aiesec nicaragua eb application package

AIESEC in Nicaragua EB Application Booklet 1 AIESEC Nicaragua EB Application Booklet c The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential The Global Youth Network impacting the world through leadership developement experiences.

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AIESEC in Nicaragua EB Application Booklet 1

AIESEC Nicaragua EB Application Booklet


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

The Global Youth Network impacting the world through leadership developement experiences.

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Application Process

EB Application Questionnaire

Introduction Letter

President Elections

VicePresident Elections

EB Transition

EB Planning




Assesment Center


Executive Board Structure

Application Package

Job Descriptions


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential










AIESEC in Nicaragua EB Application Booklet 2

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Dear applicant,Thanks for taking the challenge to apply for a Leadership role in which you will have a lot of development and at the same time you will be developing others.

Taking the opportunity of work with an EB team will give you the chance to grow professionally and to impact directly on the quality of the experiences that AIESEC Nicaragua offers.

We are looking for people with passion and com-mitment to be the entrepreneurs that can guide AIESEC Nicaragua to a next level of growth and development.

There is just one time to be the ones that can con-solidate AIESEC entities.

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Application ProcessTimeline


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Launch ApplicationOctober 17th

October 31stDeadline to apply

Assesment Center

EB transition

Vicepresident Elections

President elections and confidence vote for vicepresidents

EB planning

November 01-13

November 25th to December 31st

November 23th

November 16th

January 2014

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Assesment CenterAssesment Center for VPs will be conformed by:

Assesment Center for Presidents will be conformed by:


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

MC Coach

Current President

Current Vicepresident

Will evaluate the aligment of the candidate proposal with National drivers.

Will evaluate the aligmnet of the candidate proposal with current reality of the entity.

Will evaluate the aligment of the candidate proposal with the current reality of the functional area.

MC Coach


Current President

will evaluate the alignment of the candidate proposal with National drivers.

Will evaluate the alignmnet of the candidate proposal with international trends.

Will evaluate the aligment of the candidate proposal with the current reality of the entity.

In the case that the applicant is the same person that will be doing assesment center this person will be replaced for someone of the current EB or MC.

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President Elections and Vicepresidents Confidence vote

Voting will be arranged according to the status of the entity:

LCs will arrange a local assembly at least 2 weeks before the election assembly, to verify the membership status of every member according to national compendium, LC can make changes on the criteria established on national compendium according to its reality and objectives; the member that accomplish full status will be the ones that can vote on the election assembly.

SUs will arrange a local assembly at least 2 weeks before the election assembly, to verify the membership status of every member according to national compendium , the member that accom-plish full status will be the ones that can vote on the election assembly. This national criterias will be reviewed by MC Coach and SUP befor the local assembly.

The election plenary procedure for President includes the following:

President candidate speeches: President candidates have a maximum of 7 minutes to make a speech, including a 2 minute presentation and 5 minute elaboration of plans.

Q&A session: This will take place with all the candidates at the same time. A maximum of 3 Q&A sessions will be conducted, at the discretion of the moderator.

The President will be elected by direct vote by all voting members. President candidates have the right to step down for a Vice President position if they are not initially selected as Presidents.

The election plenary procedure for Vice President includes the following:

Vice President candidate speeches: Vice President candidates have a maximum of 5 minutes to make a speech, including a 2 minute presentation and 3 minute elaboration of plans.

Q&A session: This will take place with all the candidates at the same time. A maximum of 3 Q&A sessions will be conducted, at the discretion of the moderator. Voting members will submit votes of confidence for LCVP candidates.

The candidates with the vote of confidence will be the ones that continue to the selection process. This selection process will be established by the elected President.

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Vice President ElectionsThe election model for Vice Presidents should be established by the new President, this person will decide to choose or not the candidates that obtained confidence vote in the election assembly.

A second round for Vice Presidents election will be open if during the first round the positions were not filled out. The second round process is going to be decided by the new President.

EB TransitionElected EB have to be available during November and December to receive tran-sition both team to team and personal transition, the transition dates should be schedule by the current and elected teams.

EB PlanningElected EB needs to be available to have planning day with MC Coach during January this planning day has to be done before CONICA.


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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The positions for EB will have duration of a year beginning on January 1st and ending on December 31st. The primary structure for EB suggested in this booklet needs to be fulfilled as priority; if elected president wants to make changes he can open other election rounds according to his plans.

The Structure for LCs is the next:

*This positions are not open in this round.


