final grammar book

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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GRAMMATICAL CONCEPTS BOOKElisa JonesPeriodo 3Honors Spanish 3

Table of Contents

Preterite Preterite Trigger

Words Car-Gar-Zar Spock Verbs Cucaracha Verbs Snake/Snakey Verbs Imperfect Imperfect Trigger

Words Imperfect Irregular Preterite vs. Imperfect Ser vs. Estar

Verbs Like Gustar Comparatives/

Superlatives Connecting Words Future Future Trigger Future Irregular Por Para Demonstrative

adjectives Demonstrative



actions that are completed to express the beginning or end of a past

action to narrate a series of past actions/events


yo -é -í

tú -aste -iste

él/ella/ud. -ó -ió

nosotros -amos -imos

ellos/ellas/uds. -aron -ieron

Preterite Trigger Words

el dia anterior ayer la semana pasada en fin de semana

pasada el mes pasado el otro dia anoche

the day before yesterday last week last weekend last month the other day last night

En Español En Inglés

Car-Gar-ZarVerbs ending in..

-car change the c to: -qu

-gar change the g to: -gu

-zar change the z to: -c


yo jugué (I played)yo busqué (I looked)yo almorcé (I ate lunch)

Spock Verbs

ver (to see)/ dar (to give): use the same endings in the preterite

ser (to be)/ ir (to go): have same conjugation in the preterite

hacer (to do)

fui fuiste fue fuimos fueron

vi viste vio vimos vieron

di diste dio dimos dieron

hice hiciste hizo hicimos hieron

Cucaracha Verbs

Verb 1st Person

Andar Anduve



Decir* Dije

Estar Estuve

Verb 1st Person

Hacer Hice

Poner Puse

Poder Pude

Querer Quise

Verb 1st Person

Saber Supe

Tener Tuve

Traer* Traje

Venir Vine

-e -iste -o -imos -e -iste -o -imos -ieron-ieron

all share same endings!

Snake/Snakey Verbs

only changes in 3rd person

e>i: venir, servir, preferir, pedir.

o>u: dormir, morir.

only changes in 3rd person

i>y: oir e>y: leer, creer

snake snakey


actions that are not completed to express habitual past actions to describe physical/emotional states or



(yo) aba (yo) ía

(tú) abas (tú) ías

(él/ella/ud.) aba (él/ella/ud.) ía

(nosotros) abamos (nosotros) íamos

(ellos/ellas/uds.) aban (ellos/ellas/uds.) ían

Imperfect Trigger Words

todos los dias siempre nunca a veces a menudo casi siempre todo el tiempo

every day always never sometimes often almost always all the time

En español En Inglés

Imperfect Irregular Verbs

IR (to go) SER (to be) VER (to see)

yo iba era veía

tú ibas eras veías

él/ella/ud. iba era veía

nosotros íbamos éramos veíamos

ellos/ellas/uds. iban eran veían

Preterite vs. Imperfect

Preterite: perfect action in the past

Imperfect: unperfected action in the past

Ser vs. Estar

description origin characteristics time occupation relationships possession event date

health emotion

s location

s present


i n g

ser (to be) estar (to be)

•present participles

-ar: -ando

-er/ir: -iendo or -yendo

Verbs Like Gustar











example of gustar: “Me gusta mi perro.” the subject pronoun is placed in front of

the verb, which is subjugated according to the direct object (singular or plural). example: “Te amo” literally translated

means “you I love.”

me te le nos les


Connecting Words

aunque también mientras pero por lo tanto a pesar de sin embargo/no


even though also while but therefore in spite of nevertheless

en español en inglés

Future Tense

I, you, he/she, we, they WILL. same endings for -ar, -er, & -ir

yo + infinitive + é tú + infinitive + ás él/ella/ud. + infinitive + á nosotros + infinitive + emos ellos/ellas/uds. + infinitive + án


yo comeré

tú comerás

él comerá





Future Trigger Words

Future Irregular Tense

decir dir hacer har poder podr poner

pondr querer

querr saber sabr salir saldr tener tendr valer valdr venir vendr

all still keep the same future tense endings!

all still keep the same future tense endings!


passing through general rather than

specific how long something

lasts cause of something an exchange doing something in

place of someone else means of


portal portugal porever porpuse import/export por someone else transportation


for whom something is done

destination purpose for which

something is done to express opinion contrast/compare to express deadline

paraty paraguay parasites paradon me… compara paramedic!

Demonstrative Adjectives

always are in the front of the verb always agree in gender & number

Demonstrative Pronouns

Singular masculine éste (this) ése (that) aquél (that)

Plural masculine éstos (these) ésos (those) aquéllos (those)

Singular feminine ésta (this) ésa (that) aquélla (that)

Plural feminine éstas (these) ésas (those) aquéllas (those)

Singular neuter esto (this) eso (that) aquello (that)

same as demonstrative adjectives, except these stand in for the noun instead of modifying it.

same as demonstrative adjectives, except these stand in for the noun instead of modifying it.

Elisa Jones 3rd Period

Grammar Book: 2nd Semester

Conditional y Irregulares

What would happen under certain conditions.

Present Perfect Tense

using the word ‘have’ or ‘has’ with a past participle.

Present Perfect Irregulars

Past Perfect Tense

Using the word ‘had’ with a past participle.

Subjunctive Perfect Tense

The subjunctive is a mood. Tense refers when an action takes place (past, present, future), while mood merely reflects how the speaker feels about the action.

Tanto y Tan

Nouns & Adverbs Tanto (a/as/os) +

(noun/adv) + como

Sancho tiene tanto comida como Raquel.

Adjectives & Adverbs

Tan + (Adj/adv) + como

Ava es tan alta como Juan.

Tanto Tan

Impersonal ‘se’

To form the impersonal se, verbs are always 3rd person singular and are commonly followed by a direct object. Impersonal ‘se’ is used when the verb is not referring to anyone in particular/everyone.

Se habla español aquí.

Saber vs. Conocer

To express knowledge or ignorance of a fact or information about something

Juan sabe donde está María.

To say that one is or is not acquainted with a person, a place, or an object

Alberto y Alfredo conocen Madrid.

Saber Conocer

Informal Commands

Formal Commands

Nosotros Commands + -mono verbs


Used for attitudes, uncertainity, hypothetical, emotion, doubt, disbelief, denial, indefiniteness and non-existence.

Put in ‘yo’ form, then subjunctive ending DudoDudo queque usted usted vayavaya al Hawaii en mayo. al Hawaii en mayo. (use of


Subjunctive Irregular

-car, -gar, -zar (only in TVDISHES

Subjunctive Trigger Phrases

to doub


Dudar Dudar que…que…

to prefer Preferir Preferir que…que…

unless   A menos A menos que…que…

It’s important

Es importante Es importante que…que…

to need

Necesitar Necesitar que…que…

to desire Desear Desear que…que…

so that Para que…Para que… It’s difficult Es difícil que…Es difícil que…

to hope

Esperar Esperar que…que…

to insist on Insistir en Insistir en que…que…

I or we hope

Ojalá Ojalá (que)…(que)…

It’s necessary

Es necesario Es necesario que…que…

to ask

Pedir Pedir que…que…

 to like   Gustar Gustar que…que…

Without Sin que…Sin que… It’s possible Es posible Es posible que…que…

to think

No pensar No pensar que…que…

to tell Decir Decir que…que…

Before Antes Antes que…que…

Maybe Tal vez…Tal vez…

to want

Querer Querer que…que…

not to believe

No creer No creer que…que…

Provided that

Con tal de Con tal de que…que…


Subjunctive Impersonal Expressions conviene queconviene que............ it is advisable that es aconsejable quees aconsejable que.... it is advisable that es bueno quees bueno que............ it’s good that es difícil quees difícil que.............. it’s unlikely that es dudoso quees dudoso que.......... it’s doubtful that es fácil quees fácil que................ it’s likely that es fantástico quees fantástico que....... it’s fantastic that es importante quees importante que..... it’s important that es imposible quees imposible que....... it’s impossible that es improbable quees improbable que.... it’s unlikely that es incierto quees incierto que.......... it’s uncertain that es increíble quees increíble que......... it’s incredible that es (una) lástima quees (una) lástima que.. it’s a shame that

es malo quees malo que.............. it’s bad that es mejor quees mejor que............. it’s better that es menester quees menester que........ it’s necessary that es necesario quees necesario que....... it’s necessary that es posible quees posible que........... it’s possible that es preciso quees preciso que........... it’s necessary that es preferible quees preferible que....... it’s preferable that es probable quees probable que........ it’s likely that es raro quees raro que................ it’s rare that es ridículo quees ridículo que........... it’s ridiculous that es terrible quees terrible que........... it’s terrible that más vale quemás vale que............. it’s better that ojalá queojalá que................... if only he would puede ser quepuede ser que........... it could be that

Expressions of emotion & conjunctions of time

sentir que alegarse que temer que esparar que

así que cuando despues de que en cuanto hasta que luego que tan pronto como

Emotion Time

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