curs 2 civile (2)

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  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Curs nr 2

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    5.Conceptul de sistem in constructii

    Printre diferitele definiii propuse pentru notiunea

    generala de sistem, urmatoarea se pare a fi cea maipotrivita :

    Un sistem reprezint o colecie de obiecte,interacionndunul cu altul, care reacioneaz ntr-unmod specific ipredictibil la oricare schimbare ce are

    loc n ambianalui. Caracteristica fundamentala a conceptu lu i desistem const n validitatea principiului de unitate iinterdependen intre priisi a intregului; ceea ceinseamna ca o entitate complex nu permite izolarea

    niciunui element component i analizarea lui nabsenaaltor componente. O alta caracteristic importanta a teoriei de sistem

    este reprezentata de caracterul eiuniversal, atat prinlimbaj cat si ca domeniu de activitate.

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    5. The System Concept

    Among different definitions proposed for the generalnotion of system, the following one seems the most

    appropriate: A system represents a collection of objects,interacting to each other, which reacts in a specific and

    predictable way to any change occurring in its


    A fundamental characteristic of the system conceptconsists in the validity of the principle of uni ty and

    interdependence of parts and o f the whole;this

    means that a complex entity does not allow the isolation

    of any component part and its investigation in theabsence of the other components.

    Another important feature of the theory of systems isrepresented by its un iversal character , in terms of both

    language and instruments used.

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    Aplicarea conceptului de sistem in constructii

    Complexitatea fizica a unei cldiriface obligatorie

    aplicarea conceptulu i de sistem considerandu-se cldirea

    ca un ansamblu de elemente interconectate unul cu celalalt

    icu mediul ambiant si care coopereaza pentru a indeplini

    diferite functiuni.

    Aceasta structurare pe criterii functionale divide fiecaresistemin subsistemece vor avea o functiune proprie ce

    trebuie indeplinita indiferent de rezolvarea constructiv

    tehnologica concreta.

    Fiecare subsistemal sistemului cladire este un sistemin raport cu propria lui structura, si poate fi descompus mai

    departe in subansambluri constructive

    subansamblurilese pot descompune la randul lor in

    elemente constructive si elementele incomponente

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    Applying the Concept to Buildings The extreme physical complexity of a building makes compulsory, the

    application of system concept by considering the building as an ensemble of

    elements interconnected to each other and to the environment, whichcooperate to fullfill certain functions.

    The first step consists in the construction of an adequate model of

    breaking up the building, corresponding to several hierarchic levels.

    Such a model should achieve a functional break-up of the

    bui ld ing systeminto severalsubsystems, each one being characterised by

    a global specific function.

    These subsystemscan be considered as a systemwith respect to its

    own internal structure and functionality, made up of a number of


    Each subensemble - considered to be organised as a system toois

    composed of elements, interconnected in such a way that they form a

    physical/functional entity. Many elements possess a physical/functional

    structure of enough complexity that can justify their breaking up intocomponents .

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)






    Daca se elimina subsistemele de instalatii si echipamente

    un astfel de model are cinci subsisteme:

    spatiul inchis=volumul separat de cladire din mediul

    natural inchis si protejat in raport cu acesta

    structura=portiunea din sistemul cladire care ii asigura

    acestuia rezistenta si stabilitatea mecanica

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    anvelopa=portiunea din sistemul cladire care ii asigurainchiderea in raport cu mediul natural

    separatiile interioare= portiunile sistemului cladire neaflate incontact cu exteriorul si care compartimenteaza spatiul inchis

    separatiile exterioare = portiunile adiacente anvelopei si

    aflate in contact numai cu mediul exterior.

    Exemple: structura tip cadru acoperisurile placile de planseu scarile

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    For current-type civil buildings, at a first hierarchic level of

    break-up, the building system includes the following

    subsystems: indoo r space uni ts created by partitioning the wholebuilding indoor space in accordance with functionalrequirements;

    structure, i.e. that part of the building ensuring its

    mechanical strength and stability;

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    enclosure, i.e. that part of the building separating it fromthe outdoor natural environment;

    inter ior part i t ions , i.e. those parts of the building(without contact with the outdoor environment) dividing

    its whole indoor space into indoor space units

    exter ior part i t ions ,i.e. those parts of the buildingenclosure subsystem that is in continuous contact with

    the outdoor environment

    Here maybe also added the installation and equipmentssubsystems

    EX: frame structure, floors or roofs structures

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  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    6.Conceptul de performanta in constructii

    Utilizatorul Constructia

    Exigente Performante

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    6.The performance concept

    Users Building

    Exigencies Performances

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Conceptul de abordare de performanta (performance

    approach) a fost introdus in domeniul industrial inca din anii

    50 de catre cercetatorii americani, pentru a ordona conceptia

    si proiectarea, inovarea tehnica si tehnologica si procedurile

    de control al calitatii conceptiei, proiectarii si executiei

    Mai tarziu, s-a introdus si in constructii teoria conceptului

    de performantaca fiind un instrument destinat sa rationalizezeactivitatile legate de producereaunei constructii, sa stimuleze

    progresul tehnic, orientandu-le spre asigurarea conditiilor si

    criteriilor de satisfacere a cerintelor utilizatorilor.

    Prima etapa in aplicarea teoriei conceptului de performantain constructii este formularea exigentelor utilizatorilor, ceea ce

    nu se poate face decat in termeni calitativi, fara a se referi la o

    solutie concreta.

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    From the viewpoint of its contents, working out and application, the

    perform ance conc ept in bui ld ing construct ion represents a

    systemat ic procedure to establ ish the characteris t ics o f bu i ld ings

    and of their component parts in ord er to get satis factory response

    to all exigenc ies exp ressed by those involv ed in their ut i l isat ion.

    All definitions proposed for the performance concept emphasise

    as a fundamental issue the fact that this kind of approach does not

    start from whata product is and what it represents,but from whata

    product must provide, no matter what the concrete solution would be.

    This concept is defined as aninstrument aiming at rationalisingboth design and execution, stimulating promotion of technical progress

    and innovative solutions oriented towards ensuring conditions and

    specifying criteria able to satisfy as completely as possible users


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    The starting point in a building performance analysisconsists in the identification of its users exigencies(requirements).

    Since the list of usersexigencies must be set up for aspeci f ied fun ct ional type of bui ld ing and not for a

    part icular bui lding, it becomes compulsory that this

    operation have a high degree of generalisation.

    An exigency of building users represents thestatement of one of their necessities related to the

    respective type of building. This statement isexpressed in qualitative terms only, without

    reference to any particular solution.

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    The second step in a performance analysis consists in the

    conversion of usersexigencies (requirements) into

    perform ance exigenciespresently called in Romanian

    documents, techn ical condi t ions of performance-, which

    are qualitativerequirements associated with different physical

    and functional divisions of a building. The list thus worked out

    should be addressed to a potential solution, with no definitespecification of means for its achievement.

    The third step in a performance approach consists in

    establishing perform ance cri ter ia, expressed quantitatively,

    to be used for assessing the degree of fulfilment for each

    performance exigency. More recently, an alternative term has

    been introduced for this notion (which is also presently used in

    Romanian documents), namely perform ance parameters.

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    The perform ance parameters are measurable

    characteristics associated with a building subsystem,

    which makes possible to quantifythe degree of fulfilment

    for a certain performance exigency (technical condition

    of performance ) imposed to the respective subsystem.

    Performance parameters are intended to exert a contro l of

    achievement of the objective stated by the correspondingtechnical conditions of performance.

    Any performance parameter must have:

    - its own notation;

    - a specified unit of measurement; - a physical significance, precise and non-equivocal;

    - a computational model or an experimental procedurefor assessing quantitative values.

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    The forth step consists in associating eachperformance parameter with a certain l imit value

    (either maximum or minimum) or with a range of values,

    considered as compulsory. This is presently known asperform ance leveland represents a reference value of

    the respective performance parameter, taken as a basis

    for evaluation its degree of fulfilment. The performance

    level associated to any performance parameter isspecified by technical regulations.

    Any solution provided by the design of a building must

    comply with the levels of performance specified byappropriate technical regulations. The values

    corresponding to the design solutions are termed design


  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Listarea exigentelor nu se poate face decat pe tipuri

    functionale de cladire, si nu pe fiecare tip de cladire in parte.

    A doua etapa pe care o presupune abordarea de

    performanta este convertirea exigentelor (cerintelor)

    utilizatorilor in exigente tehnice asociate unor diviziuni

    tehnice si functionale ale cladirii.

    Exigente tehnice=exigente de performanta =conditii tehnicede performanta=enuntul calitativ al unei insusiri pe care trebuie

    sa o aiba un subsistem al unei cladiri

    A treia etapa este stabilirea criteriilor de apreciere a gradului

    de satisfacere a fiecarei exigente de performanta (criterii deperformanta)=parametri de performanta=o caracteristica

    masurabila a unui subsistem cu care se poate cuantifica gradul

    de indeplinire a unei conditii tehnice de performanta impuse


  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Fiecare parametru de performanta are O notatie proprie O unitate de masura

    O semnificatie fizica precisa si univoca Un model de evaluare prin calcul si/sau o metoda dedeterminare pe cale experimentala

    Ultima etapa a abordarii de performanta este asociereafiecarui

    parametru de performanta unei valori limita, minima saumaxima, numita nivel de performanta = valoarea de referinta

    a unui parametru de performanta in raport cu care se

    evalueaza indeplinirea acestuia.

    Nivelul de performanta asociat unui parametru de

    performanta este precizat si impus prin reglementarile tehnicede specialitate.

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  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Directiva Europeana 89/106 CEEsi Legea 10 referitoare

    la Calitatea in Constructii

    n cadrul activitilor desfasurate de Uniunea Europeana,

    a fost elaborat un sistem de documente cuprinztor i bine

    organizat privitor la activitatea in constructii.

    Una dintre caracteristicile cele mai importante este

    maniera exigentiala n care sunt concepute fiind n esendiferit de unul tradiional descriptiv.

    Un document de baz n aceasta directie, Directiva

    Europeana 89/106 EEC, a fost prezentata statelor membre

    UEn decembrie 1988 i a fost pusa n aplicare exact treiani mai tarziu.

    Premisele principale pentru publicare acest document au


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    7.The Construc tion Products Direct ive (89/106/EEC)

    Within the framework of European Unionactivities, a

    comprehensive and well-organised system of documentsconcerning constructions has been developed over the last two

    decades. One of the most important features of these

    documents lies in the fact that they are conceived and written

    in an exigentialmanner, thus being essentially different from

    the traditional descriptive ones.

    A basic document in this respect, the Construc t ion

    Produ cts Direct ive (89/106/EEC)was notified to the EU

    member states in December 1988 and implemented exactly

    three years later. The main premises for issuing this document


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    all member countries wish to ensure that on theirterritories construction works are achieved so that,alongside with safety of humans, domestic animalsand property, all other exigencies of general interestwill be secured;

    in all member countries, alongside with regulationsrelated to safety exigencies of buildings, there are also

    provisions concerning users health, economy ofenergy, environmental protection, durability,economical aspects of building construction andexploitation etc;

    all member countries do have national regulations forall kinds of exigencies, thus enabling the issuance ofcorresponding European harmonised regulations.

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    The Directive describes a constructionproductas any productthat is created for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction

    works.To fall within the scope of the Directive, a product must meet

    four criteria: it must be produced; placed upon the market;

    incorporated in a permanent manner in the works; relate to atleast one of the Essential Requirements.

    The Construction Products Directive requires that constructionproducts are fit for the purpose for which they are intended and that

    they may satisfy national regulations. A number of six Essential

    Requirements are set out in the Directive; at least one of them must

    apply to the product in use.

    The list of Essential Requirements associated tobuildings includes:

    1. Mechanical resistance and stability

    2. Safety in case of fire

    3. Hygiene, health and environment

    4. Safety in use

    5. Protection against noise

    6. Energy economy and heat retention.

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    All these requirements are stated in the form of objectives, asexemplified below for some of them:

    Mechanical resistance and s tabi l i ty.

    A construction must be conceived, designed and achieved so that,under the actions likely to occur during its service (life) period, none of

    the following events occurs:

    - total or partial failure (collapse);

    - excessive deformations and deflections;

    - damage of certain parts of the construction works, fitting or

    equipment, due to significant deformations of structural elements;

    - damage resulting from accidental events, excessively large with

    respect to the magnitude of the event.

    Safety in case of fire.A construction must be conceived, designed and achieved so that, if

    fire breaks out:

    - stability of structural elements, as well as their capacity to support

    loads, be maintained for a specified period of time;

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    - spread of fire and smoke within the construction or to neighbouring

    works be limited;

    - occupants be allowed to escape or to be rescued;

    - emergency squads can operate quickly, efficiently and withoutexcessive risks

    It is specified that, under the condition of normal maintenance, all

    essential requirements associated to a building must be satisfied over

    its entire life period economicallyreasonable. This last specification is

    translated as thatperiod of time during which building performancescan be maintained at a level consistent with the fulfillment of essential

    requirements,depending on:- costs associated to the situation when the building becomes


    - risks and consequences of construction failure, togheter with costsrelated to insurance against them;

    - estimated partial refurbishment works;

    - maintenance cost;

    - demolition cost;

    - environmental (ecological ) costs resulting from either maintaining the

    building in use or demolishing it.

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    The Romanian regulations presently in force that governthe application of performance concept to buildings aregenerated by the Law of Quality in Constructions(Law No.10/1995). The Essential Requirements specified by thislaw and by all connected regulations are consistent withthose included in the Construction Products Directive andits associated Interpretative Documents issued by theEuropean Economic Community (see 2.3.2.). They appearsas:

    A. Resistance and stability; B. Safety in use; C. Safety against fire; D. Hygiene peoples, health, restoration and protection of

    environment; E. Thermal insulation, waterproofing and economy ofenergy;

    F. Protection against noise.

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    toate rilemembre au dorit saiba garantia ca pe

    teritoriul lor lucrarile de constructii sunt realizate astfel incat

    pe langa securitatea persoanelor, animalelor si bunurilor

    toate exigentele de interes general vor fi respectate.

    n toate rilemembre, alturide dispoziiin legturcu

    exigentele de siguranale cldirilor,existde asemenea

    prevederi privitor la sntateautilizatorilor, economia deenergie, proteciampotriva influenelorexterioare

    ,durabilitate, aspecte economice de construciei

    exploatare etc;

    toate rilemembre au dispoziiinaionalepentru toatetipurile de exigente, astfel putandu-se redacta reglementari

    armonizate la nivelul fiecarei tari

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    Directiva stipuleaza ca un produs constructie" trebuie safie potrivit pentru scopul in care a fost creat si sa satisfaca

    cererile impuse de reglementarile nationale; Exista 6 Exigente Esentiale asociate unei cladiri, care

    acopera reglementarile nationale si care trebuie sa fie

    indeplinite simultan:

    1.Rezisten mecanic i stabilitatea

    2. Siguran n caz de incendiu

    3. Igien, sntate i mediu inconjurator

    4. Siguran n utilizare 5. Protecie mpotriva zgomotului

    6. Economia de energie i izolarea termica

  • 8/13/2019 Curs 2 Civile (2)


    Legea 10/1995, lege in vigoare la ora actuala cu un numarde imbunatatiri si actualizari, instituie SISTEMUL CALITATII

    IN CONSTRUCTII, acesta fiind definit ca :

    ansamblulde structuri organizatorice, responsabilitati, regulamenteproceduri si mijloace care concura la realizarea calitatii constructiilorin etapele de concepere, realizare, exploatare si postutilizare a


    Pentru obtinerea unor constructii de calitate legea 10 , modificatasi adaugita instituie obligativitatea realizarii si mentinerii pe toatadurata de existenta a constructiei a 6 cerinte esentiale,consecvente cu acele incluse n Directiva Comunitatii Europene.Ele sunt:

    A. Rezistenistabilitatea;

    B. Securitate la incendiu; C. Igiena, sanatate si mediu, D. Siguranta in exploatare E. Protectie impotriva zgomotului F. Economie de energie si izolarea termica

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