Finance Manager *


ER Manager*

AIESEC in Nicaragua EB Application Booklet 8


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Executive Board Structure

The structure for LCs we are suggesting is based on the fact that entities do not have big operations, so they can focus on having Vice Presidents for each of the 4 main functional areas, and have as support:Finance manager: will be a person working directly with LCVP and will serve as sup-port for all finance and accounting processes. ER Manager: will be a person working directly with LCVP COMM and will serve as support for all External Relation processes. The positions mentioned above will be selected by new President. Elected president should establish the selection process.

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The structure for SUs is the next:

*This position is not open in this round.

The structure for SUs we are suggesting is based on the fact that entities do not have big operations, so they can focus on having Vice Presidents for each of the 3 main functional areas, and have as support:Finance manager: will be a person working directly with SUP and will serve as support for all finance and accounting processes.


Finance Manager *


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Applicants can apply to multiple positions by filling in multiple sections of the position‐specific application questionnaire.

LCP and SUP applicants only have to fill in the president section of the position‐specific application questionnaire.

Application packages must include in PDF version:

• Application Questionnaire: no longer than 10 pages, Arial, 10pt.• A personal motivational letter: no longer than 1 page.• A personal C.V.• 2 endorsement letters. One from your current leader and the second of one person you work with.

Name your application “Name-‐Position-‐Application Package”.

All applications are due by October 31st 2013, 23:59 Nicaraguan Time to Eliana Sanchez at [email protected]

and Zaira Bonilla at [email protected].

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Application Package

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

EB Job Descriptions

AIESEC Nicaragua

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The main role of the President is to facilitate the implementation of the National direction towards the achievement of the AIESEC Vision. As President, you will also lead the EB and

the entity to achieve planned results by the end of the term. You will work with the EB team by inspiring, coaching, involving, and encouraging them to have a proactive role in implementing

the Local Direction. You will represent your entity in the external environment and in the national as well as international networks, strengthening the entity’s position. As President, you are also expected to guarantee the financial sustainability and legality of operations.

Competencies Developed

Level of behavior Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Technical Competencies – Skills Required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management Partnership Development People Development Strategic Planning and Change management

Facilitating and Training Leadership Financial Management - Budget, cash flow etc

Team Management

Way of working: Physical and virtual


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Measure of Success#RE in ELD programs

Subordination levels

Opportunities after position:

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential



•Participating in meetings and events with the EB, entity, and external bodies.•Preparing and running transition for successor.•Participating in and running EB transition•Gaining and sharing knowledge at the local level•Transmitting strategies from national level•Reporting on membership criteria

•Leading and organizing team meet-ings, coaching visits and planning days•Planning and tracking•EB coaching•Actively work for international coopera-tion•Building and facilitating a strong frame-work •Actively represent the entity in national and international initiatives and meet-ings



Subordinates to:

Subordinates for:

Cooperates with:


Other presidents

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Vice-President of Communications

The role of the Vice President of COMM is to ensure that communication channels, both internally and externally, are firmly established and implemented. These channels should generate positioning and support for the core processes of Exchange and Talent Manage-ment. This includes all of the entity systems, including,, and social

media channels.

Competencies Developed

Level of behavior Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Technical Competencies – Skills Required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management Partnership Development People Development Strategic Planning and Change management

Facilitating and Training Leadership Financial Management - Budget, cash flow etc

Team Management

Way of working: Physical and virtual


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Measure of Success•# of designs realized

•# of campaigns launch•Information management plan and local media plan

Subordination levels

Opportunities after position:

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

EB•Participating in meetings and events with the EB, entity, and external bodies.•Preparing and running transition for successor.•Member coaching•Gaining and sharing knowledge at the local level•Transmitting strategies from national level•Building and facilitating local conferences•Filling in national surveys and reports

•Creating and implementing local communications and information management plan and local media plan•Aligning visual guidelines and branding•Local support and education in all virtual systems•External communication (including release, design, and content)•Internal communication (e.g. newsletters, com-munication channels)•Template design (e.g. products, outputs, etc)•Running local recruitment campaigns•Positioning the AIESEC brand locally•Knowledge management

NST CEEDer President

Subordinates to:

Subordinates for:

Cooperates with:


EB and other entities


Vice President

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Vice-President of Incoming Exchanges

The role of the Vice President ICX is to ensure strategic development on incoming exchange of AIESEC Nicaragua, and gain new TN takers to the entity in order to contribute to the sustainability of the local entity, as well as the development of sales skills, products, and projects. The Vice President is to develop a sales profile, deliver services to the stakeholders, account management skills in the ICX team, follow up national projects, and bring international experience to the entity as well as the external sector. The Vice President has to lead, prepare, and coach the local team towards reaching ICX goals and plans. S/he should act as an ambassador of the entity and Nicaragua across the AIESEC network, and downscale the national ICX strategy and implement it at the local level. The Vice President is responsible for the direction, performance, and quality of the programme offered to all entities involved.

