dedos. Na batedeira, bata 2 claras em neve e junte a calda quente,mexendo sem parar.

    Acrescente a gelatina reservada e continue batendo de 8 a 10 min at formar um suspiro firme.Misture delicadamente 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) e 12 colheres (sopa) de chocolate meio amargoderretido. Ponha numa tigela e leve ao congelador at ficar firme (por cerca de 2 h) semendurecer demais.

    Frozen iogurte de maracuj e hortel

    Hidrate 1 colher (ch) de gelatina em p sem sabor em 1/4 xcara (ch) de suco concentrado demaracuj e leve em banho-maria at que a gelatina dissolva. Reserve. Numa panela, coloque 1/2xcara (ch) de adoante (ou 1 xcara de ch de acar) e 2/4 xcara (ch) de suco.

    Leve ao fogo e cozinhe at a calda ficar em ponto de fio. Ao colocar um pouco da calda, entre o polegar e o indicador se forma um fio fino e firme ao separar os dedos. Na batedeira, bata 2claras em neve e junte a calda quente, mexendo sem parar.

    Acrescente a gelatina reservada e continua batendo de 8 a 10 min at formar um suspiro firme.Misture delicadamente 2 copos de iogurte (400 g) e 1 colher (sopa) de suco de hortel. Ponhanuma tigela e leve ao congelador at ficar firme (cerca de 2 h) sem endurecer demais.

    Para a calda de maracuj

    Numa panela, misture a gua e o acar. Deixe ferver at ponto de fio.

    Misture a polpa de 2 maracujs e o rum. Deixe apurar (por cerca de 8 min).

    Para a calda de limo

    Numa panela, misture a gua e o acar. Deixe ferver at ponto de fio.

    Misture as rodelas de limo e o rum. Deixe apurar (por cerca de 8 min).

  • 8/11/2019 Receita Frozen Yogurt


    Para a calda de chocolate

    Leve ao fogo o leite com acar, a margarina, o chocolate cobertura, o chocolate em p, aglucose de milho e deixe ferver. Abaixe o fogo e mexa por alguns minutos. Guarde em potes nageladeira para utilizar sobre sorvetes.

    Para a calda de chocolate hidrogenado

    Derreta 250 g de chocolate hidrogenado picado em banho-maria. Mantenha este chocolatederretido em banho-maria. Banhe a bola de sorvete ou com uma concha cubra a bola de sorvetecom esta cobertura

    Roquefort Honey Ice Cream Recipe 31 comments - 02.01.2006

    Roquefort cheese is produced in the southwestern region of France and is designated as AOC, the firstproduct ever to do so in 1925, and is a designation meant to denote quality and provenance from acertain region made in a certain manner. Cheese experts (and me) agree that Roquefort is one of thetop, all-time-greatest cheeses in the world. And I was excited to explore using it in this delicious icecream.

    Roquefort is a raw-milk cheese, aged between 3 to 9 months in caves. It gets its unique flavor andmold as a result of some very old rye bread; jumbo-sized loaves are baked, then left to sit for twomonths, during which time they become encrusted with mold. The mold is scraped, then introducedinto the caves , where the cheese becomes encrusted by the greenish powder, then inoculated with the
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    spores (called penicillium roqueforti ) by resting the wheels of cheese on spikes. Thats why often yousee lines of mold in Roquefort, as in many other bleu cheeses. But unlike other bleu cheeses,Roquefort has a very special, sweet and tangy flavor that lingers and excites.

    Roquefort goes very well with winter foods, such as pears, dates, oranges, toasted nuts like walnutsand pecans, sweet Sauternes, or with bitter seasonal greens like frise, radicchio, or escarole. Asimple winter salad can be made with chunks of Roquefort, slices of ripe Comice pears, leaves ofBelgian endive, and a drizzle of good walnut oil. But sometimes Roqueforts best enjoyed just smearedon a piece of hearty levain breadand thats lunch.

    When you buy Roquefort, it should be moist and creamy without any red mold and the cut surfaceshould glisten with milky freshness. It usually comes with a piece of foil around its exterior, andwhether or not to eat the rind underneath is entirely up to you (dont eat the foilespecially if youhave lots of dental fillings.) If the rind looks dark and funky, skip it. Its probably going to be toopungent and dank- tasting. But most of the time its fine to eat and as delicious as the rest of thewedge.

    In France, theres a few brands of Roquefort to choose from. But I dont think Ive ever had aRoquefort that was not wonderful, so its hard to go wrong when buying from a reputable cheesevendor. You can also use a nice bleu or gorgonzola cheese in its place.

    Heres a recipe of mine that will surprise you: Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream .

    Try roasting some pear slices in the oven with some strong-flavored honey and spices and maybe astrip of lemon peel. Serve warm, with a scoop of this ice cream melting alongside. I also like this witha spoonful of dark honey on top, with a sweet dessert wine, like Barzac or Sauternes, to accompany it.

    Roquefort and Honey Ice Cream

    One quart (1l)

    Adapted from The Perfect Scoop (Ten Speed Press)
  • 8/11/2019 Receita Frozen Yogurt


    6 tablespoons (120 gr) honey

    4 ounces (110 gr) Roquefort

    1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream

    1 cup (250 ml) whole milk

    4 large egg yolks

    a few turns freshly-ground black pepper

    1. In a small saucepan warm the honey, then set aside.

    2. Crumble the Roquefort into a large bowl. Set a mesh strainer over the top.

    3. In a medium saucepan, warm the milk.

    4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Slowly pour the warm milk into the egg yolks,whisking constantly.

    5. Scrape the warmed egg yolks back into the saucepan.

    6. Over medium heat, stir the mixture constantly with a wooden spoon or heatproof spatula, scrapingthe bottom as you stir, until the mixture thickens and coats the spoon.

    7. Pour the custard through the strainer and stir it into the cheese. Stir until most of the cheese ismelted (some small bits are fine, and rather nice in the finished ice cream.) Stir in the cream and thehoney, and add a few turns of black pepper.

    8. Chill custard thoroughly, then freeze in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturersinstructions

    Frozen Yogurt Recipes Follow me on Twitter here .

    These frozen yogurt recipes are full of protein, calcium, and healthful lactobacillus bacteria. Thisis a great way to replace ice cream, each serving of frozen yogurt contains only half the calories

    present in an equal portion of ice cream.You also avoid the stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives and imitation ingredients contained inthe commercial brands.

    All that to sayyou cant beat homemade frozen yogurt.

    Many of the frozen yogurt products on the market contain dead rather than viable bacteria,thus reducing the health benefits
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    of the dessert. And because regulations for frozen yogurt have not been standardized, even theamount of yogurt present in commercial brands varies a lot. By making your own yogurt, youll

    be able to regulate what goes into your dessert.Best of all, youll be able to prepare any flavor of frozen yogurt that youve a hankering for,instead of limiting your taste buds to a few varieties in your

    grocers freezer.

    These frozen yogurt recipes are some of my favorites. In most cases, whole milk yogurt is used because it imparts a richer, smoother taste and texture to thedessert than does low fat yogurt. But you can use low-fat or even nonfat yogurt if you prefer.

    Also, because the tartness is part of the charm of frozen yogurt, these frozen yogurt recipes callfor a minimal amount of sweetener and whenever possible, natural sweeteners are usedveryhealthy.

    Our Basic Homemade Frozen Yogurt Recipe

    This recipe makes a vanilla frozen yogurt that is just like Pinkberry frozen yogurtYum!

    Banana Frozen Yogurt

    Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups mashed ripe bananas about 3 large2 teaspoons lemon juice2 cups vanilla yogurt1-2 tablespoons honey or to tasteDirections: In large bowl, combine bananas, lemon juice, yogurt and honey.Chill at least 4 hours.Pour into ice cream maker and follow directions for freezing.
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    Frozen Blueberry Yogurt

    Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries, thawed2 1/2 cups plain yogurt

    1 cup half and half1 cup sugarDirections: Mash blueberries and combine with remaining ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.Freeze as directed.

    Lime Vanilla Frozen Yogurt

    Ingredients: two 32-ounce containers whole-milk plain yogurt1 vanilla bean1 teaspoon finely grated fresh lime zest6 tablespoons fresh lime juice1/2 cup light corn syrup3/4 cup superfine granulated sugarDirections: Strain yogurt for about 8-12 hours. Pour off the whey (liquid in bowl).With a knife halve vanilla bean lengthwise and scrape out seeds. In a blender puree vanilla seeds,half of drained yogurt, and remaining ingredients. In a bowl stir together vanilla mixture andremaining yogurt.Transfer mixture to ice-cream maker and freeze. Transfer frozen yogurt to an airtight containerand put in freezer to harden up a bit.

    Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt

    Ingredients: 1/3 cup chunky peanut butter1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract1 1/2 cups skim milk1 (1 1/3 ounce) envelope dream whip whipped dessert topping mix1 cup plain fat-free yogurtDirections: In a medium bowl, combine peanut butter, brown sugar and vanilla; set asideIn a small bowl, gradually add milk to dry whipped topping mix; stir or whisk until well mixedGradually whisk into peanut butter mixture; then add yogurtFreeze:(pour and freeze prepared yogurt in an 8 inch square baking pan, cover with foil; freeze untilsolid (1-2 hours) break frozen mixture into pieces and process in food processor just until soft.Optional- repeat freezing and beating 1-2 more timesOR (pour prepared yogurt into a metal mixer bowl, cover with foil; Freeze 2 hours or until firm

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  • 8/11/2019 Receita Frozen Yogurt


    Directions: Combine all the ingredients, chill them for 2 hours, and then churn the confection. Light, fresh,and creamy, this frozen yogurt is bound to be one of your favorites.


    Frozen Yogurt (this is one of our absolute favorite frozen yogurt recipes)

    Ingredients: 2/3 cup of honey2 tablespoons of lemon juice1 teaspoon of grated lemon rind

    pinch of salt2 cups of plain, whole milk yogurt2 egg whitesDirections: One of my favorite frozen yogurt recipes! Honey and lemon go together beautifully in frozenyogurt. The honey gives the dessert a smooth texture and natural sweetness, while the lemonimparts a bright snap to the taste. To make this delightful delicacy, combine the first fouringredients in a heavy enameled or stainless steel saucepan over medium heat and stir them untiltheyre well blended. Then set the mixture as ide to cool.

    Next, mix in the yogurt and chill the concoction for 2 hours. Then beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form, gently fold them into the yogurt preparation, and churn the dessert in a two-quartfreezer.

    Matcha (Green Tea) Frozen Yogurt

    Ingredients: 1 cup homemade yogurt or plain whole milk yogurt1 teaspoon matcha (green tea) powder1/4 cup powdered sugarDirections: Mix small amount of yogurt with tea and sugar to make smooth mixture. Incorporate into rest ofyogurt and mix well until completely blended.Chill in the fridge for a few hours then churn the mix in the ice cream machine/frozen yogurtmaker according to the manufacturers instruction.

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