grammar book: 2nd sem (final)

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  • 1. PorSabrina Bennett
    2nd Semester: Grammar Book

2. 3. Conditional
If I could _______, then I would _______.
Si pudiera _______, (conditional).
If I could run, I would run more.
Si pudieracorrer, correrams.
For polite requests:
Me gustara
I would like
4. Conditional Irregulars
5. Present Perfect
6. Present Perfect Irregulars
7. Past Perfect
8. Subjunctive Perfect
Used to indicate the action as completed with the verbs in the present or future tense.
9. Tanto y Tan
Felipe estanalegrecomo Gino.
Tengo tantodinerocomoJuan.
10. Impersonal se
No se hablaespaolaqu.
Spanish is not spoken here.
Se puedejugar en estelugar.
It is possible to play in this place.
11. Saber vs. Conocer
Juan sabedondeestMara.
Juan knows where Maria is.
Yono stunmerode telfono.I don't know your telephone number.
Yo no conozco a Mara. I don't know Maria.
Alberto y Alfredo conocen Madrid. Alberto and Alfredo know Madrid.
12. Formal Affirmative/Negative
If it is an arverb, add an:
-e (singular)
-en (plural)
If it is an -er/-irverb, add an:
-a (singular)
-an (plural)
13. Formal Irregulars
-car, -gar, -zar verbs
14. Informal Affirmative/Negative Commands + Irregulars
15. DOP/IOP Placement
The DOP is attached to the end of the affirmative command:
*the addition of the OP to the end of the command form requires an accent mark over the stressed syllable
16. DOP/IOP Placement
The DOP and IOP cannot be attached in a negative command and must go between the no and the command:
IOP always goes before the DOP.
17. Nosotros Commands +mono verbs
18. Subjunctive +triggers
Trigger Phrases:
esperarque to wish that ... insistir en que ... to insist that ... mandarque ... to order that ... preferirque ... to prefer that ... prohibirque ... to prohibit that ... quererque ... to want that ... esaconsejableque ... it's advisable that ... esnecesarioque ... it's necessary that ... pedirque ... to ask that ... recomendarque ... to recommend that ... rogarque ... to plead that ... sugerirque ... to suggest that ...
19. Present Subjunctive Irregulars
20. Subjunctive Expressed
21. Impersonal Expressions
22. Expressions of Emotion w/Subjunctive
23. Conjuctions of Time
take the indicative when the action in the subordinate clause is either habitual or in the past. The subjunctive is used when the main clause is a command or in the (potential) future:
24. Demonstrative Pronouns/Adjectives
Juan reads this book. (adjective)Juan lee estelibro.
Juan reads this. (pronoun)Juan lee este.