Competencies Developed

Level of behavior Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Technical Competencies – Skills Required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management Partnership Development People Development Strategic Planning and Change management

Facilitating and Training Leadership Financial Management - Budget, cash flow etc

Team Management

Way of working: Physical and virtual


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Measure of Success•# X realized

•% of satisfaction of internships•# Events where interns participate

Subordination levels

Opportunities after position:

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential


Vice President

•Participating in meetings and events with the EB, entity, and external bodies.•Preparing and running transition for successor.•Member coaching•Gaining and sharing knowledge at the local level•Transmitting strategies from national level•Building and facilitating local conferences•Filling in national surveys and reports

NST CEEDer President

Subordinates to:

Subordinates for:

Cooperates with:

ICX VPICX members

EB and other entities


•Develop local ICX strategies to increase exchange experiences•Run internal and external market analysis to develop projects •Ensure the qualitative delivery of ICX for all entities involved (members, TN takers, trainees, sponsors, collaborators, etc.)•Local and national ICX project implementation •Account management for TN takers•Migration process management for interns•Create involvement opportunities in the entity for the trainees •International cooperation

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Vice-President of Outgoing Exchanges

The role of the Vice President OGX is to lead and manage the local OGX team at the local level, applying training and coaching. The Vice President should downscale the strategy and direction from the national level, and adjust it to the local reality. S/he should also plan local running, organize and carry out the operation of OGX program, and track and evaluate OGX performance. The Vice President should contribute to the national OGX direction together with the MCVP OGX.

Competencies Developed

Level of behavior Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Technical Competencies – Skills Required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management Partnership Development People Development Strategic Planning and Change management

Facilitating and Training Leadership Financial Management - Budget, cash flow etc

Team Management

Way of working: Physical and virtual


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Measure of Success•# X realized

•% of satisfaction of internships•# of L+X and X+L

Subordination levels

Opportunities after position:

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential


Vice President

•Participating in meetings and events with the EB, entity, and external bodies.•Preparing and running transition for successor.•Member coaching•Gaining and sharing knowledge at the local level•Transmitting strategies from national level•Building and facilitating local conferences•Filling in national surveys and reports

NST CEEDer President

Subordinates to:

Subordinates for:

Cooperates with:

OGX VPOGX members

EB and other entities


•Student market analysis and recruitment•Campus relations development•Developing local strategy in order to increase exchange experiences•Program planning, execution, quality management, and measurement•EP’s recruitment, management, and preparation for exchange•L+X strategy and returnee X+L reintegration•International cooperation

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Vice-President of Talent Management

The role of the Vice President of TM is to ensure the quantity and quality of AIESEC experiences to our members, and to deliver right tools and opportunities for learning and development. The Vice President needs to maintain identity alignment, develop the organization culture, and build opportunities for Partnerships to empower the AIESEC experience.

Competencies Developed

Level of behavior Little

evidence Some

evidence Regular evidence

Strong evidence

Global Mindset Entrepreneurial Outlook Social Responsibility Emotional Intelligence Proactive Learning

Technical Competencies – Skills Required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management Partnership Development People Development Strategic Planning and Change management

Facilitating and Training Leadership Financial Management - Budget, cash flow etc

Team Management

Way of working: Physical and virtual


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

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Measure of Success•# TMP and TLP

•% of satisfaction of TMP and TL experiences

Subordination levels

Opportunities after position:

AIESEC in Nicaragua EB Application Booklet


The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential


Vice President

•Participating in meetings and events with the EB, entity, and external bodies.•Preparing and running transition for successor.•Member coaching•Gaining and sharing knowledge at the local level•Transmitting strategies from national level•Building and facilitating local conferences•Filling in national surveys and reports

NST CEEDer President

Subordinates to:

Subordinates for:

Cooperates with:

TM VPTM members

EB and other entities


•Ensuring the delivery and management of high quality team member and team leader experiences•Managing people systems and TM processes•Competency model management and development•Member education management•Ensuring talent and leadership development•Involving partners in development and learning

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

EB Questionnaire

AIESEC Nicaragua

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

Executive Board QuestionnaireYou are free to answer the following questions in any style or format.

