jenel looney portfolio

Post on 29-Jan-2018






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Freelance Writer and Virtual Assistant

Graphic design Ad copy Website content, maintenance, design Newsletters Manuscript critiques

Each of the following documents started with a blank piece of paper. I came up with the concepts, created the graphics, and wrote the content.

New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery is a regular client and asked if I could create bookplates for her to autograph and put into her books. She liked the end result so much that she referred me to other writers, including Maureen Child.

This is a brand new massage studio in Round Rock. While developing the flier, I wanted to come up with a slogan. I started out trying to come up with a play on the word “ah,” and that segued to playing with the word “sigh.”

Note also a subtle touch… the curve on the flier mimics the curves of a woman’s body when she’s lying on her stomach, ready to receive a massage. I don’t know if anyone else will catch this, but it makes me smile.

This ad appeared along a two-page article that I wrote for the Austin Business Journal’s Book of Lists (with long segments pulled directly from a wonderful letter written by Mel Pendland, President of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce). I came up with the concept of the word cloud as a way to highlight our town’s positives both in terms of quality of life and of the quality of our business climate.

Susan Mallery has a series of books coming out starting in 2010. She asked if I could design a map for the fictional town in which the series is set. I also created each ad. Close-ups of a few follow on the next page.

The following designs were created by another designer, based on copy that I wrote.

I was hired by the fabulous Sandy Hancock of Marketing Uncorked to write copy for a series of ads for Fitness Training Studios in Round Rock, for placement in a local fitness magazine. Sandy wanted something provocative to draw attention. The eye-catching ads were designed by Rachel Titsworth of Titsworth Effective Creative. I love working with other creative professionals.

I love working with professional website designers, creating content that will help enhance the search engine optimization on the back-end to drive more

traffic to the website.

Designed by Melissa Shea and her team at Iron Daisy Designs. In the first month, website traffic increased by 1500%.

Designed by Chris Damon and his team at GX Creative.

I am not a website designer. I can, however, build a very simple website at a low cost for clients who can’t yet afford to hire a designer. Examples follow.

I based the colors of this site around the fantastic logo designed by graphic illustrator Nick Ramos of Graphismo.

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