alpha zeta state news spring 2013

Inside this issue: President’s Message 2 2013-15 State Officers continued 3 Revised AZS Bylaws/Standing Rules Approved 4 AZS Diamond Anniversary History 4 Cynthia Pope Honored 4 2013 Margaret Abel Recipient 5 AZS Convention Commendation 5 Rose and Key Recipients 6 In Memoriam 6 Combined Chapter Meetings 6 Welcome Initiates 7 AZS Budget Approved 8-9 Archives Display 10 Biennium Accomplishments 10 Spotlight on Chapters 11-14 AZS Day at the Statehouse 15 NE Regional 15 V OLUME 60, ISSUE 6 S PRING 2013 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional growth of women educators and excellence in education. 2013-2015 State Officers Elected at State Convention The New Jersey State Organization of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha Zeta State News Building and Weaving the Lace of Leadership to Embrace Our Vision * Design Our Future Mary Conover, a member of Pi chapter since 1987, has been elected to the office of State President. Conover currently serves the Society as the State Second Vice President and Chairman of Membership. Pre- viously, Mary held the position of Recording Secretary. She also served as Chair of the Rules and Bylaws Committee, and for two biennia was the Co-chair of the state convention. Mary was the President of Pi Chapter for three biennia and has served as a mentor to many of the chapters in the southern part of our state. In addition to being very visible at state con- vention, Mary has attended both Regional Conferences and Inter- national Conventions of the Society. Conover is retired from her position as a Library-Media Spe- cialist for the Glassboro School District and her position as a trainer and demonstrator for the U.S. Department of Education National Diffusion Network for Project WR.I.T.E. When not working, Mary is busy with her volunteer work for the Humane Society and Save the Animals Foundation. She is a two time recipient of the Glassboro Teacher of the Year Award and received the American Legion Award for Citizenship. Her colleagues write, "Mary pos- sesses the special talents of or- ganization and resourcefulness… (we) have been impressed by her consistent dedication, enthusi- asm, and professionalism, as well as her willingness to step-up and assume new responsibilities." Others expressed that Mary "has carried out her responsibilities in a very thoughtful and well- organized fashion, is an excellent communicator, and is open to the opinions of others." The consensus was that, "Mary has an exemplary record of service to Delta Kappa Gamma at the state level. We are confident that she will continue to promote our organization's high standards." Elected to the position of First Vice President is Barbara Smith of Omicron Chapter. Smith currently serves Alpha Zeta State as the First Vice President and Chair of Programs and was the Second Vice President and Chair of Membership previously. Initiated into Omicron in 1986, she served two terms as Chapter President and founded and served as the chair of their litera- cy project, Books for Babies. As President, she also developed a booklet designed specifically for the initiates to explain the goals and purposes of DKG. Smith is recently retired from the Little Egg Harbor School District where she held titles of Acting Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superinten- dent of Schools, Director of Instructional Services, and Su- pervisor of Instruction. She is a recipient of the Governor's Teacher Recognition/Teacher of the Year Award in 1991 and 1992. Her Omicron Sisters write, "We have all been extremely proud of Barbara, as she has ably served as an officer of Alpha Zeta State during the past biennium." Oth- ers have stated that "Barb has proven herself to be dedicated, thorough, and extremely effi- cient in her efforts to promote DKG's purposes. . .and that we remain confident that she will continue to promote our organi- zation's high standards if elected to this position." Sharon Long has been elected Second Vice President. Initiated into Iota Chapter in 1996, Long Continued on page 3

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The spring 2013 issue of the Alpha Zeta State News a publication of the New Jersey State Organization of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International


Page 1: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Inside this issue:

President’s Message 2

2013-15 State Officers continued 3

Revised AZS Bylaws/Standing Rules Approved


AZS Diamond Anniversary History


Cynthia Pope Honored 4

2013 Margaret Abel Recipient 5

AZS Convention Commendation 5

Rose and Key Recipients 6

In Memoriam 6

Combined Chapter Meetings 6

Welcome Initiates 7

AZS Budget Approved 8-9

Archives Display 10

Biennium Accomplishments 10

Spotlight on Chapters 11-14

AZS Day at the Statehouse 15

NE Regional 15





Kappa Gamma





growth of





in education.

2013-2015 State Officers Elected at State Convention

T h e N e w J e r s e y S t a t e O r g a n i z a t i o n o f t h e D e l t a K a p p a G a m m a S o c i e t y I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Alpha Zeta State News

Building and Weaving the Lattice of Leadership to Embrace Our Vision * Design Our Future

Mary Conover, a member of Pi chapter since 1987, has been elected to the office of State President. Conover currently serves the Society as the State Second Vice President and Chairman of Membership. Pre-viously, Mary held the position of Recording Secretary. She also served as Chair of the Rules and Bylaws Committee, and for two biennia was the Co-chair of the state convention. Mary was the President of Pi Chapter for three biennia and has served as a mentor to many of the chapters in the southern part of our state. In addition to being very visible at state con-vention, Mary has attended both Regional Conferences and Inter-national Conventions of the Society. Conover is retired from her position as a Library-Media Spe-cialist for the Glassboro School District and her position as a trainer and demonstrator for the U.S. Department of Education National Diffusion Network for Project WR.I.T.E. When not working, Mary is busy with her volunteer work for the Humane Society and Save the Animals Foundation. She is a two time recipient of the Glassboro

Teacher of the Year Award and received the American Legion Award for Citizenship. Her colleagues write, "Mary pos-sesses the special talents of or-ganization and resourcefulness…(we) have been impressed by her consistent dedication, enthusi-asm, and professionalism, as well as her willingness to step-up and assume new responsibilities." Others expressed that Mary "has carried out her responsibilities in a very thoughtful and well-organized fashion, is an excellent communicator, and is open to the opinions of others." The consensus was that, "Mary has an exemplary record of service to Delta Kappa Gamma at the state level. We are confident that she will continue to promote our organization's high standards."

Elected to the position of First Vice President is Barbara Smith of Omicron Chapter. Smith currently serves Alpha Zeta State as the First Vice President and Chair of Programs and was the Second Vice President and Chair of Membership previously. Initiated into Omicron in 1986, she served two terms as Chapter President and founded and served as the chair of their litera-

cy project, Books for Babies. As President, she also developed a booklet designed specifically for the initiates to explain the goals and purposes of DKG. Smith is recently retired from the Little Egg Harbor School District where she held titles of Acting Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Superinten-dent of Schools, Director of Instructional Services, and Su-pervisor of Instruction. She is a recipient of the Governor's Teacher Recognition/Teacher of the Year Award in 1991 and 1992. Her Omicron Sisters write, "We have all been extremely proud of Barbara, as she has ably served as an officer of Alpha Zeta State during the past biennium." Oth-ers have stated that "Barb has proven herself to be dedicated, thorough, and extremely effi-cient in her efforts to promote DKG's purposes. . .and that we remain confident that she will continue to promote our organi-zation's high standards if elected to this position." Sharon Long has been elected Second Vice President. Initiated into Iota Chapter in 1996, Long

Continued on page 3

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Page 2 Volume 60, issue 6

We had as much business to address as reasons to celebrate. You exceeded the membership challenge of 75 new members for the 75th Diamond Jubilee. We collected $3,792.00 for the DKG Emergency Fund. This fund assisted several AZS members in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene in 2011 and Super Storm Sandy in 2012. The Alpha Zeta State 1938—-2013 Diamond Anniver-sary History of the NJ State Or-ganization was unveiled by au-thor/editor Dr. Judy Merz (Alpha) at the state convention. Diamond Birthday Chairs Marie McGuire (Alpha) and Judy Jor-dan (Lambda) presented the CD-ROMs to chapter presidents. “Miss Annie” and I presented the books to the chapter presi-dents. The state archives and chapter history fairs provided a wealth of information. All signifi-cant memorabilia from the state archives was on display while the chapter information sessions highlighted members, projects and initiatives.

Delta Kappa Gamma Interna-tional 2nd Vice President and convention Society Representa-tive Dr. Lynda Schmid graced us with her knowledge of strength-ening chapters to serve the needs of our members. She is passion-ate and committed to ensuring the sustainability of the Society. She participated in the orienta-tion training for the 2013 initi-ates. Lyn shared Society news with the entire membership at the birthday luncheon. Lyn pre-sented an informative interactive workshop entitled, “It Doesn’t Take Barbells to Strengthen a Chapter.” Attendees were moti-vated by her creativity and com-mitment to launch DKG as a preeminent professional organi-zation. Convention guest Cindy Reynolds (Miss Annie) remarked that she truly enjoyed the events, ceremonies, company of the members and longstanding AZS traditions at the convention. Keynote speaker/author/teacher Stacey Bess noted that DKG-AZS

women are exceptional. She expressed how connected she felt to all of us. She said, “I feel like one of you – a sister.” She fur-ther wrote, “The women of AZS honestly care. They got my mes-sage.” Stacey expressed gratitude to the sisters of Pi Chapter for meeting her early on Saturday morning to assist with the book/DVD signing.

A special dedicated 75th anniver-sary issue of the state newsletter will be published in June. The publication will enable us to recap and relive the wonderful memories of the convention in a photo montage. Special acknowl-edgements, articles and testimo-nials will be included. Susan Davis (Epsilon), Janice Paxton (Alpha) and Mary Jean Di Rob-erto (Rho) executed and planned for multiple events, meal func-tions, fairs, ceremonies and meetings for the state conven-tion. Some of the events oc-curred simultaneously. They worked tirelessly for one year to ensure everything that was requested was carried forth with expert precision. Their work was more often behind the scene and continued until the close of convention on Sunday. Words fall short to express the depth of my grati-tude for their sustained effort and work ethic.

Chapter visits remain the high point of my presidency. Each chapter is unique in its personal and professional endeavors. The special chapter projects, pro-grams and initiatives demon-strate the diversity of talent and interest among us. Several chap-ters (Beta, Eta, Iota, Xi and Sig-ma) have enjoyed the annual combined regional meeting held in the western part of the state. This event has been successful for over twenty years. Nu Chap-ter has often participated in the combined meeting. It is an op-portune time to share resources, talent and promote spiritual fellowship among chapter mem-

bers in a more intimate setting than that of the state convention. Chapter presidents were encour-aged to consider birthing another combined meeting during this biennium. I was thrilled to attend the first northern regional com-bined meeting on March 23, 2013. The northern meeting was so successful that another is planned for 2014. Congratula-tions to Alpha, Epsilon, Theta and Tau Chapters! You took the risk and birthed an extraordinary program for your members. I had the additional pleasure to attend professional development meet-ings sponsored by Gamma, Eta and Pi Chapters during this bien-nium. The nature of meetings at the chapter level has grown and changed to include specific profes-sional needs for early career edu-cators, new state assessments for teachers and essential information educators in New Jersey should know.

My biennium began with a theme, goals and objectives. State chairs were appointed with representa-tion from every chapter. Appoint-ing more than one chair to serve on several state committees was critical to developing future lead-ers. Pairing seasoned leaders with more novice members enabled a multigenerational mentorship model to take shape. State chairs are integral participants in carry-ing forth the mission, purposes, business and initiatives of Alpha Zeta State and DKG. The 2010—2012 and 2012—2014 chapter presidents and officers are excep-tional leaders. We worked togeth-er to build a strong lattice of lead-ers. The state officers worked very

Building and Weaving the Lattice of Leadership to Embrace Our Vision * Design Our Future

Congratulations to the 2013 —2015 state officers! The wonder of Alpha Zeta State is the seam-less transition of leadership from one biennium to the next. Strong supportive leadership is integral to the sustainability of the state organization. The 2011—2013 state officers served as a leadership team throughout my biennium. We met regularly (in person and electronically) between and in addition to the regularly scheduled state meet-ings. We worked together with transparency and mutual respect for our varied leadership styles and talents. The multiple goals of the biennium were achieved through this collaborative leader-ship model. It is exciting to work with exemplary women to fulfill the purposes and initia-tives of the Society. Plans for the Transition Meeting and Interac-tive Portfolio Exchange sched-uled for Saturday, June 1st at 9:30 AM at Sayen School in Hamilton are well underway. President Elect Mary Conover and I are presidential planning partners for this meeting. We had the opportunity to meet on April 30th for our president to president transition meeting.

The Alpha Zeta State Conven-tion on April 12, 13 and 14th was a huge success as evidenced by the 343 registered attendees!

Roxanne Adinolfi 2011-2013 Alpha Zeta State President

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Page 3 Alpha Zeta State News

served as the President of her chapter for two biennia and currently serves Alpha Zeta State as the Recording Secretary. Previ-ously, Long served two biennia as the State Chair of Installa-tions. Long is a recent retiree from the Camden School District where she spent most of her teaching career. She also recently conclud-ed several terms as President of the Camden County Education Association and now has as-sumed the position as co-chair of the Government Relations Com-mittee for the Camden County Retired Education Association. In 1981 she received the Teacher of the Year Award and was se-lected as the Woman of the Year by the Zeta Phi Theta Society. She is a leader in her church and most recently co-chaired the 125th anniversary celebration of her church. About her, colleagues write, "Sharon is a woman to whom people will turn to and admire as an outstanding woman educa-tor." Others state that Sharon "has carried out her responsibili-ties in a very thoughtful and well-organized fashion and those of us who have known her through state meetings have found her a pleasure to work with."

Dr. Pamela Albert-Devine will serve in the position of Corre-sponding Secretary. Initiated into Mu Chapter in 1982, Al-bert-Devine served her chapter as president for six biennia. At the state level, she served as Chair of the Technology Com-mittee and under her leadership created the first Alpha Zeta State website which received approval from International for its many offerings and links. Currently she serves as the Chair of the Leadership Devel-opment Committee. Albert-Devine is the Principal of Point Road School in Little Silver and prior to assuming that post held the position of Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction for eight years, and taught in the same district for twenty years prior to moving into an administrative role. She holds a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Capella Uni-versity, a M.S. in Education with a concentration in Curricu-lum and Supervision and a Post Masters; concentration in Tech-nology and On-line Delivery of Instruction from Rutgers, The State University and a B.S. in Education from West Chester University, Pennsylvania. She has served on the New Jersey Department of Education: World Language Model School Program Committee and the NJTAP Technology Committee. Her article, "A Technology Ena-bled Journey," was published in Principal magazine in January/February 2012. Members of Mu chapter reiter-ate that Dr. Albert is the "backbone of the chapter," and that "her expertise and knowledge combine with her sense of humor to make her an outstanding leader." She is re-garded as both organized and efficient and is the "go-to" per-

Spring 2013

son who is always willing to assist others and mentor the new offic-ers of the chapter. Her tireless efforts on behalf of DKG have been noted, as Albert-Devine has been instrumental in the recruit-ment and retainment of members and the growth and stability of the chapter. Elected to the position of Record-ing Secretary is Carol Schwartz of Gamma Chapter. Schwartz currently serves as the State Cor-responding Secretary and was the State Social Co-chair for one biennium and one of the conven-tion tri-chairs for three years. She was President of her chapter for one biennium and continues to be a vital and active member, serving on several committees within her chapter. After 37 years in the Trenton Public School District, Schwartz retired from her position as Teacher Leader and her responsi-bilities as School Testing Coordi-nator and as a member of the Site-based Management Team. Schwartz also was very active in the Trenton Education Associa-tion serving as vice president and chairman of membership, as well as recording secretary and editor of their publication. She received the Governor’s Teacher Recogni-tion Award in 1993. In her spare time, Schwartz vol-unteers for the Special Olympics, serves on the Board of Trustees for her Synagogue Sisterhood, and works as a volunteer for Car-ousel, a group for adults with special needs. Schwartz currently serves on the Executive Board for Mercer County Retirees. Her chapter writes, “Carol has demonstrated her commitment to achieving DKG’s goals through her participation in AZS commit-tees,” while others write, “she has shown her ability to work with various types of leadership styles

State officers continued from page 1

and the results of her efforts have been outstanding. Finally, ...Her efforts to present Delta Kappa Gamma and Alpha Zeta State to others in a positive manner, demonstrates her pride in serving Alpha Zeta State.” Past State President Claire Swan-son of Alpha Chapter will serve the elected position of State Nominations Chairman. Swan-son was initiated in 1990 and currently serves Alpha Zeta State as the Editor of its state newslet-ter. In addition to mentoring the current president in her role as Immediate Past President, Swan-son also serves on the Finance Committee, the Margaret Abel Scholarship Award Ad Hoc Committee, and the Ad Hoc Strategic Action Plan Commit-tee. She was involved with the First Timers Session for the In-ternational Convention in New York and has been a workshop presenter at both Regional Con-ferences and International Con-ventions. Additionally, Swanson currently serves on the Interna-tional Communication and Pub-licity Committee. Swanson currently is the Educa-tional Media Specialist at Cedar Grove High School. She received the Alpha Zeta State Dedicated Service Award in 2006, as well as the Governor’s Teacher Recogni-tion Award in 1994 and again in 2011. Swanson is known for her effi-ciency and organization. Col-leagues write, "Claire has worked tirelessly, often behind the scenes, in support of others. She has served the state organization on many committees and in various state offices. She has always carried out her responsi-bilities in a very thoughtful and well-organized fashion, and we have found her to be a pleasure to work with."

hard serving on multiple com-mittees. First Vice President Barbara Smith and Immediate Past President Claire Swanson were by my side to support every endeavor. I am eternally grateful to them and you for the loyal service and friendship we share.