All application are due by October 31st 2013, 23:59 Central Time to Eliana Sanchez at [email protected] and Zaira Bonilla at [email protected]

A. About Myself1. Personal Data

Full Name

Date of Birth

Place of Birth


Residence Address


What are the positionsand roles you hace had inAIESEC so far?

Which position (s) are yourunning for?

Academic Studies.

Languages that you speak.Please specify the level ofspeaking.

Please insert yourpicture here!

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

B. Motivation and Personal Characteristics

2. Please list all relevant practical and professional experiences.

4. Please name one challenge that you faced while working with others. How did you overcome it?

Dates Organization Position Responsibilities

Date Meeting Location Role

3. Please list the AIESEC meetings and conferences you have attended, and the roles you held at each (e.g. delegate, organizing committee, facilitator, Chair)

1. Why have you decided to apply for an EB position, and what will be your unique contribution?

2. What is the link between your professional vision and this EB experience?

3. What are your 3 strengths and 3 weaknesses? What would you do to improve upon these weaknesses during your EB term?

4. What does “leadership” mean to you? What kind of leader are you?

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

C. General Questions

D. Position-specific Questions.

1. In your opinion, what makes the AIESEC Experience unique?

2. What should be the three main priorities for your entity in the coming year? What actions do you propose to achieve results in these areas?

3. What elements would best define the ideal culture of your entity, and how would you contribute to implement it?

4. What is your vision for the EB, and how do you expect to participate in it?

1. What is your vision for your entity? How do you expect to see your entity at the end of your term?

2. Create an entity strategy proposal, including: a. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) of your entity. Please include the listed points, and the correlation between them, in the plan you create.b. The 3 main priorities for your entity (Local Drivers) based on the general SWOT analysis. What strategies would you propose for each one, and what results would you like to see in each of those priorities at the end of your term? c. The external opportunities you can capitalize on to achieve the vision you proposed in point (b).

3. In the context of the coming term, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of the President: team management, sales, governance and accountability, collaborating with the Execu-tive Board, local strategy, and external representation. Explain the reasons for your ranking.

4. What do you see as the key challenges for the entity EB, and how do you hope to overcome them?


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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

1. What would be the 3 main challenges and 3 main priorities for the Communication and Information Management area in your area?

2. What is your plan for improving AIESEC branding and increasing general knowledge (how many people recognize the name and know what AIESEC does) among college students?

3. What are the elements of successful virtual and physical internal and external communica-tions? Create a draft of an internal communications plan, based on 3 main priorities, and specific activities for each one, with a specific timeline for your term.

4. Describe how the communications and information area supports 3 of the main processes in AIESEC: a. Recruitment; b. TN & EP Promotions; c. Events (internal or external).

(Position open just for LC Managua)

1. Explain the ICX flow, and define a strategy for the effective implementation of each phase. 2. Create an ICX timeline for the term and explain it.3. How you can grow ICX to manage high volume of exchanges during the peaks?4. What is your approach to driving a sales culture in your local committee?

5. Propose 3 new industries/sectors you think your LC can work with. Please justify your answer by providing information regarding external and internal AIESEC trends.

6. Please propose a structure for Incoming Exchange. Please mention how many Middle Manage-ment positions you would create and how many members you would manage. Also, explain how your structure will cover all the needed processes and actually make them more efficient in order to deliver better service to our customers.

Vice President of COMM/IM

Vice President of ICX

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

1. What is your vision for OGX?

2. If selected as Vice President, what are the top 3 actions you want to take to achieve success in GCDP?

3. What will be your action plan to retain EP’s after recruitment? (a lot of EP’s leave AIESEC shortly after getting selected, without paying EP fee or raising EP form)

4. Describe how would you work with TM and COMM to create the best synergy for the recruitments

1. Make a SWOT analysis about the current reality of TM in your entity, and define strate-gies to capitalize on the opportunities and not be affected by the weaknesses and threats.

2. How would you ensure the delivery and growth of High Quality Team Member and Team Leader Experiences? How are you going to manage your pipeline and operations, taking into account the rotation of the TMP & TLP participants and the flexibility of the AIESEC Experience?

3. What are the 3 main actions you will take to increase the number of X+L (including X+L and L+X), and members taking more than one program?

4. How do you propose to work with OGX and Communications to implement more effective recruitment, aligned to the AIESEC Programs (TMP, TLP, GIP, and GCDP)?

Vice President of OGX

Vice President of TM

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Thank you for applying for EB 2014 !

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The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential