a winchester apocalypse prolouge

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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  • 1. A Winchester Apocalypse

2. Hi there! Im dean
And Im Sam, dean here is going to tell us a story of a dream he had.
Its not a dream, it was real!
Yah, right..
Look, just listen ok..it all started on a town called Riverblossom hills..
3. Hello Dean, welcome to Riverblossom hills, my name is Lailah.
4. Who are you? How do you know my name? What am doing here? And where on earth is Riverblossom hills?
5. Well as I said my name is Lailah, I am here to be you guide. You see dean, this is not the world you lived in. This is one of the two worlds that make up earth. In each world, people have a counterpart, they may have different name, different history, different futures, but the same soul and the same physical appearance. These information is supposed to be a secret, but I had to summon you here to this particular world, because-
6. Stop there for a sec lady, are you crazy?!, this must be a dream, or a trick. Nice try demon, what do you need? If you want to kill me, stop this chit chat of yours, and do it. Beware though, I wont go without a fight, even if you are one hot of a demon.
7. First and foremost, stop calling me a demon, thats the biggest insult you can tell me. Im an Angel. And before you rant on about Uriel and the rest of the angels who have harassed you, let me just tell you that I am not in league with them. I am part of a groupof angels that actually respect God, enough to protect his creations, you, human beings.
And for that, Ive summoned you here, youre the only person who can prevent earth from falling apart.
8. Me? Why me? And if what you say are true, wheres the rest of the angels? And if we really have counterparts on each world, wheres other me? And my family?
9. Im the only remaining angel on this world, my sister Bath Kol, was the one who told me to get you here, so you could end the apocalypse, it was her last prophecy, before she was killed by demons. And about your family, Im sorry but theyre gone, demons killed them, they are also aware of the two worlds, so they killed you and youre family to weaken your counterparts.
Which is the same principle were going to use. In a few weeks, apocalypse will hit this world, Itll cost great damage to this world. During this time, Lucifer will think that his job is done, thus concentrating on the other world. You use this time, to restore this world to normal.
10. And how am I supposed to restore it normal? In case your not aware, Im no Harry Potter, I cant just magically restore this place
11. Its going to be simple, but will take a really long time to accomplish, good thing time travels a lot faster here. You just have to make a family thatll live for generations. There are 28 major problems that will result from the apocalypse. You and your wife would start dealing with those problems, then every generation after you, would solve whatever problems they can. This would go on, until this world is apocalypse free. Remember though that only a person that is part of your bloodline and their spouses are allowed to solve a problem and each would only solve one. Dont worry Ill make sure to keep you alive until then, and bring you back to your world.
12. Well if its that simple, lets get started wifey.
13. stop that, this is serious. One more thing, all your skills have been stripped of you when you came here. You have to go to college to learn it all again. No cheating, you have to work for this, even earning money, no frauds, you have to earn it. This is your chance to live life as normal as possible, no more hunting, no demons running around. I have to go now, you might not see me for a while, but Ill always be watching you.
14. What the heck, Ill give it a try. This does not mean that I believe you though. If this is a dream, might as well get the most out of it. Lets go, Im ready
15. Your dorm is just blocks away, all the papers are done. Good Luck, Dean Winchester
16. You believed her that fast?
Of course not, I thought I was dreaming, cause of the stress of dealing with the apocalypse, so I went along..
17. So, this is my room, its got a bed and a desk. Thats enough for me.
18. As much as I hated it, I studied. I thought of you, Sam, who did go to college in Stanford. In my mind, I thought If he can do it, then so can I.I never got the chance to go to college, so all of this are new to me. I decided to take up Art. Why? cause its not math, it doesnt require me to read a hundred year old books, and it doesnt deal with the crazies.
19. I found myself eating a lot. Its free, so why resist the urge.
20. I only had 500 bucks, and that was not enough. So I worked part time at the dorm cafeteria, I managed to earn some cooking skills, so the foods not that bad.
21. I also made friends with some of my dormies, but none of them put an arrow through my heart. Yes guys, Its a secret , but am a Romeo at heart.
22. I then tried a DJ job downtown. Well-
23. - no one was feeling it. So I had to quit that job.
24. I asked if I could be the bartender instead. Im a natural charmer, so they agreed. Plus I get free beers.
25. As soon as my shift ended, I scoped for my future wife. Well, not her.
26. Not her either..
27. Or even her..
28. But wait, look at that, definitely her...
Thats not her original face, I know its cheating, but I change her face to the default one. I couldnt help myself. Sorry.
29. I immediately introduced myself. I found out her name was Marion Welsh. And that she works as a General Practitioner. I was hoping shed be more like a nurse, if you know what I mean .
30. I flirted with her..
31. And flirted more..
I think It was not enough though as she said goodbye early. Well, at least she left me her number.
32. I then concentrated on skilling. This world has some odd technology. See this hat? It helps me to learn things faster. It all paid of though cause I managed an A plus on the finals.
33. I also started painting, Its actually fun, you should try it.
34. I also worked part-time as a hair stylist at a spa for a while.
35. Really??
What? It pays the bills, thats all that matters.
36. There was a free hairstyle day, so I called Marion, If she wants to try it.She did.
37. And so after some cutting, and a lot of hair extensions...
38. A new Marion..I couldnt tell if she liked it or not. But she stormed out after. Things are not looking good for me in the love department.
39. I studied a lot more, soon I managed to earn the top of my cooking and mechanical skills.
40. One night, I decide to give me and Marion another go. And It went great..
41. Really great..
42. Really really great..
43. Really really really great..
44. Reall
Stop with that already!!
45. Can you please stop interrupting?
Since when do you say please. Fine, Ill shut my mouth.
46. Well, to sum it up. That night, cupid did his greatest job. We fell in love.
47. So, after a kiss goodnight, I escorted her home. She invited me in, but I opted not to. Yes, Im actually a gentleman.
48. During my Junior year, me and Marion went on a tropical vacation.
49. As soon, as we got there, we went on a tour of the place.
50. I swam a lot, the waters great, specially at night.
51. I sunbathe, Marion preferred to watch the waves.
52. I also learned to hula. Im actually good at it.
53. I paid a man to teach me the fire dance. I almost burned myself, I cant believe I paid for that.
54. One day, we wondered around, and we stumbled upon this place..
55. We found out that, a witch doctor was living in it. He asked us, If we could help him fix his stuff up. Well, why not, I mean he doesnt seem like a bad witch doctor.
56. Marion, did more damage than help, so I asked her rest for a while. So I fixed the TV..
57. Hisdishwasher, even the bath tub. Soon, I was done.
58. As a thanks, he gave me a gift. It was a voodoo doll.
59. Back at our hotel, I tried the doll, and surprisingly, it worked. It was creepy though, so I threw it at the ocean.
60. For the next days, we went on a helicopter ride...
61. Received massages..
62. An on the last day, I proposed to her. .
63. And she said yes..
64. It was a great feeling, indeed.
65. Back at Uni, I managed to top my creativity skills..
66. Even my Logic skills...
67. Soon enough, I graduated summa cum laude. Ha! Beat that Sam!
68. This is me and my fianc, taking a grad pic.
69. Then I grew up to an adult. I look good on a suit, dont I..
After that, I headed to my new place that Lailah told me, she sent me the deed to the lot, and the map a few weeks earlier.
I almost forgot about the apocalypse, well until...it actually happened..
But that story is for another day...