5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The production of a commodity has been growing exponentially with time at a rate of 5% per year. The time required to QUADRUPLE the annual production at this growth rate is closest to: a) 5 years b) 14 years c) 20 years d) 28 years e) 50 years * The percentage growth rate value changes from year to year. *

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The production of a commodity has been growing exponentially with time at a rate of 5% per year. The time required to QUADRUPLE the annual production at this growth rate is closest to:. 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The production of a commodity has been growing exponentially with time at a rate of 5% per year. The time

required to QUADRUPLE the annual production at this growth rate is closest to:

a) 5 yearsb) 14 yearsc) 20 yearsd) 28 yearse) 50 years

* The percentage growth rate value changes from year to year. *

Page 2: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The production of a commodity has been growing exponentially with time at a rate of 5% per year. The time

required to QUADRUPLE the annual production at this growth rate is closest to:

a) 5 yearsb) 14 yearsc) 20 yearsd) 28 yearse) 50 years

* The percentage growth rate value changes from year to year. *

Page 3: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Although it is probably impossible to predict precisely when an earthquake will occur, one of the following features may indicate that an area is at high risk of a major earthquake:

a) A seismic gap along an active fault zoneb) aftershocks

c) Ground subsidenced) Electrical storms

e) Low levels of radon in wells

Page 4: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Although it is probably impossible to predict precisely when an earthquake will occur, one of the following features may indicate that an area is at high risk of a major earthquake:

a) A seismic gap along an active fault zoneb) aftershocks

c) Ground subsidenced) Electrical storms

e) Low levels of radon in wells

Page 5: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

We can sample rocks at the surface of the Earth to determine their density, but to place limits on the nature of materials deeper in the Earth, we need to determine the AVERAGE density of Earth. We can do that by studying the interaction of the Earth with the moon. In doing that determination, you would need all but one

of the following. Which one don’t you need?

a) The Earth’s moment of inertiab) The radius of the Earth

c) The gravitational constant (G)d) The orbital velocity of the moon

e) The distance from the Earth to the Moon

Page 6: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

We can sample rocks at the surface of the Earth to determine their density, but to place limits on the nature of materials deeper in the Earth, we need to determine the AVERAGE density of Earth. We can do that by studying the interaction of the Earth with the moon. In doing that determination, you would need all but one

of the following. Which one don’t you need?

a) The Earth’s moment of inertiab) The radius of the Earth

c) The gravitational constant (G)d) The orbital velocity of the moon

e) The distance from the Earth to the Moon

Page 7: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

There are over 100 elements in the Earth, but amazingly, only four elements constitute, in total 90% (by weight) of the

entire Earth. These four elements are:

a) Fe, O, Si, Mgb) Fe, Mg, Ni, Oc) O, Si, Al, Fed) O, Fe, Si, Nie) Fe, Ni, S, O

Page 8: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

There are over 100 elements in the Earth, but amazingly, only four elements constitute, in total 90% (by weight) of the

entire Earth. These four elements are:

a) Fe, O, Si, Mgb) Fe, Mg, Ni, Oc) O, Si, Al, Fed) O, Fe, Si, Nie) Fe, Ni, S, O

Page 9: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s crust includes the following five minerals. If you could mine every last crystal of these five minerals from the

crust, which one would end up providing the most lead?

a) pyriteb) Potassium Feldspar

c) Chalcopyrited) Magnetite

e) Galena

Page 10: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s crust includes the following five minerals. If you could mine every last crystal of these five minerals from the

crust, which one would end up providing the most lead?

a) pyriteb) Potassium Feldspar

c) Chalcopyrited) Magnetite

e) Galena

Page 11: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Four of the five main structural groups of silicate minerals involve polymerization. The polymerization is achieved by:

a) The covalent bonding of oxygen with positive cationsb) The joining of single chains with positive cations

c) The sharing of oxygen atoms between silica tetrahedrad) The replacement of some silicon atoms with aluminum

e) The sharing of silicon atoms with aluminum atoms

Page 12: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Four of the five main structural groups of silicate minerals involve polymerization. The polymerization is achieved by:

a) The covalent bonding of oxygen with positive cationsb) The joining of single chains with positive cations

c) The sharing of oxygen atoms between silica tetrahedrad) The replacement of some silicon atoms with aluminum

e) The sharing of silicon atoms with aluminum atoms

Page 13: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As seismic energy waves travel deeper and deeper in the lower mantle of the Earth, the P-wave velocity increases with

depth because:

a) The compressibility modulus decreases with depth in the mantleb) The chemical composition of the mantle changes with depth

c) The density increases with depth in the mantled) The elasticity increases more rapidly than the density with increase in depth

e) The lower mantle becomes more plastic

Page 14: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As seismic energy waves travel deeper and deeper in the lower mantle of the Earth, the P-wave velocity increases with

depth because:

a) The compressibility modulus decreases with depth in the mantleb) The chemical composition of the mantle changes with depth

c) The density increases with depth in the mantled) The elasticity increases more rapidly than the density with increase in depth

e) The lower mantle becomes more plastic

Page 15: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The sketch below is a plan map view of a series of sedimentary strata which have been folded and eroded to the

horizontal. Strike and dip directions are shown. Which way does the fold

plunge?a) west

b) Southc) northd) east

e) It does not plunge

Page 16: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The sketch below is a plan map view of a series of sedimentary strata which have been folded and eroded to the

horizontal. Strike and dip directions are shown. Which way does the fold

plunge?a) west

b) Southc) northd) east

e) It does not plunge

Page 17: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Weathering produces minerals that are more stable at the Earth’s surface. Which of the following is the most abundant

product of the weathering process?

a) clayb) hematitec) limonited) quartz

e) feldspar

Page 18: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Weathering produces minerals that are more stable at the Earth’s surface. Which of the following is the most abundant

product of the weathering process?

a) clayb) hematitec) limonited) quartz

e) feldspar

Page 19: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following features is most likely to be associated with a palco-placer gold deposit?

a) Submarine lava flowsb) Granite porphyry

c) Cross beddingd) Igneous layering

e) Vesicularity

Page 20: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following features is most likely to be associated with a palco-placer gold deposit?

a) Submarine lava flowsb) Granite porphyry

c) Cross beddingd) Igneous layering

e) Vesicularity

Page 21: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

To generate a computer model of Earth, we must specify two things to the computer. Which of the following are they?

1. the compressibility moduli of the different materials in Earth2. the distribution of the different materials in the model Earth

3. the densities of the different materials in the model Earth4. the shear moduli of the different materials in the model Earth

5. the seismic velocities within the different materials in the model Earth

a) 5 and 2b) 4 and 2c) 1 and 2d) 3 and 2e) 4 and 5

Page 22: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

To generate a computer model of Earth, we must specify two things to the computer. Which of the following are they?

1. the compressibility moduli of the different materials in Earth2. the distribution of the different materials in the model Earth

3. the densities of the different materials in the model Earth4. the shear moduli of the different materials in the model Earth

5. the seismic velocities within the different materials in the model Earth

a) 5 and 2b) 4 and 2c) 1 and 2d) 3 and 2e) 4 and 5

Page 23: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you were in the Kingston area about 450 million years ago, what would you have seen?

a) Desert sandsb) Ice sheets like in Greenland

c) An oceanic island-arcd) A Himalayan-like mountain range

e) Shallow seas

Page 24: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you were in the Kingston area about 450 million years ago, what would you have seen?

a) Desert sandsb) Ice sheets like in Greenland

c) An oceanic island-arcd) A Himalayan-like mountain range

e) Shallow seas

Page 25: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Of the following five rocks, which one can best neutralize acid rain?

a) Rock saltb) A sulfide deposit

c) A granited) A sandstonee) A limestone

Page 26: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Of the following five rocks, which one can best neutralize acid rain?

a) Rock saltb) A sulfide deposit

c) A granited) A sandstonee) A limestone

Page 27: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

On a semi-log plot of annual production of a commodity versus time, the plot for the commodity that is being

produced at an exponential rate is:

Page 28: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

On a semi-log plot of annual production of a commodity versus time, the plot for the commodity that is being

produced at an exponential rate is:

Page 29: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out a risk assessment and risk management process, we calculate the risk by multiplying the probability

of the hazard occurring by:

a) The type of riskb) The frequency of the risk

c) The severity of the riskd) The length of the hazard

e) The proximity of the hazard

Page 30: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out a risk assessment and risk management process, we calculate the risk by multiplying the probability

of the hazard occurring by:

a) The type of riskb) The frequency of the risk

c) The severity of the riskd) The length of the hazard

e) The proximity of the hazard

Page 31: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the major danger from fissure eruptions?

a) Release of sulfur dioxide gasb) tsunami

c) earthquakesd) mudflows

e) solifluction

Page 32: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the major danger from fissure eruptions?

a) Release of sulfur dioxide gasb) tsunami

c) earthquakesd) mudflows

e) solifluction

Page 33: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When exploring for oil, seismic reflection studies provide the most effective way to search for suitable sedimentary rock structures that might host the oil. What kind of structure is

most likely to be a prime target for oil?

a) An up-arch antiformb) A moraine

c) An unconformityd) A strike-slip fault

e) Mud-cracks

Page 34: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When exploring for oil, seismic reflection studies provide the most effective way to search for suitable sedimentary rock structures that might host the oil. What kind of structure is

most likely to be a prime target for oil?

a) An up-arch antiformb) A moraine

c) An unconformityd) A strike-slip fault

e) Mud-cracks

Page 35: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If we want to determine whether humans have been responsible for dramatically changing the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases since the Industrial

Revolution, we need to know what their values were before that time. Which of the following approaches can give us

that information?

a) Drilling and analyzing ice cores from glaciersb) Analyzing the composition of gas in mud layers on the ocean floor

c) Analyzing atmospheric gas collected in Hawaiid) Analyzing the carbonates in fossil shells

e) Analyzing the tree rings in bristlecone pines

Page 36: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If we want to determine whether humans have been responsible for dramatically changing the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases since the Industrial

Revolution, we need to know what their values were before that time. Which of the following approaches can give us

that information?

a) Drilling and analyzing ice cores from glaciersb) Analyzing the composition of gas in mud layers on the ocean floor

c) Analyzing atmospheric gas collected in Hawaiid) Analyzing the carbonates in fossil shells

e) Analyzing the tree rings in bristlecone pines

Page 37: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Roughly what percentage of the world’s human population currently lives in urban areas?

a) 10%b) 25%c) 50%d) 75%e) 90%

Page 38: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Roughly what percentage of the world’s human population currently lives in urban areas?

a) 10%b) 25%c) 50%d) 75%e) 90%

Page 39: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

San Francisco, California, sits right on the San Andreas fault. This fault marks a tectonic plate boundary. At this plate


a) Plates are moving towards each otherb) One plate is sliding under another plate

c) Plates are moving away from one anotherd) Continents are colliding

e) Plates are sliding past each other

Page 40: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

San Francisco, California, sits right on the San Andreas fault. This fault marks a tectonic plate boundary. At this plate


a) Plates are moving towards each otherb) One plate is sliding under another plate

c) Plates are moving away from one anotherd) Continents are colliding

e) Plates are sliding past each other

Page 41: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If the Earth’s magnetic field did not occasionally reverse polarity:

a) Polar-wander curves would not existb) Compasses would not work

c) Paleomagnetic analysis of a rock would not give the direction of the poled) The sea floor would not produce linear magnetic anomalies

e) Continental drift would not have occurred

Page 42: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If the Earth’s magnetic field did not occasionally reverse polarity:

a) Polar-wander curves would not existb) Compasses would not work

c) Paleomagnetic analysis of a rock would not give the direction of the poled) The sea floor would not produce linear magnetic anomalies

e) Continental drift would not have occurred

Page 43: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the main control on the size of crystals produced in igneous rocks?

a) Viscosity of the magmab) Volatile content

c) Temperature of the magmad) Shape of the igneous body

e) Rate of cooling

Page 44: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the main control on the size of crystals produced in igneous rocks?

a) Viscosity of the magmab) Volatile content

c) Temperature of the magmad) Shape of the igneous body

e) Rate of cooling

Page 45: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What type of fault is most likely to be associated with a constructive plate margin?

a) Reverse dip-slipb) Normal dip-slip

c) Nobody’sd) strike-slip

e) Transverse

Page 46: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What type of fault is most likely to be associated with a constructive plate margin?

a) Reverse dip-slipb) Normal dip-slip

c) Nobody’sd) strike-slip

e) Transverse

Page 47: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Magmas contain dissolved volatiles. Which of the following magmas will generally be the riches in water?

a) maficb) ultramafic

c) granited) dioritic

e) porphyrytic

Page 48: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Magmas contain dissolved volatiles. Which of the following magmas will generally be the riches in water?

a) maficb) ultramafic

c) granited) dioritic

e) porphyrytic

Page 49: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

There is no single “one-model-fits-all” solution to problems of population growth rates that are too high. However, one of the following is MOST directly linked to a reduction in the

population growth rate of countries. Which one is it?

a) Economic incentivesb) Use of contraceptives

c) industrializationd) Decrease in per capita consumption

e) Education of men

Page 50: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

There is no single “one-model-fits-all” solution to problems of population growth rates that are too high. However, one of the following is MOST directly linked to a reduction in the

population growth rate of countries. Which one is it?

a) Economic incentivesb) Use of contraceptives

c) industrializationd) Decrease in per capita consumption

e) Education of men

Page 51: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

I have hired you to help my exploration company find a vein-type Cu-Mo-Ag-Au porphyry deposit. Where, of the following

possibilities, is the best place to look for such a deposit?

a) Shield volcanoes in the middles of platesb) Destructive plate margins

c) Constructive plate marginsd) Transform plate margins

e) Kimberlite pipes in the middle of plates

Page 52: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

I have hired you to help my exploration company find a vein-type Cu-Mo-Ag-Au porphyry deposit. Where, of the following

possibilities, is the best place to look for such a deposit?

a) Shield volcanoes in the middles of platesb) Destructive plate margins

c) Constructive plate marginsd) Transform plate margins

e) Kimberlite pipes in the middle of plates

Page 53: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Of the following rock types, which is the most likely to be a trap rock for trapping oil and gas underground?

a) Granite porphyryb) greywacke

c) Shale/mudstoned) Salt dome

e) Quartz sandstone

Page 54: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Of the following rock types, which is the most likely to be a trap rock for trapping oil and gas underground?

a) Granite porphyryb) greywacke

c) Shale/mudstoned) Salt dome

e) Quartz sandstone

Page 55: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which strike and dip symbol best represents the orientation of the coal

bed in space?

Note: the orientation and numbers in the diagram are known to change

Page 56: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which strike and dip symbol best represents the orientation of the coal

bed in space?

Note: the orientation and numbers in the diagram are known to change

Page 57: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In determining the recurrence interval for large earthquakes along faults, we make use of the “Law of Cross-Cutting

Relationships”. This law is related to:

a) The fact that pieces of the Earth’s crust are constantly moving up and downb) The order in which sediments are deposited

c) The fact that the focus Is always above the epicenter of the earthquaked) The fact that, as a result of a tsunami, a peat layer is thrown on top of a sand layer

e) The fact that layers are shifted when a fault motion takes place

Page 58: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In determining the recurrence interval for large earthquakes along faults, we make use of the “Law of Cross-Cutting

Relationships”. This law is related to:

a) The fact that pieces of the Earth’s crust are constantly moving up and downb) The order in which sediments are deposited

c) The fact that the focus Is always above the epicenter of the earthquaked) The fact that, as a result of a tsunami, a peat layer is thrown on top of a sand layer

e) The fact that layers are shifted when a fault motion takes place

Page 59: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which meteorite type is a best approximation to the AVERAGE composition of the Earth?

a) A basaltic achondrite meteoriteb) A Leonid meteorite

c) A chondrite meteorited) An ultramafic meteorite

e) An iron meteorite

Page 60: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which meteorite type is a best approximation to the AVERAGE composition of the Earth?

a) A basaltic achondrite meteoriteb) A Leonid meteorite

c) A chondrite meteorited) An ultramafic meteorite

e) An iron meteorite

Page 61: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As a magma of Granodiorite composition cools down from 1500° C, which of the following minerals would crystalize first?

a) Biotite micab) Pyroxene

c) Olivine d) Na-rich Plagioclase

e) Quartz

Page 62: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As a magma of Granodiorite composition cools down from 1500° C, which of the following minerals would crystalize first?

a) Biotite micab) Pyroxene

c) Olivine d) Na-rich Plagioclase

e) Quartz

Page 63: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock deals with:

a) The development of the hydrological cycleb) The Plate Tectonic cycle

c) The formation of the Solar Systemd) The “physiology” of the Earth

e) The Rock Cycle

Page 64: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock deals with:

a) The development of the hydrological cycleb) The Plate Tectonic cycle

c) The formation of the Solar Systemd) The “physiology” of the Earth

e) The Rock Cycle

Page 65: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks would be most likely to contain feldspar grains?

a) Greywackeb) Banded Iron Formation

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Limestonee) Mudstone

Page 66: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks would be most likely to contain feldspar grains?

a) Greywackeb) Banded Iron Formation

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Limestonee) Mudstone

Page 67: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Water wells have been sunk in the region shown in the plan map. The

height of the water table is indicated. Which way is the ground water

dominantly flowing in the region?

a) East to westb) West to East

c) North to Southd) South to North

e) Up and Down like a yo-yo, and circling like a tornado

Note: the numbers on the diagram are known to vary from year to year

Page 68: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Water wells have been sunk in the region shown in the plan map. The

height of the water table is indicated. Which way is the ground water

dominantly flowing in the region?

a) East to westb) West to East

c) North to Southd) South to North

e) Up and Down like a yo-yo, and circling like a tornado

Note: the numbers on the diagram are known to vary from year to year

Page 69: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks would be most likely to contain feldspar grains?

a) Greywackeb) Banded Iron Formation

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Limestonee) Mudstone

Page 70: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks would be most likely to contain feldspar grains?

a) Greywackeb) Banded Iron Formation

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Limestonee) Mudstone

Page 71: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

From the sketch below showing a cross-section of cross-bedding sandstone layers, which way was the water that

produced them moving?

a) Uni-directionally, from left to rightb) Bi-directionally, back and forth

c) From up to downd) Uni-directionally from right to left

e) From down to up

Note: the direction of the asymmetrical wave pattern is known to vary from year to year

Page 72: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

From the sketch below showing a cross-section of cross-bedding sandstone layers, which way was the water that

produced them moving?

a) Uni-directionally, from left to rightb) Bi-directionally, back and forth

c) From up to downd) Uni-directionally from right to left

e) From down to up

Note: the direction of the asymmetrical wave pattern is known to vary from year to year

Page 73: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A silicate mineral that is not in the presence of water is most likely to be above its melting point at:

a) A low temperature and a high pressureb) A high temperature and high pressurec) A low temperature and low pressured) A high temperature and low pressure

e) The surface of the Earth

Page 74: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A silicate mineral that is not in the presence of water is most likely to be above its melting point at:

a) A low temperature and a high pressureb) A high temperature and high pressurec) A low temperature and low pressured) A high temperature and low pressure

e) The surface of the Earth

Page 75: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The average temperature at the surface of the Earth is currently approximately 16°centigrade. However, what

would the average surface temperature of the Earth be if the Earth had no atmosphere.

a) Greater than 100°Cb) 50°Cc) 15°Cd) 0°C

e) - 20°C

Page 76: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The average temperature at the surface of the Earth is currently approximately 16°centigrade. However, what

would the average surface temperature of the Earth be if the Earth had no atmosphere.

a) Greater than 100°Cb) 50°Cc) 15°Cd) 0°C

e) - 20°C

Page 77: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types would tend to chemically weather LEAST rapidly?

a) Diorite b) Gabbro

c) Limestoned) Granite

e) Rock Salt

Page 78: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types would tend to chemically weather LEAST rapidly?

a) Diorite b) Gabbro

c) Limestoned) Granite

e) Rock Salt

Page 79: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Differentiation of igneous rocks by partial melting can only occur if:

a) There is convection in the magma chamberb) The magma becomes less viscous during crystallization

c) The magma contains waterd) Early-formed liquids are separated from the remaining rock

e) As crystals form, they react with the liquid.

Page 80: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Differentiation of igneous rocks by partial melting can only occur if:

a) There is convection in the magma chamberb) The magma becomes less viscous during crystallization

c) The magma contains waterd) Early-formed liquids are separated from the remaining rock

e) As crystals form, they react with the liquid.

Page 81: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Brad R. Allenby, in his paper on Earth-Systems Engineering, argues that the desired goal, or end point, of Earth Systems

Engineering should be:

a) Economic growthb) Sustainability

c) Climate changed) Equity

e) Decreased population

Page 82: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Brad R. Allenby, in his paper on Earth-Systems Engineering, argues that the desired goal, or end point, of Earth Systems

Engineering should be:

a) Economic growthb) Sustainability

c) Climate changed) Equity

e) Decreased population

Page 83: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following features of an igneous rock can be used to get an idea of its chemical composition?

a) Size b) Type of rock structure

c) Proximity to Earth’s surfaced) Colour

e) All of the above

Page 84: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following features of an igneous rock can be used to get an idea of its chemical composition?

a) Size b) Type of rock structure

c) Proximity to Earth’s surfaced) Colour

e) All of the above

Page 85: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types is most likely to be well-sorted?

a) Greywackeb) Limestone

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Glacial till

e) Arkose

Page 86: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types is most likely to be well-sorted?

a) Greywackeb) Limestone

c) Quartz Sandstoned) Glacial till

e) Arkose

Page 87: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Quartz and Feldspar are minerals that belong to the same silicate structural type. Their compositional difference is due

to the replacement of some silicon atoms by another element to form the feldspars. What is the element that

replaces silicon?

a) Aluminumb) Sodiumc) Calcium

d) Irone) Potassium

Page 88: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Quartz and Feldspar are minerals that belong to the same silicate structural type. Their compositional difference is due

to the replacement of some silicon atoms by another element to form the feldspars. What is the element that

replaces silicon?

a) Aluminumb) Sodiumc) Calcium

d) Irone) Potassium

Page 89: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A mafic dyke would most likely be associated with:

a) A pyroclastic flowb) A fissure eruptionc) A strike-slip fault

d) A tsunamie) A translation slip

Page 90: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A mafic dyke would most likely be associated with:

a) A pyroclastic flowb) A fissure eruptionc) A strike-slip fault

d) A tsunamie) A translation slip

Page 91: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Hubbert’s Peak refers to:a) The first site, in the early 1950’s, for measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide

b) The total resource of a commodityc) The highest average global population growth rate in the 20th century

d) The highest global production of crude oile) The highest continental mountain

Page 92: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Hubbert’s Peak refers to:a) The first site, in the early 1950’s, for measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide

b) The total resource of a commodityc) The highest average global population growth rate in the 20th century

d) The highest global production of crude oile) The highest continental mountain

Page 93: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Absolute ages have been attached to the Relative Time Scale by determination of:

a) The nature of superposition of the sedimentary layersb) Radiometric ages of igneous rocks younger and older than

sedimentary formationsc) Radiometric ages of fossil skeletons

d) The nature of the biotic succession of rockse) The cross-cutting relationships of igneous rocks and faults

Page 94: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Absolute ages have been attached to the Relative Time Scale by determination of:

a) The nature of superposition of the sedimentary layersb) Radiometric ages of igneous rocks younger and older than

sedimentary formationsc) Radiometric ages of fossil skeletons

d) The nature of the biotic succession of rockse) The cross-cutting relationships of igneous rocks and faults

Page 95: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of mass movement generally has the highest velocity?

a) Earthflow b) Mudflow

c) Solifluction d) Creep

e) Translational rock slip

Page 96: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of mass movement generally has the highest velocity?

a) Earthflow b) Mudflow

c) Solifluction d) Creep

e) Translational rock slip

Page 97: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Limonite can form by the chemical weathering of which of the following minerals?

a) Quartzb) Olivine

c) Potassium-rich Clayd) Feldspar

e) Muscovite Mica

Page 98: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Limonite can form by the chemical weathering of which of the following minerals?

a) Quartzb) Olivine

c) Potassium-rich Clayd) Feldspar

e) Muscovite Mica

Page 99: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Salt Domes are important for oil exploration because:

a) They form antiformal fold structures about themb) Salt is the source rock for oil

c) Salt rock squeezes oil out of the source rocksd) Oil is trapped in the salt dome

e) Water flowing out from the salt carries oil

Page 100: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Salt Domes are important for oil exploration because:

a) They form antiformal fold structures about themb) Salt is the source rock for oil

c) Salt rock squeezes oil out of the source rocksd) Oil is trapped in the salt dome

e) Water flowing out from the salt carries oil

Page 101: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In an attempt to model the composition of the deep layers of the interior of the Earth we re-create conditions deep in the

Earth’s interior using:

a) A smelting furnaceb) A diamond anvil press

c) A seismometerd) The mineral composition of metamorphic rock

e) The inverse theory approach

Page 102: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In an attempt to model the composition of the deep layers of the interior of the Earth we re-create conditions deep in the

Earth’s interior using:

a) A smelting furnaceb) A diamond anvil press

c) A seismometerd) The mineral composition of metamorphic rock

e) The inverse theory approach

Page 103: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The texture and structures of sedimentary rocks can yield information on the conditions of their deposition. Just by looking

at the grain size of a sandstone at an outcrop, one can infer:

a) The number of times the sand has been reworked by successive currentsb) The grain size of the rocks from which the sane weathered

c) The distance over which the sand has been transportedd) The composition of the rock from which the sand weathered

e) The velocity of the current by which it was deposited

Page 104: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The texture and structures of sedimentary rocks can yield information on the conditions of their deposition. Just by looking

at the grain size of a sandstone at an outcrop, one can infer:

a) The number of times the sand has been reworked by successive currentsb) The grain size of the rocks from which the sane weathered

c) The distance over which the sand has been transportedd) The composition of the rock from which the sand weathered

e) The velocity of the current by which it was deposited

Page 105: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following diagrams is the most probable description of the future production of a non-renewable resource that has been produced exponentially up to the

present time?

Page 106: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following diagrams is the most probable description of the future production of a non-renewable resource that has been produced exponentially up to the

present time?

Page 107: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s carrying capacity refers to:

a) The number of “sinks” available for human needsb) The fact that humans move more material annually than all other Earth processes

c) The ultimate total amount of a non-renewable resource available to usd) How large a human population the Earth can sustainably support

e) The level of overshoot and oscillation

Page 108: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s carrying capacity refers to:

a) The number of “sinks” available for human needsb) The fact that humans move more material annually than all other Earth processes

c) The ultimate total amount of a non-renewable resource available to usd) How large a human population the Earth can sustainably support

e) The level of overshoot and oscillation

Page 109: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The thickness of the lithospheric plates was determined by:

a) Discovering the low-velocity zoneb) Detecting an increase in seismic velocity of seismic waves crossing the MOHO

c) Detecting the shadow zone for seismic P and S-Wavesd) Noting that seismic S-waves are stopped at the base of the plates

e) Noting the refraction of seismic P-waves at the mantle-core boundary

Page 110: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The thickness of the lithospheric plates was determined by:

a) Discovering the low-velocity zoneb) Detecting an increase in seismic velocity of seismic waves crossing the MOHO

c) Detecting the shadow zone for seismic P and S-Wavesd) Noting that seismic S-waves are stopped at the base of the plates

e) Noting the refraction of seismic P-waves at the mantle-core boundary

Page 111: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When seismologists try to find ways to predict earthquakes, they are faced with the fact that earthquake behavior follows a Power Law relationship. Which of the graphs below shows the correct relationship between the number of earthquakes

as a function of the Richter magnitude?

Page 112: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When seismologists try to find ways to predict earthquakes, they are faced with the fact that earthquake behavior follows a Power Law relationship. Which of the graphs below shows the correct relationship between the number of earthquakes

as a function of the Richter magnitude?

Page 113: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When we are assessing the future of a commodity, we refer to the reserves and resources of that commodity. The

definition of a reserve of a commodity is:

a) The amount of the commodity already removed from the ground but not soldb) The estimated total amount of the commodity in the whole Earth

c) The economic amount of the commodity discovered but not yet extractedd) The estimated total amount of the commodity that is ultimately economically

available to us from the Earth’s cruste) The shyness of commodity experts when bidding on the stock-market

Page 114: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When we are assessing the future of a commodity, we refer to the reserves and resources of that commodity. The

definition of a reserve of a commodity is:

a) The amount of the commodity already removed from the ground but not soldb) The estimated total amount of the commodity in the whole Earth

c) The economic amount of the commodity discovered but not yet extractedd) The estimated total amount of the commodity that is ultimately economically

available to us from the Earth’s cruste) The shyness of commodity experts when bidding on the stock-market

Page 115: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In February 2008, S. Self and S. Blake called one of the following “probably the greatest natural hazard of mankind in terms of the severity and longevity of impact – the ultimate geologic

hazard”. Which one were they referring to?

a) A caldera collapse and super-eruptionb) A Richter-magnitude nine earthquake

c) A mega-landslide in the Himalayasd) An earthquake-generated tsunami

e) Enhanced global warming and resultant climate change

Page 116: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In February 2008, S. Self and S. Blake called one of the following “probably the greatest natural hazard of mankind in terms of the severity and longevity of impact – the ultimate geologic

hazard”. Which one were they referring to?

a) A caldera collapse and super-eruptionb) A Richter-magnitude nine earthquake

c) A mega-landslide in the Himalayasd) An earthquake-generated tsunami

e) Enhanced global warming and resultant climate change

Page 117: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following minerals is closest to the AVERAGE composition of the Earth?

a) Pyriteb) Feldsparc) Quartzd) Calcitee) Olivine

Page 118: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following minerals is closest to the AVERAGE composition of the Earth?

a) Pyriteb) Feldsparc) Quartzd) Calcitee) Olivine

Page 119: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks is least likely to have a foliation?

a) Schistb) Slate

c) Gneissd) Migmatitee) Quartzite

Page 120: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks is least likely to have a foliation?

a) Schistb) Slate

c) Gneissd) Migmatitee) Quartzite

Page 121: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

An unconformity, like the one in the Kingston area, is best defined as:

a) A gap in the rock recordb) A basal conglomerate

c) A layer of sedimentary rocksd) A thin, tabular or sheet-like, igneous intrusion

e) A layer of rocks with very unusual fossils

Page 122: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

An unconformity, like the one in the Kingston area, is best defined as:

a) A gap in the rock recordb) A basal conglomerate

c) A layer of sedimentary rocksd) A thin, tabular or sheet-like, igneous intrusion

e) A layer of rocks with very unusual fossils

Page 123: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For an exponential equation of the form y=-ekt, where “y” is growing as a function of time, the “k” term is:

a) The growth rate of quantity “y” in percentb) One one-hundredth of the growth rate of quantity “y” in percent

c) A constant whose value is the base of the natural logarithmd) The doubling time

e) One one-hundredth of the doubling time

Page 124: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For an exponential equation of the form y=-ekt, where “y” is growing as a function of time, the “k” term is:

a) The growth rate of quantity “y” in percentb) One one-hundredth of the growth rate of quantity “y” in percent

c) A constant whose value is the base of the natural logarithmd) The doubling time

e) One one-hundredth of the doubling time

Page 125: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When determining the risk of a “landslide” in a particular region, which of the following will provide the most valuable


a) Installation of seismometersb) The tracing out of faults

c) Carbon-14 dating peat layersd) Analysis of air photographs

e) Measurement of acceleration due to gravity

Page 126: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When determining the risk of a “landslide” in a particular region, which of the following will provide the most valuable


a) Installation of seismometersb) The tracing out of faults

c) Carbon-14 dating peat layersd) Analysis of air photographs

e) Measurement of acceleration due to gravity

Page 127: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The MOHO is a boundary in the Earth across which, as one goes deeper in the Earth, a number of changes occur. Only one of

the five changes listed below is correct. Which one is it?

a) The Fe content goes downb) The temperature goes down

c) The density goes downd) The Si content goes down

e) The seismic velocity goes down

Page 128: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The MOHO is a boundary in the Earth across which, as one goes deeper in the Earth, a number of changes occur. Only one of

the five changes listed below is correct. Which one is it?

a) The Fe content goes downb) The temperature goes down

c) The density goes downd) The Si content goes down

e) The seismic velocity goes down

Page 129: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Evidence of abundant fossils of life-forms that made hard protective shells did not appear in the geological record until

how long ago?

a) 3.5 billion years agob) 5 billion years ago

c) 65 million years agod) 600 million years agoe) 300 million years ago

Page 130: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Evidence of abundant fossils of life-forms that made hard protective shells did not appear in the geological record until

how long ago?

a) 3.5 billion years agob) 5 billion years ago

c) 65 million years agod) 600 million years agoe) 300 million years ago

Page 131: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following will NOT help to determine the recurrence history of large (greater than magnitude 7.5)

earthquakes in a region?

a) Looking for evidence of ancient tsunamis in the soil recordb) Determining the age of peat layers

c) Studying human historical records of the regiond) Digging trenches and pits around the faults

e) Setting up seismic stations to record the foci of earthquakes over a 20 year period

Page 132: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following will NOT help to determine the recurrence history of large (greater than magnitude 7.5)

earthquakes in a region?

a) Looking for evidence of ancient tsunamis in the soil recordb) Determining the age of peat layers

c) Studying human historical records of the regiond) Digging trenches and pits around the faults

e) Setting up seismic stations to record the foci of earthquakes over a 20 year period

Page 133: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The process of unloading can produce:

a) Amygdules b) Mud cracks

c) Jointsd) Cross-bedding

e) Leaching

Page 134: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The process of unloading can produce:

a) Amygdules b) Mud cracks

c) Jointsd) Cross-bedding

e) Leaching

Page 135: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The three most abundant elements in the continental crust are:

a) O, Al, Feb) O, Si, Fe

c) O, Fe, Mgd) O, Si, Al

e) K, Ca, Na

Page 136: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The three most abundant elements in the continental crust are:

a) O, Al, Feb) O, Si, Fe

c) O, Fe, Mgd) O, Si, Al

e) K, Ca, Na

Page 137: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A crystal of Potassium Feldspar from a granite has been analyzed by the K-Ar method of geochronology. The ratio in

the crystal of the number of 40K atoms to the number of 40Ar atoms is 1 to 3. Given that the half life for the decay of parent to daughter is 1.3 billion years, which of the following

values is closest to the age of formation of the granite?

a) 0.30 billion yearsb) 0.65 billion yearsc) 1.3 billion yearsd) 2.0 billion yearse) 2.6 billion years

Page 138: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A crystal of Potassium Feldspar from a granite has been analyzed by the K-Ar method of geochronology. The ratio in

the crystal of the number of 40K atoms to the number of 40Ar atoms is 1 to 3. Given that the half life for the decay of parent to daughter is 1.3 billion years, which of the following

values is closest to the age of formation of the granite?

a) 0.30 billion yearsb) 0.65 billion yearsc) 1.3 billion yearsd) 2.0 billion yearse) 2.6 billion years

Page 139: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A sample of basalt in which the remnant magnetic field is oriented vertically probably formed and cooled:

a) At the azimuthb) Under sea waterc) Near the equator

d) At 45 degrees north or south latitudee) Near the north or south pole

Page 140: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A sample of basalt in which the remnant magnetic field is oriented vertically probably formed and cooled:

a) At the azimuthb) Under sea waterc) Near the equator

d) At 45 degrees north or south latitudee) Near the north or south pole

Page 141: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

You are in Iceland, witnessing a lava flow. What is most likely to be the colour of the rock formed when the lava has

crystallized and cooled?

a) pinkb) yellowc) blackd) whitee) green

Page 142: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

You are in Iceland, witnessing a lava flow. What is most likely to be the colour of the rock formed when the lava has

crystallized and cooled?

a) pinkb) yellowc) blackd) whitee) green

Page 143: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The fact that, over time in the sedimentary rock record, fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and

determinable order is the basis for:

a) The principle of original horizontalityb) The principle of biotic succession

c) The Law of Superpositiond) The doctrine catastrophism

e) The principle of cross-cutting relationships

Page 144: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The fact that, over time in the sedimentary rock record, fossil organisms succeed one another in a definite and

determinable order is the basis for:

a) The principle of original horizontalityb) The principle of biotic succession

c) The Law of Superpositiond) The doctrine catastrophism

e) The principle of cross-cutting relationships

Page 145: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

We wish to put the foundations of our building into solid rock, but we need to know the thickness of the soil layer sitting above

the rock. We can carry out a seismic refraction study, but this requires the knowledge of the velocity of the seismic P-waves in

the soil and in the rock. We obtain these by:

a) Taking the inverse of the slopes on the travel-time curvesb) Measuring the critical distance

c) Calculating the path taken by the seismic wavesd) Determining the difference between the focus and epicenter of the earthquake

e) Measuring the difference in arrival time of the first P and the first S seismic wave

Page 146: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

We wish to put the foundations of our building into solid rock, but we need to know the thickness of the soil layer sitting above

the rock. We can carry out a seismic refraction study, but this requires the knowledge of the velocity of the seismic P-waves in

the soil and in the rock. We obtain these by:

a) Taking the inverse of the slopes on the travel-time curvesb) Measuring the critical distance

c) Calculating the path taken by the seismic wavesd) Determining the difference between the focus and epicenter of the earthquake

e) Measuring the difference in arrival time of the first P and the first S seismic wave

Page 147: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you are exploring for a bauxite ore deposit, which of the following is most likely to be associated with it?

a) A lateriteb) A porphyritic rockc) an ultramafic rock

d) A salt domee) Sandstone

Page 148: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you are exploring for a bauxite ore deposit, which of the following is most likely to be associated with it?

a) A lateriteb) A porphyritic rockc) an ultramafic rock

d) A salt domee) Sandstone

Page 149: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out a risk analysis and risk management plan to minimize damage from a natural or anthropogenic hazard, which of the following is a step that needs to be done after

we assess the risk from the hazard in the are under consideration, but before we undertake any risk-control


a) A poll to determine the wishes of the publicb) Further collection of scientific data over a sufficiently long time period

c) Refinement of the emergency measures organizationsd) Public education

e) A cost-benefit analysis

Page 150: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out a risk analysis and risk management plan to minimize damage from a natural or anthropogenic hazard, which of the following is a step that needs to be done after

we assess the risk from the hazard in the are under consideration, but before we undertake any risk-control


a) A poll to determine the wishes of the publicb) Further collection of scientific data over a sufficiently long time period

c) Refinement of the emergency measures organizationsd) Public education

e) A cost-benefit analysis

Page 151: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In order to have an ore deposit, you need:

a) An accumulation of a mineral that you can extract and make money fromb) A local accumulation of metal

c) A porphyry-copper depositd) A mineral deposit of non-silicate minerals

e) A mineral deposit that is close to market

Page 152: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In order to have an ore deposit, you need:

a) An accumulation of a mineral that you can extract and make money fromb) A local accumulation of metal

c) A porphyry-copper depositd) A mineral deposit of non-silicate minerals

e) A mineral deposit that is close to market

Page 153: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

At which of these locations are fissure eruptions most prominent?

a) Subduction zonesb) Central Canada

c) Mid-ocean ridgesd) The Andes Mountains

e) Mount Pinatubo

Page 154: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

At which of these locations are fissure eruptions most prominent?

a) Subduction zonesb) Central Canada

c) Mid-ocean ridgesd) The Andes Mountains

e) Mount Pinatubo

Page 155: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out seismic modeling to determine the structure of the Earth, we make use of the “Ocean’s Razor”. With this, we:

a) Obtain a measure of the difference in arrival times of seismic wavesb) Determine the refraction patterns of seismic waves

c) Locate the focus of the earthquaked) Determine the magnitude of the earthquakee) Choose the simples solution that fits the data

Page 156: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In carrying out seismic modeling to determine the structure of the Earth, we make use of the “Ocean’s Razor”. With this, we:

a) Obtain a measure of the difference in arrival times of seismic wavesb) Determine the refraction patterns of seismic waves

c) Locate the focus of the earthquaked) Determine the magnitude of the earthquakee) Choose the simples solution that fits the data

Page 157: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of seismic waves arrives first at a seismic station following an earthquake 500 kilometres

away from the seismic station?

a) Love Wavesb) Rayleigh Wavesc) Tsunami Waves

d) Shear Wavese) Compression-rarefaction Waves

Page 158: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of seismic waves arrives first at a seismic station following an earthquake 500 kilometres

away from the seismic station?

a) Love Wavesb) Rayleigh Wavesc) Tsunami Waves

d) Shear Wavese) Compression-rarefaction Waves

Page 159: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following lists is in correct order going from lower to higher grade of regional metamorphism?

a) Slate, gneiss, mica schistb) Slate, mica schist, gneissc) Mica schist, gneiss, slated) Gneiss, slate, mica schiste) Mica schist, slate, gneiss

Page 160: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following lists is in correct order going from lower to higher grade of regional metamorphism?

a) Slate, gneiss, mica schistb) Slate, mica schist, gneissc) Mica schist, gneiss, slated) Gneiss, slate, mica schiste) Mica schist, slate, gneiss

Page 161: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following materials best represents the behavior of the mantle of the earth?

a) Water b) Wood

c) An India Rubber Balld) Silly Puttye) Plasticene

Page 162: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following materials best represents the behavior of the mantle of the earth?

a) Water b) Wood

c) An India Rubber Balld) Silly Puttye) Plasticene

Page 163: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the basic building block in the silicate minerals?

a) (SiO4)4-

b) (SiO2)2-

c) SiO4

d) SiO2

e) (SiO4)2-

Page 164: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the basic building block in the silicate minerals?

a) (SiO4)4-

b) (SiO2)2-

c) SiO4

d) SiO2

e) (SiO4)2-

Page 165: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types has provided evidence for a change over Earth history in the levels of oxygen in the


a) Greywacke b) Rhyolite

c) Chert d) Iron formation

e) Rock Salt

Page 166: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rock types has provided evidence for a change over Earth history in the levels of oxygen in the


a) Greywacke b) Rhyolite

c) Chert d) Iron formation

e) Rock Salt

Page 167: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When most rocks experience partial melting, the melted part is:

a) Denser than the original rockb) More felsic than the original rock

c) Poorer in water than the original rockd) Darker in colour than the original rock

e) Concentrated in iron compared to the original rock

Page 168: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

When most rocks experience partial melting, the melted part is:

a) Denser than the original rockb) More felsic than the original rock

c) Poorer in water than the original rockd) Darker in colour than the original rock

e) Concentrated in iron compared to the original rock

Page 169: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In a layered intrusion, which igneous rock type is most likely to be at the top of the intrusion?

a) Gabbrob) Granite

c) Ultramafic Rockd) Basalt

e) Granodiorite

Page 170: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In a layered intrusion, which igneous rock type is most likely to be at the top of the intrusion?

a) Gabbrob) Granite

c) Ultramafic Rockd) Basalt

e) Granodiorite

Page 171: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If the current rate of exponential growth of human population were to continue in the future, the Earth’s human

population will have doubled in about how many years?

a) 5 yearsb) 10 yearsc) 30 yearsd) 60 yearse) 90 years

Page 172: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If the current rate of exponential growth of human population were to continue in the future, the Earth’s human

population will have doubled in about how many years?

a) 5 yearsb) 10 yearsc) 30 yearsd) 60 yearse) 90 years

Page 173: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of faults is likely to be connected with the most dangerous earthquakes?

a) Nobody’s b) Transform c) Strike slip

d) Reverse Dip-Slipe) Normal Dip-Slip

Page 174: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following types of faults is likely to be connected with the most dangerous earthquakes?

a) Nobody’s b) Transform c) Strike slip

d) Reverse Dip-Slipe) Normal Dip-Slip

Page 175: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Very deep (greater than 200 km) earthquakes occur

a) 5 yearsb) 14 yearsc) 20 yearsd) 28 yearse) 50 years

Page 176: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Very deep (greater than 200 km) earthquakes occur

a) 5 yearsb) 14 yearsc) 20 yearsd) 28 yearse) 50 years

Page 177: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following ore-deposit types would be most likely to generate acid mine-tailings?

a) Iron formationb) bauxite

c) Porphyry copperd) chromite

e) petroleum

Page 178: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following ore-deposit types would be most likely to generate acid mine-tailings?

a) Iron formationb) bauxite

c) Porphyry copperd) chromite

e) petroleum

Page 179: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

It is only in the last 40 years that geologists have developed the Plate tectonic theory. One of the most important consequences of this theory is that it has provided an

explanation of how continental mountain ranges are formed. In the framework of the Plate Tectonic Theory, where are the

major continental mountain ranges produced?

a) Constructive plate boundariesb) Destructive plate boundaries

c) Strike-slip boundariesd) Conductive plate boundariese) Transform plate boundaries

Page 180: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

It is only in the last 40 years that geologists have developed the Plate tectonic theory. One of the most important consequences of this theory is that it has provided an

explanation of how continental mountain ranges are formed. In the framework of the Plate Tectonic Theory, where are the

major continental mountain ranges produced?

a) Constructive plate boundariesb) Destructive plate boundaries

c) Strike-slip boundariesd) Conductive plate boundariese) Transform plate boundaries

Page 181: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The development of the Himalayas was probably partly responsible for a cooling of the Earth’s climate that led us

into the recent Ice Ages over the last 2 million years. Which of the following best explains this effect of the Himalayas on

the climate.

a) The energy used to uplift the mountains led to atmospheric coolingb) The uplift of the mountains shut off the ocean “conveyor belt”

c) The uplifted mountains absorbed most of the solar radiation, thus cooling the atmosphered) The uplifted mountains experienced an increased rate of erosion, and that increased

weathering process extracted carbon dioxide from the atmospheree) Uplifting of the mountains changed the tilt

Page 182: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The development of the Himalayas was probably partly responsible for a cooling of the Earth’s climate that led us

into the recent Ice Ages over the last 2 million years. Which of the following best explains this effect of the Himalayas on

the climate.

a) The energy used to uplift the mountains led to atmospheric coolingb) The uplift of the mountains shut off the ocean “conveyor belt”

c) The uplifted mountains absorbed most of the solar radiation, thus cooling the atmosphered) The uplifted mountains experienced an increased rate of erosion, and that increased

weathering process extracted carbon dioxide from the atmospheree) Uplifting of the mountains changed the tilt

Page 183: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Seismic energy waves allow us to essentially x-ray the Earth’s interior. To do this, we use the inverse theory method. For

this method, we must:

a) Dig trenches and pits, and look at sediments for evidence of ancient tsunamisb) Study seismic records to determine the recurrence interval of earthquakes

c) Make a computer model of the Earth and see if the travel-time measured at the seismic stations fit the model

d) Locate and determine the nature of faults by the technique of seismic topographye) Determine the epicenters of the Earthquakes on a map of the world

Page 184: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Seismic energy waves allow us to essentially x-ray the Earth’s interior. To do this, we use the inverse theory method. For

this method, we must:

a) Dig trenches and pits, and look at sediments for evidence of ancient tsunamisb) Study seismic records to determine the recurrence interval of earthquakes

c) Make a computer model of the Earth and see if the travel-time measured at the seismic stations fit the model

d) Locate and determine the nature of faults by the technique of seismic topographye) Determine the epicenters of the Earthquakes on a map of the world

Page 185: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Various studies have shown that Earth consists of layers that differ from each other. These are either differences in

physical properties, or differences in chemical composition. For the boundaries between layers that are listed below, only

one is a boundary across which there is ONLY a change in physical properties. Which one?

a) Mantle/outer coreb) crust/mantle

c) Continental crust/oceanic crustd) Crust/atmosphere

e) Lithosphere/asthenosphere

Page 186: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Various studies have shown that Earth consists of layers that differ from each other. These are either differences in

physical properties, or differences in chemical composition. For the boundaries between layers that are listed below, only

one is a boundary across which there is ONLY a change in physical properties. Which one?

a) Mantle/outer coreb) crust/mantle

c) Continental crust/oceanic crustd) Crust/atmosphere

e) Lithosphere/asthenosphere

Page 187: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following mineral/element pairs is closest in composition of the continental crust?

a) Calciteb) Fe + Nic) Pyrite

d) Feldspar + Quartze) Olivine +Pyroxene

Page 188: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following mineral/element pairs is closest in composition of the continental crust?

a) Calciteb) Fe + Nic) Pyrite

d) Feldspar + Quartze) Olivine +Pyroxene

Page 189: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

W can sample rocks at the surface of Earth to determine their density, but to place limits on the nature of materials deeper in the Earth, we need to determine the AVERAGE

density of the Earth. We can do that by studying the interaction of the Earth with the Moon. In doing that

determination, you would need all but one of the following. Which one don’t you need?

a) Earth’s moment of inertiab) The radius of the Earth

c) The Gravitational constant (G)d) The orbital velocity of the moon

e) The distance from the Earth to the Moon

Page 190: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

W can sample rocks at the surface of Earth to determine their density, but to place limits on the nature of materials deeper in the Earth, we need to determine the AVERAGE

density of the Earth. We can do that by studying the interaction of the Earth with the Moon. In doing that

determination, you would need all but one of the following. Which one don’t you need?

a) Earth’s moment of inertiab) The radius of the Earth

c) The Gravitational constant (G)d) The orbital velocity of the moon

e) The distance from the Earth to the Moon

Page 191: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In the carbon cycle, which of the following reservoirs in the Earth system contains the most Carbon?

a) Crustal rocksb) Living plants and animals

c) The oceansd) Oil and gas

e) The atmosphere

Page 192: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In the carbon cycle, which of the following reservoirs in the Earth system contains the most Carbon?

a) Crustal rocksb) Living plants and animals

c) The oceansd) Oil and gas

e) The atmosphere

Page 193: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following soil types is generally the most suitable one for agriculture?

a) Lateriteb) Pedalferc) Pedocal

d) Permafroste) Lahar

Page 194: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following soil types is generally the most suitable one for agriculture?

a) Lateriteb) Pedalferc) Pedocal

d) Permafroste) Lahar

Page 195: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For which group do both minerals have a sheet structure?

a) Muscovite, clayb) Feldspar, Quartz

c) Hornblende, Pyroxened) Plagioclase, Pyroxenee) Olivine , Hornblende

Page 196: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For which group do both minerals have a sheet structure?

a) Muscovite, clayb) Feldspar, Quartz

c) Hornblende, Pyroxened) Plagioclase, Pyroxenee) Olivine , Hornblende

Page 197: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Magmas contain dissolved volatiles. Which of the following places are you most likely to experience a Lahar?

a) The Andes Mountainsb) The Red Sea

c) Along the San Andres Faultd) The South Nation River, Ontario

e) Iceland

Page 198: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Magmas contain dissolved volatiles. Which of the following places are you most likely to experience a Lahar?

a) The Andes Mountainsb) The Red Sea

c) Along the San Andres Faultd) The South Nation River, Ontario

e) Iceland

Page 199: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A bauxite ore deposit would be most likely to occur over which of the following rocks?

a) Marble b) Gabbroc) Syenite

d) Ultramafice) Sandstone

Page 200: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A bauxite ore deposit would be most likely to occur over which of the following rocks?

a) Marble b) Gabbroc) Syenite

d) Ultramafice) Sandstone

Page 201: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

One of the following rock types is most likely to be a trap (i.e reservoir) rock for trapping oil and gas underground. Which

of the following is it?

a) Granite Porphyryb) Quartz Sandstonec) Shale/Mudstone

d) Salt Domee) Greywacke

Page 202: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

One of the following rock types is most likely to be a trap (i.e reservoir) rock for trapping oil and gas underground. Which

of the following is it?

a) Granite Porphyryb) Quartz Sandstonec) Shale/Mudstone

d) Salt Domee) Greywacke

Page 203: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following lists magma types in order of increasing velocity?

a) Basaltic, andesitic, graniticb) Basaltic, granitic, andesiticc) Andesitic, granitic, basalticd) Granitic, basaltic, andesitice) Granitic, andesitic, basaltic

Page 204: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following lists magma types in order of increasing velocity?

a) Basaltic, andesitic, graniticb) Basaltic, granitic, andesiticc) Andesitic, granitic, basalticd) Granitic, basaltic, andesitice) Granitic, andesitic, basaltic

Page 205: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As a magma of diorite composition cools down from 1500° C, which of the following minerals would crystallize first?

a) Biotite micab) Pyroxene

c) Quartzd) Na-rich Plagioclase

e) Olivine

Page 206: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

As a magma of diorite composition cools down from 1500° C, which of the following minerals would crystallize first?

a) Biotite micab) Pyroxene

c) Quartzd) Na-rich Plagioclase

e) Olivine

Page 207: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the main factor that controls the rate of weathering of rocks?

a) Grain size of rockb) Degree of unloading

c) Topographyd) Rock Type

e) Climate

Page 208: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What is the main factor that controls the rate of weathering of rocks?

a) Grain size of rockb) Degree of unloading

c) Topographyd) Rock Type

e) Climate

Page 209: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The velocity of seismic S-waves is inversely proportional to which of the following parameters of the material they are

passing through?

a) Viscosity b) Elasticity

c) Inverse Modulusd) Shear Modulus

e) Density

Page 210: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The velocity of seismic S-waves is inversely proportional to which of the following parameters of the material they are

passing through?

a) Viscosity b) Elasticity

c) Inverse Modulusd) Shear Modulus

e) Density

Page 211: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following decreases in going from the mantle into the outer core?

a) P-wave Velocityb) Temperature

c) Density d) Iron content

e) Proportion of Liquid

Page 212: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following decreases in going from the mantle into the outer core?

a) P-wave Velocityb) Temperature

c) Density d) Iron content

e) Proportion of Liquid

Page 213: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is most likely to have the lowest porosity?

a) Quartz Sandstoneb) Reef Limestonec) Conglomerate

d) Greywackee) Pumice

Page 214: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is most likely to have the lowest porosity?

a) Quartz Sandstoneb) Reef Limestonec) Conglomerate

d) Greywackee) Pumice

Page 215: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Very deep (i.e greater than 200 km) earthquakes occur only at:

a) Transform faultsb) Hot spots

c) Constructive plate marginsd) Accreting Plate Margins

e) Destructive Plate Margins

Page 216: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Very deep (i.e greater than 200 km) earthquakes occur only at:

a) Transform faultsb) Hot spots

c) Constructive plate marginsd) Accreting Plate Margins

e) Destructive Plate Margins

Page 217: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which type of soil may eventually develop in a very hot, wet region, such as the Amazon River Bason?

a) Laharb) Pedocalc) Laterite

d) Pedoxylitee) Pedalfer

Page 218: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which type of soil may eventually develop in a very hot, wet region, such as the Amazon River Bason?

a) Laharb) Pedocalc) Laterite

d) Pedoxylitee) Pedalfer

Page 219: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Hawaiian Islands are located where the Pacific plate is:

a) Separating from the North American plateb) Diving under Japan

c) Diving under the North American Plated) Migrating over a hot spot

e) Being thrust over the North American Plate

Page 220: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Hawaiian Islands are located where the Pacific plate is:

a) Separating from the North American plateb) Diving under Japan

c) Diving under the North American Plated) Migrating over a hot spot

e) Being thrust over the North American Plate

Page 221: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In which of these settings would one most likely find a pyroclastic flow?

a) At the site of a fissure eruptionb) At a constructive plate boundary

c) In Hawaiid) At a transform plate boundary

e) At a destructive plate boundary

Page 222: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In which of these settings would one most likely find a pyroclastic flow?

a) At the site of a fissure eruptionb) At a constructive plate boundary

c) In Hawaiid) At a transform plate boundary

e) At a destructive plate boundary

Page 223: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

On which material is damage to buildings from seismic vibrations likely to be the least?

a) Clayb) Granite

c) Sand and Graveld) Peat and Muck

e) Mud

Page 224: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

On which material is damage to buildings from seismic vibrations likely to be the least?

a) Clayb) Granite

c) Sand and Graveld) Peat and Muck

e) Mud

Page 225: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks is most immature?

a) Shaleb) Breccia

c) Siltstoned) Quartz Sandstone

e) Conglomerate

Page 226: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following rocks is most immature?

a) Shaleb) Breccia

c) Siltstoned) Quartz Sandstone

e) Conglomerate

Page 227: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of these minerals is made up entirely of covalent bonds?

a) Clayb) Quartzc) Halite

d) Diamonde) Pure Copper

Page 228: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of these minerals is made up entirely of covalent bonds?

a) Clayb) Quartzc) Halite

d) Diamonde) Pure Copper

Page 229: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you begin to partially melt a shale, the liquid produced would have what composition?

a) Gabbroicb) Dioritic

c) Ultramaficd) Granodioritic

e) Granitic

Page 230: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If you begin to partially melt a shale, the liquid produced would have what composition?

a) Gabbroicb) Dioritic

c) Ultramaficd) Granodioritic

e) Granitic

Page 231: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Atlantic Ocean is opening up at a rate closest to:

a) 0.05 cm/yearb) 5 cm/year

c) 50 cm/yeard) 5 metres/year

e) 50 metres/year

Page 232: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Atlantic Ocean is opening up at a rate closest to:

a) 0.05 cm/yearb) 5 cm/year

c) 50 cm/yeard) 5 metres/year

e) 50 metres/year

Page 233: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following approaches would be least likely to provide us with information to help predict, on both the

short and long term, the eruption of a stratovolcano?

a) Look for seismic gapsb) Set up seismometers to detect earthquakes

c) Measure ground tiltd) Determine recurrence intervals

e) Monitor Gas release

Page 234: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following approaches would be least likely to provide us with information to help predict, on both the

short and long term, the eruption of a stratovolcano?

a) Look for seismic gapsb) Set up seismometers to detect earthquakes

c) Measure ground tiltd) Determine recurrence intervals

e) Monitor Gas release

Page 235: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Unlike most other bodies in the Solar System, the Earth has a strong magnetic field. Which of the following features of the

Earth is responsible for the Earth having such a magnetic field?

a) Flattening along the rotation axisb) A convection mantle

c) A liquid outer core of irond) An axial dipole magnete) An iron-rich inner core

Page 236: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Unlike most other bodies in the Solar System, the Earth has a strong magnetic field. Which of the following features of the

Earth is responsible for the Earth having such a magnetic field?

a) Flattening along the rotation axisb) A convection mantle

c) A liquid outer core of irond) An axial dipole magnete) An iron-rich inner core

Page 237: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

I have hired you to explore for ore deposits that would provide us with the metal copper (Cu). Which of the

following minerals should you be looking for?

a) Pyriteb) Magnetitec) Chromite

d) Galenae) Chalcopyrite

Page 238: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

I have hired you to explore for ore deposits that would provide us with the metal copper (Cu). Which of the

following minerals should you be looking for?

a) Pyriteb) Magnetitec) Chromite

d) Galenae) Chalcopyrite

Page 239: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In the sea floor spreading hypothesis of Harry Hess, the conveyor belt carrying the continental crust was thought to be:

a) The asthenosphereb) The mantle convection cell

c) The ocean crustd) The tectonic plate

e) The lithosphere

Page 240: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In the sea floor spreading hypothesis of Harry Hess, the conveyor belt carrying the continental crust was thought to be:

a) The asthenosphereb) The mantle convection cell

c) The ocean crustd) The tectonic plate

e) The lithosphere

Page 241: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The definition of the “resource” of a commodity is:

a) The economic amount of the commodity discovered but not yet extractedb) A local accumulation of a specific mineral that contains that commodity

c) The total number of mineral deposits of that commodityd) The estimated total amount of that commodity that is ultimately economically

recoverablee) The amount of the commodity that exists in the Earth

Page 242: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The definition of the “resource” of a commodity is:

a) The economic amount of the commodity discovered but not yet extractedb) A local accumulation of a specific mineral that contains that commodity

c) The total number of mineral deposits of that commodityd) The estimated total amount of that commodity that is ultimately economically

recoverablee) The amount of the commodity that exists in the Earth

Page 243: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following pieces of evidence from the geology around the Kingston area is evidence for a former mountain-

building event?

a) Stromatolitesb) Migmatite

c) Glacial Groovesd) Mud Crackse) Cross Beds

Page 244: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following pieces of evidence from the geology around the Kingston area is evidence for a former mountain-

building event?

a) Stromatolitesb) Migmatite

c) Glacial Groovesd) Mud Crackse) Cross Beds

Page 245: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s magnetic field has been shown to reverse itself on average about every:

a) 5000 yearsb) 0.5 million yearsc) 10 million years

d) 100 million yearse) 1 billion years

Page 246: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The Earth’s magnetic field has been shown to reverse itself on average about every:

a) 5000 yearsb) 0.5 million yearsc) 10 million years

d) 100 million yearse) 1 billion years

Page 247: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which one of the following DECREASES in going from the oceanic crust to the mantle of the Earth?

a) pressureb) Silicon content

c) Density d) Temperature

e) P-wave Velocity

Page 248: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which one of the following DECREASES in going from the oceanic crust to the mantle of the Earth?

a) pressureb) Silicon content

c) Density d) Temperature

e) P-wave Velocity

Page 249: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is used to describe what occurs to produce an earthquake?

a) Elastic Reboundb) Polymerization

c) Liquefactiond) Compression-Rarefaction

e) Plastic Deformation

Page 250: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is used to describe what occurs to produce an earthquake?

a) Elastic Reboundb) Polymerization

c) Liquefactiond) Compression-Rarefaction

e) Plastic Deformation

Page 251: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What are the two elements that can replace one another in the olivine solid solution?

a) Ca, Nab) Si, Alc) K, Na

d) Mg, Fee) Si, O

Page 252: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What are the two elements that can replace one another in the olivine solid solution?

a) Ca, Nab) Si, Alc) K, Na

d) Mg, Fee) Si, O

Page 253: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

With which one of the following will Lahars most likely be associated?

a) Earthquakes b) Layered intrusions

c) Felsic volcanoesd) Tsunamis

e) Open-Pit Mines

Page 254: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

With which one of the following will Lahars most likely be associated?

a) Earthquakes b) Layered intrusions

c) Felsic volcanoesd) Tsunamis

e) Open-Pit Mines

Page 255: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What percentage of the Earth’s crust is composed of non-silicate minerals?

a) 3%b) 10%c) 20%d) 75%e) 97%

Page 256: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What percentage of the Earth’s crust is composed of non-silicate minerals?

a) 3%b) 10%c) 20%d) 75%e) 97%

Page 257: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Following a very shallow earthquake, as seismic P and S waves go deeper into the Earth and cross the MOHO:

a) The S-Waves stop and P-Waves continueb) The waves speed up

c) The waves increase in amplituded) The waves refract towards the normal

e) The P-waves stop and S-waves continue

Page 258: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Following a very shallow earthquake, as seismic P and S waves go deeper into the Earth and cross the MOHO:

a) The S-Waves stop and P-Waves continueb) The waves speed up

c) The waves increase in amplituded) The waves refract towards the normal

e) The P-waves stop and S-waves continue

Page 259: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is true about Tsunamis?

a) They seldom cause damage when they reach the shoreb) They have wavelengths of a few metres

c) They have amplitudes of 50 metres or more in deep ocean waterd) They are most commonly generated by earthquakes under the continents

e) They travel at speeds of 500 to 800 kilometres per hour

Page 260: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is true about Tsunamis?

a) They seldom cause damage when they reach the shoreb) They have wavelengths of a few metres

c) They have amplitudes of 50 metres or more in deep ocean waterd) They are most commonly generated by earthquakes under the continents

e) They travel at speeds of 500 to 800 kilometres per hour

Page 261: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The oldest ocean crust in the ocean basin is found closest to:

a) Icelandb) Western United States

c) The Red Sead) Japan

e) The East Pacific Mid-Ocean Ridge

Page 262: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The oldest ocean crust in the ocean basin is found closest to:

a) Icelandb) Western United States

c) The Red Sead) Japan

e) The East Pacific Mid-Ocean Ridge

Page 263: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What kind of fault is illustrated in the diagram below?

a) Normal Dip-Slipb) Reverse Dip-Slip

c) Transformd) Thrust

e) Strike-Slip

Page 264: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

What kind of fault is illustrated in the diagram below?

a) Normal Dip-Slipb) Reverse Dip-Slip

c) Transformd) Thrust

e) Strike-Slip

Page 265: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The most important factor controlling slope stability, of the ones listed below, is:

a) Weight of material on the slopeb) Cohesion on the potential failure plane

c) Hydraulic equivalence of the sloped) The angle of potential failure plane

e) Angle of the slope wall

Page 266: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The most important factor controlling slope stability, of the ones listed below, is:

a) Weight of material on the slopeb) Cohesion on the potential failure plane

c) Hydraulic equivalence of the sloped) The angle of potential failure plane

e) Angle of the slope wall

Page 267: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

You have carried out a careful chemical analysis of three rocks: granite, granodiorite and gabbro. Which of the

following increases?

a) Quartz contentb) Si contentc) Density

d) Potassium contente) Feldspar content

Page 268: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

You have carried out a careful chemical analysis of three rocks: granite, granodiorite and gabbro. Which of the

following increases?

a) Quartz contentb) Si contentc) Density

d) Potassium contente) Feldspar content

Page 269: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following elements is NOT found as an essential constituent of plagioclase feldspar?

a) Potassiumb) Sodium

c) Aluminumd) Calciume) Silicon

Page 270: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following elements is NOT found as an essential constituent of plagioclase feldspar?

a) Potassiumb) Sodium

c) Aluminumd) Calciume) Silicon

Page 271: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

All earthquakes occur in the:

a) Mantleb) Continental Crustc) Asthenosphere

d) Lithospheree) Ocean crust

Page 272: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

All earthquakes occur in the:

a) Mantleb) Continental Crustc) Asthenosphere

d) Lithospheree) Ocean crust

Page 273: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which ore deposit type results from the development in a magma chamber of a liquid that is immiscible with the

silicate liquid?

a) Bauxiteb) Chromite

c) Porphyry Copperd) Ni-Cu Sulfide

e) Banded Iron Formation

Page 274: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which ore deposit type results from the development in a magma chamber of a liquid that is immiscible with the

silicate liquid?

a) Bauxiteb) Chromite

c) Porphyry Copperd) Ni-Cu Sulfide

e) Banded Iron Formation

Page 275: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is a highly favourable site for oil formation and accumulation?

a) Mudstonesb) Glacial Deposits

c) Swampsd) Deltas

e) Mid-Ocean Ridges

Page 276: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is a highly favourable site for oil formation and accumulation?

a) Mudstonesb) Glacial Deposits

c) Swampsd) Deltas

e) Mid-Ocean Ridges

Page 277: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Symmetrical sand ripples are most likely produced by:

a) Windb) Ocean Wavesc) Stream Flow

d) Slope Instabilitye) Turbidity Currents

Page 278: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Symmetrical sand ripples are most likely produced by:

a) Windb) Ocean Wavesc) Stream Flow

d) Slope Instabilitye) Turbidity Currents

Page 279: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which one of the following minerals would be LEAST likely to occur in a granite?

a) K-rich Feldsparb) Muscovite Mica

c) Na-rich Plagioclased) Quartze) Olivine

Page 280: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which one of the following minerals would be LEAST likely to occur in a granite?

a) K-rich Feldsparb) Muscovite Mica

c) Na-rich Plagioclased) Quartze) Olivine

Page 281: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A chemical analysis has been conducted on an intrusive igneous rock, and the rock was found to have an SiO2 content of approximately 45%. Which one of the following types of

ore deposit has the most chance of being found in this rock?

a) Porphyry copperb) Bauxite

c) Iron Formationd) Placer Golde) Chromite

Page 282: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A chemical analysis has been conducted on an intrusive igneous rock, and the rock was found to have an SiO2 content of approximately 45%. Which one of the following types of

ore deposit has the most chance of being found in this rock?

a) Porphyry copperb) Bauxite

c) Iron Formationd) Placer Golde) Chromite

Page 283: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

One way to minimize damage from earthquakes is to build structures with appropriate building materials. Which of the

following is the best material to build a structure with in order to minimize potential damage from ground shaking

during an earthquake?

a) Steelb) Stucco

c) Masonryd) Unreinforced Concrete

e) Adobe

Page 284: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

One way to minimize damage from earthquakes is to build structures with appropriate building materials. Which of the

following is the best material to build a structure with in order to minimize potential damage from ground shaking

during an earthquake?

a) Steelb) Stucco

c) Masonryd) Unreinforced Concrete

e) Adobe

Page 285: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The sedimentary rocks immediately below and above an angular unconformity record a history of:

a) Erosion-folding-deposition-erosionb) Folding-erosion-deposition-folding

c) Deposition-erosion-deposition-foldingd) Erosion-deposition-folding-erosion

e) Deposition-folding-erosion-deposition

Page 286: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The sedimentary rocks immediately below and above an angular unconformity record a history of:

a) Erosion-folding-deposition-erosionb) Folding-erosion-deposition-folding

c) Deposition-erosion-deposition-foldingd) Erosion-deposition-folding-erosion

e) Deposition-folding-erosion-deposition

Page 287: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For a mass of rock on a potential failure plane, which of the following terms in the safety factor equation will DECREASE

the safety factor it is decreased?

a) Weight of potential failure blockb) Angle of internal friction

c) Angle of potential failure planed) Water content

e) None of the above, they all increase it

Page 288: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For a mass of rock on a potential failure plane, which of the following terms in the safety factor equation will DECREASE

the safety factor it is decreased?

a) Weight of potential failure blockb) Angle of internal friction

c) Angle of potential failure planed) Water content

e) None of the above, they all increase it

Page 289: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is the most abundant sedimentary rock in the Earth’s crust?

a) Limestoneb) Sandstone

c) Shaled) Conglomerate

e) Banded Iron Formation

Page 290: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

Which of the following is the most abundant sedimentary rock in the Earth’s crust?

a) Limestoneb) Sandstone

c) Shaled) Conglomerate

e) Banded Iron Formation

Page 291: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A porphyritic igneous rock indicates:

a) The presence of an ore depositb) A two-stage cooling history

c) A felsic compositiond) Cooling deep in the Earth

e) A high content of dissolved volatiles in the magma

Page 292: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

A porphyritic igneous rock indicates:

a) The presence of an ore depositb) A two-stage cooling history

c) A felsic compositiond) Cooling deep in the Earth

e) A high content of dissolved volatiles in the magma

Page 293: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The age of the solar system and the Earth is closest to:

a) 500 million yearsb) 1000 million yearsc) 2500 million yearsd) 4500 million years

e) 13000 million years

Page 294: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

The age of the solar system and the Earth is closest to:

a) 500 million yearsb) 1000 million yearsc) 2500 million yearsd) 4500 million years

e) 13000 million years

Page 295: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If a litre of sea water is evaporated, which of the following evaporites that precipitated will occur in the greatest


a) Gypsumb) Halitec) Potash

d) Limestonee) Chert

Page 296: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

If a litre of sea water is evaporated, which of the following evaporites that precipitated will occur in the greatest


a) Gypsumb) Halitec) Potash

d) Limestonee) Chert

Page 297: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In which of these settings would one most likely find a nuee ardente?

a) At the site of a fissure eruption b) At a constructive plate boundary

c) In Hawaiid) At a destructive plate boundarye) At a transform plate boundary

Page 298: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In which of these settings would one most likely find a nuee ardente?

a) At the site of a fissure eruption b) At a constructive plate boundary

c) In Hawaiid) At a destructive plate boundarye) At a transform plate boundary

Page 299: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

How many earthquakes of Richter magnitude 5 would it take to equal the output of energy from a single earthquake of Richter

magnitude 7?

a) 2b) 30c) 60

d) 900e) 27 000

Page 300: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

How many earthquakes of Richter magnitude 5 would it take to equal the output of energy from a single earthquake of Richter

magnitude 7?

a) 2b) 30c) 60

d) 900e) 27 000

Page 301: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In order to determine the seismic risk of an area, we need to determine the Richter magnitude of earthquakes that occur in

that region. The Richter magnitude is determined by:

a) Measuring the amount of movement on the fault that caused the earthquakeb) Measuring the intensity of earthquake damage

c) Measuring the length of time of the ground-shaking eventd) Measuring the time between the first arrival of S waves and the first arrival of

surface waves on the seismograme) Measuring the amplitude of the seismic waves on a seismogram

Page 302: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

In order to determine the seismic risk of an area, we need to determine the Richter magnitude of earthquakes that occur in

that region. The Richter magnitude is determined by:

a) Measuring the amount of movement on the fault that caused the earthquakeb) Measuring the intensity of earthquake damage

c) Measuring the length of time of the ground-shaking eventd) Measuring the time between the first arrival of S waves and the first arrival of

surface waves on the seismograme) Measuring the amplitude of the seismic waves on a seismogram

Page 303: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For seismic P and S waves received by seismographs at various distances from an earthquake focus, a plot of first arrival times

against distance would look like:

Page 304: 5 years 14 years 20 years 28 years 50 years

For seismic P and S waves received by seismographs at various distances from an earthquake focus, a plot of first arrival times

against distance would look like: