conflict & cooperation 7 th grade social studies

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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CONFLICT & COOPERATION7th Grade Social Studies

Conflict & CooperationLaunch Day

To Do: Write down your homework, Get out your contract & matrix from last night…clear your desk of everything



-Complete interactive warm up (see conflict & cooperation notebook file)

-Preview vocab & Student Learning Map for the unit


Homework:Absent student letter, must contain information explaining each

of the 5 themes


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

What determines the core, domain, and periphery of regions?

Lesson EQ:

How do political and cultural borders differ?

In what ways does conflict and cooperation among people divide the earth’s surface into distinctive cultural and political territories?


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Go to Conflict & Cooperation

Notebook file for activities

Summary Time!

Give me an Aha? (something new you learned) on the 5 Themes today

Give me a Huh? (a question you still have) about the 5 Themes or about something you are wondering about what you will learn


Absent Student Letter

Directions: Write a letter to an “absent” student explaining what you learned in class today.

I realize that most of this is review, but to show me you recall the 5 themes and what they mean I want you to include in your letter the following

1. Each Theme

2. Definition of each theme

3. Example of each theme

4. Topic & conclusion sentences

* These things are to be first organized, then written in a letter using CORRECT letter format.

5 Themes Absent Student Letter Rubric


5 THEMES Accurate description of the 5 themes

Correct information is given but 1 theme is inaccurate

2 or more themes are inaccurate


Develops an organized and well supported argument that gives examples for all 5 themes

Develops an organized argument but is lacking 1 or 2 examples

Argument makes a point but needs more examples missing at least 3

PRODUCT Organizer creates a well thought out paper with less than 3 grammatical errors.

Organizer communicates reasoning but is lacking details paper has 4-6 grammatical errors

Organizer is not supportive to the paper & grammatical errors are found throughout.

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How do physical features affect where humans settle?

To Do:

Get out your homework from last night & your student learning map

Agenda: (For today’s activities see notebook file Conflict & Cooperation)

-Copy SLM-Warm Up -Population Distribution Video-Population Distribution Frayer-Google Earth$2 summary

Homework:5 Themes Wrap Up


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

Lesson EQ: Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization

Vocabulary: Vocabulary:

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Identify what each of these pictures are showing?

Complete the following sentence based on the picture below Each of these pictures are an example of _________________________.

$2 Summary

• Using the information you learned today and the knowledge you have on our region create a $2 summary as to how the geography of our region would entice people to live here.

(each word is worth 10 cents)

Predict/Preview Journal Entry• With 7 Billion people in the world, what do you for see as

being some of the future implications on our planet?

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How do physical features affect where humans settle? DAY 2

To Do:

Get out homework from last night, Open your journal, write down tonight’s homework

Agenda:- Journal - Adapting to Climate Zones in Africa

a) 4 video clips (found on

b) Climate zone chart

-Summary Foldable


Adapting to climate zones in Africa vocab handout

Journal Entry

List 10 things that you typically do every week.

You might include daily routines, such as riding the bus to school.

Or you might include activities like going to soccer practice.

Adapting to Climate Zones in Africa• In order to address the next two LEQs • How do physical features affect where humans settle? &

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

• We will use the climate zones of Africa

4 Climate Zones(copy this into your journal)CLIMATE ZONE

How my routines would change





Africa’s Climate Zones

To preview the four climate zones you will be watching a series of four video clips.

For each Climate zone, write down 2 ways your routines and activities might be different if you lived there.

Now that you have seen each climate zone of Africa complete your chart


How my routines would change





5 minutes independently

3 minutes with your partner to


Summary • Fold your paper so you have 4 boxes• At the top of each box write each of the climate zones

• For each climate zone:

1. Draw a picture to represent it

2. List 3 activities that can be done in this climate zone (example: farming)

3. Predict how the climate will affect culture in this area

Should look like thisTropical Wet Tropical Wet & Dry

Semi Arid Arid

Activities: Activities:




Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How do physical features affect where human settle? DAY 3

To Do:

Agenda:- Adapting to Climate Zones in Africa a)Climate Zone Stations

- RAFT activity

Homework:Complete your RAFT

Climate Zone Stations • There are 4 stations

• At each station you will read about the physical environment of that station.

• After reading:

1. Shade in the climate zone on the map of Africa and fill in the key

2. Complete the questions for that zone

Lets Extend your ThinkingRAFT ACTIVITY


Child living in Africa

Adult living in Africa

News Reporter in Africa

A child in the U.S.

An adult in the U.S.Yourself (the role you picked)

Future Tourists


Diary/Journal Entry

Newspaper article

Tropical Wet

Tropical Wet & Dry



Directions: Pick 1 from each column then complete the assignment by using the format you picked!

Accuracy Information, details in RAFT always accurate. Properly reflects information, ideas, and themes related to the subject.

Provides accurate information in RAFT but could use more support.

Provides information in RAFT that has some inaccuracies or omissions.

Provides information in RAFT that is incomplete and/or inaccurate.

Perspective RAFT maintains clear, consistent point of view, tone, and ideas relevant to role played; ideas and information always tied to role and audience.

Explains how character would feel about the event(s).

Shows little insight into how character would feel or act during the event(s).

Does not accurately develop characters, thoughts or reactions to the event(s).

Focus RAFT stays on topic, never drifts from required form or type; details and information are included that are pertinent only to developed purpose.

Spends most of the RAFT discussing issues on topic, but occasionally strays from the focus.

Spends some time discussing issues off topic.

Spends most of RAFT on issues that do not directly deal with the RAFT chosen.

RAFT Rubric

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

To Do:Get out Vocab sheet from Monday night, RAFT assignment from

yesterday, write down tonight’s homework & get out student learning map

Agenda:- Warm Up- Discovering Africa’s Cultural Diversity presentation

( Components of Culture


3,2,1 Africa


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How do physical features affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ: Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization

Vocabulary: Vocabulary:

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Warm Up: Previewing Vocab

Which word would you use to categorize each column of words?

Culture or Civilization Culture or Civilization





Warm Up: Previewing Vocab

Culture or Civilization Culture or Civilization






Discovering Africa’s Cultural Diversity

1. Write down 3 things you think about when you hear the term “culture”

2. Turn to your neighbor and share what you wrote

3. 2’s stand up, what did the 1s say they think of when they hear the term “culture”

Go to

To see components of

culture slideshow


The words and systems that are common to the people who live in the same community, country, geographical area, or same culture.

RELIGION• Organized system of beliefs and rules used to worship

God or gods.

INSTITUTIONS• Organizations and customs that give structure to society

(the buildings they take place)

ARTS• Ways to express culture: painting, sculpture, writing,


Exit Ticket

We have learned about the components of culture today so based on the lesson:

On a post it record which component of culture

you feel is the most

important and describe why?

3,2,1 Africa This is homework copy it down to complete in complete sentences

3 Components of culture & explain

2 examples of the components in your life

1 Way you predict geography will influence Africa’s culture

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

To Do:

Get out last night’s homework

Agenda:- Warm Up- Discovering Africa’s Cultural Diversity presentation

( Cultural Diversity in Africa varies dependent on the geography

- Stations Activity


Vocabulary Practice• Complete the Discovering Africa’s Cultural Diversity vocab

practice handout

• 5 minutes independent

• 5 minutes with your partner.

• Share-out

Stations Activity

As you are at each station follow these directions

1. Look at the images carefully. In the matrix summarize what you see in each image

2. With your group predict what you think each image shows about this country’s culture

3. Read the description of the country. Record at least 3 things you learned about each component of culture.

The most important thing…

From the different African countries I read about today the most important thing I noticed about their culture is ___________________________ because _______________________________________.

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

To Do:

Get out your packet from last week on the Africa countries

Agenda:- Warm Up: Review - Complete Stations Activity (last 2 stations)- Summarize- 5W+H (common assessment)



Warm Up

List the countries you studied on Thursday, tell me something new you learned about each.



•Pick 2 of the countries that you studied

•Compare their cultures: Be sure to include information on all 4 components of culture

5W+H Who in Africa was affected by the geography?


What ways did you see people adapt their culture to the geography?

When you read the different country descriptions of Africa, what surprised you the most?

Where did you see more traditional cultures within Africa?


Why does culture vary so greatly in Africa?


How does geography influence the culture of civilization?

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why are regions difficult to define?

To Do:

Agenda:- Student Learning map- Warm Up (preview vocab), Vocab Matrix- Purpose of Regions



Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Go to Conflict & Cooperation

Notebook file for

Vocab Preview


Step 1: Draw a rectangular box at the top of you your paper

Step 2: In the box write the word REGION

Step 3: Fold the paper down the middle to make 2 columns

Step 4: Letter alphabetically A-M down the left side of your paper

Step 5: Letter alphabetically N-Z down the left side of your paper

Region Movie

Back to your Region Foldable• List all the terms which you and your partner feel define,

explain, or provide an example of region.

• You will start with the letter A and end with Z


C = City

S = Suburbs

N = Neighborhood

D = Downtown

Now Pick…

With your partner circle the best 3 from your foldable

Share out the best 3; as you hear something new listeners should be adding to their own list.


On the back of your foldable answer the following questions with details from the lesson:

1. With so many different types of regions, what is their purpose?

2. Why are regions necessary?

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why are regions difficult to define?

To Do:Get out your grade sheet that you had signed

Agenda:- Warm Up - Variation of regional boundaries


Absent student letter

Warm Up

Draw me a picture that represents the term


Review• The following people please read aloud your purpose for



Jessica M


Take these notes:

Think of it like this…

Regions are not drawn into the dirt

Sometimes regions are easily identifiable: Example the desert, I can easily tell when I am in a desert.

Sometimes regions are difficult to identify: Example unless I am told by a sign it is difficult to tell if I am in Maryland or Delaware.

Identify some regions• On the map that I’ve given you independently I want you

to identify any regions that you see. Feel free to color code it so they can be seen easily.


Atlantic Coast

Identify some regions

With your Partner compare maps (5 minutes)

During your comparison:

1. Add new regions

2. Delete regions that don’t make sense

3. Modify your map based on discussion

Categorize your regions

With your Partner get out your vocab matrix, place each of the regions you created into one of the 4 categories.


Example:Atlantic Coast


Identify some regions• Join with the pair nearest you; share the results of your

categorization. • Compare your findings

- Add, delete, & modify your charts and maps

• Prepare to share out 1 from each category

Summary time

Answer the following ? In your journal, support it with details from today’s lesson:

Why are regions difficult to define?

3,2,1 Regions

3 Types of regions & explain them

2 Examples of easily indefinable regions

1 Example of a region that is not easy to identify

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why are regions difficult to define?

To Do:

Agenda:- Warm Up - Regions Comic- Magic School Bus Regions


Warm Up• Get out your summary from yesterday

• Switch with your partner and allow them to read your summary to themselves.

• Discuss what was correct/incorrect about each summary

• Explain your understanding of regions by showing your understanding of the LEQ using examples, pictures, and dialogue.

• Your comic must have 6 scenes in it, dialogue, and pictures.

• You can use any information from class.


Score of 1 Score of 2 Score of 3 Score of 4 Does NOT answer LEQ

Somewhat answers LEQ

Partially answers the LEQ

Correctly answers the LEQ

Has less than 4 scenes

Has 4-5 scenes Has 5-6 scenes Has 6 scenes

Poor grammar and spelling

Poor grammar and spelling

A few misspelled words

Perfect Grammar/Spelling

Does not include any of the key vocabulary

Missing 2 key vocabulary terms

Missing 1 key vocabulary term

Includes all of the key vocabulary terms

How to get started:Answer the LEQ: Why are regions difficult to define?

Don’t actually answer it here, below list the facts to support your answer

The facts I need to include to answer this LEQ are:

1. Some regions are easy to tell you’re a part of, for example a Physical region like a desert, but others are difficult to know you’re in such as a Political region.







I am going to make this into a story by…. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ExampleRegions are difficult to define! Explained by: N. Miller

I need helpI just don’t get how a region is defined!

Well then you came to the right place! Let me explain

Sometimes it’s easy becausethe regional boundaries are felt due to the climate, like a physical region, such as the desert, I can tell when I’m in a desert!

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

To Do:

Agenda:- Warm Up - Formal, Functional, & Perceptual regions webquest



Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Formal, Functional, & Perceptual Regions Webquest

Step 1: Go to Ms. Millers website:

Step 2: Click on 7th Grade

Step 3: Click on Click Here for Projects

Step 4: Click on Formal, Functional, & Perceptual Regions

Step 5: Use the links in the order they come in to complete your organizer

REGION DEFINITION What is this regions purpose?

EXAMPLES(at least 3)




Perceptual (also referred to as Vernacular)

Summarize the LEQ

Using your resources online and your organizer answer the following question on the back of this handout with examples and complete sentences:

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

Explain your answer.

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

To Do:

Write down hw & get out journal

Agenda:- Warm Up - Defining Formal, Functional, & Perceptual regions

handout- Student council elections


Complete your handout


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Warm Up: Reflection

• Yesterday you gained knowledge on Formal, Functional & Perceptual Regions

• List for me using nothing but your brain 3 new things that you learned from that webquest!

Expert Groups: Count off by 3’s 1s & 4s: Formal

2s & 5s: Functional

3s & 6s: Perceptual

Each group will need a Poster:

-Title of your type of region- Easy yet informative definition- Example from our world with a picture to represent it

- Example from DE with a picture to represent it20


Goals of the group work

Each group will need a Poster:

-Title of your type of region

- Easy yet informative definition

- Example from our world with a picture to represent it

- Example from DE with a picture to represent it

Don’t Forget

1. Your handout for your expert portion should be filled out!

2. You are graded using the group work rubric!

20 minutes!



Formal A regular region: Place with at least 1 common characteristic

All 50 StatesSahara Desert

Nanticoke RiverDelmarva Peninsula

Functional A region centered among people and their common interactions (things that they do)

Dairy FarmsCar Lot

Chicken FarmsUniversity of Delaware

Perceptual (also referred to as Vernacular)

The way a person views a region which is based on their cultural identity

SuburbiaConfederatesYankeesCountry MusicSouthern Region

Concord“Slower Lower”


You will have 5 minutes at each station in which you were not an expert group!

Add information into your “New” handout

REVISIT• Now with your partner compare what you THOUGHT the

3 regions were based on the web quest.

• Fill out your findings based on this discussion questions found on your handout.


On your handout revise your LEQ

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

- Include in it any misconceptions that you had before, which are now cleared up!

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

To Do:

Get out your comic & your LEQ if you took it home to finish

Agenda:- Warm Up - Student Council Elections- Preview Vocab for new LEQ; Cultural Influence- Current Event


Complete Current Event Article of your choice


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

What determines the core, domain, and periphery of a region?

Lesson EQ:


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Copy this

Warm Up

When learning new vocabulary in your classes tell me:

What is one thing that helps you learn that new word?

What is something that you don’t like that teachers do when learning new vocab? (a way that makes it hard for you to learn)

Previewing Vocabulary

Step 1: Fold your paper Hamburger Fold

Step 2: On the top ½ write nice and big CULTURE

Step 3: On the bottom ½ write nice and big INFLUENCE

1’s you are CULTURE 2’s you are INFLUENCE

Describe your word

1’s CULTURE• Make a wordsplash for

culture• With at least 10 words

2’s INFLUENCE• Make a wordsplash for

influence• With 6 words or more

5 minutes

Match up!

Find someone w/ the same word you have!

3 Minutes- Discuss

- Add- Delete

Match up!

Find someone with the word you DON’T HAVE!

8 MINUTES- Discuss

- Add- Delete



Report out what you and your partner came up with for:

Cultural Influence

Go back to your seat!

With your seat partner create a definition inside of your foldable for the term:


Conflict & CooperationLEQ: What determine s the core, domain, & periphery of regions?

To Do:

Get out your journals

Agenda:- Warm Up - Core, Domain, & Periphery Previewing Vocab Handout- Summary: Review vocab w/ name generator


Have a good weekend

Warm Up

Reflect on our vocabulary:

Formal Region

Functional Region

Perceptual Region

Cultural Influence


Core, Domain, & Periphery Vocab CoreThe greatest concentration of traits or characteristics

DomainCultural and Economic traits are there but not full force

PeripheryThe outer layer of cultural influence from the core.

After reading the definition of core I think of_________ ____________________.

After reading the definition of domain I think of ___________________________.

After reading the definition of periphery I think of_________ ________________.

Step 2: Simplify these definitions; with your partner create a definition that is easy for each of those key words.

Vocab Word

What does it mean?









Step 3: Comparing Apples

Directions: Look at the diagram of core, domain, and periphery and the definitions you have created. Using the diagram of the apple I want you to compare the apple to C, D, & P diagram.

Your goal is to convince the rest of the class that all though these two look very different…they in essence are the same!




Using the name generator on notebook review the key terms studied so far!

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: What determine s the core, domain, & periphery of regions?

To Do:

Agenda:- Warm Up - Core, Domain, & Periphery Review- Most Important Thing


Begin Reviewing your Student Learning Map

Warm Up• What does this diagram represent in relation to what we

have been learning?

• What is the purpose of each section? (Identify each and tell what means)

Go to Conflict & Cooperation

Notebook file Sports Analogy

C,D, & P Diagram Analogy = Philadelphia Eagles

Where is the

core?Where is

the domain

Now your turn create your own Analogy

• Show your understanding of Core, Domain, Periphery

• Come up with your own example!

Here is what you need:1. A topic/example of Core, Domain, & Periphery 2. Picture displaying all 3 parts on a map 3. Explanation as to why each one of those “parts” belong where they are in relation to your example

Here is what you need:1. A topic/example of Core, Domain, & Periphery 2. Picture displaying all 3 parts on a map 3. Explanation as to why each one of those “parts” belong where they are in relation to your example


Core, Domain, Periphery

Accurate description of all 3 terms

Correct information is given but 1 term is inaccurate

2 or more terms are inaccurate

PRODUCT Analogy is relevant and easily understood in relationship to the above terms.

Analogy makes sense but needs more clarification.

Analogy is visible but hard to understand.

EXPLANATION Clearly explained and correct grammar

Explanation needs some help but student did understand

Explanation is unclear

Summarize: Most Important Thing

Copy the sentence filling in the information you believe should be there:

If I had to summarize Core, Domain, and Periphery I feel the most important information for people to remember is

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: What determine s the core, domain, & periphery of regions?

To Do:

Get out journal and write down homework

Agenda:- Warm Up - Current Event- Core, Domain, & Periphery Classifications EXT thinking


Reaction to news article; revisit LEQ

Warm Up

Imagine you could be arrested for crossing the border between Delaware and Maryland…

1. How would you avoid crossing the border

2. How would you know you have crossed the border

3. What type of “region” is DE & MD?

4. Predict how your life would be different if the above scenario were true

Classifying and Categorizing

When crossing boundaries into new regions causes problems• Read independently the article titled Who are the US


• Complete the 5W based on the article

News Feed of their release •


Your Reaction

•Tonight for homework I want you to express how you feel about the events which occurred with the American hikers.

•Use details from your 5W as evidence & your knowledge of regions to support your answer


Look at the LEQs on your student learning map, which if any do you need more clarification?

Write down in your journal the question you have about an LEQ

Now is the time to ask

Conflict & CooperationLEQ: What determine s the core, domain, & periphery of regions?

To Do:

Read responses in your journal get out last night’s homework

Agenda:- Warm Up - Complete Core, Domain, & Periphery Classifications EXT thinking- Student News


Prepare for test


4. Which was easier for you to identify the core or periphery? Why? Explain using details

Independent time 3 minutesPartner time 2 minutes

Share Out!


5. Which region appears to control the most territory? Why might that be an advantage?

Independent time 5 minutesPartner time 3 minutes

Share Out!


6. Which region appears to have the most population? Why might that be an advantage?

Independent time 5 minutesPartner time 3 minutes

Share Out!

Independently support this answer using what has been done

Which boundary line might likely need the fewest changes?

Why do you think this would be so?

Conflict & CooperationReview Concepts 1 & 2

To Do:

Open your journal

Agenda:- Warm Up - LEQ foldable


Study Foldable

Warm UP: Items to revisit

Formal, Functional, Perceptual…why are these helpful?

Core, Domain, & Periphery…how does this relate to culture?

LEQ Foldable

Step 1: Fold your paper hot dog fold

Step 2: Divide it into 6 sections

Step 3: Write each LEQ on one of the 6 sections

Step 4: Using handouts from w/in your folder answer the LEQs

Step 5: Study them…your test won’t be a regurgitation of the LEQ but instead application of it.

LEQ’s you will need to review

• How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

• How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

• Why are regions difficult to define?

• Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

• What determines the core, domain, and periphery of a region?

To Do Today:• Create your foldable

• Answer the LEQ’s completely (this will be your study guide)

• Study

• Read your book

• If you don’t have a book let me know!

Conflict & CooperationReview

To Do:

Agenda:- Test Concepts 1 & 2


Conflict & CooperationHow do political & cultural borders differ?

To Do:

Open journal & get out student learning map

Agenda:- Warm Up- Update Student Learning Map- Preview: Territory- Summary


Find an article that represents territory & summarize


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

What determines the core, domain, and periphery of regions?

Lesson EQ:

How do political and cultural borders differ?


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Warm Up• Think about your bedroom…how do you feel when

someone in your house invades your space in your room?

• Can you think of an example when someone did…tell us about it! What happened?

TerritoryBased on the sentence, write in your journal a definition of


In the territory of my home you must follow my rules!

Compare with your partner the definition

- adjust/rewrite

Let’s create a class definition!

Now using the word map I just gave you, let’s record the definition we came up with as a class!

Example of territory• View “looking to forign lands” (united streaming)

• As you watch this video

1. Find the example of territory the U.S. gets

Word Map

•10 minutes independently work on your Word Map

•Let’s compare what others have using musical give 1 get 1

Let’s make a word map for Territory to keep up…

Go to Conflict & Cooperation

Finding Territory in the news

Using my website

Click on 7th Grade

Click on Projects

Click Territory in the news

Read through as many articles as you can, as you read those articles complete the questions found on the back of your Territory word map!

Summarize: Show me a picture• Using the knowledge that you have gained of Territory,

draw me a picture to represent it!

• Include with your picture 2-3 sentences explaining how it represents Territory!

Conflict & CooperationHow do political & cultural borders differ?

To Do:

Get out last night’s homework

Agenda:- Warm Up: Review definition of Territory- Share summaries of current events w/ territory - “The Angel of the East”- Summary: Aha! Huh?

Homework:Finish your map

Warm Up: Review Territory

To review your understanding of the term Territory complete the sentence

Territory is when ________________________. In a territory there are _____________, ______________, & _________________. An example of territory would be ____________________________________.

Territory in the News Summaries

•Take 5 minutes each partner summarize what you read or saw in the news on Territories!

•Be prepared to share out your partner’s current event!

The Angel of the East

Step 1: Read to yourself

Step 2: We will read

as a class

“The Angel of the East”

Work with your partner to answer these questions:

1. Describe the Location of the “Angel”

2. Identify historical information found in the poem

3. Predict the name of the region in which this “Angel” is referring to.

“The Angel of the East”

Now using your Middle East Region map label each of the political regions that make up “The Angel of the East”



Something you learned new today!


A question you have based on today’s lesson

Homework: Absent Student Letter

In your letter include the following information on the “Angel”

- Location information

- Historical Information

- What you hope to learn about the Middle East

Conflict & CooperationHow do political & cultural borders differ?

To Do:

Agenda:- Warm Up: Mental Map- Post Card from the “Angel”- Read pages 601-607 Eastern Hemisphere textbook w/

fishbone- Summary: +/-/intriguing


Warm Up

Draw a mental map for the “Angel of the East”

Lets see how well you can recall the information you learned yesterday

A Postcard from the “Angel”

Using the information from your absent student letter, create a Postcard from the Angel explaining her LOCATION. & HISTORY




Explanation of


Physical Geography of Middle East

Step 1: Read pages 601-607

Step 2: As you read complete the fishbone diagram to highlight key information (remember each line should have a NEW piece of information)

Step 3: Compare w/ your partner the notes that you took

Add or Modify notes

20 minutes, ready set Go!

Key information you should have read…

Switch partners and compare notes!

Now here is what I think you should have down:

Check your comprehension of the material

On the back of your fishbone answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. Which two countries in Southwest Asia have mountains?

2. What benefits has petroleum brought to the countries of Southwest Asia?

3. What are some of Turkey’s commercial farming crops?

4. Using the map on page 606, describe the relative location of the natural resources found in Southwest Asia.

Summarize: Plus/Minus/Intriguing

Plus Something Positive you learned from the lesson

Minus Something you need help with from the lesson

Intriguing Something you found interesting from the lesson

Check for Understandings of Physical Geography

Using your fishbone

Write a 2 paragraph description of a television show about the geography and resources of the Middle East.

In your description include at least:

3 Locations (places with political borders)

For each location describe what your camera crew will film in that location.

Conflict & CooperationHow do political & cultural borders differ?

To Do:

Get out your homework from last night

Agenda:- Warm Up- Complete physical geography television show- View Central & Southwest Asia Movie (26 min united streaming)- Complete Southwest Asia movie focus questions before, during,



Have a good weekend

Before we watch…complete this chart based on what you already know…


What do you already know about Southwest Asia’s…

While you watch…complete chart with any new information on these topics





Based on the movie make a connection between the knowledge you knew about the geography and the new knowledge you just obtained.

How do you see the geography playing a role on the culture of this region?

Conflict & CooperationHow do political & cultural borders differ?

To Do:

Clear your desk

Agenda:- Warm Up- Culture of Southwest Asia: Read pages 669-673 Eastern

Hemisphere textbook w/ organizer- Check for understanding- Summary: Exit Ticket


Complete check for understanding and vocab sheet

Warm Up: Looking at the picture answer these questions…

Can you name 2 political borders?

What questions would you ask of the people living in those countries where the political borders exist?

Culture of the Middle East

Step 1: Read with your partner pages 669-675 (alternating the reading)

Step 2: As you read complete the organizer to highlight key information

Check for Understandings of Culture

Using your organizer

Write a paragraph that beings with this topic sentence:

South-west Asia, also known as the Middle East region with it’s variety of ethnic groups and religious beliefs….

In your paragraph include:

2 sentences about ethnic groups

2 sentences about religion

Exit Ticket

Based on the reading you have done the past couple of days complete the following statement.

Political borders of the Middle East Region create ____________________________ where the cultural borders of the Middle East tend to _______________________________________.

*Answers will vary!

Conflict & Cooperation

To Do:

Get out your homework from last night

Agenda:- Warm Up- Extended Thinking: Cultural Tour of Southwest Asia (;

world cultures interactive notebook)



Warm Up

Turn to the world atlas

Using your knowledge of political boundaries find at least one example where you think there is Cooperation among countries!

Support your answer


Geographical InfluenceConcept:


Territorial Conflict & Cooperation

Lesson EQ:

How do Geographers use the 5 themes to organize information and what are their characteristics?

How does geography affect where humans settle?

How does geography influence the culture of civilizations?

Lesson EQ:

Why are regions difficult to define?

Why is defining the structure of a region into the category of formal, functional, or perceptual helpful?

What determines the core, domain, and periphery of regions?

Lesson EQ:

How do political and cultural borders differ?

In what ways does conflict and cooperation among people divide the earth’s surface into distinctive cultural and political territories?


5 ThemesCulture Civilization


Core, Domain, Periphery, political boundaries, cultural boundaries, territorial boundaries


Conflict, Cooperation

Key Learning:

Unit EQ:

Topic: Conflict & CooperationStudent Learning Map

When boundaries and borders are drawn for people without taking into account cultural, economic, or political needs conflict might result.

How does conflict and cooperation among people influence territorial control?

Go to

To complete this EXT lesson

Cultural Tour of Southwest


Conflict & Cooperation

To Do:

Clear your desk

Agenda:- Warm Up- Complete Extended Thinking: Cultural Tour of Southwest Asia

(; world cultures interactive notebook)


Write a reflection on today’s lesson

Compare 2 countries

With your partner

• Compare two of the countries from our cultural tour

Create a quick list what do these countries have in common/different

Let’s look at an extreme case where political and cultural borders conflict

Step 1: Get out your Southwest Asia map

Step 2: Circle Israel

Step 3: Point to Palestine

Go to Notebook lesson

Conflict & Cooperation

Learn more about Israel & Palestine•


Display your understanding of our last LEQ (which is also our S.S. Standard)

To complete this unit we will construct support for the following LEQ:

• In what ways does conflict and cooperation among people divide the earth’s surface into distinctive cultural and political territories?

To construct support…

You will support a position statement, lets look at an example!

Position Statement

My teacher would make a great president!

Position Statement


My teacher would make a great president!

She goes To a lot of meetings!

She knows a lot about our


Position Statement



My teacher would make a great president!

She goes To a lot of meetings!

She knows a lot about our


She would be good for the country



Teaches us S.S.Knows what it’s

like to be a citizen

Now complete your organizer…

To complete this unit we will construct support for the following LEQ:

• In what ways does conflict and cooperation among people divide the earth’s surface into distinctive cultural and political territories?

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