2012 calls for proposals socio-economic sciences and ... · btt dt f h d dibetter data for research...

2012 Calls for proposals 2012 Calls for proposals Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) (SSH) 1

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Page 1: 2012 Calls for proposals Socio-economic Sciences and ... · Btt dt f h d diBetter data for research and evidence-based policy making (ACTIVITY 6: Socio-economic and scientific indicators)

2012 Calls for proposals2012 Calls for proposalsSocio-economic Sciences and Humanities



Page 2: 2012 Calls for proposals Socio-economic Sciences and ... · Btt dt f h d diBetter data for research and evidence-based policy making (ACTIVITY 6: Socio-economic and scientific indicators)

EU research and innovationTurning the eyesg y

Most of the efforts these last 30 years in R&D were directly linked to industrial policies In Europe:directly linked to industrial policies. In Europe:

In the eighties, the eyes were turned towards h l h ( f “ kJapan: technology push (cf. “Framework

Programme”)I 2000 th t d t d USAIn 2000, the eyes were turned towards USA: competitiveness push (cf. Lisbon Strategy)Today: importance of information technologiesToday: importance of information technologies, sustainability, social innovation and demand-pull measures – Europe 2020 strategy


p gy

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European research and innovationA key EU policyy p y

Research and Innovation: Third EU policy inResearch and Innovation: Third EU policy in budgetary terms (after CAP and Structural funds including more and more RTD&I)

FP7: Major instrument for intensification of EU research collaboration

Research and Innovation as a major instrument to recover the crisis effectsrecover the crisis effects


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Role of research and innovationRole of research and innovation(“3% GDP target”)

  Evolution of GDP (Billion € 2000)











14000 (2)


























Forecast before Crise New forecast Counter-cyclical scenario


Source: EU DEMETER project using the NEMESIS model (P. Zagamé)

Forecast before Crise New forecast Counter-cyclical scenario

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Towards Horizon 2020

Lund Declaration (2009): Focus on the EU Grand challengeschallenges

Innovation Union (2010): Research and innovation are ( )placed at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy

Green Paper Towards a CSF for EU Research and Innovation funding (2011) - major changes to:

M k ti i ti iMake participation easierIncrease scientific and economic impactP id b tt l f


Provide better value for money

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Horizon 2020

Multiannual financial framework (2011) – « A BudgetMultiannual financial framework (2011) A Budget for Europe 2020 »

Three areas for R&IExcellence in the science baseTackling societal challengesIndustrial leadership and competitivenessIndustrial leadership and competitiveness


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Consultation on the ChallengeInclusive innovative and secure societiesInclusive, innovative and secure societies

In addition to the results of the CSF consultation:

A workshop with the stakeholders on 27 June 2011p

A workshop with the Member States and Associates States on 13 July 2011States on 13 July 2011

Slides and synthetic report of the workshops available at:available at:http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm



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EU research in SSH: Objectives

Knowing: Data, statistics, indicatorsExplaining: Tools definitions methodsExplaining: Tools, definitions, methodsUnderstanding: Context, causes, mechanismsForward looking: Modelling, foresight, scenarioRecommending: From knowledge to policyRecommending: From knowledge to policy


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EU research in in SSH: Facts and opportunitiesFacts and opportunities

The biggest world R&D programme in SSH (€ 600 M inThe biggest world R&D programme in SSH (€ 600 M in FP7): Problem-oriented and policy-relevant. Almost 350 projects and 3000 research organisations j ginvolved between 2002 and 2010The European Research Council (ERC) for the best individuals in SSHThe Marie Curie for the mobility of SSH researchersSome opportunities in the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and in the Structural Funds


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SSH - What we expect?

● High scientific quality (excellence)● EU added value (dimension, coverage,

comparison) p )● Different socio-economic and humanity

disciplinesdisciplines● Quantitative and qualitative methods

Support to EU policies● Support to EU policies● Stock-taking (past research)


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SSH - What we expect?

● Forward looking (foresight and forecast)International cooperation (globalisation of● International cooperation (globalisation of R&D and innovation)

l i i f l ( i li i l● Exploitation of results (science, policy, social partners, CSO)

● Critical mass of actors (stakeholders)● Professional managementProfessional management● Ethics and gender aspects


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EU research in SSH: Activities

Seven Activities:Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Major trends in society and their implications Europe in the worldThe citizen in the EUSocio-economic and scientific indicators



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2012 Calls for Proposals

Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH)

New calls for proposals published on 20 July 2011: FP7-SSH-2012-1 (large-scale projects > 5 5 M€)FP7-SSH-2012-1 (large-scale projects > 5.5 M€)FP7-SSH-2012-2 (small-medium projects < 2.5 M€)

(CSA < 1 5 M€ CSA < 1 M€)(CSA < 1.5 M€, CSA < 1 M€)Deadline: 2 February 2012 at 17:00 (Brussels time)

FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD (2 M€) - Deadline: 28/2/2012



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PanelSubmission ConsensusIndividual FinalisationPanelSubmission Consensusreading Finalisation

Full ProposalEvaluators Evaluators Evaluators Final ranking



EligibilityProposals insuggested

Rejection listCriteriaCriteria Criteria

g y ggpriority order



Role of experts

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May be “remote”For each proposal

Proposal Xcopy 1

IERexpert 1


Proposal Xcopy 2

IER expert 2

Consensus meeting CR

At least 3/5 experts

Proposal Xcopy 3 IER

3/5 experts

copy 3expert 3

IER=Individual evaluation report


IER=Individual evaluation reportCR=Consensus Report

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Large scale integrated projects Challenges

Education systems in the 21st century (Activity 1)


Governance of cohesion and diversity in urban contexts (Activity 2)

Making longevity an asset for economic and social development (Activity 3)

Families in transitions (Activity 3)

Human rights in the EU external relations and internal policies (Activity 4)

Exercising EU citizenship: removing barriers


(Activity 5)

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Topics - Activity 1 Small-medium projects

Unveiling creativity for innovation in EuropeSmart specialisation for regional innovationSmart specialisation for regional innovation

The future of macro-economic and monetary integration in Europeintegration in Europe

Innovative policies for employment and labour markets

Coordinating ActionsCoordinating ActionsCoordinating research agendas on economic policy


Mobilising institutional reforms in R&I systems

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Topics - Activity 2Small-medium projects

Social innovation against inequalities

Social innovation for vulnerable populations (ICPC)

p j

Social innovation for vulnerable populations (ICPC)

European energy security, including its economic dimensiondimension

New types of offence in a globalised world: the case f i t l iof environmental crime

Supporting ActionSupporting ActionClimate change uncertainties: policymaking for the Pacific front


Pacific front

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Topics - Activity 3Small-medium projectsSmall medium projects

Understanding disabilities in evolving societiesUnderstanding disabilities in evolving societies

Social innovation in the public sector

ERA Net (FP7 ERANET 2012 RTD)ERA-Net (FP7-ERANET-2012-RTD)Drug demand and supply reduction (€ 2 M)


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Topics - Activity 4S ll di j tSmall-medium projects

Towards an Atlantic area? (ICPC)

National and regional integrationNational and regional integration in South East Asia (ICPC)

Social changes and political transformations in the Arab world (ICPC)


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Topics - Activity 5Small medium projectsSmall-medium projects

● Dealing with diversity and cohesion: the case of the Roma in the European Union

● Enlargement and the integration capacity of the● Enlargement and the integration capacity of the EU: past experience and future prospects


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Topic - Activity 6Supporting Action

Mapping data opportunities for economic and

Supporting Action

Mapping data opportunities for economic and social research and policy

Topic - Activity 7S ll di j tSmall-medium project

F d l ki l d h d fForward looking tools and methods for answering major societal challenges


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Topic - Activity 8Small medium projectSmall-medium project

The future of Social Sciences and Humanities in the context of the ERA

Supporting Action

Mobilising the network of NCP in SSH


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The research agenda on European k l d d i knowledge economy and economic governance:

=> Contributes to a scientifically high y gquality SSH knowledge base for evidence-based policy making in Europep y g p


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SSH WORKPROGRAMME 2012 Growth, employment and competitiveness, incl.

demographic change

Socio-economic and scientific indicators

Focus on Europe’s political agendas:

- Europe 2020 Priorities: smart, inclusive and sustainable growthgrowth

- Innovation Union Flagship, incl. Creativity- European Research Area: internal market for research- European year of Creativity- Economic governance in Europe 2020: European semester,

Annual Growth Survey, National programmes/ targetsy, p g / g- Financial and economic crisis: new economic thinking


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Guiding principals for policy relevant g p p p yresearch

• Issues of interests for European policy making; European p p y g peconomic policy governance issues

• Highest academic quality, interdisciplinary, often comparative empirical research incl Data collectioncomparative empirical research, incl. Data collection

• Take stock and build up research on the knowledge of already existing projects

• In Coordination and supporting actions: - involve dialogues between the scientific community, statistical community and policy-makers in Europestatistical community and policy makers in Europe


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SSH WP 2012: Research to support evidence-based policy making in Europe

Activity 1: Growth employment and

AREA 8 1 1 Collaborative project

Activity 1: Growth, employment and competitiveness, incl. demographic change

AREA 8.1.1. Collaborative project - Unveiling creativity for innovation in Europe (Max 2 500 000 euro)(Max 2.500.000 euro)

The objective is a better understanding of the relationships between culture, design, creativity, entrepreneurship and bet ee cu tu e, des g , c eat ty, e t ep e eu s p a dinnovation and the measurement of culture- and creativity-based innovation (Innovation Union Flagship, Creativity)


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SSH WP 2012: Research to support ppevidence-based European policy making

AREA 8.1.2. Support and coordination actions (CA)( )

- Coordinating research agendas on economic policy, prioritisation and coordination of economic policies in Europe (Max 1.500.000 euro)Objective is to develop a platform/networking of economic knowledge and tools to support research on prioritising and efficiency of economic policies (Europe 2020)

- Mobilising institutional reforms in research and innovation systems for better scientific, innovation and economic

f i ( 00 000 )performances in Europe (Max 1.500.000 euro)Objective is to create a platform about policies for modernisation of national research and innovation systems (European Research Area, Innovation Union Flagship)



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SSH WP 2012B tt d t f h d idBetter data for research and evidence-

based policy making (ACTIVITY 6: Socio-economic and scientific indicators)(ACTIVITY 6: Socio economic and scientific indicators)

SSH. 2012.6.2.-1. Mapping data opportunities for SSH. 2012.6.2. 1. Mapping data opportunities for economic and social research and policy (Max1.500.000 euro))Coordination and Support Action (supporting action)

Research on European economic and social issues is often phampered because the economic and social data is not or only partially available

• To set up a future research agenda about interlinking existing • To set up a future research agenda about interlinking existing data and defining common quality criteria for to improve future comparative research for European evidence-based policymaking.


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SSH research on economic growth, innovation and competitiveness:

stock tacking and on-going research

Globalisation of Innovation: GlOBINN, EFIGEIntangible investment: INNODRIVE, COINVEST, IAREGEconomics of services sector: SERVICEGAP, INDICSER Productivity and competitiveness: EUKLEMS (FP6)Knowledge intensive Entrepreneurship and innovation: g p pAEGISBeyond the GDP and well-being (WP 2011): E-frame


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The future of macro-economic and monetary integration in Europeand monetary integration in Europe

Objecti eObjective:

To investigate how the evolving system of economic governance is likely to work in practice and to affect g y peconomic stability, what systemic solutions could work best and how the new framework will affect relations between Eurozoen and non-euro Member States.


• Unprecedented challenges to economic governance in the EU following the financial crisisEU following the financial crisis

• Major reform of the Eurozone governance system including institutional and legal framework

• Uncertainty about effectiveness of the new mechanisms and solutions put in place

• Non euro EU members and future enlargements of the


• Non-euro EU members and future enlargements of the Eurozone

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Making longevity an asset for economic and social development


To comprehensively assess challenges and opportunities related to transforming longevity into an asset for economic and social development in Europe. p p


• Europe 2020 Strategy - Innovation Union – European p gy pInnovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing –increasing the average healthy lifespan by 2 years by 2020

• Challenges and opportunities related to ageing societyChallenges and opportunities related to ageing society need a comprehensive approach – EC Communications on demography and Demography Reports

• Challenges related to projected shortages of labour force• Challenges related to projected shortages of labour force and sustainability of pension and welfare systems

• A need to take advantage of the potential of the older l d id tif i l t d k t


people as consumers and identifying related market opportunities for Europe

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Research on ‘social innovation’ to be add essed in 2012 to be addressed in 2012 –

a reminder

Directly on ‘social innovation’:Social innovation against inequalitiesSocial innovation against inequalitiesSocial innovation in the public sectorSocial innovation for vulnerable populations (SICA)

'Families in transitions'Other topics linked to ‘social innovation’:

Making longevity an asset for economic and social

Families in transitions

g g ydevelopmentFamilies in transitionsSmart specialisation for regional innovationSmart specialisation for regional innovationInnovative policies for employment and labour marketsForward-looking tools and methods for answering major

i t l h ll


societal challenges

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Why social innovation?

• Increasing social inequalities tending to be associated with many other social ills, ranging from violence to mental illness

• Inefficient policies and systems (e.g. rising costs, rising demands for government services ) combined rising demands for government services…) combined with budget constraints

• Limits of technological innovation to serve societal gdemands

• The complexity of economic and social challenges i i ti th t t t l requires innovation that cuts across sectoral



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Why social innovation? –what stakeholders think


upon:the difficulty of the "broad" concept – the difficulty of the broad concept

– the need to identify specific budget allocations (or targeted programmes)the need to asses the social impacts of technology– the need to asses the social impacts of technology

– the need to develop projects that go beyond mere research towards participatory instruments like "open-labs" or "social innovation hubs" tackling societal needs (e g in the area of innovation hubs tackling societal needs (e.g. in the area of public health) and taking into account behavioural aspects

• Outcomes of social innovation should be strongly linked to • Outcomes of social innovation should be strongly linked to improved social services

• Innovation in the service sector as well as public sector and in organisational and management terms should be regarded as


g g g“innovation” within the CSF (~5% of all respondents)

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Defining social innovation –two examplestwo examples

A social innovation is “a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than existing solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.” (Stanford Centre for Social Innovation)

“Social innovation can be defined as a new answer to societal issues through participatory and citizens' empowering systems. Social innovators identify and deliver new services that improve y pthe quality of life of individuals and communities using innovative processes aiming for instance at new labour market integration, social inclusion, finding new ways to address health care, g yeducation delivery, resource efficiency and environmental challenges.” (SSH Work Programme 2011, SSH.2011.1.3-1 New Innovation Processes including Social Innovation)


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Social innovation in the EUROPE 2020 St tEUROPE 2020 Strategy

Social innovation and the EUROPE 2020 Strategy:gy‘…to design and implement programmes to promote social innovation for the most pvulnerable, in particular by providing innovative education, training, and employment opportunities for deprived communities, to fight discrimination (e.g. disabled), and to develop a new agenda for

fmigrants' integration to enable them to take full advantage of their potential…’


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Social innovation Social innovation is not is not a panacea but if a panacea but if

d d l d it d d l d it encouraged and valued it encouraged and valued it can bring immediate can bring immediate solutions to the pressing solutions to the pressing

i l i iti i l i iti social issues citizens are social issues citizens are confronted with. In the confronted with. In the long term, I see social long term, I see social gginnovation innovation as part of a as part of a new culture of new culture of empowerment that we empowerment that we ppare trying to promote”are trying to promote”

President Barroso at the BEPA Workshop on ‘ d S i l‘Europe and Social Innovation’, 20 January 2009


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Social innovation in the INNOVATION UNION INNOVATION UNION Flagship

Social innovation and the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative (Committment 27):Flagship Initiative (Committment 27):‘…Starting in 2011, the Commission will support a substantial research programme on a substantial research programme on public sector and social innovation, looking at issues such as measurement and evaluation at issues such as measurement and evaluation, financing and other barriers to scaling up and development...’de e op e t


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• Support methodological developments for a better measurement of costs and benefits of social innovations from

i i l i l l l d li economic, social, environmental, cultural and policy perspectives;

• Support ex-post and ex-ante evaluation of social innovation pp pinitiatives based on similar definitions and approaches to be able to compare, validate, scale-up and monitor such initiatives or to transfer more easily good practices;or to transfer more easily good practices;

• Develop better knowledge about drivers and barriers of social innovation, including in the public sector;

• Analyse to what extent social innovations can improve and complement existing public services.


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Social innovation -ACTIONS

• Support business opportunities• Support business opportunities– European Social Innovation pilot (Spring 2011 kick-off): expertise

and a networked 'virtual hub' for social entrepreneurs, the public and third sectors across EU

– Single Market Act/Social Business Initiative: improve access to finance and legislation for social business

• Support experimentation: • Support experimentation: – 2010-2013: capacity building and learning networks in Member

States (ESF, PROGRESS, European Progress Microfinance Facility for employment and social inclusion)p y )

– From 2014: Mainstream social innovation in ESF; proposal for a EU Programme for Social Change and Innovation

S t h d l ti • Support research and evaluation: – From 2011: EU FP7 research programme on social innovation and

public sector / to be intensified in HORIZON 2020– From 2011: pilot European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard


From 2011: pilot European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard– Opportunities for social innovation in “European Innovation


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Research on social innovation – what proposers innovation what proposers need to build upon

SSH programme has financed a number of projects in the area of social innovation working on: theory of social innovation; empirics of social innovation and identifying examples of social innovations o soc a o at o a d de t y g e a p es o soc a o at o sand how they can inspire policy change and policy learning; building social platforms;The stock of research that needs to be taken into consideration in

l i l d j t h ( l ) proposals includes projects such as (examples): KATARSIS on growing inequality and social innovation;SELUSI on social entrepreneurs; WILCO on welfare innovations at the local level;SERVPPIN on the contribution of public and private services to European growth and welfare;TEPSIE on theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for building social innovation (soon to start);Social Platform on Innovative Social Services in the fields f h lth d ti d lf ( t t t)


of health, education, and welfare (soon to start).

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Research on social innovation – what proposers innovation what proposers should reflect upon

• What is the overall political context in which the topic is placed in (e g Innovation Union; Agenda for topic is placed in (e.g. Innovation Union; Agenda for new skills and jobs; European platform against poverty and social exclusion)?poverty and social exclusion)?

• What other (than researchers) type of participantscould be useful to fullfill the requirements of the call qtext (stakeholders; practitioners; users; networks…)?

• What’s the best approach to have a scientific and policy impact?


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Research projects on p jeducation and training in SSH

• FP7: 6 projects directly addressing education for a total EC contribution of more than 10M€EC contribution of more than 10M€

• FP6: 17 projects related to education and training, or toFP6: 17 projects related to education and training, or to their links to the Lisbon Strategy, inclusion, youth, culture and migration for a total EC contribution of more than 26M€than 26M€.

• Details on FP6 projects can be found in the following• Details on FP6 projects can be found in the following synopsis: http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/pdf/european-research-on-education-and-

i i dftraining_en.pdf

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EU research in SSH: Activities

Seven Activities:1. Growth, employment and competitiveness in a

knowledge society 2. Combining economic, social and environmental

objectives in a European perspective3. Major trends in society and their implications 4. Europe in the world5. The citizen in the EU6. Socio-economic and scientific indicators


7. Foresight

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Governance of cohesion and diversity in urban contexts


diversity in urban contextsLarge scale project (more than € 5.5 M)

TensionsInequalityCentral/localCentral/localCommunity building and interculturalityPolicies on social and cultural mixingPolicies on social and cultural mixingIntentions and actual implementationCompetitiveness innovation cohesionCompetitiveness, innovation, cohesionMulti-level governanceSocial conflicts and resolution


Social conflicts and resolutionUrban planning and collective services

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SOCIAL POLIS S i l l tf iti d i l

SSH - Stock-takingSOCIAL POLIS - Social platform on cities and social cohesionCHANCE2SUSTAIN Urban Chances: City growth and theCHANCE2SUSTAIN - Urban Chances: City growth and the sustainability challenge; Comparing fast growing cities in growing economiesgrowing economiesGEITONES - Generating interethnic tolerance and neighbourhoods integration in European urban spacesg g p pEQUALSOC - Economic change, quality of life and social cohesionKATARSIS - Growing inequality and social innovationINCLUD-ED - Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion


in Europe from education

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European energy security, including its economic dimensionits economic dimension

Small-medium projects (less than € 2.5 M)

Geopolitical risks, prices, social acceptability

20/20/20 targets by 202020/20/20 targets by 2020

Well-being of EU citizens

B h i d lif t lBehaviours and lifestyles

Building and transportation sectors

Eco-innovations and job creation

Historical transformations


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New types of offence in a globalised world: the case of environmental crimethe case of environmental crime

Small-medium project (less than € 2.5 M)

Air, water and land pollution, destruction of natural resources, criminal extinction of animal species

EU role in combating environmental crime

Harmonised approach at EU-levelpp

Costs of environmental crime

Links with organised crimeLinks with organised crime

Data information management


Environment (liability) within criminal justice systems

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Climate change uncertainties: li ki f th P ifi f tpolicymaking for the Pacific front

Supporting Action (less than € 1.5 M)

EU and Pacific/Overseas territories researchers/

Impacts of climate change on Pacific Islands

Links with Development aidLinks with Development aid

Stakeholders involvement

SSH research agenda for the Pacific


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SSH – Stock-takingPACT P th f b t itiPACT: Pathways for carbon transitionsGILDED: Governance, infrastructure, lifestyle

dynamics and energy demand: European post carbondynamics and energy demand: European post-carbon communities

PASHMINA: Paradigm Shifts Modelling and InnovativePASHMINA: Paradigm Shifts Modelling and Innovative Approaches

SUSTAINCITY: Micro-simulation for the prospective ofSUSTAINCITY: Micro simulation for the prospective of sustainable cities in Europe

POLINARES: Policy for natural resourcesyGlobal Europe 2030/2050 SPREAD: Social Platform identifying research and


y gpolicy needs for sustainable lifestyles

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Research portfoliop


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Challenge g« Educational systems in the

21st century »21st century »Reforming education systems can contribute to:

Europe 2020 targets (75% employment, 3% GDP for R&D, early schools leavers, tertiary degrees, poverty)

Europe 2020 objectives: smart growth and inclusive thgrowth

Education is key in Europe 2020 flagship initiatives: YouthEducation is key in Europe 2020 flagship initiatives: Youth on the move, An agenda for new skills and jobs, Platform agains poverty, Innovation Union.g p y,

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Challenge g« Educational systems in the

21st century »21st century »

Strategic framework for European cooperation inStrategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020") - DG EAC

– Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; I i th lit d ffi i f d ti d t i i– Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training;

– Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; – Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all

levels of education and training.

Using « Open method of coordination »Using Open method of coordination

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Challenge g« Educational systems in the

21st century »21st century »understand and provide new insight on:

- dynamics and processes of changes for education systems

challenges linked to European initiatives such as ‘youth on the move’- challenges linked to European initiatives such as ‘youth on the move’

- Aquisition of capacities for change

- innovative typologies of educational systems

- innovative indicators…

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Topic p« Innovative policies for

employment and labour markets »employment and labour markets »• Activity 8.1 Growth, employment and y , p y

competitiveness in a knowledge society

– Area 8.1.3 Strengthening policy coherence and coordination in Europe

• Topic SSH.2012.1.3-2: Innovative policies for employment and labour markets (under 2nd call: FP7-SSH-2012-2)

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Employment-orientedResearch portfolio


Broad / Integrated ProjectsSpecific / Targeted Projects

Research portfolio

LoWER3Low-wage/skills Employment – Skills, Innovation & Training

Generations• Work Organisation

at Work

ility– Work-life Balance (& Gender)

Work & Welfare

ilityilyFemale ImMigrants

on Labour Market

– Work-life Balance (& Gender)

Work and Life Quality in New and Growing Jobs

• Quality of Jobs

New and Growing Jobs

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Topic « Innovative policies for employment and labour markets »

“More and better jobs ” (Lisbon 2000)

Flexicurity: Employment security, Active Inclusion: policy mix for people most remote from LM

More and better jobs (Lisbon 2000)

but job flexibility• flexible and reliable contractual


people most remote from LM• Empl. Participation / activation• avoid in-work poverty

• effective active labour market policies, incl.

• comprehensive lifelong learning

• (minimum) income support• better access to GI services (health,

finance, housing, care, …)p g gstrategies

• modern social security (incl. unemployment) systems

, g, , )

• target groups: ethnic minorities, lone parents, etc.

p y ) y

European flagship iniatives under EU2020 Strategy1. ‘An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’ (education X work)

Anticipate future skills needs & match labour market needsAnticipate future skills needs & match labour market needs 2. ‘Youth on the Move’: innovative activities to fight youth unemployment.

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Topicp« Innovative policies for employment

and labour markets »and labour markets »Key EMPL policies (at EU & MS level): flexicurity, activation / upskilling,

social dialogue, active inclusion, …i i l ( l l )• rising employment rates (until recently…), BUT

• unfavourable tendencies: dualisation, in-work poverty, labour taxation …• persistent rigidities: low migrant employment, low geographical mobility

⇒ Provide a critical assessment of (past) policymaking;⇒ Input for innovative active employment & inclusion policies.

comparative perspective covering at least 10 EU countries:• Analyse policy learning & decision-making in Member States• Use (or not) of tools and data in the making / monitoring of policies• Use (or not) of tools and data in the making / monitoring of policies• formal & informal networks of policy actors (e.g. social dialogue)• working of the EES => improve job content of economic growth

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Challengeg«Families in transitions»

• Activity 8.3 Major trends in society and y j ytheir implications

– Area 8.3.2 societal trends and lifestyles

h ll l• Challenge SSH.2012.3.2-1: Families in transitions (under 1st call: FP7-SSH-2012-1)

• Follow-up to the 2010-11 Social Platform (SSH WP2009) on Research (Agenda) for Families and ) ( g )Family Policies: www.FAMILYPLATFORM.eu

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Thematic overview of existential (academic)fields and policy-oriented themes

EF1: Family Structures & Family Forms EF7: Social Inequality & Diversity of FamiliesEF8: Family, Media, Family Education and Participation

Reconciling Work and

ParentingEF2 Development Processes in the Family

Motherhood and fatherhoodChanges in conjugal life

eco c g o a dCare for young children& elderly fam. members: parental / care leaves

Living WorkingTransitions to adulthoodChanges in conjugal life p

Living WorkingFamily Relationshipsand Well-being

CaringGender equalityand families

Institutions & Governance:Reaching out to families

EF3: State Family Policies EF5: Family ManagementAgeing, families and social policy

and families

EF4: Family and Living Environments EF6: Social Care and Social Services

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FamilyPlatform.eu inputsWP1: State of the ArtState of the Art Reports in thematic / academic areas

• Family Structures & FormsFamily Structures & Formsyy•• Family Development & Living Environments Family Development & Living Environments •• Family Organisation & Care needsFamily Organisation & Care needs•• Family Policies & Social ServicesFamily Policies & Social Services•• Diversity and InequalitiesDiversity and Inequalities

WP3:WP3: KeyKey policypolicy questions andquestions andWP2: Critical ReviewCritical Review of of existing research on Families: existing research on Families: StakeholderStakeholder & expert involvement& expert involvement

WP3: WP3: Key Key policypolicy questions and questions and researchresearch issues:issues: ForwardForward--lookinglooking activities on «activities on «WellWellStakeholderStakeholder & expert involvement & expert involvement

(focus groups) on (focus groups) on policypolicy issues: issues: gender equalitygender equality; workwork--life life balancebalance; servicesservices; migrationmigration

lookinglooking activities on «activities on «WellWell--being of familiesbeing of families and and Social Social Policy in futurePolicy in future EU» with EU» with t k h ld & lit k h ld & libalancebalance; servicesservices; migrationmigration stakeholders & policystakeholders & policy

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FamilyPlatform.eu inputsfor the key Research challenges

1. Care arrangements2. Life-course and Transitions3. Doing Family in a Complex Society

(Family roles, Gender and work-life-balance)4 M it i / l ti f i l li i4. Monitoring/evaluation of social policies

and generating a data pool for Europe5 Mobility and Migration5. Mobility and Migration6. Poverty, inequality and segregation 7 Demographic change7. Demographic change8. Family Life Arrangements & well-being of children

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Social / Family Policyy yContext

• No direct EU competence: Social OMC• Demographic concerns

– COM2005 on Intergenerational Solidarity– European Alliance for Families– Demographic Experts Group

• Transversal by nature: Financial (tax / benefits) –Services (Care) – (Care) Leave

• “Transitions ” (adulthood, parenthood, work, retirement, …):( , p , , , )

– identify obstacles of transitions in family life,– work out main coping strategies by families – and identify socially innovative ways of supporting transitions."

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Challengeg« Families in transitions »

Research dimensions to analyse modern societal trendsResearch dimensions to analyse modern societal trends & lifestyles in comparative perspective:

h d i i d f il i d f il• how decisions are made on family issues and family forms (individuals, family & society/norms)– incl. uncertainty & unforeseen effects of new familyy y

types and various forms of assisted reproduction• sustainable & socially innovative care arrangements,

h l i f ili ith diffi lt t iti t ≠ lif thelping families with difficult transitions at ≠ life stages– subjective perceptions & preferences by modern

& traditional families / members (incl. children)& traditional families / members (incl. children) and/or care givers / receivers

• social inequalities between families & role of families in reproducing social inequality across generationsin reproducing social inequality across generations

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Topic p« Understanding disabilities in

evolving societies »evolving societies » • Activity 8.3 Major trends in society and y j y

their implications

– Area 8.3.2 societal trends and lifestyles

• Challenge SSH2012.3.2-2 understanding g gdisabilities in evolving societies (under 2nd call: FP7-SSH-2012-2)

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Topic p« Understanding disabilities

i l i i tiin evolving societies » Policy frame:• Charter of Fundamental rights of the European

union• European disability Strategy 2010- 2020: a

renewed commitment to a barrier-free Europe• UN Conventions on the Rights of Persons with

Disabilities• Flagship initiative « A digital agenda for

Europe »• European Pact for Mental Health and Well-being

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Topic p« Understanding disabilities in

evolving societies »evolving societies »

f i ( di bili )Areas for actions (European disability strategy 2010-2020):accessibility, participation, equality, employment, education and training, social protection, health, external actions

Research areas: - development in disabilities, - new forms of psycho-social impairment and mental health conditions innovative productssocial impairment and mental health conditions, - innovative products, services and initiatives

Impact: … with a view of minimizing barriers (physical, attitudinal, environmental, virtual etc.) and maximise participation and inclusion

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Activity 4: Europe in the World

Large scale integrated project:

H i h i h EU l l i dHuman rights in the EU external relations and internal policies

Small-medium scale projects/SICA:

Towards an Atlantic area? (min 4 ICPC)Towards an Atlantic area? (min 4 ICPC)

National and regional integration in South East Asia ( i 4 ICPC)in South East Asia (min 4 ICPC)

Social changes and political transformations in the


Arab world (min 4 ICPC)

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Challenge: the broader picture

• Lisbon Treaty: EU legal personality, HR & establishment of EEAS, CFSP/CSDP, development cooperation and humanitarian aid as “shared parallel competences”, Charter of Fundamental RightsH i h di l d h HR i i i i• Human rights dialogues and other HR initiatives

• EU Neighbourhood Policy, including response to ‘Arab Spring’Spring’

• Bilateral and region-to-region cooperation with countries in Asia (including ASEAN) and with Africacountries in Asia (including ASEAN), and with Africa, Latin America, North America (forming, with Europe, an Atlantic space?)


p )

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Topics addressed: the broader picture

In 2011: BORDERS; Poverty and development, Rural Areas and cities in Sub-

S h i Af i T tl ti R l tiSaharian Africa, Transatlantic Relations

In 2010:MULTIPOLAR WORLD; Collective challenges for LA, Urbanisation trends

in China, governance and conflict resolution in Europe and India

In 2009:Access to oil, gas, resources; geopolitics and role of EU; Climate change,

d i i S h E d i hb h d iwater and security in South Europe and neighbourhood; perspectives from outside Europe on democracy and human rights


And others in 2007-2008…

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1) Participation and citizenship in the EU 2) Diversities and Commonalities

Challenge (Large scale integrated project)

Exercising EU citizenship: removing barriers

iTopics (Small-medium projects)

Dealing with diversity and cohesion: the case of the Roma in theDealing with diversity and cohesion: the case of the Roma in the European Union

Enlargement and the integration capacity of the EU: past experience and future prospects


e pe e ce a d utu e p ospects

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Challenge: the broader pictureg pRevamping EU citizenship:

Treaty of Lisbon (1/12/2009)Treaty of Lisbon (1/12/2009)- The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - The Citizens’ initiative

Commission's new portfolio ‘Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship’ (2010)

EU citizenship report 2010 : 25 initiatives on the scoreboard


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Topics: the broader pictureAn EU Framework for national Roma strategies by 2020 (April 2011), endorsed by the European C il (J 2011)Council (June 2011)Enhancing the role of the EU Roma PlatformPil t j t (2009 10) DG REGIO FRA W ld B kPilot project (2009-10) DG REGIO + FRA, World Bank, UNDP (2011-12) on data collection& analysis

Enlargement Evolving policy frameEvolving policy frameComplementing previous research (including under other activities) but from different angles


other activities) but from different angles

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Evaluation criteria and threshold (min. 10/15)S&T quality (min. 3/5)Implementation (min 3/5)Implementation (min. 3/5)Impact (min. 3/5)

Evaluation by “peer review” (at least 3 experts for topics and CSAs, at least 5 experts for large projects)


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Some advices

Look at previous successful EU projectsThink and act as a “Coordinator” or a “Partner”Take the necessary time for drafting the proposal / WP and establish the rightproposal / WP and establish the right consortiumAsk the opinion of your colleagues (peer-Ask the opinion of your colleagues (peer-review) R t th d dli (2/2/2012 t 17 00)Respect the deadline (2/2/2012 at 17:00)Be in touch with your NCP


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More informationhttp://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/index_en.html