Serving as your state president has been a privilege.

As ever, Roxanne

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Page 4 Volume 60, issue 6

away, as well as a table delineat-ing state officers and chapter chairs, 1938-2013.

Collaborative: The development and proofing of the history in-volved chapter presidents, past state presidents, state committee chairs, and state photographer, as well as a team of final proofread-ers: Carmela DeMarco (Gamma), Lyn Smith (Kappa), and Claire Swanson (Alpha).

Convenient: The history is avail-able in both print and electronic format. The CD format is easily navigated via links throughout the document. Pages and sec-tions can be readily copied for use in chapter affairs—or the entire CD can be copied for dissemination to chapter mem-bers.

Each chapter president received hard copy and CD versions of the history at the Birthday Luncheon at convention. Judy expressed thanks to all who as-sisted in this monumental task and urged all members to read the history as a source of inspira-tion and pride.

After two years of deliberation and consideration by the Rules/Bylaws Committee and the mem-bership at large, the proposed changes to the AZS Bylaws and Standing Rules were approved at the 2013 annual convention’s business meeting on April 13, 2013. As per a proviso for adop-tion, these newly revised bylaws and standing rules went into effect at the close of convention.

The co-chairs are indebted to the chapter chairs, the members of the Ad Hoc Committee appoint-ed by President Roxanne Adinolfi, the AZS webmaster, and the members for their dili-

Comprehensive. Collaborative. Convenient. These are the three words used by Dr. Judy Merz, Alpha, to describe the Alpha Zeta State Diamond Anniversary History as she delivered the 605-page document and accompanying CD to State President Roxanne Adinolfi at convention.

Comprehensive: The history incorporates all 75 years of the state organization’s history—not just the last 25. Among the ex-tensive data included are full lists of Rose and Key recipients and of members who have passed

Cynthia S. Pope, a member of Rho Chapter, was selected to receive the Edward Fry Endowed Graduate Fellow-ship Award from Rutgers Graduate School of Educa-tion. The Award, granted to a doctor-al student in literacy who demonstrates scholarly promise and is at the middle or near the end of their program, was presented at the 45th Annual Rutgers Reading and Writ-ing Conference on April 12 at the Dou-ble Tree Hotel in Somerset.

Cindy’s dissertation titled “Digital Distance Learning Com-munities: Community’s Role in Building K-12 Online Scholastic Networks” highlights teachers’ beliefs about forming communi-ties in online learning in K-12 education. She commented, “I am honored to have received this award by members of the literacy

faculty at Rutgers Graduate School of Education. I am grate-ful to my dissertation committee

members: Dr. Erica Boling (chair), Dr. Lesley Morrow and Dr. Richard Novak. I look forward to de-fending my disserta-tion and to be award-ed a doctorate degree by Rutgers Universi-ty.” Cindy successfully defended her disserta-tion in March.

Cindy will be awarded her Doctor of Educa-tion from Rutgers Graduate School of

Education in May. While at Rutgers, Cindy was inducted into the Kappa Delta Pi interna-tional honor society and the Omicron Tau Theta national professional graduate society. Pope received her Master of Education from Rutgers and also holds a Certificate of Ad-vanced Study in Educational Leadership and Supervision from Rider University.

Revised AZS Bylaws/Standing Rules Approved at Convention

gence in analyzing the changes and offering many suggestions that became a part of the final version. The updated bylaws and standing rules are in compliance with the International Constitu-tion and reflect current practices. The amended documents will be posted on the AZS website after the International Constitution Committee has completed their review and filed them with head-quarters.

Joanne Hill and Margaret L. Madison Rules/Bylaws Committee Co-chairs

Cynthia Pope awarded Edward Fry Endowed Graduate

Fellowship Award

Alpha Zeta State Diamond Anniversary History

A resident of Stewartsville, Cin-dy has been employed in public education for over 15 years. She has served as an elementary enrichment teacher with King-wood Township School District since 2007. Her responsibilities include teaching literacy classes including grades K-7 honors and accelerated reading classes. In addition to her work in King-wood Township, she has been an online instructor for Rutgers Graduate School of Education since 2010, teaching coursework leading to the Educational Tech-nology Certificate.

Pope has been a member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Alpha Zeta State, Rho Chapter since 2011. Cindy gratefully acknowledges the

support and encouragement she feels as a member of DKG. She is also a member of Tri-County Reading Council and the Hun-terdon County Professional Development Board.

Cindy’s son, Nicholas, is a jun-ior at Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences majoring in Com-munications. He will graduate in May 2014.

Cynthia S. Pope

If you have changed your email address or

International does not have one on file for you, go to and update your mem-

bership record. Please help International update its

database so all members can be contacted electronically.

Page 5: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Alpha Zeta State News Page 5 Spring 2013

Mary Jean Di Roberto (Convention Chair), Susan Davis (Facility Site Coordina-tor/Event Planner) and Jan Paxton (Convention Registrar) serve Alpha Zeta State as a tight, triumphant and trustworthy trio. Jan and Sue have served as part of a trio for the past five biennia. These talented and committed women work togeth-er year-round with seamless precision and boundless energy to prepare for the state conven-tion. Mary Jean serves as chair and is the target person. She handles the communications and overall organization of con-vention functions. Sue works behind the scenes on a prolific list of responsibilities including: securing the convention dates, negotiating the contract, book-ing facility banquet and work-shop rooms, ordering all AV equipment/set-ups for the multi-ple functions, takes care of the rooms for our Society and con-vention guests and monitors the hotel room to ensure we reach our room block to avoid penalty. And Sue is always only a cell phone call away to attend to our every need during the conven-tion weekend. Jan takes care of drafting the registration forms for the state newsletter and online format, oversees prepara-tion of convention registration packets, seating and meal tick-ets, serves as convention regis-trar and handles all expenses.

Several face-to-face meetings are necessary during the year as these three coordinate their efforts.

The diligent trio meets to read the evaluations completed by the members who attended the state convention. They carefully con-sider and note every suggestion and idea. The evaluations are shared with the state president and often the suggested requests or changes are entertained for the following year. They always provide an unbiased report at the state meeting in the fall. Have you filled out your convention evaluation form yet? If not, fill it out now here! This year’s state convention involved so much more and contained many more changes than in previous years. Nevertheless, the tried and true convention trio rose to the occa-sion. They worked tirelessly with the state officers, chapter presi-dents, state chairs, appointed individuals, presenters and speak-ers. AZS sisters are ever-thankful to them for the gift of their time and sustained commitment. Mary Jean was relieved to know that Sue and Jan would be by her side when she accepted the re-quest to be convention chair for the 2011-13 biennium.

Jan Paxton and Susan Davis were recognized at the 2012 convention luncheon and re-ceived a standing ovation from

Gina Michalski, a Graduate Student at Montclair State Uni-versity, was awarded the Marga-ret Abel Scholarship at the luncheon celebration during Alpha Zeta State’s 75th State Convention in April. Gina, a resident of Rutherford, New Jersey, is enrolled in a Master’s degree program in Early Child-hood Education-P-3. She also serves as a Graduate Assistant for the Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health. At the Center, Gina observes and carefully records children’s performance; analyses research data and creates reports for data analysis; assists in grant writing; conducts research as requested by the Director and Assistant Director; manages the website and Facebook pages; participates in meetings and assists in coordi-nating Center events and confer-ences.

When not working on her stud-ies or at the Center, Gina is very involved with her husband and two young daughters. She also is an active member of the PTA; the Junior Woman’s Club of Rutherford and belongs to the New Jersey Association of Infant Mental Health. Gina accom-plishes all of this while maintain-ing a 4.0 grade point average at Montclair State University. Congratulations to Gina! Submitted by Carol N. Scelza Chair, Margaret Abel Scholarship Award

2013 Margaret Abel Scholarship Award

Recipient Announced

Dr. Marilyn Gonyo congratulates Gina Michalski

2013 AZS Convention Commendation

the members. Mary Jean Di Roberto was recognized at the convention this year. The success of the state convention rests in the capable hands of these re-markable women.

The 2013 AZS 75th Diamond Anniversary Convention will be featured in a special dedicated issue of the AZS Newsletter in June. This special issue is at the request of State President Roxanne Adinolfi. It will in-clude chapter group photo-graphs, past state presidents and comprehensive highlights of all the memorable events, work-shops and celebrations. Copies of the dedicate issue will be placed in the state archives. The publication will serve as a con-venient text and pictorial refer-ence for state leaders to plan for future milestone celebrations for AZS. Chapter presidents are encouraged to inform their members of this upcoming publi-cation. Hard copies of the news-letter will be mailed to chapter presidents, state officers, past state presidents, special guests/speakers, DKG headquarters and workshop presenters.

Mary Jean Di Roberto (Rho) Susan Davis (Epsilon) and Jan Paxton (Alpha) sport bright smiles as their work for the state convention comes to fruition.

Page 6: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Page 6 Volume 60, issue 6

Chapter Rose Award Key Award

Alpha Catherine Cleenput Patricia Marks

Beta Lorraine Pfeffer Beulah L. Brinker

Gamma Toni Halsey Lorraine Persiani

Delta Karen Elizabeth Cohen Carol A. MacFeat

Epsilon Elizabeth Monaghan Angela Sepe

Zeta Lucille Ziegler Geraldine Hadley

Eta Joanne Smith Lorraine Harnish

Theta Lisa Marie Rodrick Marianne Skinner

Iota Mona Bennett Candice Zachowski

Lambda Dr. Barbara Glazewski Catherine Rhein

Mu Jill Lynch

Nu Joyce Scheller Ingrid Williams

Xi Jane Flanagan Loretta Leyrer

Omicron Shelley Smith Gail Starr

Pi Cynthia Moyer Helen Musumeci

Rho Dr. Margaret Niemiec Mary Jean DiRoberto

Sigma Denise Serico Vickie Mathas

Tau Veronica Tobia

It is with great pride, honor and joy that the above Delta Kappa Gamma - Alpha Zeta State members were awarded the Rose or Key Award at the State Convention Banquet on April 13, 2013. Personal Growth and Services Chair, Babette Wise read the recipient’s name while Convention Chair, Mary Jean DiRoberto and Janice Paxton, Convention Registar presented a certificate for distinguished service and accomplishments to each recipient, assisted by Susan Davis, Facility Site Coordinator/Event Planner who gave each awardee a Rose and Key Booklet. Following the banquet, State Photographer, Michele Contala took group pictures of the Rose and Key recipients with State President, Roxanne Adinolfi. A special thank you is extended to all who helped see that this year’s Rose and Key Awards were a special tribute to outstanding women.

Babette Wise Personal Growth and Services Chair

2013 Rose and Key Award Recipients

Initiated Deceased

Epsilon Chapter

April 1975 Ruth Ann Duffy Williams December 4, 2012

Rho Chapter

April 1969 Mary Elizabeth Young February 3, 2013

In Memoriam

West and North Hold Combined Meetings

Saturday, March 23, 2013 marked the first Combined Northern Chapters Meeting which joined members from Alpha, Epsilon, Theta and Tau. The topic for the day was "The Third Chapter" and featured a panel discussion by members on retirement planning and projects. Dr. Margaret Anzul, Tau and Barbara Ann Ellert, Alpha coor-dinated the event. The meeting was such a success that chapter presidents sat down immediately after the meeting to start plan-ning for next year!

The longstanding meeting of the Western Chapters of Beta, Eta, Iota, Nu and Sigma had their annual combined meeting on March 2, 2013. The program “Steeped in History” looked into the history of tea, fashions, and historic Rockwood Museum. Iota President Irene Maskaly, a do-cent at Rockwood, shared her expertise and displayed many of the museum items and a brief video of Rockwood Museum in Wilmington, Delaware.

Dr. Margaret Anzul and Barbara Ann Ellert

Pictured at the Annual C o m b i n e d W o r k s h o p : Beta President L u e l l a V e n g e n o c k , Iota President Irene Maskaly, Eta President Mary Zaccardi, Nu President Jane Tallmadge and Sigma P r e s i d e n t E l i z a b e t h Procopio.

Page 7: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Alpha Zeta State News Page 7 Spring 2013

Welcome to Our 76 Initiates for our 75th Anniversary!

Alpha Ann Calvin

Alpha Michelle Christadore

Alpha Holly Corsaro

Alpha Veronica Kaplanovich

Alpha Cristina LaPadula

Alpha Elaine Stout

Beta Michele A. Mattioli-Landew

Beta Colleen W. Reilly

Gamma Jennifer Braverman

Gamma Linda M. Carduner

Gamma Natalie Devlin

Gamma Lora Marie Durr

Gamma Sonja Hunt

Gamma Michelle Maruca

Gamma Jessica Myers

Gamma Susan Myers

Gamma Holly Pappas

Gamma Susan B. Schickner

Gamma Joyce Simons

Gamma Heidi Tilghman

Gamma Mary Ann Wherley

Delta Heather Chew

Delta Alexis Flack

Delta Jennifer J. Giorgio- Blum

Delta Kelly Jo Lasher

Delta Jacqueline Mendel

Delta Lisa String Lisa String

Xi Kathleen Reed

Xi Karen Santora

Xi Kathy Watkins

Omicron Anne Deitz

Omicron Laura Edson

Omicron Ariane Phillips

Pi Susan M. Barry

Pi Patricia Crone

Pi Stacy Gorodetzer

Pi Carol Murphy

Rho Susan March

Rho Susan Rainaldi

Sigma Shirley Allen

Sigma Beth Asbury

Sigma Lisa Bair

Sigma Tiffany Harris-Greene

Sigma Annette Harris

Sigma Denise Roskey

Sigma Valerie Schumacher

Sigma Marilyn Wiesen

Tau Donna Auriemma

Tau Michelle Brennan

Tau Deborah Neely

Tau Susan Vigilante

Epsilon Maureen Beckman

Epsilon Dr. Kitsy Dixon

Epsilon Lisa Hirkaler

Zeta Kathleen Basilotto

Eta Dawn Lambert

Theta Joan C. Forde

Theta Nancy Frigoletto

Theta Amy Vormbrock*

Theta Leann Winn

Iota Sonya Cramer

Iota Mary Moyer

Iota Catherine Schofield

Kappa Gloria McCormick**

Lambda Jeannine Carlucci

Lambda Elizabeth P. DeLucca

Lambda Erin Mulligan-Pierre

Mu Mary Caronna

Mu Ann Carroll Wibbelsman

Nu Marianne Cancellieri

Nu Beth Manning

Nu Jill Sortino

Xi Diane Brunetti

Xi Katherine Falciano

Xi Stephanie Gibbons

Xi Vickie Myers


* - Honorary Member

** - Reinstated Member

Pictured: Pat Vincent, Gamma with her two initiates Michelle Maruca on the left and Susan Myers on the right. Congratulations and welcome to these new Gamma members and all our new members initiated this year!

