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Opening Ceremonies and Reports of the Ninth Veida ofHabonim Dror North America

Candlelighting Ceremony-Workshop 47, 46, 45, 43, 41, 40Od Lo Gamarnu

1. Mazkirut Artzit Reports: Esther Lederman (Mazkirat Tnua)-Movement overview, machanot, kenim, programs, World Zionist Congress; Mat Tonti (Gizbar)-Budget Overview; Rebecca Dumoulin (Merakezet Tochniot)-Workshop, MBI, promoting Israel programs, scholarships, publications; Ross Berkowitz (PZC Coordinator)-History, programs, activism; Jared Matas (Merakez Machaneh)-choveret for machaneh with peulot, shirim, tfilot; Shira Schlessinger (Merakezet Kenim)-choveret for kenim, Winter Merkaz; David Lehrer (Shaliach Merkazi)-general shlichut issues.

2. Ken Representatives: Vancouver (Max Matas), Victoria (Ron Laufer), Seattle (Rachel Kort), Berkeley (Joe Mullin), Los Angeles (Alex Sharone), San Diego (Michal Landau), Ottawa (Shayna Gerber), Toronto (Enoch Landau), Silver Spring (Ari Levy), Columbia (Sarah Gold), New Jersey (Lonny Mallach), New York (Olivia Gradess), Philadelphia (Ben Joffe-Walt), Cleveland (Jenni Tonti), Madison (Josh Sulman), Ann Arbor (Marjorie Rhodes), Detroit (Paula Anne Newman), Skokie (Sarah Michaels and Erin Weinstein), Oak Park (Shelley Goldman), Lansing (Zach Leland)

3. Approval of Veida Procedure:Please see the end for the complete Veida Procedure.In order for a motion to pass, it must receive over 50% of the yes-no vote. This was approved with 97 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstentions.After that, Rachel Jenkins-Stevens noted her objection to the vote based on the fact that 50% of all votes should have included all votes, including abstentions.Issues of quorum. A suggestion was made that quorum should be 1/2 of the people currently in the room. An amendment was suggested to add to the previous one that quorum would include 50% of total votes (yes, no and abstentions) for after a vote is taken. A quorum can be called for by any member at any time. As well, if 1/3 of the votes are abstentions, then the proposal goes back to the floor for further debate. This was passed with 75 in favor, 9 against, 10 abstentions.4. Breach of procedure for tzevet mitbach.Acclaimed.Tzevet mitbach was allowed to present their proposal.

Whereas all of tzevet mitbach are all members in good standing of HDNA, Let it be resolved that this time sensitive proposal be voted on immediately and passed.Let it be resolved tzevet mitbach receive full voting rights via telephone and be respected as a caucus group.Lest the following consequences:1. We will collectively attend Veida.2. W will no longer cook food for the duration of Veida.PLEASE MAKE this procedural exception for tzevet mitbach of winter seminar 1997.B’teavon!!Amendment to remove the threatening part of this, presented by Rachel Jenkins-Stevens. It failed by 31 in favor, 72 against and 15 abstentions.Friendly amendment was made that tzevet mitbach had to be made aware of the issues in debates before they vote.Friendly amendment to include toranut in the caucus of the tzevet mitbach. Total proposal passed with 87 in favor, 11 against and 4 abstentions.


Plenary 1: STANDS OF THE MOVEMENT(Yoshev Rosh: Ezra Weinberg)

Proposal 1: Confederation of Habonim Dror/Hashomer Hatzair in North AmericaBy the Mazkirut ArtzitI. The GoalThe goal of confederating Habonim Dror and Hashomer Hatzair in North America is to strengthen the current level of activities in the machanot and in the kenim and to free up resources for further expansion of Progressive Zionist Youth Movement activities in North America.II. A Confederation of Two Youth MovementsThis plan does not call for the relinquishment of the names or identities of Habonim Dror and Hashomer Hatzair, but the creation of a Confederation of two Youth Movements. Both names have a market value which are generally mutually exclusive. Many graduates of Habonim Dror send their children to Habonim Dror due to family tradition. Many Israelis send their children to Hashomer Hatzair because the name is familiar to them from Israel.III. The MandateThe National Mazkirut of HDNA seeks a mandate from the movement to pursue the option of forming a Confederation with Hashomer Hatzair over the next 2 or 3 years.The National Mazkirut of HDNA will keep the movement members informed of the progress of this pursuit.Discussion: Would we still have separate machanot: YESAll structures of each movement would remain in place. This resolution passing would just give the Mazkirut Artzit the mandate to pursue options with them.Requested to give further background and information about Hashomer Hatzair’s ideology.More Left wing, More closely affiliated with Peace Now and MERETZ whereas we’re more closely associated with LABOUR. Only real difference: they are less religiously observant than us, their machanot are not kosher. How would ideology be dealt with if we did programs together: we’d have to plan and discuss this: learning from both, including both.How would training madrichim and feeding madrichim back to machanot? We’d have to coordinate AND it would remain priority to feed our own machanot with madrichim, however, the sharing of madrichim could benefit.David raised another possible benefit. Wouldn’t be benefit to combine, would be benefit to confederate i.e.: 1+1 =3. We are dependent on funding and support....when we join with Hashomer Hatzair...our joint confederation becomes bigger.Talked about the fact that the world movements are talking about a confederation. Discussed winter seminar and kenim involvement. Concern over shlichut in the future. Concern over financial dependence on each other. Concern over rivalry between the two movements in certain cities. Concern over moetzet machanot. Concern over the fact that we support separate political parties.Unfriendly Amendment: To pursue the option of recommending to the Na’aleh Camp Committee of making Na’aleh a HDNA-Hashomer machaneh. The amendment did NOT pass with 6 in favor, 82 against, 10 abstentions. Total proposal passes with 91 in favor, 4 against, and 6 abstentions.

Proposal 2: Resignation of the current Israeli GovernmentBy the Mazkirut ArtzitWhereas, Habonim Dror North America has long stood as a staunch supporter of peace in Israel and the evolution of a progressive Jewish State in Israel, andWhereas, HDNA has officially supported the quest for religious pluralism in the North American Diaspora Jewish community and in Israel, andWhereas, the State of Israel officially sanctioned the Peace Process through their election of the Rabin-Peres government, an election broadly considered a popular mandate for peace, andWhereas, the current Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu was elected on a platform of “peace with security”, and Whereas, since Prime Minister Netanyahu’s election the security of the nation has in fact been jeopardized by the stalling of the peace process, andWhereas, Prime Minister Netanyahu has repeatedly contradicted the expressed interests of the Israeli people in his dealings on issues vital to the continuation of the State of Israel and the entire Jewish community, andHabonim Dror, like several organizations in Israel and in the Diaspora, call for the resignation of Prime Minister Netanyahu and the initiation of general democratic elections in the State of Israel for the election of a new Prime Minister and the formation of a new coalition. (4:48pm for the first time in veida history, a cell phone rings in the middle of debate.)Discussion: There was widespread support for such a proposal. Not much debate since so many people were in favor of this. Some people were upset that people began to sing “Bye Bye Bibi” after the proposal was first introduced.Passed 76 in favor, 7 opposed, 5 abstentions


Proposal 3: Environmental Awareness ProposalBy Emily Klem, Lonny Mallach, and Neal OlitskyWhereas environmental degradation is an ever growing problem in the world,Whereas environmental awareness should play an important role in Habonim Dror, Whereas last years “ If your Bizboozin’ your loosin’” proposal was only the first step towards an environmentally conscious Habonim Dror.Whereas this is the next step:Therefore let it be proposed that Habonim Dror engage in a three part environmental program consisting of the following:1. Environmental ActionThese are Tikkun Olam activities such as hands on cleaning up of the environment, and teaching others about protecting the environment.2. Environmental EducationThis is the education of all members of Habonim Dror about the environment. Some examples would include chug nature, anaf recycling, tiyulim which include wildlife education, peulot about companies which abuse the environment and general peulot about the environment. ( feel free to add your own)3. ImplementationThese are the changes that will occur within all the machanot, wherever possible:-Formation of Va’ad ecology to oversee the three parts of this proposal and increase enthusiasm about the environment; (use the Hebrew name)-ban all Styrofoam-significantly reduce paper and plastic products from the mitbach, including shabbat-recycle everything possible. i.e. paper, plastic, cardboard, glass, etc..- water efficient showerheads and toilets ( that’s more like Israel)- give the chanichim the option of chug nature.The proceeding three points environmental action, education, and implementation are the responsibility of each machaneh to be carried out. These points should be overseen by va’ad ecology. Through this proposal we will produce an environmentally conscious movement. Habonim Dror must do its part in saving the environment and insuring a healthy future.Friendly amendment: Significantly reduce paper, including on shabbat. Va’ad ecology will be made up of madrichim, chanichim, or both at each machaneh.A lot of discussion was had on this proposal. How do we implement it on tiyulim, issues like this. Most people were in support of this.Passed by acclamation.

Proposal 4: Religious Tolerance in the MovementBy Joe Mullin, Rachel Jenkins-Stevens and Josh CohenWhereas part of the identity of Habonim Dror is our unique form of cultural Judaism ( e.g. machaneh-style shabbat, havdala, Habonim hagim etc..)Whereas we value religious pluralism, and accommodating the religious pluralism, and accommodating the religious practices of all our chaverim, new Jewish practices should not conflict with the spirit of long-standing traditions that we cherish in the Movement.Habonim Machanot must not be forces to cater to all streams of Judaism. This does not conflict with our goal of accommodating the religious practices at all our chaverim, which is a priority. Habonim-style cultural Judaism is what the movement has a responsibility to express and preserve, not other established expressions of Judaism which have other venues for expressions.No new religious practices should be enforced without the support of the majority of the implementors ( i.e. tzevet at the machaneh, ken, ma’apilim, etc.) Any religious practices ( existing or new) at machaneh or ken peulot will be subject to a majority rule vote if the tzevet so decides. At winter seminar, all participants should decide. Friendly amendment:We propose alternative organized activities be provided at HDNA machanot/seminars at the time of religious peulot. In this way, full participation in ALLseminar activities by ALL members of varying religious spectrums including the proud secularists who have become increasingly shunned in our movement is encouraged.A lot of discussion was raised concerning this issue. Some felt that we shouldn’t leave these decisions up to the machaneh, that we need to come up with a movement-based policy. Questions like what will happen with last year’s


Judaism Veida resolution were asked. Is this a step back or a step forward? What constitutes new traditions? What constitutes educational peulot involving Jewish traditions and what constitutes religious, spiritual experiences?Proposal passed with 45 in favor, 30 against, 16 abstentions.

Plenary 2: National Programs and Seminars(Yoshev Rosh: Joe Mullin)

Proposal 1: Israel Content ClauseBy Jessica Silver and Jenni MangelWhereas in the past the tochniot chinuch at our machanot have not shared a common educational focus, causing us to lose our movement’s unifying principles, andWhereas we see this as a backlash against the singular emphasis on Zionism in our earlier tochniot, andWhereas the movement has shifted focus towards the pillars of Judaism, Socialism and Social Justice, we have not maintained an effective role for Zionism in our current tochniot, andWhereas we are socially responsible Jews who identify with the Jewish State, and Whereas Israel is the center of the Jewish nation, andWhereas by challenging the problems that exist in the Jewish State we are keeping our movement progressive,Therefore, be it resolved that all machanot shall adopt the “Israel Content Clause” that requires 1/3 of all programming to be Israel oriented. Focusing on Zionism will not detract from the other pillars as they are a natural extension of our identity, not a substitute for it. This programming should reflect the diversity of our interests and our commitment to a progressive Zionist ideology. Roshim should hire merakezei chinuch with this proposal in mind. Merakezei Chinuch who have already been hired should work to incorporate the Israel Content Clause into their tochniot.Friendly Amendment: Israeli programming should not be limited to peulot shickvot, and yomai meyuchad, but include teaching Israeli, shirim, ivrit peulot, tzofiut, and avodah.Unfriendly Amendment: Israel should be a strong focus of the tochnit chinuch this summer [ did not want to deal with percentages]Failed 25 in favor, 59 against, 12 abstentions.Total proposal passes with 69 in favor, 15 opposed, and 7 abstentions.

Proposal 2: Screening of Workshop Mark Epstein and Aviva Kutnik (Workshop 47)Whereas we have been members of Workshop 47 for 4 and half months, and are experiencing significant ideological rifts within our kvutsa. In the past similar conflicts have existed between those who are and are not committed to the stands of HDNA, however ours have been amplified due to the influx of individuals who are new to Habonim and therefore completely unfamiliar with our ideology. Many of these members of our kvutsah feel that they were misled by the central office re: the goals of the Workshop program and the role of Habonim Dror within that framework.Whereas one of the central goals of Workshop is for the individual and the kvutzah to explore and develop their HDNA ideals; this process is being hindered by those who do not see themselves as members of Habonim Dror. HDNA is only hurting itself because the resulting post Workshop Ma’apilim will be less devoted, less educated, and less dedicated to the continuation and growth of the movement.Therefore, we feel that a viable solution to these problems is to establish a system of required educational prerequisites for non-members of HDNA and for those who have not been active in the movement for the past 3 years. Activity would be defined as attending any HD summer programs, or being an active Ken Madrich (to be decided by the Shaliach and the Rosh Ken). These educational requirements would be in addition to the regular application process.These prerequisites include, but are not limited to:1. Attending the pre-Workshop seminar at Winter Seminar.2. Reading Builders and Dreamers and writing a brief personal response.3. Required interview by the applicant of a previous Workshopper (not from the Central Office) and an interview of the applicant by a Ma’apil/a (again unaffiliated with the central office).4. Familiarization with HDNA aims, constitution, and stands of the movement.5. Possibly attending a pre-Workshop seminar given by the Central Office specifically for those new to the movement; these peulot could possibly be in person, via email , or over the phone.It is not imperative that all of these things can be accomplished by a single applicant. The intent is to have an understanding of Habonim before embarking on Workshop.If none of these educational prerequisites are fulfilled by June 1st before Workshop, then the individual will be denied acceptance.Unfriendly Amendment: (Lucy Brosgart) In order to be considered “involved”, potential Workshoppers must show involvement and commitment to the movement since MBI or else they are subject to the pre-requisites. Exceptions


should be made for chaverim who have shown their commitment to the movement but are unable to participate in programming because of financial reasons. Potential Workshoppers are also exempt from the pre-requisites if they are involved in the ken and/or do Madatz. Pre-requisites must be fulfilled by a potential Workshopper who is inactive for three years (e.g. goes to Bonim or MBI and shows no involvement in ken or machaneh and winter seminar. Passes with 57 in favor, 23 against, and 10 abstentions.Unfriendly Amendment (Marjorie Rhodes): Participation in Pre-Workshop Winter Seminar counts as involvement but not in pre-Madatz Winter seminar. Passes with 47 in favor, 24 opposed, 19 abstentions.Amendment (Emily Klem) to add constitution to all Workshop applications. Acclaimed.Discussion: There was a lot of debate about the proposal. Some people felt that we should have this process for anyone applying to Workshop. It was also made clear that even is this proposal does not pass, the Central Office may still use these guidelines at their discretion for Workshop applicants as they already do.Proposal passes with 79 in favor, 9 against, 5 abstentions.

Proposal 3: Ma’apilim for HireBy Nikka KalefWhereas the Hagshama B’Tnua in Habonim Dror proposal, which was passed last year, included in its goals for ma’apilim to strive for, “Being an activist and a leader in the Jewish community.”Whereas HDNA produces ma’apilim who are qualified to be leaders in their Jewish communities,I propose that a member of the central office (perhaps one of the volunteer positions), take on the responsibility of seeking out and publicizing full-time paid work opportunities for ma’apilim to apply for throughout Canada, the U.S.A. and Israel (friendly amendment). These should be in fields closely fitting with HDNAs ideology.Very little discussion. It was asked of the Central Office if they thought if this was viable and the answer was yes.Passes with 88 in favor, 1 against, 2 abstentions.

Proposal 4: Proposal for Giyus MadatzBenjamin Joffe-Walt and Ezra WeinbergWhereas Madatz is the central tool for creating leaders of the movement and its machanot.Whereas, for a variety of reasons, the Madatz program is not attractive to many pre-madatzim.Whereas many machanot have had trouble recruiting Madatz from year to year despite high participation in those respective kvutzot on the MBI program.Whereas Rosh Machaneh has the responsibility of hiring an entire tzevet.Whereas the Camp Committee has the responsibility of recruiting chanichim.Whereas Madatz are not chanichim or madrichim.Whereas Madatz is a NATIONAL tochnit.Therefore be it resolved that the central office will take on responsibility of helping out with and overseeing Madatz recruitment for the machanot that are struggling with Madatz recruitment.Therefore be it resolved that a designated member of the central office (perhaps the Merakez Machanot) will be responsible for actively recruiting Madatz. This could include:A: Helping find subsidies.B. Drafting LettersC. Making phone calls-especially to those MBI participants who were not from a specific machaneh.Most people were in favor of this proposal and there was little discussion. The Central Office was asked to answer whether they thought this was viable for them to take on or not. They answered that it was something they very much wanted to do and hope it can work but obviously don’t want to promise anything they might not be able to successfully carry through. They thought it was especially imperative to help with Madatz registration for those MBI kids who were new and do not yet have a machaneh to go to. Passes with 67 in favor, 4 against, 13 abstentions.

Proposal 5: Let’s Put the “PAL” back in PalestinianBy Rachel Jenkins-StevensPeace in Israel, PA controlled territories, and the occupied territories is not possible without each peoples coming to a deeper understanding of the other’s history and present story, and acceptance of the other’s permanence and validity within the region. It is the responsibility of HDNA to further this understanding in North America with our own members. If we are to promote peace with the tnua it is not enough to learn and teach only the Jewish and Israeli stories about the Middle East, and to ignore the voices of Palestinians. It is not enough to tell just the liberal Jewish version of the Palestinian story.


I propose that the parties involved in the organization of HDNA Israel programs (MBI and Workshop) include Palestinian sources and materials for the chinuch aspects of these programs, such as seminar leaders, speakers, texts, museums, historical sites etc. An effort should also be made to implement Palestinian sources at machaneh if at all possible.Friendly Amendment: Include Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouin into the proposal.Discussion about our camp committees when bringing this up at camp. The Central Office also explained that in relation to MBI, since we go through the Jewish Agency, we can use Palestinian people in our programming but we are constrained as to who we use since they must go through security clearance before they can be brought into our activities.Proposal passes with 84 in favor, 2 against, and 7 abstentions.

Proposal 6: Winter Seminar in MexicoBy Jannice Friedman, Josh Mendelsohn and David MozerskyWhereas we were just talking with 2 Habonim Dror Mexico chaverim and through our discussions have realized the benefit of inter regional kesher in the movement. In the last week we’ve hung out with around 100 Habonim Dror chaverim from all over the world including Ukraine, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia, France, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Brazil , South Africa, Scotland, England-- truly its been an amazing experience and has reinforced our feelings that Habonim is truly a world movement.Since Mexico and the rest of North America are so close, we (Shnutz, Moz, Jannice, along with Pepe - mazkir of Mexico and Uri - chaver in Mexico City) resolve that:next year’s winter seminar be held in conjunction with Habonim Dror Mexico. the mazkirut of each region would of course be responsible for logistics. Keep in mind that Mexico city is in fact only 4 hours by flight from New York and is thus comparable with many other distances traveled by people to attend Veida and/or winter Seminar.Acclaimed based on the stipulation that this would be brought to the Mazkirut Artzit to explore ways of implementing this in the future, based on its feasibility.

Plenary 3: Machanot(Yoshevet Rosh: Rachel Jenkins-Stevens)

Proposal 1: Solving the movement malaise.By Robin Merkel and Avital PeresWhereas some machanot are greatly expanding and this expansion is not often beneficial in a non-financial way, andWhereas ma’apilim are not returning to machanot, andWhereas we seem to be moving towards the mainstream, andWhereas we sense a general despondency among the movement members, andWhereas these issues are manifold and stem from a number of smaller problems specific to each machaneh.We propose to set aside an hour at next year’s Winter Seminar to discuss these issues related to the future of our movement in regards to membership, size, role of the machanot, and tochnit, including but not limited to quality of chanichim and madrichim, power structures of the machanot, and quality of publicity for the machanot.We propose to discuss these issues in machanot for twenty minutes followed by a summary of each machaneh of the major problems, at which point the floor would open for debate, questions, discussions and possible solutions.As well, we propose the establishment of a think tank to follow up this discussion to be formed, started and run after this veida in order to fully grasp the issues we face as a movement and come up with an effective solution.Passed by Acclamation.

Proposal 2: Amelim TochnitBy Jared Matas and Jordan RossWhereas the general chinuch tochnit is not always applicable to first year chanichim of the youngest age group.Whereas Amelim are away from home overnight for the first time, which can be very difficult.Whereas a tochnit specifically designed for Amelim could better introduce them to machaneh and its central ideas,Whereas the first year is crucial to the future of chanichim in our machanot.We propose that machanot develop unique chinuch tochniot for their Amelim. Implementation might include the hiring of a Rosh Amelim prior to the summer to plan their tochnit. At other machanot, several Amelim madrichim could be hired prior to the summer to prepare together. Amelim tochniot could include variations on the seder yom, or merely different peulot. This change could improve the experience of Amelim madrichim and the Amelim themselves.The “Tochnit Amelim” should address the following:-the ideals of the movement-the idea that camp is an HDNA “machaneh”-cooperative community


The “Tochnit Amelim” is founded on the notion that the Amelim are 1. away from home for an extended period of time probably for the first time in their lives 2. being introduced to Habonim Dror,The chinuch of the Amelim should take these principles into consideration. The tochnit Amelim should be implemented according to what is most relevant to each machaneh’s unique situation. Friendly Amendment: The Roshei Amelim from each machaneh will attend Moetzet Machanot when finances allow.A lot of discussion over whether this was feasible, whether we need to spend as much attention to the Amelim tochnit as to the Madatz tochnit.Passed by a vote of 40 in favor, 23 against, and 20 abstentions.

Proposal 3: Application Hiring Process for MachanotBy Nomi Glick and Alexis KortIn the past the hiring process at various machanot has been ad hoc in that there is no standard application system. Currently people are hand picked by Roshei Machanot, particularly but not exclusively for Mazkirut positions. There is no opportunity for alternative applicants to assert their interests in the different tafkidim available in the movement. The undemocratic nature of this process is inconsistent with the character of HDNA. We propose that there be a standard application process for all potential madrichim as well as the Mazkirut, applicable to every Machaneh. Intermachanot deadlines would be set for the Rosh, the Mazkirut members, followed by other tzevet members. In this way all members of the movement would exercise an equal opportunity to apply for all positions and prove themselves through an institutionalized application procedure.Passed by acclamation.

Proposal 4: Heterosexism/Sex EducationBy Benjamin Joffe-Walt and Jordan RossWhereas many movement members feel that the movement is heterosexist,Whereas STD awareness and education can always be improved,Whereas there is very little if any STD education in the movement’s machanot and kenim, Whereas many movement members have their first sexual experiences in Habonim Dror, (through machaneh, kenim, seminars, etc.)Therefore, be it resolved that the movement will strive to counter its heterosexist culture.Therefore, be it resolved that the movement’s machanot and kenim will try to promote more education and awareness for the older shchavot to issues of sexual orientation as well as STDs.Discussion: There were a lot of questions as to why STDs and Heterosexism were mixed together in the same proposal. Some people didn’t understand what the connection was.Proposal passes with 67 in favor, 4 against and 12 abstentions.

Proposal 5: PluralismBy Jacob Gordon-SchlossbergWhereas we are currently in the midst of a struggle for pluralism in the movement, and the general level of education of chanichim concerning the real details of the differing denominations (or “flavors” as they will henceforth be referred to) of Judaism,Therefore I propose to increase the awareness of our members on the issue of Jewish pluralism in the following ways:-a peula, creative and informative, to be researched by the author of this proposal but written up by madrichim at the machanot, that will teach what the real differences are among the various followers-making a kesher to religious youth groups from machaneh as well as in the ken in the form of visits to other camps, shared peulot, and combined activities with youth movements of another flavor.-delving deep into the possibility (I leave this to the Central Office, of course) of a week or few days of Workshop being devoted to one of the many available programs that exist solely to teach teens what traditional Judaism is really about, as a valuable experience as well as useful tools to teach what they would learn in that week back at machaneh.The motion passes with 37 for, 20 against, and 23 abstentions.

Proposal 6: Merakez Chinuch DefinedBy Ezra Weinberg, Ilana Stanger, and Jordan RossWhereas the primary tafkidim of the Merakez Chinuch currently emphasize research and peulot, andWhereas the Merakez chinuch exerts a dominant influence on chinuch in machaneh, and Whereas the ideas and ideologies of HDNA are fundamental to our unique character, andWhereas peulot are often not the most effective educational tools in machanehWe propose that the tafkid of the Merakez Chinuch in particular, and the notion of chinuch in general, be modified to emphasize that all parts of the seder hayom are opportunities to educate.


Specific examples:1. Gender equality and non-competition in sports2. Goal-based shira tochnit3. Emphasis of cultural Judaism and Zionism (e.g. Ivrit tochnit, Rikud and Musicale)4. Creating a non-violent and deliberately communitarian environment.All this to ensure and affirm that chinuch is the lifeblood of Habonim Dror machanot.Passed by acclamation.

Proposal 7: Proposal for Machaneh Na’alehBy the Mazkirut ArtzitHabonim Dror Camp Galil is an expanding machaneh. The past few years have seen a significant rise in the number of kids going to Galil to where it is at capacity and can no longer accept kids. This has led to an undesirable situation at Galil and a lot of the programming has been unsuccessful due to the large number. A number of these kids also happen to be from the New York region, in excess of 50. A New York ken has been established from these kids and their families. It has been running now in excess of 3 years and is in the process of building a community out of its participants. There is also a huge potential for future growth. A vibrant camp committee of dedicated volunteers who are both parents of HD kids and Na’aleh alumni have been working very hard on opening Na’aleh for close to 2 years. They have the potential to be a huge support to Habonim Dror in the New York area due to their young age and energy.Habonim Dror North America gives its support for the creation of our seventh machaneh, Na’aleh, in the New York region. The movement will play an active role in the creation and building of this new machaneh, including participation in the Camp Committee.

Debate: People voiced the feeling that this approval should have been solicited before the definitive decision to open the machaneh was made. Had it been proposed then it would have been opposed due to a feeling of a leadership crisis in the movement, but now we don’t really have a choice. Responses to that argument detailed that this new machaneh could attract leadership who would have otherwise not worked in HDNA this summer. General feeling that more machanot are good but we need to be careful about our growth rate.Proposal passed with 74 in favor, 3 against, 14 abstentions

Proposal 8: Chinuch: SmokingBy Benjamin Joffe-WaltWhereas a large percentage of MBInikim, Madatzim and Ma’apilim smoke, andWhereas smoking has been a consistent problem in the movement, andWhereas there is a culture of smoking in the movement, especially among the older shchavot, andWhereas such a culture is a negative aspect of the movement, and has oftentimes been a divisive factor in certain kvutsot, andWhereas smoking have been especially problematic on the movement’s Israel programs, andWhereas there has been a significant lack of education in the movement about the dangers of smoking, Therefore be it resolved that the movement recognize:A. The lack of education in all shchavot about the dangers of smokingB. The presence and extent of peer pressure in our society for youth to smokeC. That smoking has become a part of the movement’s culture in the older shchavotBe it further resolved that the movement’s machanot and kenim try to promote (and plan) educational programming:A. To counteract the culture of smoking in the movementB. To teach about the dangers of smokingC. To counteract the peer pressure on youth in our society to smokeDebate: Many members felt that we shouldn’t be discussing this at all--that it wasn’t part of our movement to be a moralizer. Others felt that this was not an anti-smoking policy but rather an issue of education. Unfriendly amendment (Perri Gottlieb) to include drug use with drinking and smoking.Passed with 39 in favor, 32 opposed, 21 abstentionsUnfriendly amendment (Ezra Weinberg) to limit the proposal to smoking.passed with 41 in favor, 26 opposed, 23 abstentions.Unfriendly amendment (Avital Peres) to change “education” to “conversation” and “teach” to “talk”--failed to pass with 27 in favor, 32 opposed, 26 abstentions.

Friendly amendment : Any madrich/a, for whatever reason, can opt not to discuss smoking with their chanichim if they feel uncomfortable doing so.


Friendly amendment: This education must begin the year before MBI or earlier.

Total proposal passes with 65 in favor, 16 opposed, 9 abstentions

Proposal 9: Madrichim MasBy the Mazkirut Artzit

Whereas paying dues is a common way of expressing commitment to a movement and its beliefs,Whereas every chanich/a at machanot in the movement is required to pay mas through the payment of tuition and so should the senior members of movement, andWhereas the national movement is in serious financial difficulty and needs extra income,Be it resolved that we request Habonim Dror Camping Association to legislate that every HDNA machaneh take out of each madrich/a’s salary a Mas Ma’apilim for those madrichim who are post-Workshop or Workshop age and not going on Workshop to be given to the national movement. This includes those madrichim who did not grow up in the movement but are now working on behalf of the movement at machaneh. The amount for Mas Ma’apilim should be set at Veida and, if it is a year without a Veida, then at Winter Seminar by the Ma’apilim.The following year’s Mas Ma’apilim should be set at $36.00 U.S. or its equivalent in Canadian dollars.

Debate: Some felt that a mandatory, uniform amount was not socialist; other felt that the support of the movement should supersede any other concerns. Several questions on the budget and the applicability of this proposal to this budget.Passed with 67 in favor, 4 opposed, 12 abstentions

Plenary IV: Hagshama B’YisraelYoshev Rosh: Robin Merkel

Proposal I: Hagshama FrameworksBy Esther Lederman and Jared Matas

We, as Habonim Dror North America, strive to create alternative frameworks for ma’apilim in order to have productive and rewarding post-Workshop Israel experiences as part of the Aliyah process (Aliyah B’Shlavim) or simply because of a strong desire to be in Israel. These may include seeking out jobs and internships for HDNA chaverim and alumni, creating a support network for HDNA chaverim living in Israel whether or not they have made Aliyah, and creating a program for ma’apilim to commit to live and work for 1 or 2 years in Israel.We seek the support of the movement for the Mazkirut Artzit to be able to begin the process of creating these frameworks.

Debate: Concern that this proposal doesn’t address Aliyah enough. “Super!” Some questions as to what exactly these alternative frameworks would be. It was explained that things like jobs, internships, creating a Habonim Dror network/support in Israel with a Merkaz.Passed with 73 in favor, 0 opposed, 15 abstentions

Plenary V : Constitution(Yoshevet Rosh: Ilana Stanger)

Constitutional change to Article II: Membership in Esther Lederman3. A member in good-standing of Shichvat Ma’apilim must pay the prevailing Mas, assume positions and tasks of responsibility and leadership in a ken, eizor, or machaneh of Habonim Dror, or be an active participant in a Kvutzat Ma’apilim, or in some other form of Zionist work, such as PZC. To be a ma’apil/a in good standing requires striving for the following goals: 1) Becoming knowledgeable in the Hebrew language, Jewish History, a pluralist Jewish Culture, Jewish Traditions and Jewish Sources. 2) Being an activist and a leader in the Jewish Community. 3) Being an activist and leader in the struggle for Social Justice in the world. 4) Creating a personal relationship with the Jewish Homeland by returning to Israel on a long term basis within 6 years of Workshop or high school graduation. (added) Ma’apilim and Ma’apilot recognize, accept, and adhere to the principles of Habonim Dror.


Discussion: The question was asked why we are making this change. It was explained that at last year’s Veida, a resolution was passed about the hagshama of ma’apilim in the movement and that the corresponding text in the constitution was not brought up to par. This is what this change will do.Passed with 79 in favor, 1 opposed and 3 abstentions.

Plenary VI: Kenim(Yoshev Rosh: Jessica Silver)

Proposal 1: Get Off Your Lazy AssBy Zach LelandWhereas Habonim was founded as a political movement, and Whereas in this age of decreased political activism, we have lost sight of this goal, andWhereas many diverse problems continue to plague our communities and schools, and Whereas we should never lose sight of just how much power we haveTherefore be it resolved that Habonim Dror North America make a consistent and dedicated effort to increase political activism in its members. The method of implementation of this proposal as I see it includes (but is not limited to):

1) Mazkirut must stay in touch with both local and national political/social organizations in New York, from time to time report back to Roshei Kenim and/or other movement members vis-a-vis mail and web postings (this will cut down on postage), and only use mail if it is completely necessary.

2) Roshei Ken must also make an effort to keep in contact with political/social organization in their communities, wherever possible, and from time to time report back to the central office and/or roshei kenim.

3) Teach chanichim through peulot of the value of speaking out against things in which you don’t believe.4) Creation of a national va’ad to deal w/ political activist issues and keep central office/roshei kenim/ma’apilim

informed of current issues and events.5) PZC6) Actual activity in the organizations mentioned above.

This will only work if we actually do it. The power is yours! Proposal passes by acclamation.National Va’ad: Rachel Jenkins-Stevens, Shayna Gerber, Gidal Kaiser, Josh Cohen, Alyssa Rotstein, Josh Landau, Emily Klem.

Proposal 2: Choosing Roshei KenAri Levy and Jenni TontiWhereas in the immediate past roshei kenim have been chosen, sometimes at random, by the shlichim, and Whereas the shlichim may not know the prospective rosh ken as well as the madrichim of the ken in terms of leadership ability, responsibility, and ability to work with chanichim, and Whereas the ken is an integral part of the movement and keeps chanichim involved in HDNA year round, and Whereas Democracy is still one of the aims of the movement and should be implemented where applicableTherefore we propose that the roshei kenim should be elected by madrichim from their ken at spring overnight or seminar (or around that time) of their respective machanot. The shaliach may oversee and be a part of the process, but cannot vote. It can happen earlier if possible. If the potential Rosh Ken is on Workshop, then the vote can wait till after they come back. The goal of this proposal is not only to choose the most qualified rosh ken, but to put more power in the hands of the tzevet of the ken and strengthen the ken as a whole.

A lot of discussion was had about what would happen if the potential Rosh Ken was on Workshop and how would that happen if they needed to be picked early. The process would have to be extended a little bit. Most people were in favor of this proposal.Passed by acclamation.

Proposal 3: ActualizationBy Kellen Kaiser, Michal Landau, and Lucy BrosgartWe believe that the strength of Habonim Dror, and youth movements in general lie in its members idealism, energy, and vision towards a better world. Specifically, our preamble and our aims call for active concern and personal involvement to alleviate the ills of society. We call for a reexamination of our activity in North America and Israel. Upon scrutanization, we reach the conclusion that WE ARE NOT ACTUALIZING OUR AIMS! We are not fully translating Hagshama into all we teach, but leaving our ideology dormant, specifically, the kenim are not acting on the ideology discussed at machaneh. As a movement, we are not moving to alleviate the ills of society, or remaining loyal to our


revolutionary roots of empowering youth. To empower youth means the chanichim not only the ma’apilim. In general the methods used to convey our ideology to society have become ineffective, apathetic and trite. We propose a refocusing by the movement leaders and all those of leadership age in order to deal with these deep rooted problems. The focus of the movement should be on the kenim, or PZC where we have the ability to shape society and apply our pillars to daily life instead of just simulating them at machaneh. Our eyes should be turned to the accomplishments of our kenim.

We must as a movement demand mode of all members, especially those of leadership age. Members in good standing should be involved in, or lead a ken, if there is one in the area. This would serve not to illuminate members but to make participation, and leadership a priority.Both the content and the method of carrying out peulot must be ACTIVE. To teach our pillars, we need to fit them into our lives and society, and not stop at the intellectual understanding of them, or chinuch, which we consider the first step. The pillars are a way of life, not only vague ideas. Peulot in the ken and machaneh should have the overriding goal of alleviating the ills of society as stated in our aims. We must provide chanichim with the tools and understanding that they have the capability of affecting their environment to this end. THIS SHOULD APPLY NO MATTER WHAT AGE! It is never to young to move in a youth movement.

Discussion focused on what is more important in the movemenet: the ken or the machaneh. A lot of debate was carried out on this subject. It was felt that machaneh is important but that is not what makes us a movement. Passed 40 in favor, 26 against, 14 abstentions


Veida Procedure1. The Yoshvei Rosh are the chairs of the Veida. They oversee the process of introduction and voting on proposals. All questions from the floor must be directed at them. Only they may recognize chaverim from the floor. It is their role to make sure that the person who has the floor is not interrupted by anyone else.2. They can only be interrupted in the following cases: 1) when there is a point of order when a chaver/a wants to clarify something about procedure and 2) when a proposal is brought forward and another chaver/a objects to having the Veida consider it. This can only happen when there has been no debate on a proposal. This motion cannot be debated. It is immediately put to a vote by the Yoshev/et Rosh: “Will the Veida consider this proposal?” If 2/3 vote no, then the proposal is no longer discussed.3. Any chaver/a can submit a resolution which must be seconded. At least one of the proposers must be present to introduce the resolution. In the case of proposals written by Workshoppers and studentim in Israel, these proposals shall be presented on their behalf by the Mazkirut Artzit.4. Once a proposal is presented, it must be seconded by a member of the Veida. That member’s name should be noted.5. Substantive resolutions must be presented in writing to the Mazkirut Artzit before the opening ceremonies of the Veida.6. Additional substantive resolutions will not be encouraged during the Veida, but may be accepted by the Mazkirut Artzit before the beginning of the appropriate session.7. BEFORE the Rosh states that it is open to debate, the presenters are allowed a chance to modify their proposal or to withdraw it. After that, it CANNOT BE withdrawn.8. After a proposal has been presented, the Yoshev/et Rosh should ask if there are questions of clarification for the proposers. Questions of clarification are questions about the nature of the proposal and not an opinion.9. A tor will be created for discussion and will be stuck to. The Yoshev/et Rosh will call each person in turn.10. If a chaver/a wishes to speak, one should stand up and ask the question to the Yoshev/et Rosh.11. A point of order is a point regarding proper Veida procedure. This takes precedence over anything else.12. A motion to acclaim is a motion to unanimously accept the proposal and precedes any other motion in relation to the proposal. It must be seconded. This motion is not debatable. If anyone is against acclamation, it can not be passed and the discussion on the proposal continues.13. A motion to caucus is a motion to have a chance to discuss the proposal within smaller groups, after which the heads of the caucuses will report back what was the nature of the discussion and if there were any proposed amendments. This motion is not debatable. This takes precedence over a motion to vote and a motion to debate. The Yoshev/et can place a time limit on caucusing.14. A motion to amend is a motion to change something in the proposal. If it is accepted by the proposers, it becomes a friendly amendment and is added to the text of the proposal. If it is not accepted, it must be voted on IMMEDIATELY by the Veida and if passes, becomes an unfriendly amendment to the proposal. An amendment must be seconded. A motion to amend can be called at any time except for if the proposal is about to be voted on. Debate on an amendment is allowed. If an unfriendly amendment is passed and the original presenters no longer want to present the proposal, the proposal goes under the individual(s) who presented the unfriendly amendment.15. A point of misinformation is made when a member believes that what the previous speaker has said is in factual error. This takes precedence over further discussion.17. A motion to debate is a motion to open up the floor to debate on a proposal. It is not debatable and it takes precedence over a motion to vote.18. A motion to close debate is a motion on whether or not the Veida should take a vote NOW on the proposal presented and this precedes any other motion in relation to the proposal except for a motion to acclaim and a motion to amend. This also must be seconded. If a 2/3 majority are in favor of voting on the proposal at the time, then a vote must be taken in favor or against the proposal. If the motion to take a vote is a minority, then the Veida returns to debate.19. A motion to vote is a motion to vote on the proposal on the floor. This must be seconded. If it is challenged by a motion to debate or a motion to caucus, those take precedence. The Yoshev/et Rosh should ask for a speaker for and against and give them a time limit to say their piece. If someone objects to voting at that time, the debate must continue. But, as stated above, a 2/3 majority yes to close debate means a vote can be taken.


20. In order for a vote to be counted, one must be sitting at a caucus table.21. When votes are taken, it must be asked in the following order: “for”, “against”, “abstentions”. Voting is according to one person, one vote. In order for a motion to pass, it must receive anything over 50% of the yes-no votes. Abstentions count as nothing. 22. The votes will be taken within caucus groups and then the caucus heads will report back their results.


23. All proposals and amendments, both accepted and not accepted, will be recorded by a member of the Mazkirut Artzit as well as discussion points. All accepted proposals and amendments must be handed to that member of the Mazkirut Artzit in full clear writing.24. The Mazkirut Artzit will be the guide for the Yoshvei Rosh in issues of Veida procedure



Proposal 1: Democracy-The Sixth Pillar of Habonim DrorBy Erin Weinstein

Whereas tochniot are based upon if not centered around the five pillars of Habonim Dror North America,Whereas HDNAs chosen economic system is included while its political system is not,Whereas HDNA clearly selects democracy as the political means for creating a new social order throughout the world,

Be it resolved that HDNA teach the value of democracy in the machanot and in the kenim in order to influence madrichim to better educate themselves and their chanichim about the political system that governs the world in which they live. By intellectually delving into the political sphere at a deeper level, HDNA members will gain a more complete understanding of the complex issues that face Labor Zionism today to aid them in drawing more educated conclusions.Amendment: Change the pillar of Socialism to Democratic Socialism. Accepted. Amendment to bring the proposal back to its original format. Accepted.Suggested amendment: To make it not a pillar but to encourage teaching about democracy at machaneh. Not accepted.Amendment: That this proposal be brought up at moetzet machanot. Accepted.

Amendment: To implement a direct forum for chanichim at machaneh for direct democratic feedback on peulot by their madrichim. Accepted. Total proposal was not passed: 21 in favor, 57 across, 13 abstentions.

Proposal 2: Advertisement for MachonBy Benjamin Joffe-Walt and Ari Gilbert

Whereas the following are central goals of the Workshop program:A. To develop an understanding of Israeli historyB. To explore the geography of Israel and raise awareness of the historical link of the Jews to this part of the world.C. To acquire knowledge and experience in order to become more effective madrichim.

Whereas many Habonim Dror members would prefer a more formal and academic approach to these goals to the current structure of the Workshop,Whereas Workshop is a well structured and sound program, Machon is also a viable and approved program for pre-Workshoppers.Whereas many Workshoppers, if given the option, would learn and enjoy a Machon style program more that Workshop.Whereas many pre-Workshoppers have been turned off from the program because of its lack of course-style learning.Whereas many of those turned off are the most committed members of the movementWhereas Machon can offer a conglomeration of other movements for its participants to see and learn from.

Therefore be it resolved that the movement will actively advertise Machon as a viable and approved option for pre-Workshoppers.Proposal does not pass with 27 in favor, 46 against and 20 abstentions.

Proposal 3: MBI Advertising Va’ad By Josh Walters and Jesse Shapiro

Whereas MBI is a means by which the movement raises revenue andWhereas MBI participation by people not originally in Habonim expands the ranks andWhereas Habonim Dror is always in the need of leaders, especially in certain areas andWhereas those individuals coming out of MBI are entering the age of leadership in the movement andWhereas limited advertising to synagogues could easily bring a number (hopefully 20 to 30) of non-Habonim people to MBI,Be it resolved that a va’ad be formed to oversee the advertisement of MBI to make these better known to rabbis and other Jewish community leaders, as well as individuals.

-what denominations?-synagogues have Israel fairs & HDNA is presented


-it’s a goal of MBI to bring in non-movement-it shouldn’t be a goal to bring in these people who have no commitment to the tnua-more effective to get new membership at new age-Israel trip is an attractive manner to get new participantsReports-synagogue look for other types of programs-have enough MBIers-Mazkira says may not be feasible because we have a central clearing house and requests go out from office already plus shlichim get all sorts of requests and have the appropriate material-synagogues have their own programs-general dislike within the whole lovely crowdProposal does not pass with 1 in favor, 93 against, and 6 abstentions

Proposal 4: Ilana Stanger and Nava Etshalom

Because every proposal begins with “whereas,” we are breaking that absurd tradition and beginning our proposal with...Because veida is the decision-making body of Habonim Dror andBecause veida is a serious personal expense, and, for many members, an insurmountable one, andBecause of the cost many members cannot participate in veida, and so shape the future of the movement to which they belong and..Because this, in effect, creates a situation in which the movement is charging members for the right to vote and..Because we are a socialist movementBe it resolved that:- Every proposal debated at a veida will be posted on HDNA-NET ( with the recorded debate) and movement members who were unable to attend veida may vote on the proposal by e-mail- These e-mail votes will be tallied by a member of the mazkirut Artzit two weeks after the conclusion of veida.- The votes on email will be added to the votes at Veida. A decision can only be reversed however if the amount of those voting on e-mail are 2/3 of those who originally voted at veida- The responsibility for posting each proposal will lie with the mazkirut Artzit.Caucus reports and debate were concerned with the lateness and possible invalidity of veida decisions, possible slavery to inanimate technology and impersonal contacts.

Friendly amendment by Jordan that this be accepted in principle, working out in more detail for next year and presented again next Veida.

Motion fails to pass with 28 in favor, 44 against, 11 abstains.

Proposal 5: Proposal Promoting Psychological Stability on WorkshopBy Ariel Tesher

Whereas Workshop is the program in which Habonim Dror North America intends to create a kvutzah that will lead the movement in the near and distant futureWhereas a strong kvutzah on Workshop is essential to the creation of said group leadership in the kvutzahWhereas any all reasonable efforts to strengthen the potential Workshop kvutzah should be pursuedWhereas individuals with personal psychological problems or instabilities that prevent them from being productive in a group dynamic weaken group of which they are a partWhereas inclusion of said individuals on the Workshop program will weaken the potential Workshop kvutzahWhereas the inclusion of said individuals on the Workshop program has the potential to worsen the problems of said individualsWhereas the resulting kvutzah will thus contain less capable leaders in the movement in the near and distant futureWhereas the inclusion of said individuals on Workshop may be reduced with the inclusion of psychological reviews used to be part of the Workshop application process and were recently removedWhereas the removal of said reviews is a step away from a more selective movement program application process and the reinstatement of said reviews is a step towards selectivityWhereas the removal in mid-program of said individuals once they are found to be disruptive to the program is detrimental to the cohesiveness and strength of the kvutzah..


Therefore let it be resolved that all applicants to the Workshop program undergo a psychological review. The method of this review is to be determined by the national mazkirut of the movement. The national mazkirut will make a serious effort to make this review effective, and not simply a technicality. The review is to consider the ability of the applicant to function productively in the Workshop environment and the possible negative affect the applicant’s psychological status may have on the kvutzah. If it is determined that either one of these criteria is not met, or any other problem is discovered that would adversely affect the Workshop, the applicant will immediately be refused admittance to the Workshop program. In addition, other possible complications with the applicant that are not severe enough to limit Workshop participation can be reported to Workshop madrichim so that said applicant does not become detrimental to the kvutzah nor inflict self-harm.Proposal fails with 7 in favor, 69 against, 9 abstentions.

Proposal 6: Veida Every YearBy Joanna Altman and Abby Levine (From Workshop 47)

Whereas certain kvutzot consistently miss Veida due to the conflict between the Habonim Dror tochnit and the frequency of Veida,

Whereas it is necessary for ma’apilim to have more than one or two opportunities to participate in veidot before they are expected to lead them,

Whereas Workshop 47 kicks ass and wants to come to Veida next year,

We propose that Veida occur every year

Discussion: Time consuming, takes a lot out of one, veida one of most exciting things in the movement, debate this year better than last because it’s still fresh in people’s minds, how feasible for ma’apilim every year monetarily-wise, will it dilute the attendance to veida, some people had to withdraw proposals--easier to push off or improve for NEXT veida, would maybe miss out on chinuch seminars with each other, too rapid change in movement - no time for ideas to germane, Workshop 49 won’t be able to participate in Veida till four years from now

Debate: We are at a critical point right now in the movement : so many crossroads and things that need decisions all the time -- best and most democratic way of making decisions, people might get sick of veida which could negatively affect Winter Seminar attendance, Winter Seminar is a DIFFERENT way of implementing decisions and a GOOD way, if we have Veida every year it will take away from our ability to actually implement decisions we’ve made previouslyFailed with 24 in favor, 38 opposed, 20 abstentions


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