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Page 8 Volume 60, issue 6

Income Members 2012-2013 Members 2013-2014 Initiation 39 x $5.00 $195.00 73 x $5.00 $365.00 Dues - Active 819 x $52.00 $42,588.00 850 x $52.00 $44,200.00 Dues - Reserve 81 x $23.00 $1,863.00 75 x $23.00 $1,725.00 Honorary Members 2 x $50 $100.00 Scholarship 900 x $1.00 $900.00 925 x $1.00 $925.00 Newsletter 900 x $1.00 $900.00 925 x $1.00 $925.00 Convention 900 x $2.00 $1,800.00 925 x 2.00 $1,850.00 Interest on ING Com-mercial Savings $240.21 $150.00 Interest on MetLife CD $61.74 $417.60 $300.00 On Hand as of 3/15/13 $6,000.00

Total Available ####### Disbursements and Expenses

1.0 - Dues and Fees to International 1.a Dues Active 819 x $40.20 $32,923.80 850 x $40.20 $34,170.00 1.b Dues Reserve 81 x $20.20 $1,636.20 75 x $20.20 $1,515.00 1.c Initiates' Fee 39 x $2.50 $97.50 73 x$ 2.50 $182.50

2.0 Stationery, Supplies & Copying $500.00 $300.00

3.0 Printing 3.a Newsletter $1,500.00 $1,200.00 3.b Yearbook $3,000.00 $2,700.00

4.0 Postage 4.a Newsletter $500.00 $500.00 4.b Committees $100.00 $50.00

5.0 President's Expenses $4,000.00 $4,000.00

6.0 Other Officers' Expenses 6.a Treasurer $200.00 $200.00

6.b Recording Secretary $150.00 $50.00 6.c Corresponding Secretary $250.00 $200.00

Alpha Zeta State Budget for 2013-2014 Approved at State Convention

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Page 9

Alpha Zeta State Budget for 2013-2014 Approved at State Convention

Spring 2013 Alpha Zeta State News

7.0 Committee Expenses 7.a Photography $400.00 $300.00 7.b Expansion $25.00 $25.00 7.c Membership $50.00 $25.00 7.d Service Award $0.00 awarded in even yrs $100.00 7.e Historian $25.00 $25.00

7.f Executive Board Refreshments $450.00 $300.00 7.g Scholarship Committee $200.00 $200.00

8.0 Salary/ Honorarium/ President's Pins $400.00 $450.00

9.0 Telephone/ International Web $60.00 $60.00

10.0 Permanent Fund (hardware, equipment, etc.) Article X Section 8 Con-stitution

Fully funded as per In-ternational

Fully funded as per International

11.0 Seed Money for New Chapters $500.00 $250.00

12.0 Personal Growth $200.00 $0.00

13.0 Nominations $300.00 $0.00

14.0 Professional Affairs Legislation (Postage) $100.00 $0.00

15.0 Meeting Rental Fees $2,550.00 $500.00

16.0 Convention $5,000.00 $2,000.00

17.0 Business Expenses

17.a Technology $150.00 $100.00 17.b Incorporation Fee $50.00 $30.00 17.c Bonding for 3 years $0.00 $506 due in 2016 $0.00 17.d Insurance $750.00 $750.00 17.e Go-to-Meeting $60.00 $60.00 17.f Constant Con-tact $336.00 $0.00

18.0 Partial Registration for Interna-tional Convention / Regional Con-ference $5,500.00 $3,000.00

19.0 Contingencies $2,000.00 $2,000.00

Total Projected Expenses $63,963.50 $55,242.50

Total Projected Income ####### $67,567.66 $56,540.00

Total Projected Balance $3,604.16 $1,297.50

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Page 10 Volume 60, issue 6


The first AZS Strategic Action Plan was presented to the mem-bership and adopted at the state convention thanks to the excel-lent work of Ad Hoc Committee Chair Mary Conover (Pi) and the members of the appointed committee: Pam Watkinson (Rho), Dr. Mary Lee Batesko (Zeta), Kathy Coe (Sigma), Amy Weinstein (Gamma) and Claire Swanson (Alpha). The SAP was completed in 2012 before the membership voted to adopt the comprehensive proposed amend-ments to the AZS Bylaws and Standing Rules. The SAP will be implemented and updated as we move forward during the next biennium. AZS BYLAWS AND STANDING RULES The comprehensive proposed amendments to the AZS Bylaws and Standing Rules were unani-mously adopted by the member-ship at the state convention on April 13th. Margaret Madison (Sigma) and Joanne Hill (Omicron) demonstrated excep-tional leadership as state chairs of the standing committee. Spe-cial thanks to Dr. Judith Merz (Alpha) Bylaws/Rules Ad Hoc Committee Chair and commit-tee members Barbara Smith (Omicron), Claire Swanson (Alpha), Dr. Beth Ann Richey (Beta), Margaret Madison (Sigma) and Joanne Hill (Omicron) appointed March 23, 2012.


The labor-intensive endeavor to prepare for the 75th anniversary of AZS during this biennium was assigned to State Archivist Dr. Kathleen Froriep. The daunting task included updating, organiz-ing and compiling a comprehen-sive inventory of all materials in the state archives. Archives Ad Hoc Chair Froriep and her com-mittee members worked on site side by side. Committee mem-bers Dr. Mary Lee Batesko (Zeta), Carmela DeMarco (Gamma), Mary Zaccardi (Eta), Sharon Long (Iota) and Barbara Smith (Omicron) put forth great effort over many months. Barba-ra and Kathy transported artifacts to the state convention site to display at the state history fair. Kathy recently invited all AZS members to Georgian Court University to view the items on display in the University library through the month of June. The 19 birthday gifts presented to AZS by the chapters at the state convention are also on display. University President Sister Rose-mary Jeffries was a special guest at the state convention. Sister expressed that she was very im-pressed by the magnitude of Delta Kappa Gamma and the extensive work and service of our state organization. It was an hon-or to publically acknowledge Sister for her support to main-tain our archives. The archives have been safely stored at Geor-gian Court University in Lake-wood since 1998.

Biennium Accomplishments

Sister Rosemary Jeffries, Georgian Court University President with AZS President Roxanne Adinolfi a 1975 alumna of Georgian Court at the birthday luncheon.

Archives Display in Georgian Court Library

“Celebrating 75 Years" AZ State archival materials and gifts from chap-ters are on display in the Sister Mary Joseph Cunningham Library at Georgian Court University, Lakewood, NJ during May and June.

On back wall: CD version of our founders; original textile art chapter gift. Top shelf: origi-anl cross stitch gift from Iota; Framed "Qualities of Good Teachers" word collage chapter gift; Framed acrostic from Omicron. Bottom shelf: Framed painting from Alpha; Enlarged photo of dolls and their biographies; Original book from Epsilon. On base of showcase: framed collage from Theta. On side wall: Original digital art chapter gift; Original bound book from Delta.

On back wall: CD version of 75th Diamond Jubilee History compiled by Judith Merz; "A Look Back" CD photo and video compilation; Handmade lighthouse card from Mu; Photo from 1953 DKG luncheon at Hotel Commodore, NYC with Eleanor Roosevelt at head table; 2 framed photos of chapter members. On base of showcase: 2 framed photos with signatures from chapters; red book from 1940s, 1950s, silver, & golden anniversaries; book of handwritten AZ State minutes opened to 1944 at Molly Pitcher Inn, Red Bank.

Page 11: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Stacy Sherman, middle school science teacher at Lower Allo-ways Creek School in Salem County, attended the NSTA (National Science Teachers Asso-ciation) convention in San Anto-nio, Texas. While at this nation-al convention, DuPont honored Stacy for receiving their 2012 DuPont Excellence in Teaching Award. Her 20 plus years of participation in the regional science fair, as well as her contin-ued excellence in promoting science research within her class-room were some of her highlight-ed accomplishments at this event.

Sue Maniglia continues to serve as President of the Salem County Education Association. Sue was recently elected to the NJEA Executive Committee for a three year term.

Preparation for Alpha Zeta State’s seventy-fifth birthday gave Gamma Chapter the push it needed to delve into our archives housed at the Trenton Public Library. As Jan Wilson and Sau-la Cutter searched the materials previously borrowed, we un-earthed the 1954 Alpha Zeta State Charter. As we continued to read the documents, we real-ized that some of Alpha Zeta State’s archives had been boxed up during the library archive re-location and mixed in with our materials. Gamma Chapter Ar-chive Chairs Darlene Nemeth, Gamma Chapter Past President, and Donna Graham made an appointment with the library and searched through the archives to find items of interest for the Alpha Zeta State History Display. They were in for quite a surprise. Our Gamma archives are now located in the Trentoniana Col-lection, home of the Trenton Historical Society archives. The Trentoniana Room is beautiful, temperature controlled and pro-tected from UV exposure. As

Darlene and Donna unearthed treasure after treasure they came upon a letter that described how the missing pioneer dolls had been donated to the New Jersey Historical Society. Darlene called the Acting Director of the New Jersey Historical Society. He requested a copy of the letter be faxed to them. The race was on to locate the dolls in time for the Alpha Zeta State Convention that was five short days away. Both the Acting Director of the New Jersey Historical Society and the Education Coordinator es-corted the dolls to convention. They were on view for all to see on Saturday afternoon of con-vention.

Delta Chapter held its 10th An-nual Beat the Clock Against Breast Cancer Run/Walk this year. At least 165 people partici-pated, including a number of survivors, and everyone ended up as a winner – as the fastest in a division, as the winner of a door prize or with the incredible spirit that accompanies this event. With the addition of this year’s proceeds, Delta Chapter has been responsible for over $73,000 in donations to the American Cancer Society!

Epsilon sisters have been instru-mental in starting a free math tutoring center in Hackettstown. Kathy Turrisi, a professor in the math department at Centenary College, began this project with

the help of her math students as tutors and her Epsilon sisters as tutors as well. The sisters donated money for tables and chairs, games and manipulatives and other resources. It’s been a won-derful partnership in giving back to the community. The parents are thrilled and can have seen results since January. We will continue the program next year. At our March meeting we collect-ed eight shopping bags full of Mother’s Day gifts for the women in two battered women shelters in Warren and Sussex counties. We also collected change from the sisters for a “Change in Africa.” This will go to the DKG fund for Schools for Africa. We were happy to add three initi-ates to the “75” this year. Maureen Beckman, Kitsy Dixon, and Lisa Herkaler are all out-standing women educators and examples of the best we have in education today. We joyfully wel-come them into our chapter. This month we will be giving four scholarships from Epsilon to wor-thy women educators attending local county colleges and Cen-tenary College. Linda Bruno and Marie Kovacs made their annual trip to the Dominican Republic to donate books, school supplies and other items to the Dream Project. Dream has become the model on how to improve education by working with communities and the public school system in the Dominican Republic. Its aim is to lift indigent children and youth out of poverty through education. We are very proud of all their efforts. This year’s Rose award recipient was Betty Monaghan, a science teacher in Newton High School. The Key award was given to Ange-la Sepe, a retired elementary teacher in the Sparta School Dis-trict. Both have executive positions in Epsilon for this biennium. A new “Social Committee” has been formed this year and started out with a bang at our first get

Spotlight on Chapters

Cindy Martin has taught Fall and Spring mini-courses for the Montclair State Network for Educational Renewal. The course is titled “Literature Through Art”. DKG Sisters who are taking the course are: Pattie Caruso, Linda Leddy and Eve-lyn Oberndorf.

Virginia Jones has been a literacy volunteer for 4 years. She taught three women immigrants ESOL. Two of the women received their US Citizenship in 2011. One was able to vote in the General Elections in 2011. The other will vote for the first time in the Primary Election in 2013. The women are from Columbia, South Korea and Iran.

Marie McGuire was co-chair of the 75th birthday committee for Alpha Zeta State. Alpha Chapter also celebrated our 65th birthday this year.

October 2012 marked a very special milestone for Beta Chap-ter, as we celebrated our 65th year. Thirty-two sisters gathered to reflect on our history while looking forward to our future. cutting the cake are Current Beta president Luella Vengenock, former Beta president (1970-1972) and Beta member for 50 years Bea Brinker and Alpha Zeta State president Roxanne Adinolfi cut the celebratory cake.

Beta Chapter

Gamma Chapter

Epsilon Chapter

Alpha Zeta State News Page 11

Delta Chapter

Fall 2012

Darlene Nemeth and Saula Cutter with the Acting Director and Education Coor-dinator of the NJ Historical Society

Alpha Chapter

Luella Vengennock, Bea Brinker and Roxanne Adinolfi

Page 12: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Sisters helping out neighbors and strangers alike, tirelessly working on dispersing emergency supplies in our communities was absolutely inspiring. I am so proud of their heroic effort in the face of an unimaginable disaster. I have always felt honored to belong to such an outstanding group of women and will be eternally grateful for the assis-tance given to our members. We will restore the shore to a new normal but our lives in our area will long be defined by the devas-tation of Super Storm Sandy. Thank you to all who lent a help-ing hand through the storm and the continued restoration. It means more than you could know. With Heartfelt Thanks from Zeta Chapter Sarah Schaefer, Zeta Chapter President

Theta has been involved in sever-al community service projects this year starting with replenish-ing the Rutherford Food Pantry; we supplied the food pantry with 26 bags of food, 1 box of neces-sary household goods and a case of water. This project was to help out for the holidays. Our next project was to collect books and school supplies for the teachers of Memorial School in Union Beach. Their school was totally destroyed by the storm. Our last project was to collect gift cards from our members and our sister chapter in Texas to donate to the staff of The Memorial School in Union Beach for supplies to help replenish supplies lost in the storm. Together we collected $675 for the teachers. We hope that this small gesture will in some way show them that people do care and are willing to help.

Michelle Llewellyn along with two colleagues was awarded a $1,000 mini-grant from the For-

eign Language Educators of New Jersey. The title of their project is “Immersing the iGeneration in World Languages and Cultures”. The money will be used to pur-chase three iPad Minis which will provide students immediate access to the world. Michelle also recently completed her Mas-ter in School Leadership Degree at Wilmington University and now holds a New Jersey Principal Certificate of Eligibility. In addition to these two wonderful accomplishments, Michelle re-ceived the Axelrod Family Award for excellence in teaching toler-ance. The award was presented by Dr. Paul Winkler, Executive Director of the NJ State Com-mission on Holocaust Educa-tion, on behalf of the Axelrod family.

Sharon Long was elected to the position of 2nd Vice President for Alpha Zeta State at the state convention. Sharon did a fan-tastic job as recording secretary and we are confident she will be an amazing 2nd vice president!

Arnetta Johnson has been cho-sen as Teacher of the Year for 2012-2013 at Williamstown Middle School in the Monroe Township, Gloucester County. She was presented with a Resolu-tion at the Board of Education meeting on March 21st by the Superintendent and received a Proclamation from the Mayor at the Monroe Township Court-house Municipal Building.

Two of our Iota sisters were re-cently elected to represent their communities by serving on their school boards of education. Candy Zachowski is proudly serving on the school board for Washington Township, Glouces-ter County. Christine Reilly is honored to be a new member of the Oaklyn board of education in Camden County. Congratula-tions to you both!

Colleen Tambuscio, during the first two weeks of April 2013, accompanied twelve New Milford High School students on a tour of Holocaust sites in Eastern Eu-rope. The students were pro-foundly affected by this life-changing experience. During the tour they shared their deeply felt reactions in their blogs, which can be accessed at She originated this historical tour to offer students a way to experi-ence the Holocaust in the places where the events had happened. She has just completed her tenth annual trip for the Holocaust Education Program at NMHS.

A collection of art works by Dr. Zita Pruitt was featured at the Teaneck Library during the month of December 2012. An artist’s reception was held on December 9. Dr. Pruitt, follow-ing a career as educator, school principal, and writer, has become a recognized artist. Her art work has been exhibited in numerous venues and was recently featured at the Bergen County Administra-tion Building.

During the month of March 2013, Dr. Bea Card Kettlewood presented a solo art show entitled “Doors, Windows and the Weath-er” at the West Side Presbyterian Church in Ridgewood, NJ. Subti-tled “40 Years of Observa-tions:1975-2013,” the show invit-ed viewers to think about the mysteries “beyond the surface of the painting, the scene, the life.” The open windows and doors ajar in her paintings invite one to look further, to speculate, to wonder, to imagine. The places in the paintings include New Jersey, Maine (“Popham Autumn”), Mas-sachusetts, Rhode Island, Oregon, and more. Bea Kettlewood, who is listed in Who’s Who in Ameri-can Art, was an art educator and department chairman at New Milford High School. She has designed stained glass windows

Spotlight on Chapters

Volume 60, issue 6

together in January at Kathy Turrisi’s home. Everyone brought an appetizer or dessert and had a chance to really get to know one another better. We are looking forward to a spring activity.

Zeta Chapter wishes to send heartfelt thanks to our organiza-tion for the support and concern that you have sent our way since the devastation of Super Storm Sandy. No amount of planning could have ever braced us for the unfathomable power and de-struction of the storm. Each and every day we are reminded of the devastation we saw six months ago. In addition to the destruc-tion of our communities, many of our Sisters and their family members lost their homes, their belongings and their memories. In the wake of the storm, as President of Zeta Chapter, I felt powerless to help my sisters in their time of need. I reached out to as many members as I could to be informed on their status but with the sheer scope of loss I had no idea where to begin. With the guidance of our State President Roxanne Adinolfi, however, I was soon able to coor-dinate with our organization to use all the tools at our disposal to help in every way we could. Roxanne assisted in securing Emergency Relief from Delta Kappa Gamma Society Interna-tional for our homeless mem-bers, and other Chapters reached out to us and offered gift cards and support to our sisters in need. I would like to extend a special thank you to Alpha, Xi, and Lambda Chapters and all the members who offered sup-port in our time of need. I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize our own members of Zeta Chapter who in the face of tragedy reached out to assist in their communities in any way they could. The selfless efforts of our

Kappa Chapter

Page 12

Iota Chapter

Theta Chapter

Zeta Chapter

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Page 13

attended her first convention this year and looks forward to many more!!

Pride – that is the word Mu Chapter is feeling these days. Pride in having one of our own members, Dr. Pamela Albert Devine, elected as a state officer. Pam will sit on the Alpha Zeta State Executive Board as the corresponding secretary. This is a job that is well suited for Pam. Somehow, in her busy life, she finds the time to drop cards and notes to those that need a pat on the back or a kind word. She is truly a dedicated Delta Kappa Gamma member, serving not only on the local level but also chairing committees on the state level. We are honored to have Pam elected to the executive board of Alpha Zeta State. We are also honored to have had Alpha Zeta State President, Roxanne Adinolfi, attend our Initiates’ Tea on Sunday, March 3, 2013. She welcomed mem-bers, participated in our business meeting and was a great source of information for our new initi-ates. It was wonderful having her in attendance as Mu Chapter was proud to be sponsoring two new initiates during our Alpha Zeta State’s 75th birthday celebra-tion. The lovely Tea was elegant-ly prepared by two Mu Sisters,

Melanie Minch-Klass and her sister, Laurel Christ. It was a day to celebrate, as we were also proud to have our charter mem-ber, Lillie Hendry, in attend-ance. She has been a member of Delta Kappa Gamma since 1967. Lillie, as a member for 46 years, is a source of inspiration and admiration in our chapter. So, yes, you can say Mu Chapter has a lot of Pride!

The Alpha Zeta State Conven-tion was a success in many ways. The Nu Chapter had a success-ful record in the amount of at-tendees for our 75th Anniver-sary. Twenty-two members out of 36 came to the conven-tion...that's 61% in attendance. We are proud of our chapter. Our President, Jane Tallmadge, offered the President's Project money in the form of a gift card to the devastated school district of Seaside Heights. The district gratefully used it to purchase dictionaries for a classroom. At the convention Joyce Scheller was named the Rose Award re-cipient. Joyce has been spear-heading our Doris Garland Pro-ject for many years. This project supplements Christmas gifts for needy families. Ingrid Williams, retired math teacher and past chapter president, received the Key Award. Congratulations, Joyce and Ingrid.

This year Xi hopes to raise $5000 to support a plethora of chapter causes, some new and some tried and true. The first is a newly created classroom endowment fund to which teachers can apply for money to support in-class

projects and activities. These grants will be available to all teachers in members’ districts starting next school year. As teach-ers face increased expenses and stagnant salaries, all of those fun activities once funded from our personal accounts are no longer an option and students miss out. This fund will be to support those classroom costs that often come from teacher pockets. The second aim of our fundrais-ing is supporting our Sister to Sister fund. This is money set aside to help sisters in need. In 2014 we hope to use part of this fund to encourage more sisters to join us at convention by paying our initiates’ registration fees and offering one sister a convention gift. By random lottery, one sister will have her convention fees paid by the Sister to Sister fund. Third is to support our chapter’s grants for studies. Xi is creating a new grant for a graduating senior who plans on majoring in educa-tion. Right now we give a gift to a graduating eighth grader who shows outstanding character, in memory of a past member.

Beyond grants and endowments, our chapter donates to support our favorite charities; Gilda’s Club of South Jersey, and the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. To accomplish these lofty goals we tapped into the talents of our members.

Xi Chapter is very excited to an-nounce our fall fundraiser, the Xi Scrapbooking Extravaganza. We have invited scrap bookers from across the state to join us in an all-day event dedicated to making beautiful pages from our photo-graphic memories. Our own scrap-booking professional, Lila Williams of Scrap Away Get-Away, will be on hand with hun-dreds of tools to help scrappers give each page a professional fin-ish. If you don’t scrapbook but would like to create something special from digital photos, bring your laptop and Jane Flanagan as well as a digital scrapbooking

Spotlight on Chapters

for a number of chapels and hospitals in New Jersey. In March 2012, Bea had a major art show at Penn State University.

Popham Autumn

Parent University – a place where parents can better under-stand school curriculum, is the brainchild of Lambda sister Don-na Kibbler, Assistant Superin-tendent for Curriculum and Instruction in Old Bridge. Each school participates in creating workshops that parents can at-tend that display student work and help parents better under-stand what is happening in their child’s school. Parents can regis-ter online or on site for work-shops on internet security, teen driving, and test taking to name just a few.

Parents rave about the free work-shops that occur once in the Fall and again in the Spring. About 130 parents attended the last session and there has been an increase in attendance each time. “Parents can’t forget their re-sponsibility in their children’s education,” Kibbler said. “We need them as much as they need us and the kids need all of us.” -Taken from“Old Bridge parents can attend ‘university’ to better understand school curricu-lum.” Lambda also welcomes our new-est and youngest member, Cecil-ia Helen Boehm, born on Febru-ary 26, 2013 – Alpha Zeta State Day! Mother Carol Boehm is a Lambda sister as well as proud Oma Annabelle Boehm. Cecilia

Spring 2013

Lambda Chapter

Xi Chapter

Alpha Zeta State News

Annabelle, Carol and Cecelia Boehm

Mu Chapter Nu Chapter

Page 14: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

mentary that highlighted how women are depicted by the me-dia as being valued for their youth, beauty and sexuality. Poli-ticians, journalists, activists and academics were interviewed and they presented information on what is being done to help young women realize their true poten-tial. The second meeting was held in April and focused on Women Working in Men's Worlds. This forum was led by women who work in traditionally male jobs and it lead to an in-formative and thought provoking discussion. A number of Pi Chapter sisters attended the AZ State Conven-tion to proudly support our sis-ter, Mary Conover, who will become the new AZS state presi-dent in July. Pi Chapter hosted a reception in Mary's honor. Pi Chapter is also excited to be celebrating its thirtieth birthday in June! We will have a birthday luncheon to mark this special milestone.

Sigma's holiday dinner meeting was held on December 10th at the Moorestown Community House. Members and guests were entertained by the Our Lady of Good Counsel's Girls’ Choir directed by Paula Quann. Four Linda M. Dix Women of Dis-tinction Awards were presented to outstanding women at the meeting. The fourteenth annual visit to Innova Nursing and Re-habilitation Center in Mt. Laurel on Dec. 13th brought holiday cheer, presents, laughter and music to the residents. This longstanding service project is intended for residents who have no one to visit them. Another local service project was to fill buckets with cleaning items for the homeless sponsored by the Interfaith Caregivers. January 18th brought eleven Sigma members to the CTAUN (Committee on Teaching about the United Nations) Conference at the UN in New York City.

Roxanne Adinolfi arranged for group transportation to the UN. This year's conference theme “Advancing Social Justice: The Role of Educators” focused on economic inequality and the United Nations' campaign against human trafficking. Mem-bers engaged in stimulating con-versation on many topics during the ride to New York City. Linda Dix planned a beautiful lunch-eon to include all AZS members attending the conference. Sigma initiates attended an in-formative orientation meeting including a question and answer session at the home of Vice-President Denise Serico on Janu-ary 16th. The Initiates’ Tea was held on January 20th at the home of Maria Zacher to wel-come Sigma’s first honorary member – Marilyn Weisen spon-sored by Roxanne Adinolfi and seven new initiates: Beth As-bury, Valerie Schumacher, Tif-fany Harris-Greene, Annette Harris, Lisa Bair, Shirley Allen and Denise Roskey to member-ship. Sigma fulfilled the chal-lenge to increase membership for the 75th jubilee.

Twenty-two proud Sigma sisters attended the state convention on April 12—14th to support State President and Sigma sister Roxanne Adinolfi and to enjoy the wonderful convention cere-monies, meal functions, speak-ers, meetings, workshops and activities. Sigma sisters gathered on Saturday evening following the banquet to enjoy special time together. Sigma's 25th Silver Anniversary Luncheon was held on Saturday, May 11th at the Tavistock Coun-try Club in Haddonfield. Beauti-ful silver rose ribbon pins created

Spotlight on Chapters

representative will help you cre-ate a digital photo book that will be the envy of all your friends. We have limited attendance to 100 scrappers. If you or your sisters are interested in joining us on Saturday, October 5th from 9AM to 9PM, contact Janel S c h a f e r a t j a n e l s c h a f [email protected] or visit our chapt e r web s i t e h t tp :// to learn more.

Congratulations to Anne Flynn, who was appointed to Elemen-tary Supervisor at the George J. Mitchell Elementary School in Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. We wish Anne the very best in her new position! Katherine Makela, Principal of the Lillian M. Dunfee School in Barnegat, reports that her build-ing has been selected as a “Showcase School” by the NJ State Education Department’s Positive Behavior Support in Schools program. The Dunfee School’s R.O.A.R. initiative, which stands for “Be Respectful, Optimistic, Awesome Achievers and Responsible” will be fea-tured at the upcoming Spring Coach Network Event held on May 22, 2013 in Jamesburg. The R.O.A.R. program fosters school connectedness by building con-sistent behavior expectations for students across all school set-tings, thus maximizing instruc-tional time. Omicron sisters Maria Delaporte, Laura Sarluca, Miche le Cucino t ta and Maureen Tyrrell are all on staff at the Dunfee School and work diligently supporting and pro-moting the goals of this worth-while program.

Pi Chapter held two events as part of a series on the topic of Empowering Women. In January members viewed the film Miss Representation, a powerful docu-

by Sky McClain were presented to thirty-five attendees. A 25th anniversary history board and Chapter Presidents' Books of Past Presidents were on display. Three charter members Laura Lewis, Carolyn Smith and Fran Pliskin participated in the cake cutting ceremony with State President Roxanne Adinolfi and Chapter President Elizabeth “Betty” Procopio. Laura and Carolyn traveled from Florida to attend this milestone event. The membership voted at the busi-ness meeting to rename the Sig-ma Grant-in-Aid to the Roxanne Adinolfi Educational Grant-in-Aid Award. An enlarged blank check was presented by Maria Hall as a surprise to Roxanne. Margaret “Peg” Madison deliv-ered an eloquent testimonial, silver anniversary photograph album and special gift box which included numerous letters from AZS sisters to Roxanne to thank her for her outstanding leader-ship and service to AZS-DKG. Special cupcakes, bookmarks, favors, centerpieces and pro-grams enhanced the celebration. State Photographer and Lambda sister Michele Contala’s DVD of the 75th Anniversary was fea-tured. Past State Presidents Car-mela DeMarco (Gamma) and Doris Lambert (Iota) attended the celebration and State Re-cording Secretary Sharon Long was honored by Doris as a Wom-an of Distinction. To promote excellence in educa-tion and support for future edu-cators, female high school sen-iors entering the field of educa-tion are invited to submit appli-cations annually. This year, more than 23 applications were re-ceived. Grant-in-Aid Chairs Su-san Yoder and Patricia Bednar met with committee members on May 13th to review the applica-tions. The committee will deter-mine the amount and number of grants to award this year. The Grant-in-Aid Recipient’s Recep-tion will be held at the home of Charlotte Orfe on June 6th.

Page 14 Volume 60, issue 6

Pi Chapter

Sigma Chapter

Omicron Chapter

Sigma sisters enjoy the Initiates’ tea

Page 15: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Alpha Zeta State News Page 15

AZS Day at the Statehouse—March 18, 2013

Are You Attending the

NE Regional?

If you are planning on attending the NE Regional in Maine this summer please click on the fol-lowing link. This online survey will help to determine how many will be attending, where they will be staying, their cell phone num-bers so we can make contact in Portland and determine how many would like to get together on Thursday evening for a Jersey Girl dinner. If you are reading this newsletter in the printed format and don’t have access to the internet, please ask one of your chapter sisters to complete the online survey for you. Short-ly before the conference each member who completed the survey will get an email with a copy of all of the attendees’ cell phone numbers and the hotel where they will be staying. In-coming State President Mary Conover looks forward to you joining her in Portland, Maine July 24-27, 2013!

Join the Excitement in Portland at the NE Regional Conference

The Northeast Regional Confer-ence will be held at the Holiday Inn By the Bay in Portland, Maine, July 24—27, 2013. Mem-bers will be coming from the 22 states and Canadian provinces in the Northeast to learn how to share our vision and strengthen our Society. Have you made your reservation yet for this exciting week? Charlotte Orfe, Sigma and Ire-ne Maskaly, Iota will be repre-senting Alpha Zeta State at the preconference session, It Doesn’t Take Barbells to Strengthen a Chap-ter. This workshop will enable participants to pinpoint chapter strengths and weaknesses and learn to build on the strengths. They will bring the knowledge they gain at the session back to the state and share it with the chapter presidents. The opening session will feature our own Roxanne Adinolfi an-nouncing the parade of state flags of the Northeast Region. The conference will start with Maine Night where Maine mem-bers will welcome us with an entertaining evening of Maine

humor and music from Maine singer-songwriter David Mallett. Keynote addresses will be given by Sherene McHenry who will suggest ways to handle the stress-ors of our busy lives. Ida LeClair, the alter-ego of Susan Poulin a writer and performer who wrote The Moose in Me, The Moose in You will share her wisdom and humor with her motivational “moose-terpiece”. In a more serious vein, Susan Kuhn, a technology futurist as well as a practicing social media strategist, will explain “How Social Tech-nologies are Changing Our World—and Changing Us.” The Info Fair: Sea Fair —Lobsters, Lighthouses and Learn-ing will feature information from different international commit-tees. There will also be breakout ses-sions on a diverse group of topics both interesting and motivating. Claire Swanson will be present-ing one of the breakout sessions. Alpha Zeta State will be donating a beach bag for the Meet the Block Drawing. It will contain a $50.00 gift certificate to Barnes

and Noble and a few books. Make sure that when you book your room you mention the DKG block so that you will be entered to win this prize or one from one of the other state or-ganizations. To support the International Project of Supporting Early Ca-reer Educators it has been re-quested that members and chap-ters donate classroom supplies at the luncheon which will be placed within the table arrange-ments. Some suggested supplies include: rulers; pencil packs; eraser packs; post it notes; boxes of staples; boxes of paper clips; pens; sharpies; paper punches; scissors; staple removers; scotch tape; masking tape; expo white board markers; white board erasers; index cards; glue sticks; metal paper fasteners; string or twine and push pins. There will be boxes set up at the June 1st state transition meeting if you would like to contribute an item then and not have to pack it in your suitcase.

Pictured from left to right Mary Lou Le Compte, Lambda Chapter; Michele Contala, Lambda Chapter, Alpha Zeta State Photographer; Barbara Smith, Omicron Chapter, Alpha Zeta State 1st Vice President; Senator Linda Greenstein, 14th Legislative District; Roxanne Adinolfi, Sigma Chapter, Alpha Zeta State President; Carmela De Marco, Gamma Chapter, Alpha Zeta State Past President and Mary Conover, Pi Chapter, Alpha Zeta State 2nd Vice President.

On Monday, March 18, 2013, Senator Linda Greenstein pre-sented an official Joint Legisla-tive Resolution in Senate Cham-bers to members of Alpha Zeta State. The Resolution was spon-sored by Senator Linda Green-stein, 14th Legislative District and Senator Shirley Turner, 15th Legislative District as well as the Assembly-persons in both districts.

During the presentation, Sena-tor Greenstein commended the work of Delta Kappa Gamma and offered congratulations on Alpha Zeta State’s 75th Anniver-sary. - Carmela DeMarco, State Legislative Chair

Roxanne Adinolfi, Barbara Smith and Mary Conover with resolution.

Page 16: Alpha Zeta State News Spring 2013

Jane Tallmadge - Circulation 11 Meadowside Court Medford, NJ 08055

Southwest Regional Conference July 15-20 Branson, Missouri/Hilton Hotel Northeast Regional Conference July 22-27 Portland, Maine Northwest Regional Conference July 31-August 3 Cheyenne, Wyoming/ Little America Hotel

2013 Saturday, June 1— Interactive Portfolio Exchange for 2011-2013 and 2013-2015 State Officers and Chairs 9:30 AM — Sayen Elementary School, Hamilton, NJ Southeast Regional Conference July 10-13 Orlando, Florida/Gaylord Palms

Dates to Remember!

Alpha Zeta State News

Official Publication of the

Alpha Zeta State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma

Society International

Editorial Staff 2011-2013

Loretta Kachmar-Will

Claire Swanson


Jean Jaeger

Jane Tallmadge

Alpha Zeta State News

Official Publication of the

Alpha Zeta State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma

Society International

We’re on the Web at

Europe Regional Conference August 7-10 The Netherlands Saturday, September 7— State Executive Board Meeting Time and Location: TBA

2014 International Convention July 28-August 1 Indianapolis, IN/JW Marriott